Covering brick walls with clapboard

Cladding a brick wall with clapboard allows you to provide high-quality surface coverage without additional leveling, putty or plaster. Covering a brick wall with clapboard makes it possible to obtain a smooth, beautiful surface without large material costs.

In this case, the room will be well soundproofed, protected from dampness and temperature changes, and constant humidity and temperature can be easily maintained in it.

Features and types of material

Wooden lining is the first type of material.

“Lining” can also be:

  • Metal.
  • Plastic.

The features of each type of material are:

  • Wooden lining. There are a large number of varieties of such lining, due to:
  1. type of wood;
  2. its grade.

This is a natural material suitable for finishing any surface with the same number of positive and negative properties. The disadvantages of this material include its dependence on fluctuations in temperature and humidity, which requires quite complex care for the sheathed surface.

Advice: To reduce the influence of natural factors on wood, special impregnations should be used.

  • Plastic lining. This is a budget option, the price of such material is acceptable for most people. Them:
  1. walls are sheathed;
  2. ceilings are being assembled.

Having a fairly attractive appearance, plastic lining has a number of disadvantages:

  1. short service life;
  2. burns out;
  3. turns yellow quickly;
  4. takes on a faded appearance;
  5. breaks easily;
  6. In the cold it becomes brittle.
  • Metal lining. To make it you can use:
  1. thin sheet steel coated with a protective layer. But it will not serve for a long time - even slight damage to the protective layer will cause metal corrosion, and it will be impossible to stop it. Due to its small thickness, the metal rots quickly;
  2. aluminum. This durable material is most often used for cladding the facade of a house.

Any type of lining can be made with different colors and structures, imitating any type of wood or other material.

What wooden material to use for interior decoration

There are two options for lining:

  • Standard. A distinctive feature of the material is the presence of a groove, which is formed when installing adjacent strips. Such a groove is necessary to hide the place where the elements join. If it is absent, the joint will look like an ordinary gap, which does not look beautiful enough. Standard lining is used for finishing walls indoors, except for lining entrance doors. When assembling all types of material with your own hands, the ridge of one part is inserted into the groove of the adjacent one, which forms a flat, solid surface.
  • "Block House" lining. Used for cladding external surfaces. It has improved characteristics achieved by treating wood with special compounds. Visually, this material can be distinguished from standard lining by its shape, which imitates a rounded log or timber.

Photo for choosing lining

Wooden lining is classified as:

  • Class "A". Such material may have captive knots on the surface, no more than one per linear meter and a half, up to two resin spots on the lath and no more than two small cracks. Quite high quality, such brick lining can be used for covering walls in any room.
  • Class "B". For this quality, no more than four knots per one and a half meters of slats, up to two resin pockets and the same number of blind cracks are allowed. This material should not be used in residential areas.
  • Class "C". This type of lining is of the lowest quality and is used for cladding sheds, but not for residential premises. In this class you can find quite a lot of defective slats.

Types of lining by class

  • Class "Extra". This is a lining without knots or other defects. This is an ideal lining option that is best suited for finishing the walls of residential premises.

When choosing the type of material, the type of wood is also taken into account. Its performance characteristics depend on this indicator.

For example:

  • Linden has good healing qualities, which allows it to be used for finishing rooms such as a bathhouse (see Lining for a bathhouse made of linden with an aromatherapy effect) or a sauna.
  • Oak is the best option for exterior cladding of a building; it has a wide range of colors: from light yellow to red-brown. However, its main feature is high strength and dimensional stability.
  • Larch has a fairly high resistance to decay and has a very pronounced texture. However, due to the complexity of processing, its cost increases greatly.
  • Cedar, which has noble tones, is also not afraid of rotting.
  • Merbau is an option with an exotic texture. Advantages of the material:
  1. moisture resistance;
  2. temperature fluctuations;
  3. ultraviolet radiation.

Tip: Many types of wood are suitable for the exterior of your home. As its value increases, the reliability, quality and durability of the coating increases.

When purchasing lining for interior work, you should take into account that the surfaces are not exposed to the negative effects of precipitation or ultraviolet rays, which allows the use of rocks of lower strength and better appearance.

  • Maple has a wide range of colors and a fairly noble texture. It has high strength and can be easily sanded. The material is almost without flaws.
  • Ash is used for interior decoration. The small vessels contained on its surface form a unique ornament when cut.
  • Walnut is quite hard, but easy to process. The color scheme of the material and structure depend on the region of growth. Does not deform during use.
  • Cherry has an easily recognizable noble shade. Its wood darkens over time.

Advice: After final installation, the material should be painted or impregnated with a protective composition, which will preserve its aesthetic qualities.

How to cover a brick house with clapboard

When covering walls with clapboard, no serious difficulties should arise; the process of performing the work itself is quite simple. Basic requirements must be observed when installing panels.

Advice: For work, you should choose only well-dried materials, strips that have gone through an autoclave. If necessary, raw products are purchased in May and assembled in August after natural drying.

For cladding you will need:

  • Wooden panels. The most popular are products made from pine.
  • Bars or boards for constructing sheathing.
  • Dowels or self-tapping screws for fastening the supporting structure. The choice of fasteners depends on the wall material.
  • Clamps for fixing planks to the base.
  • Small nails or small staples.
  • Hammer, small size.
  • Regular stapler.
  • Any paint coating, the type of which depends on the conditions of its application.
  • Good quality wood primer.
  • When installing additional insulation, you should purchase good quality heat-insulating material and a vapor-proof membrane, which will be required for finishing the inside.

Instructions for constructing sheathing on a brick wall:

  • The size of the load-bearing element is selected. It must be at least 20x40 millimeters.
  • The length of the racks depends on the dimensions of the premises.
  • The sheathing is attached to a wooden wall with self-tapping screws, and to a concrete or brick wall - with dowels. The distance between elements is no more than 50 centimeters.

Attaching the sheathing to the wall

  • All posts should be perpendicular to the wood panels.
  • Covering elements are installed vertically and horizontally in the same plane. To ensure this, it is necessary to carry out control at the building level.
  • The elements are aligned by placing wooden wedges under them.

Tip: Solid timber should be used for the supporting structure to ensure the system is as strong as possible. This will increase its service life.

Panel installation procedure:

  • Before covering the walls with clapboard, a method of fixing it is selected.
  • The dimensions of the room or building facade are measured.
  • The required number of boards is cut.
  • The panels are fixed to the sheathing.

Fastening the lining to the sheathing

To do this, you can use one of the options:

  1. fastening with clamps is the most optimal, fairly neat and reliable option. In this case, no elements are driven into the body of the product;
  2. A stapler is used to perform hidden fixation with staples. The fastener is driven at an angle of 45 degrees directly into the tenon of the plank. Using this method, the next board is easily connected;
  3. hidden fastening with nails - the connection principle is similar to the previous one, the only difference is in the type of fastener. A hammer is used to recess the cap.

The video in this article will show you how brick paneling is covered. Correctly selected material for wall cladding and carefully performed all operations will preserve the attractive appearance of surfaces for many years.

Interior decoration of the house with painted clapboard

Wood, as you know, is a universal material and remains so, regardless of its scope of use and processing options. Particularly relevant is the use of wood in construction, in particular in cladding walls inside the house. Thanks to this material, you can create a favorable microclimate, comfort and beautiful interior in your home.


More and more residents of private houses are choosing the interior of walls made of lining inside the house. This is explained not only by the comfort and magnificent beauty of the interior, which are achieved through the use of wood, but also due to the presence of certain properties that the lining has.

Among them:

  • Excellent sound insulation;
  • The surface does not require further leveling;
  • A wonderful aroma of wood that will appeal to all residents;
  • Biological features and high environmental friendliness of the tree;
  • Various methods of laying the lining, as well as its different widths and other basic parameters of the panels, allow you to visually change the proportions of the space.

This is what clapboard cladding on the inside of a house looks like

Let's say a few words about the properties of lining to change space:

  • To begin with, it is worth noting that any decorative lining for interior decoration is made of wooden panels, the width of which is usually 8.8 cm, this in turn is the standard working size. The length of the slats will vary (from 1 to 6 meters), their variation depends on the dimensions of the room and installation methods. Before purchasing sheathing material, it is necessary to make accurate preliminary measurements;
  • Another important point is the method of laying the slats on the walls. They can be located vertically or horizontally. The horizontal position expands the space of the room, while the vertical laying increases the height of the room.

Classification by variety

The classification of lining directly depends on quality indicators, according to which the material is usually divided into 4 grades, which, in turn, determines the price of the product.

The appearance of one variety or another clearly shows the differences

In this case, it is not worth saving, but buying too expensive lining may turn out to be a pointless waste of money. There are 4 types of lining most often found on sale: “Extra”, followed by grades “A”, “B” and “C”.

Finishing with clapboard inside the dacha is an excellent design option.

It is difficult to imagine a type of wood from which it would be impossible to make lining, and the quality of the finishing material will directly depend on the type used.

The following types of wood are usually used in the Russian construction market:

  • Pine;
  • Birch;
  • Larch;
  • Ash and other options.

However, when approaching the choice of the type of wood from which the lining is made, one point should be taken into account - all of the above types of wood are suitable for interior finishing with lining of a house.

Important! It is worth taking into account some physical characteristics of the species, for example, coniferous varieties are not suitable for decorating a bathhouse, since at elevated temperatures the resin will begin to release from this material.

Step-by-step finishing with clapboard

If you want to learn in detail how to sheathe the inside of a house with clapboards, you should study the step-by-step algorithm of the work process. It is not difficult to carry out this procedure with your own hands; a special video and instructions will help you, which will tell you step by step how to carry out wall cladding.

Vertical clapboard cladding inside the house

The initial stage is the choice of the method of lining arrangement, horizontal or vertical. The choice in this case should be dictated by the size of the room and the taste of the owner. For a vertical arrangement, the slatted frame is located horizontally, the opposite arrangement is for horizontal laying of the lining.

