As is known, the movements and phases of the Moon influence the behavior of living beings and terrestrial objects containing water. Since ancient times, people began to pay attention to the processes occurring with plants in one phase or another of the Moon and gradually systematized their phenological observations. This is how the lunar calendar appeared, which helps to choose the best dates for harvesting fruits, for replanting plants, for watering flowers, for pruning and pinching.

The accumulated knowledge and useful observations allow us to draw up an annual calendar with dates suitable for transplanting, propagating, feeding, and pruning plants at home. Many gardeners use moon calendar indoor plants for growing your home collection.

❶ For example, during the period waxing moon vital energy actively rushes from the root system of the plant to the shoots, leaves and fruits. This period is very favorable for safe transplantation and after the procedure the plant takes root faster in the new soil. Fruits collected during the waxing moon contain greatest number vitamins and nutrients. But on full moon You can do loosening and hilling by adding soil to the exposed roots. If you grow lemon trees, mangoes, kiwis and other fruit-bearing crops at home, you can easily choose the best date for harvesting the fruits according to the lunar calendar.

❷ And here on the new moon It is not at all advisable to replant flowers and decorative foliage plants, since vital energy actively flows into the roots, and in the above-ground part of the plant the circulation of juices and other processes are extremely slow. But for the formation of the crown, pruning and pinching, the new moon is the most favorable period. During the new moon and waning moon, you can collect seeds if you plan to use this method of propagating your flowers. Seeds collected during this period concentrate energy for active growth and after planting they produce quick shoots that actively develop and do not die.

❸ Passing through different zodiac signs Moon has different effects on the growth and development of indoor plants. For example, for transplanting bulbous and tuberous plants (tuberous begonia, domestic gloxinia or Sinningia, oxalis oxalis, hippeastrum, European and Persian cyclamen, clivia beautiful and cinnabar, amaryllis belladonna, eucharis Amazon lily) it is best to choose the period when the waning Moon moves across the constellation Scorpio, and increasing - according to the constellation Capricorn.

❹ For transplants many decorative deciduous plants(ficus rubber and Benjamin, dracaena, asparagus, peperomia obtuse or wrinkled, dieffenbachia, monstera, chlorophytum) it is advisable to choose dates in the lunar calendar when the waning Moon is in the constellation Cancer, and the ascending Moon passes through the constellations Pisces, Scorpio, Libra, Gemini.

❺ For transplants overhead indoor species(campanula campanula, petunia) and climbing vines It is best to choose dates in the lunar calendar when the waxing Moon is in the constellation Gemini, and the waning Moon is in the signs of Virgo and Sagittarius.

❻ Indoor plants do not absorb moisture well and nutrients when the Moon is in the constellation Aries according to the lunar calendar. It is not advisable to fertilize the soil, water it, or treat the plant with pest and disease control agents when the Moon is in the constellation Leo.

❼ Sowing seeds is best done during the waxing moon in Virgo or waning when crossing the constellation Scorpio or Cancer. Effective rooting of cuttings occurs during the waxing Moon, when it passes the constellation Aries, Cancer, Taurus, Libra. Pruning and pinching to form the crown of a houseplant is best done during the waning Moon in the lunar sign of Aquarius or Gemini.


Favorable days for planting, transplanting indoor flowers


(not suitable for sowing, planting or transplanting flowers)


- 14, 15 and 16

- 1, 2, 3, 16, 17, 18, 30 and 31

- 15, 16, 17, 29 and 30

- 14, 15, 16, 28, 29 and 30

- 12, 13, 14, 27, 28 and 29

- 12, 13, 14, 26, 27 and 28

- 10, 11, 12, 25, 26 and 27

- 8, 9, 10, 24, 25 and 26

- 8, 9, 10, 23, 24 and 25

- 6, 7, 8, 22, 23 and 24

- 6, 7, 8, 21, 22 and 23




The winter month is suitable for moderate care of plants, most of which hibernate. Their growth slows down, so active care is not required. Set aside mineral fertilizers. They will enhance flower growth, but without active solar support, your plants will be weak and may become sick from lack of light and heat.

January 1-2.
During the first days of the month, the Moon is in its waxing phase and is in the constellation Cancer. This the right time for caring for plants. You can spray broad-leaved flowers, ridding them of dust and dirt, and loosen the soil to allow oxygen to reach the root system.

January 10-11. These days, the energy of the waning moon provides good development root system. The influence of Scorpio is also positive, and these days you can devote to replanting overgrown flowers and planting new seedlings. You can purchase new plants that will decorate your home.

January 20-21. The growth of the Moon ensures rapid germination of plantings. Dedicate these days to caring for climbing flowers. Remove excess shoots and dried parts of plants. The constellation Pisces has a good effect on newly transplanted flowers, which will grow quickly, delighting you with new bright shoots.

January 25-26. The constellation Taurus in alliance with the Moon will supply space positive energy. These days you will be able to actively care for your winter garden, paying attention to those flowers that require care.

January 29-30. The constellation Cancer and the energy of the Moon these days will be favorable for caring for flowers that are gaining buds. They need additional feeding, otherwise they may lose color and not please you with bright inflorescences.


In February, plant care is no less important, because many of the flowers are already ready to bloom. Proper care keeping them on favorable days will allow you to enjoy beautiful flowers and watch the development of newly acquired flowers. To always have harmony and comfort in your home, purchase plants of happiness.

February 6-8.
During these days, carefully examine each plant. The Moon in Scorpio empowers space positive energy, and you can cure diseased plants without hassle. Spray them with special products and move them away from healthy shoots.

February 12-13.
Under the influence of Capricorn, plants develop well, therefore special care not required. Limit yourself to watering, loosening the soil and wiping wide parts of plants from dust.

February 17-18. These days, the constellation Pisces and the rise of the Moon will allow you to start breeding new flowers with seeds. You can grow excellent seedlings both for the home garden and for planting plants in open ground. You can start planting bulbous flowers, such as lilies.

February 21-22. The energy of these days is favorable for any work with plants. Taurus has a beneficial effect on shoots, enhancing the growth of flowers and giving them good resistance to various diseases.

February 25-26. The moon is in fertile Cancer, which means it's time for... active work. If your flowers do not require care, start sowing lettuce for an excellent source of vitamins.


March is the time of awakening and active growth of plants. During this period, they need care and attention, as well as changing the soil and transplanting into new pots. Don’t forget about fertilizing, because in the spring the flowers begin to fast growth, and mineral fertilizers will help them compensate for the lack of nutrients.

March 1-2. The Moon in Pisces is in the growth phase, which means attention should be paid to plants with a well-developed crown. Newly planted flowers will grow quickly, so they need to be supported. Feed the shoots so that they please you with their healthy appearance.

March, 6. The moon in Scorpio provides seeds with rapid growth, so you can safely soak the seeds, plant seedlings and begin work on outdoor flower beds.

March 20-21. The Moon in Taurus will give you the opportunity to actively work on your winter garden, move plants to sunnier areas, replant flowers and purchase new evergreen shrubs for your home.

March 22. The Moon in Gemini is a favorable time for working with terrestrial parts of plants. Do not disturb the roots and soil so as not to interfere with the active growth of your flowers.

March 25-26. Under the influence of Pisces, flowers develop quickly. Your care and feeding will allow ornamental trees to quickly form a crown, and fertilizing the soil of plants preparing to flower will allow them to form many buds.

March 27-31. Dedicate the end of the month to carefully caring for your plants. If the weather permits, they can be taken out to closed balconies to provide them with the maximum source of sunlight and energy.


