After the end of fruiting, the strawberry bushes begin to prepare for the new season: they lay flower buds, produce a lot of whisker babies. It is proper care of plants in the second half of summer and autumn that will provide you with an abundance of berries in the new season.

How to fertilize strawberries in the fall

Strawberries remove a lot of useful substances from the soil, so autumn fertilizing is required. As a fertilizer you can use organic matter, mineral water, as well as some folk remedies. Without such fertilizing, the plants will be weakened and will not be able to produce good harvest.

Organic fertilizers

Most often, manure, cow or horse humus, compost from plant residues, leaf humus and ash are used to fertilize strawberries.

Typically, mullein - liquid cow manure - is used on your site. To prepare it, take 1 liter of mullein in a bucket of water, mix well and infuse from one to three days. You need to water with this solution over moistened soil, pouring 0.5–1 liter under the bush, but it is advisable not to get slurry on the leaves. It is better to carry out such fertilizing at the very beginning of autumn or at the end of summer, since after this the strawberries begin to grow well.

If possible, then for each bush late autumn You can spread dry cow dung, but only in a very thin layer.

Strawberries are watered with mullein infusion in early autumn, while it is still warm and there is time to grow.

Cow and horse humus can be considered the best feeding for strawberries. The humus should already be decomposed and not emit heat. Good humus- crumbly, practically no remains of litter (straw) are visible in it. You can pour humus under the strawberry bushes both in early September and in October - November. In the first case, the strawberries will receive nutrition in the current season, and in the second case, in the spring after the snow melts. Besides, winter shelter adding humus to strawberry roots will help the bushes to overwinter well.

Humus contains many nutrients, so you can sprinkle it on the soil under strawberries in a layer of up to 5–7 cm

Poultry droppings, most often chicken, are very concentrated. An infusion of bird droppings (0.5 liters per 10 liters of water) contains a lot of nitrogen. This infusion can be watered only after preventative pruning of leaves, carried out at the end of summer; in this case, it is not the bushes themselves that are watered, but the spaces between the rows. If you feed plants with chicken droppings in the fall, it will cause rapid growth leaves, strawberries will not be well prepared for winter and may die.

Chicken manure can only be used in early autumn, after trimming the leaves on the strawberries.

Compost and leaf humus are prepared over several years. Plant residues rot, turning into a nutritious and loose substrate. On the poor and heavy soils This is the most preferred feeding. You can add compost and leaf humus in a thick layer, preferably immediately after autumn processing strawberries

Ash is an organic fertilizer rich in phosphorus and potassium. Used in dry and liquid form, depending on the weather. IN rainy summer It is better to sprinkle 0.5–1 cup of dry ash under the bush (sprinkle evenly near the bush); in dry weather, use ash infusion.

1 glass of ash is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and left for several hours. Bring the solution to 10 liters and water the strawberries 1 liter per bush.

To prepare strawberries for winter, be sure to use ash: a large number of phosphorus and calcium in its composition helps plants survive frosts

Mineral fertilizers

In autumn, strawberries need phosphorus-potassium fertilizers Therefore, when choosing a drug, you need to carefully read the label. You can buy universal autumn fertilizers; the amount of nitrogen in them is kept to a minimum, but there is a lot of phosphorus and potassium. Specialized fertilizers for strawberries usually contain most of the nitrogen, so it is better to leave them for the spring.

Autumn mineral fertilizer contains much less nitrogen than potassium and phosphorus; it can also be used for strawberries

Folk remedies for feeding strawberries

Stale bread is soaked in water for a week and left in warm place before fermentation begins. Then dilute with water in a 1:1 ratio and water the strawberry bushes.

Stale bread after a week of soaking in water also becomes a good feed for strawberries

Dairy products (kefir, sour milk, yogurt, fermented baked milk, whey) can be added to the water for watering strawberries, or even better - to diluted mullein.

Fertilizing strawberries in autumn - required condition for a good harvest next summer. On soils poor in organic matter, it is better to use compost, rotted manure and ash. On peat bogs and rich black soils - mineral fertilizers.

Fertilizer for strawberries can increase productivity. In specialized stores you can easily find already ready-made mixtures, but gardeners often prefer folk remedies. They are environmentally friendly and cheap. In addition, their excess will not adversely affect health. Of course, you should not ignore fertilizing. They contain all the substances necessary for plant development. But remember that the dosage must be precisely selected.
Before applying fertilizer, inspect the bushes. Pay special attention to problem areas. This will help you determine what substance should be added to the soil. For example, if you see light spots on the leaves, then the soil is lacking organic elements. Fertilize your strawberries. If the plant does not bear fruit well, add phosphorus. Magnesium affects the taste of fruits and their size, and potassium is no less important.


