Orchid... Sophistication and grace, sophistication and variety, lightness and ease flower beauty leave in the souls of both professional gardeners and amateurs an unforgettable impression that haunts and ultimately leads to the acquisition of this magnificent plant.

Filled with Asian grace and oriental mystery, an orchid in a pot is seen by gardeners as a complex and difficult to care for plant. This is wrong. Of course, the level of attention and care for this flower is much higher, but at the same time, do not forget that caring for orchids is work, the reward for which will more than pay for the costs.

It’s impossible to tell everything about orchids, but important details attention is required, therefore, in this article we will talk about how to properly care for an orchid, and we will tell you what proper care of an orchid requires.

Flower health assessment

First of all, in order to care room beauty did not turn into daily resuscitation of the plant and did not seem like hard labor, assess the level of health of the flower. This can be done based on three main parameters.

  1. Leaves. They should be elastic, fleshy, and look alive. At the same time, the characteristics inherent in a particular type of orchid are observed. For example, venation. Under no circumstances should any stains, dots or other inclusions be present. Also, the leaves should be periodically wiped from dust. This can be done either with simple filtered water or with succinic acid.
  2. Roots. First of all, they are judged by color. The roots of an unwatered plant are silvery, while those of a watered plant are green.
  3. Under no circumstances should rotting or even a hint of such a process be allowed. and the rotten must be absent. If the root changes color to yellow or brown, it means it has rotted. Healthy orchid roots are silver-green or white depending on the type of orchid.
  4. Container-pot. Clean, without mold or signs of moss - an ideal pot. When choosing a pot, you need to be guided by the type of orchid; terrestrial ones are usually grown in opaque pots, and others in transparent ones, since the roots of such orchids also participate in photosynthesis and they need light.

Important! You should pay attention to the growing point of the flower. She must be intact.

Conditions for an orchid

An orchid at home requires very special decisions for itself, since its health and beauty will always be inextricably linked with them. Compliance with these conditions is the essence of flower care.


If the pot in which the flower was originally located does not suit you for one reason or another, then you should choose another one.

If you are a beginner, then even for terrestrial orchids it is best to choose a transparent container. This allows you to make caring for an orchid in a pot not such a labor-intensive process since it becomes possible to control the health of the roots without removing the plant outside, thereby eliminating stressful conditions for the flower.

The depth of the container should be appropriate to the size of the plant and be sufficient for the substrate with a drainage system.

Methods of watering and spraying

Watering a flower is fundamentally important for good development plants and its correct execution will create a reliable basis for the health of the beautiful orchid. For irrigation, use settled, boiled or filtered water.

The frequency of watering depends on the temperature regime created in the room. Usually, in the hot season, flowers are watered once every few days, but in cold periods, the frequency is reduced to once a week or less. You need to focus on the humidity of the substrate. Most orchid plants are watered after the substrate has dried.

Important! The frequency and volume of watering is adjusted taking into account the type of orchid and its development period. So, during the flowering period, the frequency of watering is reduced, and during the flowering period active growth increase.

There are several ways for proper care at home.

Surface irrigation (flood method)

Water is applied to the entire area of ​​the substrate in a thin stream until it is completely saturated. Watering is stopped when water begins to flow from the holes in the container. excess water. Under no circumstances should moisture enter or remain in the inflorescences and rosettes of leaves, as this provokes rotting.

Immersion watering

For many orchids, this method of watering can be considered the most optimal and convenient. It is carried out infrequently and allows the flower to receive all the necessary volume of moisture. Also, this method helps protect the flower from flooding and waterlogging.

The orchid along with the pot is immersed in a container of water for a period of 1 minute to half an hour. The water should be at room temperature and not contain a large amount of mineral salts, as they will subsequently settle on the root system and this will negatively affect the health of the flower. After immersion, excess moisture must be allowed to drain. Therefore, the number of holes in the container plays a special role. But this method is not suitable for all orchids. If you are using a very moisture-intensive substrate, it is better to choose the spill method.

The following procedure is carried out only when there is a visual need for it.

Important! When watering several plants by immersion, never use the same water for all flowers. Water must be changed to prevent the spread of diseases.

