SAVING TOMATOES FROM PHYTOPHORA One of the most unpleasant problems, which can occur when growing tomatoes is their infection with late blight (late blight). Its signs are well known to every gardener - these are characteristic brown spots which after rain become covered with a whitish coating. As a result, they infect the fruits, which become unsuitable for food or for taking seeds. Moreover, a late blight outbreak in the form of a dark, hard spot under the skin can form on a green tomato that has been picked in advance for ripening. And if late blight has already appeared on your site, get ready for serious military action. Victory is guaranteed only if the right approach to the prevention and treatment of “brown rot” of tomatoes. WHERE DOES IT COME FROM? The causative agent of late blight, the fungus Phytophthora infestans, insidiously lurks in the ground for representatives of the nightshade family. It can attack other species, but potatoes and tomatoes are its favorite victims. Therefore, under no circumstances plant these crops next to each other - late blight most often spreads to tomatoes from potatoes. Also, its source can be last year’s unharvested tops or tubers that have overwintered in the ground. The best conditions for this disease are cool and damp. At temperatures up to +15ºС and high humidity, late blight spores will show their vital activity in visible spots in 8-10 days - then half the crop may already be infected. Plants on the surface are especially vulnerable, however, even in the greenhouse, where condensation often occurs, excellent conditions for fungal growth. HOW TO GET RID OF THIS? If you find traces of late blight on your favorite tomatoes, do not despair and destroy the entire crop in advance. You can fight this scourge, the main thing is systematicity, perseverance, and correct methods prevention and treatment. So, for the purpose of prevention, you should: regulate temperature regime and humidity level, watering the tomatoes only at the root; plant seeds that are 2-3 years old and no longer contain harmful microorganisms; promptly remove the lower branches of the bushes and control their growth - this can lead to a lack of oxygen, which also contributes to late blight. remove and burn affected fruits, as well as remove last year’s tops from the site. If the disease still overtakes the tomato bushes, it is necessary to take effective treatment. The following can be used: chemical industry products - fungicides (for example, you can buy the drug Ordan); copper (stem piercing copper wire) and compositions using it, for example, copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture. DO NOT FORGET THAT AFTER SPRAYING, YOU SHOULD WAIT A FEW WEEKS BEFORE USING THE RESCUE TOMATOES FOR FOOD. DRUG ORDAN - APPLICATION Cost: 40 rubles. Packaging: 25 g ORDAN is a broad-spectrum drug that is used for the treatment of plant diseases, as well as their prevention. As a rule, plants such as: potatoes are treated with this fungicide; tomatoes; cucumbers; grape. The active ingredients in this drug are cymoxanil and copper oxychloride. Ordan can be used both for plants planted in open ground, and planted in protected (up to indoor plants). This drug is mainly used in the fight against fungal pathogens. The key to successful treatment and effective prevention is correct application Ordana. FEATURES OF APPLICATION This drug is available in the form of a granular powder, which before direct use must be dissolved in water in the following proportion: one package of the drug per eight to ten liters of water. The amount of water depends on the purpose of using the Ordan. If the goal is to treat plants, then the powder should be dissolved in less water. If it is prevention, then you can use all ten liters. In the event that therapeutic or preventive spraying is carried out for indoor plants, then in this case up to 10 g of the substance is used per liter of water. The amount and concentration of the solution directly depend on the type of plant and the disease itself. So, to treat Mildew disease, to which vineyards are susceptible, about six liters of solution will be needed for an area of ​​100 m2. It should be noted that spraying can be carried out at intervals of two weeks during the flowering period. Three weeks after this, the grapes can be harvested. To combat peronosporosis of cucumbers and late blight of tomatoes, you will need eight liters of the drug solution (for every 100 m2). Prevention of these diseases should be carried out at the stage of appearance of the first five to six leaves. Treatment is carried out during the growing season at intervals of two weeks. The time it takes to harvest depends on the planting method. If the plants were planted in open ground, then this period is five days, if in closed ground, then three days. As for treating potatoes, for every 100 m2 you will need five liters of solution. Treatment should be carried out during the flowering period, and harvesting can be done after three weeks. EFFECT ON HUMANS Despite the huge spectrum of action of this drug, Ordan belongs to the third class of danger, i.e. it is moderately dangerous to human life and health. When using this drug, you must resort to basic methods of protection: safety glasses; latex gloves; respirator; thick clothing source

Late blight ranks first among dangerous diseases tomatoes. To prevent the harmful fungus from destroying the plantings, the immunity of the crop should be increased and attention should be paid to prevention.

