At times we are faced with a situation where the contents of sewer pipes flow in the opposite direction. The main reason for this phenomenon is a blockage in the sewer. In a private house this can happen when the well overflows. You can avoid such trouble. We must put check valve to the sewer. This simple but effective device completely blocks reverse stroke drains.

Why and who needs it?

The purpose of a sewer check valve is to block the flow of liquid in the opposite direction. In this regard, the main area of ​​application emerges - apartments on the lower floors in high-rise buildings, especially in old buildings.

IN multi-storey buildings owners of apartments on the first floors very often have problems with toilets from which the contents of the sewer flow out. The blockage usually occurs somewhere in the “beds” - horizontal pipes in the basement. Then all the contents rise through the pipe to the first branch and pour out through the first accessible point - the toilet, spilling onto the floor, sometimes even bathtubs and washbasins are filled. To solve this problem, you need to install a check valve on the sewer. It will cut off the reverse flow going into your apartment. True, a problem will arise for those who live on the floor above - fecal water can even rise up there. Then they will also have to install a sewer return valve. The drain column usually does not rise above this level - it pushes through the plug and everything goes away.

However, residents of high floors should not rejoice - they too may suffer. Sometimes blockages occur somewhere between floors. This happens mainly due to violations of the sewerage operating rules - someone flushes objects that should not be there, they get stuck, and a traffic jam forms. In this case, toilets on any floor may overflow, depending on where the blockage occurred. So on any floor except the last one, it makes sense to install a check valve - “just in case.”

The third group of consumers are owners of private houses. In principle, the sewer system of a private house should be designed in such a way that the reverse flow of wastewater is impossible. Even if this is the case, many prefer to play it safe than to later remove foul-smelling “treasures” from the house. A check valve for a sewer in a private house also performs another function - it prevents rodents and other living creatures from entering through the sewer pipe.

Types of check valves and their operating principle

The main purpose of a check valve is to block flow in the opposite direction. For this purpose in these mechanical devices They put up a movable barrier. The basic principle of operation is calm state the mechanical damper is lowered down, blocking the lumen of the sewer pipe and preventing reverse flow from passing through. When drains appear, it rises (moves to the side), the drains go away, and it closes again. This equipment differs by the type of this barrier and the principle of its operation.

Rotary (petal)

This type of sewer valve has a spring-loaded round membrane (plate). If the flow moves in the “right” direction, it turns, rising upward does not interfere with the drainage. If the movement begins in the other direction, the membrane (plate) is pressed against the rim inside the valve, tightly and hermetically blocking the lumen of the pipe. Some models have a manual shutter. This is the second membrane, which can be controlled using a button mounted on the body.

Due to the shape of the membrane, such shut-off valves are also called petal valves, and sometimes you can hear the term “flaps” - this is because of the way they work - the membrane slams shut if there is no drain.

The device itself has large sizes than the pipe on which it is installed. So in the pipeline there is first an expansion and then a narrowing of the lumen, and these are potential places for blockages to form. To make it possible to quickly remove blockages, a removable cover is made in the upper part of the check valve body. By removing it, the problem can be quickly resolved.

Lifting check valve for sewerage

This view locking device on a sewer pipe is so named because when the sewage flows in the “correct” direction, the shut-off element rises upward. The drains put pressure on the plate blocking the passage, compressing the spring and it rises. There are no drains - the spring unclenches, the passage is locked. When wastewater enters from the “wrong” side, there is no way to open the passage. This is achieved by the nonlinear shape of the body.

A lift check valve is more reliable, but is designed to clog frequently and requires periodic cleaning. Why do you need to remove the cover (unscrew the four bolts), clean or replace the mechanism.

Ball check valve

Another option for a locking device in a check valve is a ball. In these devices plays an important role internal structure housings. Its upper part is designed so that when the drains pass, the ball rolls into a special recess in the body, opening the passage.

When the pipe is dry, it blocks the cross-section; when the flow passes in the opposite direction, it blocks the lumen of the pipe. The main disadvantage of this design is the leakage of drains during flooding - the ball and side wall The housings do not always fit perfectly, which leads to the fact that some of the effluent still leaks. But there will definitely not be mass flooding and a geyser from the toilet.

Why is it needed in the sewer? air valve and how to install it read.


