The article discusses one of the ways for junior schoolchildren to achieve personal learning outcomes. The possibilities of the educational subject - literary reading - for the formation of personal results depending on its content and ways of organizing students' activities are considered. Marked distinctive features literary reading lessons that identify opportunities for the use of educational technologies such as problem dialogue, project activities, productive reading, etc. The article presents the technology of productive reading and its importance for the formation of reading competence of a primary school student. The stage-by-stage organization of productive reading in the lesson is described, consisting of three parts: work before reading, dialogue with the author while reading the work, work with the test after reading the work. Examples of organizing reader dialogue with the author when studying specific works of art.

personal learning outcomes

literary reading lesson

work of art

productive reading

junior schoolboy

1. Isaeva O.V. Working with a test as a means of developing reading literacy of a junior schoolchild / O.V. Isaeva // Modern scientific research. Issue 2 / ed. P.M. Goreva and V.V. Utemova. – Concept. – 2014. – Appendix No. 20.

2. Kubasova O.V. “ Literary reading» for students in grades 1-4 educational institutions/ O. V. Kubasova. – Smolensk: Association XXI century, 2012.

3. Melnikova E.L. Problem-based dialogue learning: concept, technology, subject specifics // Educational system"School 2100" Sat. programs. Basic school. High school. – M.: Balass, 2008. pp. 272–286.

4. Muss G.N. Culture of interpersonal relations as an indicator of personal achievements of a junior school student / G.N. Mousse // Contemporary issues and prospects for the development of pedagogy and psychology: collection. materials IV International. scientific-practical conf. (Makhachkala, May 23, 2014) - Makhachkala: Approbation LLC, 2014. - pp. 32–34.

5. Approximate basic educational program educational institution. Primary school / [comp. E.S. Savinov]. – M.: Education, 2010. – 191 p.

6. Slon O.V. The project method and its implementation in literary reading lessons in elementary school/ O.V. Elephant // “Bulletin of the OGPU. Electronic scientific journal", Orenburg, 2013, No. 4 (8), pp. 193–198.

7. Federal state educational standard of primary general education / M.: Prosveshchenie, 2010. – 31 p.

The Federal State Educational Standard reflects the current and future needs of the individual, society and the state as a whole in the field of education. It defines the requirements for personal, meta-subject and subject results of children mastering the basic educational program, and personal development is given priority. One of current issues which it seeks to solve modern system education, - formation of junior schoolchildren such personal qualities that would help in the future to achieve success in life and realize the existing personal potential. Every child is different and therefore each has their own success and their own achievements. In addition, the child must strive to achieve collective success and be focused on cooperation. This is a person developed in humanistic terms, possessing knowledge about man and treating man as the highest value. The problem of creating socio-psychological conditions for the development of achievement motivation in younger schoolchildren remains insufficiently developed in the at this stage. Younger school age plays a special role in personal development. The beginning of systematic learning causes a series of changes in the development of the individual. These changes are largely due to the fact that learning is becoming the leading activity for children.

Personal planned learning outcomes are the level of formed value orientation of primary school graduates, which reflects their individual personal positions, motives for educational activities, social feelings, and personal qualities.

Personal results are achieved through mastering all subjects, and success in this case depends on enriching the content of subject areas and on the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the classroom. Each academic subject has its own opportunities for the formation of personal results, depending on the content and methods of organization educational activities students. Thus, as a result of studying a course of literary reading, the student should develop “an orientation in the moral content and meaning of both his own actions and the actions of those around him; knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation towards their implementation..., development of ethical feelings - shame, guilt, conscience as regulators of moral behavior; empathy as understanding the feelings of other people and empathizing with them...". Literary reading lessons provide ample opportunities for the use of various educational technologies. Let's present some of them: problematic dialogue, which increases the cognitive motivation of children, forms independence of judgments and assessments; project activities that allow you to independently construct your knowledge and navigate the information space, developing critical thinking; productive reading, developing value judgments, forming the student’s reading competence.

