One of the main threats posed by these insects is malaria. The disease is often found in the area Russian Federation. The risk of catching it increased greatly at the end of the last century due to the massive drainage of rivers and lakes and the appearance of swamps in their place.

In 1999, the Russian Ministry of Health issued an order requiring regular treatment of areas against mosquitoes and other measures aimed at reducing the incidence of malaria. Since then, some progress has been made, but the situation remains dangerous. Several years ago, Rospotrebnadzor published a letter describing the epidemiological situation. According to the document, at the beginning of the 21st century, almost 35% of Russian water bodies were inhabited by harmful larvae. More than 63% are breeding grounds for insect pests.

The fight against mosquitoes is complicated by the fact that it is necessary to treat not only lakes, ponds and rivers, but also the territory with high humidity, for example, flooded basements. Some areas are home to Culex mosquitoes, which transmit dangerous fevers. They should also be destroyed.

The drug contains a precisely measured amount of special components, due to which active ingredients penetrate the insect defenses and infect the larvae. The effect lasts for a long time - pests that return to the site will also die.

Every time the weather gets warmer, staying outside the city turns bad for summer residents global problem How to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage. These bloodsuckers itching above the ear can spoil a pleasant pastime at fresh air, whether it be recreation or country work, even for people who are not very susceptible to mosquito bites, let alone sensitive allergy sufferers.

What is the best way to rid your summer cottage of mosquitoes?

There are a number of really working ways to drive away mosquitoes in your dacha area, both in the yard and indoors. But which one is suitable depends on the location of the dacha and its proximity to water, because swarms of mosquitoes breed on the surface of the water. Also, the presence of an apiary or fish pond on the site or nearby imposes restrictions on the open spraying of most insecticides that can kill mosquitoes along with beneficial insects and fish.

To feel comfortable in nature at any time of the day, you just need to arm yourself in a suitable way protecting the area from flying bloodsuckers.

Methods for large-scale destruction of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes can be completely destroyed by resorting to disinsection summer cottage. This method will help at the same time rid the territory of the dacha of ticks, ants, horseflies, and midges. To do this, either call a team of professional exterminators, or carry out the extermination on your own, having purchased a suitable preparation, sprayer and protective equipment.

The services of a team that uses generators to create a toxic cloud will cost an average of 2,000 rubles for every 6 acres. Such a haze, which will remain in the air for some time, will destroy adult mosquitoes, larvae and egg laying throughout the entire territory of the summer cottage for up to 2 months.

At self-processing dacha professionals advise carrying out mass extermination of mosquitoes using proven drugs.

"Bioneutral I 50" - a professional means for destruction harmful insects and their larvae in your summer cottage

  • "Bioneutral I 50"- concentrate for dilution with water and spraying of a summer cottage against mosquitoes. One liter canister is enough for 20 acres, the price is about 2000 rubles.

  • "Medilis Cyper" - anti-mosquito concentrate for spraying in a diluted state both outside and inside the site country house. A 50 ml bottle of the product will cost 10 acres, a package of 2 bottles of 50 ml costs 500 rubles.

  • - a similar concentrated emulsion that can rid a summer cottage of mosquitoes for at least a month. Available in dosages of 50 ml, 1 l and 0.5 l, price from 300 rubles.
Note! The listed products are based on a single active insecticide - cypermethrin with a concentration of 25%, which poses a danger not only to harmful insects, but also to bees and fish. Therefore, the instructions stipulate the conditions - when and how to treat an area with an apiary or fish.

There are proven mosquito repellents based on similar active pesticides:

  • - domestic line of ready-made aerosols based on alphacypermethrin (0.12%), consumption per area - 50 ml per hundred square meters, price from 600 rubles;

  • “K-Otrin SC50” from Bayer is a French concentrated suspension of deltamethrin (0.5%), consumption - 50 ml per hundred square meters, price over 2000 rubles.