Many people like this type of check valve more because of its miniature size. This is a very small cylinder, inside of which a rotary valve is installed. It may consist of two parts, which are attached to the central rod, or it may look like a small plate, in one place attached to the wall of the housing using a spring.

Despite its compactness, it is better not to install this type of check valve on the sewer: this is plumbing equipment and it will not work well on the sewer. The second disadvantage is the impossibility of quick cleaning - the design is such that you can only get to the valve by disassembling the connection.

What are they made of and what sizes do they come in?

The most common sewer check valves are made of plastic (PVC) and cast iron. If your sewer pipes are plastic, it makes sense to install the same valve, choosing it according to size. The situation is exactly the same with cast iron. The point is not that the materials are not suitable, but the need for additional adapters, which make the design even more cumbersome.

By installation method shut-off valve on the sewer can be horizontal and vertical. Select the type depending on the installation location. It must be installed with the same diameter as the pipe; narrowing is not allowed. Accordingly, there are valves for each size. The parameters of some are shown in the table.

Name/manufacturerDiameterBody/damper materialScope of applicationPriceNotes
VIEGA / Germany110 mmpolypropylene/polypropyleneExternal sewerage150$ Two dampers, the second with manual locking
CAPRICORN / Poland50 mmpolypropylene/polypropyleneInternal sewerage25$ Single valve
Mc Alpine / Scotland32,40,50,90,110 mmplasticInternal wiring11-21$ Has small dimensions
Capricorn / Poland110 mm, 160 mmABS/stainless steelUniversal53-84$ Emergency manual closing mode
Ostendorf / Germany

50 mm / 110 mmPVC/PVCUniversal13-24$ Emergency manual locking
Polytron / Russia

110 mmPolypropyleneOutdoor installation14$ Emergency manual locking
Politek / Russia

110 mmPolypropyleneOutdoor installation23$ Emergency manual locking

When and where to put

As already mentioned, a sewer check valve is a rather cumbersome device. In apartments, bathrooms are usually small, it’s difficult to find a place, but you have to - if you don’t want to have a geyser instead of a toilet.

The exact dimensions of sewer valves depend on the diameter of the pipe on which the device is installed. For example, for a 100-diameter sewer pipe, the minimum length is 40 cm, height and width are slightly less. Such a box must be installed in front of the entrance to the riser.

In this case, you often have to break the floor, already laid tiles - you need to align the holes in the body with the pipes, center everything, and monitor the required angle of inclination. This prospect is especially pleasing if renovations have recently been made. In this case, there is also an option - to embed a check valve into the riser above your entrance. But such work is an intervention in the general building system (installation of plumbing fixtures on your branch does not fall into this category), and they require written permission, you will have to notify residents, shut off the water, and representatives of the operating organization or water utility will work. In general, it’s still a hassle, which is why this method of solving the problem is used very rarely.

If there is room for common device couldn’t be found, they install sewer check valves on each plumbing fixture - separately on the toilet, bathtub, washbasin, sink, etc. This is if pipes from each of the devices go to the riser separately. If you have only two directions - to the toilet, and then to the bathtub-washbasin-sink, etc., then it will cost you to install two devices - one personal on the toilet (the diameter coincides with the diameter of the outlet pipe) and the second - a common one, on a branch that goes to all other devices. Its size must match the diameter of the distribution pipe, and most often it is 50 mm.

Installation rules

The main thing to consider is the direction of movement of the wastewater. It is indicated on the body by a large arrow. The device must be rotated so that normal direction drains coincided with the arrow. Further installation features are as follows:

No one is immune from accidents in. Therefore, each owner prefers to protect himself from such a misfortune in his own way. Invented for these purposes special devices. Of course, creating a check valve with your own hands for a drainage system is very difficult, so you can purchase ready-made factory versions.

The device is designed to prevent waste from the sewer system from flowing back to plumbing fixtures. This phenomenon occurs due to stagnation in the pipes and the entry of debris and other particles. Typically, such situations are simply associated with aging communications. Carefully study all the photos in the article.