Article outline

What is late blight

The causative agent of the disease affects all aboveground part tomatoes. Fungal spores overwinter on tubers and bushes that remain in the soil after last year's harvest. They penetrate plants when favorable conditions. For rapid growth mycelium required high humidity and low temperature.

On unripe tomatoes, a dark brown spot forms, which over time spreads over the entire surface of the fruit. Affected areas of the leaf become discolored and wither. Then this part of the leaf turns into a solid dark spot.

Weeping spots form on the stems and quickly increase in size. Side shoots completely die off. The inflorescences turn black and dry out. The danger of the disease is that in the early stages it is asymptomatic. Dry and hot weather can stop its development.

Prevention of tomatoes from late blight

Since the disease is difficult to treat, all attention should be paid to measures to prevent infection. In autumn, dried plants and tubers are removed from the beds, and the soil itself is well loosened.

To improve soil health, use: mustard, rapeseed, and rapeseed. Their root secretions prevent the development of many diseases. Green manures are suitable for all types of soil and are highly durable. They are planted in September and plowed in October.

In the spring, before planting seedlings, the soil can be disinfected. The summer resident must choose how to treat the soil. These can be special chemicals or a solution of potassium permanganate. You should wait two weeks after the spill and only then start planting.

The disease develops well in soils with high nitrogen content. To prevent late blight, fertilizers with potassium and phosphorus are systematically applied. They are great for boosting immunity.

Early varieties are less susceptible to disease. Hybrid low-growing varieties They also differ in survivability. They all bring large fruits without additional processing. Famous varietal tomatoes:

  • "Tatiana";
  • "Oak";
  • "Cardinal"
  • "De Barao";
  • "Orange miracle".

Indoor soil needs sanitization. The soil in the greenhouse is cleared of remnants of last year's crops and weeds, and the structure itself is washed well. To disinfect the premises, use a solution of biological products or.

As soon as the first ovaries appear on the tomatoes, it is necessary to remove lower leaves. From the beginning of August, flowers and brushes are picked off at the top of the plant. To stimulate ripening, in mid-August the bushes are watered special composition. Forty drops of iodine and a tablespoon of potassium chloride are diluted in a bucket of water. Iodine saves against late blight, increasing the resistance of tomatoes.

Biological preparations for late blight

Special bacteria-based products have proven themselves in the fight against late blight. Unique composition destroys pathogenic soil infections and fungi, restores infected plant tissues.

The working solution disinfects the soil and envelops vegetable crops protective film consisting of positive microorganisms. After applying the preparations, the plants become stronger and produce more yield.

Biological remedies for late blight work best during the growing season. Regular spraying aqueous solutions prevents the appearance of motile zoospores with drops of moisture, from plant to plant. The interval between preventive sprayings is 14 days. At the initial stage of the disease, this period is reduced to five days.

Most popular biological drugs are.


The product is available in the form of powder, water-soluble liquid and thick paste. Fitosporin is effective for both prevention and treatment. Treat both sides of the leaf, pouring the bush well on all sides. You can add it to the soil before planting young plants. Two treatments are carried out per season: during the growing season and two weeks after it.


You can use tablets or powder. The drug can reduce soil toxicity. You can spray the tomatoes or apply the working solution at the root. It is advisable to add adhesive to the sprayer.


In a biological fungicide wide range application, it is suitable for vegetable crops, indoor flowers. For preventive purposes, the consumption rate is halved. The product combines well with stimulants and insecticides. The working solution of biological products is used on the day of preparation and cannot be stored.

Chemicals for processing tomatoes

Treatment of tomatoes against late blight with systemic fungicides is necessary in advanced forms of the disease. Inorganic preparations contain nickel, iron, copper, potassium and other metals. Spores of pathogenic fungi adsorb these elements and die as a result.

Copper sulfate and Bordeaux mixture

The most famous inorganic fungicide is copper sulfate. To prepare the working solution, you need to take 20 g of powder and 500 ml of water. The mother liquor is poured into a ten-liter non-metallic bucket. In order for the product to stick better to the leaves, an adhesive is added to the working liquid: soap or shampoo.

The first treatment is carried out a week after planting tomatoes in the ground. A second spraying is required if an open disease was detected on the bushes.

It has a gentle effect on plants. You need to take 300 g copper sulfate and 400 g of slaked lime. These substances are carefully dissolved in a bucket of water. You need to let the working fluid sit for several hours.

Both drugs begin to act actively 2 hours after spraying. The protective effect lasts for two weeks. Rain washes the product off the foliage, but re-treatment cannot be carried out, since excess copper accumulates in the ground.

