7. Ben E. A. Some features of facilitation in the work of a physical education teacher // Scientific foundations of modern progress: collection. stat. Intl. scientific-practical conference: at 2 o'clock. Part 1. Ufa: Omega Science, 2016. pp. 174-176.

8. Sosnina A. O. Pedagogical facilitation as a category of professional pedagogical knowledge // Innovative technologies of scientific development: collection. stat. Intl. scientific-practical conference (Tyumen, June 15, 2016): at 3 p.m. Part 2. Ufa: Aeterna, 2016. P.243-245.

9. Sidorov A. O. Facilitation in the constructs of development pedagogy // Information technologies in the science of modern times: collection. stat. Intl. scientific-practical conference: in 2 parts. Part 2. Ufa: Aeterna, 2016. P.142-144.

© Topakova V.V., 2016

Fetisova Maria Yurievna

Senior teacher of State Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 18 of Novokuybyshevsk, structural unit "Kindergarten "Center for Correction and Development of Children" of Novokuybyshevsk, Samara Region



This article discusses the relevance of such a method of art therapy as sand therapy for the artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children with disabilities. This method can be used both for organizing direct educational activities, as well as a relaxation method for children with disabilities during the adaptation period and during routine moments in everyday activities.


Art therapy, sand therapy, kinetic sand, disabilities

The inner world of a child is very complex and large. Adults make a lot of effort to hear the child, feel his problems, help him reveal his inner world, and find himself in this huge world.

When talking about a child with disabilities, you need to remember such an important aspect as careful care of his health.

The use of artistic and aesthetic techniques and technologies has always given a positive color to the processes of teaching and raising children with disabilities. Art is the main tool that can solve a number of problems in the development of children with disabilities.

One of the areas in the system of psychological and pedagogical assistance to children with disabilities is art pedagogy and art therapy.

The main goal of art pedagogy is the artistic development of children with disabilities, their social adaptation through cultural means. Art therapy is the harmonization of the psychological state of the individual through the development of the ability of self-expression and self-knowledge.


There are many types of art therapy - music therapy, imagotherapy (theatricalization), phototherapy, play therapy, isotherapy, bibliotherapy and many others.

Correctional classes using non-traditional methods, including art therapy methods, are focused on solving the child’s emotional and volitional problems, forming a positive self-esteem for a child with disabilities, primarily with speech disorders, in working with which close attention should be paid to the development of fine movements fingers, because for children with speech disorders the relationship between speech and motor activity is very important.

It has been proven that the mind and eye move at the same speed as the hand. This means that great attention should be paid to training the hands, which will be a powerful stimulus for the development of the brain.

I would like to dwell in more detail on such a direction of art therapy as sand therapy, which has become popular recently thanks to the invention of modern chemists as kinetic sand, which goes by many names - living, cosmic, wet. But no matter what this product is called, its value is undeniable.

This is a very unusual material, created in 2013 in Sweden, consisting of 98% pure quartz sand and 2% silicone polymer, which is used in the food industry. Kinetic Sand feels like wet beach sand, but is soft and fluffy and flows through your fingers, leaving your hands clean and dry. It does not cause allergies and is easily collected from the surface, leaving it clean. All these properties allow it to be actively used in educational activities both at home and in kindergarten.

The number of games and exercises with sand is limitless, all of them arouse the child’s genuine interest and make it possible to increase the effectiveness of classes.

We begin getting acquainted with this amazing material in early age groups during direct educational activities on experimenting with substances and materials. Kids get acquainted with the properties of sand, smooth it out, draw squiggles with their fingers, sculpt and destroy their own lumps. In addition to the general positive background, these classes allow you to study color, shape, and size. In addition to molds, plastic cups, egg containers, surprise egg cases and other waste materials are used.

For older children, teachers together with their parents make molds in the shape of numbers; children really like such games and they quickly and happily remember the names and symbols of numbers.

You can hide objects in the sand and play according to the “Magic Bag” principle, highlight the main characteristics of objects, feel the difference with your fingers, thereby developing tactile sensations. You can bury pirate treasure in the sand, and draw a treasure map on the sand.

A wonderful game for making shapes in the sand. You can feel like archaeologists by making an imprint of a dinosaur figurine on a sand pebble. You can make animal tracks and determine who they belong to. Or, using the principle of the Memory game, make a pair of identical prints, remember their location, turn them over and guess the location of two identical ones.