In April, gardeners should take a closer look at the plants, move light-loving flowers closer to sunlight, but not to direct rays, so as not to damage the delicate leaves. Also this month you can “evict” cacti onto closed balconies. By hardening these plants, you will achieve from them abundant flowering V winter period.

April 3. The waning moon moves into the constellation Scorpio. Flowers are actively developing root system, so direct your forces to the upper parts of the plants. These days, you can spray the flowers or give them a shower, having previously protected the ground from erosion.

April 17-19. For a three-day period, the Moon will report positive energy flowers. Her presence in Taurus and then in Gemini will provide an opportunity to prove herself as a breeder. Cross your flowers to create new colors.

April 21.
On this day, the energy of the constellation Cancer allows you to replant existing plants, as well as purchase seeds and seedlings of new ones.

April 25-26.
These days, the growth of the Moon and the zodiac Virgo provide plants with additional strength for active growth and development. If you are planning to book ornamental shrubs, refrain, as the juice at this time actively strives for the leaves.

April 29-30. The constellation Scorpio has a positive effect on flowers, and timely care, watering and processing of plants can safely begin these days.


May days provide plants with sufficient light and solar air, so you can safely take the plants outside. However, keep an eye on the changing weather so that your flowers do not freeze or break due to strong gusts of wind.

9th May.
A day favorable for flowers will be under the influence of Pisces. On this day, you can safely start transplanting flowers into prepared soil and sowing seeds of new plants.

May 16-19. Four days of the positive influence of the Moon, which is first in Gemini and then in Cancer, should be devoted to actively caring for existing plants. It will not be superfluous to fertilize the soil.

May 24. The constellation Libra has a positive influence on plants, and gardeners can devote this day to actively caring for their garden.

May 28-29.
During the Full Moon period, when the Moon takes its position in the constellation Scorpio, you can safely engage in plants. Watering and trimming dead parts of flowers will help them develop.


Favorable days in June will be enough for quality care of both flowering plants and tropical wonders. Pay attention to the roses that are in summer months will be susceptible to attacks by aphids and other pests.
June 7. The Moon in Pisces imbues the space with positive energy, which allows your beautiful flowers to develop quickly. On this day, take care of plants that require abundant watering and loosening of the soil.

June 14-15. The influence of Cancer these days can be used both for caring for existing plants and for planting overgrown flowers.

June 26-28. The positive influence of the night light is suitable for active manipulations with plants. These days you can take care of capricious flowers, including violets. They can be planted and leaves taken to grow new shoots.


In July, plants receive the maximum amount of sunlight, so many amateurs and professionals put flowers outside to harden them off and give them a chance to develop in natural conditions.

4th of July. The waning Moon will be in Pisces on this day, which means it’s time to plant bulbous flowers and plants with an extensive root system. Under the influence of positive energy, germination increases.

July 17-20. For four days, the Moon will supply plants with positive energy, visiting Virgo, Libra and Scorpio. Dedicate this time to caring for your plants, and they will delight you with strong and healthy shoots, gorgeous foliage and abundant flowering.

July 22-27.
The development of flowers these days can be accelerated by watering them with nutrient solutions. You can make your own nutritional substance or purchase ready-made solutions at flower shops.


In August, the growth of many plants begins to slow down, and the most capricious of them require your attention. Tropical flowers should be kept in rooms without drafts and sudden temperature changes, which are not uncommon in August.

August 1. The first day of August, the Moon gives positive energy, which can be used to care for house plants and work in the garden or on a personal plot.

August 9. The constellation Cancer on this day has a positive effect on the growth of flowers. Timely watering and loosening the soil will help them develop properly and form lush crowns.

August 14-18.
A long period of influence of the night luminary will charge you with optimism, and give plants an additional impetus for growth and development. At this time, you can safely do any work with flowers both at home and in open flower beds.

August 21-23.
The moon moves into the constellation Capricorn, which has a positive effect on plant growth. Newly planted flowers quickly take root and are resistant to temperature changes.

August 26, 28. The constellation Pisces will help you deal with pests and provide plants with good care: Wipe the leaves and remove excess shoots to form the correct growth of ornamental trees.


In September, proper care of evergreens will help them prepare for the winter period and endure it without any problems. Many plants can no longer be left outdoors, as heavy dew can negatively affect their health.

September 11-14.
Energy-favorable days can be devoted to caring for plants that require replanting at a higher temperature. spacious pots. Modern manipulations will preserve their roots, and new containers will allow them to actively develop.

September 18-19.
The growth of the Moon in Capricorn is favorable for watering and loosening the soil, as well as for planting newly acquired plants.

September 23-24.
The moon is growing in the constellation Pisces, and this is a good time for caring for citrus fruits. They can be safely trimmed to form a crown, and young bushes can also be grafted with cuttings from other plants.


In October, plants do not need active watering, except for moisture-loving flowers, so the month can be devoted to loosening the soil and keeping flowers in optimal conditions for their development.

October 2-3.
The Moon will spend these days in Cancer. Plants do not require close attention. You can start growing new seedlings.

October 10-12. This period is favorable for sowing flower seeds, as well as for actively caring for plants that are preparing to bloom.

October 15-16.
During this period, active plant care should not be carried out. Start selecting new flowers for your winter garden. Astrologers recommend paying attention to plants that have the function of purifying the air.

The 20th of October. On this day, the Moon in Pisces will help your flowers gain strength. A little fertilizing will be appropriate for those plants that continue to actively grow.

October 30.
pay attention to citrus trees. They are starting to get ready to bloom and need extra care and watering.


In November, pay attention to the microclimate in your winter garden. Central heating dries the air, so plants will need to be sprayed with water at room temperature.

November 8. This time will be favorable for sowing flowers, including annuals. Thanks to the influence of Scorpio, they will sprout quickly and in the middle of winter will delight you with beautiful inflorescences.

November 11-13. These days, the influence of Capricorn will ensure rapid germination of bulbous flowers. If you plan to please your loved ones with a fresh bouquet, then plant tulips or other spring primroses.

November 16-18. Planting and replanting flowers these days is possible due to the influence of the zodiac Pisces. At this time, plants quickly take root, avoiding diseases and forming strong shoots.

November 21-22. These days the energy of the space is positive, but the plants need rest. You can limit yourself to minimal watering or generous spraying of flowers.


The end of the year is important for caring for tropical plants, which not only grow actively in winter, but also often delight owners with flowering flowers.
You can also safely buy or accept new ones as a gift. ornamental plants.

December 4.
On this day, you will be able to loosen the soil of palm trees and wipe the leaves of dracaenas and ficus trees from dust.

December 9-10. All plants that require direct access of oxygen to the roots will require care on this day. The moon is growing in Capricorn, so all the juice goes into the shoots. You can safely engage in root tillage.

December 14. On this day, go shopping to buy new interesting plants. Pay attention to flowers that attract money luck.

December 19-20. Plants that overwinter or slow down do not need to be replanted, but for other flowers, watering or loosening is enough.



- Favorable and unfavorable days for planting, replanting indoor flowers, house plants

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for January 2017:

3rd and 4th - Moon in the sign of Pisces, refrain from feeding these days, as well as from preparing the earthen mixture.
On January 7 and 8, the Moon will be in the sign of Taurus. These are the most favorable days for replanting plants (closer to the end of the dormant period).