Buy fertilizer for strawberries; you must use it when planting. When 3 leaves open, apply the mixture to the soil once. It is forbidden to feed plants at the bud growth stage. The strawberries need to grow, then you can add urea to the soil. Gardeners apply a reduced dose during the first feeding of strawberries. The fact is that in the future there will be several feedings. Look at the dosage in the instructions, divide by 2. Apply the specified amount of urea to the soil.
When you know exactly what preparation to add to the beds, you can be confident in the yield and high taste of the berries. How to fertilize strawberries? A good remedy considered "Ryazanochka". This is a complex drug that received positive reviews gardeners. For spring work“Amofoska” is suitable.


Then you should pay attention to chicken droppings. It is valuable because its composition replicates complex mineral fertilizers. The infusion is especially useful for plants. Pour 1 part chicken manure into 20 parts water. Close the container and place it in a warm place. In a few days the infusion will be ready.
Please note that you can only water them between rows. If you want to rid the mixture of unpleasant odor, buy the drug "Baikal". Add it as written in the instructions. Remember that you can fertilize with chicken droppings only once a year, then nitrates will not accumulate in the soil. This remedy can be replaced by adding manure to the soil. Gardeners often add ash.
Feed the strawberries; this should be done a second time when the plants are flowering. Add potassium, it has a positive effect on fruit growth. Strawberries need to be fertilized in early June. Buy potassium monophate. Take a bucket with a volume of 10 liters, add 1 tbsp. l. drug. Place carefully. The resulting solution is enough to feed 5 large strawberry bushes. Before watering the soil with the solution, water the beds well. Don't forget to use wood ash, with its help you will fertilize the soil well with potassium. To deposit funds, gardeners use the root method. In addition, it is possible to fertilize strawberries using a foliar method.
Buy mixtures in specialized stores. If you have questions, it is recommended to seek advice. What to feed strawberries with? "Kemira Lux" is a product that is popular among many owners summer cottages. In addition, “Universal” should be used as a fertilizer. It will be useful to mix this drug with potassium sulfate, adding ammonium nitrate to the mixture. Strictly observe the proportion, a 1:1 ratio is acceptable. Carefully study the information in the instructions, do not exceed the dosage. This feeding of strawberries is very effective.
Pour wood ash under the bush, 1 handful will be enough. After this, the strawberries need to be watered. If you prefer the method foliar feeding, do ash solution. Take 1 cup of ash and pour it into a container. Pour 1 liter of water into it. Make sure it is hot. Close the container and let the solution sit for at least 1 day. Pour 10 liters of water into a spray bottle and add ash solution. Spray the plants. This procedure is also good because the ash solution effectively protects strawberries from pests. If you don’t have a spray bottle, then water the bushes at the root at the rate of 1 liter of solution per 1 plant.
It is necessary to add mixtures if the plants are weakened. In addition, one-year-old bushes that were grown from seeds and planted in the spring require fertilizing. You can add fertilizers for strawberries from mid-September. This must be done before the leaves fall. It is useful to water the beds with mullein tincture. In October, when you trim the strawberry leaves, mulch the ground with pine needles or sawdust. They can be replaced with peat. Mulching will increase air exchange, and pine needles will protect from pests.


