Constructing a gable roof with your own hands is a relatively simple process. Having understood the structure and technology of working with the standard parameters of a classic gable roof, based on this knowledge, as well as the information contained in this article, you can, with just a little effort, decorate your home with a beautiful roof made with your own hands.

Features of gable roofs

The structural basis of a gable roof is the most simplified of all possible design options with multiple slopes. The concept of a gable roof is the formation, through slopes, of two inclined planes and gables on the opposite side.

Moreover, the equivalence of the slopes is not at all necessary. This allows you to not be too strictly tied to the equivalence of the lengths of these slopes, so the length indicators can also be completely different. By the way, it was this feature that made it possible to build roofs with non-identical slopes in terms of parameters and opened up more possibilities in the design of house structures, which led to such popularity of these roofs.

As a rule, the intersection of the slopes is located at the location of the ridge; it forms a parallel with the long side of the building. The simplicity of this design determines the traditional form of the building.

The advantageous aspect of gable roofs is their excellent protective functions. The building will not be at risk of damage caused by bad weather conditions, since the absence of creases in the slopes allows rainfall to flow freely from the roof surface, and the absence of concave corners (they are also called ends), which are formed in the place where the slopes intersect, solves the problem accumulation of snow in these areas.

The symmetrical parameters of a gable roof form a triangle with equal hips in the upper part. However, those who do not want to take a standard and common approach to roofing their home should consider more interesting and sophisticated options for gable roofs.

The broken structure that it has gable roof with different slopes gives residents of future construction the advantage of increasing the living space inside the house. This could be the arrangement of additional space for a large attic or the construction of an attic.

Another approach is the lack of symmetry in the design of a gable roof. From the outside, this solution has a rather unusual and original appearance, but the space created in the attic is much smaller.

Moreover, there are other types of roofs with two slopes. The multi-level arrangement of slopes ending at different heights does not converge at the location of the ridge. This causes the broken roof structure. Of course, only a specialist in this matter can do this option, however, the funds invested in the construction of such a plan are fully justified by the excellent result.

How to determine the angle of inclination

The range of inclination angles of gable roofs covers a run from 11° to 45° and even more.

If you set out to build a multi-level roof with two slopes, keep in mind that the angle of inclination depends on many factors:

  • Types and qualities of materials to be used in the roofing;
  • Climatic conditions;
  • Architectural design of the building itself.

The region's warmer, drier climates do not require very sharp angles from roof structures, so the surface can be made less steep. If, on the contrary, climatic conditions require a large amount of precipitation, the angle of inclination should be steeper so as not to accumulate snow deposits and reduce their load on the roof surface.

There is also an angle of inclination at which the snow cover exerts virtually no pressure. This is an angle of 45°; using it in design reduces the possibility of a strong miscalculation.

Planning the roofing process must also include data on the load exerted by wind force. An increased slope increases the force of wind pressure on the surface, so it would be a good idea to strengthen the sheathing and rafters. For example, a jump in tilt from 11 to 45 degrees increases the wind pressure fivefold. Based on this, if your building is located in an area of ​​strong winds, the roof you design should have a flatter slope.

The design of a gable roof with different slopes opens up the possibility of arranging a veranda under the roof or organizing a canopy covering the terrace.

Installation of roof slings with two different slopes

The sling system is the basic foundation on which the entire structure will rest. When starting a project for a gable roof with different slopes, you need to figure out how a symmetrical rafter system differs from the one that you will build when building a roof where the slopes do not have the same parameters.

The symmetry of slopes is based on triangles with equal sides; this determines the equivalence of opposite slopes in all geometric parameters and angle slopes.

As for the design of the roof, taking into account the different parameters of the slopes, the design of each side must be thought out separately. Accordingly, the triangle will have unequal thigh sides.

It will take a little more time to develop the project and bring it to life. But this design is more attractive and unusual, and looks much more impressive from the outside.

Rafter systems can be inclined or hanging. The outer supports of buildings, as a rule, have hanging rafters, because the legs of these rafters are designed for bending and compression functions.

This design solution has a bursting effect that extends horizontally, being transmitted to the walls. To reduce it, it is recommended to use a wooden or metal tie; it is placed at the very bottom of the rafter base.

The beam will serve as a ceiling. This option is good for roofs with attics. In order to make the fastening of the rafters more powerful and increase its strength, it is necessary to arrange the screed high enough.

