Hello everyone! Many thanks to the authors and staff and participants of this portal! Truly, a united national consciousness is emerging.
Please help. My husband and I raised 2 of them, they are already “cut off chunks”. But the youngest is just going to school. And now, “having gone halfway through earthly life,” they have matured to their home. We are still rural residents (Kaluga region). But Our Home is different.
Found the Project. Z38

Since we, ardent gardeners, decided on the right side (ours is southern) for almost the entire length (leave a meter for additional window in the kitchen - it will be sunny) install a permanent greenhouse made of polycarbonate. The exit to this greenhouse is from the bathroom. Since we will give up the balcony and, accordingly, the entrance line will be straight, without a recess, the area of ​​the hallway will increase, which means we will also increase the area of ​​the bathroom. The question is whether it is reasonable to make some kind of underground space in an enlarged bathroom to install a pump for the heating system there,

Should the single-circuit boiler itself be located in the bathroom? We combine ventilation with the kitchen. This is the first question.
Question 2. In the photos of completed projects posted online, the staircase looks very steep for us.

According to my condition of the legs, it would be necessary to have two flights and the height of the steps is about 14 cm. Question: is it possible to ask a potential architect to take this point into account, even if he takes away the space from the living room? And is it possible to have a narrow window for natural lighting of this staircase?
Question 3. Considering the enlarged bathroom on the first floor, I would like to give up the bathroom on the second.
And by removing the interior wall, combine the bedroom and the former bathroom?
Question 4: Can windows be resized? because these elongated openings - in the bedrooms of the second floor - in the photos of finished houses - look dangerous - like loopholes. We Russians are accustomed to fairly wide ones and with batteries under them.

Question 4. Considering the roof area - and snow load, accordingly - do metal frame greenhouses, greenhouse roof beams - let them in after 50 cm - will it be enough to prevent snow from damaging the polycarbonate? Or should we think about some kind of forced snow melting? Has anyone done this - what is the price and how does this device behave in Russian winters?
Question 5. Thanks to this forum, my husband and I already know that you can’t put a house and cabins on the same foundation. But if the change house has a light foundation, but one wall is shared with the house, will this area be counted towards us as a total area? This question is already regarding the future tax, as you understand...Or it's better spend money on an independent storage unit - by north side at home and not rack your brains?
Question 6. Would it be reasonable to build a change house with a transition to a garage, which will face the red line?
I apologize that the moments with the greenhouse and the outhouse-garage are not drawn. Only our son is good at using a computer - and he is now in the Army. (We are very proud of him.!).

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For those who are looking for single-story projects residential buildings this article may be very helpful. I have collected here 24 projects with layouts and dimensions, according to which you can already make a working draft and draw up an estimate. Here are the houses different sizes- from very small to spacious, designed for a large family.

Project No. 1

The first project is a house 6 x 10 meters in plan - its overall dimensions are very modest. This small house With two bedrooms, such a house can comfortably accommodate a family of three. At the entrance the house has a small terrace under the roof.

In the house separate kitchen with its own bathroom and a large living-dining room measuring 21 square meters. The kitchen in this house measures 3 x 4.5 meters.

Project No. 2

The next house is larger than the previous one - with a length of 10 meters, it also has an overall width of 10 meters, although in plan it is not rectangular, but has a more complex outline.

The house has three bedrooms, it has two bathrooms, one of which is equipped with a bath. In the center of the house there is a living room 25 square meters, from which there is access to the terrace. The kitchen measures 3 x 4 meters. The disadvantage of this project is that the living room is a walk-through and from it there is an entrance to the bedrooms. It can be improved by moving the wall between the kitchen and living room, creating single space kitchen-dining-living room and highlighting the corridor from which there will be doors to the bedrooms.

Project No. 3

This is a house project 9 x 11 meters, quite spacious, but not huge. Moreover, adjacent to the wall of the house is a car parking area with a canopy. If desired, the parking lot can be turned into a garage by laying down the walls. The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The total area is 70 meters without a balcony, terrace and garage.

The disadvantage of this project is the same as the previous one. The plan can be refined by adding a walk-through living room to one of the bedrooms. Thus, by sacrificing the latter, we get a large living room measuring 3.5 x 6 meters.

