A mosquito repellent for children under one year of age should not only be effective, but also not harm health. When an insect bites, it injects a substance into the skin that causes redness and itching, and sometimes a severe allergic reaction is possible. So that the baby sleeps peacefully and does not get infected dangerous disease, take care of its protection, which can be provided by the following means:

  • Mosquito net - universal remedy. The mesh is installed on windows, doorways, cribs, and strollers.
  • Repellent spray is a substance used to repel mosquitoes.
  • Ultrasonic repeller – electronic device, which imitates the sound of a male or dragonfly, scaring off females. Only females feed on blood to reproduce.
  • A fumigator is a device that poisons mosquitoes with toxic fumes when heated.
  • Plaster – glued to the stroller or clothing to repel insects.
  • Folk remedies– oils, candles, bouquets of field herbs.


Only a few manufacturers have produced mosquito repellents for children under one year of age. Applying sprays to the baby’s body is often allowed after 2-3 years. But caring mothers will always find a way out of any situation. For example, they apply children's repellent to the baby's clothes or to the mosquito net with the stroller. Popular children's sprays include the following products:

Name Description, method of application Price, rub.
Mosquitall For children from 3 years old. Protects skin from mosquitoes, midges, midges and other insects. The spray does not leave greasy marks on clothes, does not contain parabens, and has a pleasant aroma. Effective for 2 hours. Volume – 100 ml. 147
My Sunshine For babies from one year old. Apply to the palm, after which exposed skin is treated. The spray is applied to clothing at a distance of 10-15 cm. The effect is 2 hours. Volume – 100 ml. 206
Mommy Care Israeli spray with a hypoallergenic formula. Contains natural and organic oils, vitamin E, which nourish and reliably protect the baby's skin. Has a pleasant aroma. Volume – 50 ml. 820
Chicco Anti-Mosquito Allowed for use by children under 3 years of age. The spray contains spotted eucalyptus extract. The products are considered environmentally friendly. Effective for 3 hours. 300


Fumigators do not require skin contact. The device is installed at a distance of 1 m from foreign objects. It is not recommended to leave it overnight if the room is very small. In such cases, turn on the device for 30-35 minutes to kill mosquitoes, and then turn it off so that the baby does not breathe in the fumes. If your child starts coughing after use, turn off the device and ventilate the room immediately. The table shows several popular fumigators suitable for infants:

Name Description, method of application Price, rub.
Mosquitol, plates 10 plates, each of which is designed for 10 hours of operation. Odorless, therefore suitable for use indoors with a baby. Destroys insects in 20-30 minutes. High efficiency even with open windows. 33
Moskitol, fumigator A fumigator with liquid will provide maximum protection. Contains natural chamomile extract. The liquid is designed for 240 hours of operation, odorless. 332
Nekusayka The liquid is designed for 30 nights. Insect destruction occurs 20-25 minutes after turning on the device. The composition contains the Japanese active ingredient etok. It turns on 2 hours before bedtime, and there should be no baby in the room. 372
Sissy Fumigator with mosquito repellent liquid for infants, for 45 nights. Not used in rooms smaller than 13 square meters. m. 127

Folk remedies

You can protect your baby from bites by using essential oils. They are added to baby cream or milk, applied to clothing, a mosquito net, added to water for spraying from a spray bottle, or dripped into aroma lamps. The following essential oils are recommended:

  • lemon;
  • lavender;
  • carnation;
  • mint;
  • cedar;
  • eucalyptus.

Remedies after mosquito bites for children

You can relieve irritation and itching on your baby’s delicate skin using special creams or folk remedies: mint, bird cherry, plantain leaves, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, a solution of salt or soda, kefir, oil tea tree. Before applying, be sure to make sure that the child does not have an allergic reaction. If after a mosquito bite you notice that your baby has swelling, fever or allergies, call an ambulance immediately.