The use of a layered rafter system is beneficial when roofing structures with a middle load-bearing wall or when there are intermediate columnar supports.

The edges of the rafters transfer their weight, resting against the walls of the structure. In part, they can support internal walls and supports, therefore, it is possible to use their elements as bending beams. This roof ultimately has a lighter structure.

The construction of the structure takes place by alternating suspended and layered rafter trusses located on top of several spans:

  • Hanging rafters are best installed where there are no intermediate supports. If there are layered rafters, installation is possible only with an intersupport distance not exceeding 6.5 meters.
  • To increase the width of the rafters, additional support is added. It must be covered with layered rafters, the size of which does not exceed 12 meters, and with two supports - 15 meters.
  • Structures made using timber as a material, the rafters have an emphasis on the crowns at the top. You can achieve greater strength of the fastenings by securing the rafter legs with nigels, bolts or staples.

In order to assemble all the component parts, bolts, teeth and metal plates are used. As protection from the harmful effects of climatic weather conditions, it is recommended to use a cornice overhang of at least 5.5 cm in length, which is used as an upper trim.

Calculation is a responsible matter. An incorrect section can cause destruction of the rafters. This problem is visible in violations of the location of the joints, and in this case, the operation of the roof simply becomes impossible. Therefore, if you go through all the stages of the work yourself, it is still safer to entrust the calculations to a professional.

Mounting the Mauerlat

A beam with cross-sectional parameters of 15x15 cm is the Mauerlat. It performs a supporting function for inclined rafters, distributing the total load evenly, and also acts as a foundation. The Mauerlat serves as a base under the rafter foot; it is placed along the entire length of the structure. With a small section width, sagging is possible after some time.

To avoid such sagging, a grid made up of racks, crossbars and struts is used. In this case, boards with measurements of 25x150 mm are used; in addition, you can put plates that were obtained from logs with a diameter of 13 cm.

Calculation of roof area

  • There is no need to calculate such small details as a chimney pipe, a roof window or a roof window;
  • The size of the installed slope must be extremely accurate; the calculation must be carried out from the edge line of the eaves directly to the very bottom of the ridge;
  • Firewall walls, overhangs and parapets are also included in the accounting;
  • A lot depends on the roofing material; you need to pay attention to this point.

An important point: when using rolled materials or tiles, it is necessary to reduce the length of the slopes by 70 centimeters.

Video - gable roof with different slopes


When choosing a project for a private house or country house, you have to take into account a large number of factors. A special issue is the choice of roof shape. It is both the main protection of the house and its decoration. It can have a wide variety of appearance and shape. There are so many of them that it will not be so easy for a person who has to deal with house building for the first time to navigate.

The most popular type of roof in private construction is the gable roof. Judging even by just one name - “double-slope”, then it is not difficult to guess that it should consist of two planes-slopes. Usually, they rest on load-bearing walls of the same height. The space between the slopes, which, by the way, can be considered their distinctive feature, has a clearly defined triangle shape. Apparently, due to their external resemblance to tongs, they are also called gable. The types of gable roofs are very diverse. They vary in shape, rafter design, presence of attic space, etc.

The most popular types of gable roofs

Half-hip: advantages and disadvantages

In areas where strong winds constantly blow, as a rule, preference is given to houses with a half-hip roof - one of the types of hip roofs. A half-hip roof is basically the same as a regular gable roof, but with small overhangs on the end sides. The cut slopes on the sides have a shorter length along the slope line than the main slopes. It is due to this structure that the half-hip structure is able to withstand high wind loads. At the same time, its attic space has a convenient enough shape and size to arrange a residential or utility room there. The gables of the house are also perfectly protected from any precipitation. In addition, it gives the house a fabulous, unusual look.

Its truss structure is much more complex than that of, due to various stops, struts, sprigs, trusses, a large number of ribs, valleys, intermediate rafters and other structural elements. It requires not only competent mathematical calculations, but also competent manufacturing. Of course, it will most likely not be possible to save on materials during construction, but the walls of the house will be guaranteed to be protected from precipitation and wind.

Mansard roof: simple in design but effective

Another variety. It is formed by two gentle slopes, closed at the top, and two steep slopes, which are their continuation. This form, which allows for fuller use of attic space, is in great consumer demand today. The design of the attic roof rafter system consists of hanging rafters, which ensures the void in the middle part of the room.