In this article, we will dwell in more detail on the technology of productive reading in literary reading lessons, since in elementary school it is necessary to form a literate reader who loves books and knows how to independently choose and work with them. Achieving this goal begins with the formation of reading skills and the development of the need to read. IN modern concepts Primary literary education emphasizes that true comprehension of literature by a student is impossible without the development of deep personal interest and independent, creative reading of a work of art. Reading a work is the main method not only of a literature lesson, but of obtaining new information and knowledge. Literary reading lessons based on reading and analysis literary texts, introduce children to complex world human relations, the relationship between man and nature and the understanding of these relationships form moral values ​​and aesthetic taste. Of course, mastering oral and written speech and communicative culture in these lessons also contributes to the development of students’ creative abilities.

The technology of productive reading includes anticipation of the content of the text before reading; prediction is carried out by the title of the text, illustration, and author of the work. The task is to conduct a dialogue with the author and correlate your vision with the author’s presentation. While reading a work, a dialogue is conducted with the author, the expected answers are compared with the author’s text. In order for the dialogue with the author to be meaningful and complete, it is necessary to find direct and hidden author’s questions in the text as you read, think over assumptions about the further content of the text, check whether they coincide with the author’s intention, and use your imagination.

During the text analysis, the essential features are summarized characters, the motives of their actions are clarified, the author’s attitude to events, images, and main characters is clarified, and an understanding of one’s own attitude to the work read occurs. It is possible to refer again to the title of the work and to the illustration. The meaning of the title is discussed, the reflection of the theme or main idea of ​​the text in the title is considered. When referring to the illustration, it is clarified which fragment of the text it was written for, or whether it can be attributed to the entire work; to what extent does the illustration correspond to the content of the text, what and why does the artist depict in the foreground of the picture, what interesting details are present in the illustration, what is the coloring of the picture, does the vision of the artist and the students coincide. If justified, at this stage you can give additional information about the author. This will help deepen the content of what you read. Moreover, with good preparatory work The child can compare this information with the idea of ​​the author’s personality that arose in him while working on the text. It is useful to carry out creative tasks that rely on students’ emotions, feelings, imagination, and on understanding the content and form of a work of art.

“Chafer beetles gnaw leaves on trees... In general, they do as much harm as they can. We are these May beetles catch in a cunning way". (How do you think you can catch cockchafers? Please note that the author uses the word “beetles” and not “beetle”, thereby meaning that there was a catch large quantity May beetles).

“Early in the morning, while it’s still cool, the beetles don’t fly. They sit on young birch trees, numb. If you shake the tree, the beetles will fall down, just pick them up...” (Check your assumptions. It turns out that this is how you can catch the number of beetles that the author writes about!)

“So we collect them in a bucket, and one boy took a beetle and tied it to a string.” (Why do you think the boy did this? What can you assume about the consequences of this act?)

“I wanted to play... A beetle is spinning on a string. We laugh, we have fun.

Suddenly the grandfather shouts: Stop it now! We found some fun!” (Remember your answers. The boy tied the beetle for fun. And his comrades also perceived this act as funny, cheerful. But grandfather, a man of the older generation, wise, has a negative attitude towards such “fun”).

“The boy who tied the beetle was even offended. (Why is the boy offended? Why doesn’t he see anything wrong in his actions?)

“It’s a pest,” he says.

I know it's a pest!

Why are you sorry? (What will grandfather answer? Who does he feel sorry for?)

“I feel sorry for you,” the grandfather answers, “I feel sorry for you!” (Compare your answers with grandfather’s words. To a wise man sorry for the boy who tied the beetle).

General conversation.

How good man different from bad? And according to the author of the story?

What other discoveries have you made? (There is nothing superfluous in nature, even pests have their own special role, and therefore everything must be treated very carefully and attentively. A person, according to E. Shim, must be a “good giant”).

Study of E. Shima's story “Very harmful nettle"You can start by discussing the title: Why did the author call the story that way? What, in your opinion, could be the “harmfulness” of nettle? Remember your answers. We will return to them after reading the work.

“I went to pick raspberries in the bushes, and there were nettles... I took a stick and let’s knock down the tops of the nettles...

For what? - asks the grandmother.

