Beautiful and unpretentious phloxes can decorate even the most exquisite garden. But there are different types of these flowers huge amount, which means that in the garden it will be possible to combine not only a whole range of shades that are different from each other, but also different shapes of petals. In the article we will look at the rules regarding how to grow phlox from seeds, cultivation in general and its aspects, caring for seedlings, as well as some other important points.

Soil preparation

As with other plants, the soil and its composition play an important role in growing seedlings. It is better to select soil rich in humus, loose and medium loamy, the acidity of which will be very low. A couple of days before planting, the soil in the box should be moistened to keep it moist. But there is no need to water immediately before planting the seeds; it is better to do it the next day.
The box for planting should be selected larger, since the root system of these plants develops quite powerful. Even if the land is purchased, it is better to check it and treat it with a weak solution of manganese five days before planting the seeds. This will act as additional protection for plants.

There is often debate about whether it is worth additionally fertilizing the soil in which the seedlings will be located. Some argue that mineral supplements are not needed, since these flowers are unpretentious and can grow in a climate that is quite harsh for flowers, while other gardeners argue that fertilizing at this stage necessary. And, as a rule, the latter turn out to be right. Whatever the phloxes, growing from seeds always involves initial stage making no large quantity fertilizers This helps support their development and promotes rapid growth.


Before you start sowing phlox, remember that you cannot bury the seeds! They germinate best if they are simply placed on the surface of the ground. They will soon sprout their first shoots and the roots themselves will be able to cling to the soil.

It is better to install a box with seedlings at first, of course, on the windowsill. At the same time, it is very important to monitor the growth process of these flowers and prevent them from drying out. And since regular watering will most likely not only wash away the seeds, but also damage them, it is better to use a spray bottle. Sprayed small drops will not harm the sprouts.

Annual and perennial flowers

Among annuals, there are also varieties that have little frost resistance. For example, Drummond phlox: growing from seeds is possible even if sowing was carried out directly into the soil in the fall. Gardeners have noticed that the appearance of the first buds is possible three weeks earlier, even compared to those bushes that were planted as seedlings. However, to achieve this effect, care must be taken to ensure that the emerging shoots do not freeze from spring frosts. If you also sowed seeds before winter, then purchase covering material in advance.

This relatively frost-resistant variety is sown by some even in December - the seeds are scattered on trampled snow, after which a thick layer of soil is poured. Insulation is done with snow - it must be placed on top in an amount of about 30 cm.
Phloxes annual cultivation from seeds are similar, regardless of the variety. The only thing is that you should not sow other types of these flowers before winter, since there is no certainty that they will sprout in the spring. The first sprouts of annual flowers can appear as early as the fifth day if all steps are performed correctly. There are several basic rules to achieve rapid emergence of sprouts:

  • Maintaining the temperature in the room where the box with seedlings is located is around 21 degrees. High humidity is also important;
  • Cover the box with film in the first days to ensure a greenhouse effect and ensure rapid seed germination;
  • Immediately after germination, it is better to adjust the soil moisture to moderate and avoid not only excessive drying out, but also abundant watering. This is important to prevent the occurrence of black rot disease, which affects the roots and the seedlings completely die;
  • An abundance of light and heat helps to grow, but you can no longer cover the seedlings with film. You should also try to turn the box with seedlings on different sides towards the sun. These measures will help to avoid phloxes from being pulled into growth;
  • Gradually you need to reduce the room temperature to 15 degrees. This simultaneously hardens the sprouts and also helps prevent them from stretching. If you decide to do this, then take into account that watering in in this case becomes a little more frequent.

Hardening of seedlings is carried out around April-May. During the period when you take out the seedlings open air, try to monitor soil moisture - this helps to avoid overheating in the root system.
Perennial phlox can be sown using the same scheme. Growing flowers of this species from seeds does not always imply the need to sow them in a nursery. In many cases, summer residents prefer perennial varieties plant immediately in flower beds and front gardens. So, it is possible to sow seeds already in early May in open ground, but this, of course, depends on the climate. Monitor the weather forecast for about a week, because for these phlox it is important that frosts at night do not damage them.

Place four seeds in each hole. The care process in this case will be almost identical to that if you planted them in nursery boxes. After sowing, you need to water them warm water, and then cover with film. This measure will ensure that humidity is maintained at good level. After two weeks you can start feeding. Of course, flowers planted immediately in open ground will be able to bloom no earlier than in a couple of months. But many summer residents believe that this is even a plus, because in this case their flowering continues until late autumn, and sometimes even until frost.