If you do not want to buy mineral fertilizers produced by industrial enterprises, you can get by with vermicompost. This is an effective feeding for strawberries. Feed the plants 3-4 times during the season, do not forget about mulching the soil. Many owners of summer cottages prefer to use folk remedies. It is useful to water the soil with a solution containing lactic acid bacteria. It's very easy to make. Pour 10 liters of water into a bucket and add 1 liter of kefir. Slightly acidic soil is beneficial for the berries; they will give an excellent harvest. In addition, fertilizing any strawberries when planting with a lactic acid solution will protect the plants from pests.
If the plants are 2 years old, then in the spring they can be fed immediately after the snow melts, when the soil warms up a little. Pre-clean the soil from dry leaves, dead plants needs to be removed. It is recommended to mulch the soil with sawdust, but you can add humus. In the spring you need to feed each strawberry bush. Pour water into a bucket. Add ammonium sulfate, 1 spoon is enough. Then add at least 2 cups of manure, preferably cow manure. Stir the solution thoroughly. Loosen the soil around the bushes, sprinkle ash, and then pour the resulting solution. If you want your plants to be healthy, apply fertilizer. They are definitely needed in the spring.
Caring for three-year-old bushes also includes feeding. Use the same substances that you used when you fertilized the soil when planting strawberries. You just need to reduce the amount of fertilizer. For example, only 10 g of urea will be needed. How to fertilize if the bushes are from 2 to 4 years old? The most the best fertilizer there will be chicken droppings. Take a container and fill it one third with droppings. After this, add water, stir and leave the mixture for 36 hours. Dilute the composition with water, maintaining a ratio of 1:4. Fertilizers need to be applied between rows.
Apply fertilizing 3 times a year, be sure to do this before digging the beds in the fall. Sprinkle fertilizers into the soil. Fertilizing strawberries after picking the berries is very important; do not forget to do this in mid-September. Before the beginning gardening work don't forget to inspect the plants.


There are mixtures of different types on sale. In total, there are 4 groups; the following fertilizers can be listed: Complex fertilizer for strawberries. This is nitrophos, which manufacturers produce in the form of granules. This fertilizer is indispensable if there is little potassium in the soil and too much phosphorus. After strawberries bloom, add nitroammophoska to the soil. Immediately after fertilizing, water the bushes generously. Ammophos is suitable for any soil. The product increases the plant's resistance to diseases. Diammophos is produced in granules, this provides uniform distribution fertilizers in the soil.
Potash fertilizers. They are necessary for the growth of bushes. It is potassium that is responsible for the taste of fruits. You can easily determine the lack of an element by brown spots on the edges of strawberry leaves. Apply potash fertilizers in the spring under strawberries. Phosphorus fertilizers. Those that can be dissolved in water are considered universal. In acidic soils, it is better to use sparingly soluble types of fertilizers.
Nitrogen fertilizers. They can be dissolved in water and are suitable for feeding plants in spring and summer. Nitrogen fertilizers are necessary to feed microorganisms living in the soil. Add only the number of elements specified in the instructions. Do not exceed the dosage, if there is excess nitrogen fertilizers plants may die.
Conclusion: Strawberries are quite demanding on the soil. If you approach fertilizing wisely, you will reap a good harvest.