The frame for the vertical arrangement of panels is mounted on an insulating substrate

You must first prepare the slats (or buy them); you can cut boards for them, the width of which is from 25 to 30 mm. A prerequisite is that the material must be dry.

Frame installation

Arrangement of the frame for the panels

The main condition for installing the frame is to align it in one plane. The first rail for horizontal installation should be installed strictly vertically, using a plumb line. The rail can be secured using self-tapping screws or regular nails.

Using a plumb line when installing slats

We move to the opposite corner, where the installation of a similar rail is required; several nylon threads are pulled between them to create a single plane. Then, along these threads, all frame elements are installed.

Tip: The distance between the slats is strictly maintained in the range of 50 to 60 centimeters; the lathing after installation requires treatment with an antiseptic.

Cladding the inside of the house with clapboards - fastening the ceiling elements

Fastening the lining

The main rule for placing lining of horizontal type of masonry is that the groove should be located downwards and the tenon upwards.

This will prevent moisture from entering the groove if it forms on the walls. After all, the accumulation of moisture in the grooves will lead to a loss of appearance of the cladding, as well as to the formation of mold, which is hazardous to health.

One of the reliable options for attaching panels to the sheathing

The lining can be assembled both from the ceiling and from below, from the floor; this moment is dictated solely by the desire of the owner. However, it is advisable to leave the lining in the room where it will be installed for a day so that the wood can adapt to future conditions.

You can attach the slats to the frame using nails driven into the groove part; here you should definitely use a tool such as a hammer (photo), or use a large nail.

The rear wall of the groove requires special attention; it is important that it does not crack during installation. Moreover, a small gap (1-2 mm) is allowed between the elements; this will allow you to adjust the shape of the lining in case of deformation of the wood due to high humidity in the room.

The final stage is the installation of skirting boards, floor and ceiling, if required by the project. Sometimes it happens that the slats do not reach the end of the wall along their length; in this case, you can resort to assembling the lining, and use decorative strips for the joints.

In the photo there is a ceiling plinth hiding all the irregularities


After laying the lining, an equally pressing question usually arises - how and with what to protect the lining inside the house? This point should not be neglected, especially since construction stores offer their customers a wide variety of impregnations and different compositions to protect the cladding.

The range of stores is very voluminous

Sometimes the lining is simply varnished if this room does not differ in any conditions. If we are talking about the walls of a bathhouse or sauna, you will need to use protective equipment that can not only prevent the negative effects of moisture, but also protect against temperature changes.

Finishing a house with clapboard inside also involves applying protective compounds.


When wondering how to clapboard the inside of a house, it is not at all necessary to resort to the services of specialists. You can do this work yourself using our guide.

The construction of any structure is completed interior decoration. The main criterion for interior decoration of a house is to give it a well-groomed appearance and efficient operation. One of the popular types today is finishing with eurolining.

The material is a thin board fixed around the perimeter of the room. Lining has been used for interior decoration for quite a long time. This type of interior decoration came to us from transport construction, when wooden panels were used to cover cars.

Material properties

The lining has a number of positive characteristics:

  1. high environmental friendliness of the product;
  2. pleasant appearance;
  3. resistance to extremes of high and low temperatures;
  4. increased sound insulation;
  5. lack of temperature coefficient.

Lining is actively used when covering walls:

  • wooden houses, cottages, baths,
  • terraces, balconies,
  • as decoration for rooms,
  • for a bright accent in wooden buildings.

With the right choice of finishing material, the durability of such finishing can reach thirty years.

For craftsmen with experience in home wall cladding, Fastening wide lining is not a difficult task. The cost per square meter of cladding is extremely low, with the exception of special surface decoration.

The lining is monotonous in appearance, but experienced designers are always ready to give it a universal look and find original fastenings for the walls.

Initially, only wooden finishing was used in the construction of houses, but modern trends and craftsmen are coming up with other materials for lining. Today, this type of finishing is widely used in modern construction and renovation.

This material has rightfully gained its popularity thanks to efficiency. Construction markets and stores are overflowing with a wide range of linings for interior decoration.


Main types of lining differ in material from which they are made. Every year new products appear, presented by such materials as:

  1. Aluminum, it is categorically not recommended for interior decoration due to its lack of resistance to high temperatures and unpresentable appearance.
  2. PVC panels- will allow you to save on the purchase of material, but will lose in durability.
  3. MDF– a rather pleasant material that easily fits into any interior. Wiring can be easily hidden under the MDF, and room cleaning work can be done.

Despite innovative technologies in construction, the traditional choice of many construction companies is still is a tree. Various types of wood are used, the most common are linden, cedar, ash, birch, and alder.

Which one is better to choose?

There is an opinion about the fragility of wood and the influence of external factors on it. A few decades ago, one could agree with this opinion, but not today, when stores are filled with a huge selection of various wood care products.

When choosing suitable wood, it is extremely her class is important:

  • Extra- has no defects or chips, and is considered an ideal option for repair;
  • A- has no core, knots and resin pockets are allowed on it (no more than two);
  • B- material with two knots, two pockets, one spot of contrasting paint and two cracks can be classified;
  • C- is already less suitable for finishing work, as it has a number of the above-mentioned disadvantages.

Particularly popular There are 2 cladding options:

  1. horizontal cladding - fastenings are carried out from the ceiling to the floor, which prevents the ingress of debris and moisture;
  2. vertical sheathing is done from the corner, and on the back side of the board the clamp is placed in the groove, then attached to the sheathing.

How to cover a “block house” with decorative clapboard?

Special attention should be paid on home decoration - “block house”. This finish is suitable for the living room, kitchen, hallway, and will be an excellent solution for the attic.

An important advantage is that the “block house” technique allows the walls to breathe and create a pleasant microclimate for the inhabitants of the home. This type of fastening will create improved sound insulation compared to the above methods.

Before performing work, the calculation of fittings and quantity of material is carried out. But an even more important process is to let the freshly purchased material sit without packaging. about three days in the room where it will be installed.

Preparing the walls

The panels are installed on dry and level walls, so the surface should not contain defects. The walls must be waterproofed using a special film or deep impregnation.

Without this procedure, wooden panels may not withstand the increased moisture content, and the work will have to be redone.

Areas with fungal infections on the wall treated with an antiseptic. It is better to treat all the walls with it. After thoroughly impregnating the walls, they will become resistant to the negative effects of fire and mold. Impregnation with a water-repellent composition is required before starting such work.

If desired, you can install additional materials for thermal and sound insulating construction. Expanded polystyrene or mineral boards are installed as sound insulation.

Vapor barrier film can be purchased when purchasing facing material. The work begins with covering the walls with film, which in the future will serve as vapor insulation.

Frame making

The production of the frame occurs in the following stages:

  1. The selected vapor barrier material is attached to the wall with an overlap at a distance of 10-15 cm.
  2. Over waterproofing material bars for sheathing are attached.
  3. Thermal insulating material is attached to the sheathing, and a waterproofing film is laid on top of it (see photo). The materials are secured with a stapler and staples.
  4. Another layer of sheathing is attached to the main frame, now vertical.

Wooden panels are heavy, so for high-quality sheathing you will need to make a reliable frame.

For a frame using the block house technique, a wooden base is suitable. The frame must be made of slats, the distance between which does not exceed 65 cm.

Before installing the frame, you need to mark out the places where sockets, switches and other electronics will be located. These marks are needed to make cuts in the cladding before installation.

The bars can be secured to the wall using either nails or mounting strips. After completing the frame manufacturing work, You can start decorating the block house style with your own hands.

See the video for installation of the sheathing:

to contents

Panel installation

Used for accurate measurements plumb line, square and level. To calculate how much board will be used, you need to make simple calculations: divide the total area of ​​the room by the area of ​​one board.

By calculating the area of ​​one board, it is easy to find out how much material will be needed to cover the entire surface. If there is a shortage of panels, use additional clamps to fix the problem.

Fastening the wooden panels begins on the pre-installed sheathing. The starting bar is installed from below, with indentation up to 1 cm, this procedure is done to actively ventilate the walls and avoid further deformation of the material. A similar indentation is made at the top of the wall.

Block house being installed only in the horizontal direction. Sometimes craftsmen choose a vertical installation, but this method has a lot of disadvantages.

Fastening to the frame is carried out using self-tapping screws at an angle of 30-45 degrees. A hole is made on the surface of the panel with a thin drill, and then a self-tapping screw is screwed into it.

The screw head should not go deeper than 3 mm.

Next, the panels are gradually installed from bottom to top. The tenon should point upward when installing the panel. The wood is connected to each other using tenons and grooves. If desired, corner joints are fastened with corners.

There are several ways to hide screw heads:

  1. Using material left over from work.
  2. You can use “wood paste” made from PVA glue and sawdust.
  3. Special plugs, which can be bought at a hardware store, can easily cover the unevenness.

For detailed installation of the panels, watch the video:

to contents

Decoration of corners

Decorating corners using the block house technique makes it difficult to do it yourself.

You can purchase “boats” in advance for finishing internal corners and elements specifically designed for external corners. The finished plinths will be in close contact with the block house only at the top point, as a result of which the cladding will have unclosed gaps, and this is unacceptable.

It is much more convenient to use planed timber dimensions 5x5. Its installation is carried out before the sheathing begins. The block house is attached to the timber and the finish will look much smoother and more professional. This method is effective for interior and exterior corners.

The final stage is grinding the surface, but such work should be done with caution. One awkward move can ruin the structure of the board.

How to carefully make corners, watch this video:

to contents

Which coating to choose: paint or varnish?

  • alkyd;
  • acrylic;
  • linen.

Impregnation will significantly extend the service life of the Blockhouse, reduce the occurrence of cracks on the surface, and, most importantly, give the wood fire-resistant and bioprotective properties.

In the event that naturalness is an important point, and you want to preserve the appearance of wood, an alternative to painting is varnishing. The surface for varnish must be perfectly clean and free from foreign irregularities.

To work on the walls you will need a roller or a regular paint brush. Coating is done in several layers, except for the first tonic impregnation with stain.