Fungicide Hom

Copper-containing has a contact and systemic-local effect. The drug is not phytotoxic and completely safe for environment. The wettable powder is diluted in water based on the consumption rates indicated on the pack. “Hom” destroys late blight at all stages of development.

The first spraying is carried out during the growing season. If it rains after this, spraying can be repeated two weeks later. The last treatment is carried out no later than 20 days before harvest. The fungicide is used three times per season, the protective effects last for a month.

Fungicide Ordan

The contact-systemic drug “Ordan” has proven itself in the fight against various diseases. The greatest effect is achieved when preventive treatment. The active substance disrupts mineralization processes, stopping the development of fungi. The fungicide does not pose a threat to cultivated plants. Does not cause infection resistance.

  1. When working with any chemical, precautions should be taken. The treatment is carried out in protective clothing. After spraying, wash hands thoroughly with soap. Remaining working fluid must not be poured into bodies of water.
  2. Crops cannot be processed while bees are in flight. If liquid is swallowed, induce vomiting and drink Activated carbon. If symptoms persist, seek medical attention.

Traditional methods of treating late blight on tomatoes

Folk remedies are cheap and accessible. Every summer resident knows unique recipe, capable of destroying pathogenic fungi.

200 grams of garlic, crushed into pulp, add a tablespoon mustard powder and fill with two liters of water. The mixture is allowed to brew for 24 hours. After this, it is filtered and poured into a bucket of water. Treatment is carried out two weeks after planting the bushes in the ground. Spraying can be done once every 10 days.

Ash treatments have proven themselves to be excellent. Three sprayings are carried out during the season: as soon as the seedlings take root, before flowering, immediately after the formation of ovaries. Half a bucket of ash is dissolved in ten liters of water. The substance is allowed to brew for 3 days. Then it is brought to a volume of 30 liters and the adhesive is added.

An antimicrobial drug called Metronidazole is included in the list of vital drugs. Except medicinal properties, it is capable of destroying late blight. One tablet is dissolved in a liter of water. Spraying is done once every two weeks. Metronidazole has an analogue, Trichopolum. This medicine is much cheaper, it is more profitable for them to carry out the work.

The drug Ordan, which produces Russian company“August” has established itself as a reliable assistant in the fight against pathogenic fungi. Combination of two active substances with different principles of action eliminates diseases once and for all.

Article outline

Composition and benefits

Ordan has systemic and contact activity simultaneously due to its active components. Copper oxychloride disrupts the processes of mineralization of active substances on the plant. Cymoxanil completely stops the development of fungi.

Due to the fact that the substances in the composition have different principles actions, Ordan performs several tasks simultaneously. It blocks the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into plant tissue, treats damaged crops and completely eradicates pathogens.

Fungicide Ordan does not pose a danger to other cultivated plants, shrubs and trees. It is not capable of inducing resistance to diseases by pathogenic microorganisms. The drug works best if the crops are treated before symptoms of infection appear, during the growing season.

The product effectively fights Alternaria, peronospora and late blight - these diseases can completely destroy the vegetable crop.

Ordan is sold in 25 g bags. The fungicide is available in the form of a wettable powder. This means that after dilution with water, the substance turns into a suspension. It sticks to the leaves and trunk of the plant better than other substances, and stays on it longer. The drug has a very affordable price. It can be found at any gardening store.

Instructions for use

The powder is diluted in a small amount of water, constantly stirring the liquid. The resulting mother liquor is carefully dissolved in a bucket of water. The working solution must be used on the day of preparation. It should be stirred periodically during operation.

Each crop has its own regulations for use.. Spray the stems and leaves of the plant. Treatment is carried out in sunny, windless weather, in the morning or evening, so as not to cause sunburn on bushes.

The drug begins to act two days after treatment. Cymoxanil penetrates the leaves a few hours after spraying.

Three treatments can be carried out per season.

  • The interval between spraying is two weeks.
  • The final treatment is carried out 20 days before harvest to eliminate the presence of the drug in the fruits.

When released into the soil, the fungicide decomposes into harmless substances. It doesn't penetrate groundwater. Ordan can be used for plants in open and closed ground, as well as for indoor flowers. It is allowed to increase the number of treatments in the greenhouse, since in humid and warm conditions fungi multiply faster and more intensely.

Ordan works well with most insecticides and fungicides that differ in their principle of action. Do not use it with preparations containing alkali. It is advisable to always check chemical substances for compatibility: if a precipitate appears in the solution when mixed, then they are absolutely incompatible.

Consumption rates

The order is used for different cultures. So that the drug begins to act as soon as possible a short time you need to know how much working solution is required for a particular type of vegetables and shrubs.


