Any garden can be imagined as a combination of three components: an ornamental garden, a vegetable garden and an orchard. Each of these components has its own work plan in winter. So, here's what you need to do in the garden in winter.


Make a fruit crop and write a list of the seeds you need. Start purchasing seeds gradually. At the dacha, inspect all the equipment you have, decide what needs to be repaired, what needs to be replaced, and what additional tools need to be purchased. Also decide on the necessary fertilizers and special products for vegetables. Take care of future seedlings.

All this will need to be purchased in advance, without waiting for the dacha “boom”. When arriving at the site, regularly throw snow on the beds in the garden, and do the same with the greenhouse. If you have a basement, inspect it regularly - how are vegetables and potatoes stored there? Go through them, check how the blanks are preserved. Control the temperature and humidity in the basement: be sure to open the ventilation grilles during the thaw, and close them and add additional insulation during cold weather.

In February, start preparing the seeds of pepper, eggplant, celery, perennial vegetables and herbs for planting: sort, warm, soak before sowing, if necessary. At the end of the month it’s time to sow them for seedlings. Those who grow celery should also sow it. Accumulate a variety of “fertilizers”: stale bread, drunken tea, eggshells, potato peelings, expired cereals.


While the garden is sleeping, think about what other fruit and berry crops you would like to plant? You need to take care of all this in advance, since at the end of winter there will be many garden fairs where you can buy all this. When arriving at the site, note the air temperature and monitor. If there is not enough snow, throw it on the soil between the trees, in circles around the trunks. Or you can insulate them with peat, sawdust, or spunbond. Just not spruce branches or straw - these materials attract mice. , but better not on fruit trees. Fallen crumbs and seeds will also certainly attract mice to the garden. It is better to hang pieces of lard for tits on fruit trees. It is best to do this using wire hooks - the thread may break.

Particularly severe frosts can occur in February, but usually there is a lot of snow at this time, so the root system of plants is no longer threatened by frost. Carefully inspect the bark to see if there are frost holes anywhere. In the spring they will definitely need to be covered. When arriving at the site after snowfalls, be sure to trample the snow under the trees - this measure will protect them from attacks by mice, which are especially “active” in February. At the end of the month the sun often appears, it is very warm during the day, and there are severe frosts at night. Be careful, the bark can get burned, so check that the whitewash on the trunks is intact. If not, then the trunks need to be additionally tied with at least thick paper. Trees on the eastern and southeastern sides of the site may be especially affected. Periodically check how fruits are stored in the basement, sort them out, and if your basement is very dry, place 1-2 buckets of water there.

Decorative garden

And in the decorative garden, winter is the traditional time of planning for the next gardening season. Flower beds and rock gardens are an element of garden design, so it would be best if you schematically “plan” them on paper in advance. For example, what shape and size will your flower beds be and what kind of flowers would you like to plant in them? Don’t forget that you need to decorate both the alpine slide and the shoreline of the pond, if you have one on your site. Or maybe it's worth it? Detailed planning will also help you make a list of the necessary seeds, planting materials, small architectural forms and accessories needed to make your dream come true.

Or maybe your garden needs redevelopment? It often happens that there is not enough space to accommodate everything you want. Think about whether there are “reserves” somewhere that are not noticeable at first glance, discard stereotypes - maybe these same “reserves” will be found in unusual places that you have never thought about. When arriving at the site, be sure to clear the paths and paving from snow: firstly, it will be convenient to move around the garden, and secondly, spring will come to the cleared garden earlier. When clearing paths and paving, throw snow on plantings of ornamental and rare plants, on an alpine hill, but not on the lawn - the lawn does not need excess snow. Be sure to clear away the snow so that the branches do not break under the weight of the snow. Check whether the covers or straps have been torn off from those conifers that are to be covered.

In February you will need to buy flower seeds, and at the end of the month, planting material. Check whether all the equipment for working in the flower garden is in working order, or maybe something needs to be purchased additionally or replaced. Also purchase flower fertilizers. At the end of February, you need to start the first sowings: sow perennial flowers, salvia, petunia, lobelia, cineraria and ageratum for seedlings.

Please note: small flower seeds, such as petunia seeds, should be sown on the surface of the soil without covering them with anything, and only when shoots appear can they be carefully sprinkled with a thin layer of soil. Do not forget that before sprouting, any flowers need to be watered abundantly, put the pots in a warm place and put plastic bags on top.

Despite the cold and frost, winter work in the garden can be carried out in December and January. Only the most inexperienced summer residents and gardeners believe that with the beginning of winter, snow falling and a steady drop in air temperature to negative values, they can completely forget about their plot until next spring. In fact, next year’s harvest largely depends on how the plot (vegetable garden) was cared for throughout the winter. Let us therefore consider the most important winter work in the garden that must be performed so that the future harvest will pleasantly surprise the owner of a summer cottage or personal plot.

From the moment the first snow falls, it is necessary to begin regularly carrying out snow retention work on the site, installing fences from scrap materials in the right places. In the absence or insufficient amount of snow, it is necessary to take care of perennial plants by covering them with a layer of sawdust, leaves or needles and constantly monitoring the condition of the plants in the event of increased frost.