And for being harmful! (Why does the boy call nettles harmful? Remember your answers. Do your assumptions about the “harmfulness” of nettles coincide with the hero’s position?)

Grandma laughs.

But, he says, is she harmful? You can bow to every leaf, every blade of grass and say thank you. (Do you think it’s possible to say “thank you” to nettles for something? It would seem that it causes nothing but trouble for the hero: the nettle burned his arms and legs, and getting a burn from nettles is not a very pleasant sensation. But grandma doesn’t count nettles at all harmful. Why?)

I’m mowing nettles for a cow, and if the cow chews it, it won’t come off. I pull nettles for the rabbits - they will also be happy. And the geese will rejoice at the nettles, and the ducks, and the chickens... And you, warrior, too!” (Check your guesses. What are the benefits of nettles?)

General conversation.

What words contain the main idea of ​​the story? (Indeed, we have already said that in nature there is nothing superfluous, and every blade of grass is beneficial)

Let's return to the title of the work. Now, after reading, can you say why the author calls his work this way? What connotation does this story title have?

Clarifying cause-and-effect and other relationships;

Aimed at justification, argumentation, proof;


Focusing children's attention on the linguistic features of the text, etc.

As can be seen from the above examples, in the process of productive reading, students develop the ability to comprehend the content of the character’s image (through speech, actions) in the work; identify the role of the image in understanding the author’s position, the idea of ​​the work and form your own attitude towards it.

Personal achievements for students are formed in literary reading lessons through tracing the fate of the hero, based on comparing their real and possible actions with the behavior of heroes of works of art, through familiarization with the history of their country, with the exploits and achievements of its citizens. The requirements for the results of studying this subject allow us to form personal universal actions with priority development of the value-semantic sphere and increasing the level of communicative culture younger schoolchildren.


Rusakova T.G., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Artistic and Aesthetic Education, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State pedagogical university", Orenburg;

Litvinenko N.V.., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Pedagogy of Preschool and primary education, Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Orenburg State Pedagogical University", Orenburg.

The work was received by the editor on September 2, 2014.

Bibliographic link

URL: http://fundamental-research.ru/ru/article/view?id=35317 (date of access: 03/09/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

Abstract of GCD No. 2017.
in the preparatory school group
Topic: Retelling of E. Shima’s story “Very Harmful Nettle”
Integration educational areas: « Speech development», « Cognitive development», « Physical development», « Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development"
1) Encourage children to retell the text sequentially, without omissions or repetitions, expressively conveying the speech of the characters. Learn to explain the meaning of words; practice in the formation of words with evaluation suffixes (diminutive and augmentative), in the selection of synonyms and antonyms. Learn to notice semantic inconsistencies. Understand the emotional and figurative content of the work.
2) Cultivate cognitive interest
3) Improve motor activity
4) Develop the ability to listen to children’s answers and supplement them
Methods and techniques: - practical: game situation, physical. just a minute
- visual: demonstration material
- verbal: conversation, questions, explanations
Materials and equipment: Shima's book of stories
Children's activities
Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Morning exercises, outdoor games, folk outdoor games, play exercises, motor breaks, sports jogging, competitions and holidays, relay races, physical exercises, educational activities in the gym outdoors.

Game situations, games with rules (didactic, active, folk), creative games(story-based, role-playing, theatrical, constructive) games

Cognitive and research
Observations, excursions, solutions problem situations, experimentation, collecting, modeling, educational and research projects,

Conversations, speech situations, composing stories and fairy tales, creative retellings, composing and guessing riddles, word games, printed board games with rules, story games, situational conversations, speech trainings, questions

Listening, performing, playing children's musical instruments, rhythm and dancing, musical improvisations, musical and didactic games, outdoor games with musical accompaniment, dramatizations, dramatizations, educational activities in the music hall

Applique, drawing, sculpting, creative projects, activities in the art studio, workshops for the production of children's art objects

Perception ( fiction and folklore)
Storytelling, reading, discussion, learning, dramatization of works, dramatization games, theatrical games, various types theater (shadow, bibabo, finger, etc.)