Which covering method to choose will depend on the wishes of the owner of the premises. If he is a traditionalist and wants to preserve the natural look of his walls, he will need a varnish solution.

If the room is planned as a youth room or the walls should become a bright accent, of course, preference should be given to paint.
If the finishing is done at the highest level, the room will look noble and presentable.

The cost of installing the lining

Installing wooden lining is a labor-intensive process, consisting of many operations: preparing the walls, installing the sheathing, attaching the material to the walls and final impregnation.

The detailed cost of the work looks like this:

  1. Assembly and preparation of the sheathing costs 180 rubles.
  2. Wind protection device 150 rubles.
  3. Coating structural elements with an antiseptic costs 30 rubles.
  4. Installation 400 rubles.
  5. Impregnation with varnish or paint 70 rubles.

For a more accurate answer to the question about the cost of work, you should contact representatives of the construction company.

Work order

Let's start getting acquainted with this work in order.

Stage 1: preparation of materials

To decorate the inside of a country house with clapboards, in addition to the clapboard itself, you will need the following materials:

  • wooden slats about 2 mm thick;
  • clamps – special fasteners for lining.

Claymer for lining

If you also plan to insulate the walls from the inside, then you should prepare:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • beams for assembling the frame.

Insulating a house from the inside, for a number of reasons, should be considered as a last resort if it is not possible to insulate the outside or if external insulation is not effective enough.

Before purchasing all the materials, you need to calculate the square footage of the surfaces that you are going to cover with clapboard. To calculate materials, you can use an online calculator.

Treatment of wooden walls with an antiseptic composition

Stage 2: preparing the walls

If the walls of the house are brick, block or concrete, then before finishing them, you need to perform the following preparatory steps:

  1. first, you should dismantle all elements that may interfere with further work - these are shelves, hanging cabinets, decorative elements, etc.;
  2. If there are areas on the surface with peeling plaster, tiles or other finishing material, they must be removed.

Insulation of inter-crown cracks

If you are preparing a wooden house for cladding, the work is done slightly differently:

  1. After dismantling the hanging elements, you need to treat the wooden walls with an antiseptic composition. The product should be applied according to the instructions on the package;
  2. if there are gaps between the crowns, they must be insulated using tow, twine, polyurethane cords or other insulation.

Here, in fact, are all the nuances of preparing the walls.

Diagram of the installation of an insulated frame under the lining

Stage 3: frame installation

In order to efficiently mine the lining inside the house, you need to perform the installation correctly. It is necessary to approach its arrangement especially responsibly if the house will be insulated. In this case, the work is carried out like this:

  1. First of all, you need to create a ventilation gap. To do this, you need to attach slats to the walls. They need to be placed horizontally in the form of belts in increments of about 50 cm;

Installation diagram of the ventilation gap slats

  1. then a vapor barrier film must be attached to the sheathing. In this case, it is very important to place it stretched, and the canvases should overlap each other by 10 cm. The joints can be taped;
  2. Now you need to secure the frame posts. To fix them, you can use metal corners.
    During the installation process, the most important thing is to position the racks vertically and in the same plane. To do this, first install the outermost beams from the corners at the same distance from the wall. Then you need to pull the threads between them and place intermediate posts along them.
    The distance between the bars should be a centimeter or two less than the width of the mats;

Laying the frame

  1. then you need to lay insulation in the space between the racks;
  2. then a vapor barrier film is attached to the frame according to the scheme described above;
  3. to complete the work, it is necessary to make a counter-lattice of slats about 2 cm thick. Keep in mind that the counter-lattice must be located perpendicular to the position of the lining.

In order for the ventilation gap to work, it is necessary to make vents in the wall below and under the canopy, i.e. small holes. They can be filled with mineral wool and covered with a mesh.

If the walls will not be insulated from the inside, it is enough to just fasten the slats perpendicular to the lining. Keep in mind that the slats must also be located in the same plane, otherwise the walls will turn out uneven.

Frame on the ceiling for clapboard cladding

As for the ceiling, the principle of installing the frame is the same - wooden slats are attached to the slabs or floor beams, which are set according to the level. True, in some cases the ceiling in a wooden house is deliberately made with open beams. In this case, the slats are installed in the space between the beams.

Stage 4: installation of lining

The instructions for installing lining on walls are quite simple. As an example, consider the process of installing lining in a vertical position, since most often it is installed this way:

  1. first of all, the boards need to be cut according to the height of the room;

Fastening the lining with a clamp

  1. Now you can start covering the frame, starting from the corner. Align the board in a vertical position and attach it to the sheathing with self-tapping screws, screwing them in from the tenon side.
    Pre-drill holes to prevent the board from cracking.

On the groove side, the lining is attached to the frame using special clamping fasteners. They provide hidden installation. The clamps are attached to the frame using small nails or self-tapping screws;

  1. In the photo - joining the lining together
  2. The second board must be joined to the first in a lock, and then secured in the same way on the groove side with clamps. The entire wall is sheathed according to this principle;

The last board must be cut to width from the groove side and attached to the frame with self-tapping screws. The latter should be located closer to the corner;

  1. After covering all the walls, decorative wooden corners are attached to the corners. You can fix them using window nails with bitten off caps;
  2. then you need to make slopes. To do this, fasten the slats around the perimeter of the openings and attach the lining to them according to the standard pattern.
    You can learn more about the installation of slopes from other articles on our portal devoted to this topic;

Slopes trimmed with clapboard

  1. To complete the work, install wooden corners around the perimeter of the openings.

Installation of lining on the ceiling

Now, according to the same scheme, the ceilings are covered with clapboard. The junction of the ceiling and the walls can be hidden either with wooden corners or with special wooden ceiling plinths.

The exterior of the house is decorated with clapboards in the same way. As a rule, the facades of wooden houses are finished in a similar way.

Example of a clapboard ceiling with exposed beams

Upon completion of the work, the lining should be treated with protective impregnation or varnished. This will make the surface even more attractive, and will also protect the material from all kinds of negative influences.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to finish the inside of a house with wooden paneling.


Covering a house with clapboard from the inside is simple and quick. The most important thing is to properly prepare the surface and ensure a smooth surface of the frame. As for fastening the lining, this procedure is easiest to perform using clamps.

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November 2, 2016
Specialization: facade finishing, interior finishing, construction of summer houses, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

Lining today is one of the most popular finishing materials for country houses. Therefore, home craftsmen often ask me about certain nuances of its installation. To help those who are engaged in decorating a country house or are just planning it, in this article I decided to talk in detail about how to properly decorate with clapboard inside a house with your own hands.

Selection of lining

First of all, let's consider which lining is better for interior decoration of a house, since the question of choice is the first thing you will have to face before finishing the room.

The main parameters that distinguish this finishing material are the following:

  • wood type;
  • quality;
  • profile.

As for the type of wood, the following types of lining are most often used for interior decoration:

  • made of cedar - this lining is durable due to its high density and abundance of resin in the structure. In addition, it has a number of other advantages:
    • has a calming effect on the nervous system;
    • has antiseptic properties, which also has a beneficial effect on the health of those living in the house;
    • has an attractive appearance;
    • Mosquitoes are afraid of the smell of cedar.

The only disadvantage of this material is its high cost, so not everyone can afford to use cedar lining;

  • made of linden – has an attractive, uniform color and pleasant appearance. Often, such lining is used for lining a bathhouse, since it practically does not contain resin.
    The disadvantages include a porous, loose structure and susceptibility to rot, so linden must be treated with protective impregnations;

  • made of pine - is the most popular due to its low cost, attractive appearance (has a beautiful, pronounced pattern) and resistance to rotting. Disadvantages include the ability to release resin. Moreover, this phenomenon can be observed for some time even after thoroughly drying the board;

  • made of larch - distinguished by high strength, comparable to products made of oak. In addition, larch has another important quality - resistance to moisture. This wood practically does not rot, so it is often used for exterior decoration.
    The only disadvantages that can be highlighted are the high cost;

  • made of oak - this material belongs to the elite class, which is associated with the highest performance qualities and attractive appearance. If you want to decorate your house once and for a lifetime, then oak lining is what you need. True, its cost, as you might guess, is the highest.

Another important selection factor is the quality of the lining. According to this parameter, it is divided into several varieties:

It must be said that there is still a third grade, however, it is not suitable for housing decoration, so we will not consider it.

When choosing a material, pay attention to the profile of the lining, which can imitate timber, logs or even siding. True, the choice depends solely on the interior design you want to get in the end and personal preferences.

Below are the prices for some types of lining:

Based on the information presented above, everyone can decide for themselves which lining to choose for interior decoration.

Finishing technology

Interior decoration of a house with clapboard includes several stages:

Let's start getting acquainted with this work in order.

Stage 1: preparation of materials

To decorate the inside of a country house with clapboards, in addition to the clapboard itself, you will need the following materials:

  • wooden slats about 2 mm thick;
  • clamps – special fasteners for lining.

If you also plan to insulate the walls from the inside, then you should prepare:

  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier film;
  • beams for assembling the frame.

Insulating a house from the inside, for a number of reasons, should be considered as a last resort if it is not possible to insulate the outside or if external insulation is not effective enough.

Before purchasing all the materials, you need to calculate the square footage of the surfaces that you are going to cover with clapboard. To calculate materials, you can use an online calculator.

Stage 2: preparing the walls

If the walls of the house are brick, block or concrete, then before finishing them, you need to perform the following preparatory steps:

  1. first, you should dismantle all elements that may interfere with further work - these are shelves, hanging cabinets, decorative elements, etc.;
  2. If there are areas on the surface with peeling plaster, tiles or other finishing material, they must be removed.

If you are preparing a wooden house for cladding, the work is done slightly differently:

  1. After dismantling the hanging elements, you need to treat the wooden walls with an antiseptic composition. The product should be applied according to the instructions on the package;
  2. if there are gaps between the crowns, they must be insulated using tow, twine, polyurethane cords or other insulation.

Here, in fact, are all the nuances of preparing the walls.