The question of how to feed strawberries in the fall after pruning is asked by many gardeners. After all, it is from quality fertilizers And proper care depends future harvest this berry.
Why feed strawberries in the fall?
Autumn feeding is necessary to prepare plants for the winter. Behind summer time the soil where strawberries grow runs out of nutrients. The fertilization process is carried out in 2 stages: the first time - in early September, during the period when there are still leaves on the bushes. This procedure should be performed exclusively on a sunny day. The second stage of feeding is carried out in October, after trimming the leaves. Special attention require one-year-old plants, because without the help of nutrients it will be difficult for them to survive frosty winter. Of course, the yield level does not directly depend on the application of autumn fertilizers, but young bushes need to receive necessary microelements to increase the chances of a safe winter. If you adhere to the feeding schedule, the berries will grow better and produce a much larger harvest.
Organic fertilizer
Fertilizing strawberries using organic matter - a win-win, since it will also become a “coat” for the bushes, which can protect the berries from cold and frost.
There are many useful organic substances, but chicken manure is the most common. Its use should be moderate so as not to harm the plants. You can purchase this product at specialized points of sale, and then make a liquid infusion. To do this, you will need to take water and droppings in a ratio of 1:10, mix and leave for 14 days. When applying, the resulting liquid must be added to water, with the same ratio - 1 liter per bucket of water. It is recommended to water the bushes after pruning, because if the infusion gets on the plant, it will lead to a burn. The solution must be poured directly into the ground. You can make such a “preparation” at home if gardeners have chickens. To do this, collect the droppings and cover them with water in a ratio of 1:3. After which the solution should be placed in the shade, and after 2 weeks, water the strawberries. (Concentrated fertilizing should also be diluted with water - 1:10). In the autumn, droppings should be spread between the rows, but not more than 2-3 kg per 1 m².
You can also feed plants using dry mullein. The technology is as follows: take mullein, dilute it with water, leave it to infuse, and then pour it between the strawberry rows. Another means by which garden strawberries it will grow better - ash. The product helps feed and repel pests; in addition, it can replace superphosphate. In dry form, the ash is scattered over the area, but taking into account that a maximum of 150 g will be used per 1 m². You can also do liquid fertilizer: take a glass of ash, pour it into a bucket and pour 10 liters of water at room temperature, let it brew for 24 hours, then use 0.5 liters for each bush.
Before the start of winter, the beds are revived with peat, straw, sawdust and covered with tree leaves. This “blanket” will allow the plants to safely overwinter, and in the spring it will turn into rotted organic matter, which will saturate the bushes with nitrogen.
Mineral fertilizers The best options than feeding Victoria in the fall ( popular variety strawberries), phosphorus and potassium are considered. They are laid out dry on the garden bed or diluted with water, but experienced gardeners It is recommended to choose the second option. This is explained by the fact that minerals are better absorbed in liquid form, but dry fertilizers are wasted less. For this reason, wise summer residents manage to combine both methods. In autumn, strawberries especially require high-quality mineral fertilizing, which can be bought at any point of sale, where garden products are sold.
Among the beneficial minerals, nitrogen is distinguished, which contributes to excellent taste qualities berries The substance contains ammonium nitrate and urea. Urea is most often dissolved in water - take 1 tablespoon and add to a 10-liter bucket. 0.5 liters of liquid is poured under each bush, but excess liquid can lead to strawberries losing sugar.
For better growth Bushes also use potassium. Potassium fertilizer is quite aggressive because it contains a lot of chlorine. The substance should be applied exclusively in the fall, because during the winter-spring period all harmful particles will be washed out and the crop will not be damaged. Thanks to potassium salt, the berries last longer, become tastier and increase the sugar content, so it is necessary to add this component.
Phosphorus substances are also considered important for active growth and fruiting of the crop. These elements are divided into soluble and insoluble.
Moreover, the first category is considered more universal, since it is suitable for acidic and alkaline soil. Sparingly soluble phosphates are used only in acidic soil. The phosphate group includes: vivianite, simple superphosphate, double superphosphate, precipitate, bone meal.
Preparing the “autumn” fertilizing yourself
It is easy to revive strawberries using other means that can be prepared at home. For example, for this they take dairy products, because milk contains a significant amount of amino acids. Perfect solution- serum, which is poured under each bush.
A good method is to use bread as fertilizer. First, the wheat product is dried, then placed in water and set aside until fermentation (it will take 6-10 days). Water is added to this mixture at a ratio of 1:10.
A nettle infusion made in an enamel container will also have a positive effect. Bushes of this stinging plant are added there, filled with water and a weight is placed. Stir the infusion daily, and before adding the solution, dilute it with water (1:20). The result of such a product is useful substances that are easily absorbed by the crop.
If you fertilize strawberries in the fall, you can expect a good harvest next summer.

Strawberries are aromatic and juicy berry, which is loved by both children and adults. But few people think about how much work growing this crop requires. In particular, feeding is important. To determine what to fertilize strawberries with in the fall when planting, you need to focus on the needs of the plant during this period.

Start of feeding in autumn

To get generous and useful harvest, it is important to ensure that strawberries are placed on fertile substrates. Not on everyone personal plot There is some land that is rich in microelements. In many cases it is necessary to resort to artificial fertilizer. This should be done correctly, since introducing nutritional components in excess quantities will adversely affect the development of culture.

Most often, strawberry fertilizers are applied in September, but the timing depends on the variety. Certain species require additional nutrient supply in October and November. Be that as it may, fertilizers can only be used when the crop is harvested.

Choosing the best fertilizer

Russian gardeners in practice select various fertilizers and their combinations and look at the results. What fertilizers to apply in the fall for strawberries:

  • organic;
  • mineral.

As for plant fertilizers, good feedback They get lupine greens and plant stems that were cut after flowering. They are simply laid out between the rows. Can be used legume green manure. By placing green manure on the ground, pour a little sand or earth on top. Another option for biological fertilizer that can be used twice per season involves the use of nettles. Take a bucket of collected raw materials and fill it with warm clean water. Leave the mixture for several days, after which it is ready for use.

Garden strawberries are an unpretentious plant and quite well adapted to the conditions middle zone. Within two seasons after transshipment to a new place, it produces a good harvest. But then additional care and feeding measures are required.

