Greece largely determined the artistic tastes and culture of modern Europe. It was the cradle where the principles that formed the basis of modern concepts of beauty, harmony, and perfection were born. No wonder that Greek style in the interior seems a very attractive idea for people with good taste. The Greek style also attracts creatively gifted individuals, and, of course, is the refuge of modern romantics. They know how to feel all the poetics of such interior design.

Its cradle was the same ancient style, which then happily migrated into the artistic images of Rome, and then spread throughout Europe. Antiquity underlies classicism and inspires baroque, empire, and neoclassicism. Even in the capricious curves of Art Nouveau, Art Nouveau or the frivolous whims of Rococo, the clarity and lightness of ancient principles can be seen. Perhaps this is because the Greek masters were able to discover uniform laws of harmony that will not leave any human heart indifferent.

  • Antiquity became the basis for the current Greek interior design. Powerful and solid Doric columns, with their gloomy and authoritative strength, replaced by light and soaring Ionic columns, with a characteristic capital. Its downward-rounded ends have become a true symbol of antique style.
  • The walls in the antique style were decorated with pilasters, which not only served as “substitutes” for columns, but also strengthened the wall well. Pilasters could be simple, even and smooth. More often they are decorated with flutes of varying depths and detail. IN modern style such vertical grooves are almost mandatory for wall pilasters. It is they who give the main resemblance to Greek columns.

  • A recognizable feature of the Greek style, as in ancient times, so modern world, is the unity of space. Decomposition came much later, and before it the idea that habitable space should represent a single territory was not even discussed.
  • Antiquity, with its strict principles of architecture and composition, did not at all require severity. On the contrary, it opened up new facets of existence, made it light, weightless, although meaningful. Therefore, detailed artistic paintings on the walls and ceilings added colors of life to the interior. Mosaic floors could look like real ones story paintings, and the theme of realistic sculptural groups that certainly decorated antique interior, was more than playful.

  • Antiquity did not need a large number of textile elements. Perhaps heavy purple curtains separating the chambers of rich people, or animal skins that protected delicate women’s feet from the stone cold in winter.
  • As for furniture samples, they were preserved for us by paintings and frescoes, drawings on ceramics. The high functionality that distinguishes the ancient tradition gave rise to simple, laconic, and, at the same time, elegant furniture. Straight legs, backs at an angle convenient for a person, along the edges there is an ornament or inlay.

This was the ancient style, the images of which have survived to our time. To what extent has the modern Greek style inherited the character and principles of its predecessor?

  • The current, current option for us, for decorating a living space in the Greek style, is part of the Mediterranean direction. We can say that the antique style was complemented by ethnic and historical motifs.
  • There are fewer columns, they gave way to pilasters and bas-reliefs, which are usually located near door and window openings, and also decorate furniture.
  • The furniture tradition has been preserved, which dictates simple and convenient forms, laconic lines. Interior items are made of wood, textiles, and wicker. Wicker furniture occupies a fairly prominent place in modern Greek style. Proud antique interiors, of course, did not allow such a folk color, but everything flows, everything changes!

  • The color scheme has also been updated with new themes. If in antiquity warm shades of design were considered harmonious, and thick black, blue, pine green and dark red tones were used for contrast, then the current version of the Greek style suggests complementing the interior picture with blue-white, light blue, olive and peat shades. They reflect the traditional landscapes of Greece - blue sea, blue sky bleached by the brightest southern sun, white sand beaches, olive groves and hard-to-cultivate land.
  • Ceramics have been and remain a traditional element. Interestingly, the historical traditions of Greek black ceramics have been preserved since ancient times. Simple handicraft has become a real artistic value for many centuries. Excellent examples of such ceramics will immediately add the necessary authenticity to a Greek interior.

  • The designs and designs have undergone few changes over the past millennia. The decor called Greek wave is used in ceramic floor tiles, in decorating fabrics, for decorating furniture, and as a frieze over doors, windows, between the floor and ceiling.
  • As for finishing materials, then, if for most historical and ethnic styles While the base is wood, the Greek interior is more characterized by stone, natural or artificial, ceramic tiles, and plaster. There is little wood in Greece and it is of low quality, so metal frames are still often used for furniture, composite materials, various weaving technologies, textiles.
  • The preferred interior textures also correspond to design traditions. These are stonework, polished tile surfaces, lacquered or matte ceramics. Stone has long been the main building material for this area, and clay is a favorite and available finishes. By the way, modern Greek interiors in country style are built on the same principle.

