What is supply and exhaust ventilation?

Supply system exhaust ventilation is a ventilation system that provides a flow of clean and fresh air into the room, and also removes harmful exhaust air from it. Both of these functions are performed simultaneously. As a rule, such ventilation is installed in country houses area over 100 sq.m.

Ventilation automation

It is very profitable to use a supply and exhaust ventilation system with recovery in country houses, since the cost of heating the house is sharply reduced, almost up to 90% (!). Indeed, thanks to the built-in heat exchange system (heat recovery), there is no need to heat the incoming air flow, as a result of which energy costs spent on heating the house, and with them your money, are significantly saved.

Supply- exhaust systems used in residential premises, industrial, public and administrative facilities.

In addition to air handling units, there are also air supply units - inflows . They differ from supply and exhaust units only in that they function exclusively to intake, process and supply air to the room. Air removal is carried out using independent system ventilation.

Main characteristics

  1. Air capacity (m³/hour)
  2. Heating power (kW).
  3. Head or external static pressure (kPa).
  4. Installation noise level (dB/A)



Air handling units are divided into systems for horizontal, vertical installation, as well as universal. Thanks to automatic control you can smoothly or gradually change the performance of the installation, thermal power heater, and also set the timer to work in automatic mode.

Supply system-exhaust ventilation consists of the following elements:

  • air valve - prevents outside air from entering the premises when the system is turned off
  • air intake grille - air enters the system through it; it protects the installation from foreign objects and also has a decorative function
  • filter - protection of the installation, as well as air filtration
  • air heater (air heater) - heating supply air in winter
  • fan - supplying air to the room and maintaining the required pressure in the air ducts
  • air ducts - distribute air throughout the rooms
  • air distributors - through them the prepared air after the air ducts enters directly into the room
  • sound absorber - reduces the noise level from the installation
  • heat and sound insulating panels - also reduce noise levels and increase efficiency
  • automation and regulation system - allows for flexible effective management system


  • Supply and exhaust ventilation Systemair
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation Ostberg
  • Daikin ventilation units
  • Supply and exhaust ventilation VTS

The principle of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation with recovery using the example of a country cottage

Every private house has a kitchen, bedroom, shower, toilet and hallway; ventilation must be installed in all these rooms to remove excess moisture from them, carbon dioxide, unpleasant odors and harmful secretions.

There are two air flows in the supply and exhaust ventilation system: inflow and outflow.

Inflow is the supply of fresh air from the street. The installation takes in fresh air, passes it through an air filter, cleans it, heats it using a recuperator and delivers it to the premises of the house.

Outflow is the intake and removal of exhaust air from the premises of the house. The installation collects moist, stale air from all rooms, passes it through a recovery system, where it takes the amount of heat necessary to heat the incoming air, and then discharges the cooled exhaust air outside.

Both air flows circulate in the system simultaneously, but they do not mix anywhere. They come as close as possible to each other only in the installation itself, where heat exchange occurs - hot exhaust air, leaving the house, gives 90% of its heat to the incoming flow. Thus, the need for standard (radiators, heated floors, etc.) heating of cold air is almost completely eliminated. In the traditional version, you heat radiators (warm floors), which heat the air; this is 90% more expensive than forced ventilation with a recuperator - count the money yourself.

Example: The temperature in the house is +27 "C, outside -13" C. Air from the house and from the street enters the installation where heat exchange occurs. After the heat recovery process, air from the street enters the premises heated to +25 "C, while the exhaust air is removed from the room cooled to -11" C. Energy consumption for the entire process is almost zero!

Saving energy on heating your home

In order to understand how energy is saved on heating a house, let's understand how the heating system as a whole works. Let's take as an example radiator system heating a private home with the most popular heating boiler of the Buderus brand. We set the temperature at + 21.5 "C on the control panel, the boiler begins to heat the water (coolant) and supplies it to the radiators throughout the house. The air in the room begins to heat up and reaches + 21.5 "C, after which the boiler turns off and again is activated when the temperature drops below + 21.5 "C.