Stage 3: frame installation

In order to efficiently mine the lining inside the house, you need to perform the installation correctly. It is necessary to approach its arrangement especially responsibly if the house will be insulated. In this case, the work is carried out like this:

  1. First of all, you need to create a ventilation gap. To do this, you need to attach slats to the walls. They need to be placed horizontally in the form of belts in increments of about 50 cm;

  1. then a vapor barrier film must be attached to the sheathing. In this case, it is very important to place it stretched, and the canvases should overlap each other by 10 cm. The joints can be taped;
  2. Now you need to secure the frame posts. To fix them, you can use metal corners.
    During the installation process, the most important thing is to position the racks vertically and in the same plane. To do this, first install the outermost beams from the corners at the same distance from the wall. Then you need to pull the threads between them and place intermediate posts along them.
    The distance between the bars should be a centimeter or two less than the width of the mats;

  1. then you need to lay insulation in the space between the racks;
  2. then a vapor barrier film is attached to the frame according to the scheme described above;
  3. to complete the work, it is necessary to make a counter-lattice of slats about 2 cm thick. Keep in mind that the counter-lattice must be located perpendicular to the position of the lining.

In order for the ventilation gap to work, it is necessary to make vents in the wall below and under the canopy, i.e. small holes. They can be filled with mineral wool and covered with a mesh.

If the walls will not be insulated from the inside, it is enough to just fasten the slats perpendicular to the lining. Keep in mind that the slats must also be located in the same plane, otherwise the walls will turn out uneven.

As for the ceiling, the principle of installing the frame is the same - wooden slats are attached to the slabs or floor beams, which are set according to the level. True, in some cases the ceiling in a wooden house is deliberately made with open beams. In this case, the slats are installed in the space between the beams.

Stage 4: installation of lining

The instructions for installing lining on walls are quite simple. As an example, consider the process of installing lining in a vertical position, since most often it is installed this way:

  1. first of all, the boards need to be cut according to the height of the room;

  1. Now you can start covering the frame, starting from the corner. Align the board in a vertical position and attach it to the sheathing with self-tapping screws, screwing them in from the tenon side.
    On the groove side, the lining is attached to the frame using special clamping fasteners. They provide hidden installation. The clamps are attached to the frame using small nails or self-tapping screws;

The photo shows the joining of the lining together

  1. In the photo - joining the lining together
  2. The second board must be joined to the first in a lock, and then secured in the same way on the groove side with clamps. The entire wall is sheathed according to this principle;

  1. After covering all the walls, decorative wooden corners are attached to the corners. You can fix them using nails with bitten off caps;
  2. then you need to make slopes. To do this, fasten the slats around the perimeter of the openings and attach the lining to them according to the standard pattern.
    You can learn more about the installation of slopes from other articles on our portal devoted to this topic;

  1. To complete the work, install wooden corners around the perimeter of the openings.

Now, according to the same scheme, the ceilings are covered with clapboard. The junction of the ceiling and the walls can be hidden either with wooden corners or with special wooden ceiling plinths.

The exterior of the house is decorated with clapboards in the same way. As a rule, the facades of wooden houses are finished in a similar way.

Upon completion of the work, the lining should be treated with protective impregnation or varnished. This will make the surface even more attractive, and will also protect the material from all kinds of negative influences.

Here, in fact, is all the information on how to finish the inside of a house with wooden paneling.


Covering a house with clapboard from the inside is simple and quick. The most important thing is to properly prepare the surface and ensure a smooth surface of the frame. As for fastening the lining, this procedure is easiest to perform using clamps.

Interior finishing is the final stage of work on any construction project. The choice of type of interior decoration affects not only the appearance, but also the operational efficiency of the room. Clapboard finishing is a popular choice today. Let's look at the intricacies of clapboard finishing in our article.


Thanks to modern technologies, a large number of materials have appeared that can be used for decoration and repair. Plastic, OSB, and plasterboard are in great demand and are used in various construction fields. However, materials made from natural wood are still in demand and do not lose their position.

The performance characteristics of the lining are quite high. Natural lining is non-toxic, ideal for interior cladding of rooms with versatile functions. The material is suitable for both internal and external work.

The options for plastic products, laminate, MDF panels and other products are very similar to natural lining. They perfectly replicate the texture of natural wood and thanks to this create an atmosphere of comfort. But still, these prototypes of natural products are only suitable as office decoration.

Natural and artificial lining options, of course, have common characteristics. For example, the type of cladding connection can be end, ridge, tongue-and-groove, or quarter-joint. Connection options at the end of processing make it possible to achieve finished seams without any connecting nodes.

The tools and equipment necessary for finishing with natural or artificial types of lining are also similar. For example, both natural and artificial ones require a screwdriver with a suitable attachment for self-tapping screws. In any case, the tool drill must correspond to the diameter of the dowels or driving screws used. They should differ in length 60 mm and dowel 6 mm.

These products are selected based on the type of base. For example, longer nails are needed if the wall is concrete. If it is wooden, smaller self-tapping screws will be useful - 5.5 mm; for plasterboard surfaces, it is better to choose even smaller ones.

Sometimes small nails are supplied complete with clamps. These parts ensure the installation of a tongue-and-groove plank. Another useful tool is a construction or furniture stapler. Sometimes it is most convenient for them to attach trim parts to the sheathing.

A common feature is the mandatory preparation of walls. For example, if it is brick or concrete, it must be treated with antiseptic impregnation, which will prevent the appearance of fungi. But waterproofing is not needed for these surfaces. Often these materials are not needed for interior decoration.

The following finishing elements are mandatory when performing both external and internal finishing work:

  • baseboard;
  • slopes;
  • corners.

These parts are needed to hide the gaps in the joints that always arise during work. They will provide an attractive and complete appearance of the clapboard finish. This parameter, by the way, is also related to the correct storage of the purchased product.

Storage of any types of lining is permissible only in a horizontal position and on a special stand. The room where the material is stored should not be too humid. Any product should not be located in the open air. Ultraviolet radiation has a detrimental effect on both artificial and natural materials. Before purchasing, it is important to ensure the suitability of the material. This can be done by examining the packaging with the material, as well as by visual inspection. For the last option, it is important to know what characteristics this or that type of product has.


If the entire lining is divided according to characteristics, then The following types can be distinguished:

  • wooden;
  • plastic;
  • from MDF;
  • aluminum.

To create wooden lining, various types of wood are used. Highly popular among hardwood and coniferous linings. The classification of natural finishes is related to the type and quality of the base that is chosen for the manufacture of the material.

The generally accepted division assumes the presence of:

  • extra-class;
  • class "A", "B";
  • class "C".

The material also differs in standard sizes. The choice of option depends on the location of the material. If the finishing with natural lining is done with high quality, it will add coziness and comfort to any room. The material harmonizes perfectly with various paints, wallpapers, and interior items made from natural materials. Often natural wall panels are used to emphasize certain stylistic decisions. The design perfectly combines wide and narrow lining. This material is considered both a practical and expensive choice.

The appearance of the plastic lining is identical to the wooden one. The materials used to make PVC panels are polyvinyl chloride and plasticizers. The raw materials are environmentally friendly, as confirmed by certificates. Picnic dishes are made from the same raw materials.

The standard sizes of plastic lining are identical to natural ones. The appearance of the finish is aesthetic. Its advantage is the variety of colors. PVC is also resistant to rot and ultraviolet radiation. The appearance of the coating on the front side of the products can be glossy or matte.

The quality of the products does not suffer in any way from the coating option. The configuration of methods for fastening PVC products is identical to those of wooden materials. Choosing plastic lining is not an expensive decision, but the room will not be devoid of functionality.

MDF lining is a natural type, since sawdust, pressed at high temperatures, is used for its production. The products do not contain synthetic or unnatural substances, therefore they are considered environmentally friendly.

MDF products are divided into types depending on the processing of the external part. It can be laminated, perfectly imitating natural wood. There are also veneered products. Valuable wood is used here, which is subsequently painted in any shade.

There are painted products, the treated surface of which is usually shiny. This option is considered especially resistant and protected from chemical influences. MDF lining can be used inside the house. This is a practical cladding material for balconies, corridors and other auxiliary rooms. If the products have moisture-resistant characteristics, then their use in the kitchen and bathrooms is acceptable.

Aluminum lining has another more popular name - siding. The products are based not only on aluminum, but also on various alloys, which include magnesium, copper, and manganese. The finish is ideal for external cladding of buildings and even roofs. Some types of material are used as internal lining.

For example, the material is resistant to moisture, so it is suitable for covering hallways, kitchens, bathrooms, and balconies. The appearance of products is often an imitation of materials such as stone and wood. The characteristics of this type allow it to be used even by those who have no experience in such work. An additional advantage is the wide selection from the range presented by manufacturers. The cost of the material is low, and its service life is quite long. In addition to finishing, it is used as an independent building material.

For example, sectional fencing is often made from different types of aluminum lining. Such fences are very popular. The products are attractive in appearance, inexpensive, and do not lose their beautiful appearance for a long time.

Scope of application

If we talk about wooden lining, it is most often used as wall cladding inside a log house. In the interior, lining is used as decorative decoration for rooms. A design with wooden lining can be a bright accent of terraces and balconies.

Craftsmen who provide wall covering services claim that the most difficult thing is to attach wide panels. And designers advise diversifying the appearance of the cladding by combining wide and narrow lining panels.

There can be two options for cladding with wooden lining:

  • Horizontal. Sheathing is done from the corner.
  • Vertical. Fastening is carried out from floor to ceiling.

If high humidity remains in the room where finishing work is planned, then this is the most suitable area for using PVC lining. These panels are not afraid of moisture. They are also very often used as decoration for utility rooms.

There are several types of plastic lining. For example, the most economical option is vinyl lining. It is only suitable for interior finishing. PVC lining for exterior work is suitable for exterior decoration of a dacha. It is resistant to frost, as it contains special components.

The scope of application of MDF lining is interior cladding. This is a frequently used material for finishing the hallway in an apartment. MDF panels coated with varnish are a common option for finishing a bathroom. This material is not afraid of moisture and steam, as are other negative factors.