Making models, constructive games, modeling

Basic household work
(indoors and outdoors)
- Self-service
Assignments (individual and group), duty, practice-oriented individual and collective projects, joint (collective) actions, duty, assignments, project implementation

Logic of educational activities

Activities of the teacher
Pupils' activities
Expected result

Let's guys stand in a circle. Look, what is this?
- Yes, guys, this is a magical book, the power of which increases from kind and affectionate words.
Children listen

Interest generated

E. Yu. Shim was born on August 23, 1930 in Leningrad. Sh is a good storyteller, he has a love for nature. He understands children well, who are often the heroes of his stories; he psychologically accurately depicts the attitude of children to the world of adults. Observing everyday life with its worries and hardships, Shim selects events that stand out in some way in this life or are especially highlighted by him. He loves to portray people who are captivated, surprised and delighted by something, who experience elation and believe in goodness.
Reading the story:
Very harmful nettle
I went to pick raspberries in the bushes, and there were nettles. All my hands were burned, all my legs were scalded.
Wow I'm angry! I took a stick and started knocking down the tops of the nettles.
- Here you go!.. Here you go!..
- For what? - asks the grandmother.
- And because it’s harmful!
Grandma laughs.
- Is she really harmful, he says? You can bow to every leaf, every blade of grass and say thank you.
- And nettles?
- And nettles.
- I won’t bow and say thank you!
- And it’s in vain that I cut nettles for a cow; if the cow chews, it won’t come off. I pull nettles for the rabbits - they will also be happy. And the geese will rejoice at the nettles, and the ducks, and the chickens, and so will you, warrior!
- Why will I be happy?
- When early spring comes, I’ll make you some green cabbage soup from nettles. Do you know which ones?
- Which ones?
- You'll lick your fingers!
Based on the general meaning of the story, you can guess that the word instigated means burned.
The main meaning of this story is that every blade of grass brings benefit, every blade of grass can be worshiped if you know this benefit.

answer questions

children listen

Children are formed to retell the text sequentially, without omissions or repetitions, expressively conveying the speech of the characters.

The meaning of words is developed; practiced forming words with evaluation suffixes (diminutive and augmentative), and selecting synonyms and antonyms.
Developed attention

Physical exercise.
Hey guys, don't be lazy
Get ready to warm up
We walk softly like fox cubs
And like a clumsy bear
And like a little bunny coward
And like a gray wolf
Here is a hedgehog curled up into a ball
Because he's cold
The hedgehog's ray touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.
The need for movement is provided

Listens to the children's answers and, without generalizing them, reads E. Shima's story.
“What can you say about nettles now? - the teacher is interested. “Should I bow to her?”
The teacher reads the corresponding passage from the text, and then reads the entire story.
The teacher invites the child to retell the story. A preschooler can tell the story alone or with a friend. Then the text is retold by other children.
“There is nothing superfluous in nature,” says the teacher. – Both harmful wasps and voracious mice - they are all needed for something. And if any species of animal disappears, for example wolves, the balance in nature is disrupted.”

Children answer questions

They are having a conversation.
the ability to listen to children’s answers and complement them has been developed

Developed cognitive interest

Abstract of GCD No. 2017.
in the preparatory school group
Topic: Retelling of E. Shima’s story “Very Harmful Nettle”
Integration of educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Physical development”, “Artistic development” aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development"
1) Encourage children to retell the text sequentially, without omissions or repetitions, expressively conveying the speech of the characters. Learn to explain the meaning of words; practice in the formation of words with evaluation suffixes (diminutive and augmentative), in the selection of synonyms and antonyms. Learn to notice semantic inconsistencies. Understand the emotional and figurative content of the work.
2) Cultivate cognitive interest
3) Improve motor activity
4) Develop the ability to listen to children’s answers and supplement them
Methods and techniques: - practical: game situation, physical. just a minute
- visual: demonstration material
- verbal: conversation, questions, explanations
Materials and equipment: Shima's book of stories
Children's activities
Forms and methods of organizing joint activities

Morning exercises, outdoor games, folk outdoor games, play exercises, motor breaks, sports jogging, competitions and holidays, relay races, physical exercises, educational activities in the gym outdoors.

