From various options The most common operating mechanisms for rim locks are the following:




We will consider these three types in detail in the article.

How does a cylinder lock work?

The cylinder security mechanism has several unofficial names, such as grub, giblet, quilt and snail.

It should be called correctly cylinder mechanism security standard DIN. DIN is the name of the German standard that sets criteria for profile dimensions, as well as driving parts of the cylinder mechanism.

The lock cylinder contains several spring-loaded split pins of varying lengths. Their number ranges from five to twenty-four. Depending on the degree of secrecy of the cylinder mechanism, the pins have different shapes and positions. In order for the key to turn in the cylinder and open door lock, it is required that the pins take a strictly defined position and their cuts coincide with the junction of the fixed and moving parts of the cylinder.

This process occurs when the pins come into contact with the indentations on the bit of an English key or when they enter the holes of a key called a hole key or punched card.

The cylinder wrench circuit includes the following elements:

1. core with a shaped through groove;

2. a round or shaped body having a through opening for the core and a line of through grooves located relative to the grooves of the core;

3. lever pins of different lengths, corresponding to the key profile;

4. lever pins of the same length, loaded into the channels of the lock body - they are called a magazine;

5. spiral springs corresponding to the number of magazine pins;

6. one or more plugs - this ensures that the grooves of the cylinder body are covered after the lock is assembled.

Depending on the specific core, a rim lock with a cylinder mechanism can provide all degrees of protection - from the minimum level to the highest, fourth class.

Rescue plates - lever-type lock

This lock is based on a stack of spring-loaded flat plates complex shape, called suvalds. Each plate has a slot having a straight central part and many side branches of varying lengths.

When the key is turned, its bits raise the lever to a certain height and the slots in the plates line up in a row. As a result, the comb moves, the bolts move and the lock opens (closes).

The more lever plates, the more difficult it is to open the lock. The secrecy of a lock can be assessed by the wings of the key - the more prominent the wings, the higher the secrecy.

Disc mechanism, recognized throughout the world

Lastly, let's look at the disk, or balanced, mechanism, invented by Emil Henrikson at the beginning of the last century.

This mechanism became famous thanks to the Finnish corporation Abloy - this name has become a household name and is firmly associated with the disk mechanism.

The principle of operation of a disc rim lock is as follows: several coded disc elements are placed in the mechanism cup, rotating around an axis. When the key is inserted into the disk mechanism all the way and turned, each disk takes a certain position and a code groove is formed in the glass, corresponding to the balance. The balance goes completely into the body of the glass and the lock opens.

Today almost all manufacturers door locks Locks are produced by disk-balance locks, which differ in diameter, material, number of disks, etc.

A disc rim lock is highly resistant to rust, moisture, dust and other aggressive environments, but cannot reliably resist forceful burglary.

However, whatever your choice, remember that all locks offered by NORMA are created by professionals and can reliably protect your home from intrusion by thieves.

Device door lock must be reliable to protect against burglary and unauthorized entry into the premises. The level of security depends on the type of lock and the secret mechanism that provides security.

Types of door locks

Depending on the design, the lock can be:

The body of the mortise lock is completely built into the door leaf. Such a device has a sufficient level of home protection against burglary and penetration. The invoice is attached to the door leaf from above or can be partially recessed into it. The hinged locking mechanism may have different size and design. It consists of a cylindrical arch and a body with a secret and comes in:

  • small;
  • average;
  • big.

Choice of mortise, overlay or padlock depends on which door it will be installed on.

All mechanical locks have the following components:

  • body that hides secret mechanism castle;
  • bolt or bolt;
  • core (cylinder mechanism) into which the key is inserted.

Inside the cylinder there is a secret lock mechanism, which differs depending on its type.

The locking mechanism of a plastic, metal or wooden entrance door can be cylindrical, lever-less or lever-type. In addition, there is also combination locks, screw, with codes and locking mechanisms on interior doors. Thus, there are a lot of devices to ensure safety and peace of mind. In order to have an idea about the features and design of each of them, we will consider all these types of locks in more detail.

Cylinder lock device

The cylinder lock is opened with a small key that has teeth on one side different shapes and size.

A cylinder lock can be mortise or padlock and have the following components:

  • top and bottom pins;
  • spiral springs that activate them and return them to their original state after removing the key from the cylinder.