Those whose plot is adjacent to a body of water should pay attention to the product “Biolarvitsid-30” or “Biolarvitsid-100”. This is a safe biological destroyer of mosquito eggs and larvae in water and in damp places, without toxic chemicals or processing restrictions. A jar of powder weighing 30 g when diluted with water is enough to treat 3 acres or 300 square meters. m of plot area, and jars weighing 100 g - per 10 acres or 1 sq. km. 1 jar weighing 30 g costs from 1000 rubles, weighing 100 g - from 1500 rubles.

A professional pest control service is not cheap, however, the effect of their visit will last more than two months

Summary! The advantages of disinfestation are that a summer cottage is free from mosquitoes for at least 2 months; the disadvantages are that the treatment is chemically unsafe and not everyone can afford it. It makes sense to resort to it if you constantly live outside the city throughout the entire season. For periodic trips to the dacha, there is no particular point in carrying out disinfestation.

An alternative to poisons are folk remedies, with whose help people have long fought against swarms of mosquitoes. They do not require troublesome treatments, because they are based on repelling bloodsuckers by generously planting plants in the area whose smell the midges cannot tolerate. These are wormwood, thyme, tomatoes, basil, cloves, chickweed, tansy and mint, as well as elderberry and bird cherry.

Summary! The effectiveness of plants against mosquitoes is low, especially in areas near a source of water or dampness, so additional means are required for local protection against mosquito bites.

See also: Most effective method mosquito control (video)

Local protection products

Many summer residents have learned in different ways how to fight mosquitoes on their property. Some prefer fumigation with smoking coils, others have adopted electronic innovations or ultraviolet lamps. Let's look at the pros and cons of each method.

These twisted bands are made from a hardened wood flour paste that is soaked in the mosquito-killing insecticide allethrin. After setting fire and blowing out, the spiral begins to smolder and smoke, fumigating the area around, thereby preventing mosquitoes from approaching and preventing them from biting.

The effectiveness of the spirals is assessed as high - mosquitoes, even on the approach, under the influence of poisonous smoke, become paralyzed and die before reaching the victim. In addition to mosquitoes, coils are excellent at keeping midges, midges, flies, wasps, hornets, and gadflies away from the area.

For big company If you are relaxing in the fresh air, it is advisable to use several spirals at once, placing them around the perimeter. One tape lasts from 3 to 8 hours of smoldering, depending on the strength of the wind.

Due to potential toxicity to humans, the use of spirals requires caution:

  • It is harmful to inhale the smoke from the coil for a long time;
  • it is unsafe to stay in close proximity to a smoldering substance for a long time - the distance should be at least 1 meter;
  • Children, allergy sufferers and pregnant women should be placed on the downwind side of the smoldering spiral.

Inhaling acrid smoke can cause nausea, vomiting, dizziness, attacks of lightheadedness and weakness.

Summary! The advantages of spirals are excellent effectiveness against mosquitoes, the disadvantages are relative toxicity, small space area protected from mosquitoes, and a short period of validity.

Ultrasound products

For fans of progress, there is a way to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage. This electronic devices emitting ultrasound - humans do not perceive them, and mosquitoes, according to the manufacturers, are afraid and do not fly up.

Devices vary in power, price, area covered, power method and shape. There are portable ones for wearing on the body, but according to reviews they give a dubious effect. Those who were more powerful in their work at their summer cottage received mixed assessments - from enthusiastic to disappointed.

Let's look at some popular models.

  • "Weitech WK-0029" is a compact device that imitates the sounds of a male for biting females, which makes them fly away. Has volume control. Applicable indoors and outdoors. Coverage - up to 50 sq. m, powered by 3 AA batteries, price - from 2000 rubles.

  • "Typhoon LS-200" is a mosquito repeller with a similar principle, but functionally richer. There is a regulator for the ultrasonic range and power supply variations - 3 batteries, from the mains via an adapter or from the cigarette lighter in the car. The coverage is the same - up to 50 sq. m, price - from 1500 rubles.