Bathing in the shower

This method will answer the question of how to care for an orchid in a pot, since bathing a flower is not only a method of watering, but also one of the options for maintaining the proper level of hygiene for the orchid. This method perfectly removes dust, dirt and other substances that may settle on the leaves. Bathing is dangerous because with subsequent cooling, drafts or heating by the sun the plant can rot, so after bathing it is better to wipe the plant and be sure to remove water from the growing point and axils of the leaves.

The water should be warm to moderately hot. In fact, bathing in the shower can be divided into:

  • Separate. In which only the part of the plant above the growing point is bathed.
  • General. In which the entire plant participates in bathing. This method can be considered a combined watering.

Whatever method the florist uses, after your home orchid rested, definitely need to remove it excess moisture from inflorescences.

Watering through a tray

This method of watering is well known among orchid lovers and is popular because of its convenience. The flower pot is placed in a tray with water and the plant itself selects the amount of moisture necessary for its life. As the pan becomes empty, water is added.

Important! With this irrigation method, the height of the drainage and the water level in the pan play a huge role. Water should not touch the main substrate.

Also, such watering must be balanced with temperature conditions and lighting solutions. At the same time, you should carefully monitor the humidity level!


Spraying is harmful for most orchids, as it can lead to leaf spotting, rotting of the bulbs and fungal diseases. It is better to increase the air humidity with a humidifier, if necessary.

Transplantation and feeding

Care indoor orchid requires not only the creation quality conditions, but also consists in extending the life of the flower and creating the necessary conditions for the developing organism.

Caring for orchids is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If you strictly follow the rules below, the plant long years will develop successfully and delight abundant flowering. The article below explains in detail everything about orchids and caring for them.

Adaptation of the acquired plant

Caring for an orchid in a pot should begin immediately after purchase. The first thing to do is place the plant separately from the existing ones. Such forced quarantine must last at least 2 weeks. During this time, the indoor orchid adapts to new conditions. This will also make it possible to identify pests if they are present.

In order for the orchid to adapt quickly and without problems, you should not immediately place it in direct sunlight; it is best to place it some distance from the window. And also, do not rush into watering and fertilizing. Because of stress state the plant will not benefit from them. They begin to accustom the orchid to new conditions gradually. First, they place it in a sunny place for several hours, then begin to water it little by little.

Important! An orchid at home will feel good if you create conditions as close as possible to natural conditions for the plant and provide proper care for the orchid.

Quarantine for orchids

Quarantine is the isolation of newly acquired plants to avoid infecting others. indoor pets, if the newcomer has any diseases or is susceptible to infection by insect pests. This isolation is necessary because many diseases have incubation period, and at this moment it is not possible to recognize whether a flower is sick or not, especially for novice gardeners.

A newly acquired orchid is isolated in a room where there are no other plants, and it is observed for an average of two weeks. Quarantine can be active or passive.

In the first case, the flower is simply observed without doing anything. In the second case, the plant is treated with drugs against possible and. If after a month the orchid has not shown signs of disease, then it is put together with the other flowers, and if any pathologies are detected, a decision must be made on what to do next with the flower - treat it or get rid of it. Often, it is not possible to cure a diseased plant.


After the orchid has adapted to the new place of cultivation and has passed quarantine, you can begin to plant it. The indoor orchid flower does not like replanting, so it is carried out only in case of emergency. The most common reasons for this are the following:

  • the need to remove transport soil. Some orchids are sold not in ordinary, but in special transport soil. It is not intended for cultivation;
  • bay of plants;
  • diseases and pests;
  • significant growth of the root system.

Important! When replanting an orchid, you need to act carefully. The roots of this plant are very fragile and easily break even from a slight force. Under no circumstances should healthy roots be cut off. If there is dried or rotten velamen (covering tissue of the root system), it is carefully removed by hand, leaving only thread roots.

The process itself is quite simple and usually does not pose much difficulty even for novice gardeners. The plant is removed from the pot when lung help tapping on the bottom. If the root system has grown sufficiently large that it is no longer possible to remove it carefully, cut the pot with a knife. After extraction, the roots are cleaned of the remnants of the old substrate, removing all rotten and dry areas, and washed.

Now the orchid can be transplanted into new pot. To do this, pour a small layer on the bottom, over which the roots are carefully distributed. After this, the resulting cavities between the roots are filled with the remains of the substrate. Immediately after transplantation, you cannot water the orchid; within 2–3 days, damage to its roots will heal. Afterwards, watering is gradually resumed.

