Most summer residents and gardeners grow batun, although there are species richer in minerals and vitamins, with tender leaves.

This, for example, is fragrant onion ( chinese garlic), growing from seeds of which is just beginning to gain popularity in Russia. Let's find out what this plant is, what varieties are recommended for home gardening, and how to grow them from seeds.

Indians, Chinese and other Asian peoples have been growing fragrant onions for a long time. Today it appears more and more often in Russian garden beds.

  • The onion is nicknamed fragrant due to the delicate smell of the inflorescences: not a single flower of other onion plants smells like this.
  • It grows tender, juicy dark green foliage that does not become coarse throughout the season, which is covered with a waxy coating.

Feathers fragrant onion grow constantly, until cold autumn days. When one feather dries up, 10 days later it is replaced by another.

  • Onions have a mild, semi-sharp flavor with hints of garlic: they contain a small amount of sugars. It is rich in vitamin C and A, contains many biological active substances, antioxidants and phytoncides.

Unlike the usual trumpet, Chinese garlic contains many more useful components.

  • Chinese garlic blooms, different long flowering, V next year. Peduncles are located on a half-meter, often lignified powerful arrow. Fragrant onions bloom with white flowers with lilac stripes, which have a very pleasant smell.

Plants do not have full-fledged onions, only small false ones, overgrown with roots that can grow 70 centimeters deep into the soil.

To plant fragrant onions, just choose suitable varieties. From the varieties that are distinguished by the growth of rich green mass, we choose the following:


Early overgrown with green onions with dark green waxy feathers reaching 30 centimeters. The leaves have a delicate scent with garlic notes.

Three cuttings per square meter yield up to 4.5 kg of fragrant greens.


The fragrant onion Aprior, which can be grown from seeds in any zone of Russia, has a medium-early ripening period and resistance to frost. Great for cooking vegetable salads, because has juicy and pleasant-tasting dark green foliage, reaching 30 cm in height and 1 cm in width.

The yield of Aprior onions ranges from 1.5 to 3 kg per square meter.


Onions are of medium ripening and can easily withstand winter. Grows long feathers up to 40 cm in height and 1.2 cm in width, which have a garlic aroma.

Up to 4.5 kg is collected from a square meter of land three times.


Fragrant Piquant onion, growing from seeds of which is quite a simple matter, belongs to mid-season varieties, whose greens are used in fresh in salads and other dishes. Produces a juicy dark green feather with a delicate, mild taste, slightly reminiscent of garlic.

The yield of the variety per 1 square meter is about 3.5 kg.


A plant with a medium ripening period, intended for fresh use. It grows a green mass about half a meter high, loosely covered with wax. The leaves of this variety grow faster than others and produce more greenery.

The yield of the Zvezdochet variety is up to 3 kg per square meter.


Fragrant onions used in salads, preparations and various dishes. One specimen grows up to 5 leaves, reaching a height of 30 cm and distinguished by the most delicate taste and subtle smell of garlic.

About 3 kg of “Djusai” variety greens are harvested per square meter of land.


Medium ripening variety for preparing salads. It grows with dark green wide feathers up to half a meter high, which have a mildly pungent taste and smell of garlic.

The yield of Chinese garlic “Caprice” per 1 square meter is about 3 kg.

We will learn how to properly grow Chinese garlic, for example, the fragrant Piquant onion, which can be grown from seeds in open ground.

Chinese garlic is grown not only as a vegetable, but also as a ornamental plant, capable of decorating any flowerbed. The released half-meter arrow blooms with an umbrella of fragrant white flowers.

Such an onion carries frosty winters with temperatures up to 45°C, and therefore is grown even in the north of the country.

Preparing the site for sowing

So that fragrant onions delight you with tenderness healthy greens And beautiful flowering, we provide him with a suitable “place of residence”:

  • Choose a sunny area with moderately moist, loose soil. If the soil is acidic, add limestone. It is good to grow Chinese garlic near berry bush: aphids and other pests will not grow on them.
  • In the fall, we dig up the soil, fertilizing it with the following mixture: wood ash(1 cup), superphosphate (1.5 tbsp.), potash fertilizer(1 tbsp) and a bucket of compost (humus). All this is calculated for 1 m² of land.

In the spring, we harrow the soil by adding ammonium nitrate - 1 teaspoon per square meter.

Sowing Chinese garlic seeds

Since the seeds of fragrant onions can germinate at 2-3 degrees of heat, and the leaves tolerate seven-degree frosts, we sow the seeds in the ground or for seedlings in early spring.