The cylinder lock mechanism rotates, driving the bolt, only when the pins are flush with the surface of the cylinder. This is achieved if “your own” key is inserted into the key groove, which allows you to assemble them in the desired position. If you insert a “foreign” key into the cylinder mechanism, the pins inside will be positioned incorrectly, which will not allow you to turn it and open the lock.

The design of the cylinder door lock can be single or double. Single mechanisms are used for door locks that can only be opened from the outside with a key. Double ones are designed for those locks that are controlled by a key on both sides.

Lever lock mechanism

The lever lock is considered one of the most reliable among all locking devices for entrance plastic, metal or wooden door. Its secret lies in a group of plates or levers that have cutouts various shapes. Each of them corresponds to the protrusions and recesses on the key, which allow you to assemble the plates in the desired way and open the lock.

The reliability of a lever lock depends on the number of levers. Each individual option for placing level plates that differ along the contour is called a series. Increasing the number of levers with different locations protrusions and depressions, you can increase the number of series. For a lock with three plates it is 6. For four-lever locks, a set of plates gives, respectively, 24 different series. In locks that have two rows of levers, the number of series reaches up to 150. Double-bit keys are used to open them.

The principle of operation of a lever lock is similar to a cylindrical one, only the role of pins in it is played by steel plates. To increase protection, to make it more difficult to assemble the plates and make it difficult to open the lock with a random key, the cutouts of the levers are made of different sizes, and the plates themselves are of different thicknesses.

Bessuvaldny castle

The structure of a leverless lock is characterized by only one plate, so this lock is considered the most unreliable. Therefore, experts recommend installing it on internal doors.

The secrecy of lever-less locking devices is provided by the configuration of the shape of the key slot. In addition, on the base of the lock, opposite the key slot, there are barrier plates or annular projections. They are made in the form of concentric circles, to bypass which special slots are made along and across the grooves of the keys.

Code lock

The combination lock can be electronic or mechanical. For electronic prerequisite work is to connect to electrical network or autonomous source nutrition. Mechanical is easy to install and use. In addition, it is easy to reprogram if necessary.

The combination lock circuit is a bolt that is activated when the required combination of numbers is pressed in the case of a mechanical operating principle of the device. For electronic locks you need to enter a secret combination or use a magnetic key.

Electronic devices are more reliable than mechanical ones and are widely used on entrance doors to offices, buildings and residential apartment buildings.

Locks on interior doors

The lock can be installed not only on the entrance, but also on interior door. However, it is difficult to call them full-fledged locking devices, because any lock must have a secret that provides at least minimal protection. But locks on interior doors do not have such a secret. They include the following components:

  • handles and external decorative trims;
  • crossbar driven by a handle;
  • locking mechanism.

The interior door has no internal structure. Through it you can reach the internal latch and unlock the mechanism connected to the handle and preventing the door from opening freely.

Knowing what locks are made of and having an idea of ​​their operating principle, you can choose more confidently locking device, on which your safety and the safety of your personal property depends.

If we talk about the structure of the door lock, we can highlight fundamental differences for its different types. Today, apartments and houses are equipped with the most various designs, which can protect your home from thieves and at the same time are convenient to use. In order to become better acquainted with the range of fittings for entrance and interior doors and their features according to GOST, it is worth considering individual types of products in more detail.

Today there is a huge variety of door locks.

Types of castles

First of all, you should understand the classification of locks and their description according to GOST. There are several main criteria by which differences are determined individual species accessories.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish between locks for entrance and interior doors; their design may be similar in some respects, but in general they are completely different elements.

If we talk about installation methods, it is worth highlighting the following varieties:

  • Overhead. These are the simplest models used for installation on entrance doors. They are attached directly to the canvas and are usually not equipped with a handle. Doing this kind of work with your own hands is not possible. special labor.
  • Mortise. These include the vast majority of modern locks for both entrance and interior doors. The mortise lock, according to GOST, is inserted inside the blade and can be connected to the handle.
  • Built-in. Installed during manufacturing door leaf and is directly his integral part. This ideal option for a metal entrance door.

Types of door locks depending on the installation method

The structure of almost any door lock is based on the presence of the following elements:

  • secret mechanism (larva);
  • retractable crossbars;
  • pen;
  • halyard tongue;
  • overlay panel.