Replanting a phalaenopsis orchid


The growth and development of orchids is greatly influenced by lighting. When choosing a place to place them, you should be guided by the following rule: the house orchid is a light-loving plant, but it does not tolerate exposure to direct sunlight. When placing a potted plant on sunny windowsill Leaves are often affected. They may suffer serious burns. Therefore, it feels best on windows of eastern or western orientation.

With a sufficient level of illumination, orchids will bloom all year round or with a short break for rest. With a lack of light, their leaves will gradually begin to turn yellow and flowering will stop.

When the summer heat sets in, especially if the flower pot is placed directly on the windowsill, the orchid will have to be shaded. To do this, you can use matte film or even ordinary gauze.

The indoor orchid also reacts to duration daylight hours. Therefore in winter period It is advisable to provide her with additional illumination. If this is not done, she will have a forced period of rest, which will last until the end of February. Organize additional lighting in room conditions You can use fluorescent lamps or special pink phytolamps. Everything for orchids and their cultivation can be purchased at specialized flower shops.

Orchid lighting

Temperature and humidity

Proper care care for an orchid must necessarily include strict adherence to temperature regime. Most often, ordinary room conditions are quite sufficient for her. All orchids can be divided into three types:

  • heat-loving orchids (some species, etc.), growing in the hot tropics, preferring high temperatures of +18 - +33 degrees;
  • moderate-loving flowers (Lelias) growing in temperate climate(+19 - +23 degrees);
  • orchids that love coolness come from the highlands (most Dendrobiums, Celoginia, etc.), growing at +21 degrees.

Temperature conditions for an orchid must meet the following criteria:

  • 25–30 °С in summer period;
  • 20–25 °C in winter;
  • The difference between day and night temperatures is 5–6 °C.

Orchids at home are especially sensitive to the difference in day and night temperatures. It is at this temperature difference that the formation of future flower buds occurs.

When caring for orchids at home, humidity should be between 60–80%. The more accurate indicator depends on the species. In apartments with central heating in winter, the humidity level decreases significantly. And since orchids come from the humid tropics, they react negatively to this decline. The following options exist to solve this problem:

  • Isolate orchids from direct hit hot dry air from heating radiators. For example, for this you can make a small improvised screen from foil;
  • Regularly spray the plant with warm, settled water in the first half of the day. At night, the leaves of the plant must be dry;
  • Place the pot with the orchid on a layer of damp pebbles or expanded clay.

Watering and fertilizing

How to care for an orchid in a pot. Caring for an indoor orchid is quite simple. The main thing is to create growing conditions for the plant as close as possible to natural ones and apply fertilizers in a timely manner.

Proper care of a tropical orchid at home is not possible without the appropriate care. In this case, it is best to rely on next rule: Before each watering, the plant must dry out. Most types of orchids can easily cope with a little drying out, but flooding will kill them almost immediately.

You can determine the need for watering by the weight of the pot; when the substrate dries out, it becomes much lighter. But you can also visually assess the moisture level based on the condition of the soil. The orchid plant comes from the tropics, so irrigation water must be warm and soft.

There is no clear answer to the question of how to water. Each gardener has his own proven watering method. Some people prefer to use the “immersion” method, while others simply pour the plants over the sink.

You need to spray the orchid regularly and very carefully, avoiding water getting on the flowers. You also need to remember that the orchid does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature and hypothermia, therefore, after watering, you should protect it from drafts.

When growing a flower such as an orchid, caring for it at home should be done using. All types of orchids feed through roots, so only water-soluble types of fertilizer mixtures are used to feed them. However, they must be designed specifically for orchids. Fertilizers for other species indoor flowers more concentrated and easily burns their sensitive root system. It is better to purchase fertilizers in specialized flower shops, in departments with everything for orchids.

Orchid watering method


So we have learned how to properly care for an orchid, now it remains to get acquainted with the basic methods of this plant. Depending on the type, propagation can be carried out by dividing an overgrown bush, by children, or by rooting cuttings.