  • Modern Greek style is very proud of its origins from real antiquity, therefore it always emphasizes historical roots, ancient history and advanced age. It is characterized by rustic and aged elements. Noble chips on the floor slabs, a thin network of cracks in the plaster, sculptures with chipped parts, ceramics with partially preserved fragments of painting, indoor fountains in the form of destroyed vases. All these, of course, are modern tricks, the purpose of which is to emphasize the ancient and noble traditions of the Greek interior.

Before you go for a design project or to a hardware store for materials for renovation, let's outline the main directions of the Greek style that now exist in residential interiors. After all, as befits a design with a long and varied history, the Greek style has many images that are quite amenable to classification.

The first direction can be roughly called "Greek antiquity". This interior style reproduces the basic harmonious laws of space, as well as the most characteristic features that distinguished ancient Greece.

  • It is here that you can see pilasters, albeit not on the entire surface of the wall, but only in the form of a fireplace or in the design of a window opening. Banquettes can be made in the form of Ionic capitals; this image can also be used for tabletops or cabinets, and for any other horizontal plane.
  • The Greek wave is always used in the ornaments. This could be an edging between the ceiling and the wall, or a carpet pattern, or several fragments in different parts of the room.

  • Such interiors show rich possibilities for using ancient principles of architecture and space decoration, which have not lost their relevance today.
  • Interior decoration in the ancient Greek style is most often dominated by ceramics, tiles, stone and fabric. Wood has a much more modest role; it is used as a ceiling finish, as well as for the manufacture of some furniture elements.
  • In order to make the antique image look more expressive, they began to use quite unexpected color combinations. Bright furniture modern rich colors and colorful textiles look especially picturesque against a pastel background, which is most often used for architectural filling of rooms.

  • With a few strokes even the most ordinary room You can give it a noble antique look. Long, heavy curtains forming uniform folds will serve as columns. Hard lambrequin in the form of an Ionic capital will complement the image.
  • An artificial stone fireplace frame will become an expressive accent of style, and flat plates made of black Greek ceramics will decorate the wall.
  • Laconic furniture with armrests in the form of Ionic curls, a carpet with a “Greek wave” pattern, matching decorative pillows on armchairs and sofas, and a luxurious chandelier will complete the contour design of the room in the antique Greek style.
  • According to your taste, the interior can be supplemented with sculptural decorations, wall or ceiling paintings, pilasters on the walls or in furniture design, and other harmonious ideas of Ancient Hellas. The main thing is to maintain the composition and functionality of the room without overloading it with details and shapes.

The next direction can be roughly called Greek Mediterranean style.

  • This interior image and its derivatives were formed under the influence of the nature and climate of Greece, as well as in the process of gradual integration cultural traditions other Mediterranean countries in daily life ordinary Greek cities and sat down.
  • The main color scheme of this trend is blue and white, with the addition of olive, dark blue, and creamy yellow. Russet and terracotta notes are also common. But the predominant one is White color, it helps to cope with the heat and heat of summer Greece.
  • The floors are covered in wood or modern laminate, and tiles are found in kitchens, dining rooms or terraces. Among the characteristic elements are arches, which act as space delimiters.
  • Walls are usually plastered or painted. It should be noted that the Greek version of the Mediterranean style is very laconic and restrained; it is distinguished by smooth backgrounds, functionality and simplicity of design, which does not prevent it from being original, convenient and expressive.

  • The furniture for such an interior is selected to be low, with clear outlines. Wicker elements, from chairs and half-chairs to tables and decorative chests, would be very appropriate.
  • Can become a real magnet for attention textile decoration. For example, bright upholstery furniture, curtains in the national style, a carpet decorated with expressive patterns. The viewer's attention is most often ensured contrasting combinations colors, not their brightness. Although ethnic elements can be quite colorful.
  • One more distinctive feature Mediterranean Greek style is the perspective or beautiful view from the window. If it is not there, then you can use wallpaper with 3D patterns and three-dimensional backlit panoramas in the decoration. They can even be decorated with curtains or blinds, then they will create the feeling of a real window.

We have designated another popular direction with the code name Greek country. It is fueled more by national traditions and ethnic aesthetics than by decorative landscapes or ancient art.