These panels feature numerous installation options.

In addition to vertical and horizontal placement, the following methods are known:

  • herringbone styling;
  • combined styling.

Installation of MDF lining is possible on walls, floors, ceilings, and other surfaces. It is not advisable to install MDF in bathhouses, and you should also not install them in the kitchen. But MDF panels would be an excellent finishing option for a log house terrace, as well as a log house veranda.

Aluminum lining is used for finishing inside and outside. They can be used on the ceiling provided the wiring is carefully insulated. Aluminum is a good conductor of electricity, so even a small exposed section of cable will cause a lot of damage.

Aluminum lining can also be used as wall decoration. The work procedure also implies complete insulation of the electrical wiring.

If all requirements are met, the use of aluminum lining entails the following benefits:

  • efficiency;
  • aesthetics;
  • durability;
  • easy care.

The operational capabilities of aluminum lining are in many ways superior to other options for this type of finish. Despite the wide variety of materials presented, the preparatory work that should be carried out before installing the products is identical.

Preparatory work

Installation of panels requires mandatory preparation of walls. Surfaces must be dry and level. Sometimes it is necessary to waterproof surfaces, which are served as special films or impregnations.

If there are areas with fungus and mold on the walls, then additional treatment with an antiseptic will be required. The more carefully this stage is carried out, the more protected all surfaces will be.

It is easy to hide noise-insulating or heat-insulating structures - expanded polystyrene or mineral slabs - under the lining. A vapor barrier film may also be required along with the facing material. If it is available, preparatory work should begin with laying a vapor barrier.

An important stage of work with any lining is the manufacture of the frame. If a vapor barrier is required, the selected material is overlapped directly onto the wall. A construction stapler and special staples are suitable as a fastener.

Sheathing bars are attached on top of the vapor barrier. If laying the lining is planned horizontally, then the bars need to be fixed vertically, but if the lining is mounted vertically, then the best option for lathing is in the horizontal direction. Nails or screws are suitable as fixing parts. The best fixation for a frame installed on brick blocks will be frame dowels. In this case, mounting holes are required in the walls.

If you plan to use a vapor barrier, then it is also attached to the sheathing with a stapler. The waterproofing film fixed on top of the heat insulator can be reinforced with tape.

The main frame can be supplemented with another layer of sheathing. The second layer of bars should be fixed across the first. It is important that this surface layer of the sheathing is perfectly smooth, since the panels will be attached to this layer. If you choose wooden lining, then it is worth considering its weight. The frame for this type of cladding must be reliable. It is better to calculate the required number of bars for the frame in advance. This will allow you not to be distracted by their manufacture during the installation of the frame.

How to sheathe it yourself?

In order to properly begin attaching natural types of panels, they first need to acclimatize to the room. To do this, the lining is brought inside and left alone for at least two days. You cannot start installation right away, as there is a high probability of warping of the cladding elements. Deformation of the structure will occur if the walls are finished at sub-zero temperatures and high humidity.

Installation of the lining should be done only after the sheathing is fully installed. If the lining is planned to be installed horizontally, the first element must be mounted at the bottom, with the tenon facing up. When the planks are positioned vertically, installation begins from the corner farthest from the entrance to the room.

The first board must be absolutely level. It is correct to take into account both the horizontal and vertical position of the level. Even with a slight deviation of the first panel, subsequent deviations will be quite noticeable. Subsequent lining strips must first be installed in the groove of the previous ones, and then fixed using available means.

Despite the apparent difficulties, it is possible to sheathe walls with clapboard together with insulation and install the frame in a fairly short time. Attaching decorative parts will require special care. Corners and baseboards must be installed with special fasteners or staplers. The wooden lining is additionally impregnated with stain and varnished. Other types of lining do not require additional processing.

The work looks a little different when using aluminum panels. Conventional technology involves installing aluminum profiles from a set of simple modules. Installation is possible using small keys, which are usually used to assemble modern parts of furniture upholstered with plywood.

Despite the elementary nature, the developers strive for maximum variety and original design. The modules can be laid in combination with brickwork. In this case, installation of modules is possible both horizontally and vertically. The cladding is done with loose panels, or they can be nailed in continuous rows. Aluminum panels can be fixed to any height. It is very convenient to sheathe with such a ready-made designer. This technology is accessible even to beginners.

Wooden lining seems to be an ordinary and simple material. But the finish takes on a completely different look when painted correctly. Painted lining is appropriate in designer interiors. This type of finish will look especially interesting with artificial aging technology.

If the purpose of processing is to change color, paint, enamel, and stain will serve to solve the problem. If the finish needs to add shine, then varnishes will come in handy. If the original material does not need to be changed, but the finishing surface needs to be protected, antiseptics and fire retardants are needed. The first option is needed as a disinfectant, and the second will increase the resistance of the finish to fire.

Decorative compositions necessary to change the color of the lining are divided into oil and acrylate. Oil-based dyes form protection and have a long service life. These paints penetrate into the structure of the finishing material. Among the disadvantages, consider the persistence of an unpleasant aroma and long drying time.

Acrylate products without a strong aroma dry quickly. They also retain their shine and tint for a long time. These types of coloring agents are usually more expensive than the first option. Acrylic or alkyd varnishes can change the color of the material while maintaining the unique wood texture. The desired shade is achieved using coloring. Please note that the compositions can only be applied to a well-dried base. If you apply varnish to a wet base, cracks will appear on it.

The easiest way to change the shade of the lining is with stain. However, the option is suitable for a well-treated surface.

Lining made of valuable wood will look better and more advantageous when framed with transparent varnish. If there are allergy sufferers in the house, treat the base with acrylic aqualac.

Consider the tendency of oily substances to change color after drying. Choose a color 1-2 shades darker than needed. The most practical option for processing pine lining is painting with oil substances. No antiseptic is required.

The choice of color is largely determined by the purpose of the room and the size of the space. Take a look at the examples below. They will help you decide on finishing options and combining different types of lining.

Beautiful examples

For example, if you want to add openness to the interior, pay attention to tinted trim options in light colors. Matte light wood will add architectural dynamics.

In the interior, painted products may be a good finishing option. Choose soft tones. The texture of the lining is well emphasized by the textured board on the floor.

An attic ceiling made of clapboard would look good. An aged painted finish will add a special touch of sophistication.

Toning with varnish will look no less interesting. Walls and ceilings painted the same tone are a technique that is loved by many designers.

If the finishing is of high quality, then with any design the lining will provide comfort and coziness. This is a fashionable but at the same time practical choice. The use of such cladding is possible in rooms of any functional purpose.

Hello. This article will be of interest to all those who want to make home renovations at minimal cost and with their own hands. From this material you can learn how to properly cover a wall with clapboard and what is needed for this.

What we need for successful wall covering:

  1. Wooden lining (you can use lining from any tree, but the most popular, and which can be found in any hardware store, is pine).
  2. Rail (45*20 mm, but if the need arises, it is possible to use another one, if necessary).
  3. Dowels are for a stone house, and if you have a wooden house, then you need screws.
  4. Small nails, for example: 23 mm, with which the lining is nailed to the batten.
  5. Hacksaw or electric jigsaw.
  6. Hammer. For convenience, I advise you to take a small hammer.
  7. One nail 100 mm. You will find out later what it is needed for.
  8. Any primer for wood.
  9. Varnish (if you are covering a room, and not the facade of the house itself, then I advise you to take a water-based varnish, since it does not contain harmful substances and does not leave an unpleasant odor).

And also, if you need to insulate the wall, then you will need

  • Insulation.
  • Vapor barrier.
  • Construction stapler.
  • Staples.

First of all, you need to nail the rail to the working surface (to the wall). We do everything carefully and use a level. For better alignment, wooden pegs are driven between the wall and the batten. Their size depends on the size of the hole that is formed between the wall and the batten. Here's what you get:

After you have screwed the strip onto all the walls you need and leveled it, it’s time to start insulating the wall. The insulation needs to be cut to the size of the cubbyholes that were formed after attaching the slats to the wall and nailed to the slats with a stapler, and a vapor barrier needs to be nailed to the top. Then make sure that everything fits tightly to each other, or better yet, overlaps. See as shown in the pictures.

When you have insulated the wall, you can start covering it with wooden clapboard. Of course, it can also be made of plastic. But in my opinion, the wooden one is better, if only because it is environmentally friendly and upon completion of the robot, all waste can be disposed of without harm to the environment, which is quite important. Plastic lining can be used to decorate the facade of a house and in rooms with high moisture. There it will be more durable than wood.

Right now I will tell you why you need a 100 mm nail. From it we will make a simple device for fastening the lining with nails. To do this, you need to saw off the sharp edge of the nail evenly. And everything is ready, you should get something like this:

It is this device that can save you time on covering the lining and protect it from damage when a hammer hits a nail.

Beginning of plating

To do this, we measure, mark and cut the lining to size. Then we apply it to the wall, level it and nail it. If you have a gap between the paneling and the floor or ceiling, it’s okay, because when you’re done, you’ll nail a plinth that will close it. You need to nail the paneling with the tenon first.

Nail it into the lower tenon located at the back:

The next one needs to be connected like this

Check each new lining with a level. For greater strength, I advise you to nail the clapboard through a tenon to each batten that you attached to the wall at the very beginning.

Finishing the walls

Once you have secured the entire paneling, you can consider that you have done half the work. Why half? Because there is still a lot of work to do.
So what else needs to be done?

The first step is to nail all the baseboards and corners, and then sand the whole thing well with sandpaper.

The second step is to clear the entire working surface of dust for priming and further varnishing.

The third step is to treat everything well with a primer to protect the wood.

The fourth step is to sand again. Because after priming the wood becomes rough, but this can be easily corrected with fine sandpaper.

The fifth step is the longest, it is varnishing. Why is it the longest? If only because you will have to varnish not in one layer, but at least in two.

When finished, let the varnish dry and the entire clapboard wall covering can be considered complete.
You should get something similar:

This is how you can save a small amount, which you can use in the future at your discretion. Well, or spend it on more expensive materials for your home.