Strawberries should be kept in one place for no more than 5 years, as they degenerate, varietal characteristics disappear, the berries become smaller, and the greens become less rich. This can lead to total disease and death of the entire plantation.

Why you need to fertilize strawberries in the fall

The need to apply fertilizers in the autumn is determined by the type of root system. Strawberries are fibrous, that is main root absent, but there are a large number of adventitious roots that are located in the top layer of soil.

During the fruiting period, the plant takes everything from the soil nutrients. There are only a few of them left in the upper layer; the rest are washed out by rain and watering into the lower layers, from where it is almost impossible to get them.

The second reason: fertilizing strawberries in the fall is necessary, since the plant has two periods of active leaf growth - spring and August after the end of fruiting. At these moments, strawberries consume the most nutrition from the soil. In spring for fruiting, in autumn for restoration and establishment vegetative buds

for next season. Strawberries can lose all their greenery due to a cold, snowless winter if they are not strengthened in the fall. root system and not give the opportunity vegetative organs

recover after fruiting.

How to feed strawberries in the fall to ensure a good harvest depends on what is on the site: manure, chicken droppings, whether green manure is grown, whether the owner of the site collects wood ash or uses only mineral fertilizers. Autumn feeding of strawberries in winter can be carried out by one or more of the above means. It is also necessary to fertilize strawberries in the fall after planting new bushes, since the root system must have time to adapt to the new place and get stronger.

Then a good winter is guaranteed.

  • Why is it important to choose what to fertilize strawberries in the fall for a better harvest:
  • the number of buds a plant produces that will work for the harvest depends on certain nutrients and their combination;
  • if you apply fertilizers that contain nitrogen to feed strawberries for the winter, you can destroy all the plants, since increased growth of green mass will begin, while the roots will lag behind and the bushes will not overwinter well;

long-lasting substances for feeding garden strawberries in the fall stay longer in the soil and support the plants in winter and spring, so nutrition does not stop, which is important for the formation of vegetative buds. Fertilizing strawberries in autumn 2 weeks after the end of fruiting, so that the movement of juices along the stems slows down.

Organic for strawberries

When planting new plants, organic fertilizers for strawberries are applied for two years. Next feeding organics should be carried out no earlier than at the end of the second fruiting season. Organic matter is useful in that it maintains the depth of the fertile layer and stimulates the activity of soil microorganisms that feed on plant residues.

Depending on the type of organic matter, it may contain nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, or only potassium and phosphorus, or only phosphorus with trace elements.

In the latter case, you will need to combine additives with mineral fertilizers. How to fertilize the soil

  • before planting strawberries:
  • cattle manure;
  • chicken droppings;
  • wood ash;
  • beveled green manure;

bone meal or horn shavings.

There are some rules for adding organic matter to the soil. Manure and chicken droppings must be kept in a pile for at least a year so that excess ammonia, harmful to young roots, evaporates. Fertilizing strawberries in the fall with chicken droppings

  • carried out in several ways:
  • compost based on chicken manure; fresh litter,
  • infused in water for at least a week, then diluted in a concentration of 1/20 so as not to burn the roots, as it contains the largest amount of nitrogen substances; rotted droppings,

who is 2 years old. The same applies to fresh mullein: it is first infused in water, then diluted 1/10, that is 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of water and water the soil under the roots. Humus - two-year-old manure - can be dug up with soil without fear of damaging the plants. Compost is the most safe substance

How to feed strawberries in the fall for the next spring harvest.

Wood ash is the most suitable substance for the autumn period, as it does not contain nitrogen.

The main components of the ash are potassium and phosphorus, as well as almost the entire periodic table of microelements, which are important for the immunity of strawberry bushes. Ash fertilizer for strawberries in the fall helps to destroy pests in the soil - nematodes, wireworms, and other pests that do not like alkaline additives. To prepare the solution, take 300 g of ash and add a bucket of water. The ash should sit and release its nutrients. then you can start watering. Dry ash is added to prepare the soil for planting new bushes. 1 - 2 cups of dry matter are distributed over 1 square meter and dig up.

Although green manure contains a large amount of nitrogen, it can be used as fertilizer when planting strawberries in the fall. The fact is that until plant residues are processed by soil microorganisms, it is not available for plant nutrition.

It takes time for green manure to completely rot. Until spring, bacteria break down and digest the greens, after which the root system consumes ready-made substances - potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen.