Great, our heating system is working, the air in the room is warm. As soon as the room becomes warm, through cracks, walls, roof, open windows and the doors, warm air begins to escape, the room cools down. To maintain the set temperature, the boiler begins to work almost constantly and “devour” energy, and, accordingly, pull money out of your wallet by paying the gas (electricity) bill at the end of the month.

In order to avoid this, we install a supply and exhaust ventilation automation system with recovery in your home. The system starts working, cleaning incoming air, remove excess moisture, heat and harmful exhaust air. Thanks to the heat recovery system, the need for air heating drops to 60%. Accordingly, the boiler, which spent energy on constant heating of the house, reduces its work by 3 times, which saves up to 40% of your money on heating costs and saves resources heating equipment, incl. the heating boiler itself.

Below is a table of heating costs for a house of 170 sq.m., taking into account the cost of 1 kW of electricity = 3 rubles.

Type of energy Daily consumption Heating season cost Price internal system heating Cost of boiler and equipment Cost of connection to the main line
Main gas 21 m 3 RUB 15,284 400 thousand rubles 50 - 100 thousand rubles 100 - 750 thousand rubles
Electricity 180 kW RUB 160,620 200 - 500 thousand rubles 50 thousand rubles 100 - 750 thousand rubles
Diesel fuel 22 kg RUB 115,880 450 thousand rubles 50 thousand rubles No
Liquefied gas 24 kg RUB 118,440 500 thousand rubles 350 thousand rubles No
Heat pump 40 kW RUB 30,540 510 thousand rubles 300 thousand rubles 100 - 250 thousand rubles
Firewood 48 kg RUB 18,640 100 - 300 thousand rubles 100 thousand rubles No


Types and classification of ventilation systems

Ventilation is intended to create an environment favorable to human health, and it must also meet the requirements technological process, equipment preservation and building structures, materials, products, etc.

Ventilation classification

Ventilation can be classified according to the following characteristic features:

  • by the method of air movement: natural and artificial;
  • by purpose: supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust;
  • by service area: local and general;
  • by design: ducted and ductless;

Types of ventilation

Natural and artificial

A natural ventilation system is created without the use of electrical equipment (fans, electric motors). It occurs due to natural factors - the difference in air temperature outside and indoors, changes in pressure.

An artificial or mechanical ventilation system is used where a natural one cannot cope. Mechanical systems use equipment and devices (fans, filters, air heaters, etc.) that move, purify and heat air. Artificial systems can remove or supply air to ventilated spaces regardless of environmental conditions.

In offices, cottages, apartments, you can use an artificial ventilation system. It is also possible to use natural and mechanical ventilation simultaneously.

Supply, exhaust and supply and exhaust

Supply ventilation system; filters fresh air into the room, heats it if necessary (during the cold season) and supplies it to the air duct system for subsequent distribution throughout the premises. According to SNiP, residential and office premises must be able to be ventilated, because... they must provide adequate amounts of fresh air for human breathing.

The supply unit consists of a housing where a filter, water or electric heater, fan, automation system, and soundproofing material are mounted.

Exhaust ventilation is used to create a balance between the flow of air entering and leaving the room. It can be represented by: roof-mounted, autonomous axial, centrifugal; And duct fans, as well as exhaust ventilation units.

The supply and exhaust ventilation system combines supply and exhaust ventilation. Such ventilation of industrial, administrative, public and residential premises is effective from both a sanitary and hygienic and economic point of view. It allows you to significantly reduce costs by using heat recovery, which can be used to heat the supply air in special heat exchangers (recuperators). Similar installations are widely used in office premises, cinema and concert halls, hotels, residential premises, swimming pools, etc. Supply and exhaust ventilation has a high heat recovery efficiency (up to 70%); and provides at least a twofold reduction in operating costs for air heating due to heat recovery. Its advantages also include ease of installation and maintenance.