Lining is a decorative cladding board made of wood. This decoration of wall surfaces is a beautiful and environmentally friendly option for decorating walls in your home.

Like any other wood product, this finishing material has the ability to absorb moisture at high levels of air humidity and release excess moisture in dry weather.

Such qualities of this cladding option help create favorable climatic conditions in the premises.

The advantages of this type of finishing:

  • Easy installation;
  • Long service life;
  • Resistance to rotting processes;
  • Spectacular appearance;
  • Significant sound and heat insulating qualities;
  • Ability to hide defects in wall surfaces;
  • Under such cladding you can hide electrical wiring and pipe systems.

In addition to wood lining, manufacturers produce a plastic version (PVC lining).

Selecting the type of lining

The choice of material is determined based on the characteristics of the room whose wall surfaces will be covered with this cladding.

Rooms such as a balcony, a sanitary unit, a kitchen, that is, rooms with a high level of humidity, are usually covered with a plastic version.

Wood panels are well suited for a bedroom, study, living room, hallway or corridor.

The choice of the type of wood from which the facing material is made is also very important.

For example, rooms with elevated temperatures, such as a bathhouse or sauna, cannot be finished with pine boards, since they release resins at high temperatures.

Plastic cladding is another option for covering wall surfaces. This finishing material comes in a wide range of colors, is easy to care for, and is easy to install. However, plastic panels are not resistant to mechanical stress and are characterized by low environmental friendliness.

Preparatory work

Initially, this facing material must be prepared for installation.

To do this, it is coated with a special bioprotective composition designed to prevent the formation of mold, rotting and other negative processes in wood. The wood can also be coated with stain or glaze to achieve the desired color.

After the facing material has been processed, it must be dried and left in the room for 24 hours so that it “gets used” to the microclimate of the room and subsequently does not shrink or dry out.

Installation of the cladding is carried out on the frame (sheathing).

Frame slats can be purchased ready-made or cut into pieces yourself.

The lathing is attached to the wall surface (step 50-60 cm) using screws or self-tapping screws.

The frame must be level; this parameter is measured using a plumb line or a vertical gauge.

Space is left between the wall surface and the sheathing; if necessary, the walls are insulated.

Sheathing and waterproofing

The intervals between the lathing slats depend on the length of the board and the width of the insulating filler. The frame is fastened starting from the edges and moving towards the center of the wall surface or to the openings of windows and doors.

The construction of a sheathed wall looks like this:

  • Vapor barrier;
  • Insulation layer;
  • Waterproofing;
  • Cladding with lining boards.

It is worth noting that waterproofing is a mandatory component of the design, as it helps to minimize the risk of rotting and the appearance of fungal organisms.

The waterproofing film is attached with the smooth side to the insulation, and the rough side outwards.

Fastening methods: staples, nails, clamps

There are several methods for fastening such cladding.

This finishing material can be attached to the frame with ordinary nails, clamps, staplers, and decorative screws. Whatever type of fastener you choose, the most important thing is to do the work very carefully and avoid damaging the casing.

Fastening with nails. If it is assumed that the nails may be visible, then the cladding is nailed to the frame using nails with small heads so that the fasteners are randomly scattered across the cladding.

However, as a rule, a more aesthetic and complex method is used.

The nails are driven into the grooves of the sheathing in such a way that the fastenings are practically invisible.

Fastening using clamps. Clamps are fastening grips made of galvanized sheet. They can be of different shapes and sizes; they are selected in each specific case according to the type of wooden boards and the thickness of their grooves.

The essence of the installation is that the teeth of the clamps cut into the grooves of the panel, and on the other hand they are fixed to the frame using screws or nails.

Fastening with staplers. With this installation method, the cladding is tightly sewn to the sheathing with staples using a special gun.

Fastening with decorative screws. A fairly simple and beautiful method of fastening, accessible even to non-professionals.

Mounting options

The actual finishing of the walls begins after:

  • The material is completely dry;
  • The frame is ready;
  • Thermal and sound insulation is complete;
  • The mounting method has been selected.

Before creating a frame for cladding, it is necessary to determine the direction of the cladding.

Cladding mounted horizontally visually expands the space, while vertical cladding visually “raises” the ceiling.

Horizontal finishing

The trim should be fastened from the ceiling surface to the floor so that the grooves of the panels point downwards. This way you can avoid the accumulation of excess moisture and various debris in the grooves of the casing and, as a result, eliminate destructive processes.

When installing this finishing material horizontally using clamps, the fastening element is mounted into the recess of the previous panel using nails or self-tapping screws, which secure the wooden panel to the frame.

To ensure proper installation of the sheathing, every ten panels you should check the evenness of the structure using a plumb line or a meter.

Do-it-yourself lining installation

The last finishing panel is adjusted in width, nailed and covered with a plinth.

Vertical finishing

This wall decoration starts from the corner. Clamps are attached to the groove in the back wall of the wooden panel, with the help of which the lining boards are nailed to the frame. The first corner panel is secured with nails (the caps will be hidden by a decorative corner).

Vertical installation of lining is similar to horizontal - one panel is inserted into another.

The installation is completed by fastening the last panel using nails.

All joints and corners (internal and external) are masked with special decorative strips, baseboards and corners.
Such cladding must be periodically (every two to three years) treated with a special compound. This way you can extend the performance properties of the cladding.

Many buildings can be improved with finishing materials such as wooden lining.

A room decorated with wooden paneling creates a feeling of coziness, comfort and warmth.

Brick and stone houses are reliable, but cold in every sense of the word. A house sheathed with wooden clapboards, both outside and inside, becomes warm and seems completely made of wood.

In addition, wooden lining is an environmentally friendly material, so a home covered with such lining will not only be beautiful, stylish and natural, but also safe for life and health.

Russians involved in construction are familiar with this finishing material called “lining”.

It is used mainly for decoration inside the house. What types of lining are usually used for this? How to properly decorate the inside of a house with this material with your own hands?

Features of lining as a finishing material

Clapboard is a thin clapboard made from recycled wood.

Its name comes from the thin profiled board that was used to line the inside of railway carriages. Modern lining is perfect for rooms inside a residential building, balcony, bathhouse, sauna, attic, etc.

Features and technology of wall covering with clapboard

This decoration will create a cozy and comfortable environment that is pleasing to the eye.

The properties of this finishing material are as follows:

  1. Excellent soundproofing properties.
  2. Surface smoothness.
  3. Strength.
  4. Easy to install, thanks to the tongue-and-groove technology for connecting the boards together.

These features depend on the components from which the lining is made.

Types of lining

Experts distinguish between several types of lining, depending on what the board is made of.

  1. The plastic board is made from polyvinyl chloride mass, which affects its functional features:
    • long period of operation;
    • moisture resistance;
    • tolerance of various temperature conditions (from -50 degrees to +50 degrees);
    • variety of colors.

But experts also note a small drawback of this type of finishing material: low mechanical strength.

  1. The wooden board is made entirely from wooden edged boards and is classified according to the profile: “Standard”, “Calm”, “Europrofile”, “American”.

    For this type of lining, wood is used from species such as pine, spruce, linden, alder, the properties of which affect the characteristics of the finishing material.

  2. MDF lining, or medium-density fiberboard, is made by pressing wood chips, which makes this type of building material different:
    • environmental friendliness;
    • hypoallergenic;
    • light weight;
    • Possibility of styling like marble, stone, granite, etc.

Do-it-yourself finishing inside the house can be done from any of the named types of lining.

Read also: Decorating a wooden house with siding

Decorating the inside of a house with clapboard: technology

Experts have developed a certain technology that is used to decorate the inside of a house with clapboards. It is simple to implement and accessible to everyone, that is, such installation can be done independently with your own hands.

The first stage is “preparatory”: all surfaces inside the house intended for finishing work should be cleaned of excess dirt and dust.

It also includes their alignment. So, what is the necessary tool to prepare:

  • building level;
  • dowels;
  • metal profile or wooden beam;
  • construction stapler;
  • wood screws;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • sealant;
  • varnish or paint.

The second stage is “installation of the frame or sheathing.”

For lathing, experts recommend using either a metal profile or a wooden beam. Some houses may require additional wall insulation, which is also carried out at this stage. For insulation, it is advisable to use foam sheets or solid mineral insulation.

Step-by-step actions of this stage:

  1. Mark the surface.
  2. Install the first slats in opposite corners.
  3. Place the frame ribs at the same distance - up to 50 centimeters.

The wooden frame will require additional treatment against rot and mold.

The third stage is “the main or installation of the lining.”

At your choice, the boards can be mounted either vertically or horizontally. The main condition is that the finishing material is tightly fastened to each other, that is, the tenon must fit into the groove.

The fourth stage is “finishing”.

Inside the house, it is customary to cover a wooden board with your own hands with varnish or paint. This procedure will help ensure that the clapboard finish takes on a finished look.

Tips for decorating the inside of a house with clapboard: how to do it yourself

If the room inside the house has high air humidity, then the finishing should be done with plastic lining.

When installing wooden sheathing, it must be treated with special primers, which will avoid damage in the event of moisture accumulation.

Each joint between elements must be treated with a sealant, especially indoors in a house with high humidity.

For plastic boards, use construction adhesive or liquid nails. Remember that an air cushion is needed between the wall surface and the wooden board. To hide the ends in the finishing, you can adapt decorative elements with your own hands (for example, external and internal wooden corners).

If you are not confident in your abilities and the positive end result, seek help from qualified builders who will help you carry out all the necessary finishing work inside the house.

Do-it-yourself clapboard cladding (video and photo)

In the building materials market, wood firmly holds one of the leading positions.

Environmental friendliness, strength, durability, ease of installation - all this attracts not only professionals, but also those who like to do repairs with their own hands. There are many types of finishing: from wooden wallpaper to a block house, from decorative panels to parquet. One of the most popular materials is lining. It comes not only wooden, but also plastic. It is convenient to mount it everywhere: from walls to ceiling, as well as on the floor of the room. It's easy to work with, because... does not require preliminary alignment of the walls, is equipped with docking grooves (the cladding resembles the assembly of a construction set; it will not be difficult to do the installation yourself).