Project No. 4

This house is quite spacious, its dimensions are 8.5 by 12 meters. The house has three bedrooms, one of which is very large - measuring 4 x 4.5 meters. The other two bedrooms are smaller, 9 square meters each.

The house has two entrances - from the street and from the courtyard. There is a covered porch at each entrance. The layout of the house requires clarification; the living room can be combined with the kitchen, and the guest bathroom can be moved closer to the main entrance. Also, in such a large area you can fence off technical premises: laundry, ironing, etc.

Project No. 5

This is a large house for a large family. Dimensions in plan: 12 x 12.5 meters. On such a huge area you can place three bedrooms, a kitchen-dining room, a living room, an office and a number of technical rooms.

The designers who created this project, in my opinion, handled the distribution of areas unreasonably. I would remove the right bathroom and make a large kitchen-living room measuring 6.5 by 7 meters, zone it correctly, and designate the remaining rooms for bedrooms and children’s rooms. There would also be room for a study.

Project No. 6

A one-story house measuring 15.5 by 10 meters. This project is very big house. The house has a carport designed for two cars, which can be turned into a full-fledged built-in garage.

In such a large area can live big family, needing three bedrooms and two bathrooms.

Project No. 7

Nice house project 10 x 9 meters. The house compactly houses three bedrooms, a large living room measuring 6 x 3.5 meters and a separate kitchen measuring 9 meters.

The living room has beautiful bay window, which creates an interesting plasticity of the facade.

Project No. 8

Project one-story house 6 x 6 meters in overall dimensions. The house has two bedrooms and one large kitchen-living area.

When entering small terrace with a canopy. The bathroom has an entrance from the kitchen area.

The house has access to courtyard. The bedrooms are quite modest in size, 3 x 3 meters. Sliding wardrobes and the presence of two windows in each of them save the situation.

Project No. 9

Nice house project with a high roof. Dimensions are 8 x 9 meters, the walls in plan have a complex geometry. This is a chalet style house that will look very picturesque.

The layout, in my opinion, needs some improvement.

Project No. 10

Project of a one-story house 9 x 8 meters with two bedrooms. The house has a large roof terrace.

One bedroom is large 5 x 3.5 meters, the second is smaller - 4 x 3 meters. The kitchen is fenced off into a separate room, the living-dining room is walk-through. The layout can be adjusted to suit your needs.

Project No. 11

A one-story house 9 x 9 meters with a measured plan. Inside the house there is a winter garden, two bedrooms and a kitchen-living room.

Good option for country house for a family of three. Instead of a winter garden, you can arrange an office or a small guest room.

Project No. 12

House project in modern style With flat roof. The dimensions of the house in plan are 8 x 8 meters. A carport has been installed. Alone in the house large bedroom 16 square meters and a single kitchen-living room space.

Instead of a carport, it would be more correct to arrange another bedroom, in my opinion.

Project No. 13

Large house 9 x 13 meters. The plan has complex shape. Three bedrooms, kitchen, living room and dining room.

There is immediately space for a car under the roof canopy.

Project No. 14

A large house with dimensions of 9 x 14 meters. The facade is very interesting, the house is one-story.

Beautiful stained glass glazing at the entrance. First we find ourselves in the living-dining room, then into the corridor, from which there is an entrance to the kitchen and three bedrooms.

Along the house there is a narrow terrace, which will be pleasant to use for relaxation.

Project No. 15

Project of a one-story house measuring 11 x 11 meters in plan.

The house can have four bedrooms, although in the presented project there are three. One bedroom is very large - almost 20 square meters. It can be divided into two bedrooms of 10 m2 each.

Project No. 16

Dimensions of the house are 6 x 9 meters. The house has three bedrooms and a small living room.

The kitchen is, as it were, separately attached to the house along with a terrace leading out to the courtyard.

Project No. 17

Interesting project narrow house for a long section.

The house has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, one of which has a bath.