Pharmacy products

You can buy it at the pharmacy good ointment against mosquito bites for children, which will relieve itching and redness. The table shows several popular manufacturers:

Name Description, method of application Price, rub.
Boro plus Mosquito bite cream for children contains natural antibacterial plant elements and has antiseptic properties. Volume – 25 g. 90
La-cree The cream-gel is suitable for children up to one year old, has an antimicrobial and soothing effect. The product is hyperallergenic and does not contain dyes or fragrances. Volume – 100 g. 397
Gardex Baby Balm after bites is applied pointwise, providing a calming and cooling effect. Removes burning, itching and redness. The composition contains mint essential oil, chamomile and string extracts. 208

Traditional medicine recipes

When a child is bitten by mosquitoes, the mother does not always have the opportunity to immediately run to the pharmacy. At this time, children scratch the bite, thereby only making it worse. You can relieve itching and inflammation with a few folk recipes, which have proven their effectiveness over many years:

  1. Cut onion and apply a small part to the bite site so that the juice penetrates into the irritated area of ​​​​the skin.
  2. Squeeze out aloe juice and apply it to the problem area.
  3. Make a salt solution and apply it pointwise to the inflamed areas.
  4. Use fish oil on the affected area.
  5. Mix St. John's wort, oak bark and leaves in equal proportions peppermint, pour a glass of water and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Cool and strain the broth, then use it as a lotion.


People who spend summer weekends in the country, in the forest or near bodies of water, rural residents and mothers walking with strollers have to suffer from annoying bloodsuckers. Midge and mosquito bites are very painful and cause allergic reaction. Within a few minutes after the insect sucks blood and flies away, swelling develops at the puncture site, burning and itching appears. A collision with a cloud of midges can even lead to an increase in temperature.

To avoid encounters with these dipterans, measures should be taken in advance. Of the folk remedies against mosquitoes and midges, crystalline vanillin is considered the most effective in terms of protection.

How and why products with vanillin work

When choosing a victim, mosquitoes and midges are guided by their sense of smell. They find warm-blooded prey by detecting heat and carbon dioxide. They are attracted to the smell generated by bacteria living on the skin. While human skin smells delicious to insects, they cannot tolerate the aroma of vanillin. This natural repellent with a specific odor acts on the nerve endings of the olfactory organs of bloodsuckers. Therefore, you shouldn’t think long about whether vanillin helps against mosquitoes, but just take it and try it in action. After all, buying a bag of vanillin is much cheaper than buying a synthetic insect repellent.

Recipes, cooking methods

If you don't know how to make mosquito repellent from vanilla, then you've come to the right place. Collected here best advice regarding the use of this fragrant substance.

Vanilla cream is considered the most reliable remedy for bloodsuckers. When mixing the powder with baby cream, you get an excellent repellent that lasts about two hours. Thanks to it, you can calmly work in your summer cottage or walk with your child. The recipe is quite simple: squeeze a portion of baby cream onto the back of your palm, pour a quarter teaspoon of powder from the bag on top and stir well. Apply the resulting cream with vanillin to protect against mosquitoes with your own hands on open areas of the body and on partings in the hair.

Vanillin diluted in water and applied to the skin also gives good results. But to do this, you need to know how to dilute vanillin against midges and mosquitoes so that it works. Vanillin crystals are poorly soluble in cold water and surfaces float for a long time. Therefore, you need to warm up the water slightly, fill a small bottle (about 0.3 liters) halfway with it and add one packet of vanillin. After shaking properly, you can use the product, which can be stored well for 2-3 days.

To protect infants during a walk, it is recommended to soak ordinary gauze with the resulting solution and hang the strollers with such a canopy. For adults, it is better to use spray bottles for ease of application. The product works for about 25-30 minutes. at night for good sleep without insects, you can stir vanillin in a cup of water and place it near the bed.

To obtain an effective mosquito repellent, vanillin is mixed with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is enough to take 1 tablespoon of powder and water. Add 1 teaspoon of any shampoo to the resulting mixture, mix well and spread on exposed parts of the body.

The second option is without water. A pack of vanillin should be combined with 2 tablespoons of shampoo and applied to hands and feet. The product is easily washed off. Therefore, you can work in the garden and then take a shower.

The smell of vanilla essential oil repels insects even better than plain vanillin. When diluted, it can be safely applied to the skin. For 10 g of base (cream, cosmetic milk), take 4-5 drops of oil. When rubbed into the skin, it causes a slight chill within 1-2 minutes, which is a natural reaction.

If you don’t have essential oil on hand and don’t have time to work magic with solutions, but have a couple of bags of vanillin, then you can just sprinkle it on it or pour it into your pockets. After rubbing into the skin, the powder is invisible, leaving traces on clothes like flour.


When used correctly, vanillin - harmless remedy, but individual intolerance is possible. Essential oil should be used with caution during pregnancy, epilepsy and hypertension. It increases the sensitivity of the skin to light, that is, it is a photosensitizer. Therefore, after applying to the skin, you should avoid direct sun rays. Vanilla oil is a highly concentrated phytoessence and should never be used undiluted. Long-term use may cause headaches.