  • Dividing the bush. When caring for an orchid, this propagation method is used most often. It is suitable only for sympodial species. During it, the overgrown bush is divided. The orchid rhizome is simply cut into several parts. Each of them must have 2-3 full-fledged and viable bulbs.
  • Planting children. Monopodial orchids most often reproduce by children or stem offspring. For example, with proper care, they can form on the peduncle. When the root system develops, the children are carefully separated from the mother plant and planted in separate containers, which are placed in a greenhouse for the first 2–3 weeks.
  • Cuttings. Like all indoor plants, orchids can be propagated by cuttings. For example, in phalaenopsis cuttings are taken from peduncles after flowering has ended. To root them, a small improvised greenhouse is used, which can be easily built from ordinary plastic bottle. The formation of a new root system usually takes about one month.

Nowadays it is difficult to meet a person who has not heard anything about orchids. However, the indoor orchid is very different from its wild counterparts. Some orchids grow in the wild, in tropical latitudes, on trees whose trunks serve as support for them. There are species that grow on rocks, and their roots grow into cracks between the stones, where moisture and humus accumulate. But the most unusual are the species that lead an underground lifestyle.

There are many legends and myths associated with the origin of the orchid. For example, the Maori tribes and Amazon Indians firmly believed in its divine origin. For residents South America White orchid is a kind of insurance policy sent by the gods. And some people still believe that in the dense jungle there are predatory species that can even devour a person. Orchids, of course, have not yet matured to humans, but there are specimens that feed on spiders and other insects attracted bright color or the smell of flowers.

All about indoor brothers

The flower got its name from Greek word, translated as “testicle”. There are very capricious representatives of this family, but for the most part, orchids are not particularly whimsical, they are easy to care for, and they bloom easily at home.

In indoor conditions, the orchid needs sufficient moisture room air. Flowers easily tolerate a lack of moisture. Their roots are designed in such a way that they quickly absorb moisture and can retain it for a long time. Orchids developing in indoor conditions are characterized by the presence aerial roots. They are not removed; with their help, the orchid captures moisture from the air.

Although the orchid is native to the tropics, caring for it is not too different from caring for others. indoor plants. It does not require expensive fertilizers or special pots. But some features are still worth considering. Orchids in indoor conditions prefer to be placed on east windows, as well as looking to the northeast and northwest. If it is not possible to create such conditions for it, then you can simply darken it, that is, create a shadow in the place where you plan to place the flower.

Some people place orchids in the back of rooms, then the flowers need additional lighting. This is where they can help fluorescent lamps. During the development period indoor flower the orchid requires long daylight hours, approximately 12-15 hours. The plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The light must be diffused. Otherwise, the orchid will simply burn. In order to answer the question of how to care for an indoor orchid, you should know the characteristics during the flowering period. During the period of time when the plant is actively growing, winter and summer, the atmosphere around the plant should be moist. This will be facilitated by regular spraying of the leaves. You should also process aerial roots, if available. The flower should not be in a draft, but there should be good air circulation in the room. Orchid in favorable conditions can have a flowering period of up to six months. The optimal room temperature is 20-23 °C.

Indoor orchid blooming

The orchid is characterized by long and long flowering, which is why it is loved. The flowers of the plant are dense and can bloom for a month, sometimes two. Peduncles have an even longer life span. With proper care, they can branch and bloom several times. How older plant, the denser its flowers will be and the more flower stalks will appear.

Are your favorite indoor flowers orchids? How to care for it so that it blooms? An orchid can begin to bloom at any time when the conditions are most favorable. It all starts with the laying of a flower bud, which is invisible at first. It becomes noticeable if the peduncle begins to develop. The period of time between bud initiation and growth itself can be quite long. For the development of flower buds into flower stalks, certain conditions must be met, depending on the orchid variety:

A sharp reduction in watering;

A sharp reduction in daylight hours.

But it should be noted that if the peduncle has already begun to grow, then shortening the daylight hours will not affect this.

The end of flowering: what next?

Many people are concerned about the question of how to care for an indoor orchid after flowering. The first thing worth noting is that you should not rush and trim the peduncle as soon as the flowers begin to dry out. And even after all the buds have fallen, you need to watch the peduncle. If it does not dry out, then there is a high probability of new buds appearing on it. You can cut it only if it begins to turn yellow and dry out. After trimming, a stump of 2.5 centimeters remains. Living flower stalks are trimmed to correct the shape of the orchid.