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for February 2017:

If you plan to replant some plants from your flower collection this month, we advise you to choose February 8 and 9, when the Moon will be in the zodiac sign Cancer.
On the 14th and 15th the Moon is in the sign of Libra and on these days we recommend doing pruning, pinching and shaping the crown.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for March 2017:

March 2-4 Moon in Taurus - these are the most favorable days for transplantation flowering plants during the rest period.
On March 26 and 27, the Moon will be in Pisces; it is not advisable to feed or water any house plants at this time.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for April 2017:

The most favorable days for planting indoor flowers are April 3 and 4, when the Moon will be in the sign of Cancer. Best period for transplantation in April - on the 26th, 27th, when the Moon will be in Taurus.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for May 2017:

The best days for planting and replanting plants are May 28 and 29, when the Moon will be in Cancer. On May 7-8, it is useful to loosen and fertilize (Moon in Libra).

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for June 2017:

If you plan to replant some house plants in June, then choose the 7th-8th, when the Moon will be in Scorpio. The period of June 26-29 is perfect for planting, rooting, grafting, and taking cuttings.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for July 2017:

The most favorable days for replanting plants are July 3 and 4, when the Moon will be in Scorpio. On the waning Moon (July 10-22), you can start sowing, pruning, planting bulbous plants.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for August 2017:

The best days for planting and replanting plants in August are the 26th-28th, when the Moon will be in the sign of Scorpio. On the waning Moon on August 8-20, you can start pruning and crown formation.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for September 2017:

On the waxing Moon in September, transplanted plants take root very well. If you need to replant some indoor flowers this month, then the most favorable days for this are the 23rd and 24th, when the Moon will be in Scorpio. On the waning moon (September 7-19), we recommend doing organic fertilizer, planting bulbs, crown formation.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for October 2017:

On the waxing Moon, during the period of October 1-4 and October 20-31, you can start preparing cuttings for rooting. Favorable days for transplantation are the 20th-22nd, when the Moon will be in Scorpio.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for November 2017:

It is better not to plan a transplant this month (only if absolutely necessary). November 26-28, when the Moon will be in the sign of Pisces, is best suited for planting seedlings. During the New Moon period (November 18 and the coming days), it is useful to remove dried branches and leaves of plants and pinch them.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants for December 2017:

The 28th and 29th (the waxing Moon in Taurus) are the most favorable days for transplanting weak or whimsical flowering plants at the end of the dormant period.
On the waning Moon, December 4-17 is the safest period for caring for aboveground part house plants.


Unfavorable dates for planting or replanting indoor flowers in 2016:

9, 10, 11, 12, 23, 24, 25;

7, 8, 9, 21, 22, 23;

6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 22, 23, 24;

2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 29, 30;

1, 6, 7, 8, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28;

4, 5, 6, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24;

3, 4, 5, 19, 20, 21, 22;

2, 3, 4, 17, 18, 19, 31;

1, 2, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 30;

1, 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 30, 31;

1, 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30;

4, 5, 13, 14, 15, 28, 29, 30, 31.


The moon affects not only human body, but also for flowers. Right choice time for replanting indoor shrubs will help avoid damage to roots, stems, leaves.

What days are best to replant plants according to the lunar calendar. Compiling a table

For many years, scientists have studied the Moon and found that the celestial body has a significant impact on all processes in the world. Thanks to these conclusions, people learned to adapt to the lunar state. They began to pick right time for carrying out work on planting, replanting, pruning and watering flowers.

There is a unique development - the Lunar calendar for replanting indoor flowers, which will tell you about the rules for caring for them.

Below in the text in the form of a table we will consider it in detail.

date Day according to the lunar calendar Recommendations
01.05. 16-17 (the luminary is under the sign of Scorpio)

Time for fertilizing and feeding.

Landing and transplanting are prohibited.

02.05. 17-18 (Moon waning in the constellation Sagittarius) Replanting of plants that require emergency assistance is permitted.
03.05. 18-19 (the luminary wanes in the constellation Sagittarius) Transplanting bulbous and tuberous flowers.
04.05. Day 19 (Moon waning in Capricorn)

You can plant seeds.

The ideal time to transplant shrubs with tuberous roots (cyclamen, etc.).

05.05. 19-20 (the luminary is on its way out under Capricorn) Time for planting and replanting indoor flowers (primarily with tuberous roots).
06.05. 20-21 (Moon waning in the sign of Capricorn) Similar work is allowed from 4 and 5.05.
07.05. 21-22 (Moon waning under the sign of Aquarius) Flowers cannot be replanted. Pharmaceuticals and folk recipes for plant health.
08.05. 22-23 (the luminary wanes in Aquarius) It can be treated and prevented. Disembarkation and transplantation are not allowed.
09.05. 23-24 (Waxing Moon under Pisces)

Water treatments and cleaning leaves from dust are allowed.

The neutral position is planting and transplanting.

10.05. 24 25 (the luminary is departing under Pisces) Feeding, watering, and cleaning plants is allowed.
11.05. 25-26 (The Moon is in a state of decline under the sign of Pisces) Neutral advice on replanting flowers.
12.05. 26-27 (Moon in its waning stage in the constellation Aries) You cannot replant or plant.
13.05. 27-28 (Moon waning under the sign of Aries) It is recommended to prepare for replanting.
14.05. 28-29 (Moon in a state of decline under the constellation Taurus) A favorable time for planting and replanting flowers, as well as rooting.
15.05. 29-30, 1 (New Moon under the sign of Taurus) Landing and transfer operations are not carried out.
16.05. 1 2 (luminary in growth in the constellation Gemini) The period of replanting climbing shrubs and plant health.
17.05. 2-3 (Moon in growth under Gemini) Recommended antibacterial treatment, planting climbing flowers.
18.05. 3-4 (luminary in growth in the constellation Cancer)

Favorable for replanting decorative leaf flowers: ficus, Money Tree. etc.

Watering, fertilizing and planting are allowed.

Fertilizing is prohibited.

28.05. 13-14 (Moon in height in the constellation Scorpio)

Replanting plants (priority leaf species). It is allowed to fertilize those flowers that were recently transplanted.

Fertilize flowers for better growth needed 14 days after transplantation.

29.05. 14-15 (Full Moon in Sagittarius) It is recommended to loosen the soil and weed. Replanting is prohibited.
30.05. 15-16 (Moon waning in the constellation Sagittarius) Neutral phase for transplantation.
31.05. 16 17 (the luminary is in a state of departure under Sagittarius) Unscheduled plant replanting is possible.

Based on the tablet, the conclusion follows: from May 16 to May 24 is a favorable time for replanting, from May 1 to May 10 is an unfavorable phase, on other dates – neutral advice on planting.

How often should indoor flowers be replanted?

Eat certain rules according to the frequency of transplantation, adherence to which will increase the flowering time:

  1. Once every 2-3 years you need to replant flowers that grow slowly.
  2. Every year, replanting is necessary for young, fast-growing plants.
  3. Adult domestic flowers are replanted once every 2-3 years.
  4. Tree-like shrubs replanted every four to five years.
  5. During the dormant period, they replant coniferous varieties.
  6. After the flowering period, early flowering types are replanted.

An emergency transplant can be carried out in case of illness or damage to the pot.

How does the moon affect transplantation?

The replanting process does not go unnoticed for the plants: the root system is disrupted, the leaves and stems are damaged. The least harm to plants is caused during the period when liquid from the roots reaches the leaves and stems. Consequently, the roots are preserved during replanting. Such phenomena are observed during the period of lunar growth.

Replanting indoor plants in favorable periods will help flowers better adapt to new living conditions. This is a kind of shield against disease and damage.

Useful tips

In May, it’s time for serious work in the garden and especially in the vegetable garden, because now is the time to move seedlings of vegetables and flowers into the ground. Beans and potatoes, strawberries and herbs, as well as many other plants, are also planted in May.