  • “K3969” is a mobile and compact model with 3 types of frequencies. Operating radius - up to 5 meters, powered by 2 AA batteries, cost - from 700 rubles.
Summary! Pros - safety, cons - questionable effectiveness against mosquitoes, high cost.

Ultraviolet lamps

Another advanced way to get rid of mosquitoes in the countryside is to use lamps with ultraviolet bait, which electrocute insects that get inside. According to reviews from happy garden owners, these devices work one hundred percent - people on the site remain untouched. Available in the form of street lamps and lanterns, as well as night lamps for indoors.

Despite the wide selection of ultraviolet mosquito killers for the street, some models have become bestsellers among the people, taking root in many people’s summer cottages.

"SITITEK Sadovyi-M" is an effective ultraviolet mosquito killer that kills insects with a strong discharge of current

  • "SITITEK Sadovyi-M" - a UV lamp that lures flying mosquitoes into dark time days with ultraviolet diodes and kills those caught inside with a powerful discharge of current (1200 V). Nutrition from solar battery or USB port, equipped with a power regulator. Costs from 5300 rubles.

  • - UV lamp from the network with additional option a fan that helps literally suck in the flying insect inside. There is a removable tray for cleaning dead midges. The price is about 3000 rubles.

  • “Vitalex VL-8104” is a German mains-powered lantern equipped with two fans that leave no chance for flying mosquitoes and other insects. Covers an area of ​​up to 60 square meters. m, costs around 2000 rubles.
Summary! Pros: absolutely harmless to others, highly effective against mosquitoes. Disadvantages - work in the dark, high cost.

Ways to protect your body from mosquito bites

When visits to your summer cottage are not so frequent that you need to spend a weekend on a full-scale fight against mosquitoes, you can limit yourself to applying repellents to the body. External products that protect against mosquito bites are produced in the form of creams, lotions, aerosols - the choice is huge.

The undisputed leaders in repelling mosquitoes remain the world's famous manufacturers in this segment - Raptor, Moskitol, Gardex, Reid. Domestic brands do not lag behind in advanced developments - “ Clean house", "Taiga", "Komaroff", "Deadly Force", "Tornado", "DETA". These repellents are affordable, and there is a special children's line.

The effectiveness of external contact agents is the highest - they will protect against bites not only from mosquitoes, but also from other bloodsuckers. The repellent in the form of a cream should be applied to parts of the body not protected by clothing, and aerosols should be sprayed in strips on clothing and the body. Every 3 - 5 hours you need to renew the treatment - the repellent loses its “deadly” power during this time.

There are also precautions for repellents, since the active substance is relatively toxic to humans:

  • after application, wash your hands thoroughly;
  • Do not touch food with treated parts of the body;
  • the product is not applied near the mouth;
  • Children should not be allowed to lick the product from the treated skin surface.
Summary! Pros: accessibility, high results, protection from all bloodsuckers. Disadvantages - short-term effect, toxicity.

An alternative to chemical repellents is essential oils from plants whose scent attracts mosquitoes. These are cedar, lavender, anise, eucalyptus, mint, tea tree, valerian. They are periodically dripped onto the skin, but their effectiveness is low, so it makes sense to treat only children and allergy sufferers. Vanilla is also praised - a bag of vanillin is mixed with baby cream and smeared on the body.

Summary! Pros: no toxicity. Disadvantages - questionable result.

Methods for killing mosquitoes inside a country house

In a home on a summer cottage there is also no end to mosquitoes, which interferes with proper sleep and rest. There are several ways to protect the inside of your dacha from bloodsuckers:

  • cover all openings with mesh, hang a thick tulle curtain on the door;
  • turn on fumigators on plates or with liquid;
  • get a portable UV flashlight in the form of a night light, placing it between the window and the bed;
  • Instead of a fumigator, use an aroma lamp, dripping the above-mentioned essential oils inside (an option for replacing an aroma lamp is a candle in the form of a flat tablet).

If a dacha, especially close to water or a forest, is overly populated with mosquitoes during the off-season and is damp inside, then local disinfestation can be carried out in the rooms.