  • Into the ground. We make furrows 2 cm deep, moisten and sow the seeds.
  • For seedlings. Sow seeds in boxes with fertile soil. When 2 normal leaves appear, thin out the onion. We plant seedlings in open ground when she is 2 months old.

If you want to get onion greens next spring, sow onions for seedlings in the summer and plant them in the beds in early September.

In the first year of life, the onion forms a couple of sprouts with 3-4 feathers, in the next year - up to 8. Every year the foliage only grows.

How to care for fragrant onions

Like other onion plants, Chinese garlic needs weeding, loosening, regular watering and fertilizing.

  • Loosening onions. When loosening the rows and the space between the plants, we do not fill the onions with soil, but, on the contrary, clear them of soil, pushing it into the rows.
  • Watering the onions. If the soil is not sufficiently moistened and the onion is often forced to endure drought, its foliage will become rough and unpleasant to eat. To keep it juicy and tender, do not forget to water the plants regularly.
  • Feeding. With the emergence of seedlings, we scatter a teaspoon of urea per square meter over the ridge, pour it with warm water and spray it with Epin Extra solution, dissolving an ampoule of the product in five liters of water. After half a month, we improve the photosynthesis of onions with Ferovit by dissolving an ampoule of the product in one and a half liters of water and sprinkling the crops.

In the second year of life we ​​begin to use onion feathers in food purposes, making three to four cuttings per season, when the foliage grows to 25 cm. After cutting, fertilize the onion with nitrophoska, dissolving 2 tablespoons in a bucket of water.

We cut the greens for the last time in mid-August so that the onions have time to gain strength for the winter. Late autumn cut off the greens completely.

Now you know that allspice (Chinese garlic), which can be grown from seeds in any region of Russia, produces a lot of tasty greens during the season. The main thing is not to grow it in one area for more than four years, otherwise it will grow, weaken and produce little green feathers.

Do you like to cook rich borscht and eat it with garlic, but can’t stand the garlicky smell that comes after it? With the arrival of spring, are you feeling depressed and irritated due to vitamin deficiency? Then you should definitely introduce wild garlic into your diet - a plant that has many useful properties, will help cope with seasonal vitamin deficiency and at the same time maintain a slim figure.

This is how wild garlic, or wild onion, grows - a plant that looks like lily of the valley and tastes like garlic.

Ramson (wild onion, levurda, flask) is amazing plant, which has a certain resemblance to lily of the valley and tastes like garlic. The unusual spicy-pungent taste of wild onions is explained by the presence of pungent essential oil in the plant.

Most often, young leaves and stems of wild garlic, collected before flowering, are used in cooking. It is often used as an alternative onions, adding wild garlic shoots to vegetable soups And meat dishes. In some countries, even levurda bulbs are eaten, they bake bread and pies with it, and use it instead of basil in the preparation of savory sauces.

Cheremsha - composition

A distinctive feature of wild garlic is its specific “garlic” smell. As mentioned above, the stems, leaves and bulbs of wild onions contain essential oil and the glycoside allicin. Actually, they are the “culprits” of the specific aroma of wild garlic.

The composition of wild garlic essential oil includes substances of unknown structure, which, however, have a positive effect on human health.

And now the most interesting thing - the vitamin composition of wild garlic. First of all, we must mention ascorbic acid, the content of which in wild garlic is 100 mg per 100 grams of product. The stems and leaves of this plant contain a lot of vitamin A, PP, and B vitamins. There is also riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, fructose, phytoncides, beta-carotene, mineral salts, lysocine, which are important for maintaining human health.

Nutritional value of wild garlic

Concerning nutritional value of this product, it consists of:

  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • cellulose;
  • ash;
  • monosaccharides;
  • disaccharides;
  • organic acids.

The calorie content of wild garlic is 36 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. As you can see, the composition is balanced, and the calorie content of the product does not exceed the norm, so it is impossible to gain weight from wild garlic. That is why it is recommended to all those who are on a diet and carefully monitor their figure.

You should not “lean too much” on wild garlic - this is fraught with headaches, insomnia, diarrhea, discomfort in the stomach, exacerbation of ulcers, and the appearance of edema.

Useful properties of wild garlic

Medicinal properties This amazing product has been known to mankind since ancient times. Thus, wild garlic was used as a preparation of fungicidal and bactericidal action, consumed as prophylactic against scurvy, typhoid fever, plague and cholera. The antisclerotic, antibacterial, antifever and anthelminthic properties of wild garlic are also well known.