Broken line is the best option for the attic

A broken roof differs from a standard gable roof by the presence of kinks on the sides, which provide high ceilings in the interior. It may be higher than an ordinary gable roof, which, due to its too steep slope, will not be able to withstand wind loads. Thanks to a fracture in the slope, the most vulnerable part of the roof, the upper one, which during operation takes up the wind load, receives a slight slope, while the lower part is directed very sharply downwards. Compliance with the proportions of its elements is of great importance.

The most common options for gable roofs are:

  • with a slope of 45° with a classic rafter system, It is especially often used in the middle zone of the country; by the way, its ideal option is a width of 6 meters, up to a maximum of 8.
  • gable mansard roof, the slope angle of which is 60° - the so-called pointed one. This is a fairly expensive option; it is used for houses more than 6 meters wide.
  • sloping roof with an attic with two slopes having different slopes (often 30° and 60°). This is the most suitable and most economical option for houses whose width does not exceed 6 meters.

Types of gable roofs according to the purpose of the structure

Dacha cabins are an excellent option for those who dream of a large country house, but have not yet had time to build it, or for those who like to spend theirs in a small and comfortable dacha. In this case, a gable roof in combination with a porch and wooden windows will look like an ideal small, cute country house.

Do you want to build a house with a roof that is not only original, but practical and energy-saving? Then an asymmetrical roof is your option. Unlike traditional gable roof structures, asymmetrical systems have two slopes located at different angles or differing in length. Such roofs have their own advantages and features, which we will talk about.

The asymmetrical roof in the house appeared not only as a result of the pursuit of originality and the rejection of traditional solutions. As it turns out, in buildings with such roof structures, heat is distributed differently. So, if the shortest slope is placed on the south side of the house, then the rooms under the roof will be better warmed up, and a longer slope, turned to the north, will better protect the building from the cold. Moreover, under the elongated slope there may be part of the space that is not used at all due to its small height. This will contribute to additional heat conservation in houses located in northern latitudes.

If the structure is being built in regions with a hot climate, then the slopes can be turned the other way around, and then the asymmetrical gable roof will reliably protect the premises from the heat and scorching rays of the sun. In addition, if at least one slope is installed at an angle of more than 45°, this helps to significantly reduce the unused area under the roof.

Important: today, pitched roofs are a matter of not only beauty, but also energy saving and compact construction, so you can increasingly see projects with such roof systems.

It is worth adding that buildings with an asymmetrical roof are erected if the second floor is planned to be incomplete, for example, the area of ​​the first level is 150 square meters, and the second is only 80. It is the asymmetrical roof system that can cover only 2/3 of the top floor. At the same time, under the elongated slope on the lower tier, you can organize a two-story living room or hall when the height of the room is higher than in another part of the house.


A gable asymmetrical roof of a house has the following advantages:

  1. Original design and uniqueness. This design always looks stylish, and even more so in our country, where the construction of gable gable roofs has become a tradition. Against their background, a house with an asymmetrical roof looks unusual and attracts surprised glances.
  2. If you want to build a house with a unique architecture, then it is much easier to do this with an asymmetrical roof.
  3. Convenience and ease of design for architects. If previously the designer had to squeeze into the framework of a traditional rectangular house under a regular gable roof all those rooms that the customer wanted to have, now he can first design the interior space and then put a roof on it. At the same time, the shape and location of the premises can be very diverse, because the slopes can be made at any angle and with any length. With this design you can immediately cover a house, garage and veranda.
  4. A house with a pitched roof is easier to match with the topography and organize lighting of the premises.
  5. There is an opportunity to save on arranging the foundation, because 1/3 of it bears less load due to the absence of a full second floor. In addition, due to the fact that you can move part of the premises under a high, shortened roof slope, you do not need to build a wide foundation in order to get additional living space on the ground floor.

Tip: it is very convenient to install technological equipment on and under an asymmetrical roof, for example, solar panels, heating or air conditioning systems.

  1. This option is ideal for areas where constant winds prevail. Then the problem with windage and snow loads is very easily solved. To do this, it is enough to position the roof so that there is a steeper slope on the leeward quiet side, and a flatter one on the windy side. Thus, we solve two problems at once: we protect the structure from strong winds and reduce snow loads.
  2. An attic under a traditional gable roof seems cozy and comfortable only in the picture; in fact, living in it is very uncomfortable due to the lack of usable space and the presence of sharp corners. A more practical and comfortable room will be under an asymmetrical roof with an offset ridge. With this solution, the geometry of the attic will be more convenient for living due to the larger area and smooth walls. Moreover, three walls can be vertical to their full height, which is much more convenient in terms of furniture arrangement. So you can arrange not just an attic, but a full-fledged living room.