Game situations, games with rules (didactic, active, folk), creative games (story-based, role-playing, theatrical, constructive) games

Cognitive and research
Observations, excursions, problem solving, experimentation, collecting, modeling, educational and research projects,

Conversations, speech situations, composing stories and fairy tales, creative retellings, composing and guessing riddles, word games, board-printed games with rules, story games, situational conversations, speech training, questions

Listening, performing, playing children's musical instruments, rhythm and dancing, musical improvisations, musical and didactic games, outdoor games with musical accompaniment, dramatizations, dramatizations, educational activities in the music hall

Applique, drawing, modeling, creative projects, activities in the art studio, workshops for the production of children's art objects

Perception (of fiction and folklore)
Storytelling, reading, discussion, learning, dramatization of works, dramatization games, theatrical games, various types of theater (shadow, bibabo, finger, etc.)

Making models, constructive games, modeling

Basic household work
(indoors and outdoors)
- Self-service
Assignments (individual and group), duty, practice-oriented individual and collective projects, joint (collective) actions, duty, assignments, project implementation

Logic of educational activities

Activities of the teacher
Pupils' activities
Expected result

Let's guys stand in a circle. Look, what is this?
- Yes, guys, this is a magical book, the power of which increases from kind and affectionate words.
Children listen

Interest generated

E. Yu. Shim was born on August 23, 1930 in Leningrad. Sh is a good storyteller, he has a love for nature. He understands children well, who are often the heroes of his stories; he psychologically accurately depicts the attitude of children to the world of adults. Observing everyday life with its worries and hardships, Shim selects events that stand out in some way in this life or are especially highlighted by him. He loves to portray people who are captivated, surprised and delighted by something, who experience elation and believe in goodness.
Reading the story:
Very harmful nettle
I went to pick raspberries in the bushes, and there were nettles. All my hands were burned, all my legs were scalded.
Wow I'm angry! I took a stick and started knocking down the tops of the nettles.
- Here you go!.. Here you go!..
- For what? - asks the grandmother.
- And because it’s harmful!
Grandma laughs.
- Is she really harmful, he says? You can bow to every leaf, every blade of grass and say thank you.
- And nettles?
- And nettles.
- I won’t bow and say thank you!
- And it’s in vain that I cut nettles for a cow; if the cow chews, it won’t come off. I pull nettles for the rabbits - they will also be happy. And the geese will rejoice at the nettles, and the ducks, and the chickens, and so will you, warrior!
- Why will I be happy?
- When early spring comes, I’ll make you some green cabbage soup from nettles. Do you know which ones?
- Which ones?
- You'll lick your fingers!
Based on the general meaning of the story, you can guess that the word instigated means burned.
The main meaning of this story is that every blade of grass brings benefit, every blade of grass can be worshiped if you know this benefit.

answer questions

children listen

Children are formed to retell the text sequentially, without omissions or repetitions, expressively conveying the speech of the characters.

The meaning of words is developed; practiced forming words with evaluation suffixes (diminutive and augmentative), and selecting synonyms and antonyms.
Developed attention

Physical exercise.
Hey guys, don't be lazy
Get ready to warm up
We walk softly like fox cubs
And like a clumsy bear
And like a little bunny coward
And like a gray wolf
Here is a hedgehog curled up into a ball
Because he's cold
The hedgehog's ray touched
The hedgehog stretched sweetly.
The need for movement is provided

Listens to the children's answers and, without generalizing them, reads E. Shima's story.
“What can you say about nettles now? - the teacher is interested. “Should I bow to her?”
The teacher reads the corresponding passage from the text, and then reads the entire story.
The teacher invites the child to retell the story. A preschooler can tell the story alone or with a friend. Then the text is retold by other children.
“There is nothing superfluous in nature,” says the teacher. – Both harmful wasps and voracious mice - they are all needed for something. And if any species of animal disappears, for example wolves, the balance in nature is disrupted.”