Summary! Fumigators work best of all, but windows and doorways must be mosquito-proof.

Tips to help get rid of mosquitoes using traditional methods:

From approximately May to the end of October, with some changes depending on the season, the summer season lasts in the Moscow region and adjacent areas. Millions of capital residents flock to their haciendas every weekend to relax in nature: have a feast, barbecue, swim, take care of the garden, or simply spend time in nature without doing anything special. But any undertaking can be overshadowed by hordes of insects, without which not a single summer can do. In the cooler northern regions of the Moscow region, where it often rains, there are many mosquitoes. IN southern regions big problem are gadflies. The closer to mid-summer and the hotter it is, the greater the likelihood of being stung by wasps. Encountering blood-sucking and stinging insects can not only be irritating, painful and uncomfortable, but in some cases can have serious health consequences. The sting of a bee or wasp, as well as the bite of any insect, can cause severe allergic reaction, up to anaphylactic shock, gadflies can lay larvae directly under the skin of animals and people, ticks and mosquitoes carry a whole range of dangerous diseases, the most famous of which are encephalitis and malaria. Of course, you want to avoid encountering all the problems described above.

Destruction of ticks and mosquitoes in gazebos and verandas

Gazebos and verandas become the heart of dacha life in summer. To protect yourself from mosquitoes and ticks, you can use mosquito canopies, smoldering spirals, rods, plant lavender, rosemary, lemon balm, basil, mint and geranium along the structure and in hanging boxes. If electricity is supplied to the resting place, then it becomes possible to use classic home fumigators and aquafumigators, but they will be ineffective if the gazebo or veranda is completely open and is blown through by air currents. The gazebo can be treated with a special aerosol, which contains tetramethrin, cypermethrin, imiprothrin and other potent toxic substances. Choose a spray that affects the maximum number of insect species for the best effect.

Mosquito candle lanterns reliably protect against mosquitoes on the street. The insecticide is placed in the upper part of the structure and is gradually heated by a burning flame. Such a device not only creates a cloud around itself that repels mosquitoes, but also makes the veranda cozy in the evening twilight. Another similar option could be a battery-powered fumigation device with replaceable blocks. It runs on regular AA batteries by circulating air through a cartridge impregnated with a toxic substance.

When going outdoors, periodically carefully inspect your clothes and skin for insects crawling on them. Apply creams and spray with pest control aerosols in advance. When choosing a product, carefully read the instructions for use. While most mosquito repellents can and even need to be applied directly to the body every 4-5 hours, anti-tick sprays are sprayed mainly on clothing. In this case, the effect can last up to a week due to the properties of the fabric.


With the onset of good weather, we begin to spend more time at the dacha, enjoying nature. Unfortunately, with the arrival of warmer weather, those annoying bloodsuckers, mosquitoes, also wake up. It seems that it is impossible to get rid of these persistent insects. Meanwhile, a dacha without mosquitoes, a quiet evening in nature without the annoying buzzing of a mosquito is the desire of every summer resident. In this article we will look at how to get rid of mosquitoes in your summer cottage and give some tips that will help you forget about mosquitoes.

Why are mosquitoes dangerous?

In most cases, a mosquito bite is completely harmless and is limited only to redness and itching at the site of the bite. However, if a person has a weak immune system, a mosquito bite can cause severe allergies, which manifests itself in the form of severe itching, fever and headache. In rare cases, a mosquito bite can trigger the development of skin eczema. In addition, mosquitoes are carriers of rare, but very dangerous diseases for humans. Malaria that is transmitted special kind mosquitoes, yellow fever, encephalitis and others. Therefore, to avoid the risk of unpleasant consequences from mosquito bite, it is necessary to minimize encounters with these insects.

Treatment chemicals

Manufacturers offer various means, so-called insecticides (for mosquitoes) are their main product. All chemicals mosquito repellents contain the active substance cypermethrin, which has a paralytic effect on the insect, causing its further death. Landing on the surface treated with the solution, the insect dies. The entire territory of the summer cottage is evenly sprayed with a chemical solution: trees, shrubs, lawn, garden paths and the walls of a country house.