Drawing on sand can also be different. You can draw a path. This seemingly simple task often causes difficulty for children, since there must be a certain pressure and position of the finger. But this exercise is very useful for the development of motor skills.

For children with speech impairments, you can sculpt a “tongue” out of sand using various speech therapy exercises (“Slide”, “Cup”, etc.) and repeat this shape with your own tongue.

Classes with a speech therapist can be turned into an exciting game if the words that need to be divided into syllables are written not in a notebook, but in the sand, and instead of a pen, use a stick or finger.

Any role-playing game will be more interesting with live sand. You can use it to make a garden and plant plastic vegetables, you can build a highway, or you can make soup.

All this is just a small part of the games and exercises that you can use with your children. But, of course, there is no boredom or monotony in sand classes, each game is like a discovery that will bring joy and benefit in mastering everyday things in a magical way.

List of used literature:

1. Sakovich, N.A. Sand playing technology. Games on the bridge / N.A. Sakovich. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2006.

2. El, G.N. Man playing in the sand. Dynamic sand therapy / G.N.El. - St. Petersburg: Rech, 2010.

© Fetisova M.Yu., 2016

Fomintseva Natalya Sergeevna

Teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 25 (Chita) E-mail: [email protected]



The article examines the value of friendship and the role of communication in the life of a modern teenager. A written questionnaire was chosen as the research method. A comparison was made of survey data from students who are members and those who are not members of the children's association of the school forestry "Forest Country".

Key words:

friendship, communication, value orientations.

Introduction. In modern society, socio-economic and technological transformations are taking place, values ​​and the “format” of communication are changing, along with real communication, virtual communication is widely spreading. A. Maslow says that communication occupies one of the most important places among human needs. In adolescence, communication becomes a leading activity. At FSES LLC, great attention is paid to communication and cooperation with peers, older and younger children, and adults. The role of communication with peers for personality development is noted and analyzed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, L.I. Bozovic, K.N. Polivanova, A.V. Petrovsky, D.I. Feldshteina, V.I. Slobodchikova, G.A. Tsukerman, E.O. Smirnova, I.S. Kohn, E. Erikson, etc. The formation of a future personality depends on how communication develops. Therefore, the study of the problem of friendship becomes very relevant. Its relevance increases sharply at this stage of the development of society, when there is a sharp change in social relations, the nature of personal interactions, moral norms, values, etc.

The definition of friendship is considered by many philosophers and psychologists, but in our work we understand friendship as a special form of interpersonal interactions, which is characterized by individually selective relationships, mutual affection of communication participants, a high level of satisfaction with interpersonal contacts, and mutual expectations of positive feelings.

In preschool age, children lay the foundations of personal culture, orientation in the realities of the objective world, the phenomena of their own life and activities, understanding of themselves and the surrounding phenomena of social life. The formation of a child’s personality occurs successfully provided that the child is active, when he is included in the process of his own “construction.”

The world of children's emotions and sensations is very fragile, and the social situation in society at the present stage is not always conducive to maintaining mental well-being. Therefore, during psychological support within a preschool educational institution, it is necessary to use technologies aimed at preserving health and innovative elements.

One of the methods by which you can teach children to interact with peers is sand therapy method. It allows you to satisfy the child’s basic needs and relieve tension, gain some experience of interacting with other, somewhat different children, and accept each other. This is one of the most important components of a tolerant society. Sand therapy helps to identify the types of relationships in a group and correct them.

Playing with sand is one of the forms of natural child activity

Sand is a natural material, a very plastic tool for creativity. He allows everyone to work with him, even those who do not have a special artistic gift, are afraid of evaluation and refuse to draw. Working with sand teaches a person patience.

By creating compositions from sand, inventing various stories, we can convey to him our knowledge and life experience, the fundamentals of the laws of the world around us, in the most organic form for a child.

So, we invite the child to build his own social environment - his own world. Lose, “live”, solve problems (individually) and teach interaction with peers and acceptance of each other (in a group).

Anything is possible in sand play. By playing out problematic situations with the help of small figures, creating a picture out of sand, the child is freed from tension and subconsciously finds for himself those answers that are difficult to get from adults. Adults have a unique opportunity to see the inner world of a child and what in psychology is called “here and now”; in playing out various situations with the heroes of sand games, the transition of the imaginary into the real and vice versa occurs. The uniqueness of sand therapy makes it possible to make visible what does not have verbal forms for its reflection. The child not only offers a way out of the situation, but actually lives it with the help of miniature figures.