  • Greek country is made in a light, predominantly white color scheme, with blue, light blue and ultramarine accents.

  • The walls are simply plastered and the usual whitewash is applied to them, or in a more modern version - matte acrylic paint. At the same time, unevenness and differences in the plaster design are only welcome, because they give the necessary authenticity to the room.
  • This design can be used to decorate even the smallest room. Greek country takes inspiration from a long tradition in which many ordinary residents of the country used chalk caves for housing. Hence the love for small spaces, white design, semicircular entrances and windows, which are often found in such interiors.

  • The furniture is emphatically simple, even ascetic. To make it, simple boards are often used, and then the product is artificially planed. Like many country styles, the Greek version prefers to look older than it is. In such interiors, age is an undoubted advantage.
  • Doors and window frames are also often made from ordinary wood. Most elements of Greek country bear traces self made, and long, careful use.
  • Miniature sconces are used as lamps, which are mounted on the walls in groups of several. They are arranged in a certain order, symmetrically relative to the object of illumination. The central lights are not very characteristic of this distinctive design.
  • The contrast to the white design can be brightness decorative textiles or dark chocolate color wooden elements. A small table-stand, a massive frame of an old mirror, several supporting beams on the ceiling - all this can be made of dark, aged wood, giving depth and richness to the image.

The Greek style in the interior makes it possible to realize a wide variety of interior fantasies, from the dream of universal harmony, which is so characteristic of antiquity, to the utmost precision of Greek country, with its laconic, almost hermit-like essence. Whatever choice you make, it will be distinguished by the special lightness that the functional and expressive Greek style gives.

Greece is associated with the southern Mediterranean flavor, the freshness of the sea, sunny beaches, plantations olive trees, mountains and picturesque ancient landscapes. It is not surprising that designers highlight the Greek style in separate category, because he has clear criteria. First of all, it is restraint, rational luxury, comfort, freshness and coziness.

Many represent Greek motifs in the context of ancient culture. However, modern design in the Greek style has nothing to do with this historical period. Let's look at the main characteristics of the Greek interior and determine how to use its manifestations in home decoration.

Most often, elements of the Greek style for home decoration are chosen by people who are impressed by minimalism and classics. Massive whitewashed columns with curlicues, sculptures and stucco decoration are a thing of the past. These details are relevant to use in creating an antique space. The Greek style in the interior is more diverse in its manifestations. It can only be identified by accessories, individual decorations and the prevailing atmosphere of a Mediterranean idyll.

The simplicity inherent in Greek design looks majestic and luxurious, despite the lack of expensive decor. The main emphasis is on space, plenty of light in the room, soft colors and smooth transitions. Here you will not see gold, frilly accessories and bright colors, characteristic of the Roman interior. Despite this, the decor looks stylish and unusual. It can't be called boring.

In the space of modern Greece there is a feeling of comfort and lightness. Antique style for everyday use heavier. It is often used for decoration big houses, cottages and mansions of people who want to emphasize their status through classics and the presence of original works of art in the apartment.

The history of the appearance of the Greek style

The original source of the Greek style was the antique interior. It originated during the formation of culture (3rd century BC) and developed gradually, intertwined with Roman motifs. In the process of formation, the style of Greece borrowed eastern trends and finally acquired its features in the era of the formation of stone architecture. In addition to the practical benefits of stone structures, the Greeks began to pay attention to shapes, decorate buildings and create household items that carry an aesthetic meaning.

Ancient artists and sculptors sought to use the wealth of materials to create the outlines of the perfect human body. Statues of gods, athletes, beauties and goddesses have survived to this day. This period was marked by the construction of majestic cultural buildings - amphitheaters, temples, municipalities, etc. The Greeks based their room decoration on mythology, drawing parallels between the world of gods and ordinary people.

Unusual apartment design in Greek style

Apartment interior in Greek style

Greek style in home interior design

Main features of the Greek style

To obtain perfect combination In the interior, designers use an interweaving of shades characteristic of the direction, home textiles, furniture and accessories. Thoughtful zoning and lighting play an important role in the design of a room. These are the basic principles that decorators adhere to.

The color scheme is based on paints that are as close to nature as possible. These are white, blue, deep blue, milky, yellow. The walls and floors are decorated predominantly in white. It could be base shade paint, whitewash or wallpaper with shallow embossing. Sometimes unobtrusive decorative plaster is used.