When working with any chemicals important:

  • Use individual means protection - rubber gloves, respirator, waterproof overalls or raincoat.
  • It is contraindicated to work with the products for people prone to allergies, pregnant and lactating women.
  • During work, it is prohibited to smoke and spray in close proximity to open fire.
  • After treating the area, leave the spraying site for a period of several hours to several days (depending on the product used).
  • Treatment of the area against mosquitoes should be carried out in dry weather, preferably in the evening.

Let's take a closer look at how to treat an area for mosquitoes to get rid of these annoying insects.

Medilis cyper

Very effective remedy from mosquitoes in the country. After treating with this product, you will not see any mosquitoes or other garden pests on your site for a long time. The drug can also be used in the fight against ticks and small midges. The effect lasts for about two months. The composition of the product is safe for humans and pets. However, after the procedure, it is better for people not to appear on the territory for several hours.

Main advantage: long term action, from 1 to 2 months.

The main disadvantage: high cost, price from 2800 rubles. for 1 liter.

Bioneutral I 50

A powerful insecticide against mosquitoes in the country. Allows you to cope not only with bloodsuckers, but also with annoying flies And garden pests, such as Colorado beetle, gypsy moth, caterpillars and others. Suitable for treating domestic premises, it will help deal with cockroaches and ants. The diluted emulsion must be used within 8 hours.


  1. Relatively inexpensive, price from 1700 rubles. for 1 liter.
  2. Low odor, medium toxicity of the drug.
  3. Wide spectrum of action. It is effective not only in the fight against garden pests, but also against household pests.

Disadvantages: short duration of action, the drug is active for 1-4 weeks.


It is effective both in controlling pests in a summer cottage and is suitable for use at home. It begins to act immediately after spraying the area. Professional product from mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs and flies. In enclosed spaces, the active effect of the drug lasts up to 3 months, in the air from 1 to 6 weeks. For greater effect, the manufacturer recommends processing twice.

The main advantage is the most economical product, the price for 1 liter is from 800 rubles.


  1. The need to treat the area in two stages.
  2. Very pungent smell increased level toxicity.

Regardless of your decision about which product to treat the area against mosquitoes, follow safety precautions and strictly follow the instructions for the product.

The concentrate should be diluted strictly in the ratio specified in the instructions. Chemical treatment Repelling mosquitoes with your own hands is a responsible undertaking and requires increased attention to the process.

Folk remedies for treatment

You can also use folk remedies to fight mosquitoes. Of course, in their effectiveness they cannot compete with chemical liquids, but they are non-toxic and absolutely harmless to humans. The proposed methods act as repellents, that is, they repel mosquitoes, but do not destroy them.

Garden plants and herbs

Mosquitoes prefer to avoid strong aromas some plants and herbs. You can plant rosemary, mint, calendula, marigolds, sage and mosquitoes will become rare guests on your site. It is recommended to periodically crush the leaves and flowers of plants so that the aroma is sharper and effectively repels bloodsuckers.

Essential oils

Strong smell essential oilseffective protection from mosquitoes in the summer cottage. Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of lavender, thyme, eucalyptus, tea tree and cloves. You can arrange homemade aroma lamps on the site so that buzzing insects do not spoil your dinner in nature.

You can soak a napkin or rag with essential oils and wipe the table and walls of your home with it. In a similar way you can get rid of mosquitoes within a radius of 2-3 meters. You can add essential oils to the cream and use it as a mosquito repellent outdoors.

Smoke from the fire

Mosquitoes cannot stand the smell of fire smoke, so they never approach the fire. If you decide to organize a picnic at the dacha with barbecue over a fire, then set the table close to the fire so that annoying insects do not annoy you. For greater effect, throw a couple of twigs into the fire coniferous trees or pine cones.

It is impossible to completely get rid of mosquitoes using folk remedies, but you can reduce their presence in your summer cottage to a minimum.