This amazing plant has a beneficial effect on work gastrointestinal tract, enhances intestinal motor function, increases appetite, improves metabolic processes in the body, prevents the accumulation of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, lowers arterial pressure, normalizes work of cardio-vascular system. During seasonal vitamin deficiencies, wild garlic will help restore immunity. It is also used to increase male “strength”, as remedy for hypertension, colds and atherosclerosis.

Damage to wild garlic

The main rule in the use of any product is compliance with the measure. And wild garlic is no exception. Daily intake of this healing product for an adult - up to 20 leaves. Possible side effects in case of overdose - insomnia, dizziness, stomach upset, diarrhea.

How to select and store wild garlic

When choosing wild garlic, pay attention to its leaves. They should be juicy and elastic. Otherwise, there is a high risk of buying a useless herb rather than an effective “medicine”.

In order not to confuse wild garlic with lily of the valley, the leaves of which are poisonous to humans, simply crush the leaves of the plant: if you feel a specific “abre”, it means you have wild garlic in your hands.

It is best to eat wild garlic fresh. It can be pickled and salted - this way it also retains most of its medicinal properties. But it is not recommended to freeze the plant - it may lose its beneficial qualities.

Keep fresh product needed in plastic bag in a refrigerator. The shelf life will be 3-4 days.
That’s how useful and amazing it is, wild garlic. And if you have not yet introduced it into your diet, we advise you to eliminate this omission immediately!

● Rocambole garlic is a very productive crop: plant heads can weigh from 200 to 500 grams. People also call it a “two in one” plant - garlic and onion. And here the following questions involuntarily arise: “Isn’t this a giant hybrid of modern selection?”, and “Isn’t this a genetically modified product of the West?”

● Don't worry, friends! Our scientists and ethnoscience did not find any problems with rocambole garlic. Industry experts say that we should not have any misgivings about this miracle crop because rocambole garlic is a plant cultivated in many countries around the world since ancient times.

● It is also called chives, Spanish chives and Egyptian chives. Garlic rocambole - herbaceous perennial of the onion genus: its thick stems and powerful leaves are very similar to leeks. A tall arrow with a spherical shape has formed on the stem beautiful inflorescence, reaches a height of up to one meter, or even more.

● The inflorescence is formed by many lilac flowers that look like small bells without seeds. We must remove the inflorescence immediately so that it does not take away the active nutrients at the bulb. There are fleshy scales on the surface of the bulbs. The teeth taste quite juicy, they differ in taste regular garlic- garlic-onion aroma (two in one). Babies ripen under the upper scales and on the roots.

● The plant stems, hair-covered leaves and bulbs are used by people as garlic for food. Reproduction of rocambole garlic occurs by large bulbs, as well as by its children. The product stores very well, it can be cultivated as a spring crop, but the heads will become smaller than usual.

● Care is the same as for regular garlic, you just need to water it more often so that the bulbs grow larger. Cleaning begins when they begin to dry out and turn yellow. lower leaves. Harvesting should not be delayed in order to avoid loss of children growing under the scales on the bulbs and roots.

Growing rocambole garlic

● If you decide to grow rocambole garlic, follow these guidelines. Plant it exactly the same way as winter garlic, keep in mind that when planting cloves you will receive a two-year-old crop, and for children - a three-year-old crop. Unlike regular garlic, the plant is not as frost-resistant, so be sure to cover the bed generously with mulch (manure, straw, dry grass, sawdust, etc.).

● Planting time - September-October, plant to a depth of 7-8 cm, there should be 8-10 cm between rows. You will need to clean the babies, although this is a troublesome task - they have keratinized, durable husks that prevent them from sprouting; As for the cloves, you don’t have to peel them - they have regular husks and they germinate well. Rocambola begins to bloom in June, but at this time there are no seeds yet, so cut off the arrow immediately.

● From small cloves and babies one-toothed onions will grow, and from cloves - large beautiful heads. The plant itself looks much more elegant than our ordinary garlic, and it has much more benefits.

Beneficial properties of rocambole garlic

● Rocambole garlic, as in ancient times, is considered very valuable plant not only for nutrition, but also for maintaining good health. Like in garlic and onions, it contains vitamins A and C, organic iron. Allicin, contained in ordinary garlic, is found in the same quantities in rocambole garlic.