Children answer questions

They are having a conversation.
the ability to listen to children’s answers and complement them has been developed

Developed cognitive interest

Attached files

For most people, nettle, the harm and benefits of which are not known to many, is an absolutely useless and scalding weed. Due to this, people mercilessly destroy him. But in fact, the plant has become famous for its interesting ability to “sting”, it is also an excellent food product and an excellent medicine.


People said in ancient times that the benefits and harms of nettle for the body can be replaced by 7 healers. ABOUT miraculous properties Our ancestors knew this plant for sure. Nettle is a medicinal universal remedy from huge amount diseases; it is a raw material for the production of ropes, fabric, ropes, an excellent food product that can enrich the diet with necessary and useful substances. The plant deserves close attention as an excellent remedy for human health. In it, nature has collected a vitamin-mineral rich complex, due to which it has become almost omnipotent and very useful.


Possessing a vitamin-mineral rich composition that nature has endowed the plant with, nettle helps the human body cope with all sorts of inflammatory processes that occur in the body, in addition, replenish the deficiency of substances that are required to maintain its performance. It is a source of manganese, calcium, phosphorus, aluminum, selenium, sulfur, iron, zinc, barium and other elements, in addition, it contains:

  • tannins;
  • vitamins;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • formic acid,
  • gallic acid;
  • phytoncides;
  • histamine;
  • chlorophyll;
  • betaine;
  • lycopene

According to the content of valuable and nutritional components, small stems are much ahead of those that have begun to actively grow. And they or their tops should be used for preparing various medicines according to the recipes.

Young leaves and greens of nettle contain more vitamin C than lemon, but are not inferior to sorrel, sea buckthorn and carrots in terms of the amount of carotene. It should be noted that medicinal unique properties plants are not lost during heat treatment, while dry grass is a natural first aid kit.

Effects of nettle on the body

Use for anemia

The herb is also used as healing agent with anemia. Nettle decoction (its benefits and harms are due to the beneficial substances contained in the plant) facilitates menstruation and helps eliminate dark circles that appear under the eyes. It should also be noted that a powerful hemostatic effect can bring both benefit and harm. Persons who suffer from thrombophlebitis, atherosclerosis, varicose veins, and anyone with very thick blood are strictly prohibited from consuming nettle, as this may cause blood clots.

Besides everything else, this plant used as a healing agent for muscle pain, diseases bladder and liver, against radiculitis. Nettle stimulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism in the body, and also helps improve heart function. Carotenoids contained in grass have beneficial influence on vision function.

Boosting immunity

Fight dandruff


As we have already found out, not everyone knows the health benefits and harms of nettles. Often the herb is used in the form of compresses, applied to ulcers, abrasions, cuts and wounds. A decoction of it is used in the treatment of bleeding - it promotes the active production of red blood cells. Among other things, this plant also contains secretin, a substance that can normalize blood sugar levels.

Use in cooking

Nettle: harm and benefit

We've already talked about beneficial properties this interesting plant, now let's find out what harm it can cause. Most people believe that the worst thing it can do is burn the skin. Burns are caused by hairs white, covering the plant. Upon contact with human skin, they release a rather caustic substance, which causes severe itching and redness. Unpleasant sensations can be smoothed out by wiping the inflamed area of ​​skin with a solution of water and apple cider vinegar.

Eating fresh herbs without cooking will also lead to burns. When preparing salads, greens should be scalded with boiling water, otherwise there will be great harm to the esophagus or stomach.

Plants that were collected along dusty roadsides and roads are also contraindicated for oral use. They are completely absent medicinal properties. In addition, they absorb heavy metal salts, all dirt and other harmful substances, thereby possible consequences for our health by making them unpredictable.

Nettle (the harm and benefits of this plant are described in detail in this article) can sometimes also cause allergies. But mainly they relate to the use of decoctions. At the same time herbal teas they are not so concentrated with it, therefore, they are quite harmless.

Nettle can cause serious harm to a pregnant girl’s body, causing premature contractions or miscarriage. At the same time, the plant, famous for its tonic and vasoconstrictor properties, will help to recover during the postpartum period. It will prevent anemia, reduce labor bleeding, and also restore the tone of the uterus. There are no contraindications during lactation.