Obviously, the relevance of certain summer cottage works in winter will depend on the geographical location. for example, here in Georgia, in some areas it is still possible to plant trees and shrubs before winter, to prepare the soil for a vegetable garden, since there is no snow yet, and there have been no frosts yet.

Winter crops and winter crops of flowering plants must also be protected from birds, especially crows, who love to destroy such beds in snowless winters. Perennial vegetable crops (especially root crops) are also susceptible to attacks by rodents, which must be combated by placing poisonous baits in and around holes.

The beginning of winter is a good time to fight mole crickets, which most like to spend the winter in warm manure. It is necessary to set up traps in the garden in the form of small but fairly deep holes filled with manure, and then, after waiting for a steady frost, scatter the manure in a thin layer over the area along with the insects gathered there so that they freeze out.

In December and January, it is most convenient and profitable to stock up on components for soil mixtures (soil, sand, compost, peat, sawdust, etc.), since the price for them at this time is usually minimal. The same applies to seeds, cuttings and seedlings (if there is somewhere to store them in the winter), root crops for winter forcing of greenery.

Many summer residents plant a winter garden on the windowsill. So I have several containers of leafy lettuce. Buying lettuce leaves is not a problem, but these are your own! Accordingly, in order to get fresh vitamin greens of onions, parsley, beets or salad for the New Year, Christmas and other winter holidays, it’s time to start forcing them in December, especially since the quality of the root crops offered for sale in December is the highest, because they cannot yet be damaged by improper storage, severe frosts, etc.

Finally, in December-January it is necessary to repair and disinfect greenhouses and greenhouses, which are planned to be used again for growing early vegetables and herbs from the second half of winter.

A summer resident's winter worries about the future harvest also include collecting more onion peels - they are an excellent remedy for pests. But eggshells will be used to feed plants; everyone knows that they contain calcium. This will be especially useful in areas with acidic soil. If you have a real stove or fireplace, then do not neglect such wealth. like stove ash, it can be used to fertilize the soil and be used in the fight against spider mites, slugs, aphids, cruciferous flea beetles, caterpillars and weevils. Just don’t scatter ash around the garden in winter, as some of its beneficial properties are lost. It is better to put it in boxes or bags after it has cooled and apply it in spring or summer. But scattering ash on the snow in early spring. you can achieve early snow melting in certain areas, which means the ground there will warm up faster and you can start planting earlier.

Although winter has come, and there are fewer worries in the summer cottages, nevertheless, even in winter a carefree life is not expected. Concerns do not go away completely, and therefore you need to take care of your summer cottage even in winter. Today we will talk about what winter work in the garden is needed to maintain it in proper condition, and about all the work that is necessary at this time. When planning a work plan for yourself, you should rely on the climatic conditions of your region.

Often, the second half of December for many people is spent preparing for the New Year holidays, but the first half of the month can be safely devoted to work in the countryside.

Finishing cleaning

In the southern regions, harvesting of winter types of vegetables is completed in December: parsnips, lettuce, spinach, green and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, leeks.

Snow retention

Usually the first snow falls in December and from that moment work begins to stop it. To do this, fences from scrap materials are built in the required places in the garden.

Frost protection

If there is no snow or there is little snow, then you should cover perennial and winter crops with leaves, sawdust or pine needles.

As mentioned above, all work must be carried out in accordance with local climatic conditions.

Planting seedlings

So, for example, in the south of Russia in December you can plant seedlings of trees and shrubs, prepare the soil for a vegetable garden, do various winter plantings and much more.

Pre-winter sowing

In December, if the weather permits, you can plant winter garlic and onions, winter sowing carrots, celery, parsnips, parsley, dill, as well as sowing flower plants.

Bird protection

All these plantings and crops need protection from birds, which find food in these beds when there is no snow.

Rodent control

Perennial vegetable crops are exposed to rodent attacks in winter, so in December (while there is no snow) poisoned baits can be placed in and around the holes.

Fighting mole crickets

December is a good time for. They love to spend the winter in warm manure, so you should set up traps for them in the garden. Traps are small but deep holes. They are filled with manure, and when good frosts arrive, it is scattered throughout the garden in a thin layer along with the mole crickets that have accumulated there. Frost will destroy them.

Preparation of soil mixtures

In December, you can stock up on various components of soil mixtures (peat, sand, sawdust, compost, soil, etc.). This is beneficial since their prices are low at this time.


In addition, in December you can start purchasing seedlings and cuttings (if there are conditions for storing them).


December is an excellent time to repair the disinfection of greenhouses and greenhouses, which are used in mid-winter for growing herbs and early vegetables.


In addition to greenhouses, greenhouse frames need repair. All garden equipment needs a preventive inspection, and if necessary, repair.

Procurement of seeds

At this time, you can calmly, without haste, purchase the necessary seeds for your vegetable garden.

Checking vegetables

In December, they begin to check potatoes stored for storage and other vegetables.


If this is necessary, then measures must be taken to insulate the storage.


Winter work in the garden requires mandatory pruning of ornamental fruit trees and shrubs, since spring pruning has an adverse effect on their flowering, because many plants bloom on last year's shoots.

Therefore, if you did not prune immediately after flowering, then do it at least in December. In addition, in December you can dream and make a plan for placing vegetables in the garden and flowers in the garden for next year.



In January, you can continue repairing greenhouse frames and gardening equipment, as well as knitting straw mats.