The work done this month largely determines what kind of harvests you will receive in summer and autumn, so it’s worth treating plants with care now. special seriousness. Ideal time for various works the lunar calendar will tell you.

For example, the moon will grow from 1 to 10 and from 26 to 31 May 2017. These days should be used for planting most vegetable crops, greens, and also for diving. It is better to plant root crops on the days of the waning moon ( from 11 to 25 May 2017), with the exception of potatoes, which can be planted on both the waning and waxing Moon.

This month it's worth avoid the next days for planting and pruning trees: 2, 4, 10, 18, 20 and 25, 26 May 2017.

Most lucky days for landing vegetables and strawberries will take shape on the days of the Moon in the sign of Leo and Virgo - 3, 5, 6, 29, 30, 31 May 2017, that is, at the beginning and end of the month. At the beginning of the month, planting will take place in warmer areas, where by this time there are no longer frosts. At the end of May, seedlings are planted in more northern areas, as there is still a threat of frost. To prevent plants from freezing at night, make protective shelters.

At the end of the article you can find , where the main work in the garden in May is indicated, as well as better days for them in May 2017. We also paid attention to indoor plants, as they will also require serious attention this month.

Other useful articles in the Lunar calendar for May 2017 section:


♋ 1 MAY, Monday. 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:04.CANCER

Moon without course from 23:23

Today you can mow the lawn. After this procedure, the grass begins to grow faster, pleasing the eye with a healthy appearance. In order for the lawn to be perfectly smooth, it needs to be cut regularly. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid that you will trample weak blades of grass, since this will not harm the young lawn. On the contrary, the grass layer will be denser. Ideal conditions for mowing the lawn - this is dry grass with slightly moist soil.

Houseplants : watering day. In May, the air temperature is already much higher than in other spring months, and in more southern regions, in May the sun is quite hot, so the plants will need more abundant watering. Still, you should be careful when watering plants that are not very moisture-loving, for example, cacti or succulents.

♋♌ 2 MAY, Tuesday. 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:13.CANCER , A LION from 07:12

Moon without course until 07:11

Put off complex work, such as planting or pruning bushes, as the change of the lunar phase is approaching. Today you can do mulching the soil, that is, use a number of measures that will protect it from drying out (one of the uses of mulching).


♌ 3 MAY, Wednesday. 7th, 8th lunar day from 11:25.A LION

First quarter, second phase of the Moon from 05:45

An auspicious day is coming for planting work . It is recommended to complete these works before the onset of established warm weather. During this period, such fruit trees, How apple tree, plum tree, sea buckthorn. In addition, you can decorate your garden by planting perennial actinidia. Among the entire assortment of these woody vines, it is recommended to give preference cultivars- “kiwi”, which will delight you with delicious fruits.

Today you can start planting garden strawberries(strawberries). We must remember that they are not suitable for planting young rosettes from old bushes that bore fruit. You need to choose a sunny place on fertile soil. Please note that water cannot stagnate in this place. If strawberries grew in this place potatoes, tomatoes, raspberries, cabbage and cucumbers, That the soil is not suitable for it. Choose the place where you grew up legumes, beets, carrots, garlic. Scheme for planting - the distance between passes is 60-70 cm, and the distance in the row between separate plantings– 20-30 cm.

It's time pick seedlings. Despite the fact that many do not consider it necessary to expose plants to stress once again, diving helps the root system develop and strengthens it. Make a pick if the seeds were planted in a common box, if there is a danger of seedlings outgrowing, if diseased plants have appeared nearby, if there are too many seedlings and you need to choose the best ones. remember, that eggplants, mallows, poppies, cucumbers, pumpkin, melon and some other plants and crops must be replanted at an early stage of development, as they do not tolerate picking well.

Houseplants : good day for landing fruit bushes. For example, avocado , lemons , pomegranates, which can be grown on a windowsill from a seed.

♌♍ 4 MAY, Thursday. 8th, 9th lunar day from 12:39.A LION , VIRGO from 12:47

Moon without course from 07:35 to 12:46

After 13:00, when the Moon is in the sign of Virgo, you can prepare the seedlings for transplanting. Today is not the best day for planting, but for now you can choose a place, loosen the soil, and clean the area. In the first half of the day, you should especially not engage in landings, since this is the time of the Moon without a course, and you risk don't get it desired result (that is, in in this case harvest) from planted crops.

Houseplants : Today is a bad day for transplanting, but you can start preparing the soil.

♍ 5 MAY, Friday. 9th, 10th lunar day from 13:52.VIRGO

Time plant seedlings into the ground. Remember that this procedure is stressful for the plants. When replanting, it is necessary to take into account the type of crop, the size and age of the seedlings, as well as the type and size of the container in which it was grown. When transplanting seedlings from cardboard containers, the latter are cut, the plants are removed from the ground and lowered into the hole. Then they are covered with earth and compacted. After which they are watered.

If the seedlings were prepared in peat pots , then it is lowered into the holes directly with the containers. When removing seedlings from the box, you should use a planting scoop, after first cutting the soil into squares. In this case, it is recommended to move the boxes to the planting site so that do not damage them when carrying. Remember that it is better not to water the seedlings a few days before planting, but to water them generously immediately before extraction so that the extraction is painless.

Houseplants : good time For plant transplants. If you have not yet had time to replant your indoor flowers in previous months, you can do it today. Plants transplanted in spring recover faster and begin to grow rapidly. Remember that after transplantation you should not apply fertilizers for about a month. We also do not recommend replanting flowering plants.

♍♎ 6 MAY, Saturday. 10th, 11th lunar day from 15:04.VIRGO , SCALES from 21:20

Moon without course from 15:42 to 21:19

Today you can continue planting if you did not have time to plant everything yesterday. But you shouldn’t start sowing plants or transferring seedlings into the ground on this day. Today is good continue and finish things off, but don't start new ones.

Today, the bark of some trees is harvested. Very useful infusions oak bark, alder or viburnum, which should be cut from thin young trunks or branches. Viburnum bark is recommended for use in preparing sedatives. It also helps stop bleeding and is a mild diuretic. For treatment skin diseases collected in May buckthorn bark. It is used freshly dried. To do this, the bark should be heated at a temperature 100 ° WITH for an hour or more - this helps remove toxic substances from buckthorn.

Houseplants : Today it is better not to engage in transplantation, as the Moon will be afflicted by Saturn. Do some easier types of work. You can loosen the soil in pots, or prepare soil mixtures for future plantings.

Lunar calendar of indoor plants 2017

♎ 7 MAY, Sunday. 11th, 12th lunar day from 16:14.SCALES

Today you can go for buying plants, fertilizers and garden tools. We recommend buying seeds and fertilizers only from trusted sellers whom you trust. You can stock up on seeds peas, radishes, parsley, carrots, lettuce, radishes and so on.

On this day you can collect flowers medicinal plants . The most popular in terms of usefulness during this period are lily of the valley and coltsfoot. Mother-and- stepmother It fades quite quickly, so you need to catch the moment of flowering. When collecting the flowers of this plant, the petioles (stems) are not cut off. When picking flowers lily of the valley it should be remembered that this the plant is poisonous. But its flowers make wonderful alcohol infusions, which are useful for use in a wide range of diseases: as a sedative, for stomach diseases, for tachycardia, and so on.

Houseplants : watering is prohibited. Today you can start sowing indoor plants, especially those that give beautiful flowers. You can also go shopping.

MAY 8, Monday. 12th, 13th lunar day from 17:23.SCALES

Today you can arrange flower beds. It's a good time for a whole series annual plants. The soil has already warmed up and is quite moist. You can plant aster(it cannot be planted near nightshades), nasturtium(don't choose too much fertile soil, since the plant turns green, but does not bloom as it should), gypsophila, daisies, marigolds(if the ground is wet enough, do not sow them to a depth of more than three centimeters), petunias, roses and other plants.