Orchid propagation

The orchid houseplant is so beautiful that you want to have more and more. And sooner or later the question arises about how the flower reproduces and how to plant it correctly. Orchid indoor propagation assumes in the following forms:

You can often see “air babies” on a flower. Most often they appear on flower stalks. You should wait until the shoot acquires its own roots, and then plant it in the ground for independent growth. Dendrobium and phalaenopsis reproduce in this way when they find themselves in a room with high temperature and sufficient humidity.

Propagation by cuttings is suitable for phalaenopsis, vanda, and ascocentrum. The stem of such orchids has one apical growth point. A side shoot can become a cutting. You can also make a cutting from a faded flower shoot. The stem is cut into cuttings up to 15 centimeters long, they are laid on prepared soil, sand or moss. After which the vessel is covered with film. Each cutting must have at least several nodes with axillary buds.

Like many indoor flowers, orchids can reproduce by division. But this method is suitable only for a few representatives, for example, Cattleya, Laelia, Dendrobium, Miltonia. They differ in that they have several growth points, each of which produces a sprout. The right time for division is spring. During this period the plant it will take root better. To do this, it is removed from the pot, cleaned of the substrate or washed under the tap with warm water. The peeled rhizome is cut with a knife or pruning shears so that at least a few pseudobulbs remain on each piece. The sections must be sprinkled with charcoal powder.

Variety of orchid species

Like many indoor flowers, the orchid has many types. Each plant variety is unique. There are also some differences in their care that everyone who wants to enjoy the beauty of this flower should know. Indoor orchids have the following types:

Catleya, the most popular representative found in homes. The color of the flowers can be crimson, purple, pink, yellow. The diameter of the flowers is large (11-15 centimeters). She needs good ventilation, minimum temperature air 15° and sufficient humidity.

- The Vanda Orchid is a very beautiful, but whimsical plant. It has long peduncles and large flowers on them. To bloom, it needs to be provided with very bright light and high humidity air. It has pleasant aroma. The lower temperature threshold is 14°. Flowering period - autumn-winter.

Lycasta is large in size, which is why it is rarely seen on sale. Prefers partial shade. Likes cool and moderate temperatures. The flowers are solitary, very fragrant.

Dendrobium is very diverse in size. Has long fleshy stems. Colors range from white to bright purple.

Miltonia has variegated velvety flowers. Doesn't like drafts. Winter temperature is 12-15°, summer temperature is not higher than 25°.

Phalaenopsis indoors

Phalaenospis is also called butterfly orchids. This indoor orchid blooms twice a year. Flowering duration is from 2 months to six months. The size of the flowers varies from 2 to 15 centimeters. The color is very diverse, there are species with veins, speckles and spotted ones. Indoor phalaenopsis orchids bloom more often and more readily on southern windows, naturally shaded. Requires thorough watering once a week. Phalaenopsis needs to be fertilized several times a month; you can add it directly to the water when watering. This variety of orchid does not have a dormant period, which means it can grow constantly, even during the flowering period. In order for a flower to bloom, you can deliberately slow down the growth process. IN spring period place it in a cool place and reduce watering. The temperature difference in the room during the day and night should not exceed 5°. In summer, at a temperature of 30-35°, the orchid intensively grows leaves, but does not bloom.

Watering methods

For full healthy plant Water quality is very important. The indoor orchid prefers soft to moderately hard water. You can reduce the hardness of water by boiling. It is worth noting that many orchids in indoor conditions die precisely because of overwatering. For an orchid, drying the roots is a necessity. There are several ways to water an orchid.

We water with a watering can. Use a thin stream, passing over the entire surface of the pot, until water begins to accumulate in the tray. The excess must be drained from it. Morning watering is optimal for an orchid, then the plant will have time to dry out before the evening. When watering a flower, you should avoid getting water on it. If this happens, it is better to dry this place, for example, with a napkin.

Water by immersion. To do this, lower the flower into a container of water until it is saturated. This takes about 30 seconds. Afterwards, you must let it drain and you can return it to its place.