Manure storage

You can start collecting manure and garbage for building warm greenhouses, for insulated and open ground.

Checking vegetables

In January, as in December, they continue to check the safety of vegetables stored for storage, vegetable seeds, and seed potatoes. If rotten tubers or root crops are found, they should be removed immediately.

If there is a shortage of seed potatoes, then you need to prepare the tops of potato tubers.

Checking perennials

In addition to vegetables, tubers and rhizomes of perennials such as gladioli, dahlias, cannas, begonias, chrysanthemums, non-winter-hardy roses and hydrangeas need attention. It is necessary to monitor the humidity and temperature in the room where they are stored (so that they do not rot or dry out).

Sowing annuals

January is a good time to sow seeds of annuals (petunias, carnations, lobelias, etc.). By May, you can get well-developed and flowering plants that are ready for planting immediately in open ground.

Ash storage

Winter time is convenient for storing ash, bird droppings and other fertilizers of local origin.


At the same time, you can purchase flower and vegetable seeds without haste, and clear away any debris that you grew in your dacha. And, of course, you can safely check the germination of seeds.

Growing greens

In January, you can start growing onions in your windows, as well as beetroot and parsley.


If you live in the south, then it’s time to start vernalizing early and cauliflower seeds.


Chemistry and fertilizers

In February, it is already possible to take care of mineral fertilizers and pesticides to combat diseases and various pests of vegetable and garden crops. In parallel with this, the renovation of greenhouses and greenhouses continues.

Preserving the testes

Throughout the winter, great attention should be paid to the seeds of carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetable crops. It is necessary to monitor their safety and promptly remove spoiled copies.

Warming up biofuel

In February, it is already possible to begin work on heating biological fuel and transporting organic fertilizers to the garden.

Making pots

It wouldn’t hurt to make peat and humus pots and nutrient cubes.


In the south of Russia, in February, potato tubers (to grow early potatoes), carrot and onion seeds begin to be vernalized.

Sowing seedlings

You can already sow seeds of early and cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants for seedlings in a greenhouse or in seed boxes, sow radishes and plant onions. And of course, continue everything that was started and not done at the dacha and in the garden in previous months.

In general, February forces everyone to live in anticipation of the arrival of spring and new pleasant spring chores at their summer cottage. It forces you to shake off the winter torpor and actively engage in familiar and pleasant gardening chores.

With the onset of winter, garden trees plunged into a state of absolute dormancy. But even now the good owners have no time to relax; it’s time to do winter work in the garden.

First of all, you need to take care of protecting trees from pests and sunburn. One of the best ways is whitewashing. And don’t worry if you didn’t have time to do this in the fall, trees can be whitened in winter.

The only condition is that this can be done at above-zero temperatures (and in our climate zone this often happens even in the middle of winter).

A high-viscosity lime mortar is suitable for whitewashing. To prepare it, take 2-3 kg of freshly slaked lime or chalk, 100 g of PVA glue and 400-500 g of copper sulfate diluted in hot water per 10-liter bucket of water. The mixture should have the consistency of thick sour cream, without lumps. You can also purchase a ready-made solution (in specialized stores), or you can whitewash trees with acrylic paint - it does not wash off and reflects light well.
In this case, several nuances should be taken into account.

  • Firstly, young trees with smooth bark can only be whitewashed with lime mortar, but paint cannot be used, since it will not allow air to pass through.
  • Secondly, before whitewashing, the trunk must be cleaned - dry bark, moss, lichens with a scraper or metal brush.

After this, the cracks are covered with garden varnish.

Garden var

It is prepared like this: melt 6 parts of paraffin, add 3 parts of crushed rosin and bring the mixture to a boil. Next, add 2 parts of sunflower oil and boil for 10 minutes over low heat. When the brew has cooled, knead it and transfer it to a jar with a tight lid.

Another one: take 1 part each of rosin and wax and 4 parts of unsalted fat (lard, sunflower oil). Combine everything and, stirring, melt over low heat. The finished mixture can be stored in a jar for more than 10 years.

Trees need to be whitewashed to a height of 1.5-1.7 m from the ground - and not only the trunk, but also the skeletal branches (young trees can only be whitened up to the first branching). The solution should be applied at least twice to form a reliable protective layer: wait until the white paint dries a little, and then go over the trunk again.

Insulation of trees and shrubs

In January, especially at night, severe frosts are possible. And one more concern of the gardener is to reliably insulate the plants.

The best material for this is, of course, one that will also provide a good supply of moisture in the spring (ideally, its layer should be at least 40 cm).
Therefore, fruit trees in summer cottages are periodically covered with snow; at the slightest opportunity - after each snowfall - cover the trees with snow, protecting them from the cold.

In order to accumulate as much snow as possible on the site, they make snow banks, lay out branches and put up shields.

And in order for the snow mound to also become a protection against pests, you should water it with cold water. Then an ice crust will form, which will protect the tree bark from mice and hares.

Rodent protection

If this is not possible or watering is quite labor-intensive, then to protect the trees, at least compact the snow around the trunk with your feet.

This technique will prevent mice from sneaking under the snow to a tree and gnawing the bark on its trunk. Naphthalene, mint, tar, creolin are also used - these products are scattered around the tree trunk.