To general form It was not boring and monochromatic; contrasting things were used for decoration. For example, shade a sofa milky maybe a blanket and pillows with a blue undertone. The walls are decorated with paintings, panels and mirrors in a laconic design with motifs from Greek culture.

Thematic patterns help highlight the historical component and color. Well-known weaving in the Greek style is used to decorate frills of curtains, paintings, bedspreads and vases. The designs are mostly geometric, zigzag, and have rounded shapes.

Greek style room design

Greek style in the interior of the apartment

The rough finishing of the floors and walls helps highlight the natural element. The exposed stones and plaster look natural and authentic. Textural elements are artificially formed by stucco. The “trick” of the Greek style is the presence of portals in the walls for installing vases and statues with decorative lighting.

    Spaciousness of the room

Hosts give preference this species finishing in open spaces in the presence of a kitchen, living room, separate hallway and full bedroom. Thus, the ideal option for realizing all your ideas is to use a private house.

    Natural lighting

Continuing the theme of unity with nature and the surrounding world, it is worth noting that the Greeks love light. Therefore, all premises are equipped casement windows. During the daytime the room fills up sun rays, and the white hue of the walls reflects them, saturating the space.

The presented list is far from a complete description of decor in the Greek style. Designers prefer to use it as a base for adjusting to the individual characteristics of each home.

Unusual apartment design in Greek style

Apartment interior in Greek style

Greek style in home interior design

Color palette and characteristic patterns

The interior, which tends to be Greek, uses colors that can be seen walking along the streets of Mediterranean cities. The ceiling and walls of the room are painted in natural colors. Pastel shades are considered the best solution. In thematic decor the following would be considered appropriate:

  • olive, green;
  • sand, ivory;
  • yellow, turquoise;
  • azure, dark blue, light blue;
  • pure white.

To refresh the picture, it is recommended to mix contrasting variations of all the colors presented. It is better to take a light tone as a base and choose a more dynamic shade that contrasts with it. For example, white and dark blue. The selected composition should look harmonious. The dominance of several tones and combinations of more than 3 active colors is not allowed.

When choosing suitable combinations, use modern solution– dark marble floor and white untreated stone walls. The ceiling in this solution is not painted black and does not attract attention. Natural expensive marble can be easily replaced with an artificial substitute.

Greek style room design

Greek style in the interior of the apartment

Properties and forms of furniture in the Greek style

The Greek interior follows the principle of minimalism. The furniture has a practical load, so there is not a lot of it. Decorative details are made exclusively from quality materials. Each item has a monolithic shape and looks good. For the living room, a laconic soft corner with a sofa, two armchairs and a coffee table is enough.

In addition to the kitchen, the apartment has a dining area with a massive wooden table and bulky chairs. The interior in the Greek style is extremely simple, so when buying furniture you need to pay attention to not pretentious things that are understandable to the user. You should not buy products made from genuine leather, silk and velvet fabrics. Try not to overdo it with print and choose upholstery in calm colors.

Unusual apartment design in Greek style

Apartment interior in Greek style

Greek style in home interior design

Practical accessories, textiles

Special accessories will help you place accents in a calm interior. They need to be arranged tastefully, maintaining a balance between decoration and too much decor. Pay attention to the unique item - tall vases and amphoras, which at first glance will hint to the guest at the presence of Greek motifs. To add color and freshness to the environment, it is recommended to plant live plants in beautifully decorated pots.

Due to the fact that Greece is located near the sea coast, marine motifs will look good in the design. You will see them in paintings and textile prints. When shopping, give priority to cute little things that create comfort. When buying figurines, choose quality items brought from your travels. They will look organic and highlight your style.

Greek style room design

Greek style in the interior of the apartment

Greek style ceilings

The ceiling in the house should be high and elongated. It is appropriate to place it on the edge of the walls decorative stucco or a headband that echoes classic antique motifs. Plaster is used for finishing, creating volume and texture. There is an option to install a column or plaster decoration that imitates the vaults of ancient Greek temples.

Important! Due to the narrow vertical columns, you can visually stretch even the middle or low ceiling. Maintain proportions.

It will look inappropriate suspended ceiling. All surfaces must be matte. Stucco molding harmoniously combines with columns, patterns on the walls and the rough texture of untreated stone. The main principle of ceiling decoration is simplicity and absence unnecessary details. Chandelier preferable lightweight design looks expensive, but discreet.