Types of pitch systems

Among the uneven asymmetrical designs, the following varieties can be distinguished:

  • Conventional asymmetrical roof It is made in the form of two slopes located at the same angle of inclination, but having different lengths. Moreover, one of the slopes will be significantly longer than the other. Due to this, the building looks original and unusual. If the difference in length is small, then the asymmetry will be almost invisible.
  • Partially broken design differs from a traditional gable roof only in that one slope has a break for arranging the roof over the extension. Although the roof looks very similar to a gable system, its calculation is performed differently.
  • Asymmetrical design with a ridge in the center. This option is used when you need to get a full-fledged comfortable room on the second floor. In this case, one of the slopes has not only a different length, but also a different angle of inclination.
  • Asymmetrical system with ridge offset. This option is similar to the previous one, the only difference is that the ridge is shifted away from the central axis of the house. This technique is used when it is necessary to obtain a comfortable living space under the roof, which is no different from a full floor.

Nuances of choice

When deciding whether you need a traditional gable roof or its asymmetrical version, it is worth remembering that on one side you have the uniqueness of the building, original design, functional and planning advantages, and on the other the complexity of the calculations and execution of the project.

That is why you need to evaluate your strengths and decide whether you can independently carry out drawings and calculations of a complex structure or whether simplicity and speed of execution are more important to you. If you lack experience and knowledge, you risk incorrectly calculating and installing such a complex roof, which will jeopardize the integrity of the entire building. If you still want to get a house that is extraordinary in terms of design and win a comfortable living space, then you can entrust the design to specialists.

Finished projects

On the Internet you can find many photos of houses with asymmetrical roof structures. Let's look at the most successful of them:

The different lengths and angles of the roof slopes in this project made it possible not only to create a comfortable living space on the second floor, but also to cover the garage. Due to the protruding side overhangs of the longer slope, a balcony and entrance group were successfully placed underneath it.

This roof design, by shifting the ridge towards a steeper slope, made it possible to get not just an attic, but full-fledged living rooms on the second floor. By lowering the floor level of some rooms under the lower part of the elongated slope, it was possible to place not only a garage, but also a living room with a comfortable balcony.

This version of a country house with an asymmetrical system and slopes located at the same angle, but having different lengths, will appeal to those who want not only to cover the house, but also to organize a convenient shaded canopy near it. In fact, the house itself has a gable roof and an attic room, but due to the elongated one slope, the whole building looks more original and differs from traditional country houses.

Please note that designing and constructing an asymmetrical roof system with slopes of different lengths, but located at the same angle, is much easier than the same option with different slope angles. Such structures are not only difficult to calculate, the rafters in these systems are much more difficult to attach to the ridge. Therefore, if you are not confident in your abilities, it is better to entrust the design and installation of such structures to specialists.

Building your own home is clearly not an easy task. The difficulties begin not when arranging the walls or even when laying the foundation - the most difficult thing is to choose the optimal type of structure, to design the building so that it is both functional and visually attractive enough.

One of the most noticeable elements of a building is the roof, so its design needs to be thought out in advance and in every detail. When choosing a roof type, most developers forget about the existence of gable structures with asymmetrical slopes. This article will discuss a gable roof with different slopes and its features.

Prerequisites for the appearance of asymmetrical roofs

Throughout the existence of mankind, architecture has undergone significant changes. A huge number of the most diverse designs were invented, built and remodeled - and time after time new, increasingly sophisticated architectural solutions and ideas were found, which, to the best of their ability, were implemented, sometimes becoming unintentional masterpieces.

All this fully applies to roofing structures. The roof of residential buildings has changed incredibly over the past millennia, passing through a lot of historical eras and geographical features. At different times, this element of the building was used both to solve purely practical problems and to demonstrate the degree of freedom of creative thought.

Over time, the fashion for sophisticated solutions began to fade - perhaps precisely because creative thought began to run counter to common sense and the functional purpose of the roof. The knowledge gained and interesting developments did not go away, they simply began to be used more rationally and wisely.

As for gable roofs, one of the solutions that proved to be quite profitable was the following:

  • One of the roof slopes was located on the south side;
  • The opposite slope was located at a different angle or increased in length;
  • The loads on the roof were carefully calculated, as well as the internal areas of the building.