To protect fruit trees from hares, their trunks are coated with a solution of mullein and freshly slaked lime: freshly slaked lime is dissolved in water (so that the mass is 1 kg) and mixed with a bucket of mullein.

Young trees, whose roots are very vulnerable, especially need a snow coat. And also such frost-unresistant crops as plums, cherries, sweet cherries, as well as apple and pear trees on vegetative rootstocks.

To accumulate more snow, cover the trunks of fruit trees with boards, branches, and other materials that will retain it.

Don't forget to sprinkle strawberries, wild strawberries, red and black currant bushes, raspberries, gooseberries and other berries with snow.

But for such a delicate crop as peach, just snowdrifts will not help. The tree must be covered with boards at a distance of 30-50 cm from the trunk, thus forming a box. It is filled with straw, covered with plywood on top and only then the snow is shoveled away.

Pay attention to the seedlings buried for planting in the spring. It is advisable to cover them especially generously with snow.

And try not to trample on fresh snow near the seedlings - through compacted snow frost penetrates more easily to the roots.

Although snow is worth its weight in gold for a winter garden, it can also cause harm: heavy rainfall often breaks off branches. Therefore, after a good snowfall, the crown must be carefully shaken off. And for small trees, you should carefully tie the skeletal branches in advance.

In snowless winters, trees are insulated with straw, old rags, reeds, pine branches, etc.

Burlap is wrapped on top and secured with rope (wire should not be used). The insulation must cover the trunk at least 1.5 m from the ground.

Tree crown pruning

In winter it is very convenient to spend time in the garden. After all, at this time the entire crown is in full view. But just do not forget to carefully treat the cut areas with garden varnish.

And keep in mind:

The purpose of winter pruning is not so much to form the crown, but to ensure proper sanitary conditions.

At this time, it is advisable to remove dead branches affected by diseases or pests - they cannot be left until spring.

First determine where their nests are.

Take a long stick and screw a strong wire to its end. Secure a ball of cotton wool on it, moisten it with kerosene (gasoline) and carefully set it on fire. Try to burn out all the nests of pests while the cotton wool is burning.

It is better to postpone formative and rejuvenating pruning until February-March. But if you still decide to hold them in the first half of winter, it is important that the branches extending from the trunk remain no shorter than 50-60 cm in length. And this should be done when severe frosts are not predicted.

Of course, we cannot ignore the berry plant - we have already mentioned this.

Raspberries need special protection. Its stems should be bent so that they are completely under the snow. In the event of a thaw and the formation of an ice crust, carefully shake off the branches so as not to break.

Shoots and gooseberries should be tied together. And all the lower branches need to be cut off. Before severe cold weather, tightly wrap dogwood trees with agrofibre and carefully insulate them. And if necessary, sprinkle it well with fresh snow.

If there are flower bulbs in storage, they are sorted out. Diseased bulbs and tubers are treated by cutting out diseased areas and sprinkling the cut areas with charcoal.

And in the spring, when your garden turns green and colorful, you will feel satisfied that you did not forget about it in winter and did not regret your time and efforts.

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In winter, it seems, vacation comes for the gardener. This is not entirely true. This time should be spent analyzing and evaluating the last season, planning the next, and learning new growing methods. In winter, they stock up on vegetable seeds, fertilizers, watering agents and plant treatments.

The work in the garden may seem small, but it is extremely necessary to increase productivity. First of all, carry out snow retention in regions with low snow cover. There is practically no snow on the hills and windy areas. It is blown away by the wind. In these places it is necessary to place branches of trees or bushes, brushwood, sheaves of reeds or corn across the prevailing winds. Thanks to this agricultural practice, the ground freezes less and the absorption capacity of the soil increases. On frozen ground, meltwater simply flows into the lowlands.

A layer of snow of 10 cm when cleared in spring gives up to 300 liters of water per 10 m². To ensure early snow removal from the garden at the end of winter, dark bulk substances are scattered onto the plot: earth, soot, sand. In the sun, black substances warm up faster.

It is also necessary to cover the strawberry and garlic plantings with snow for successful overwintering. In winters with little snow, when a steady cold snap sets in, it is necessary to cover with mulch. They use sawdust, rotted peat. The mulch layer should be at least 5 cm; a thinner layer will not have an effect.

Even if you do not live at your dacha all year round, take time during the New Year holidays and get out to your plot to assess its condition.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in December

Jelly, lute, winter - the beginning of winter. December closes the year and begins winter. In December, the sun turns to summer and winter turns to frost.

It’s worth showing up at the site at least once a week. To prevent rodents from reaching the tree roots, snow is compacted over the entire tree trunk area. If there is no snow, apply manure or peat.

If there is wet snow, it is dangerous for young fruit trees: the branches break under the weight of the snow. In such cases, the branches are tied to the main shoot. Install feeders for the feathered friends of the garden.

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in January

Prosinets, cross - after the autumn-winter clouds, gaps appear in the light blue sky, the day increases. Our ancient Slavic ancestors prepared new sown areas in winter, for which they “cut”, i.e. cut down the forest. And the month itself seems to cut the winter into two parts.

People have long noticed:
- if there is frequent fog or snow in January, expect a rainy summer;
- January is dry and cold - July will be dry and hot;
- January with moderate weather - further months of winter will be cold and spring will be cold.

And they also say: “As January grows, so does the cold.”