Caring parents want their children to go for walks more often. fresh air. This is especially comfortable in summer period when you can take part in outdoor games or visit an open pond. Such pastime without proper protection is fraught with mosquito bites. You can protect yourself from such problems different ways, but most often used modern means from mosquitoes.

Do not neglect medications that ensure safety while walking. Bites from blood-sucking insects in a child whose immune system is not yet fully formed can cause an allergic reaction, and the baby can scratch the itchy area until it bleeds and cause an infection.

Types of protection

Complexes of cosmetic, medicinal-cosmetic or other mosquito repellents for children and adults are called repellents. Basis for similar chemicals formed from synthetic materials, but in some cases the composition includes a small amount of natural essential oils as a fragrance or to enhance the repellent effect.

The purpose of a repellent is to repel unwanted insects without killing them.

Traditional household products, used to kill mosquitoes indoors, belong to the category of insecticides, which differs from repellents in their mode of action. The use of insecticidal substances against mosquitoes for children is strictly prohibited.

You can ward off small animals on the street from a child of any age in several ways, which can be divided into two large groups:

  • formation of an unpleasant odor for insects;
  • exposure to ultrasound identical to alarm signals from individuals of this species.

Due to olfactory and auditory receptors, insects perceive available signals. As a result, they do not approach the dangerous zone.

The following items can be used as ultrasonic devices:

  • keychain;
  • bracelet;
  • permanently installed device.

The most popular models are autonomous ultrasonic mosquito repellents for children over one year of age. They have an organic range of action, this must be taken into account during operation.

VIDEO: Insect bites - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Cosmetical tools

Manufacturers offer a wide range of drugs that repel insects. They are often offered in the following forms:

  • spray;
  • cream;
  • emulsion;
  • liquid.

Similar mosquito repellents for children under one year of age and older are applied directly to the skin. Due to the aromatic substances present among the components, insects do not approach the child’s body.

The child should not be allowed to experience an allergic reaction from the applied product, so a test contact is carried out.

To detect a reaction to an ointment or mosquito repellent spray for children under one year of age, it is necessary to small area Apply a drop of the substance to the skin. Next, wait up to 10 minutes and check the skin’s reaction to chemical composition. If there is no discomfort or obvious problem signs (redness, itching, rash, etc.), then you can apply the cream to exposed areas of the child’s skin.

It is necessary to avoid formulations containing toxic components that can manifest themselves in long-term use drugs:

  • organochlorine compounds;
  • organophosphorus compounds;
  • carbamates.

Their availability can be determined from the composition indicated on the package. It is strictly forbidden to use this mosquito repellent on babies and children under 12 years of age. Chlorine tends to accumulate in the body and then subsequently poison living cells. The other two drugs belong to the group of toxic substances.

The most harmless are pyrethroids and pyrethrins. It is advisable to select mosquito repellent preparations for children under one year old that contain these substances. Pyrethrins are natural extracts from medicinal plants. They are also contained in essential oil. Similar in properties are artificial materials - pyrethroids. However, it has not yet received such widespread distribution.

An active substance that is harmful to insects is extracted from pyrethrum using solvents.

For adults and children over 12 years of age, pyrethroids and pyrethrins are also suitable for getting rid of mosquitoes. The effectiveness of both drugs does not depend on the age of the user.

VIDEO: What mosquito repellents don't work? - Doctor Komarovsky

Children's products

Young mothers and fathers should stock up on several types of baby creams, choosing the most optimal one for their child.

Gardex Baby

Saves from annoying insects, including mosquitoes. Due to the low concentration of the active substance, it belongs to the group safe substances. Recommended for use by children over 3 years of age. It has a pleasant aroma and convenient consistency. The active protection interval is up to 3 hours. The line of products includes aerosols, foams, bracelets, and clips.

  • GARDEX children's mosquito repellent bracelet with replaceable cartridge - 379 RUR.
  • Aerosol - 279 rubles;
  • Clip with cartridge - 329 RUR.

Mosquitall "Protection for babies"

Prevents mosquito and mosquito bites. Takes care of skin that has suffered after possible bites, eliminating any redness that appears. Able to soften the skin due to the correct consistency. Has an apple aroma. The maximum period of validity is limited to two hours. Can be used for a child over one year old.

Price Mosquitall “Protection for babies” 137 RUR.