All gardeners always have or dream of having a greenhouse on their site. Working in it captivates any person; working out in your home greenhouses brings great pleasure. They grow all kinds of seedlings and tomatoes, and breed their favorite indoor plants, strengthen cuttings for future landing, and transferred to a heated greenhouse for cold times garden perennials. A well-equipped, high-quality greenhouse creates a comfortable environment in which to work well. Even when weather conditions They do not seduce you with their winds and rains; in a warm and dry greenhouse there is a real oasis. But we must remember that the fruits of all your labors depend solely on your skills, and not on the properties of the soil in the garden and the vagaries of nature. Growing berries and vegetables in a greenhouse is an activity that cannot be resorted to only from time to time, according to the mood and in a free minute, or as a way additional income. Just let it be something like a hobby for you, and you will receive not only satisfaction from your work, but also early vegetables, herbs, and berries. And lovers of exotic plants can make a real tropical garden in it.

There is currently a huge selection on offer. various types ready-made greenhouse structures. Manufacturers have prepared wide range greenhouses different sizes and forms, but the fundamental difference between them lies only in what minimum temperature supported internally.

The most basic type of greenhouse is a cold, or rather unheated, greenhouse. Such a greenhouse does not contain additional heating, and winter period it naturally freezes. Its natural heater is the spring sun, which allows the soil to warm up to the desired temperature. Therefore, vegetable and flower seedlings, early vegetables, tomatoes are grown in it and cuttings are rooted.

An unheated greenhouse cannot satisfy more avid gardeners to the same extent, who try to grow something even in winter. Therefore, many people turn an unheated greenhouse into a cool or partially heated greenhouse, which maintains a temperature of five to seven degrees Celsius. In such a greenhouse you can grow so-called “greenhouse” plants - azalea, cineraria, cyclamens, freesia, streptocarpus and many others. Try to buy a greenhouse a little larger size than the one you were counting on from the very beginning, because many people very quickly become convinced that there is not enough space in the greenhouse. A partially heated greenhouse is heated using various simple heating devices.

The advantage of a heated greenhouse (minimum temperature inside is thirteen degrees Celsius) is that you can grow exotic plants, however, such conditions are not suitable for other plants, and heating a greenhouse is expensive. The greenhouse, which maintains a temperature of at least eighteen degrees, is intended for specialists who grow tropical plants.

Freestanding with gable roof- this traditional type The greenhouse has vertical sides, uses space efficiently, and has an unglazed, blank bottom that retains heat. For growing plants in bags with nutrient mixture and vegetable seedlings You can use the option with frames glazed to ground level.

Wall greenhouse with pitched roof- suitable for construction near the south or west wall. (IN finished projects country houses There are options for houses with wall-mounted greenhouses). Part of the heat is transferred to the greenhouse by a wall heated by the sun. So heating such a greenhouse is cheaper. Often a door from the house leads into such a greenhouse.

A wall greenhouse with a gable roof - it has more light and air than a wall greenhouse with a gable roof, it is suitable for growing plants such as grapes.

Dutch greenhouse - thanks to the side walls flaring downwards and a gable roof, this greenhouse is lighter and warmer than a traditional gable roof. In addition, it is more stable, although it is more difficult to secure supports for tall and climbing plants.

Arched - a completely glazed greenhouse in which all frames are connected at an obtuse angle. In such a greenhouse it is quite difficult to install supports for climbing and tall plants.

Polygonal greenhouse - can have six, seven or nine glazed sides. Such greenhouses are used mainly as decorative structures and are located near the house. Filling with potted plants.

Domed - this type of greenhouse has three advantages: they look decorative when filled with flowers, they are very stable, and the plants in them are well lit. The main disadvantage is that they are not suitable for growing tall plants. The structure is more decorative than functional.

A mini-greenhouse is a very useful structure when there is not enough space in the garden. Used in the same way as an unheated greenhouse, however due to small sizes Greenhouse plants can overheat in summer. It is necessary to carefully monitor the temperature and ventilate if necessary.

Tunnel greenhouse - the cheapest type of greenhouse, is plastic film, stretched on metal arcs. Suitable for growing low plants like radishes and strawberries, but not suitable for cucumbers and tomatoes.

As a rule, you do not need to obtain permission for the construction of a medium-sized greenhouse, but you should still clarify - perhaps there are some restrictions regarding the distance from the greenhouse to the fence of the site or permission is required for the construction of a wall-mounted greenhouse.

Experts usually recommend orienting the long axis of the greenhouse from east to west. Some, on the contrary, believe that it should be oriented from north to south, but everyone agrees that the location of this axis relative to the cardinal points for a medium-sized greenhouse of great importance does not have.