Check whether fruit trees have been damaged by severe frosts. It's time, if this has not been done before, to hill them up with snow. This will not interfere with berry bushes, especially raspberry shoots.

In harsh winters with little snow, fruit trees should be additionally insulated with newsprint. The trunk and skeletal branches are wrapped in several layers, secured with twine, and covered with roofing felt on top.

Trees and bushes are inspected. Unflying leaves are clearly visible on the branches, in which pupated ones can nest. It is necessary to collect and destroy these nests, as well as dried mummified fruits: fruit rot overwinters in them.

It's time to step up the fight against rodents. After each snowfall, it would be good to throw snow under the entire crown of the tree, and then compact it more tightly. So rodents have no access to the roots and neck of the trunk. Let’s not forget about the berry garden - after all, the critical temperature in the soil for strawberry roots is -8°C. The blanket is made of snow and it is not a hindrance if the berry garden has not been covered since the fall. But it is better to prefer spruce branches: the needles that fall off in the spring will become an excellent fertilizer for the soil. And there is another barrier for the hares. You can coat the trunk and supporting branches with a solution of mullein mixed with freshly slaked lime and clay with 50 g of creolin added to a bucket of the mixture.

Birds are the first assistants in pest control in summer. But they should be attracted to the site in winter. Make feeders, milk bags that can easily be turned into houses are suitable, and everything is used for food - cereals, seeds, dried berries and pieces of unsalted bacon.

By the way, it’s not difficult to set tits on wintering moths. You need to drip a little melted unsalted lard onto the bark of the trees next to the nests. Tits, great hunters of this delicacy, will first discover it, and then the pests.

It's time to think about how to keep snow on the site, especially if the winter is snowless. Just for those who are the owner in the family: he will knock down the shields and put them on the site.. There are other options: shovel the snow into the shafts or scatter pine branches or spruce paws around the site.

But after heavy snowfalls, if they are wet, the snow from the branches of trees and bushes should be periodically shaken off. It’s a pity to disturb the beauty, but it’s necessary: ​​for the health of the plantings.

Yes, let’s not forget: winter is the time to peel onions and garlic - an indispensable aid in the fight against pests in early spring. Egg shells collected over the winter are also useful: they are crushed and applied to the soil, especially under plums, cherries, and sea buckthorn. They will be grateful for this feeding, turnips. Dry crusts of bread can also be useful for feeding the soil, but not on acidic soils.

By the way, there is something to do at home: it’s time to check the safety of planting material and vegetables, remove spoiled products, and start sorting and heating seeds. Already at the beginning of the month, cucumber seedlings begin to be planted, and tomato seedlings begin at the end. This work is also carried out in winter greenhouses.

That's how much to do on a short winter day on the site!

Work in the garden and vegetable garden in February

Snowy, fierce, low water - the boundary between winter and spring. "Blizzards and blizzards have arrived in February." February is a two-faced month: both lute and bokogray.

Long icicles promise a long spring. Snow sticks to the tree - it will be warm. At night the moon is red - expect wind, heat and snow.

“Get your cart ready for winter...” - people say.

Work on the site - in the garden:

In February, it’s time to make purchases at gardening and hardware stores for seeds, fertilizers, and equipment... By the way, for this purpose it wouldn’t hurt to look at a children’s toy store: children’s rakes, plastic and metal buckets and much more will come in handy in the summer.

If you have prepared and stored fruit tree cuttings in the fall, look in the basement to see what condition they are in. If the cuttings have not been prepared, then it’s time to cut them on one of the non-frosty days, tie them into bundles and wrap them from mice with spruce branches and roofing felt. It is best to store them under the snow.

Inspect the fruit trees again. Are you missing the winter nests of pest butterflies? Destroy the surviving leaves and mummified fruits.

Winter has come. Our gardens and vegetable gardens are covered with snow, but this does not mean at all that the summer resident has no more work to do. Let's remember what awaits us, and how an avid gardener can use this time to his advantage.

So, let's highlight the main groups:

  • Work in the garden in winter

In order for our plants to survive the vagaries of a harsh winter, we need to take care of insulation in advance. The trunks of fruit trees are painted with lime to protect them from cracks that may occur as a result of sudden changes in day and night temperatures. This can be done in winter, but it is important to choose the moment of the thaw when it is above +3 °C outside. Young trees are insulated with straw and burlap.

Snow will be our assistant in caring for perennials, protecting them from freezing. To do this, you can install shields and barriers so that the snow mass accumulates over the beds, forming a thermal cushion. This “cold” blanket will provide a stable temperature for successful wintering of strawberries and perennial flowers.

But for coniferous plants and tree crowns, heavy snowfalls can be a dangerous enemy. Under the accumulation of snow and ice masses, twigs and branches may not be able to withstand and break off. Therefore, it is advisable to periodically clean the crown, shaking off the snow mass. This is how, taking the treacherous winter as an assistant, our garden will awaken in the spring safe and sound.

Continuing the topic winter work in the garden, let's remember our feathered friends. It is they who will take care of the extermination of harmful insects in the summer, being the most environmentally friendly means of pest control. Try to attract them to your area by hanging feeders and remembering to replenish treats.

  • Harvest storage and planting materials

Having harvested, it is also important to store it properly so that our supplies do not spoil in the first month of our long winter. To do this, it is important to maintain a constant temperature of about 3-4 °C and humidity in basements and storage areas.