When starting to work with a group of children, first of all, it is necessary to create a natural environment in which each child would feel comfortable and protected. The tasks must correspond to the capabilities of all children (the group can consist of 2-4 people), the instructions are presented in a fairy-tale form. During work, we encourage imagination and creativity, excluding negative assessments of actions, ideas, and results.

The first group lesson can begin with a conversation about sensations: what sensations are, how we define them. Then, placing the children near a pallet of sand, invite them to touch and interact with the sand with their hands: “What do you feel when you touch the sand?” This exercise stabilizes the emotional state and is of great importance for the development of the child’s psyche.

The sand tray has a limited size. Thanks to this, children can not only reflect their experiences, but also achieve integration and engage in non-verbal interaction with other participants in the game.

Before starting to build a composition, a conversation is held about the current state of the group members. Then he chooses the direction of work within the framework of sand therapy. Instructions can be similar to projective tests or free: “You can create whatever you want in the sandbox. You are wizards who travel the world in search of places where no man has gone before. There you create your own fairyland. To do this, each of you can choose 3 figures and match them with buildings, stones, plants, animals that will live in your country.”

When the children pick up the figures, they can be asked to create a fairyland at the same time, each in their own section of the sandbox, trying not to interfere with each other.

After finishing the composition, everyone talks about their country and its inhabitants. Then you should invite the children to look at the overall picture that they have come up with and come up with a common name. Everyone offers their own option, but the children need to agree and choose one name. The psychologist asks: “How do these countries live with each other? Please see if they are friends? What is needed for this?

After the children’s answers, the psychologist suggests using his own hands, without additional means, to make the interaction between these countries easy and simple. Each member of the group, on his own territory, comes up with an optimal, convenient solution to the general problem of interaction.

An important element of the work is creating a positive image at the end of the lesson or giving the former terrifying image a funny look. This is the way to a positive, life-affirming level.

It is important for us to monitor how children express themselves in play and in contact with each other. You will see how, in children’s sand games, the mechanism of natural regulation of interaction “turns on.” This is how it is formed empathy- the ability to understand and empathize with one’s neighbor.

Developing a tolerant attitude towards people with disabilities - this is one of the priority tasks of a psychologist in the context of inclusive education. The problem is very similar to a stone ball: the shape of the ball is visually very familiar to everyone, but the fullness is different - the ball is stone, polished by time and palms. And in order to somehow move it, you need to put in a lot of effort. So, let's start building “our own world” - after all, everything is in our hands. Carl Gustave Jung spoke about this: “The hands know how to unravel what the mind struggles in vain.”

According to modern requirements for the organization of education in our country, more and more attention is paid to inclusive education. Our institution is no exception and children with disabilities receive education on an equal basis with everyone else. At the preschool educational institution there are two compensatory groups for children with speech disorders. In addition, there is a child with a severe defect (CP), who has a PMPK conclusion, and is enrolled in the combined group. An adapted educational program has been developed for the child, according to which psychological and pedagogical support is provided. An adapted educational program is a mandatory means of individual support for preschoolers with disabilities in the context of inclusive education, a necessary condition for the provision of “early correctional assistance based on special pedagogical approaches”, since it takes into account the characteristics of psychophysical development, the individual capabilities of children, its implementation ensures maximum correction of developmental disorders and full-fledged social adaptation of children with disabilities. In our preschool educational institution, an integrated approach is implemented; according to the AOP, a speech therapist, group teachers, a physical education instructor, a music director, an art studio director, and, of course, an educational psychologist work with the child. A program of individual support has been developed for each area.

When organizing work within the framework of psychological support, I take into account the individual characteristics of a child with disabilities. I pay great attention to the technologies used, including sand therapy and fairy tale therapy. I will dwell in more detail on sand therapy, which has now become widely known, and its use remains attractive to many specialists.

Playing in the sand is one of the natural activities of a child. Therefore, we, adults, can use the sandbox for developmental, educational, and correctional purposes. By building sand figures using symbols, inventing various stories, we convey to him our knowledge and life experience, events and laws of the surrounding world in the most organic form for the child.

The process of play in sand therapy helps to move from feeling dependent on the current situation to becoming the creator of the situation. In addition, sand absorbs negative energy. The sand therapy method can be used with children starting from 3 years of age. Correction of the emotional sphere using this method makes it possible to solve a number of problems that arise in children with disabilities.