Local and general exchange

Local ventilation provides air supply to certain places (local supply ventilation) and removal of contaminated air only from places where harmful emissions are formed (local exhaust ventilation). In such cases, this ventilation is effective and inexpensive.

The use of two types of ventilation: in industrial buildings where there are various harmful emissions (heat, moisture, gases, vapors, dust, etc.) and their entry into the room occurs in different conditions. Also, local ventilation is used mainly in production, while in domestic conditions general ventilation is used. The exceptions are kitchen hoods: They represent local exhaust ventilation.

Duct and non-duct ventilation

Duct ventilation has an extensive network of air ducts to move air. If there are no channels (air ducts), for example, when installing fans in the wall, in the ceiling, during natural ventilation, etc., then this is ductless ventilation.

Without a well-designed and installed ventilation You can’t count on a healthy microclimate and comfortable living in the house. There are 2 main types of ventilation systems: with natural and forced impulse. The combination of both mentioned options, known as supply and exhaust ventilation, is considered the most optimal and universal. You can install this air exchange system yourself.

Before starting work on arranging ventilation, be sure to familiarize yourself with the operating principle of the installation in question, as well as existing varieties this air exchange.

Operating principle

The supply and exhaust ventilation system operates on an extremely simple principle. A system of channels is being created. Through some channels, air enters the serviced room, pre-cleaned using a pre-installed filter element. Through other channels, exhaust dirty air is discharged to the street.

To ensure maximum efficiency of the air exchange system, fans of various powers must be included in its design. The required power is selected individually for each case and depends, first of all, on the area of ​​the room served.


Modern supply and exhaust ventilation units make it possible to provide the most comfortable conditions living in a house. Among the main advantages of the systems under consideration, the following points should be noted:

  • All structural elements are made from materials that are safe for human health. They do not emit any harmful substances;
  • Before being supplied to the room, the air is pre-cleaned using special modern filters;
  • The ventilation unit can be equipped with a variety of additional accessories for humidification, disinfection and ionization of air, the use of which will have a beneficial effect on the microclimate in the house;
  • subject to proper design and correct installation ventilation units are completely safe and last for as long as possible.

Also among the advantages is the possibility of arranging such air exchange systems with your own hands. This work can hardly be called too simple, but with a strong desire everything can be done.

Types of installations

Supply and exhaust ventilation units are divided into a number of types. Check out the features of each option and choose the one that suits you.

System with recuperator

Such an installation simultaneously provides high-quality air exchange and air conditioning or heating of the serviced room. The operation of the system is organized according to an extremely simple principle.

In winter, the air exhausted from the room passes through a special heat exchange unit. In it, the heat of the used air is transferred to the air flow that enters the serviced room. As a result, additional heat is supplied to the room.

In summer, the system works in the reverse order: the fresh air flow gives up its heat to the dirty air leaving the room. In this case, the mechanism of action of the installation is organized in such a way that mixing air flow is eliminated, and there is no chance of stale air entering the room.

The supply and exhaust ventilation unit can be equipped with a rotary or plate heat exchanger.

Plate units are the most cost-effective, rotary units are the most efficient. However, if in winter the air temperature in your place of residence remains stably above -15 degrees, there will be no point in purchasing a rotary heat exchanger for you.

Residents of the northern regions with frosty winters A rotary heat exchanger will allow you to significantly save on space heating.

Recirculation system

Installation of such an installation requires significantly less financial investment compared to the previously considered type of ventilation. In this case, the heating of the street air is carried out by mixing it with the warm exhaust air flow removed from the room.

This operating principle has a number of disadvantages and limitations, namely:

  • Recirculation ventilation must not be installed in any room with flammable gases, various kinds explosive liquids, etc.;
  • the system significantly loses efficiency at sub-zero temperatures;
  • the cost of arranging such ventilation increases significantly against the background of the need to install additional cleaning filters.

Therefore, if possible, it is recommended to refrain from using such ventilation.

Such systems are best suited for facilities where storage, for example, of perishable products is organized.