The composition contains protective drugs that filter UV radiation. Protects against insect bites. Approved for use by children from one year of age. The layer is applied to the surface of the exposed skin without rubbing. Contains lavender extract and caring components.

Price 100 ml 50 rub.

Price 480 rub.

Off kids

The drug can be used for 1 year. The duration of action is up to 5 hours. It is recommended to pre-test these creams for open area skin to avoid an allergic reaction.

Price 50 ml 115 rub.

"Our mother"

Emulsions domestic producers applicable from one and a half years. They are aimed at protecting against mosquitoes and other insects.

Price 100 ml 136 rub.

"My Sunshine"

The cream belongs to the hypoallergenic group. Recommended for children over one year old. Protects against mosquitoes and other midges.

Price 100 ml 124 rub.

Various essential oils provide good protection against annoying insects. Extracts of tea tree, anise, cloves, and lavender are suitable for this case. By dripping onto the edge of a pillow or stroller, you can temporarily protect your baby from the intrusion of uninvited guests. And don't forget about mechanical protection strollers - a thrown fine mesh will save the child from insects.

VIDEO: What is better to use against mosquitoes: spray or lotion? - Doctor Komarovsky

Summer time is time active rest And pleasant impressions. With the beginning of the barbecue season, the active season of mosquitoes and midges begins, which bring a lot of trouble to humans. Read about how to deal with these winged creatures in the material below.

When we get to the dacha, we become “victims” of mosquitoes and midges that fly everywhere. If your site is located near a river or any other body of water, and there is also a forest around it, then be sure that insects will concentrate in swarms around the site. In order to protect yourself from unpleasant bites and constant itching, you must immediately begin fighting the enemy upon arrival.

Help protect yourself from insects in your home Mosquito nets and ultrasonic repellers, but in the fresh air it is somewhat more difficult to escape from pests. Repellents, spirals, and traditional methods and traps. Below in the material we will talk about each method of protection in more detail.

Folk remedies for protection against mosquitoes and midges

1. Boil 30 g of wormwood in 200 ml of water for 15 minutes. Apply the resulting decoction from a spray bottle to the body.

2. The juice of one lemon is diluted in 300 ml of water, then applied to the body and clothes using a spray bottle. The advantage is that this mixture does not leave any marks on clothes.

3. On a plate or bowl, place lemon and orange peels, 20 clove spices and pour over tea tree oil. This way you can sit in the gazebo on the street all evening and not a single bloodsucker will bother you.

4. For comfortable gatherings around the fire, throw a few juniper branches into it.

5. Wheatgrass roots. This weed can be found on every site. Boil 30 g of wheatgrass roots in 200 ml of water and apply the decoction to the body.

Effective folk remedies against mosquitoes and midges

Cow pats. Of course, this is not the most pleasant means of repelling bloodsuckers to use, but it is one of the most effective. Already dry cow dung needs to be set on fire. It is the smell that repels bloodsuckers.

Tea tree oil. It is worth applying the oil on your wrists, behind your ears, under your knees and mosquitoes will not bother you. In addition, this oil will help relieve itching and swelling from bites; you just need to spread the oil on the affected areas.

Fish fat. To prevent bloodsuckers from disturbing you for 3 hours, lubricate your body with fish oil.

Cloves and lemon. Cut a lemon in half and pierce its flesh thickly with cloves (a spice) and leave on the table. This product works great both indoors and outdoors.

DIY mosquito and midge repellent

Work effectively on summer cottages homemade traps. To make it you will need: a plastic bottle, water, yeast and sugar. Cut from the bottle top part. Then 200 ml of water is poured into the lower part, 50 g of sugar and 1 g of instant yeast are added to the water. The top of the bottle is turned over and the container with water is covered with the neck down (without a cap). The winged bloodsuckers flock to the smell of the yeast mass, but will no longer be able to leave the trap.

Homemade Velcro also does an excellent job.

To make them you will need:

  • a piece of thick paper or cardboard;
  • Castor oil;
  • rosin;
  • turpentine;
  • sugar;
  • water.

First, the sugar syrup is boiled (take 3 tablespoons of sugar for 5 tablespoons of water). Next, the still hot syrup is mixed with 125 ml of rosin, 100 ml of turpentine and 100 ml of castor oil, mixed thoroughly. Strips of cardboard are coated with the adhesive mass. Such strips are hung near the resting place.