Basically, installations that prevent flooding of a house from the sewer are often purchased taking into account the material from which the structure is made. This could be a PVC pipeline, metal or other options. Let's look at several popular types that are successfully used at home:

Plumbers take note! When wiring sewer pipes from devices, the speed of movement of wastewater must be observed. This can be achieved by following required slope pipeline. If this is not done, the wastewater will move slowly, and the structures, in turn, will become clogged.

How to protect yourself from a flood? Check valve installation method

There are two ways to ensure flood safety wastewater in your home: firstly, you can install several locking devices with a diameter of 50 mm on all drainage sources; secondly, you can limit yourself to one large 110 mm valve and install it in the main pipe coming from the toilet.

It is important to note that if you are installing a valve in the private sector, then the second method will be ideal, but for apartment buildings, it is better to use the first option. Often, locking structures have a PVC operating mechanism. Despite this, the device is quite durable, but requires regular cleaning. Next, let's talk about the process of installing it in the main sewer pipeline. The photo shows the main stages of the repair.

Pay attention! Installing a check valve on a sewer system must be functional. In addition to protection against flooding, the device must perform the functions of preventing unpleasant odors from entering the house and somewhat isolating noise from drains.

Need for an air valve

Instead of the usual outboard device for sewerage systems with a diameter of 100 units, a reverse one can also be used. But, keep in mind that this type of device can function only in places where the air temperature is always positive. Look at the photo to see what this equipment looks like.

The installation depends on whether there is a drain in the floor. If available, the structure is placed 35 cm higher from flooring. If similar device no air mechanism is placed higher depending on the highest drain of plumbing fixtures. Such a part is installed mainly in a free section of the pipeline or in a specially installed adapter near the toilet.

When installing sewer systems in buildings and structures, various types of fittings are used. One of the main types is sewer valves. They perform an auxiliary function, providing the possibility of more comfortable use of sewerage without undesirable consequences.

Depending on the purpose, there are check valves and air sewer valves. Our catalog presents both types of these devices, which are offered at competitive prices.

Sewage check valves

Sewage check valves are direct-acting safety valves. Devices of this type are designed to protect plumbing fixtures from flooding with sewage. This type of flooding can occur for a variety of reasons.

Including possible clogging of sewer pipes as a result of violation of the rules of their operation by users, a reduction in the internal cross-section of sewer pipes as a result of their overgrowing during long-term operation.

Flooding is possible as a result of errors in the design and installation of the sewer pipeline. Flooding can also be caused by objective reasons, for example, subsidence of the foundation in a private house or violation normal functioning external sewerage during the spring flood.

Regardless of the cause, flooding of plumbing fixtures can cause serious property losses. Therefore it is recommended to use protective devices, which block the return flow of wastewater. The check valve cuts into sewer pipeline. Its body houses a shut-off device that allows flow to flow in only one direction. In the event of reverse flow of wastewater, the valve closes and prevents flooding.

Depending on the design, sewer check valves are divided into:

  • flanged valves;
  • Wafer valves;
  • ball valves;
  • flapper valves;
  • disc valves.

Installing a check valve is effective solution to protect property from flooding with sewage. If the valve is triggered, the sewer pipes are cleaned or the necessary renovation work, after which normal operation sewerage is being restored.

Air sewer valves

Air, or ventilation, valves are designed to allow air into the sewer system and prevent the release of unpleasant odors. Every time water is drained into the sewer system, a vacuum occurs in the riser. This can cause the water seals of plumbing fixtures to break, which will lead to the penetration of unpleasant odors into the premises.

Traditionally, to prevent such phenomena, it is used fan pipe, which is displayed on the roof of the building and allows for ventilation of the riser. However, when using it unpleasant odors may fall into open windows. Also in winter period icing of the upper section of the pipe may occur, which reduces its clearance and significantly impairs the ventilation of the riser.

An effective alternative is an air drain valve, which, depending on the type of shut-off device, can be a diaphragm or a rod valve. IN normal position the valve remains closed and reliably locks sewer gases inside the riser. When a vacuum occurs when draining water, the valve opens and allows air into the riser, thereby eliminating the vacuum and ensuring normal operation of the sewer system.

Sewage valves from Santekhkomplekt

The Santekhkomlekt company in Moscow supplies sewer valves of any type. We offer a wide selection of devices with different characteristics for completing any sewerage systems bandwidth. The catalog presents only high-quality equipment designed for efficient and durable operation. We have favorable prices for the entire range of sewer valves.