Making such changes to the classic roof design made it possible to increase its efficiency and give it an original look. An important factor is the ability to more competently distribute the free internal space in the building.

Development of gable roofs with different slopes

A roof with different lengths of slopes is far from a new invention. Of course, the exact dates and periods are unknown, but it can be assumed that the very first roofing options were already asymmetrical, if only because the builders of those times simply did not have the knowledge and ability to make the structure even.

For measurements, a long spear was used with a cord and a plumb line tied to its ends. The rod was installed vertically so that the plumb line marked the center of the end wall of the future building. The edges of the cord stretched to the corners of the building. After determining the overhang, a board was nailed to the wall. The result was a completely understandable design that reflected the boundaries of the future roofing structure.

There were no particular difficulties with the first ramp, but the arrangement of the second was fraught with a number of problems. If round logs were used to build a house (and this was often the case), then leveling the walls to the same level was an almost insurmountable task, and attempts to make a level structure also proved unsuccessful because of this.

For accurate measurements, a water level was required - it made it possible to level the roof so that the ridge was located in the center and the slopes were uniform. Architects and professional urban builders had access to good tools, but in villages and villages they had to build houses without precise measurements, so the roofing often turned out to be asymmetrical.

However, unintentional asymmetry cannot be called a deliberate and time-tested development - it was achieved by accident and did not have any characteristic features. A completely different matter is the conscious creations of experienced architects, who distinguished the pitched roof as a separate architectural form. Most often, such structures were used to decorate the homes of the rich and were necessary to demonstrate the wealth of their owners.

There were many methods for arranging roofs with different slopes. A common phenomenon was structures consisting of several separate buildings with their own roofs. The ramps could be wrapped in a variety of directions and differ in all respects. Of course, these designs were not similar to modern gable asymmetrical roofs, but some similarities simply cannot be ignored.

Advantages and disadvantages of pitched roofs

The gable asymmetric roof has a lot of characteristic features. Of course, first of all it is worth considering the visual characteristics - they are the most noticeable, and even from them you can understand whether you need to use such a roof in your own home. A building with an asymmetrical roof will stand out brightly against the background of classic gable structures, so all that remains is to decide on a simple question - whether you like or dislike this design.

The next aspect, which is not so noticeable at first glance, but is closely related to the unique type of pitched roofs, is the ability to use the internal space of the building to the maximum. The traditional gable roof is not so convenient in this regard, since it creates a certain framework, beyond which it is not possible to go beyond.

A gable roof with short and long slopes allows you to combine the building with any extensions and combine them under one roof. If desired, you can install not only a residential building under a pitched roof, but also a garage, gazebo or veranda. The most important thing is to draw the future structure on paper in advance and correctly design all its elements.

As a rule, a gable roof with different slope angles is installed if the second floor of the building should have a smaller area than the first. In addition to more efficient use of space, this design allows you to relieve the load on the foundation and is excellent for installing various equipment (for example, solar panels).

The next positive quality of asymmetrical roofs is their ability to withstand various natural phenomena. If in the area where the construction of the building is taking place, the wind is constantly blowing in one direction, then on the windy side it is worth placing a gentle slope, and on the opposite side there may well be a steep slope. In addition to wind resistance, this design is also well suited for snowy regions.

Another significant plus in the treasury of advantages of pitched roofs is that they are excellent for arranging a residential attic. The standard gable design lacks some advantages; in particular, the attic in it often does not look very comfortable. Of course, there are many ways to make better use of such space, at least visually, but in most cases these are just half measures.

A roof with different angles of inclination makes it possible to expand the usable area of ​​the second floor without additional structures. The increase in area will not be actual, but visual - but the freed-up space can be used more rationally than under two traditional slopes.

If you collect all the pros and cons of a gable roof with different slopes, you can come to the following conclusions:

  • An asymmetrical roof has unique visual characteristics, allows for the implementation of various design solutions and more efficient use of the available space;
  • The main problem is the complexity of arranging a roof with different slopes.

If the difficulties that will inevitably arise at the stage of designing and installing an asymmetrical roof are not terrible, then such a design will be an excellent solution and will give the building a very interesting look.