Locks for interior doors are usually limited to a simple latch, without a secret mechanism. At the same time front door cannot be left without reliable locking hardware. All products are classified according to the level of secrecy and degree of reliability. Belonging to one class or another determines the number of available secret combinations. The more there are, the more difficult it is to break into the door with a master key. In addition, there is a separate category of burglar-resistant models. Some of them cannot be opened without the original key.

An example of a pin-type cylinder lock design

In order to delve deeper into this issue and do right choice When purchasing, you need to consider the types of larvae according to GOST in more detail.

Lock mechanism

So, what does an entrance door lock consist of? The main part is the larva, it is the very mechanism that ensures the blocking of the structure in the opening and prevents strangers from entering the room.

The following models are distinguished:

  • cylinder;
  • levelers;
  • disk;
  • crossbars;
  • crusades.

Door lock options depending on the locking mechanism

Cylinder. These are the most common products, the secret part of which is located in a part similar to a cylinder. The so-called device English castle the following: inside the cylinder there are pins that block the mechanism in closed position. The key has notches that move these pins according to the diagram and allow you to turn the mechanism.

Level ones. These products are very reliable. The design of a lever door lock involves the presence of levers inside the mechanism. The key has the shape of a so-called butterfly or soldier and, when turned, raises them to the level specified by the coding.

Disk. This is not the most reliable option, but nevertheless it can be used. The key looks like a rod cut in half with several notches. Inside the lock, this key turns the discs, forming a tunnel and releasing the mechanism.

Crossbars. The device of such a door lock is equipped with a latch with reverse side. Today, such options are rarely used due to their unreliability. The essence of the device is the presence of two crossbars, which are pulled back with a special key or latch.

Crusades. The weakest type, the key has a cross shape. The larva can be opened with a Phillips screwdriver or any other suitable object.

Mortise and built-in locks

According to GOST, one of the types of door lock designs is mortise model. Such products are used almost everywhere. The peculiarity of the mortise lock device is that its main part cuts into the door leaf. Only the turnkey well, handle and decorative panel, hiding the attachment points.

Inserted mortise lock according to GOST, at the end of the canvas, and its counterpart has the form of a plate and cuts into the box opposite. This principle is used to install a mortise system on a door made of any material.

A more advanced version is a built-in lock. Unlike a mortise one, it is placed inside the canvas during the production process and cannot be easily removed. Only the crossbars come out through holes cut to fit their shape. The peculiarity of such models is that the number of crossbars can be simply huge, and they are located not only on the side, but also below and above to completely block the door in the opening.

Built-in locks are usually used on metal entrance doors

Overhead structures

The design of a padlock can be called simpler. Today they are used less and less. A special feature of the overhead door lock is that, according to GOST, it is attached to the door leaf without additional recess. The system consists of two parts: the main part contains a cylinder and a latch on one side, the well goes out on the back side. The second part is the response panel where the crossbars go.

The mating part is also overhead, so if you do the installation yourself, it must be conveniently placed on the frame exactly opposite the exit of the pins.

Overhead lock model

Interior models

If we consider the question of how the design of door locks works, we should definitely consider interior models. The design of a standard interior door lock can be distinguished in separate category, since, unlike previous models, these products have a special design.

The circuit of such a door lock is combined with a handle. In this case, in addition to the latch, there is an exit to the handle, which sets the halyard tongue in motion due to its connection with the rotary pin rectangular section. Depending on the type of handle, such mechanisms are divided into three categories:

  • rotary round;
  • nobs;
  • push.

Types of locks for interior doors

Device interior lock almost completely coincides with the mortise design, but here the exit under the handle often has more space. It is impossible to make a high-quality lock on a door with your own hands without certain skills, but understanding their structure will be useful for every owner.

The more reliable the lock, the more complex its design. This rule does not work in all cases, and in a number of situations it happens exactly the opposite. But one thing is for sure, if there is a need to assemble or disassemble a locking device, you need detailed diagram door lock. In our article we will discuss the features of assembling door locks with your own hands, and you will understand that this work not as complicated as it seems at first glance.

Getting ready to assemble the door locking device

Typically, installing or repairing a lock requires assembly and disassembly. Before installation, the lock is disassembled to ensure that there are no defective elements of the secret mechanism and to remove foreign objects from it. Well, in order to carry out repairs, it is simply impossible to do without disassembling the lock.