Unusual apartment design in Greek style

Apartment interior in Greek style

Greek style in home interior design

Greek style walls

Despite the presence ready-made solution– textured wallpaper; designers do not accept their use in the Greek style. Used for wall decoration rough plaster. In their work, the craftsmen try to give the walls an aged look and apply several layers of materials to add external charm.

It is better to apply a thematic pattern on a smooth wall. At the same time, the drawing is located in a separate part of the surface and does not stand out, distracting the viewer’s attention from the interior. Many people try to involve an artist in the work so that the painting is unusual. As starting point apply geometric figures and clear lines.

Greek style room design

Greek style in the interior of the apartment

Greek style floor

Do not underestimate the texture of the floor in the overall ensemble of a Greek interior. It is important to use marble and tiles as materials for its finishing. Mosaic and tile elements in warm colors look interesting. If not single solution In terms of floor decoration, you can lay tiles that imitate the texture of natural stone. A heterogeneous tone will create the effect of unity with nature.

A light-colored floor can be diluted with patterns with marine theme. It is recommended to install textile elements only in the bedroom, living room and bathroom areas. A slightly rough and ascetic flooring will highlight the furniture. Combine different options to get the desired result.

The Greek style is easy to understand and implement. Use our tips to do from your home a real masterpiece. In addition to beauty, Greek-style rooms will give their owners the unique comfort that everyone strives for.

Video: Greek style house design

50 photos of interior design in Greek style:

First, it’s worth finding out what the Mediterranean style in Greece might be.

The Greek style in the interior is usually called “Cycladic” because it appeared on the Cyclades Islands. There are several legends about why it is customary on these islands to paint the walls of houses white and blue flowers. In 1936, Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas ordered that the walls be painted in these colors as a symbol blue sky and the white foam of the Aegean Sea. Also, you can consider white and blue as a reflection of the Greek flag.

But let's not go deep into history, let's talk about flowers. In addition to white and blue, the interior also contains pink, yellow, beige, and emerald. Despite this variety, colors can create successful combinations, complement each other.

This cozy home V Mediterranean style, will definitely attract your attention. The heart of every home is the kitchen, so let’s start the description with it. The bright emerald color of the refrigerator and stove immediately attracts attention - this is the highlight of the kitchen. The kitchen is compact and roomy. Multi-colored dishes on the shelves add variety to the interior.

Now about the living room. Here you can observe one of the features of the Greek style - the use natural materials for finishing. The ceiling, like in the kitchen, consists of wooden beams, white walls visually increase the space.

The dining room is separated from the living room by a semicircular arch, which adds light to such a small room. Table and chairs from natural wood fit into the theme of the “Cycladic” style.

The bed in the bedroom is literally in the wall. The walls are made of stone, which will provide coolness on a warm summer day.

There are no sharp corners in the house. Semicircular arches seem to smooth out the space and make it more pleasing to the eye.

Rich blue color is the main character of the bathroom. The decoration itself is laconic, with just a couple of accessories: a mirror in an ornate bronze frame and a sconce decorated with glass.

Last but not least is the spacious terrace. The walls are painted white so that they do not get so hot in the sun during the day. In the evening you can relax on the terrace large sofas, with soft pillows.

Holidays in Greece - always good idea! To fully experience the spirit of the country, it is not enough to swim in the sea and eat Greek salad; you should live here for a while. A Mediterranean style home is made for this. Come and see for yourself!

Greece is the sea, olives, ancient Olympian gods, magnificent architecture and a constant atmosphere of comfort and relaxation. Greek style in the interior is a unique symbiosis of ancient and modern Greece. It combines everything we love about this country. By recreating this style at home, you will get a surprisingly comfortable home that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Characteristic features of the style

In order for the interior you created to fully correspond to the Greek style, it must meet the following characteristics:

  1. In the room where the style is implemented, the ceilings should be high enough.
  2. Columns with stucco molding are a mandatory attribute of the style. You can always use a decorative version of such columns in your design.
  3. Patterns, characteristic style– meander.
  4. Frescoes can be used on ceilings and walls.
  5. The entire color scheme is designed only in natural, restrained tones. Bright colors are completely absent. Gilding can be used as an accent, but only in a minimal amount.
  6. “Favorite” style materials are granite, marble and ceramic tiles.
  7. You also need to pay attention to ensuring that all interior details are directed vertically.
  8. All decorative items must be originally Greek. All kinds of amphorae, vases, sculptures and figurines are suitable for these purposes.
  9. Window decor is minimal. Curtains should only be used when absolutely necessary.