Bathing orchid

The indoor orchid flower loves to swim. This procedure can be carried out several times a month. To do this, the pot itself is placed in plastic bag and ties, and the flowers and leaves are under gentle pressure warm water. Leave the plant in the bathroom to dry. Swimming more useful procedure rather than spraying. It cleans the leaves of dust and microorganisms. We remember that during the rest period there should be a minimum of moisture. But, for example, the soil of phalaenopsis, which does not have a period of “hibernation,” should not dry out too much.

"House" for an orchid

An orchid pot is not just a container, it is also a support. In indoor conditions, the orchid feels good in a pot. Plastic transparent pots are suitable for this. This allows you to monitor the condition of the roots, and in the case of phalaenopsis this is a necessity, since its roots are involved in photosynthesis. Plastic contributes to more long-term preservation moisture, salt does not accumulate on the walls. To prevent overflow, additional side holes can be made.

Clay “houses” are good because they allow moisture and air to pass through. They cool more strongly, which will appeal to more frost-resistant types of orchids. Another advantage clay pot- this is his weight. The likelihood that a flower will fall under its own weight is low. The disadvantages of this pot include the roughness of its inner walls. Orchid roots may grow to them, and subsequently problems may arise during transplantation.

Substrate is not earth

The indoor orchid, unlike the flowers we are used to, does not take root in the ground. Its roots need a lot of air. And the substrate consists of components that can provide the plant with a sufficient amount of air and moisture. One of the components of the substrate is bark. In Russia, this is most often pine bark. True, oak bark has large quantity nutrients. Another component of the substrate should be moss. You can use not only live, but also dried sphagnum. It is needed primarily as a means of accumulating moisture, and it is also an excellent source of nutrients. It also absorbs excess salt well. However, it has to be replaced quite often if it was used alive.

Proper nutrition, lighting, air humidity and watering will be the key to a healthy, beautiful plant that will delight you and your guests for a long time.

You spent a long time choosing a plant in the store and, in the end, decided on an orchid. These are quite attractive flowers, but they also require proper care. But if you care for them properly, these truly royal flowers will delight their owners with their splendor for a long time. Very often, inexperienced owners of this plant ask the question: how to care for orchids at home? It's all about making the right choice soil, air humidity, lighting and watering.

Orchid care at home

Adaptation of the flower after the store

So, you brought the beauty home. But what can you do to ensure that the flower endures stress with less losses, and perfectly adapts to new conditions, and does not harm the rest of the flowers growing in your house? And how to properly care for a flower that you just brought?

Duration of quarantine

The most important thing is to quarantine the flower for several weeks. To do this, you need to place the plant separately from the other flowers. If there is no place for the plant on the window, then you can put it on the bedside table or in some other place. But here we must take into account that A newly purchased flower does not need direct rays of the sun; it is better for the orchid to stand in a shaded place. Also, at this time there is no need to feed the flower with fertilizers, which sellers usually offer when purchasing a plant.

Watering a plant in a pot during dormancy is also not advisable, just keep an eye on its leaves and other parts all the time. This is necessary for the timely identification of possible flower pests in order to prevent them from multiplying. After the quarantine is over, slowly accustom the flower to the sun on the windowsill and water it a little as needed.


It should be noted that replanting a store-bought plant is not required. The flower can grow in its substrate for several years. Immediate replanting is required only if the flower is planted in sphagnum moss in the store.

There is no need to treat a new orchid in a pot with any floral “anti-stress” agents, just keep the plant dry and it will cope with stress on its own and take root in your apartment. There is also no need to treat the leaves with insect repellents., especially when they are not there. Why injure a plant that has already survived the move? A flower left alone and dry will activate its defenses and will be able to adapt normally to new conditions.

Fertilizer, watering, lighting

If you are interested in care, then you need to know that this flower is delicate and capricious, so it needs to be created for it. certain conditions. But caring for a flower is not difficult; the main thing is to clearly know what needs to be done and at what time.