Houseplants : watering is prohibited.

9 MAY, Tuesday, 13th, 14th lunar day from 18:31.SCALES , SCORPION from 08:01

Moon without course from 01:59 to 08:00

Today you can harvest leafy vegetables. First of all this spinach, dill, lettuce, celery, parsley, catnip, lemon balm, tarragon, fennel And so on. In addition, you need to collect chervil, Chinese cabbage, anise, aromatic spices. The above-mentioned crops are recommended to be collected in evening time or early in the morning. This will keep them looking appetizing, as they will not fade under the sun.

Houseplants : watering day. Plants should be watered after 8:00.

♏ MAY 10, Wednesday, 14th, 15th lunar day from 19:38.SCORPION

Today you can prepare leaves, buds and stems for medicinal purposes. At this time of year, the buds are collected for this purpose when they are already swollen, but have not yet blossomed. They are used for useful decoctions and infusions that can treat many diseases. The most popular are birch buds(if the leaves have not yet bloomed in your area); it's also time to collect buds of cedar, pine and spruce. They are recommended for use in the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as for many pulmonary and respiratory diseases. During this period, you should prepare leaves of nettle, lingonberry, primrose, birch, currant, wild rosemary. Currant leaves can be used to brew tea. But with wild rosemary you need to be careful, as the plant itself is poisonous.

Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today. Watering is acceptable.


MAY 11, Thursday, 15th, 16th lunar day from 20:44.SCORPION , SAGITTARIUS from 20:00

FULL MOON at 00:41

Moon without course from 00:42 to 19:59

It's time to fight pests. May is an extremely important month for this procedure, as the weather begins to level out, leading to their activation. If the temperature during the day exceeds 18 ºС, it is recommended to treat tree crowns with Fitoverm. However, this must be done three to four days before flowering, not earlier. At a temperature below 18 ºС should be used for processing foifon. After flowering, during the first three days, treating the crowns with phytolavine will be effective.

Houseplants : watering day. You can take measures against pests, as well as to prevent infestation.

♐ 12 MAY, Friday, 16th, 17th lunar day from 21:46.SAGITTARIUS

Still a good time for pest control. Fruit crops After the flowering period it is recommended to treat pharmacodom. It is better not to plan complex work (planting, pruning, diving) for this day due to the approaching negative aspect with Mars.

Houseplants : We continue to fight pests. Also on this day you can apply fertilizers to the fruit bushes growing in your home.

♐ 13 MAY, Saturday, 17th, 18th lunar day from 22:43.SAGITTARIUS

It is better to postpone complex work. You can enter fertilizers for vegetable crops. If you fertilize early varieties, add more nitrogen to the fertilizer, which speeds up the growth and ripening processes. Nitrogen acts quickly and has a good effect on the formation of green mass in onions, parsley or radishes. Vegetables fertilize well with manure or compost.

Houseplants : We continue to fight pests. You can prepare cuttings for future plantings.

Lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants

14 MAY, Sunday, 18th, 19th lunar day from 23:35.SAGITTARIUS , CAPRICORN from 08:38

Moon without course from 05:14 to 08:37

It's time to prepare roots some medicinal plants. Now they are digging roots of burdock, medicinal angelica and comfrey. For many centuries, herbalists have made from angelica roots medicine (theriac), which was considered almost a panacea for all diseases.

From the roots burdock It is recommended to produce a diuretic and choleretic agent. In addition, burdock root has a weak analgesic effect. Prepare an infusion from it: pour up to 25 grams of crushed root with half a liter of water, and then leave it for at least an hour in a thermos. You should drink it 3-4 times a day after meals, 250 grams warm. This is very useful for gastritis, gallstone disease, hemorrhoids, diathesis and other diseases.

Houseplants : the day is suitable for applying fertilizers for the development of the root system of plants. Remember that. It is not recommended to feed the plants immediately after transplantation for about a month.

♑ 15 MAY, Monday, 19th lunar day from 00:00.CAPRICORN

It's time for planting root cropsbeets, carrots, rutabaga, radishes, radishes. It is necessary to know the nature of the soil and use appropriate fertilizers for a particular crop. For example, radishes are planted in loose soils, and they use organic fertilizers. For planting you need to choose the most large seeds, that is, calibrate the seeds. As for carrots, it is necessary to sort the planting material in water. This will allow speed up the process emergence of seedlings. Beet seeds must be kept for 24 hours before planting. clean water at room temperature. The water must be changed every six hours. Once the seeds have dried, they are ready to plant.

It's also good to do mulching. Before starting this procedure, it is necessary to prepare the ground surface appropriately. The first thing you need to do is clean it and remove weeds. Pay attention to removing the root system of perennial weeds. Then it is necessary to apply shallowly into the soil complex fertilizer. And only then can you cover it with mulch. In this case, the soil should be moist and loose. The coating does not need to be applied to tree trunks or plant stems. Mown grass, sawdust, rotted manure, wood chips, pine needles, bark, green manure, etc. are used as mulch materials.

Houseplants : You can deal with soils. It is not worth replanting the plants yet, but you can loosen or replace the top layers of soil. Also on this day it is good to clean your home flower garden. You can wipe off the dust, remove dry leaves and flower stalks.

♑♒ 16 MAY, Tuesday, 20th lunar day from 00:19.CAPRICORN , AQUARIUS from 20:50

Moon without course from 13:22 to 20:49

Time to fight weeds. The list of weeds is very large, however the biggest trouble traditionally delivered wheatgrass, dandelion, nettle, woodlice, quinoa. When fighting weeds, the main rule is not to be lazy. They must be removed before they strengthen their root system. After weeding, you must carefully select the removed weeds from the soil, otherwise they will become seeded again. Remove weeds You need to use a rake, not a shovel, as parts of the roots may remain and your work will be useless. To make weeding easier, it is recommended to do it immediately after rain.

Houseplants : It’s still good to work on the soil, do some cleaning, or apply fertilizer to develop the root system.

♒ 17 MAY, Wednesday, 20th, 21st lunar day from 00:37.AQUARIUS

Not a bad day for shopping. You can also do some Not complex work in the garden as you see fit. Listen to your own intuition. But today you shouldn’t water the plants, transfer seedlings to the ground, or do diving.


♒ 18 MAY, Thursday, 21st, 22nd lunar day from 01:36.AQUARIUS

Can seek advice To knowledgeable people. On the days of the Moon in air signs it is easy to get necessary information. It is also recommended to fertilize flowers today. It is better not to water the plants. Complex work cannot be planned today, as the change of the lunar phase is approaching.

Houseplants : watering is prohibited. You can apply fertilizers for beautiful flowering plants.

♒♓ 19 MAY, Friday, 22nd, 23rd lunar day from 01:55.AQUARIUS , FISH from 06:52

III quarter, fourth phase of the moon from 03:31

Moon without course from 03:33 to 06:51

Today is a good day for watering. Along with watering, you can add fertilizers for greenery and for the development of the leaf system of trees and other plants. This day is also suitable for planting potatoes. It is not worth harvesting today, and it is also not worth pruning fruit trees and bushes: this can harm them.

Houseplants : watering day. Fertilize plants with beautiful leaves.

♓ 20 MAY, Saturday, 23rd, 24th lunar day from 02:20.FISH

A bad day for any planting and pruning of bushes and trees. Today it is better to postpone all complex work. You can do watering the garden, you can’t overwork. If you collect the first crops, immediately use it for food. There is no need to make any preparations.