Types of pitched roofs with short and long slopes

All pitched roof designs can be divided into several main categories:

  1. Asymmetrical roofs. In this design, the slopes converge towards the ridge and are located at the same angle. Asymmetry is achieved due to the fact that one slope has an increased length. The increase may not be very large - the roof will still look unusual, even if the elongated slope is not striking.
  2. Partially broken roofs. The main difference between this type of roof and traditional gable solutions is that one slope has a broken shape, which allows you to cover the extension. To design a pitched roof, the same calculations are required as for any pitched roof.
  3. Asymmetrical roofs. This type of construction is rightfully considered the most original. An asymmetrical roof is the best solution to make the attic extremely comfortable, light and spacious. The design feature of this scheme is to change the length and slope of one of the slopes.
  4. Asymmetrical roofs with offset center. At first glance, such a roof does not differ from a standard gable roof, but upon closer examination there is still a difference - the ridge line of the roof in this case is shifted relative to the center. This displacement naturally leads to a change in the length of the slope and the angle of inclination of the structure. Such roofs are very convenient to use, but their design and installation require maximum effort.

Standard designs of gable roofs with different slope angles

Building a roof with different slopes may have a lot of minor nuances, but there will be few main parameters. For example, the slopes in an asymmetrical roof may have the same length, but be located at different angles, or vice versa - the slopes installed at the same angle will have different lengths.

There are several standard design options that are worth considering in a little more detail:

  1. Same length of slopes, different angle of inclination. One of the slopes in this design is located at a large angle. Such a roof allows you to build a nice terrace on one side, and place utility rooms under a lower slope. It would be unprofitable to make the entire roof flat - in this case, too much snow would accumulate on it. This option for an asymmetrical roof is quite simple and does not require much effort - in particular, there is no need to strengthen the foundation. True, there is still one drawback - you will have to tinker thoroughly with the design. It is much easier to design a roof with the same slope.
  2. Same angle of inclination, different lengths of slopes. This design option is the exact opposite of the previous one. Increasing the length of one slope allows you to cover all extensions located near the house, such as verandas and gazebos. In this case, there are also no special requirements for the foundation, because part of the load from the roof will fall on the extension. However, in the absence of extensions or other construction nuances, you can increase the length of the slope located above the main building. In general, even such a simple scheme has considerable variability.
  3. Different lengths and shapes of slopes. To optimize the loads on the rafter system of a house, a pitched roof with different lengths and shapes of slopes is often used. The main feature of this design is the presence of a fracture, due to which some of the loads are self-eliminating. True, new loads arise at the fracture site, and they have to be compensated for by additional spacers - but this is a completely reasonable price to pay for balancing the forces acting on the roof.
  4. Non-standard designs. By default, pitched roofs provide the maximum degree of freedom in arrangement, so there is nothing surprising in the appearance of very interesting structures. For example, there is a scheme in which all efforts are aimed at creating an interesting second floor. If you cut off the corners of a building, you can reduce the degree of pressure on the foundation, and therefore save on construction.
  5. Roof with offset ridge. Such structures are the most difficult to work with, but with the correct implementation of all stages of arrangement, you will get perhaps the most interesting roof. The main difficulty lies in accurately calculating the loads on the rafter system, especially when it comes to wooden houses - they shrink for some time, so you need to prevent the roof from skewing.

There are other drawings of a gable roof with different slopes, but the designs described above are the most common.

Installation of a gable roof with different slopes

The design of an asymmetrical roof, as can be concluded from all of the above, cannot be called simple. Even the most primitive roofs with different slopes are more difficult to install than traditional gable structures. If we talk about roofs with an offset center, then the complexity of design and installation immediately increases by an order of magnitude. The main load in asymmetrical roofs is not concentrated on the ridge, so classic vertical supports in this case do not make sense.

However, the calculation process and perception of such a complex structure can be simplified - it is enough to imagine the roof not in the form of an asymmetrical diagram, but in the form of two triangles with different sides and angles. Of course, both triangles will be in complex interaction, so it is impossible to simply calculate them separately from each other - but such consideration of the roof structure greatly simplifies the process of its arrangement.

One of the most important structural elements that allows you to fully equip an asymmetrical roof is the Mauerlat, which takes on the entire load from the roof. Correct calculation and installation of the Mauerlat is already half the battle when it comes to a split-pitched structure.

Calculation of a roof with different slopes

In order for the roof structure to be of high quality and reliable, it must be correctly calculated. For calculations, it is best to use appropriate programs that will allow you to accurately calculate the loads on the Mauerlat and determine the location of the necessary supports. It is possible to independently calculate these parameters, but the process in this case will be too complicated - and arranging a roof with different slopes is not very simple anyway.