In emergency situations, everyone grabs their phones and calls. emergency services who don't always come to short time. This is facilitated by traffic jams and the negligence of the services themselves, so many apartments on the first and even second floors find themselves in captivity of a fecal flood by the time they arrive. No matter how indignant you are then, no one will return your money for damaged furniture and other property, and add here a stench that cannot be cleared away in a month, then the film script can be sold to Quentin Tarantino.

These products may differ in several ways, for example:

  • By size

A non-return valve for sewerage with a diameter of 110 mm is installed in the internal living space, mainly for toilets.

For the main pipeline, shut-off elements of DN50mm are purchased, and for external sewer systems, the dimensions of such a device can be 150 - 200 mm.

Diameters of 32 and 40 mm are also available in some valves.

  • According to the material of manufacture

As we learned, a check valve for a sewer can have a larger or smaller diameter than 110mm, but it differs not only in size, but also in the material of manufacture, namely:

  1. cast iron;
  2. plastic;
  3. steel.
  • By installation method

In addition, the 110 sewer check valve can be for vertical or horizontal installation, depending on the pipeline configuration.

They are placed at joints, in flanges or cut into pipes using threaded connections.

  • By design
  1. A locking plate with a rubber seal is built into the plastic case, which is pressurized by a steel spring. When the waste comes out, it opens, and during the reverse movement it only adheres more tightly to the support ring. Such devices are equipped with a lid for manual opening and a special valve that is used to close the pipeline in desperate situations.
  2. Instead of a shut-off plate, a ball is installed, which provides more reliable protection against backflow.
  3. The sewer check valve 110 also has another device. The inlet and outlet pipes are located on at different levels, and between them there is air chamber. A vacuum appears and the membrane, opening, allows air to enter, which will then exert pressure on it. Thanks to this, the return flow of drainage fluid into the bathroom is blocked.

Whatever design you choose, it must be cleaned periodically in order to extend its effective service life.

Basic technical specifications, which you should pay attention to are clearly indicated in the table:

It must be said that the vertical check valve for sewerage ZB 110 PION can also be used as a sewer inspection. This element was developed by Polish manufacturers specifically for reliable protection home from emergencies.

In general, in addition to the manufacturers indicated in the table, products from companies such as Pestan, Mplast, Viega, etc. are popular.

A fairly new problem in the operation of sewer systems is the overflow of sewage. In most cases, such unpleasant moments happen to residents of the lower floors multi-storey buildings. Such “joy” can unpleasantly surprise literally instantly and cause considerable damage. Even if it is possible to avoid damage to furniture, then the need for repairs is an inevitable process. However, such situations also happen to owners of mansions (although much less frequently).

Of course, such a disaster does not happen in every apartment, however, if your neighbors are planning a renovation and start pouring the remaining solutions into the sewer, expect unpleasant news. Similar consequences can be caused rags getting into the riser or plastic bags . The same phenomenon often occurs in homes old building, but due to the banal wear and tear of the sewage system.

One way or another, the residents of the first two floors suffer. As a rule, the water column does not rise above the second one. However, if such a disaster occurs, it will take at least a long time to wait for the emergency team to arrive (which, to put it mildly, will not happen quickly) and for the happy moment when they discover and eliminate the cause of the blockage. During this time, with a high probability, the apartment may be completely flooded. Agree – it’s unpleasant. And don't forget that we are not talking about water.

The problem is in the waste systems

Most often, such incidents are associated with large objects entering wastewater systems. This is usually only partly correct. Such things, in most cases, are only start the process of complete blockage of the sewer system and subsequent overflow of foul-smelling liquid.

The bottom line is that the entry of such objects into the sewer only reduces the rate of sewage flow, which, in turn, contributes to sedimentation particulate matter waste water These are the ones that lead to complete clogging of the sewage system.

In approximately the same way, improperly installed systems become clogged. Violation of the slope angle of sewer pipes also leads to to a decrease in the rate of water outflow and increases the likelihood of clogging. By the way, wrong angle, does not necessarily indicate poor installation. Often the angle changes due to the weight of the system over time. Something similar happens when horizontal sewer pipes are connected at right angles, which sharply reduces the outflow.