Wooden lining is made from edged boards.

A quarter (folding) or a tongue (rabbet) is removed from the side surfaces for better adhesion and laying of the coating.


Difficulties may arise during installation due to the presence of knots and chips.

To avoid such troubles, it is important to know the classification of lining and the types of its profile.

Wood can be used not only to decorate walls indoors, but also outside.

Plastic panels will be very durable when decorating the facade, but wooden panels are ideal for finishing interior walls. Considering that the object will be covered with clapboard, it must be treated with special means for wooden surfaces that protect it from rotting and fire. When choosing this material, you should focus on the class (A, B, C, EXTRA). The differences are in the quality of raw materials, in the number of knots per square meter (the fewer there are, the higher the quality).

Eurolining differs from simple production technology, dimensions, profile, and moisture content of the board. Here it is important to say that there are grooves or grooves on the back side of the eurolining to prevent condensation from accumulating.

A little about wood. Before clapboarding anything, determine the features of your room.

Pine is a very common material; the price-quality ratio makes it one of the most popular. Linden lining practically does not emit resins; it can be used when finishing damp, warm rooms (bathhouse, kitchen). Alder, larch, cedar, mahogany, oak - the choice is varied, and no matter how your house is covered with clapboard, you will appreciate all its advantages.

Tools and installation methods

The most expensive and labor-intensive process of laying lining.

Having decided to do the cladding yourself, you should prepare the tools necessary for installation.

What exactly is needed to cover, for example, a ceiling with clapboard:

  • level or plumb
  • hammer drill,
  • screwdriver,
  • miter saw
  • saw (can be a jigsaw),
  • hammer

Important: before starting the sheathing, bring the lining into the room you are going to decorate at least 24 hours before and unpack it. During this period, the tree will “get used” to temperature and humidity and adapt to the microclimate.

We determine the installation method.

Vertical, diagonal, horizontal or herringbone - the choice is yours. Fastening is usually started from the ceiling to the floor (if you need to make the sheathing horizontal), from the corner (if the sheathing is vertical), from the window to the walls opposite (we sheath the ceiling).

Features of do-it-yourself clapboard covering

Preliminary work

If we are talking about horizontal finishing of a stone wall, then, of course, the installation should be done from the bottom up so that each lower plank is a partial support for the upper plank.

The first thing you need to understand at the stage of preparation for finishing work: upholstery begins with the installation of the sheathing.

This design is necessary because without it it is impossible to properly and evenly line the room with clapboard. Making a sheathing with your own hands is very simple. Any boards of the same thickness will be useful. They should be attached at a distance of 50 to 70 cm from each other and positioned perpendicular to the finishing board. Using a level, we do not allow any difference in the distance of the guides from the working surface. Wooden wedges are useful; they are hammered in to avoid uneven walls.

At this stage, the room is insulated (if necessary) by placing polystyrene foam or mineral wool between the sheathing and the wall. Free space creates sound insulation.

It’s quite easy to cut the clapboard yourself, but you need to remember a few nuances.

First, we saw from the front side. Secondly, we will place a piece of cutting with the same groove under the board so that the tenon has support and does not break off.

If we are sawing vertically, then we use a square and check the right angles. Both a hacksaw and a power tool (jigsaw, miter saw) are suitable for this work.

Installation methods

Each subsequent lining board is inserted into the groove of the previous one, and a galvanized clamp is placed on the inner lip of the groove.

Assembling lining on the wall with your own hands is not difficult; it really resembles assembling a construction set (a board with a tenon is inserted into the groove of the previous one).

Let's make a convenient utility tool with our own hands. Let's take a piece of wood and cut a groove from it. With the help of such a device we will trim and join board after board. We insert the scrap into the lining, gently press it with your hand, and you’re done. You can lightly tap on top to eliminate inconsistencies, but you need to do this very carefully so as not to split the board.

Attaching to the sheathing varies in methods. If design is not that important, you can use nails with small heads.

The chaotic arrangement of these hats is not so striking. This is appropriate to do in those rooms where design does not play any role. The advantages of such a material as lining: sheathing can be done using a stapler, decorative nails, clamps, and self-tapping screws. One of the most common sheathing methods is to drive a screw into the groove of the board at a 45-degree angle, recessing the head.

After installation is complete, you can attach skirting boards for beauty.

When joining the next panel, the cap will be hidden.

The use of a stapler depends on the cross-section of the finishing board: the smaller it is, the more effective this method is. It is also better to drive the staples at an angle, making the fasteners invisible. When deciding to use clamps, keep in mind that they are not able to withstand a lot of weight, so the fastening should in no case occupy a large working surface.

Once you understand the finishing technology, choose the installation method and properly prepare the wood, sheathing the surface will be quite simple.

Decorative elements such as baseboards will help complete the interior.

Decorating your home with your own hands is a fascinating activity.

The paneling will look very cozy, be it in a nursery, living room, pantry or kitchen. Natural, eco-friendly material is appropriate everywhere: from walls to ceiling.

Lining appeared on the building materials market relatively recently, but has already gained popularity. It provides excellent appearance, is easy to install and is highly durable.

Today, clapboard facade cladding can be found on residential buildings, bathhouses, administrative buildings and shops. This popularity is explained by a number of advantages of this finishing material, including:

  • excellent thermal insulation properties;
  • protection from external factors (rain, wind, snow);
  • ease of installation;
  • soundproofing;
  • thermal insulation;
  • light weight;
  • variety of materials and color palette;
  • increasing the service life of the building.

Panels for facade finishing are made from plastic, metal, fiber cement, and wood.

It is difficult to clearly determine the best lining. The choice always depends on the operating conditions and purpose of the building. Before choosing cladding, specialists must take into account the climatic features of the area, the type of structure and its operational properties.

In order to make a competent comparative description of the lining, you should consider its features in such parameters as cost, durability, service life and safety.

Sometimes the fundamental factor when choosing lining is the cost of the building material. However, cheap does not mean good.

Of course, wood has a higher price and the cost of such panels depends on the type of wood and class. Today on the market there is a wide selection of Eurolining class “A” or “Extra”. More durable wood, strict quality control and the difference in defects determine a fairly high price.

The most common is class “B” pine lining, which is excellent for cladding country houses, terraces, and bathhouses.

Plastic (vinyl) lining will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, but at the same time, it does not provide that natural appearance that many people like so much.

The service life depends on the characteristics of use. Atmospheric precipitation, temperature, air humidity and other criteria have a direct impact. Therefore, when choosing the type of forcing, all these factors should be taken into account.

Plastic lining is not at all afraid of moisture, but at the same time it does not have sufficient resistance to temperature changes. Vinyl tolerates exposure to UV radiation, but does not withstand mechanical influence from the outside. Any small impact is enough and the integrity of the panels can be damaged.

The popularity of vinyl panels is also due to the variety of color schemes, which allows you to select the appropriate range for the style and exterior of the building. The scope of application of vinyl products is very wide; they are widely used for cladding balconies, loggias, and gazebos. But low frost resistance makes this material undesirable for cladding houses in climate zones with strong temperature changes.

Example of façade finishing with vinyl siding

Wood is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage, is not afraid of sudden temperature changes, but does not like moisture. Specialists treat wooden lining with special protective compounds to improve its performance characteristics. Wood creates an atmosphere of warmth and comfort that no other material can convey.

If we talk about safety, then vinyl lining is not subjected to fire-resistant impregnation. When burned, vinyl melts, evaporating harmful substances.

Wooden finishing is an excellent solution for a bathhouse, terrace or private home. To increase fire resistance, the boards are pre-treated with a special impregnation. The unique structure of wood, its healing properties and environmental friendliness determine the wide demand for this material.

If not properly cared for, wood quickly loses its properties. It can crack and become deformed. It is for this purpose that before installing this material, specialists carry out thorough treatment with special antiseptic and hydrophobic mixtures. This prevents the appearance of mold, mildew and protects the wood from moisture penetration. As for care, wood is difficult to wash and clean. Over time, it can change its shade and lose its original freshness.

Plastic, on the contrary, is easy to maintain. It is enough to wipe with a damp cloth or use cleaning agents and the vinyl looks like it was originally covered. Despite its high resistance to UV rays, plastic may lose its color brightness over time, which does not in any way affect its performance properties.

Vinyl lining is often called laminated panels that perfectly imitate the structure of wood, artificial stone or metal, which allows you to implement any design idea.

Thus, the following advantages can be identified from plastic lining:

  • low weight;
  • UV resistance;
  • variety of colors;
  • long service life;
  • ease of care;
  • ease of installation.


Wooden lining– these are panels of certain dimensions with tongue-and-groove fastening. Coniferous and deciduous wood species are used for production. The most popular materials for the production of wooden lining are pine, spruce, ash, alder and linden. You can rarely find oak lining, which is explained by its high price.

Standard board sizes:

  • board thickness can vary from 12 to 25 mm;
  • width - up to 150 mm;
  • length – up to 6000 mm.

Eurolining, which is one of the types of wooden lining, is distinguished by higher strength and better workmanship. It belongs to class A, the quality standard regulates the presence of no more than one knot for every one and a half meters of the board. Higher demands are placed on its production, and accordingly the price of such material is much higher. Eurolining "Extra" class eliminates any knots and cracks and is one of the most expensive materials.

The dimensions of eurolining have more stringent standards:

  • width comes in four types: 80, 100, 110 or 120 mm;
  • board length varies from 500 to 6000 mm;
  • thickness can be 13, 16 or 19 mm.

The stage of laying wooden boards is preceded by a special antiseptic treatment to prevent the occurrence of mold and mildew. Antiseptic treatment significantly increases the service life of the facing material and increases its strength and wear resistance.

Prices for wood preservatives

Impregnation for wood

What should you consider when choosing wooden lining?