Floor, walls, ceiling

The peculiarity of the interior in the Greek style is the semantic emphasis on the ceiling. The special decoration of the ceiling makes the view of the visitor to the room slide from bottom to top, thereby visually making the rooms higher and airier. Modern construction market allows us to choose any ceiling design - multi-tiered, plasterboard, tension, coffered. All of them are suitable for the Greek style, the main thing is to pay attention to details. Firstly, the ceiling should be exclusively matte (no gloss). Secondly, it may contain some original image. The larger and more spacious the room, the larger the picture can be. Thirdly, the ceiling composition is crowned by a huge elegant chandelier, which hangs on chains and is framed by beautiful stucco molding.

When decorating walls, a difficult task arises. The fact is that ordinary paper wallpaper will strongly contradict the Greek style, so you should abandon them and look for other finishing options. The optimal option in terms of price, complexity of work and durability is high-quality textured plaster. It should only be selected in pastel colors. The walls can be decorated with a simple geometric or floral pattern, or a small fresco can be painted on them. If you want to draw attention to such a fresco, create a small recess for it from plasterboard in the wall. However, remember, it is very important not to overdo it with wall decor.

Ceramic tiles are best suited for the floor, however, too strict rules, regarding gender, no. The only thing worth paying attention to is in this case– Greek style does not welcome the use of carpets on floors. A simple meander pattern on the floor or an intricate mosaic will look very good.

Furniture selection

All Greek style furniture is very simple. Most often it is made from natural wood. Expensive, elaborate upholstery, such as leather or velvet, is not applicable to the Greek style. All upholstery upholstered furniture should be simple, but good. Interesting feature, which is characteristic of Greek furniture, the legs of tables and chairs are always curved exclusively outward.

The living room is characterized by a low sofa in light upholstery. For the bedroom - a bed with a beautiful carved headboard and canopy. You can also add all sorts of antique wooden shelves and chests of drawers to both the living room and the bedroom. They need to be decorated with elegant forged elements.

Greek style kitchen

Greek style in the kitchen interior involves following the following rules:

  1. Greek cuisine will not “take root” in every apartment. Many cuisines modern houses differ in very miniature parameters. In such rooms it will not be possible to implement this style. A Greek kitchen is always very spacious, with high ceilings and large windows.
  2. The entire interior of such a kitchen should look as natural as possible. It is dominated by natural tones and natural materials.
  3. In the kitchen it is imperative to use an abundance of natural fabrics; linen is especially suitable for these purposes. Light linen curtains, tablecloths, napkins and towels will make the design very simple and stylish.
  4. Another mandatory requirement is that a Greek kitchen must have an abundance of living plants in pots and tubs.
  5. There should not be too much furniture in the kitchen. Choose only the most necessary elements. It is advisable that all furniture in the interior be made exclusively from light wood.
  6. Be sure to use wicker baskets to store fruits, vegetables and other things. Such baskets are a functional and stylish addition to the design.
  7. The finishing touch to the interior of a Greek kitchen will be a door draped in fabric with traditional Greek patterns.

Blissful, relaxed, rested mood, associations with the sea, evening warmth and morning freshness, traditions ancient art– all this is Greek style in the interior.


The color palette of the Greek style is airy and light. Conventionally, several primary colors can be distinguished in it: blue, indigo, white, yellow, green, beige. A trained eye, seeing their predominance, will instantly draw a conclusion about the appropriate style.

Let's see which specific shades will be useful to us. White can be either pure, luminous, or milky, creamy, the color of a sea shell, Ivory. Blue – azure, aquamarine, sea wave, cyan. Yellow – lemon, corn, diluted to cream. Green - lime, asparagus, wormwood, sometimes emerald in combination with bright blue. Blue – ultramarine, steel, cornflower blue. All this is diluted with light shades of brown - from beige to chocolate, and occasionally black.


If we are talking about a larger wall area, then it is decorated as simply as possible, usually with plaster or paint. Rarely remaining perfectly smooth, it acquires a unique grainy or rough texture, characteristic of a lived-in and cozy home. Colors, with rare exceptions, are chosen light. The ceiling, as a rule, remains white and is designed extremely laconically.