Bone meal or ground horns and hooves contain phosphorus and calcium. Such fertilizers are applied when planting strawberries in the fall for three years. During this period, they are completely processed by microorganisms and nourish the plants, gradually releasing useful substances. phosphorus combines well with the soil, so it remains in upper layers for a long time.

Mineral fertilizers for garden strawberries

You can fertilize strawberries in the fall alone mineral mixtures, but do this by alternating or combining them with organic matter so as not to deplete the soil.

When using minerals, sooner or later you can deplete the soil. It will become hard and dry quickly. Such soil is not suitable for strawberries with their type of roots; yields will be reduced by half. Fertilizing strawberries in the fall with superphosphate and potash fertilizers

needed to strengthen the root system. Superphosphate is ineffective as an independent substance, so it is added simultaneously with potassium sulfate.

Carefully! Strawberries do not like potassium chloride. You can use fertilizers with chlorine 2 - 3 weeks before planting young bushes, so that the chlorine dissolves and evaporates Complex mixtures mineral fertilizers

, which contain nitrogen, is prohibited. Mineral nitrogen quickly dissolves and begins to act. In winter, plants begin to expel new shoots and leaves, which weakens the root system. Video: Autumn fertilizer


Minerals that are used to feed strawberries in the fall after transplantation are added in dry or liquid form. The second method is preferable, since in a liquid state the substances are more quickly absorbed by the roots and begin to act. For watering square meter strawberry plantation needs to be dissolved 40 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate. After watering, the soil under the roots is mulched. Mulch reduces moisture loss, prevents weeds from breaking through and warms the roots in. winter period

Fallen leaves or covering material – lutrasil – are most often used as mulching material. How to feed strawberries in the fall for several years to come? This. phosphate rock Phosphobacteria found in the soil process the mineral supplement and release waste products into the soil, which are absorbed by plants.

Hi all! Autumn feeding of strawberries - rules and tips in this material. Like many others garden plants, strawberries, or to be precise - garden strawberries, really need proper feeding. And now, when all the berries have already been eaten, the strawberry jam has been made and the strawberries are almost ready for the cold, it’s time to decide how, when and what is the best way to feed the strawberries.

No matter what varieties of strawberries we grow, they all need periodic support throughout the year - some fertilizers are better suited to spring fertilizing, and others are needed in the fall.

What you will learn from this material:

The essence and task of any plant feeding, including in the autumn, is to give and help the plant obtain all the nutrients necessary for full growth and development. Today we will talk about autumn feeding of strawberries.

The Importance of Fall Strawberry Nutrition

Although strawberries are considered an undemanding plant, generally adapted to the climate of the middle zone, a sufficient harvest can only be obtained with high-quality fertilizing. The type of root system itself determines the importance of applying various fertilizers.

The absence of a main root and a large number of small adventitious roots located in the upper layers contribute to the fact that the bush cannot receive all the necessary nutrients. During the fruiting phase, strawberries take all the microelements from the upper layer, the remains are washed into the lower layer, from where the small roots of the plant are practically unable to extract them.

Autumn feeding of strawberries is also important because this plant has two phases of active growth - the leaves grow vigorously in the spring and at the end of August after the fruit is harvested. Accordingly, by spring there are practically no nutritional components left in the soil, and the formation of vegetative buds may not occur.

If you do not strengthen the root system in the fall, in the absence of snow in winter, leaves may not appear on the bush. The lack of nutritional components does not have the best effect on the harvest - the berries become small and wrinkled, the pulp loses juice, the leaves are small and may turn yellow.

Deadline for autumn fertilizing of strawberries

It is recommended to feed strawberries three times per season: in spring, summer and autumn periods. Autumn fertilizing is applied so that berry bushes, exhausted by fruiting, have time to recover before the beginning of winter and can easily and without problems overwinter.

Because after harvesting berry culture flower buds are formed, then fruiting occurs in next year It just depends on whether fertilizer was applied to the strawberries in the fall. In addition, if the berries were planted only this year, then the autumn feeding of strawberries will be the first for them. Therefore, it is very important to carry it out without disturbances, so as not to harm future fruiting.

The best time to fertilize strawberries is in September. Although the period will depend on the type of berry. Some of them require fertilizing in October-November. However, in any case, fertilizers can be applied only after fruiting has ended. In order to figure out what fertilizers are needed for strawberries, we suggest you use the tips given in the following sections.