Do not place a glass greenhouse near a road or playground - it is always unpleasant to change broken glass. Areas with high standing areas should also be avoided. groundwater and places where cold air stagnates. You cannot install a greenhouse on an area with recently dug soil.

Locate the greenhouse no closer than one meter from trees. Tree branches will shade the greenhouse. With a drop, dirt from the leaves will flow onto the glass, and a branch broken by a strong wind can break the glass. Select a sunny site for the greenhouse away from other buildings that may shade it from the sun in winter.

Large greenhouses are usually installed on concrete base, but if the dimensions of the greenhouse do not exceed 2.5m by 2m, then this is not necessary. It is enough that the base is strong and solid. If the manufacturer recommends a particular type of foundation, listen to his recommendation and strictly follow the construction instructions.

It is advisable to plant on the north and east sides of the greenhouse hedge, because strong wind can damage the greenhouse, and even in moderately windy weather the cost of heating it increases. There should be a distance of 3-4.5 m between the greenhouse and the hedge.

Place the greenhouse as close to your home as possible - electrical wire is expensive, and carrying fuel to heat the greenhouse to the other end of the garden in winter can be very inconvenient. If possible, provide water and electricity to the greenhouse.

Before starting construction of the greenhouse, carefully read the assembly instructions. If necessary, expand and count all its elements. Do the glazing on a quiet, windless day. Make sure the corners of the frames are square; never try to straighten the corners of aluminum frames with glass.

Modern greenhouses come in a wide variety of designs, sizes and prices. Produce right choice is always very difficult, especially considering that you will have to use the greenhouse very for a long time. So think carefully before you make a purchase. Study the advertising brochures and catalogs, where a very large assortment is provided, and take a look at the already built greenhouses of your friends and neighbors.

House with a greenhouse as a shell

The house with a greenhouse, which we would like to tell you about, is, first of all, a visual embodiment of the method of protection against winter cold. Huge number people are forced to live in a harsh zone climatic conditions, putting forward a number of requirements for the architecture of residential buildings.

Some experts advise northerners to wear thermal underwear and warm clothes, arguing that purchasing long johns is more economical solution than turning on the heating boiler for full power. Someone offers more original ideas. What do you think, in particular, about setting up a tent - at home! - in order to reduce heating bills?

Returning to the object that became the reason for writing this article, let’s say that it implements perhaps the most original and rather expensive approach to saving thermal energy. In front of us is a house located not far from Stockholm. The owners built a greenhouse around it, inserting aluminum frame glass 4 mm thick.

The concept of such structures was first proposed back in the 70s by the Swedish architect Bengt Warne. His project was called Naturhus.

Well, the idea turned out to be quite sound, as the following video tour convinces us of.

The owners of the house - Marie Grandmare and Charles Sasilotto - were so inspired by Varnay's work that they decided to create their own version of Naturhus. They purchased a property that already had a summer home on it and installed a standard greenhouse around it, spending about $84,000.

The couple installed a centrifugal cleaning system in their house waste water, which separates urine from particulate matter. Next, the resulting liquid is purified using special plants and is sent to water the beds and trees.

A greenhouse allows you to significantly extend the gardening season and grow representatives of the Mediterranean flora such as figs, as well as reduce heating costs.

The space between the walls of the house and the glass shell can be used all year round. It includes several compact terraces and one large one, located on the roof of the cottage.

Of course, this concept will only work in countries with harsh climates characterized by short summer And frosty winter. But the very fact that the heroes of our article are extremely satisfied with their home speaks of its wealth.

What do you think about her?

Often owners summer cottages I am concerned about the issue of saving territory. A good decision this dacha problem will be the placement of a greenhouse on the roof outbuilding. And even better - arrange it right in the attic of the house.

Greenhouse on the roof of the bathhouse.

Greenhouse on a brick garage.

Greenhouse-winter garden on the roof.