Potatoes planted in beds are susceptible to a disease called tuber spot. It attacks the potato pulp, causing it to rot. Preventive spraying is carried out during the growing season.

Infected bushes are treated no later than two days after the infection is detected. The interval between therapeutic sprays is two weeks. Five liters of working solution is enough to treat one hundred square meters landing


Ordan eliminates late blight from tomatoes. The pathogen affects the leaves and fruits of the vegetable. Covered with whitish mold, they quickly die, leading to the death of the entire bush. Disease prevention is carried out at the beginning of the season, when 4 true leaves are formed on the trunk.

To cure a diseased plant, you need to spray at intervals of several weeks. One hundred squares of plantings will require 8 liters of working solution. Ordanum is very popular, along with traditional fungicides.

Carefully! There are reviews that Ordan can destroy tomatoes with incorrect dosages - watch the video.


Ordan is effective for grapes. This crop is susceptible to fungal diseases such as mildew or downy mildew. It damages shoots, inflorescences, leaves, tendrils and berries of grapes during the period of fruit set. Upon examination, you may notice oily stains various shapes. The berries turn brown and dry out short term. The consumption rate for grapes is 6 liters per hundred square meters.


The fungicide is used to treat and improve the health of strawberry bushes. She often gets a fungal infection called brown spot. Lilac or brown spots. If you do not treat in time, the infected bush will die over time. Ordan is used as prophylactic against the development of rot. One hundred square meters will require 5 liters of working solution. Tillage around strawberries is allowed.


Fungal diseases can destroy lush bushes garden flowers. The fungicide works well on roses. This plant is threatened by rust: bright orange spores appear on the wood and leaves on the undersides. Infected areas thicken and dry out. At the first signs of disease, rose bushes should be treated with Ordan or another fungicide containing copper. You will need a sprayer with a finely dispersed injection so that the solution covers the leaves with a thin layer of the working solution. For floriculture, 5 g of the product is diluted in a liter of water.

Precautionary measures

Ordan has a third danger class. Before starting work, you must put on clothing that will cover open areas body, safety glasses, respirator and rubber gloves. Areas of skin that have come into contact with the working solution must be washed big amount water. Do not smoke or drink water while working.

If the spray substance is swallowed, it is necessary to induce profuse vomiting. After this, you should drink activated carbon. If the condition does not return to normal, you should urgently seek medical help.

  1. Ordan poses a danger to bees and beneficial insects.
  2. It is unacceptable to cultivate the garden during the period of budding and flowering of crops.
  3. Do not work near water bodies, as the fungicide can harm fish and various algae.

The order is kept for three years from the date of manufacture. It is kept in a dark and dry place, inaccessible to children and animals. Do not store near food, medicine or animal feed.

Bicomponent garden fungicide Ordan is an effective fighter of plant mycoses. The product has low toxicity to humans, and therefore is often used in home floriculture(in reduced concentrations). Available in the form of a water-soluble powder in vacuum bags 25 g each - portion size for preparing 5-10 liters. working solution.

Basics active substance– copper chloride, duplicate – cymoxanil. Thanks to its dual fungicidal effect, the drug systemically fights plant diseases of fungal origin. Use up to 3 times until signs of phytopathology are completely eliminated with an interval of 7-14 days. Main indications for use:

  • Alternaria and late blight of potato fields;
  • Anthracnose of tomatoes, cucumbers, flower beds;
  • Onion downy mildew (false powdery mildew);
  • Powdery mildew (any crop);
  • Mildew grapevine(and other fungi of berry crops).

How does Ordan work?

The mechanism of destruction of pathogenic microflora is systemic: immediate contact plus long-term protective. This allows you to completely rid the plantings of diseases by maintaining full course(triple processing). The active ingredients affect mycelium and mycosores at the cellular level, making the result of their work noticeable already 3-7 days after spraying the drug. Used against late blight at any vegetative stage, except flowering.

How to use the drug

The powder is thoroughly dissolved in 5 liters. water (25 g per 5 l.) to spray about 100 square meters. m. potato field, cucumber or tomato ridge. For grapes, a reduced concentration is used - 25 g per 10 l. with a consumption rate over an area of ​​up to 200 sq. m. vines. Spots on indoor plants are treated with a working solution of 1-5 g of powder per 1 liter. water.

The product is not used for soil application (only spraying on greenery). It is required to observe the statute of limitations for the last treatment before harvesting and harvesting. For potatoes and grapes, the waiting period is 20 days. For tomatoes and cucumbers (closed, open types growth) the period of inviolability of fruits is limited to 3-5 days of waiting.