If we describe the calculation of a roof with different slopes in several theses, then it will all look like this:

  • A slope that is longer has the greatest impact on the rafter system and the wall of the house underneath it;
  • To compensate for the loads from a long slope, it is worth installing one or more additional supports;
  • If the building is made of durable materials and installed on a sufficiently strong foundation, then you can do without additional elements.

The process of manually calculating an asymmetrical roof can be said this way - it will ultimately come down to determining the parameters of two pitched roofs, which are reduced to a single ridge. Taking into account the factors described above, it is possible to design the structure quite accurately.

Distribution of loads along the slopes

The design schemes described above are just the most popular types of roofs. There are many other, more sophisticated and complex forms, the implementation of which is only available to professional builders. However, you can always try, but the efficiency of the entire building will be at stake - the main purpose of arranging the roof is still protection from precipitation and frost.

In order for the roof structure to be reliable, a number of calculations are performed aimed at uniformly distributing loads along the slopes. The roof must fully rest on all the walls of the building, otherwise wind and snow loads will lead to distortions or even complete destruction of the roof structure.

In the domestic space, pitched roofs have not yet gained sufficient popularity, so it is difficult to say anything definitely about their efficiency and durability. Judging by the experience of foreign builders, asymmetric roofs are quite comparable to conventional gable structures, but only if the slopes, rafter system and loads on the building box are properly calculated.

And the last point - if you are not sure that a gable roof with different slopes will turn out to be of high quality, it is better to refuse its arrangement. Still, independent installation of such structures is quite complicated and requires appropriate experience. Most professional builders with such experience simply refuse to work with asymmetrical roofs, citing the difficulties that arise when installing such structures.


A gable roof with different slopes, despite its long history, is not only not outdated, but has also become a very modern solution. A properly designed and equipped roof can last as long as its more traditional counterparts, while demonstrating increased efficiency in terms of heat conservation and rational use of free space.

When building a residential building, few people use non-standard engineering techniques. Time-tested designs provide the necessary safety, which is why they are popular and in demand. As an example of one such element, I would like to cite the familiar gable roof frame. It is simple to implement, and this design withstands a wide variety of climatic conditions well. For more than one century, such roofing has demonstrated sufficient stability, and today you can see the implementation of different types of gable roofs. Unequal angles of inclination, broken lines, the presence of asymmetry - sometimes such moves are not the desire of the owners to express the architectural feature of the building, but the existing operational requirements that must be met.

In this article we will talk in more detail about the advantages of a traditional symmetrical gable roof, what a gable roof with a figured bay window is, for which some owners deliberately increase the length of the side of a standard slope.

Features of a gable roof

What is a gable roof? This is a design in which the roof is formed using two slopes fastened together at a certain angle. Changing the degree of angle helps to form different types of roofing. The photo shows how different the described structures can be. In fact, two slopes can converge with each other in different ways. Depending on how they do it, roofers distinguish four types of gable roofs:

  • Traditional symmetrical option.
  • Complex multi-level roof.
  • Broken slopes with refraction in the middle.
  • A gable asymmetrical roof with a ridge not in the center, but with a significant offset.

Note! All other versions are their original combined versions. Each type of roof has its own advantages and disadvantages, and its own design solution. It makes sense to dwell on their description and talk about each type of roofing in more detail.

Traditional symmetrical option

An ordinary small roof with slopes located symmetrically to each other at an angle of 30 or 60 degrees is the traditional version. An isosceles triangle is a time-tested design; its structure is not particularly complex, therefore the calculations of the rafter system are usually quite simple.

What's good about an acute angle?

  • Its slopes are good at removing any precipitation.
  • Snow does not accumulate on such a roof, so there is no need to carry out cleaning work in winter.
  • Such a roof can be covered with any roofing material.

Builders call this type of roof a “gable roof.” There is only one drawback to this roofing option - the standard design.

The traditional version is presented in several modifications. The name depends on the degree of angle between the two rafters.

  1. The classic gable roof has an angle of 45 degrees. This roofing option will change when the width of the building does not exceed eight meters.
  2. A flat roof has an angle between the slopes of less than 45 degrees. This type of roofing is installed in particularly windy regions.
  3. A pointed roof (slope angle of 60 degrees) is installed when a house is built in regions where large amounts of snow fall in winter. This is the most expensive roofing option.
  4. A broken version is a gable roof with slopes of different angles.