Don’t forget about the service life of the system. Over time, not only sewage, but also salts, which are present in excess in the water, are deposited on the walls of the pipes. This leads to a gradual reduction in the working cross-section of the pipe and, as a result, to the above-mentioned special effects.

As for the residents of mansions, in addition to the banal clogging of the sewage system, a flood can also lead to rise groundwater . The phenomenon itself is not very common, but it can also cause sewer overflow with all the negative consequences.

Another, no less unpleasant, moment is the penetration of rats and unpleasant odors into the apartment at the time of draining. Both can be eliminated with the help of check valves.

What do you need to buy?

In order to protect yourself and your home from such odorous “geysers”, it is worth using a check valve. Depending on the diameter of the sewer system, manufacturers offer two main modifications of check valves for sewerage:

  • check valve for sewerage 50 mm;
  • check valve for sewerage 110 mm;
  • air valve.

Companies specializing in the production and sale of these types of products, as a rule, offer them in plastic and metal versions. There are, of course, many more of the former. If we systematize the proposed options for such valves, it is worth highlighting the following varieties:

  • metal valves;
  • plastic products.

They, in turn, are divided into the following subspecies:

Separately, it is worth noting that there are sewer check valves of universal orientation.

Previously, metal valves were widely used. However today, when PVC pipelines have become more common, their plastic modifications prevail. When installing a plastic check valve in a cast iron pipeline, you will have to additionally install plastic adapters.

Nuances of installation work

Such a unit is installed in a pipe rupture. The easiest way to perform this work is during the installation of the sewer system. However, in It is also possible to insert into an existing pipeline, but at the same time, the diameters of the inlet and outlet pipes must match. Otherwise you will have to use adapters.

In most cases, the valve has a shutter that allows you to manually shut off the sewer. This can be useful in case of accidents or carrying out routine maintenance on the valve (cleaning, replacing the seal gasket).

There is an arrow on the unit body indicating the direction of wastewater flow. When installed, it should face towards the riser.

Important to know

Before you begin installing such devices, you should think about the installation location and provide free access to the valve (whether it is air or otherwise). Structurally, it is designed in such a way that it is possible to carry out its repair and cleaning (it is made dismountable).

Another important question is number of valves. Depending on the structure existing system, it is possible to install both several valves for each drain point, and one at the outlet to the main line.

The last option, in most cases, is applicable to mansions and small apartment buildings. The first, more often used, is more suitable for high-rise, multi-apartment buildings.

Check valve for sewerage 50 mm made in the form of a sphere with a movable membrane. When draining water, it opens and does not interfere with the flow of wastewater into the main pipeline. But, if a reverse current occurs, it is supported by pressure and eliminates the possibility of flooding your home with sewage.

When selecting such a valve, it is worth pay attention to its quality, not the price. Remember that if the apartment is flooded with sewage (which happens quite quickly), the damage caused will be significantly higher than the cost of the device. Don't forget about common sense– apartment renovation will cost immeasurably more than a high-quality device.

Well, the last nuance related to the high-quality execution of the waste system

When draining sewage, a vacuum of air is formed in the pipeline. Typically, this process is accompanied by the suction of air from the system. In this case, when the water drains into air is drawn in through the fence with the smallest volume of water seal, which, in turn, is accompanied by a rather loud, squelching sound and the entry of rather unpleasant odors into the apartment.

To avoid this, air valves are used. Their main functions:

  • equalizing pressure in the pipeline when a vacuum occurs;
  • ventilation of the sewer system and blocking of excess gases formed in the sewer system.

The operation of air valves for sewerage is quite simple. When a vacuum occurs with a force above five mm of water column, the valve opens and allows air into the pipeline. When the pressure in the riser is greater than or equal to atmospheric pressure, the air valve remains closed and prevents gases from entering the living space.

It is worth mentioning that such valves can only be installed in rooms with a constantly positive temperature. Otherwise, it will not be able to work normally.

Installing a 110 mm sewer check valve is not something very complicated. You can easily carry out the installation yourself. Of course, after reading the installation instructions for a specific product. You can seek the help of specialists in the field of laying waste systems. No matter who does the job, you will get something that works correctly. sewer system, which will protect you from unpleasant surprises and unexpected financial costs.

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