Also, similar systems are used in a variety of in public places. Forced cooling installation can provide favorable conditions for being in large areas. In private houses and apartments, as a rule, this kind of system is not used.

Ventilation with forced air conditioning

The most expensive type of supply and exhaust ventilation unit. Provides for the use of several additional cleaning filters, as well as heat pump. Such a system simultaneously combines the functions of ventilation and air conditioning.

Such systems have a number different modes intensity of ventilation and air conditioning. In expensive systems suitable mode installed automatically - special sensors analyze the air parameters in the room, compare them with the optimal ones and independently set the required ventilation operating mode.

There are systems with mechanical and natural air injection. In the case of “natural” ventilation, to ensure high-quality air exchange, the pressure and temperature of the air in the room and outside it must differ.

It is recommended to place the air intake of the air exchange system in question from the northern part of the house, because wind currents usually go there. In order to increase the efficiency of the air intake, it is recommended to additionally equip it with a special deflector. This simple device allows you to increase the efficiency of air exchange up to three times.

Experts advise installing holes for exhaust air exhaust on the southern part of the house.

Despite the simplicity of arranging supply and exhaust air exchange with natural impulse, such systems have a number of significant disadvantages, namely:

  • outdoor air cannot be preheated, i.e. You won’t be able to save additional money on heating your home;
  • impossibility of arranging air purification, ionization, disinfection and pre-humidification systems. Attempting to install such additions to the system with natural impulses will lead to a significant decrease in its effectiveness;
  • whimsical care;
  • dependence of the installation’s operating efficiency on weather conditions.

Therefore, it is better to install full-fledged supply and exhaust ventilation with fans and other useful additions, rather than save money by arranging air exchange with natural impulse, and then discover that the system’s power is not enough to effectively service the premises.

Installation of simple supply and exhaust ventilation

Properly equipped supply and exhaust ventilation can eliminate the problems of lack of clean air in a wide variety of rooms. We present to your attention instructions for self-installation elementary duct system. Familiarize yourself with it, and in the future you can improve your existing system by installing a variety of additional mechanisms.

Installation diagram for the supply ventilation device

First step. Calculate optimal diameter ventilation holes. In the calculation process, use a simple rule: per 1 m2 of room - 15 mm holes. That is, if a room has an area of ​​30 m2, to service it you will need a hole with a diameter of 450 mm. In some situations, it is unacceptable to create too large air ducts and instead make several holes of a more modest diameter.

Second step.

Mark the location of the fresh air supply hole. It should be located slightly above the floor in the room. It is most convenient to use a hammer drill to create a hole. Make a hole of a suitable diameter and lay the air duct in it.

Outside the house, the height of the supply air duct should be about 40 cm. To protect the air duct from insects and various debris, a mesh and a small canopy are installed on it. Also install a vertical or horizontal air duct inside the room. He will contribute uniform distribution

fresh air in the serviced area.

Third step.

Mark the installation location for the exhaust duct. It should be located under the ceiling on the wall opposite to the wall with the supply air duct. Make a hole of a suitable diameter and lay an air duct through it. From the outside of the house, extend the air duct about half a meter above the roof and also protect it with mesh and a canopy. Fourth step.

Mount in supply air gadfly fan. A fan will force air into the system.


maximum comfort

arrange the ventilation in such a way that the forced air is first purified in special filters, then heated when passing through the air heater, and only then enters the room. In the summer the heater is turned off.

You can also equip the system with other additional devices.

  • Fifth step.
  • Install the fan into the exhaust duct.
  • This completes the installation of the simplest supply and exhaust ventilation. Using the recommendations received, you can design even the most complex system with many branched air ducts - the operating principle remains the same.

It is important not only to properly plan and install the system, but also to pay due attention to its care in the future. All maintenance comes down to the following activities: regular cleaning of filter units; replacing worn out elements;

cleaning and periodically lubricating moving parts of fans.