Economic Benefits of a Rooftop Greenhouse

This solution will help the cottage owner solve many issues:

  1. This is additional protection from rain on the roof of the building.
  2. Organizing a greenhouse in the attic will increase the thermal insulation of the house.
  3. Heat loss, which is almost impossible to completely get rid of, will be used expediently.
  4. Saving land on the site will allow you to grow more crops. And if the seedlings were previously grown in a room on a windowsill, then moving the boxes to the greenhouse will make life more comfortable and the house cleaner.
  5. Carbon dioxide rising from living spaces is necessary for gas exchange and photosynthesis in plants.
  6. There is no need to spend money on lighting, because plants have access to light throughout the day - trees and buildings do not interfere with the development of plants, since the structure rises above everything that provides shade on a sunny day.
  7. By placing the greenhouse on the roof, the owner saves on the foundation, communications for plumbing, heating and ventilation.

An important factor is that the greenhouse, located on the ground, is in direct contact with the soil early spring when it is still completely frozen. There is no such problem on the roof. Therefore, plant roots receive more heat and seeds germinate faster.

The carbon dioxide that humans emit is needed by plants for photosynthesis.

Methods for equipping a greenhouse on the roof

There are several options for organizing this know-how.

Type "Second roof"

A greenhouse is installed directly on the building itself, using the roof as its foundation, if it is not sloping. To do this, you will need to build the walls up. It's best to make them transparent material, for example, glass. You should also take care of the second roof, which, like the walls, allows light to pass through.

You can also use the second option: make the second roof gable or single-pitch. Of course, working in such a greenhouse will not be as comfortable as where the walls have been built up, but in economic terms, this option wins.

Drawing of greenhouse equipment on a flat roof.

Attic type greenhouse

This option is that the owner simply redoes the roof itself, replacing it with a transparent one. Boxes with soil and plants are installed in the attic.

It is important to remember that each building has its own purpose. And if the attic in the house was equipped with the expectation of playing only the role of a mezzanine for storing rarely used items with low weight, then it is quite possible that it will not be able to withstand the load that is intended for the greenhouse.

Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the load-bearing beams and the floor itself. There is another option: lay a new floor in the attic, bringing it outside a little further than the walls. Its edges need to be installed on new support posts. Then the greenhouse will not create additional load on the walls and ceiling of the building.

Drawing for strengthening the greenhouse structure.

If the house was originally planned as a building with an attic, which it was decided to use as a greenhouse, then there should be practically no problems with the conversion.

Greenhouse on the roof or attic, planned before the building is built

It is optimal to provide for the equipment of the greenhouse before the construction of a house or outbuilding begins. Indeed, in this case, during the preparation of the project, you can calculate bearing capacity overlapping so that subsequently there is no sagging of the beams and the occurrence of other undesirable moments.

Rooftop greenhouse equipment

The owner who decides on this know-how should take care of such factors as:

  • greenhouse water supply;
  • floor waterproofing;
  • ventilation;
  • light flow control.

Water supply

A greenhouse needs water, because plants require constant water. You can, of course, carry it up in buckets, although this is difficult. But in any case, you need to make sure that the stairs to the greenhouse are comfortable and durable.

It is best, of course, to carry the water upward. This is not so difficult to do if the house itself already has running water.

If there is water only in the column, the inclusion of which is impossible to manipulate while in the greenhouse, then you can put some kind of container there that can be filled watering hose, and then water the plants from it.


And here the question arises: what could happen if the hose suddenly breaks or is pushed out of the tank, the container with water itself tips over, or simply begins to slowly leak unnoticeably? The answer is devoid of optimism. Therefore, it is important to take care of waterproofing the greenhouse floor.

You can coat it with hot bitumen mastic. There is another option: lay roll waterproofing on it.


It is worth considering that warm air always rises. Therefore, the temperature in the greenhouse will be much higher than if it were on the ground. Consequently, the problem of its ventilation is far from the last.

It is necessary to make as many windows as possible in the greenhouse. Doors on both ends will also help regulate the temperature in the room. You can even install a thermostat inside, which will either automatically open the windows and doors, or inform the owner that it is time to ventilate the greenhouse.

Light mode control

Plants at different stages of life require different amounts of sunlight.

In order to predictably control fruiting, green mass, and flowering, people artificially lengthen or shorten daylight hours. This can be achieved in a greenhouse if you think through all the options in advance.

The most in simple ways Shortening the day is by installing an umbrella or curtaining the walls and shading the roof. And you can lengthen it, including special ones intended for seedlings.

Video about rooftop greenhouse equipment

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):