Protect yourself from visits from rodents by placing bait and traps. One of the best ways to store carrots and beets is in boxes with damp sand. This way the vegetables will be juicy and not dry out until spring. It is only important that the sand is damp and not wet; pay attention to this periodically. We check the potatoes for rotten fruits, which can quickly infect all tubers in contact.

You can sort the tubers of perennial plants - begonias, dahlias, gladioli, cannas according to the date of planting in the ground and monitor the degree of humidity to avoid excessive drying.


The summer period in many zones is very short and some plants do not have time to ripen, so plan which varieties will be planted at what time, that is, determine the most productive planting time for a given crop. You can eat delicious tomatoes from the garden all summer if you choose 3 varieties for sowing: early, middle and late, depending on the climatic conditions of your region.

Those who prefer to grow their own seedlings can start sowing seeds as early as January and February. Usually the deadlines are indicated on the packaging.

Nowadays you can find a lot of information on gardening work. Therefore, winter is ideal for mastering the theory. You can sign up for courses and forums, read literature, watch video lessons, and we also recommend expanding your knowledge in our official group ==>>

There is enough work in the garden and vegetable garden all year round. Beginning gardeners mistakenly believe that after harvesting and preparing crops for winter, there is a time to rest until spring. This is wrong. There is enough work in the garden, and even if the work schedule is not as intense as in spring or summer, but nevertheless, neglecting this work threatens to disrupt plans and rush during the active season. Timely completion of work in the garden is the key to a successful start to the season and a productive end. What winter work cannot be postponed until spring, we will look into today’s article.

Winter work in the garden

I’ll start my step-by-step instructions with winter gardening. The amount of work depends on what kind of winter it was this year. But in any case, the first month of winter is not at all stable, then severe frost, then a slight thaw, snowfall gives way to slush. On a rainy, wet early winter, make every effort to keep your plants warm.

  • Snow on the site. When winter has fully come into its own, take care of the optimal distribution of snow. On the beds in the garden, fruit crops and perennials will welcome snow, while on the paths for moving around the site there is definitely excess snow. Clear the snow from the paths, freeing up movement around the site for family members, and scatter the resulting snowdrifts over the beds and tree trunks of fruit trees and shrubs. You can carefully and lightly trample the snow, especially around trees and shrubs; this method will help retain moisture underground for a long time, as well as protect the plant’s horse system from hypothermia.
  • It will not be superfluous to compact the snow along the fence, along the perimeter of the site. This method will protect the area from attacks by hares and voles.

  • Before snow falls, strengthen the position of fruit tree branches with supports. Under the weight of snow cover, branches get injured; this can only be avoided with timely care.
  • If the tree is broken, evaluate the extent of the breakage of the shoot; the method of treating the tree depends on its severity. A garden varnish can handle small wounds; deeper wounds need to be treated with a solution of copper sulfate and then filled with cement. If large skeletal branches split, pull them together and secure them with twine or staples.
  • Regularly inspect the trees in your garden for pests. If traces of insect activity are found, cut off the shoots with a sharp knife and treat with garden varnish.

  • Crafts will provide protection against insect attacks on fruit trees. To prepare a whitewash solution you will need water, chalk (slaked lime), PVA glue and copper sulfate. Dilute 3 kg of chalk or lime in 10 liters of water; in a separate container, combine copper sulfate (0.5 kg) with warm water. Add 100 grams of glue to the solution, combine both liquids. Proper whitewash should have the consistency of sour cream. Whitewashing of fruit trees is carried out in two stages, the second time after the first has completely dried.
  • With all your winter gardening work, don’t forget about yourself. Winter is the right time to use the accumulated berry harvest to create healthy, immunity-boosting drinks. If you miss working in the ground, plant citrus crops at home; they will easily and without delay take root in a home pot if you create suitable conditions for them.

Winter work in the greenhouse

Since a greenhouse is not only a large structure on the site, but also small containers installed on the windowsills of every gardener, work in these greenhouses will also be discussed.

  • The beginning of winter is the right time to prepare containers for planting seedlings. If the plot area is large, a lot of space will be required, and there will not be enough window sills. Extend the window sill by securing the sturdy plywood to the sill with screws.
  • Also prepare the containers for planting seedlings in advance, since a large volume will require many containers. Place five-liter plastic water bottles on their sides and cut off one third of the height of the bottle with sharp scissors. Don't forget to use an awl to make drainage holes at the bottom of the container. If you use Tetra Pak bags as containers, keep the juice boxes, milk bags are dangerous for plantings.
  • We move on to full-fledged greenhouses, where there is also a lot of work in winter. Winter work in the greenhouse begins with replacing the soil. To save time, you can start the procedures in the fall, when the harvest is harvested and the main work has stopped.

  • Inspect the windows of the greenhouse; if there are places of breakage, cracks and sash deviations from the profile, the problem must be corrected. The most practical way is to dissolve the paraffin and cover the broken area with it using a syringe. However, there are many methods that differ in price and labor costs; you can always choose one that suits you.
  • When the greenhouse is ready for the new season, begin planting early-ripening crops. It is worth noting that this point is only possible in heated greenhouses; in others, planting will have to be postponed until the beginning of spring. Among the early ripening crops you can distinguish several varieties of cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, and onions, but remember that even if it is warm in the greenhouse, this does not mean that there is enough light there. Use extra light.