● Moreover, rocambole garlic, unlike its counterparts, has diuretic and antiviral properties, promotes active cleansing of the blood and blood vessels; successfully treats gastrointestinal diseases and strengthens the body's defenses (immunity).

● Moreover, the plant prolongs human life by preventing aging; does not allow education free radicals, which is especially valuable for reducing the development of cancer.

● If you are bitten by a wasp or bee, immediately rub the sore spot with a rocambole garlic bulb, cut in half, and try to moisten the bite area with the juice of the plant as often as possible. The result will not be long in coming - on problem area there will be no swelling (hardening) and the pain will go away very quickly.

Your protection against osteoporosis

● Rocambole garlic, as scientists have proven, prevents thickening and hardening of blood vessels (arteries), which is considered a pathology and is medically called arteriosclerosis. Relatively recently, medical scientists in England made a sensational discovery: women who regularly consume garlic and onions are more protected from the development of femoral osteoarthritis.

● Currently, the most common disease of the joints, which affects the knee, hip joints and parts of the spine. This pathology in medicine is called osteoporosis. Osteoporosis most often affects women, the disease causes severe pain and can, in an advanced period, completely deprive the patient of the ability to move.

● English researchers are conducting intensive work to study the influence of food on the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Based on long-term clinical trials it has been proven that not a single one exists in nature effective means, in addition to surgical joint replacement and painkillers, which can alleviate the suffering of patients.

● While studying the pathology of osteoporosis, scientists concentrated on studying the protective effects of garlic and onions, whereby they found out that these plants contain a substance that reduces the number of enzymes that damage cartilage tissue. It was then that it became clear that the best remedy You won't find anything better than rocambole garlic.

● Use rocambole garlic in any form - fresh or canned. As for the leaves of the plant, they can be eaten while they are still young (not hardened); add them to salads or eat them with other foods; you can also add onions to your salad.

How French chefs dine

● Finely chop large cloves of Rocambole garlic, add a sour apple, chopped somewhat larger, season with sour cream; if desired, you can add hard-boiled egg, mashed with a fork. The recipe is wonderful because thanks to fresh apple The specific smell and taste of rocambole garlic disappears.

Bon appetit, God grant you good health!

Do you want a riddle - a plant with the smell of garlic on the leaves, but not garlic?! I'll give you a hint - the whole plant smells like garlic... Not enough? The roots of the plant also smell like garlic, but taste like horseradish, and the leaves taste like mustard.

We didn’t remember... well, nothing. This plant has been cultivated by people since the 17th century, which made it possible over time to notice not only its nutritional benefits, but also medicinal properties, and as a result, it was given a lot of names - garlic mustard, forest garlic, garlic grass, medicinal garlic, pharmaceutical garlic, petiole garlic.

A plant with the smell of garlic - spade spade - is used as a seasoning for salads with oil and vinegar, instead of horseradish and mustard. The garlic herb is used as a seasoning for meat and soups instead of ordinary garlic cloves.

Description of spadefoot spade.

Chickweed is a garlic-scented plant, herbaceous, biennial, 80 - 100 cm high. It belongs to the cruciferous family. Stems medicinal plant- solitary, pubescent below. The leaves are entire, alternate, the upper ones are oval, heart-shaped with short petioles, the lower ones are long, kidney-shaped. The flowers are white, small, with 4 petals. The fruits of spade spade are tetrahedral, long, dehiscent pods. Flowering of spade spade is observed in May - June. The Latin word for spadefoot spadefoot is Allearia petiolata.

Photo of spade spade.

Where does spade spade grow?

The plant is found in Belarus, Ukraine, the European part of Russia, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. It grows in forests, in clearings, on gravelly slopes of mountains up to the alpine zone, among bushes in gorges.

Preparation of garlic spade.

Seeds, leaves, stems and flowers are prepared for treatment.

Chemical composition of spade spade.

The thioglycoside sinigrin was found in the roots. The herb of the plant contains mustard oil, apegenin glycosides, and flavonoids. Carotene, the flavonoid alliaroside, and ascorbic acid were found in the leaves; flavonoids (apigenin diglycosides and monoglycosides) were found in the anthers and pistils.

The thioglycoside sinigrin, mustard and fatty oils were found in the seeds. Which include: linoleic, erunic, linolenic, oleic, eicosenoic, palmitic, stearic and other acids.

Medicinal properties of spade spade.