Note! The angle of inclination of the slopes is selected in accordance with the climate characteristics of the regions. The steeper the slope, the easier it is for snow to roll down, but a gabled roof can easily be blown away by strong winds.

Complex multi-level roof

A complex multi-level roof is an original design option. Look at the photo, such a solution always looks quite advantageous. It has many advantages. The main thing is the ability to use the space under a long slope, equip it with a gazebo or garage, a swimming pool or a utility block. There is no additional need to build a roof under all these objects, and this is a huge savings.

The peculiarity of a complex multi-level roof is that one slope is larger than the other. Similar asymmetrical practical gable roofs are built using the same technology as gable roofs, with only one difference: one slope is larger than the other.

Broken slopes

What is a sloping roof? This is a roof based on a rectangle, above it a triangle, and two more triangles on the sides. This design option is chosen when it is planned to make the under-roof space residential. With this design, the attic ceiling is high, so living in such a space is quite comfortable. The geometry of such a room, of course, will be unusual, but this is more of a plus than a minus from a design point of view.

Why can’t you arrange an attic under a regular gable roof? There are quite a few reasons.

  • It is quite difficult to install dormer windows on steep slopes; without them, the space under the attic will turn out dark and uninhabitable.
  • It is difficult to decorate ordinary gable roofs with anything additional; it will no longer be possible to install a balcony or other decorative elements near it.
  • Sloping walls are difficult to make part of a living space; even an experienced architect cannot boast of works that could demonstrate an acceptable solution to such an issue. Slopes located at right angles form walls that look somehow uncomfortable; many people note that they put pressure and are difficult to perceive purely psychologically.
  • It is almost impossible to play around sharp corners in the interior.
  • It is much more difficult to insulate a pointed roof than a roof with broken lines.

Note! By changing the angle of the roof and making the slopes complex, experienced architects create a spacious attic space that can be easily adapted to residential needs.

Asymmetrical version

When assembling asymmetrical roofs, the ridge refraction is not performed in the middle, but offset. The result is roofs in which the area of ​​one slope is larger than the other. It is quite difficult to make calculations for such a design; the main thing is to correctly calculate the load on both slopes. It will be different for everyone. Such a difficult move dictates its own requirements. In some places the rafter system will have to be made thicker, in others the roof will have to be strengthened, and in others it will be possible to save money.

The space under the asymmetrical roof turns out to be quite cozy. Experienced designers disguise cut-off walls in the attic with wardrobes; they help align the walls and make the room have a completely familiar rectangular shape. Sharp pitched walls no longer put pressure on the psyche. Therefore, it becomes quite comfortable for a person to live in such a space.

On an asymmetrical roof, you can install vertically located windows; in this situation, moisture will no longer be able to seep inside. Another advantage of the described blood option is the ability to install a full-fledged balcony in the attic. The choice of such a roofing project is justified when the attic space is planned to be used as a living space. Externally, asymmetrical roofs look very stylish; this architectural technique allows you to make any boring building original and memorable.

Two-level attic

Concluding the description of the types of gable roofs, I would also like to talk about two-level attics. Yes, there are such options for using attic space. A two-story attic today is not a luxury, but a completely practical solution.

How does a two-level attic differ from a one-level attic? - Scheme of the structure. When creating it, a complex rafter system is used; it is built as part of the house, like its second floor. The load on the walls and foundation is preliminarily calculated. As a result, the owner receives a full-fledged two-level room, created at minimal cost.


To summarize, it should be noted that a correctly chosen roofing option helps to significantly simplify the operation of a residential building; it is important to choose the type of gable roof that will allow you to rationally manage both the building itself and the surrounding space around it. Any small error in calculations leads to irreparable consequences, which are problematic and expensive to eliminate.

The construction of a gable roof has its own technological subtleties. The main thing is to correctly install the rafter system, create a frame whose guides will be able to cope with the existing loads. The safety of the roof will depend on how well it is done.

When assembling a frame, you should not skimp on purchasing high-quality timber or hiring professional specialists. This is the key to the longevity of the roof. It must be taken into account that all loads on the roof from the outside fall on the walls of the building. That is why it is so important to make technical calculations in advance and determine the overall change of the project. The video will help you find out how the gable roof rafter system is assembled.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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