But it’s difficult to imagine the Greek style in the interior without exquisite decor - cultural heritage carefully preserved and used in design again and again. Geometric patterns, broken ornaments on numerous bas-reliefs and borders - in terms of ubiquity of use, in this Greek is similar to. The inhabitants of Ancient Hellas considered the art of ornament to be independent, capable of existing outside of any context, therefore its numerous use is only encouraged.

"Living room"

  • This idea is well illustrated by the following photograph - in the space of the room, the key role is played by cozy soft sofas and armchairs, covered with capes, rallied around a wide dining table and a fireplace. The furniture at first glance seems simple, but at the same time, each item contains a certain zest. It is a little rough and squat, but it is also intended for direct use and not for decoration.

  • An abundance of decor is possible only if there is large quantity free space. In general, balance is important for a Greek interior - the empty area should occupy at least half of the space, or even more. The room can be very densely packed - but only if there is a high ceiling. In other cases, it is better to use small accessories associated with the seascape - a few shells or pebbles.

  • As you may have already noticed, the power of Greek design lies in the play with textures. All decorative elements are made from natural materials and are therefore tactilely pleasant. In fabrics it is linen, canvas, cotton, burlap, wool, cloth. Tapestries and fabric embroideries are often used as paintings.

  • If it is characterized by heavy and majestic forms, then in Greek you rarely see even elementary cornices. The Greeks prefer wooden shutters to any curtains, which are painted turquoise or azure - there is a belief that this scares away evil spirits. It is unlikely that this can be repeated in urban realities, but for a house outside the city it is a beautiful idea.


The Greek style in the bedroom interior is performed by analogy with all the others - maximum free space and air, an atmosphere of coolness and peace. Any furniture will do, preferably rectangular or slightly rounded in shape, with a high mattress and headboard.

  • The Greeks masterfully create the right mood with the help of textiles, flowing and flowing, with a lot of draperies. Bedspreads can hang all the way to the floor, the same goes for curtains - thin tulle can be decorated with a pleated stripe. There are no strict restrictions on prints; use a plain fabric or small geometric pattern- remains at your discretion.

  • An interesting detail that can be used to play up the Greek flavor is the canopy over the bed, made of translucent light fabric. Even if there is no need for protection from the heat, you are guaranteed a feeling of comfort and peaceful twilight.

  • A recognizable marker of the Greek style is the special bright Blue colour when we see it in combination with white. You can use this feature of perception by simplifying your work on creating a house in the Greek genre - sometimes, a few characteristic elements may be enough. For example, the owners of the bedroom in the photo below painted sky blue window frames - it turned out original, and even on a gloomy day the room will look positive.

"Kitchen and dining room"

Decorating a kitchen in the Greek spirit is very simple - manufacturers are inspired by this elegant style, and choose the one that suits you kitchen set, dishes and tiles can be used by everyone. But you can do a lot yourself - the interior will only benefit from this. For example, paint simple wooden tables and chairs, sew curtains from patterned fabric, plant them on the windowsill spices that can be eaten.

  • Just two bright colors on a white background and an ornamental pattern can make a Greek interior as authentic as possible. To do this, use tiles or mosaics made in the same color scheme, and place accents using accessories - ceramic vases, dishes and a tablecloth with towels.

  • As flooring usually used a natural stone or tiles imitating it. Here, finally, you can safely use more dark colors– shades of terracotta, ocher and sepia. Cover the ceiling with wooden crossbars, as in the photo below - non-standard, but very effective solution which is suitable for country houses or apartments with high walls.


The Greek style is very often used in bathroom design, since to create it you can limit yourself to the selection correct tiles and textiles. In addition, it evokes direct associations with the sea.

  • Choose in which environment you feel more comfortable - should it be a calm pastel color scheme or a bright tonic one? In the first case, use tiles of delicate pervanche or pale turquoise color, interspersed with white mosaics. In the second - an assertive cornflower blue and piercing electrician. For shading, you can use a little dark green or mustard.

It is not difficult to create a Greek-style interior; we saw that it has clear, recognizable features that are easy to reproduce. Of course, you don't have to hang shutters on the windows or put rough plaster on the wall. Like , which absorbed several national characteristics, stop at things close to you and fill your home with sea breath.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.