Process it yourself or entrust it to professionals

Self-processing of a site is a responsible and labor-intensive procedure. To properly process the entire area, it will take a beginner in this business a lot of time. The pest control service will quickly and efficiently solve this problem. To repel mosquitoes from the area, professionals use powerful chemicals. The work uses not an ordinary sprayer, but professional equipment, which significantly speeds up the process and guarantees the quality of processing. Professional pest control against mosquitoes costs from 600 rubles. for one hundred square meters of land.

good mosquitoes protection- This special clothing. Not the one you pick up yourself, trying to avoid being bitten, but the special one that is sold in specialized stores. Special material is used for its sewing. It “breathes” and consists of upper and lower layers. The cut is such that the trousers fit snugly around the ankles, and the sleeve cuffs cover the wrists. The head is protected by a hood with a mosquito net.

Treatment of the area

It is better to take care of the fight not when they are already annoying, but in advance, in the spring. There are companies that specialize in treating blood suckers. They use a powerful sprayer to apply insecticide to the grass, trees, and buildings. The method allows protect yourself from mosquitoes for several months.

Mosquito repellers and anti-mosquito lamps

There are many types of such devices. Some work on the principle of killing mosquitoes, others simply repel them. For example, quite good insect repellent– special anti-mosquito lamp. The radius of its action is different - from 20 to 80 sq.m. The lamp shines in the ultraviolet range, attracting insects and working as mosquito trap. They fly towards the source of the waves and die in the high-voltage grid built into the mosquito lamp.

Mosquito Repeller emits ultrasound, which imitates the squeaking of male mosquitoes. Having heard him, the blood-sucking females do not fly close. The device operates within a radius of 30 to 50 sq.m.


They are different - for open air and for indoor use. The first are the so-called pyrotechnic fumigators– spirals, candles, etc. When they are set on fire, a substance that repels mosquitoes begins to be released. You can also use a battery-powered fumigator against mosquitoes in your dacha; it is usually attached to your clothing or hand.

Indoors they use such a well-known mosquito repellent like an electric fumigator. It is plugged into the outlet after inserting insecticide-impregnated plates inside.

There are fumigators into which a can of liquid mosquito repellent is screwed in. Range of action – about 12 sq.m. If the plates are of high quality, then the device is completely safe, including for children. Of course, there are exceptions - cases of allergy to the active substance.


Mosquitoes on the site Every summer resident has one. Therefore, almost everyone uses such means as repellents. They can be in the form of sprays, gels, emulsions, lotions, creams. We also sell bracelets impregnated with active substance. Depending on the composition, such products last from 2 to 6 hours. Aerosols from cans are most convenient - they can be sprayed not only on open areas body, but also on clothing.

Of course, such products are very effective, but it is not particularly pleasant to constantly apply to the body various kinds"chemistry". And such insecticides usually don’t smell very good. Therefore, you can choose an alternative in the form of essential oils. Anise oil, tea tree oil, clove oil, lavender oil, etc. are good against mosquitoes. It's best to mix them with regular vegetable oil and lubricate the body and face.

Folk remedies for mosquitoes

The best folk remedy from mosquitoes- this is smoke. Make a fire, throw dry juniper branches, spruce or pine cones into it and enjoy your holiday - the bloodsuckers won’t come close.

Mosquito control in the house will have a chance of success if the room is fumigated with camphor. You need to pour camphor alcohol into a hot frying pan and spread its vapors around the room, thus clearing it of mosquitoes and flies.

Also knowledgeable people It is advised to moisten your face and hands with a solution of carbolic acid (carbolic acid), wheatgrass infusion, garlic juice or vanilla decoction - mosquitoes cannot stand them either.

You can also plant geranium, rosemary, mint, basil and chamomile on your plot and in your house - bloodsuckers don’t like them.

If the mosquitoes have already bitten, then good bite remedysoda water, you need to moisten the affected area with it. The “Zvezdochka” balm also perfectly relieves itching.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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