Organic fertilizers for autumn feeding of strawberries

Strawberries are very beneficial because in the fall they can be fertilized with various organic substances, which most summer residents have their own production.

So, in large farms For autumn feeding bushes use mullein, which for this purpose must be diluted with water in a ratio of approximately 1:10.

The garden bed is not watered with the resulting mixture right away - you need to let the mixture sit for several days, and then partially extinguish it by adding half a glass of ash.

Very popular organic fertilizer Chicken manure is also suitable for fertilizing strawberries for the winter. Bird droppings can be purchased at almost any gardening store. It goes on sale in dry form, and, accordingly, this concentrate must be turned into a liquid infusion before use. The scheme is quite simple:

  • add 1 part litter to 10 parts water;
  • the product is infused for 2 days;
  • the finished preparation is applied to the soil, trying not to get on the green part of the plants;
  • The mixture is watered into the furrows between the rows and bushes.

If you keep chickens, then the task becomes easier. All you have to do is collect the droppings, fill the bucket about 1/3 full with it, add water to the top and leave it in the sun. After 2 days the drug will be ready for use.

And remember that bird droppings are rich in nitrogen, and large amounts of it can be bad for plants. Therefore, it is important to monitor the amount of fertilizing applied and not to overdo it.

Mineral fertilizers for autumn feeding of strawberries

It also happens that none of the means described above is at hand, or it is there, but in clearly insufficient quantities. IN modern world This problem can be solved quite easily - the chemical industry makes it possible to isolate in a factory way all the essentials for cultivated plants and turn it into powder or granules, which are sold at any farm store. In general, almost any product that contains plenty of phosphorus and potassium should be suitable.

If we talk about specific items, the most popular solution would be “Kemira Autumn” in an amount of approximately 50 grams for a meter per meter area. The application of mineral fertilizers usually involves subsequent mulching of the soil - the procedure is usually carried out 2-3 days after fertilizing and fallen tree leaves or sawdust are used for this purpose.

How to feed strawberries in the fall when planting?

Some fertilizing should be applied in the fall when planting. In this case, you need to either put fertilizers in the hole with the sprouts, or wait until they take root and then start fertilizing, applying them to the open ground.

A popular fertilizer for strawberries in the fall is a mixture of organic matter and minerals. During planting, a mixture of humus, potassium chloride and superphosphate is placed in the holes. Per square meter usually take 3-4 kg of the first, 10 g of the second and 30-40 grams of the third. After planting, the soil is mulched with compost.

Some gardeners in the fall lay out cut grass without seeds in the beds between the strawberry bushes, as well as chopped stems and leaves of lupine, sprinkling them with a small layer of soil or sand. These plants, decomposing in winter, enrich the soil with useful substances.

Fertilizing strawberries in autumn

Covering strawberries for the winter

Regardless of the chosen method of protecting strawberries from the cold, it is advisable to carry out the following work in in full. All technological operations are aimed at ensuring that the plant meets the winter strong, healthy, and that the soil is as prepared as possible for the upcoming period of low temperatures.

This is a guarantee that strawberries will safely survive our severe frosts, and not a single bush will die even if their shelter is not reliable enough (or is not organized quite correctly).

Straw is a good option, but you just have to sort it out carefully. If there are grains left on it, then such a shelter will attract small rodents to the strawberry beds. It should be taken into account that when it gets wet, it begins to rot, and this provokes the development of rot, which will spread to the strawberries. Therefore, straw should be used extremely carefully, taking into account the indicated comments.

Lapnik is one of the the best ways strawberry shelters. Besides the fact that in itself it serves good insulation for strawberries, it will also reliably hold snow on the plots with its needles. It is difficult to blow it away even in a strong wind.

And since in Lately It has become popular to use synthetic non-woven materials to cover many crops, let's look at how to properly cover strawberries for the winter with agrofibre. The thickness of the covering layer should be at least 6-8 cm - this will protect the bushes from the cold if there is little snow in winter.

For winter shelter strawberries use agrofibre with a density of 17-30 g. You can simply cover the strawberry bed with several layers nonwoven fabric or build a small structure with arch supports.

In the spring, with the onset of the first warm days, the agrofibre will need to be opened briefly to allow the strawberries to “breathe”, and at night, when there is still a danger of spring frosts, the beds will need to be covered again.

You can also cover the strawberries with old, dry branches.

The most popular methods of covering strawberries for the winter are listed - and it’s up to you to decide which method of covering to choose!

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