And other nightshades from fungi. Many products cause spores to become addictive to the active ingredients and cannot cope with alteranriosis. This is precisely the quality that distinguishes the Ordan fungicide, which contains no substances to which fungi can adapt.

Important! You need to purchase pesticides in specialized stores. It is important to check the holograms on the packaging, which are a sign of a genuine product. Illiterate instructions for use and the low cost of the drug indicate a fake.

"Ordan": active substance, spectrum and mechanism of action of the fungicide

Chemical drug"Ordan" belongs to the group, that is, substances for disinfecting plants from pathogenic fungi. Their spores can affect fruit and berry crops, which determines the spectrum of action of the pesticide.

Its components are two active active components: copper oxychloride (869 g/kg) and cymoxanil (42 g/kg). The first has fungicidal and bactericidal properties, and the second has protective and healing properties.

In tandem they interrupt the mineralization process organic compounds in fungal spores and destroy mycelium, regenerating damaged cells. What happens in the end elimination of the pathogen, treatment of damaged areas and prevention.

"Ordan", according to the instructions for use, can be used on small personal plots and on farmland. Accordingly, for large enterprises it is produced in 15-kilogram bags and kilogram boxes, and for home use in 25-gram bags.

Speed ​​of exposure and period of protective action

To combat fungal spores, a fungicide will be needed from 3 to 20 days. For example, for disinfection, and against white and brown spotting, powdery mildew, gray rot and peronospora need 20 days. And to destroy the causative agents of Alternaria, late blight and peronosporosis, 3 days will be enough.
In reviews, gardeners note the long-lasting effect of the drug, which lasts throughout the season. They also note the need for a maximum of 3 treatments to completely eradicate the disease.

Advantages of the drug "Ordan"

Agronomists and experienced gardeners fungicide "Ordan" has earned respect thanks to many features, which are mentioned in the instructions. Among them:

  • multifunctionality and versatility;
  • the ability to simultaneously treat and prevent;
  • quality of suppressing the resistance of pathogens of fungal diseases;
  • the drug is harmless to neighboring plants;
  • if safety precautions are followed, it is not toxic to people;
  • In a short time, toxic components break down into harmless compounds and do not accumulate in the body.

Compatibility with other drugs

The drug "Ordan", as the instructions for use say, forbidden dilute with substances with an alkaline reaction. Mixtures of this fungicide with pesticides and components with a neutral pH level are acceptable. In any case, a compatibility test must be carried out before mixing. To do this, several drugs are combined in a small container. If sediment appears at the bottom of the flask, the ingredients for the mixture were selected incorrectly.

The need to combine several drugs arises in cases where the plant is attacked not only by fungi, but also by pathogenic bacteria and viruses. There may be 2 or more additional funds.

Did you know? Most of the poisons we use are less toxic than some modern medications and foods. By the way, it has been proven that LD50 table salt 3750 mg/kg, i.e. a dose that causes the death of half of the experimental subjects. At the same time, the LD50 of herbicides is 500 mg/kg.

Preparation of working solution and instructions for use

"Ordan" for use on a household plot or in a large-scale farming enterprise is diluted with water in a ratio of 25 g of powder per 10 liters of liquid.

First, the contents of the bag are poured into a clean vessel and a liter of water is added to it, then the resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed until the fungicide is completely dissolved. The mother liquor is poured into the sprayer tank and another 9 liters of water are added, closed with a lid and shaken.
Manufacturers have provided consumption rates fungicide for a specific crop and disease:

  • 0.25-0.3 g/m 2 "Ordana" is needed to save you from the scourge of the plant, as well as from late blight, Alternaria blight and downy mildew;
  • 0.2-0.25 g/m 2 of the drug will be needed to treat rot, rot and spotting;
  • 0.2 g/m 2 - for the prevention of peronosporosis in beds.
Repeated disinfection is carried out after 10-14 days and more than 3 treatments per season are not allowed.

Important! Any poison that gets on the skin during work is removed with cotton wool, without rubbing, and washed off under the tap. You can treat the area with a weak soda solution.

Precautions when working with the drug

When working with agrochemicals, it is important to observe the following: safety regulations:

  • Do not use the drug for purposes not intended for this purpose. The fungicide is applied by foliar spraying of plants.
  • Before preparing the working solution, take care personal protection. It is strongly recommended to wear overalls, rubber boots and gloves, a hat, safety glasses and a respirator.

  • Treatment of plants should be carried out in cloudy weather in the morning or evening.
  • Make sure there are no children or animals nearby, and also take care of your

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