Houseplants : watering day. It is better to postpone complex work, especially when replanting plants is unfavorable.

Transplanting plants according to the lunar calendar

♓♈ 21 MAY, Sunday, 24th, 25th lunar day from 02:42.FISH , ARIES from 13:11

Moon without course from 06:39 to 13:10

In the first half of the day it is good to start watering. Because until 13:10 The moon will be in Idling", don't start anything new. After 13:10 it is good to fertilize the vegetables.

Houseplants : watering day.

♈ 22 MAY, Monday, 25th, 26th lunar day from 03:04.ARIES

We plant potato. When planting potatoes, it is necessary to determine the conditions based on which the most suitable one is selected. optimal method planting: smooth planting, ridge planting, trench planting. Regardless of the planting method, they should be placed With south to north. This will give even lighting to the plants. For early varieties, the distance between tubers in a row is recommended 25-30 cm, and for later – 30-35 cm. The distance between the rows of tubers for early varieties is – 60 cm, and for the later ones - 70 cm.

Houseplants : If you have plants that propagate from cuttings or leaves. Today you can prepare them for future plantings. Carefully separate the cutting from the mother plant and place it in water. After small roots appear (7-14 days), the cuttings can be planted in the soil.

♈♉ 23 MAY, Tuesday, 26th, 27th lunar day from 03:27.ARIES , CALF from 15:33

Moon without course from 09:59 to 15:32

Clean up your garden today. If there are greenhouses on your site, inspect all its parts. Remove rotten wood parts (treat if necessary special means), check the strength metal structures, and wash the walls of glass greenhouses thoroughly. Collect old leaves and plants, etc. garden waste. Take care of your condition garden paths– you may have to clean them of moss.

Houseplants : Don't start anything new before 3:30 p.m. Today is a good time to work on soils or fertilize fruit bushes. You can buy new plants or equipment for growing them (after 15:30).

♉ 24 MAY, Wednesday, 27th, 28th lunar day from 03:53.CALF

Moon without course from 22:08

Loosening and hilling the soilimportant work in the garden that you can do today. Firstly, loosening allows the soil to have greater access to oxygen. If loosening occurs on a personal plot or in a vegetable garden, then this process makes it possible to destroy weed sprouts. Loosening also makes it easier for the soil to absorb water. Hilling, that is, the process of rolling moist, finely structured soil onto the stems, accompanied by loosening, allows you to achieve many important things at once: protecting the stem from temperature changes, stimulating growth, implementing drainage, fighting weeds, pests, and so on. It is necessary to hill up and leeks, beans, and peas, but especially needs hilling potato.

Houseplants : It is necessary to loosen the soil not only in the garden and vegetable garden, but in pots with indoor plants. Today is a good time for these works. Today is also good for pest control.

♉♊ 25 MAY, Thursday, 28th, 29th from 04:23, 1st lunar day from 22:43.CALF , TWINS from 15:15

Moon without course until 15:14

NEW MOON at 22:43

Do not use this day for complex work, as the new moon is approaching. The day may turn out to be quite stressful. You can't overwork yourself. If you do decide to do some work, let it be the easiest work. You cannot plant or replant anything, as there is a high risk that the plantings will be unsuccessful; there is too little energy.

Houseplants : It’s better not to deal with plants today.

Planting plants according to the lunar calendar


♊ 26 MAY, Friday, 1st, 2nd lunar day from 05:00.TWINS

Today we do not recommend engaging in complex work, such as planting, due to the Moon’s approach to negative aspects. But you can go for purchases of seeds or equipment. It is also good to collect information about the plants on your site and talk with specialists. You should remember the rules of crop compatibility when planting: for example, beans not compatible with onions, garlic, but compatible with cucumbers, corn, peas. Peas incompatible with beans and garlic, but compatible with cabbage, carrots and so on.

Houseplants : It is better to postpone planting and replanting, as this is a bad day for such work. Also, you shouldn’t water the plants today. You can collect information of interest or go shopping for pots, soil, fertilizers, seeds, etc.

♊♋ 27 MAY, Saturday, 2nd, 3rd lunar day from 05:47.TWINS , CANCER from 14:25

Moon without course from 09:18 to 14:24

After 14:30- time to refine personal plot using a lawn and decorative greenery. Correct sowing lawn is one of the guarantees of success. Choose your grass so that it is suitable for temperature regime exactly your region. In order for the lawn to grow as evenly as possible, regardless of soil unevenness, it is necessary to add more seeds on uneven surfaces than indicated in the instructions (also on slopes and hills). On level ground, scatter the grass evenly. For this purpose, it is better to use a special seeder that will help distribute the seeds.

Houseplants : in the afternoon it is good to water the plants, and also plant greens on the windowsill. You can read about how to grow greens in the article Growing greens on the windowsill .

♋ 28 MAY, Sunday, 3rd, 4th lunar day from 06:46.CANCER

Today you can do planting legumes. Standard for us are peas, beans and vegetable beans . In this case, it is necessary to take into account the nature of each culture. For example, peas ripen quickly and are a cold-resistant crop, so they can be planted even in unsettled weather. It is better to sow it where it grew pumpkin or nightshade crops. Beans love warmth. Provide for bush beans the most illuminated place in the garden. In this case, it is worth providing beans moderate watering, since an excess of moisture will lead to a later harvest due to too intensive growth of the leaf mass.

Houseplants : We continue planting greenery on the windowsill. It is also good to water the plants if you did not have time to do so yesterday. You can give the plants a shower. It is useful to do this at least a couple of times a month to wash off leaf dust.

♋♌ 29 MAY, Monday, 4th, 5th lunar day from 07:54.CANCER , A LION from 15:12

Moon without course from 09:59 to 15:11

Not a bad day for harvesting greens, radishes, in warmer areas – garden strawberries and cherries, but if you wouldn't like to make home canned food instead use collected immediately. In the afternoon, when the Moon is in the sign of Leo, you can start planting. Can be sown leeks, sunflowers, corn.

Houseplants : You can still water indoor flowers, but it’s better to do it in first half days while the Moon is still in the sign of Cancer. Under the Moon, without a course, you cannot start new things. After 15:12 you can start boarding lemons or avocados.

♌ 30 MAY, Tuesday, 5th, 6th lunar day from 09:08.A LION

Another good day for planting seedlings vegetables in the ground, as well as for planting greens. The recommendations from the previous day apply. Also today you can sow grass on the lawn: it promises to grow quickly and delight with bright colors.

Houseplants : Protect indoor plants from direct sunlight. This especially applies to those plants that do not tolerate direct sun. After you have taken the plants to open balconies and terraces

♌♍ 31 MAY, Wednesday, 6th, 7th lunar day from 10:24.A LION , VIRGO from 19:16

Moon without course from 14:14 to 19:15

Under the Moon, without a course, you cannot start new things. In the first half of the day ( until 14:00) it is good to sow lawns and also plant vegetables. This day is also suitable for harvesting vegetables, fruits or berries that have ripened. But it’s better to consume them right away and not make homemade preparations.

Houseplants : after 19:00 you can start planting and replanting indoor plants. This is the most good time, since the Moon will have time to move into the sign of Virgo. You can also loosen the soil in pots.