When choosing wooden boards as cladding for a building, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • type of wood (pine, spruce, larch);
  • wood class (extra, A, B, C);
  • wood drying method. The strength of the material and its service life depend on this. For high-quality drying of the lining, special drying chambers are required. This, of course, increases the cost of the product, but such material will also last much longer.

Metal lining often called metal siding. This material has a smooth surface that does not require additional processing or painting.

Metal lining has a long service life (about 50 years), withstands strong temperature changes, and does not corrode. But this material also has disadvantages. Metal lining is not flexible. The variety of colors, wood or stone imitation makes this type of lining quite versatile and in demand building material.

Siding “L-Bruce” (metal, “Ecosteel” coating)

Prices for lining

Types of installation

There are two ways to attach the lining: vertical and horizontal. Before choosing a method, you should consider that vertical cladding will visually increase the height of the building's exterior.

Horizontal, on the contrary, will visually increase the width of the facade. Before buying material, calculate how many boards you will need for one and the other method. Consider the width and length of the beams to minimize waste.

Choosing a mounting method: disadvantages and advantages

There are several types of fastening lining to the facade of a house. Each of them has its own disadvantages and advantages, and the choice of method should be dictated not only by the cladding material, but also by operational features.

A set of tools that may be needed:

  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • wood hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • roulette;
  • construction stapler;
  • hammer;
  • rule;
  • level (water or alcohol).

Prices for popular hammer drill models


In addition to high-quality and reliable tools, you will need the following consumables:

What work should be done beforehand?

Before carrying out construction work, each board and timber must be thoroughly treated with an antiseptic.

Please note that many antiseptics contain a coloring pigment that will affect the decorative function of the lining. If you want to preserve the natural color of the wood, it is recommended to treat only the inner part of the material, and varnish the outer part after installation. If the facade is being prepared for painting, this does not matter and both sides can be treated with an antiseptic.

Let the lining dry thoroughly so as not to deteriorate its technical characteristics.

Facade cladding with wooden clapboard: step-by-step instructions

The process of covering a building with clapboard is quite simple. Even without experience, but strictly following the instructions, you will be able to carry out the finishing work yourself.

Before you begin finishing work, you need to take care of the thermal insulation of the house. Selecting material for insulation. There are several types of insulation for external cladding on the market today: mineral wool, glass wool, expanded polystyrene, cellulose insulation.

In order to decorate the house with clapboard and at the same time carry out thermal insulation work, it is necessary to install the building sheathing. This will create the necessary air space, between which an additional layer of insulation can be laid. All electrical wires and ventilation ducts are also hidden under the sheathing. In addition, the lathing ensures proper ventilation, which significantly increases the service life of the facade finishing. If the wall surface is perfectly flat and no additional insulation of the house is required, then the finishing strips can be nailed directly to the concrete wall with dowel nails.

Prices for mineral wool

Mineral wool

Preparing walls for lathing installation

Step 1. It is necessary to thoroughly clean the wall surface from any dirt and flaking fragments of paint or plaster. This can be done using a spatula.

Step 2. We remove all protruding structures and parts from the facade (door frames, window frames, canopies, etc.). Those parts that cannot be dismantled must be cut using a grinder with a diamond wheel.

Step 3. We fill all cracks and large holes with cement mortar or wood putty and let them dry thoroughly for 24 hours.

Video - Repairing cracks on the wall of a house

Step 4. After complete drying, it is necessary to thoroughly treat the facade with an antiseptic substance and prime it well. This will prevent the spread of mold and mildew on the walls. The antiseptic also serves as excellent protection against termites and other harmful insects.

Installation of double-layer lathing

To install the sheathing, you must choose dry weather, and the timber that will be used for construction must be dried and treated with an antiseptic. Drying the material must be carried out for at least two weeks, since the maximum permissible moisture content of the timber can be 15%.

A wooden or metal profile is suitable for lathing a house, but it is better to tie the choice of material to the lining itself. If you plan to clad the facade with wood, then it is better to use wooden beams as the material for the sheathing. This will simplify the installation diagram. If the lathing is planned for metal siding, then you can choose a galvanized profile 28x27 mm.

Sometimes builders create a combined version of the sheathing. A wooden sheathing is created around the perimeter of the entire house, and a metal profile frame is built for the basement floor in order to protect the structure as much as possible from humidity, because it will be high near the ground.

Since we are considering a scheme for fastening wooden lining, we will also use wood as a material for the construction of the sheathing.

Step 1. Mount the wooden beam horizontally

If the sheathing is created on a wooden house, then it is necessary to create a sliding structure (we use corners with vertical holes).

The distance between the bars should be 40 cm. If you decide to lay mineral wool slabs for insulation, then focus on the width of the slab, reducing or increasing the fastening step. We attach the sheathing to U-shaped hangers in order to achieve the most even surface possible.

Step 2. Carry out thermal insulation work

We take the insulation and lay it between the wall of the house and the created wooden structure.

Step 3. Create a wind and water barrier

To do this, take a special protective film and secure it with a construction stapler over the grille. We apply the film with an overlap of 10-15 cm to avoid damage to the thermal and waterproofing.

Prices for vapor barrier materials

Vapor barrier material

Step 4. Install the counter-lattice

This is necessary to ensure proper ventilation. We now mount the counter-lattice vertically, in increments of 40 cm. We attach a 50x10 mm wooden lath with nails to the existing sheathing. All this is done in the vertical direction, since the cladding is assumed to be horizontal.

Construction of a single-layer sheathing

If insulation of the house is not planned, then you can limit yourself to installing a single-layer sheathing.

Step 1. We check the wooden beams with a level and build a vertical structure from them. To do this, we fasten the beams in the corners of the house with U-shaped hangers with a distance between the fastening elements of 50 cm. We check their verticality with a level.

Now we take 3 cords (the length is equal to the length of the wall) and connect these beams with three cords (top, middle and bottom). This will make it easier to create a flat surface in the future. You can use a rule for these purposes. This tool makes it easier to align the cords evenly.

Step 2. After we have tightened the laces, we begin to build the rest of the sheathing in a vertical position in increments of 40-50 cm. The laces in this case will be beacons for setting the plane. The slats should not protrude beyond the lace and change its tension.

Step 3. After the entire structure is built and level checked, we remove the laces and proceed directly to cladding the facade with clapboard.

Horizontal installation of wooden lining

This type of fastening involves movement from top to bottom. This will protect the sheathing material from moisture and dirt. We use clamps (metal staples) for fastening to ensure the reliability of the cladding and aesthetic appearance. In addition, this greatly simplifies and speeds up the finishing process.

Wood siding installation diagram, insulated facade

Step 1. We take the first batten of the clapboard and nail it to the top beam of the sheathing under the roof. To avoid cracking the board, drive the nail at a 45-degree angle. You can pre-wet the nail to reduce the chance of damaging the board. For installation it is better to use finishing nails 50 mm long.

Step 2. Now we insert the clamp into the bottom groove of the first board and nail it with 20 mm nails. This is done so that the top board does not start to “play” during subsequent installation.

Step 3. We take the next board of the lining, insert it into the groove of the first board and secure it from below again with a clamp along the sheathing bars. The clamp must be secured with 20 mm nails using a hammer, but in order to facilitate the process and protect your hands, use a “spacer”. To do this, take a 100 mm nail, turn it upside down and press the head against the head of a 20 mm nail.

Step 4. The last board is cut to size and inserted into the groove of the previous board. But there is a small nuance here. If we cut the board exactly to the size of the remaining gap, then we will not be able to fit it into the groove of the previous lining. Therefore, it needs to be cut 1.5 cm shorter. This will allow you to easily insert it into the groove at an angle of 45 degrees, press it against the sheathing and press it with a pry bar from the bottom up until it is completely fixed.

Step 5. Now we nail the panel with a 50 mm nail (as in the case of the first board) to the sheathing at the bottom of the last board.

Step 6 The final touch is the installation of a plinth skirt, which will close the junction gap. We fasten the base skirt with 50 mm nails or galvanized screws with a press washer 30 mm long.

Step 7 We close the corner external joints with decorative corners using 50 mm nails. To hide the presence of fasteners as much as possible, you can use a small trick. To do this, drive the nail in half, bite off the head with pliers and drive it in flush with the corner with a nail. The fastener spacing must be at least 50 cm on both sides of the corner.

We produce vertical cladding: step-by-step instructions

The main difference between this installation is that the sheathing is performed in a horizontal position, and the lining will be sewn vertically.

Important! When choosing the material and type of installation, consider the size of the wall. When vertical cladding, you need to take into account the length of the lining so that there is no horizontal seam along the entire perimeter of the building. It is necessary to cover the walls with a staggered offset, or install a panel strip.

Vertical cladding with plastic lining: step-by-step instructions

You will need the following materials:

  • dowels 6x80 mm;
  • staplers;
  • plastic lining;
  • base skirt;
  • decorative plastic corners (external, internal or universal);
  • beams for the construction of sheathing (50x50 mm);
  • self-tapping screws;
  • glue for plastic;
  • U-shaped hangers.

Step 1. We install the building sheathing. If insulation is planned, we make double lathing (see above). If the house does not need an additional thermal insulation layer, we limit ourselves to a single-layer sheathing.

Step 2. We take a plastic lining and fasten the outer part with self-tapping screws to the sheathing. Do not forget that the plastic panels are laid strictly perpendicular to the sheathing. We cut the plastic panel according to the required measurements with a hacksaw.

Step 3. We fix the inner part of the lining with a construction stapler to the frame beams. Always check that the entire surface of the panel has entered the lock to prevent further deformation of the wall and loss of integrity.

Step 4. We insert the next board into the fastenings and fix it with a stapler to the sheathing in increments of 40 cm.

Step 5. The finishing panel is secured with a screw and a press washer. After this, you should apply a decorative corner and secure it with glue.

Prices for popular models of screwdrivers


At the end of the article, we invite you to carefully read the video instructions on how to properly install lining to the facade of a building.

Video - Covering a frame house with clapboard, using the example of one wall

Video - Installation of overlapping siding on a wooden frame

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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