Many ordinary people, when trying to disassemble the lock, make a common mistake, which leads to the fact that they are then unable to put all the parts of the device together. It would seem, what could be more stupid? But in fact, according to experts who often have to communicate with such “would-be masters,” this happens all the time.

You can get into trouble even if the locking device was disassembled without removing the housing from the door leaf, simply for preventive cleaning of the mechanism from dust. If you don't notice a spring that accidentally flew out of the depths of the secret, you have a problem. To avoid such troubles, you should not rush to open the lock body. First, take out a very important item called a door lock circuit, naturally the one you are disassembling.

If the diagram did not come with the lock, you can get it on the Internet. After studying the diagram, you will know:

  • completeness of the elements contained in the device body;
  • their location;
  • about how one element is attached to another;
  • what are the functions of each element.

The locking device diagram is not all that we may need to disassemble and reassemble it. You can't disassemble the lock with your bare hands; you need tools and lubricant.

  1. Screwdrivers that need to be selected in accordance with the fasteners used in the lock.
  2. The original key, which will be required to check the functionality of the secret mechanism.
  3. Tweezers, awl and magnifying glass. Tools required for working with small parts.
  4. Special lubricant recommended by the manufacturer, or WD-40. It is also good to use graphite powder for lubrication.
  5. Depending on the purpose of assembly/disassembly, you will need: components for the lock to repair it, a brush or vacuum cleaner to remove dust, and so on.

General procedure for assembling/disassembling a cylinder lock

If you do not touch the cylinder itself, that is, the secret part of the locking device, then disassembling such a lock costs nothing. The larvae fail quite often and there are many reasons for this, but a replacement for a broken security mechanism is not difficult to find. Most cylinder locks There are three essential structural elements:

  • frame;
  • crossbars;
  • larva.

No matter how powerful the lock's body and crossbars are, they are nothing without the cylinder. After all, it is the larva that is the secret mechanism that controls the crossbars. To replace the cylinder, you need to open the door and carefully inspect the end part of the door leaf in the area of ​​the exit holes for the crossbars. It is there that, most likely, there is a small fastener, holding the cylinder in the body, so as not to make a mistake, check the diagram.

Important! Before unscrewing the cylinder fasteners, check that the lock is in the open position.

After unscrewing the fastening element (if there is only one), for easy removal of the cylinder, insert the key into the keyhole. Then, turning it a little to the side, remove it together with the larva from the bowels of the lock. If the larva does not come out the first time, try shaking it a little.

To install a new cylinder, you only need to repeat the work procedure in reverse order. It is much more difficult when you need to disassemble the cylinder, for example, in order to recode it, or in order to make a key using it. This is not to say that it is impossible to disassemble the larva, but without special devices It's better not to take this on. Experts advise people who do not have experience to try to do the work in the following order.

  1. We remove the cylinder from the lock body.
  2. We remove the locking ring.
  3. We insert the key into the keyhole and turn it approximately 180 degrees.
  4. Using two knitting needles, we fix the pins located at the bottom of the secretion.
  5. Now we take out the top pins and perform the necessary actions.

We disassemble/assemble the lever lock with our own hands

The secret of a lever lock is much larger in size than the cylinder of a cylinder locking device. It is much easier to gain access to the elements of the secret, which means that such a lock can be completely assembled and disassembled without special tools. However, before dismantling the secret, check the diagram, because the position of the lever plates in different locks may differ.

To parse lever lock You need to prepare a screwdriver, suitable lubricant and rags. First of all, we unscrew the fasteners holding the lock body cover. We remove the cover, thereby exposing the secret mechanism and other elements located in the case. We will be interested in a spring-loaded stack of metal plates with fancy cutouts, this is the secret of the lock.

We move the springs to the side and remove the stack of plates from the body. Please note that the plates are threaded on special fasteners and are in direct contact with the shank post. This makes reassembling the plates any other way a rather difficult task.

Having performed the necessary manipulations with the plates, we put the secret back together. The plates in the stack are arranged in a certain order; changing this order will lead to the recoding of the secret. This means you need to assemble the plates in the same sequence. We insert the plates one at a time into the fastening elements of the secret and spring them one by one. Once all the elements are installed, you can close and screw the lock housing cover.