This is nettle.

The hero of the story by Eduard Shima went to pick raspberries in the bushes, and there were nettles, which burned all his hands and all his legs incited. Read the story and find out what happened next.

Very harmful nettle

I took a stick and started knocking down the tops of the nettles.

- Here you go!.. Here you go!..

- For what? - asks the grandmother.

- And because it’s harmful!

Grandma laughs.

- Is she really harmful, he says? You can bow to every leaf, every blade of grass and say thank you.

- And nettles?

- And nettles.

- I won’t bow and say thank you!

- And in vain... I’m mowing nettles for a cow, and if the cow chews, it won’t come off. I pull nettles for the rabbits - they will also be happy. And the geese will rejoice at the nettles, and the ducks, and the chickens... And you, warrior, too!

- Why will I be happy?

- He will come early spring, I’ll make you some green cabbage soup from nettles. Do you know which ones?

- Which ones?

- You'll lick your fingers!

From the general meaning of the story one can guess that the word incited means burned.

The main meaning of this story is that every blade of grass brings benefit, every blade of grass can be worshiped if you know this benefit.

Look at the picture showing a beetle (Fig. 2).

Read another story by Eduard Shim.

Beetle on a string

May beetles gnaw leaves on trees. And the larvae of May beetles, fat caterpillars, gnaw the roots of the trees.

In general, they do as much harm as they can.

We catch these May beetles in a cunning way.

Early in the morning, while it is still cool, the beetles do not fly. They sit on young birch trees, numb.

If you shake the tree, the beetles will fall down, just collect them.

So we collect them in a bucket, and one boy took a beetle and tied it to a string. I wanted to play.

The beetle warmed up, came to life, tried to take off, but the string wouldn’t let go.

A beetle is spinning on a string. We laugh, we have fun.

Suddenly grandfather shouts:

- Give it up now! Found some fun!

The boy who tied the beetle was even offended.

- I know it’s a pest!

- Why do you feel sorry?

- Me?!

- You. Although you are not a beetle, but a person.

Remember how grandfather said: “ Would a good person torture someone for fun? Even beetles like these. Even pests! Main idea This story is that there is nothing superfluous in nature, so you need to treat nature very carefully and attentively.

Read the dialogue between the grandfather and the boy by role:

“It’s a pest,” he says.

- I know it’s a pest!

- Why do you feel sorry?

“I feel sorry for you,” answers the grandfather!

- Me?! - You. Although you are not a beetle, but a person.

- Why feel sorry for me if I’m human?

- Would a good person torture someone for fun? Even beetles like these. Even pests!

The stories “Very Harmful Nettle” and “Bug on a String” have a lot in common, for example, that they teach to be careful and attentive to nature. They also teach that you need to listen to adults and read in order to know a lot.

Look at the picture (Fig. 4):

Rice. 4. Cover of the book by E. Shima “Stories and Tales about Nature” ()

Looking at the title, tell me, could the stories you read above be in this book? Of course they can, because this is a book by the author Eduard Shim. Take this book from the library and read other stories by this author.

During the war he was evacuated and grew up in orphanage. From the age of 16, Shim worked, changing many occupations: jack of all trades, carpenter and gardener, turner and driver.

Upon returning to Leningrad, he studied at the art and architectural school. Since 1950 he worked in design bureau. Then he moved to Moscow.

From 1962 to 1972 he was a member of the editorial board of the Znamya magazine. Began publishing in 1949.

Eduard Shim (Fig. 6) wrote mainly for children and about nature.

Rice. 6. Eduard Shim ()

Eduard Shim died in 2006.


1. Kubasova O.V. Favorite pages: Textbook on literary reading for grade 2, 2 parts. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.

2. Kubasova O.V. literary reading: Workbook to the textbook for grade 2, part 2. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.

4. Kubasova O.V. Literary reading: Tests: 2nd grade. - Smolensk: “21st Century Association”, 2011.


1. Tell how Viktor Dragunsky came up with the idea to create the series “Deniska’s Stories”.

3. Take a book with Dragunsky's stories from the library and read several of them.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):