The main difference between perennial phlox and annual phlox is that the former can be sown before winter. Among annuals, this is only possible with the Drummond variety, and only because it has minimal frost resistance.
It is important to sow perennial seeds at the end of November and not earlier, because warm weather they will sprout, and tender sprouts are much more easily damaged by frost. Try to cover the sowing area with leaves, and when precipitation falls, with snow too. You can sow them even in January (but not later!), and this event will be completely similar to how the Drummond variety is planted before winter.


The picking of the resulting phlox seedlings is carried out literally two to three weeks after sowing the seeds. Why is the time period so long? This is explained by the fact that each of the sprouts will have to produce at least two leaves, and for each variety this happens at slightly different time intervals. In addition, this is also influenced by how well the plants were cared for during this entire period.

A week after picking, you need to start gradually feeding the plants. The amount of fertilizer applied is small, but it plays an important role. Nitrogen fertilizing will be of particular importance at this stage. Fertilizers of other types will need to be applied only when they are planted in the beds.
Periodically, the film that covers the seedlings should be removed to ensure the flow of oxygen to the sprouts. As for watering, during the first weeks it is better to water them with a spray bottle. Afterwards you can use a small watering can. The liquid that will be used for irrigation should be at room temperature.

Phloxes are beautiful and unpretentious, they will worthy decoration any garden, thanks to the huge variety of not only color shades, but also the different shapes petals. Therefore, today we will learn how to grow phlox from seeds, what are the tricks of growing these flowers, as well as caring for seedlings and adult plants.


The composition of the soil is important in the process of growing phlox. Humus-rich soil, loose with a small loam content for low acidity, is suitable for them. The seeds are sown in pre-moistened soil, in fairly large boxes for the free development of the powerful root system of phlox. A week before planting, we treat the soil with potassium permanganate, as for any other plant.

Soil fertilization

Despite the fact that phlox is very unpretentious and can grow even in harsh conditions for flowers, fertilizing at the stage of growing seedlings is mandatory. Fertilizer applied in small quantities will help support and accelerate development and rapid growth.


Phlox seeds are not buried, but placed on the surface of the soil, just like. It is best to place the container with seedlings on the windowsill and monitor constant soil moisture. In this case, it is best to use a spray bottle.

Annual and perennial phlox

Among annuals there are often frost-resistant varieties, such as the Drummond variety, the seeds of which can be sown directly into the soil. Moreover, they bloom three weeks earlier than flowers from seedlings. The main condition is to cover the shoots during spring frosts, especially if sowing was done before winter.

After all, the Drummond variety can be sown even in December (in November for middle zone). We trample down the snow, sow seeds and cover nutritious soil above. Apply a 30 cm layer of snow on top of the sowing.

However, not all varieties of annuals can be sown before winter, so it is better to sow in the spring, then the first shoots can germinate within a week.

Conditions for seedling growth

  • The temperature in the room with seedlings is 21 C with fairly high humidity,
  • Covering with film in the first days to speed up germination,
  • After the seedlings emerge, we greatly reduce the humidity to avoid rotting of the seedlings,
  • There should be as much light as possible, remove the film at this time, and periodically turn the container towards the light,
  • As the seedlings grow, the temperature is reduced to 15 C so that the seedlings do not stretch ahead of time,

Hardening off the seedlings

The hardening process can begin from late April - early May. At this time, seedlings should be taken outside during the day.

Sowing perennials

Practically no different from sowing annual phlox. The only difference is that perennials are most often planted directly into the ground - in a flower bed or flower garden. They do this from the end of May, focusing on the weather in your region, so that night frosts do not damage the seedlings.

Place four seeds in the sowing hole, water with warm water and cover with film. Further care the same as for seedlings sown in boxes. Feeding can begin as early as the second week.

Flowers planted immediately in the ground bloom a couple of months later, but thanks to this, flowering continues until late autumn in company with, and.

Unlike annuals, perennial phlox It is better not to sow before winter, so that they do not germinate ahead of time and die from the cold.

Seedling care

2 - 3 weeks after sowing, seedlings can be planted if they have two true leaves. It should be taken into account that different varieties, the time of appearance of leaves is different.

Feeding can begin a week after the dive. During this period, nitrogen fertilizers should be applied in small quantities. Other complex fertilizers are applied immediately after planting.

So, if you want phlox to bloom in your garden early spring until late autumn, use both methods of growing phlox - seedlings and sowing directly into the ground.