Many people are quite relaxed about assembling a lock, considering this activity to be very simple. In fact, such work hides many pitfalls. To get around them, you need to use the following expert advice.

  • After self-assembly Don't forget to check the lock's functionality by inserting the keys into it.
  • Check the arrangement of elements inside the lock according to the diagram.
  • Do not overtighten the fasteners, this may disrupt the operation of the secret.
  • The levers should be fastened in the lock tightly enough; if they fall out, it means you did something wrong.
  • If you find damaged elements in the lock, replace them; if replacements are not found, change the lock. Never install a faulty locking device on a door.

If you are thinking about how to assemble a door lock, this diagram will help you. After all, it is the diagram for a specific locking device that contains comprehensive information that you need for its successful assembly/disassembly. Remember also that you don’t always need to delve into the depths of the castle yourself and waste time on a problem that you cannot solve. Trust such work to specialists, do not be stingy.

If a lock is called reliable, be prepared for the fact that its design will be quite complex; however, there are a number of exceptions to the rules. One thing is certain, if there is a need to assemble or disassemble the lock, you will need a diagram of the device.

Preparing for assembly

As a rule, in order to repair a door lock or mortise lock, you first need to disassemble it. Before installing a new device on the door, it is disassembled in order to exclude defects or to remove a foreign body (if any). In order to repair the lock, it must be will have to take it apart.

It often happens that amateur repairmen disassemble the device for the purpose of repair, but after that they cannot put it back together. From the outside it looks quite funny and absurd, but experts say that this happens quite often.

You can find yourself in such an absurd situation even when the lock is not removed from the door, but is partially disassembled for cleaning or lubrication. It is enough for one spring to be missing and the device will not function correctly. In order to avoid such a situation, there is no need to rush to open the device case. First you need to get the device diagram and study it carefully. As a rule, the diagram comes complete with the lock; if it is lost, you can look it up on the Internet. The scheme will allow you to study:

  1. Complete set of components and their location.
  2. The principle of fastening elements.
  3. Functionality of each component.

The scheme is not the only thing that may be required. The locking device cannot be disassembled with bare hands, so you will have to prepare special tool:

  • screwdriver;
  • the original key that opens the secret mechanism;
  • tweezers, awl;
  • lock lubricant.

Procedure for assembling and disassembling devices

In principle, disassembling the lock itself is not difficult, if you do not touch the secret device itself. Small components fail quite often due to various reasons, but replacing them is not difficult. Most cylinder locks have three main elements:

  1. Frame.
  2. Rigel.
  3. Larva.

The main one in this composition can be called the larva, since without it the first two elements are nothing. It is the larva that is the secret element that controls the crossbars. To replace the cylinder, you need to open the door and carefully examine the end of the door leaf in the area of ​​the exit holes for the crossbars. It is in that place that the fastening component is located, which holds the cylinder in the housing.

As soon as the fastening part is removed, the key must be inserted into the keyhole and the cylinder removed. After the replacement is completed, assembly is carried out in the same way, only in the reverse order.

The work will be more difficult if you need to disassemble the larva itself. This is usually done for recoding or for making a key using it. It cannot be said that this cannot be done, it just requires a special tool, without which it is better not to undertake this work. If you don’t have such experience yet, then it’s better to stick to the following scheme:

  1. You need to remove the cylinder from the body.
  2. We take out the retaining ring.
  3. We insert the key into the hole and turn it 180 degrees.
  4. Using two knitting needles, we fix the pins that are located at the bottom of the secretion.
  5. After this, you can take out the top pins and perform all the necessary actions.

Nuances in assembling locking devices

Many people believe that reassembling a lock after repair is quite simple and underestimate the complexity of this work. In fact, everything is much more complicated than it might seem at first glance. By adhering to the following tips, you can avoid all the nuances that may arise during this work:

  1. After you have assembled the lock yourself, do not forget to check its functionality using a key.
  2. The location of the internal elements must match the diagram.
  3. Do not overtighten the fasteners, as this may negatively affect the operation of the entire device.
  4. If non-working elements are found, they must be replaced. If this is not possible, replace the entire locking device.

As a rule, locking devices are not installed on interior doors. It uses a regular handle for fixation.

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