Also check the serviceability of ionizers, heaters and other

Video - Do-it-yourself supply and exhaust ventilation

As the name suggests, the system consists of two types of ventilation: supply and exhaust. The main task of supply mechanical ventilation is to filter the air coming from outside and its subsequent distribution through air ducts into the premises. The system is equipped with additional equipment that cleans the air flow from dust and dirt, warms it up to a predetermined temperature and humidifies it. An exhaust ventilation system is the exact opposite of a supply ventilation system; The hood serves to remove exhaust air from the room.

Both systems are ineffective without each other; The volume of air drawn out of the room must be replaced with a fresh air flow, otherwise the appearance of various negative phenomena in the form of, for example, drafts and a decrease in temperature is possible. Therefore, to create the most favorable microclimate, both systems are used simultaneously. The supply and exhaust system removes waste air mass and provides a constant supply of fresh air.

Characteristic features of supply and exhaust ventilation

In technical terms, the operation of the supply and exhaust ventilation system is simple; Maintenance consists only of periodically replacing the air filters. The system has a serious advantage, allowing it to reduce operating costs by approximately 50%. This became possible thanks to the use of a recuperator (special heat exchanger). This device uses warm air removed from the room to heat the supply air flow. In this case, mixing of fresh and exhaust air does not occur; the latter is used only as a “heater”. Such heat recovery allows winter time supply already heated air into the room.

IN modern system Supply and exhaust ventilation, in addition to fans, includes a heater that heats the air, carbon filters that clean the supply air, and a cooler. In addition to these elements, sensors are installed whose task is to regulate the temperature in the room and monitor the percentage of carbon dioxide. Supply and exhaust ventilation is widely used in hazardous industrial environments. In everyday life, a similar system has also found application for ventilation of garages, large apartments, suburban residential buildings, large office premises.

Human life depends on many factors, the main one of which is access to pure oxygen. In today's realities, the key task comes down to providing living space fresh air, and in sufficient volume. Supply and exhaust ventilation - one of the most popular and in demand air exchange systems - copes well with this task.

The main advantage of this scheme is the effective circulation of oxygen, an exceptional level of filtration and the absence of unpleasant odors indoors. Forced ventilation It is capable of absorbing any odors and irritants in a few seconds and preventing them from spreading throughout the apartment.

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    Supply and exhaust ventilation - operating principle

    An inexperienced layman may have the opinion that the supply and exhaust ventilation system is a complexly organized scheme that includes several elements. In reality, such a device works simply.

    How the system works

    The supply and exhaust ventilation device includes specialized channels through which air flows are supplied to the room. Additionally, diversion structures are laid. The exhaust unit is complemented by a special fan that provides air intake.

    A convector is installed inside the room ( compact installation with decent functionality). The main purpose of this unit:

    • purification of air flows coming from the street;
    • cooling or heating of oxygen (taking into account the temperature outside the window);
    • adjusting the temperature to the values ​​​​set during the basic setting.

    Supply and exhaust ventilation

    The key feature of the system is the interesting principle of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation, which I would like to dwell on in more detail.

    1. 1. Powerful fans are delegated the functions of pumping air into the room.
    2. 2. Due to the pressure difference between the “internal” and “external” oxygen, the first of them is diverted into the external space through a special valve.

    Advice! A separate valve must be installed in the house for each room. You should not equip one solution for several rooms.

    When considering this system, it is necessary to take into account that the supply and exhaust ventilation in a private house differs from that in an apartment. For a ventilation system in a country house, you can install any number of supply and exhaust channels. In case of apartment buildings We are talking about a common and unique system, adjacent to all apartments. However, the principle of operation of supply and exhaust ventilation is quite simple, which does not impose any restrictions on its installation.