Winter work in the flower garden

In the flower garden, be it a flower bed on the property or a greenhouse in the house, work is also in full swing without a break for the winter. Winter work in the flower garden includes:

  • Planting annual flowers. The advantage of planting them in winter is the ability to use any seeds, even those that have expired. The disadvantage is that not every crop can be planted before winter. Only frost-resistant flowers can be planted in a flower garden before winter. There is no need to dig up the ground to plant seeds. Lightly compact the snow, make small depressions in the snow into which pour the seeds. Pour dry and warm soil on top, and complete the planting with a layer of snow.
  • Increased daylight hours. In winter, the plants in the home flower garden are in dire need of daylight. This can be determined by the plant itself: the leaves and shoots become sluggish and stretch towards the window. Don’t delay the situation and wait for the flowers to become ill; install and connect a phytolamp, a huge range of which you will find in any flower shop. Be careful when watering, turn off the lamp while spraying flowers: getting water on the glass bulb can cause an explosion and failure of the lamp.

  • Washing indoor plants. In winter, the indoor air is usually too dry; in addition, dust accumulates on the leaves of plants at home, which negatively affects the growth and development of the crop. To help your flowers during this period, have a clean day every two weeks. Gently wipe the dense leaves of large flowers with a damp cloth, but simply place plants with small leaves in the bathtub under the shower. Just be sure to check the low water pressure and the temperature at least 30 degrees. To avoid disease, wait until the flowers dry before replacing the plant.

  • Plant nutrition. Only planted annual crops are in a passive phase in winter, while perennial plants mostly go dormant in winter. Therefore, applying fertilizers to the soil is not recommended at this time of year. However, using, for example, finely crushed eggshells simultaneously performs two tasks: saturating the soil with calcium and magnesium, as well as repelling pests from the beds. An infusion of onion peels, applied to the plant by spraying, protects perennials from attacks by spider mites. A day after treatment, wipe the leaves of the plant with a damp cloth, or rinse the flower under warm water.

This article clearly proves the fact that the presence of cold and a thick layer of snow on the site is not a reason for rest. There is enough work in the garden and vegetable garden in winter, and postponing it until March will lead to excessive workload in the spring.

Although winter has come, and there are fewer worries in the summer cottages, nevertheless, even in winter a carefree life is not expected. Concerns do not go away completely, and therefore you need to take care of your summer cottage even in winter. Today we will talk about what winter work in the garden is needed to maintain it in proper condition, and about all the work that is necessary at this time. When planning a work plan for yourself, you should rely on the climatic conditions of your region.

Often, the second half of December for many people is spent preparing for the New Year holidays, but the first half of the month can be safely devoted to work in the countryside.

Finishing cleaning

In the southern regions, harvesting of winter types of vegetables is completed in December: parsnips, lettuce, spinach, green and Brussels sprouts, broccoli, leeks.

Snow retention

Usually the first snow falls in December and from that moment work begins to stop it. To do this, fences from scrap materials are built in the required places in the garden.

Frost protection

If there is no snow or there is little snow, then you should cover perennial and winter crops with leaves, sawdust or pine needles.

As mentioned above, all work must be carried out in accordance with local climatic conditions.

Planting seedlings

So, for example, in the south of Russia in December you can plant seedlings of trees and shrubs, prepare the soil for a vegetable garden, do various winter plantings and much more.

Pre-winter sowing

In December, if the weather permits, you can plant winter garlic and onions, winter sowing carrots, celery, parsnips, parsley, dill, as well as sowing flower plants.

Bird protection

All these plantings and crops need protection from birds, which find food in these beds when there is no snow.

Rodent control

Perennial vegetable crops are exposed to rodent attacks in winter, so in December (while there is no snow) poisoned baits can be placed in and around the holes.

Fighting mole crickets

December is a good time for. They love to spend the winter in warm manure, so you should set up traps for them in the garden. Traps are small but deep holes. They are filled with manure, and when good frosts arrive, it is scattered throughout the garden in a thin layer along with the mole crickets that have accumulated there. Frost will destroy them.

Preparation of soil mixtures

In December, you can stock up on various components of soil mixtures (peat, sand, sawdust, compost, soil, etc.). This is beneficial since their prices are low at this time.


In addition, in December you can start purchasing seedlings and cuttings (if there are conditions for storing them).


December is an excellent time to repair the disinfection of greenhouses and greenhouses, which are used in mid-winter for growing herbs and early vegetables.


In addition to greenhouses, greenhouse frames need repair. All garden equipment needs a preventive inspection, and if necessary, repair.

Procurement of seeds

At this time, you can calmly, without haste, purchase the necessary seeds for your vegetable garden.

Checking vegetables

In December, they begin to check potatoes stored for storage and other vegetables.


If this is necessary, then measures must be taken to insulate the storage.


Winter work in the garden requires mandatory pruning of ornamental fruit trees and shrubs, since spring pruning has an adverse effect on their flowering, because many plants bloom on last year's shoots.

Therefore, if you did not prune immediately after flowering, then do it at least in December. In addition, in December you can dream and make a plan for placing vegetables in the garden and flowers in the garden for next year.