Basic pgardening work and the best days for them in MAY 2017

Watering: recommended days: 1, 9-11, 19-21, 27-29
Watering: days not recommended: 7, 8, 17, 18, 25, 26
Purchase of seeds, balcony and indoor plants, fertilizers, equipment: 7, 17, 26
Pest Control: 11-16, 23, 24
Fertilizers for the leaf system: 19-21
Fertilizers for the development of the root system: 14-16, 23, 24
Fertilizers for fruits: 12, 13, 21-23
Fertilizers for flowers: 17, 18
Planting trees and shrubs: 3, 5, 6
Planting garden flowers: 7, 8
Planting vegetable seedlings in the ground: 3, 5, 6, 29-31
Planting greenery and lawn: 27-31
Planting and replanting indoor flowers: 5, 6, 31
Planting legumes: 28
Planting potatoes: 3, 13, 19, 22
Planting root crops: 14, 15, 22
Planting strawberries: 3
Lawn mowing: 1, 27-29
Harvesting for quick consumption: 9-10, 21-23, 29-31
Collection of medicinal plants (flowers): 7, 8
Collection of medicinal plants (leaves, buds and stems): 1, 10
Collection of medicinal plants (bark): 4-6
Digging up the roots of medicinal plants: 14, 15, 23, 24
Removing weeds and growth: 14-16
Loosening the soil, hilling: 4-6, 14, 15, 23, 24
Mulching: 2, 4-6, 14, 15, 23, 24
Pruning branches: No
Dive: 3
Garden cleaning: 4-6, 23, 24
Unfavorable days for planting: 2, 4, 10, 12, 13, 18, 20, 25, 26

The gardener's lunar calendar for May 2018 for indoor plants will tell all flower gardeners which day is favorable or unfavorable for working with plants, what seedlings are allowed to be planted, what and on what day is useful to do in the garden or summer cottage, when to hill up, loosen, water and fertilize. He will also provide a large amount of information on conducting work in the garden, which touches on such issues as preparing seeds for sowing, growing seedlings, revealing the secrets of agricultural technology, how to combat pests and plant diseases, and the timing of harvesting crops from the garden. But most of all he will reveal the topic of house plants. The gardener's lunar calendar for indoor plants in May 2018 will give flower gardeners a hint on what and how best to feed the plants. plot of land or at home, how and with what help you can increase productivity by an order of magnitude, what fruit-bearing plants or flowers like and do not like. See our website for the year for indoor plants.

How often to replant indoor flowers?

  1. Slow growing healthy plants replanted once every two to three years.
  2. Young, intense developing plants annually.
  3. Mature, sufficiently formed plants once every 2-3 years.
  4. Tree-like once every 4-5 years.
  5. It is advisable to replant conifers before the dormant period.
  6. Early flowering plants will better tolerate replanting after flowering.
  7. An unscheduled transplant is necessary if pests or signs of disease appear on the plant, as well as in cases where the flowerpot is damaged.

Sequence of actions when replanting house plants according to the lunar calendar

  • The day before transplanting, the plants are watered abundantly.
  • Prepare a new pot, thoroughly wash and disinfect it.
  • Drainage is placed in the pot, then a soil mixture prepared taking into account the requirements of the plant is poured in a heap.
  • The plant is removed from the old pot by turning it upside down. Hold the stem with your left hand.
  • The roots are shaken off the ground, then the root system is examined to identify old and diseased roots, which are immediately removed.
  • The plant is placed in a pot, the roots are straightened and the container is filled with earthen mixture, without deepening root collar, then press down the substrate, leaving a space of 2-3 cm to the top of the flowerpot.
  • Plants are carefully watered along the edge of the pot. You can water through the tray.
  • Place the pots in a bright and warm place, providing protection from direct sunlight.
  • Transplanted plants are regularly sprayed clean water within 6-8 days.
  • It should be remembered that it is not advisable to replant plants in a flowering state. Containers for transplantation should be larger than the old ones by 1.5-3 cm, and in the case of large plants (tubs) by 8-10 cm.

The influence of moon phases on house plants?

As you know, the Moon goes through several phases, each of which has its own specific effect on plants. This is exactly what we can now verify. Lunar calendar for April 2018 by a florist

  1. Firstly, the phase of the young or waxing Moon. This option is considered one of the most favorable for planting flowering plants in a garden flower bed or simply replanting. Ask why and what is it? The answer is very simple, since plants during the process of transplantation during this phase receive additional energy, which in turn has an important influence and significance on their growth. At the same time, astrologers strongly recommend paying attention to phases when the Moon is in the constellations Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, and Taurus.
  2. Secondly, the waning phase of the moon. At this time, it is strictly forbidden to engage in any actions or manipulations with plants, or, more precisely, replanting. Why? The answer is obvious, since the energy of the Moon in this case will be concentrated directly in the roots.
  3. Thirdly, the second and fourth phases of the moon. At this time, it is also better not to replant plants and process them. For example, if you are growing outdoor flowers, then the best thing to do is prepare the seeds.

Astrology and house plants

The influence of each lunar phase is adjusted by the zodiac sign in which the satellite is located. If sowing occurred during the period of a “dry” sign, then even the waxing Moon will not be able to give it the necessary strength and energy for productive growth. Lunar calendar for April 2018 for a florist

  • Fertile (water) signs - Leo, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Libra, Pisces.
  • Infertile (dry) signs – Aries, Sagittarius.
  • Signs of average fertility - Capricorn, Virgo, Gemini, Aquarius.

In addition, there are “leaf days” – Cancer, Pisces, Scorpio and “root days” – Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo, on which watering is especially recommended. On “flower days” – Volodya, Libra, Gemini – on the contrary, it is better to avoid watering .