This is the main factor when caring for an orchid and determines whether the plant will bloom or not. Because if the plant has enough light, the flowering will be constant, and if there is not enough light, the leaves will become light green over time, after which they will stretch out and begin to turn yellow. When choosing lighting, you should be guided by the following rules:

  • V summer time It is best to darken the flower. Especially when there is a high probability of direct rays of the sun hitting the leaves. Matte film or plastic is great for darkening;
  • flowers like a lot of diffused light. Direct rays of the sun are not suitable, this must be taken into account during care;
  • The length of daylight hours is also important for the flower. The normal daylight hours for an orchid are 12 hours long; if the daylight hours last less than 10 hours, then the plant requires artificial light. Caring for these flowers involves using lighting with fluorescent bulbs for these purposes;
  • V autumn time you don't have to do the darkening. At this time, the plant goes into a state of dormancy - the formation of shoots and their ripening takes place. You need to take this factor into account when leaving.


All orchids are divided into three types according to temperature regime:

  • cold-loving plants. These flowers are native to the highlands or subtropical climates and include most of the varieties, many Laelias and Paphiopedilums, as well as the Australian Dendrobiums. Most optimal temperature for these plants the daytime summer temperature is 21 degrees, and the nighttime winter temperature is 13–14 degrees;
  • medium temperature flowers. These species grow in the middle zones of the mountain tropics and these orchids include Odontoglossums and Miltonias. This flower must be cared for at a cooler temperature. The daytime temperature in summer for them should be 19–23 degrees, and the winter night temperature – 13–14 degrees;
  • heat-loving plants. These flowers are native to tropical coastal plains and forests and include some species of Cattleyas, Phalaenopsis and Dendrobiums. These varieties require warm conditions content, therefore the daytime temperature in summer for them must be 16–33 degrees, and the night temperature in winter – 16–19 degrees. The daily difference is no more than 3–5 degrees.

By and large, you will notice that almost all varieties of orchids growing in pots at home will feel great at a temperature of 19–26 degrees, during the day and 14–25 degrees. at night.


It should be noted that in nature, the bulk of these flowers are never found in water, since their roots cannot withstand stagnant moisture. But each type has its own watering feature. For example, Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilium love moist soil all the time, but Oncidium and Dendrobium require drier soil and need to be watered only when the soil dries out.

But, by and large, all orchids are more tolerant of drying out than waterlogging. They need abundant watering only when flower stalks are released., flowering and active growth. If there is a lack of water, you will certainly know about it: the plant’s leaves and pseudobulbs will wrinkle. If there is an excess of moisture, the leaves will become wet and turn yellow, and the roots will rot.

In winter, when it is cool and there is little light, there is no need to water the orchid abundantly, and the plant also does not need a large number of water after flowering during dormancy.

Proper care consists of watering the flower with soft water. Rain and settled melt water are excellent for this. You can water the plant simply boiled water . In the summer, water it 2-3 times a week, after the top layer of soil dries, and in winter, watering should be kept to a minimum - 1-2 times a week. Observe whether the pseudobulb is wrinkled; if this phenomenon exists, the flower needs water.

Watering a flower consists of placing the plant in a pot in a container with warm water for 10 minutes, or intensively watering the orchid with water from the shower. In the latter option, the ground will be completely wet, and the water will come out of the drainage holes. After watering, hold the plant on a special grid, then all the water will come out, and then place it in a decorative pot.

Feeding and fertilizer

The flower requires feeding only during its growth; it is recommended to fertilize no more than once every 2–3 weeks. For this purpose, special additives are used - Bona Forte, Pocon or Greenworld.

The most important thing is to follow the indicated proportions on the pack and not overdo it.

These flowers do not like the concentration of mineral salts in the soil and may not tolerate it. Because It is necessary to clean the substrate during fertilization clean water , alternate watering and fertilizing once a week. Never buy bait that is intended for other flowers; do not feed the flower in winter and during dormancy.

Most experts are against frequent feeding. They claim that frequent fertilization lowers the plant’s immunity, so it is more susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, ideally, there is no need to fertilize the orchid at all, since all the required nutrients the plant receives it from the substrate, but this rule only applies when the substrate is renewed every few years.

How does an orchid reproduce?

If you know the specifics of caring for orchids, you can easily propagate the desired specimen. Propagation of this plant is done different ways, we’ll tell you about each of them in more detail.

Reproduction by "children"

“Children” are small new plants. These side shoots, as a rule, are formed in those flowers that have a high amount of nitrogen. If you notice “babies,” then try to spray the plant quite often and wait until they grow and take root. Then you can separate new flower, process it ground charcoal and plant separately.