Photos of phlox

Propagation of phlox by cuttings video

You will need

  • - phlox seeds;
  • -garden soil;
  • -sprayer;
  • -polyethylene film;
  • -garden tools.


Collect the seeds. To do this, you need to determine whether they are ripe or not. This is not visible from the outside, since they are in a box. If you miss the moment, the seeds from the bursting capsule will scatter without your knowledge. In this case, there is also no point in collecting unripe seeds; they will not ripen. Therefore, drill one of the boxes with an awl and see what is in it. There should be large, dense seeds of different shades of green. Seeds are also sold in flower shops.

The seeds of perennial phlox lose their viability very quickly, so you can’t wait until spring. In addition, for normal development plant seeds must freeze. Start preparing for planting immediately after harvest. Choose an area where the flowers can grow quietly for several years. Phlox do not do well in the shade and in swampy lowlands. A place under dense tree crowns is not suitable either.

Prepare the soil. It should be loose and nutritious. on her phlox will grow well, and flowering will be long and lush. These plants do not like large amounts of sand, nor do they like heavy acidic soils. On such land, seedlings most likely will not appear at all. The flowerbed or bed must be prepared before the first frost.

Sow perennials phlox best in November-December. You can do this in January, but not later. The closer to spring, the less likely the seeds will sprout. Falling snow shouldn't scare you. Just remove it from the garden.

Place the seeds on the frozen surface of the flower bed. Optimal distance- 4-5 cm from each other. Sprinkle a thin layer of regular garden soil. It can be prepared in advance and stored in a warm room so that it does not freeze. Suitable land You can also choose it at a gardening store, where it is sold there all year round. The layer does not have to be continuous; you can simply sprinkle the seeds. Fill the bed with snow and calmly wait for spring. With this method, almost all the seeds germinate in the spring, and almost half of the plants bloom.

Growing annual phlox has its own characteristics. Prepare the bed in the same way as for perennials. This can be done in both autumn and spring. Scatter the seeds over the surface of the soil at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other. Water them with a sprayer and cover them plastic film. There is no need to cover it with soil. The film is needed every day short time remove it so that the plants can breathe a little, and also shake off the condensation from it. After germination seeds The film is completely removed.

Please note

At seed propagation perennial phloxes often lose their varietal characteristics. Therefore, it makes sense to use this method if you want to get a lot of flowers, but the variety is not important. Phlox grown from seeds also has its advantages. They are more resistant to weather conditions than their counterparts obtained from cuttings or by dividing the bush.

Seed propagation of perennial phlox is most often used in the selection process.

Instead of garden soil, you can sprinkle the seeds with sand.

Useful advice

It is better to grow perennial phlox from seeds purchased in the store in the spring through seedlings. These flowers, of course, do not really like transplanting. But if you received seeds in March-April, then plant them in boxes and then transplant them into a flower garden, as you do with other seedlings. In the first year, with this method, there may not be any flowering.

Related article

Bright phlox sow on summer cottages and city flower beds, in school flower beds and on balconies. Their name is translated from Greek as “fire”. Phlox bloom for a long time, smell pleasant and calmly tolerate any vagaries of weather. Reproduce perennials mainly by cuttings or dividing the bush. But they can also be grown from seeds. Annual varieties They reproduce mainly by seeds.

You will need

  • - phlox seeds;
  • - garden tools;
  • - a plot of land;
  • - film;
  • - unfrozen ground;
  • - watering can.


Before collecting phlox seeds, determine whether they are ripe. To do this, drill through one of the boxes with an awl and evaluate their appearance. They should be large and dense, have different shades green. The seeds of these flowers can also be purchased at flower shops.

The seeds of perennial phlox quickly lose their viability, and therefore you cannot wait until spring. In addition, for the normal development of plants planting material should freeze. Start preparing for planting immediately after harvest. Choose a site where the flowers can grow for several years. Keep in mind that they do not do well in shaded areas and swampy lowlands. And therefore, they are not allowed under dense tree canopies.

Start preparing the soil. It should be nutritious and loose. This will ensure long and lush flowering. There should not be a large amount of sand in the ground; phlox does not like heavy acidic soils. On such lands, seedlings most likely will not appear. The bed or flowerbed must be prepared before the first frost.

Video on the topic

Phlox Drummond is annual plant With unusual shape and brightly colored flowers. Planted in mixborders, flower beds or other flower beds, these phloxes will decorate any garden for a long time, as they bloom for quite a long time.