Vanillin against mosquitoes and midges

Despite the fact that the market offers us a wide range of chemical agents, to combat bloodsuckers not every product is suitable for allergy sufferers and small children, so folk remedies are used in great demand. These include vanillin-based products. It is worth immediately noting that in recipes they use exclusively vanillin, and not vanilla sugar, since the latter attracts insects even more. We have prepared for you several effective options for combating midges (this is how biologists generalized all bloodsuckers into one group) based on vanillin.

What plants repel mosquitoes and midges?

Melissa. The perennial and pleasant-smelling plant is not only added to tea and cocktails, but also, thanks to its smell, repels midges and mosquitoes. The more of this plant there is in the area, the less mosquitoes will bother you.

Basil. For many people, basil is an herb that is used in recipes of different nationalities, but for mosquitoes it is a repellent. Brown and lemon basil. It is necessary to plant the plant along the entire perimeter of the site, and it will become unattractive to the family of dipteran insects. In addition, basil is excellent for relieving itching from bites. It is necessary to grind the leaves into a paste and apply it to the bite site.

Chernobrivtsy. The pungent smell that these flowers, popular among summer residents, emit, repels annoying midges and mosquitoes. You just have to plant flower beds with these flowers, and you are guaranteed protection from mosquitoes.

Catnip. Given perennial It has blue flowers and blooms throughout all the months of summer. After touching the plant, it emits an intense odor, which repels annoying insects.

Garlic. Aroma of this plant The onion subfamily is not only unpleasant for people, but also for mosquitoes. By planting as much garlic as possible on your site, you will create a natural barrier to blood-sucking mosquitoes and midges.

Lavender. This beautiful plant, having pleasant aroma for humans, creates the opposite impression for mosquitoes, since they contain essential oils.

Mint. This is a plant real stick a lifesaver both for those who like to relax in the country and for protecting houses and apartments from insects, since it takes root well in pots.

Geranium. An unpretentious and widespread flower perfectly repels mosquitoes.

Wrist bracelet to repel mosquitoes and midges

Maximum safe remedy protection against mosquitoes and bloodsuckers, especially for children - a bracelet. Along with children's protective cosmetics, they are in great demand. Bracelets are impregnated with essential oils natural oils(geranium, lavender, citronella), the smell of them repels mosquitoes.

There are 2 types of bracelets:

  • disposable (validity is often 7 days);
  • reusable (with replaceable cartridges).

When choosing a bracelet, carefully study the instructions, which indicate the recommended age of the person who will use the product. If the bracelet is not intended for children, you should never use it.

The bracelets of the following brands received the most laudatory reviews online:

  • Farewell squeak;
  • Gardex;
  • Mothercar;
  • Bugslock.

Chemical repellents for mosquitoes and midges

When choosing personal chemical protective equipment, it is important to carefully study the composition. Most of the chemicals offered to us on the market have a strong odor and can also cause allergies. Active ingredients These agents may include: carboxide, diethyltoluamide (DEET), oxamate and others. These substances are very toxic, so it is important to know their concentration in the chosen product and use it only according to the instructions. It is not permissible for a person to use concentrated products chemical substances more than 40%. For adults, the permissible concentration is 20-30%, while for children, allergy sufferers and pregnant women it is only 10-15%.

This is one of the most popular methods of ridding a home of midges. There are 2 types: electrical and pyrotechnic. Electrical(plate and liquid) operate respectively from the network, and are effective only in places where there is access to electricity.

Pyrotechnic fumigators the group of which includes spirals and candles, are used only in open areas. The spiral or candle is set on fire for 15 seconds and then extinguished. Each manufacturer gives its own recommendations for the use of these protective equipment, which is why it is important to read the manual for their use.

In addition to chemical fumigators, there are safer and completely non-toxic fumigators, such as gas ones. With this type of protection, a person does not depend on electricity, the device is odorless and runs on a gas cartridge.

Mosquito and midge repellent

sprays against mosquitoes and midges

These repellents are evenly applied to clothing and skin, providing protection for up to 3 hours. Their greatest effectiveness occurs in the first 45 minutes after spraying, keeping mosquitoes away at a distance of 1.5 meters. Spray compositions have a strong odor and cause an allergic reaction. Their use in enclosed spaces and near fire is unacceptable. The use of aerosols by children and pregnant women is also not recommended. Oil-based sprays are the most effective; they are difficult to wash off and remain on the body for 7 days.

ointments and gels for insect bites

Ointments, milks and gels are different pleasant smell, are quickly absorbed into the skin, moisturizing it, are not as toxic as aerosols, and are also acceptable for use by children from 1 year of age (age restrictions are indicated on the packaging). However, such means of protection have an important disadvantage - a short period of protection, which averages only 1.5 hours.