The spade spade plant has anthelmintic, diuretic, antiscorbutic, expectorant and antiseptic effects.

Use of spadefoot spade.

An aqueous infusion of the herb is used in traditional medicine as an anthelmintic, expectorant, antiscorbutic, diaphoretic, diuretic, as well as for ascites, hemoptysis, and diarrhea. An aqueous infusion of the herb is used as a diuretic and stimulant. An aqueous infusion of leaves is prescribed for bronchial asthma, scurvy, colitis, diarrhea, furunculosis, enterocolitis, as an anthelmintic, for ulcers and cancer.

Crushed seeds of garlic spade are used to make mustard plasters, from which fatty oil is obtained.

Powder of crushed leaves topically - for burns, furunculosis, cuts, bruises, ulcers.

Treatment with spadefoot spade.

Infusion of spade spade herb.

1 tsp. dry crushed garlic grass, brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, filter, consume 1 tbsp. l. 4 rub. in a day.

Contraindications for spade spade.

When taking garlic preparations internally, be careful, as this plant is poisonous.


The wild garlic plant has many other names: garlic grass, bear's onion, leverda, wild garlic, wild garlic, and it is also called flask because the root vegetable (onion head) resembles a narrow cone. The plant is related to the common onion, since it belongs to the same genus and common family Amaryllidaceae.

This herbaceous plant It looks like the usual onion, although the taste is more similar to garlic. That is why the people have developed so many names that relate to both one and another culture. The stem is strong, resembles a cylinder, and sharp leaves (up to 5-7 cm long) clasp it at the base. It produces a lot of small white flowers that bloom in different sequences, as a result of which the grass is covered with flowers collected in an umbrella almost all summer.

In total, the plant produces 2-3 leaves, sometimes only one. If you grind them, a pleasant garlic aroma appears. Externally, the leaves resemble the greenery of lily of the valley. Due to their rich composition, greens and bulbs are used in cooking and folk medicine.

Where does wild garlic grow?

Garlic grass is quite unpretentious and lives almost throughout Eurasia: in Europe from Scandinavia to the coast Mediterranean Sea, and in Russia everywhere in middle lane, in the south of Siberia and on Far East. It is also found in the tropical zone of Asia, but closer to the south it becomes much smaller, since wild garlic likes a climate that is not too hot and not too humid.

Collection and storage of wild garlic

If the summer was not very hot and rainy, then this best option for collecting garlic grass, which does not like drought and especially open sun rays.

For the preparation of medicinal raw materials, greens and flower stalks of grass are collected. They are dried on fresh air, but always under a canopy. If this is not possible, you can simply place it in a room and constantly ventilate it. Dried raw materials are stored in bags made of natural fabrics, preferably in cool conditions (possibly in the refrigerator door).

From the point of view of culinary qualities, it is generally not recommended to dry the herb, since this will cause it to lose its aroma. You can simply salt it or, after cutting, immediately put it in the coldest place of the refrigerator.

Important! The main danger that can arise when collecting wild wild garlic is that, due to inexperience, it can be confused with lily of the valley and colchicum, the foliage of which is poisonous. Therefore, if in doubt, you should definitely rub the foliage in your hands - if a garlicky smell appears, then it is definitely wild garlic.

The benefits and harms of wild garlic (video)

Chemical composition and calorie content of wild garlic

Wild garlic, like any other green, is low in calories due to the fact that it consists of 85% water. In total, 100 g contains 35 kcal, which is no more than 2.5% of a person’s total energy consumption per day.

Healing properties plants are conditioned by its rich chemical composition, presented with many useful substances:

  • vitamins A, C, group B;
  • cellulose;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • glycosides;
  • phytoncides and others.

Thanks to these substances, garlic grass has a complex effect on the body.

Medicinal properties of bear onion

  • optimizes blood concentration;
  • stimulates appetite by increasing the secretion of gastric juice;
  • helps fight intestinal infections due to its bactericidal effect;
  • regulates the activity of the heart muscle well;
  • stabilizes processes in nervous system;
  • has a good effect on skin, due to which it is used in the treatment of warts, boils and lichen;
  • has a natural effect on lowering blood pressure by clearing cholesterol from the blood.