Phlox Drummond is a rather unpretentious plant, but still some recommendations when planting must be followed. For phlox, choose sunny areas with fertile soil, but the shaded areas of the garden are not suitable for him. In addition, the soil should not be acidic; if necessary, it should be limed. Drummond phloxes do not like stagnant moisture in the soil.

Reproduction of Phlox Drummond

Phlox Drummond is propagated by seeds. They are sown in early April, but sowing can be done as early as the end of March. Approximately on day 10, shoots appear. When germinating seeds, you must follow temperature regime, about 22 degrees.

Phlox seeds can also be sown directly into the ground. But such sowing is carried out in early or mid-May, when the soil is sufficiently warmed up. Having prepared small depressions and watered them, place 3-4 seeds in each and sprinkle with earth. It is advisable to cover the crops with covering material.

In late autumn you can sow seeds before winter. In this case, the plants will germinate earlier and produce more bright colors garden.

Another important point, which is worth paying attention to: fresh manure It cannot be applied under phlox. Otherwise, instead of bright, beautiful flowers You will only have to admire the greenness of the leaves. To extend the flowering period, it is recommended to remove faded flowers in time.

Phlox Drummond - excellent plant for borders, ridges and mixborders. And the shortest varieties will look great as ground cover plants.

Phlox of various colors will decorate any flower bed. There are species that bloom in spring, summer and autumn. The planted varieties will change without ceasing to delight with their colors. Planting and growing phloxes is not difficult, the main thing is to know a few important rules and put them into action.

How to plant phlox in spring? Choose one of 3 methods: dividing bushes, using cuttings, into seedlings. Flower seeds quickly become unusable, so you should not delay planting and it is better to purchase them in a specialized store.

How to plant phlox: 3 effective ways

Phloxes do not like the bright rays of the sun, which make the colors of the buds dull. A place that is too dark does not have enough light for growth. The best option– plant the flower in partial shade. Before starting work, you need to prepare the soil, the acidity of which should be neutral or slightly salted.

Then dig up the ground to a depth of 30 cm, remove the weeds and make the beds. Sow the prepared area only after the soil has settled. At the end of autumn or early winter, place the seeds in the ground, with an interval of 5 cm. Sprinkle the seeds with prepared soil or store-bought soil. If snow has already fallen, make a small snowdrift on top.

It is better to divide bushes early spring or at the end of August. Carefully dig up the phlox and remove excess soil. Divide the plant into parts so that they have growth buds. Place the flower root in the prepared shallow hole and cover with soil.

Propagation by cuttings. Cut a healthy stem and divide it into sections with two nodes. Make cuts under the bottom node and slightly above the top one. Plant the cuttings in soil fertilized with leaf humus, mixed with sand and watered.

How to grow phlox

To grow luxury phlox, you need to take care of them. Flowers do not like dry soil and especially need moisture during the flowering period. They need to be watered right under the bush, without touching the buds. Water the planted cuttings 2-3 times a day for several weeks. In order for the flowers to bloom beautifully and for a long time, nourish the soil with various fertilizers.

The first stage of feeding begins after the snow melts. At this stage, the flower needs nitrogen and water. The fertilizer is diluted in liquid and added to the soil or poured dry and then watered from a watering can. Manure or chopped grass – nice view feeding. At the second stage, the formation of a bud and the appearance of flowers begins. During this period, the plant needs potassium and phosphorus more than nitrogen.

Feeding begins at the end of spring with complex mineral fertilizers. This can be a mixture of mullein with potassium humate or with ash. At the last stage, the seeds ripen and prepare for winter, so phlox needs phosphorus. Feeding is carried out in June potash fertilizers, and in some cases urea solution.

Excess nitrogen supplements make the plant more susceptible to various infections, for example, powdery mildew. This is the most common disease when the leaves become covered with white spots and then dry out. In this case, prophylaxis with a solution is necessary soda ash or a mixture copper sulfate and soap.

Now you know phloxes and theirs. If you properly care for flowers, they will bloom long and luxuriantly.

Phlox drummond is the only one of the large family of phlox that is grown in annual crop. It has a wide variety of colors, plant heights, long flowering. Phlox will always be appropriate in a mixborder, in border ribbons, or in creating bright spots in flower beds.

How to sow seeds?