    Taking into account the functional and design features of the system, The supply and exhaust ventilation circuit includes a number of units, components and parts:

    • The air intake segment includes a grille, an adjustment valve and a bell. The compressor allows you to flexibly adjust the volume of supply air.
    • Filtration mechanism. It consists of several cleaning solutions, partially combined with an air intake socket.
    • Devices for heating oxygen to a user-specified temperature.
    • Duct system (square or round pipes of arbitrary dimensions). The main part is the central channel connected to the collector and compressor, from which elements depart to each ventilated object.
    • Supply channel.
    • Exhaust solutions integrated into ceilings and walls. Through them the outflow of contaminated oxygen, water vapor and carbon dioxide will be ensured.
    • Exhaust system air duct (provides interaction between the collector and the specified duct).
    • A compressor device that provides the effect of discharging oxygen inside the exhaust duct.
    • An exhaust pipe that carries exhaust air flows out of the room.

    System design

    On the basis of the listed components and assemblies, supply and exhaust mechanical ventilation systems of any level of complexity are formed. In projects focused on minimal energy consumption, functional elements can be adjusted. Most often, they are equipped with one compressor unit, through which not only oxygen rarefaction is ensured, but also its flow into individual parts of the system. Energy-saving installations use recovery devices.

    Regardless of the internal device, each supply and exhaust system includes a specialized control unit. It allows you to adjust the air exchange mode, monitor the intensity of processes, manage separate elements and the mechanism as a whole. Functional variability is the hallmark of success of such a system, because for a residential building 2-3 times of ventilation will be sufficient, and for commercial buildings air exchange must be ensured throughout the entire working day.

    The low energy efficiency of supply and exhaust systems is offset by additional mechanisms and solutions. Noise arising during operation can be easily eliminated with anti-vibration pads and additional filters.

    Types of supply and exhaust ventilation

    Supply ventilation can be implemented in several varieties, each of which has its own design and functional features.

    Collapsible/composite (modular)

    An installation that includes a number of elements with a given size range. These air handling units are considered the most compact and flexible. Their design flexibility allows systems to be adjusted to specific operating conditions. For the average person, installing such ventilation with your own hands will be very problematic, since it is necessary to perform a number of related work:

    1. 1. Prepare a calculation of supply and exhaust ventilation at the design stage.
    2. 2. Assemble a common system.
    3. 3. Carry out commissioning activities (exhaust ventilation must be carefully adjusted before commissioning).

    The matter is not limited to the purchase of equipment and installation parts; it will be very difficult to do without the services of specialists.

    note! These systems require sufficient free space. They are often used for warehouse and industrial complexes where ventilation chambers can be installed.

    Heat recovery plant

    Compact air handling units with a function are considered the most economical. The main advantage of such solutions is that the exhaust air flows are used to heat fresh oxygen.

    This process is carried out due to the presence of a special channel. In terms of price, such systems are more expensive than their analogues, which is quite expected, given the presence of an air duct and a heat exchanger.

    Mechanical exhaust ventilation for an apartment with heat exchange has one significant drawback - unpleasant odors can spread freely throughout the living space due to the lack of pressure.

    We invite you to watch a video on installing a heat recovery unit


    Monoblock solutions are considered the most compact air handling units. Assembly and configuration of such a system is carried out in the factory at the manufacturing stage. The owner only needs to install it correctly. The base of the housing, where the valve of the intake and discharge mechanism and other components are located, is covered with insulating material.

    Monoblock version of the unit

    This solution is optimal for both apartments and country houses.

    Features of ventilation equipment

    Let's take a closer look at the differences between the most common installation models according to key criteria.


    Power supply and exhaust system is one of the main parameters when choosing a particular solution. The calculation is made based on averaged data:

    • a productivity of 200-350 cubic meters per hour is enough to service apartments with an area of ​​30-60 square meters. m.;
    • an installation of 350-500 m3/h is sufficient for areas from 70 to 150 m2.

    The most powerful (3000 m3/h) models of supply and exhaust ventilation with mechanical awakening are installed in cottages and large office complexes. It’s simply impossible to do without careful calculations.

    note! For volumetric air ducts, the performance level of the units may be lower than the rated value. For determining real value You should study the technical documentation and the graph of the dependence of performance on the level of resistance in the air ducts.