What essential aromatic oil helps against insect bites

For those who do not want or for some reason cannot use chemical cosmetical tools Essential oils are a great alternative. The gnat will fly around you if you use the following oils:

  • lavender;
  • carnations;
  • geraniums;
  • rosemary;
  • thyme;
  • peppermint;
  • eucalyptus.

Cologne against midges and mosquitoes

Excellent repels bloodsuckers and cologne. The pungent smell in itself is not pleasant for midges, but it disappears quickly enough, but it can be enhanced with the help of spices and oils. Most effective remedy obtained by mixing 40 ml of cologne with 15 drops of clove decoction (20 g of spice is boiled in 200 ml of water for 7 minutes). Mint in combination with cologne is no less effective. Make a decoction of mint in the same way as a decoction of cloves, and mix 20 drops of the decoction and 50 ml of cologne. Instead of decoction, you can use essential peppermint oil. For 40 ml of cologne you will need only 5 drops of oil.

What smells repel mosquitoes and midges?

Mosquitoes are able to distinguish more than 70 types of different aromas, but at the same time, they are very sensitive to them. Bloodsuckers cannot tolerate strong and spicy odors, and this fact must be taken into account. Basil, anise, clove and eucalyptus oils are ideal for fighting the “enemy.” And if you decide to light a fire, then you should throw pine cones, spruce branches and moss into it. The smell and smoke will repel insects for a long time. Along with smoke, the midges cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco.

How to treat an area against midges and mosquitoes

First of all, I would like to say that if you decide to self-processing your site, you will need special equipment as well as protective clothing, since without them processing will become impossible and even life-threatening. That is why summer residents most often resort to the services of sanitary offices.

The area must be treated in 2 stages. The first stage is to destroy the larvae, and the second is to destroy the insect itself. The most popular and effective chemicals Medilis Cyper and Cefox are considered for treating areas.

Mosquito and midge repellers

A few years ago, ultrasonic products came onto the market to combat annoying pests. The package includes ultrasonic frequency generators with a range of 4.8-7 kHz. These devices do not cause harm to humans, since the frequencies they emit are too high for human hearing. The device is powered by batteries or electrical adapters. There are 2 types of devices: street and personal. The first ones are stationary and work from the network, while the second ones look like a small portable device that can easily fit into a pocket. Personal repellers have a short range, so they work most effectively when attached to clothing.

Before the purchase ultrasonic repeller pay attention to its purpose, range and capability manual settings frequencies for a longer range.

Mosquito repellent for children under one year of age is produced on the basis. Repels insects persistent odor. Geranium, citronella, lavender, mint, anise, clove, and lemongrass oils are used as active ingredients. They are produced in the form of spray, lotion, cream, stickers, clips, bracelets, keychains. They differ in efficiency and price.


Branded products made in Italy by Chicco or Kikko are known all over the world. Engaged in the production of products for children of different ages. There is a whole line of safe products against mosquitoes and midges for babies from the first days of life - ANTI-MOSQUITO. The range includes products for bite prevention and healing.

Mosquito repellent for infants is produced in the form of protective cream, spray, wet wipes, gel, and roller. Roller pencil is produced. Active substances products include lemon balm oil and andiroba seeds. The anti-bite pencil contains Chinese zanthoxylum oil and menthol. It has analgesic, antipruritic, soothing and moisturizing properties.

Chicco products have been tested by the Association of Dermatologists and are approved for use on extremely sensitive skin.

This tool is always available home medicine cabinet. In cold weather it helps with symptoms of colds, headaches, nasal congestion; in summer we use it for midges. The itching goes away almost immediately, and relief is felt after a slight tingling sensation. Smear small child Acne can occur on any part of the body except the face. Otherwise it will sting and irritate your eyes.

Svetlana, Voronezh

Folk remedies

Safe children's preparations are based on the action of essential oils. You can buy them at a pharmacy or specialty store. They impregnate the straps, attach them to the stroller, add stickers, add them to medical alcohol, spray the fabric surface, add them to the cream, and apply them to the skin. The protective properties are maintained as long as the odor is present. A carefree walk in the fresh air for 2 hours is guaranteed. In addition to essential oils, vanilla and some other products with a persistent aroma are used.

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