Phlox sowing is carried out in March - April. The seeds are small, about 2.5-3 mm in size, so sow them superficially, lightly sprinkling them with earth or vermiculite. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself or buy it ready-made in the store. The main thing is that it is not heavy and allows water to pass through well. To avoid fungal diseases, soil mixture spilled in advance with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or a solution of phytosporin. Allow to air a little so that the seeds lie in moist soil and not in a “swamp”. Seeds germinate in the dark. Shoots appear on average from 5 to 12 days. Newly emerged seedlings need good lighting, low temperature (15-18°C) and moderate watering.

How to care for seedlings?

The grown seedlings emerge after 15-20 days. The main point in growing phlox is moderate watering"kids". Overwatering provokes the appearance of root rot. And phloxes are very sensitive to excess moisture in the soil.

Feeding can be given a week after picking the seedlings. Use aqueous solution nitrogen fertilizer for growth. Then after 7-14 days, depending on the condition of the plants, they are fed complex fertilizer by dissolving it in water. Suitable fertilizers are rastvorin, uniflor rost, fertika lux.

When to plant seedlings in a flower garden?

Phlox frummonda is a light-loving and heat-loving plant. For it, soils that are loose, fertilized, sufficiently moist and warmed by the sun are desirable. Seedlings can be planted as early as May. Phloxes are not afraid of light spring frosts. Plants are planted at a distance of 12-30 cm from each other, depending on height and habit. Low growing varieties by the time of planting in May they may already have buds. Tall varieties will bloom in June.

Features of plant care.

Phlox are low-maintenance plants. But flowers do not like prolonged rainy weather. When the summer heat sets in, phloxes need watering. For long flowering It is necessary to remove faded inflorescences. For better bushiness and compactness, the tops of plants are pinched. Phloxes delight with their flowering for 2.5-3 months.

Ficus– attractive house plant, which is easy to grow yourself from seeds. To do this, you must comply certain rules and care recommendations.

Transplant the ficus shoots into separate containers with a diameter of 8-10 cm. Plastic cups are perfect for this. As the plant grows, select containers with large diameter.

Place the plant in a bright room, avoiding direct hit sun rays. Remember: ficuses absolutely cannot tolerate drafts, even in very hot weather. And poor lighting of the plant can destroy leaves and shoots.

Don't forget to water your plant. To do this, use well-settled water at room temperature.

Growing perennial phlox from seeds: detailed plan actions

Phloxes from seeds are unpretentious and universal plants, they are used in landscape design. Flowers vary color scheme. Prevail perennial species, living up to 60 years. There is an annual plant - Phlox Drumond. To grow a lush flower garden, learn about the care features.

Reproduction and sowing

Source: Depositphotos

Growing perennial phlox from seeds

Annual plants reproduce only by seeds. And perennial phlox - in 3 ways:

  • using seeds: sowing in spring, autumn and early winter;
  • by dividing the root system: planted in the spring, used to rejuvenate the plant;
  • using cuttings: select strong, young shoots, plant them in the soil, cover them with a jar, water them and wait for development.

Sowing is carried out immediately on the site late spring. If there is snow, the area is cleared and sown on the surface of frozen soil every 5 cm, covered with 2 cm of soil and covered with a cover of snow. 70% of the planted plants germinate in the spring. The appearance of 2 leaves signals the need to replant at a greater distance - 20 cm between crops.

IN spring sowing 4 seeds are immersed in each hole, covered with soil, watered and covered with film until the first shoots. After 2 weeks after germination, fertilize with nitrophoska.

For seedlings use boxes or peat pots. The seeds are placed on the surface. Cover the top with film. Comfortable temperature- from +10 to +18 °C. Refresh with a spray bottle. Peat gives strength to plants and increases decorative properties.

Planting from seeds and care

Sow seeds every season. The planting time determines the cultivation method. Standard plan for growing phlox:

  1. In February, seeds are planted in containers.
  2. After 2–3 leaves appear, the seedlings are picked.
  3. At the beginning of May, the seedlings are taken outside for hardening.
  4. In May-June, the seedlings are transferred to open ground.
  5. In July, pinch the stem above 5 leaves.
  6. From May to September they are fed with fertilizers.
  7. In October, phloxes are cut off and the soil is enriched with peat.

After planting the seedlings, the soil is constantly loosened and watered for 2 weeks every 3 days. Grass is laid between the rows to prevent weeds and retain moisture. For regular and rich flowering, faded buds are removed.

In May, once every 3 years, the plant is removed and divided root system. For the winter, perennials are covered with peat. In winter, with a layer of snow more than 50 cm, the plants are not covered. Flowers suffer from its absence.

Insecticides are used against pests for preventive purposes.

At correct landing and proper care, phlox will delight you with flowers of rich colors.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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