The use of wild garlic in cooking

In cooking it is used as a green for salads and also pickled. Here are some of the most common recipes:

  1. A salad is made from a bunch of wild garlic and a few boiled eggs.– the components are finely chopped, seasoned with salt, spices to taste and always sour cream. This snack can be eaten separately, and is also very tasty if spread on a slightly dried baguette, on which you can also put small piece ham. It turns out to be a real garlic crouton.
  2. You can also use wild garlic in salads with vegetables.: for example, chop a bunch of greens with finely chopped fresh cucumbers. You can also add radishes. Be sure to season everything with salt and sour cream (other spices are optional).
  3. . Onions are taken, cut in half, soaked in water for several hours so that glycosides (substances that give a bitter taste) are released from them. Place the pieces in a jar and pour marinade (for a 3-liter jar, 70-80 grams of salt and sugar, 6 tablespoons of vinegar 9% - all this is brought to a boil and cooled).

Pickled wild garlic gives a pleasant garlic flavor to the dish, and at the same time does not give a sharp spicy aroma. It can be used for stewing vegetables and meat, as well as liquid foundation sauces.

How to grow wild garlic (video)

Ramson in folk medicine

There are a lot of recipes for using the plant. Here are the most popular:

  1. Recipe for hypertension: Blood pressure can be normalized by stabilizing the blood composition and clearing it of cholesterol. For this purpose it is made alcohol tincture: 1 mass part of fresh herbs and garlic grass flowers and 5 parts of vodka (or 2 parts of medical alcohol). Leave in a shaded place for 3 weeks. Treatment is carried out for 4 months (a teaspoon before each meal daily).
  2. To increase appetite(especially against the backdrop of a drop in general tone after illness) can be used Fresh Juice wild garlic: take a teaspoon before each meal for a month. The same prescription is prescribed for intestinal dysbiosis.
  3. For external use against warts and lichen Fresh bear onion juice is also used: clean swabs are soaked in it and applied to the affected areas for 2-3 hours. Compresses are changed constantly so that there are always fresh ingredients on the skin. The course of treatment is until complete recovery. The same tampons can be inserted into the nose and treated for ARVI (or as a preventive measure if someone in the house is sick).
  4. In the treatment of radiculitis Compresses that are made from a paste of garlic grass leaves crushed in a meat grinder help. The compresses are kept for 2-3 hours, then constantly replaced. Can be combined with mustard plasters.
  5. A decoction of wild garlic is used in the treatment of pinworms. To do this, fresh or dried leaves are brewed in the amount of half a glass of raw material per glass of boiling water. The mixture is infused for several hours, then filtered. For treatment, you should give small enemas 2 times a day until complete recovery.

About contraindications of wild garlic

  1. Pregnant and nursing mothers at any stage.
  2. Suffering from stomach ulcers, as well as ulcerative formations in the duodenum.
  3. suffering from low blood pressure.

If you greatly increase the dosage of bear onions, this will lead to approximately the same consequences as the abuse of garlic:

  • diarrhea;
  • heartburn;
  • stomach pain;
  • headaches and sleep disorders.

Thus, wild garlic has virtually no contraindications; you just need to consume it in reasonable quantities.

Growing wild garlic in a summer cottage

Since wild garlic is a perennial plant, it is better to immediately choose optimal place for planting, after which do not disturb the grass by replanting.

Technology and planting timing

When choosing a location, you should consider several nuances:

  • bear bow doesn't like open sunlight– you need to plant in places with constant slight shading;
  • The plant tolerates moisture quite well, so you can choose lowlands;
  • finally, the soil must be sufficiently fertile and well loosened.

It is best to plant in early spring, as the plant tolerates frost well.

Important! If you plant bear onions with seeds, they will sprout only after a year. Therefore, you can grow their home in boxes immediately after collection, so that warm season plant seedlings at the dacha.

How to cook wild garlic (video)

Rules of care

In general, caring for garlic grass will not take much effort, since the plant is quite well adapted to our climatic conditions:

  1. It is better to water abundantly so that the soil is always noticeably moist.
  2. Fertilizers are applied 1-2 times throughout the season, the usual amount is sufficient. complex feeding.
  3. 2 years after planting, it is advisable to mulch the grass using dried autumn leaves.

Important! Basically, wild garlic is not attacked by insects that are afraid of its garlicky aroma. If rusty spots appear on the leaves or gray mold, this indicates that the grass is receiving too much moisture or the soil is too acidic (liming should be done).

Thanks to its unpretentiousness, wild garlic has gained great popularity among gardeners. This great option in order to quickly have a snack that is not only healthy, but also very aromatic herbs. In addition, garlic grass can also be used as an emergency remedy. Therefore, bear onions should be in every garden.

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