    Supply and exhaust ventilation system - mechanical installation. Operating in constant mode invariably requires the presence of a certain background noise. To choose the quietest unit, you will have to take into account a number of subtleties. The value of the same noise level is often displayed in several units:

    • LpA – sound pressure value;
    • LwA – acoustic power level.

    If the values ​​are equal, the level of the first will be lower. It is necessary to compare these 2 criteria with each other. The primary task is to measure the noise level at several points. Experts distinguish 3 of them: at the air intake (where the valve is installed), at the base of the device and at the outlet.

    Advice! A muffler 90 cm long will help reduce the noise level from ventilation in a private house. There is no point in installing a smaller unit due to its inefficiency.

    Static pressure

    Under static pressure it is necessary to understand the pressure generated by the fan in the area where the valve is located. This value depends on several factors:

    • length of air ducts;
    • number of “sleeves”, transitions;
    • filtration system, its type.

    Examples of static head values ​​and associated dependencies

    Mechanical hood in a small 3 room apartment with a high-quality filtration system should have operating pressure at 400-500 Pa, this will be quite enough. If it is difficult to do the calculation yourself, pay attention to a ventilation unit with rich settings.

    note! A striking example a modern unit that provides effective air exchange, model Breezart 550 (in the picture below). The productivity of the device varies from 300 to 500 m3/hour.

    Filtration solutions

    Filter options

    Ventilation with natural impulse is equipped with simple mechanisms for notifying the degree of filter contamination. Data is received and sent to memory.

    It should be noted that such a control method is purely conditional, since there is no real monitoring of the level of filter contamination. Much more effective are installations equipped with specialized sensors capable of monitoring the pressure difference at the inlet and outlet of the filter.

    Example of ventilation system calculation

    If it is decided that the supply and exhaust ventilation will be implemented with your own hands, a number of points need to be taken into account:

    • decide on the purpose of the premises - it can be either a non-residential commercial and industrial premises or a private house or an apartment. These are fundamental aspects that require mandatory consideration;
    • prepare a design for an air handling unit indicating the desired level of air exchange (for residential properties - from 3 m3/hour).

    No less important aspect– a diagram of supply and exhaust ventilation, according to which the diameters of the air duct sections will be calculated. This procedure is performed in several steps:

    • prepare a drawing that will contain not only the corresponding diagram, but also the necessary calculation data;
    • the calculated scheme and data require approval from government and municipal institutions;
    • install the structure.

    Installation and maintenance of supply and exhaust ventilation

    Despite the apparent complexity and labor-intensive nature of the installation, installation of supply and exhaust ventilation can be done with your own hands (if you have basic installation skills).

    No professional skills or special knowledge are required to perform the work. Particular attention should be paid to the calculation of the desired parameters so that the system can fully service a house or apartment. Otherwise, the effective operation of the device may be reduced to a minimum.

    Example : For country house with an air volume of 700 cubic meters, it is necessary to ensure oxygen circulation at a level of 350-400 m3/hour. Exceeding the specified value may result in excessive energy consumption..

    So, how to do all of the above with your own hands? Professionals advise starting installation work from laying the central air duct, but only after you have completely finished the room. Wiring from it to the rest of the premises is carried out at the next stage. The main materials for this are metal, plastic, and corrugated pipes. The hoses are installed under the ceiling, following the installation diagram. It is advisable that each room have its own separate air duct.

    When the installation of pipes is completed, the next step is to create holes through which air will flow in and out. Next, a canopy is installed to protect from precipitation and protective nets.

    Protective canopy

    Maintenance of supply and exhaust ventilation comes down to regular replacement/cleaning of filters. To ensure that the system does not require repairs, air ducts and channels should be cleaned once every 6 months, and the performance and functionality of the fans should be monitored.

    Note! In order not to lose the power of the air flow, all joints of the air ducts must be securely fastened.

    Supply and exhaust ventilation of a wooden country house

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