Lunar calendar for transplanting indoor flowers for May 2018 by day

May 1, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Scorpio. Planting and replanting of plants should be postponed. Great time for feeding and fertilizing.
May 2, 2018, 17-18 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day, you can replant indoor flowers that need emergency replanting. If there is no such need, it is better to postpone it until a more suitable period.
May 3, 2018, 18-19 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. It is possible to replant indoor flowers. It is better if these are tuberous or bulbous plants.
May 4, 2018, 19th lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. A good day for replanting indoor flowers, especially tuberous ones - cyclamen, gloxinia, daffodils, etc. You can sow seeds. Plants planted on this day will be especially hardy, resistant to diseases, pests, and drought.
May 5, 2018, 19-20 lunar day, waning Moon in Capricorn. An excellent day for transplanting and planting flowers, especially bulbous and tuberous ones.
May 6, 2018, 20-21 lunar days, waning Moon in Capricorn. The works indicated on May 4 and 5 are relevant.
May 7, 2018, 21-22 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. A day unfavorable for replanting flowers. It is better to devote your time to caring for indoor flowers - inspecting them for diseases and pests. If detected, take the necessary measures: folk remedies or chemicals.
May 8, 2018, 22-23 lunar day, waning Moon in Aquarius. On this day, it is better not to plant and replant flowers, but to devote it to the prevention of diseases and pests.
May 9, 2018, 23-24 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. Neutral day - it is possible to replant and plant flowers on this day. But it’s still better to start pruning and shaping the crown of indoor plants (if necessary). Water procedures are indicated - a warm shower or spraying from a spray bottle. Those plants for which such procedures are contraindicated are cleaned of dust using a soft brush.
May 10, 2018, 24-25 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. On this day it is better to do " water procedures»: remove dust from the leaves using a damp cloth or warm shower. Feeding and watering of plants are shown.
May 11, 2018, 25-26 lunar day, waning Moon in Pisces. Neutral day. But still, it is better to postpone plant transplantation to a more suitable day.
May 12, 2018, 26-27 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. Unfavorable time for replanting indoor plants. Also, these days there is no need to sow or plant anything.
May 13, 2018, 27-28 lunar day, waning Moon in Aries. It is better to transplant flowers tomorrow. And today you can start preparing - buy flower pots required size, purchase or make it yourself soil mixtures, review the “stocks” of drainage, seeds, etc.
May 14, 2018, 28-29 lunar day, waning Moon in Taurus. An excellent day for replanting indoor flowers and carrying out any manipulations with them, as well as for rooting cuttings and sowing seeds of any plants.
May 15, 2018, 29.30 and 1 lunar day, New Moon in Taurus. It is not recommended to plant or replant indoor flowers during the new moon. You can do preparatory work on plant transplantation.
May 16, 2018, 1-2 lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini. On this day, you can successfully replant any climbing plants; it is better not to replant others. Be sure to check the flowers for diseases and pests. Today is a good day to “declare war on them!”
May 17, 2018, 2-3 lunar day, waxing Moon in Gemini. Great time to transplant climbing plants, for others - an unfavorable time. Treating flowers against pests these days will be especially effective.
May 18, 2018, 3-4 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. A good spring day for replanting any indoor plants, but especially decorative leafy ones, such as chlorophytum, ficus, money tree, myrtle, rosemary, etc. On this day, you should germinate seeds and plant any ornamental plants in your summer cottages. An excellent day for fertilizing and watering.
May 19, 2018, 4-5 lunar day, waxing Moon in Cancer. A favorable day for transplanting decorative deciduous and decorative flowering plants. It is recommended to sow seeds, and these days are also recommended for rooting cuttings.
May 20, 2018, 5-6 lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo. Unfavorable day for planting seeds or replanting indoor plants. Better get ready flower pots Before transplanting, prepare soil mixtures for seedlings.
May 21, 2018, 6-7 lunar day, waxing Moon in Leo. It is better to devote these days to the usual care of house plants - without replanting or planting.
May 22, 2018, 7-8 lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo. On this day spend preventive actions to prevent the appearance of pests and plant diseases. Wipe the window sills, wash flower pallets, wipe the glass windows. Start removing dry leaves and twigs.
May 23, 2018, 8-9 lunar day, waxing Moon in Virgo. It is better to devote this day to pest control: look through the leaves and buds for spider mite, scale insects, aphids. Be sure to wipe down the window sills soap solution with the addition of soda - 1 teaspoon of soda, 1 teaspoon of liquid baby or laundry soap for 1 liter of hot water.
May 24, 2018, 9-10 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. If there is no rain outside, you can start planting flowers in flower beds. It’s also a great day for transplanting and planting any indoor flowers.
May 25, 2018, 10-11 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. May is a favorable day for caring for indoor flowers - you can replant any flowers, germinate seeds, and plant plants in flower beds. Plants are resistant to diseases and pests.
May 26, 2018, 11-12 lunar day, waxing Moon in Libra. The days of May are coming to an end, have time to replant those flowers that need it, especially since today is a favorable period for this.
May 27, 2018, 12-13 lunar day, waxing Moon in Scorpio. On this day, you can replant any type of plants, as well as do other care - watering, fertilizing. But under no circumstances should you fertilize newly transplanted flowers!
May 28, 2018, 13-14 lunar day, the waxing Moon in Scorpio allows you to replant any indoor plants, especially leafy ones. Be sure to feed indoor pet, but only those plants that have been recently transplanted. It is better to fertilize transplanted indoor flowers no earlier than after 2-3 weeks, i.e., when the plant has completely taken root.
May 29, 2018, 14-15 lunar day, Full Moon in Sagittarius. It is better not to replant indoor flowers during the full moon. A good day for loosening the soil in flower pots, as well as weeding plants.
May 30, 2018, 15-16 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. Neutral day for transplantation.
May 31, 2018, 16-17 lunar day, waning Moon in Sagittarius. On this day, unscheduled replanting of indoor plants is possible.

In order for indoor flowers to delight with their beauty, they must be properly cared for, which means not only watering and fertilizing, but also replanting the plants. In this article we will talk about how flowers are transplanted according to the lunar calendar 2018.

Any manipulation for house plants is stressful. To reduce it, you must follow the recommendations of the lunar calendar. Let's start with favorable days for transplantation:

  • January – 18–30;
  • February – 17–28;
  • March – 18–30;
  • April – 17–29;
  • May – 16–28;
  • June – 14–27;
  • July – 14–26;
  • August – 12–25;
  • September – 10–24;
  • October – 10–23;
  • November – 8–22;
  • December – 8–21.

Winter is a dormant season, when there is no need to replant houseplants at all. But if such a need arises, then do it on the days indicated in the lunar calendar. On favorable dates, the juice is at the top, so the roots are less sensitive and are able to withstand all manipulations.

Video “Lunar calendar 2018 for sowing flowers”

From this video you will learn about favorable and unfavorable dates for sowing flowers.

Unfavorable period

The lunar calendar for flower transplantation (2018) also includes unfavorable and even prohibited days for planting:

  • January: unfavorable – 3–17 (prohibited – 2, 31);
  • February: 1–14, 16 (15);
  • March: 3–17 (2, 31);
  • April: 1–16 (30);
  • May: 1–15, 30, 31 (29);
  • June: 1–13, 29, 30 (28);
  • July: 1–12, 28–31 (13, 27);
  • August: 1–10, 27–31 (11, 26);
  • September: 1–9, 26–30 (25);
  • October: 1–9, 25–31 (24);
  • November: 1–7, 24–30 (23);
  • December: 1–7, 23–31 (22).

If manipulations are carried out on dates when it is undesirable to replant flowers according to the 2018 lunar calendar, the green planting may suffer for a long time or may not even take root. The fact is that on unfavorable days, the sap of the plant strongly flows to the roots, which is why the root system becomes too sensitive.

Damage to the roots, which often happens during the transplanting process, can lead to the death of the plant.

Replanting decorative foliage plants

It turns out that zodiac signs also influence the growth of indoor flowers and their development. It is correct to transplant deciduous plants during the following zodiac signs: when the moon is waxing - Scorpio, Gemini, Pisces and Libra, and when the moon is waning - Cancer. First, we give examples of indoor decorative deciduous varieties:

  • Zamioculcas;
  • monstera;
  • fatsia;
  • ficus;
  • dracaena;
  • selaginella;
  • Dieffenbachia.

This list cannot be called complete; we have named the most popular flowers.

Transplanting ampelous indoor species

Many novice gardeners are interested in the question of when it is possible to replant green spaces such as liana and hoya. The most favorable time is when the moon is waxing in Gemini, and when the moon is waning - in Sagittarius or Virgo.

Transplanting bulbous and tuberous plants

Let us first recall which flowers belong to this species– these are tuberous begonia, sorrel, lily, amaryllis, clivia, eucharis, gloxinia, vorsleya, cyclamen, hippeastrum. Such house plants are replanted in Capricorn when the moon is waxing, and in Scorpio when the moon is waning.

At the end of our article we will tell you when planting according to the lunar calendar is necessary:

  1. The roots of the flower no longer fit into the pot and begin to grow through the holes in the bottom.
  2. If the soil in the pot is too hard, or a foul-smelling coating has appeared, then it’s time to look at the calendar and choose the next suitable day for replanting.
  3. Biological parameters are also a reason for transplanting into new soil.
  4. If you just purchased a green friend in flower shop, you definitely need to replace the substrate, which is often artificial, with soil that is suitable for the crop.
  5. Leaves of steel yellow color, the flower grows poorly.

If you are faced with one of these problems, then you definitely need to replant your indoor plant by studying the lunar calendar for 2018 in advance. Be sure to select a pot that is suitable in size for each flower. Do not forget that some plants can be immediately placed in large containers, and there are those whose pots need to be changed as they grow.

Proper care is the key to ensuring that your home plant will delight you with its healthy appearance.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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