In January, you can continue repairing greenhouse frames and gardening equipment, as well as knitting straw mats.

Manure storage

You can start collecting manure and garbage for building warm greenhouses, for insulated and open ground.

Checking vegetables

In January, as in December, they continue to check the safety of vegetables stored for storage, vegetable seeds, and seed potatoes. If rotten tubers or root crops are found, they should be removed immediately.

If there is a shortage of seed potatoes, then you need to prepare the tops of potato tubers.

Checking perennials

In addition to vegetables, tubers and rhizomes of perennials such as gladioli, dahlias, cannas, begonias, chrysanthemums, non-winter-hardy roses and hydrangeas need attention. It is necessary to monitor the humidity and temperature in the room where they are stored (so that they do not rot or dry out).

Sowing annuals

January is a good time to sow seeds of annuals (petunias, carnations, lobelias, etc.). By May, you can get well-developed and flowering plants that are ready for planting immediately in open ground.

Ash storage

Winter time is convenient for storing ash, bird droppings and other fertilizers of local origin.


At the same time, you can purchase flower and vegetable seeds without haste, and clear away any debris that you grew in your dacha. And, of course, you can safely check the germination of seeds.

Growing greens

In January, you can start growing onions in your windows, as well as beetroot and parsley.


If you live in the south, then it’s time to start vernalizing early and cauliflower seeds.


Chemistry and fertilizers

In February, it is already possible to take care of mineral fertilizers and pesticides to combat diseases and various pests of vegetable and garden crops. In parallel with this, the renovation of greenhouses and greenhouses continues.

Preserving the testes

Throughout the winter, great attention should be paid to the seeds of carrots, beets, cabbage and other vegetable crops. It is necessary to monitor their safety and promptly remove spoiled copies.

Warming up biofuel

In February, it is already possible to begin work on heating biological fuel and transporting organic fertilizers to the garden.

Making pots

It wouldn’t hurt to make peat and humus pots and nutrient cubes.


In the south of Russia, in February, potato tubers (to grow early potatoes), carrot and onion seeds begin to be vernalized.

Sowing seedlings

You can already sow seeds of early and cauliflower, tomatoes, peppers, eggplants for seedlings in a greenhouse or in seed boxes, sow radishes and plant onions. And of course, continue everything that was started and not done at the dacha and in the garden in previous months.

In general, February forces everyone to live in anticipation of the arrival of spring and new pleasant spring chores at their summer cottage. It forces you to shake off the winter torpor and actively engage in familiar and pleasant gardening chores.

Hello, dear friends!

With the onset of cold weather, the intensity of work for owners of garden plots decreases significantly, but there is no need to talk about complete rest. Let's talk about what winter garden work we need to do, as well as what we need to do in the storage room in winter and how to plan work for the next season. So,

Work in the garden in winter

The first concern of a real summer resident with the onset of winter is close contact with snowdrifts. For the crowns of trees and shrubs, snow is a source of injury to branches; it must be shaken off, especially during thaws, which threaten to break off branches with a mass of wet snow.

In periods of little snow and wind, you should, on the contrary, strive to increase the thickness of the warm snow “blanket” in the beds with strawberries, perennial flowers and in the orchard. To do this, shields are installed in flower beds and in tree trunk circles to trap snow in the area.

Owners of coniferous plants can maintain their healthy appearance by placing protective screens on the south side. If the height of the fallen snow allows, this can be done until the beginning of March, when solar reflection is maximum.

Suppose it was not done in the fall in order to protect against spring sunburn, then it is not too late to do this during the winter, but only during the thaw period, at a temperature not lower than + 3 ° C.

While walking through the garden, gardeners should pay attention to the egg clutches left by pests since the summer. They, like dry mummified fruits on branches, need to be collected and burned.

It is important not to forget about those who help us fight insects: by hanging and constantly replenishing feeders, gardeners attract beneficial birds to their plots, which in the spring will happily live in the garden, clearing it of pests.

If there is a body of water near the house, then caring for it in winter will consist of providing the fish (if any) with an influx of oxygen through special holes in the ice.

In winter in storage

It is important to take care of the safety of the vegetable harvest in basements and cellars, the overwintering of planting material: rhizomes and tubers of perennial plants - dahlias, gladioli, cannas, begonias, as well as non-winter-hardy specimens of hydrangeas, roses, chrysanthemums.

Constant control of humidity and temperature will avoid rotting of vegetables or their excessive drying out.

Winter is the time to plan

All major winter garden work Most often they are carried out during daylight hours, but using the long winter evenings to draw up plans for further arrangement of the site is a very pleasant activity. The gardener has at his disposal a variety of printed publications, Internet resources, and television programs that allow him to transform his garden and make any dacha fantasies come true.

The presence of a huge number of virtual stores and garden centers makes it possible to stock up on any seeds and planting material of excellent quality. Winter, with the lack of crowds and rush in stores, is quite a good time for plant protection products and necessary fertilizers.

Many gardeners begin to prepare for the future summer season in January, sowing seedlings of flowering plants, providing them with sufficient lighting and fertilizing during a difficult time for the growing season. This approach to growing floral material allows you to obtain fully developed and actively flowering specimens of annuals such as petunias, pelargoniums, lobelias, and carnations by the time of planting in open ground in May.

See you later, friends!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):