Reproduction by layering

This propagation option consists of using layering; these layering are found in sympodial orchids. Aerial suckers quite often appear on shoots that have cylindrical or elongated thickened shoots.

IN in this case you will need a small greenhouse over the curved part of the stem. It can be created from a small plastic container and make a slot on the side. Then moisten the moss and wait for the sleeping buds to “wake up”.

The leafless shoot, located horizontally in the greenhouse, must be regularly moistened and heated. In about a month, the dormant buds will “wake up”, and young bushes with roots and leaves will grow from them.

After rooting, small orchids need to be carefully separated from the mother branch, then processed, or you can also transplant them into a small pot. Keep them in the greenhouse for a short time.

Vegetative propagation

This method is convenient for propagating almost all types of flowers. The rhizomes of the plants only need to be divided, leaving several pseudobulbs in each plot. But this method of propagation is only suitable when the orchid is quite large.

Take the flower out of the pot, then carefully separate the soil from the roots. Cut through the roots garden shears, on each separated part there should be several bulbs. P sprinkle the cuts with charcoal, plant all fragments of the flower separately. If it appears with an orchid, how to care for it in this case, then everything is easy. Spray them every day, water new flowers a little until new leaves or shoots form. This confirms that the plant has taken root.

Care during and after flowering

Most people are interested in how to care for a plant when it blooms. Features of care at this time are as follows:

  • It is best to raise the temperature at night by 5 degrees;
  • a blooming orchid requires abundant watering. It is best to water the plant under warm shower, and the water temperature must be 35 degrees, after watering, remove moisture from the growing point, otherwise it will rot;
  • At this time, the flower needs feeding. To do this, use a special fertilizer that is intended specifically for orchids, but you cannot overfeed the flower;
  • When flowering, you cannot replant the flower, otherwise the plant will shed all its flowers and buds.

If you want your orchid to bloom for as long as possible, do not constantly move the plant.

Care after flowering

When flowering ends and the peduncle has turned black and dried out, it must be trimmed to the base and removed. After flowering, the bait decreases. In winter, watering should be reduced to once a month; it is best to spray the flower several times with water.

It should be noted that if the plant requires replanting, it will not bloom, and in order for the orchid to bloom again, change the location of the pot, move it to another place.

If after flowering you see that the leaves of the flower have wrinkled and turned yellow, and it does not produce a peduncle, also move the pot to another place. Then the plant will bloom constantly.

We hope that all the information above was useful to you, and you now know how to care for orchids at home and, if everything is correct, then this beautiful plant will always delight you with flowers. Since flowering is the most favorite time in the life of every flower lover.

To exotic and tender plant pleased with its growth and grew its leaf mass and root system well, followed by it is worth organizing the right.

If he lacks any conditions or requirements, he can from incorrect content. To prevent this from happening, you need to know the basics of caring for an orchid.

Let's take a closer look at what care for orchids at home is necessary. Natural conditions for a plant it is warm tropics, Where:

At the same time, the air almost always remains humid, since the flower grows at a low altitude under the huge crowns of trees. Therefore, lighting for orchids should be light, but with scattered sun rays. Direct sun can burn.

Orchid diseases and pests

Sometimes per plant can be found:

  • Various insects;
  • Or bacterial.

There is no need to get upset right away, need to start treatment.

Harmful insects

Whatever insects are found on the flower, he is being quarantined and are treated with Actellik three times so that there is no chance of survival.

If pests are detected, the orchid must be quarantined.

The interval between treatments is 5-6 days.

Infectious diseases

Noticing infection,necessary:

  • Set the flower aside from the others;
  • And treat with fitoverm.

Processing carried out twice and observe for some more time so that the disease does not manifest itself.

Rot and fungi

To get rid of rot and fungi that sometimes appear on the root system due to overflow of the flower, necessary:

  • Trim off all black areas;
  • And treat the cuts with a fungicide.

Caring for the beautiful exotic plant under the name of an orchid is not such a complex thing. The main thing is to seize the moment, when to water and give the plant the necessary soil, and then the flower will respond to your care with beautiful blooms.

Useful video

Find out in the video how to care for an orchid in a pot at home:

Interesting facts in the video, what mistakes are made when caring for an orchid:

Watch the video on how to properly water an orchid:

Find out in the video what pests and diseases of orchids there are:

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