The forms and options of sand therapy are determined by the characteristics of a particular child, specific tasks and its duration. Sand therapy can be used for the following purposes: for diagnostic purposes, for the purpose of providing primary psychological assistance; in the process of short-term psychotherapy; in the process of long-term psychotherapeutic influence.

Sand therapy is based on the idea of ​​a close relationship between fine motor skills and the development of the cerebral hemispheres in children. In childhood development, creativity, using imagination, plays one of the most important roles. Sand therapy (or sandplay as it is also called) is a type of expressive arts therapy that is based on the idea of ​​solving various kinds of problems through creativity.

Sand therapy in the context of art therapy is a non-verbal form of psychocorrection, where the main emphasis is on creative self-expression. It manifests itself in symbolic form in the process of creating a creative product - images, worlds, situations built in a certain way in the sandbox.

The method is based on a combination of non-verbal (the process of constructing pictures, cities, worlds, etc.) and verbal expression (a story about the finished composition, writing a story or fairy tale that reveals the meaning of the composition).

Sand was chosen as the material for manipulation, due to its special properties. Sand is a natural material that a child gets used to manipulating from a very early age.

In any interaction with sand, both hands are used, sometimes simultaneously, due to which there is a beneficial effect on the development of the right and left hemispheres, as well as their interaction. With this approach, the emotional state is harmonized.

Children actively develop fine motor skills; small figures encourage children to fully use the entire hand: both palm and fingers. The child learns to control his hands, calms down, trains attention and imagination, and strengthens the nervous system.

Such activities are very useful for children with disabilities, because speech, mental development, and cognitive abilities are often delayed.

Thanks to sand therapy, it is possible to overcome reluctance to practice and negativism, because everything happens in a natural and familiar play environment for the child. You can use any sandbox exercise aid.

When working with a child with disabilities I use kinetic sand. This is an integral element of correctional work, which arouses special interest in the child and ensures an individual approach to his characteristics. My office is equipped with a special psychological sandbox that meets all the requirements. I offer some exercises that I use when working with a child with disabilities.

“Sensitive palms” (T.D. Zinkevich - Evstigneevna)

Place your palms on the sand, close your eyes, feel what it is like.

Open your eyes, tell me how you felt.

Do the same, turning your palms on the other side. Tell us about your feelings.

You can also offer your child:

Slide along the surface of the sand like a snake or like a machine.

Walk with your palms like an elephant, like a little elephant, like a fast bunny.

Leave prints of palms, fists, edges of the palms.

Sift the sand through your fingers or use a pinch to sow a path of sand with a contrasting texture.

Guide the figure along the sand labyrinth paths.

You can “play” on the surface of the sand, like on a piano or computer keyboard.

The idea to develop the project was prompted by the increased demand of parents with children with disabilities. All these children do not attend preschool institutions. Considering the large monthly expenses families spend on maintaining the health of children with special needs, parents have practically no money left to attend paid classes in commercial centers. However, these children especially need communication with peers and correction of their psychological state. The work of the sand therapy studio is aimed at creating conditions for the rehabilitation, socialization and habilitation of children with disabilities. At the moment, sand therapy is an effective method of psychological work with children of all health groups, which is based on “the child’s play in the sand.” Drawing in the sand is a powerful means of child self-expression, a means of cognition, thinking, imagination, and volition. According to the famous psychologist L.S. Vygotsky, “a drawing for a child is his speech.” When children draw in the sand, they reveal their emotional experiences, anxieties, fears, feelings and other emotions. During sand therapy classes, fine motor skills, speech, figurative and logical thinking and the emotional-cognitive sphere of the child develop. This also helps prepare children for school. If correctional work with the child is not carried out on time, then existing health deviations can lead to impairments in the child’s written speech, preventing him from fully mastering program knowledge and skills at school. The project involves conducting a 3-month course of classes (2 times a week) for children with disabilities. Classes are conducted by a psychologist using a special technique of sand art therapy. In order to determine the effectiveness of classes, preliminary and final diagnostics will be carried out with each child. In addition, work with the parents of these children will be organized: individual consultations, general meetings and seminars. By communicating with each other, parents will be able to exchange experiences and support each other. The final event of the project is a photo exhibition of children's drawings in the sand. The organization has a room at its disposal, which is expected to be equipped with the necessary equipment for sand therapy. The opening of a sand therapy studio is a new direction in working with children with disabilities living within walking distance. The progress of the project will be reflected on social networks and the organization’s website. The result of the project will be the rehabilitation of 21 children with disabilities and the creation of conditions for the continuation of such work after the completion of the project. An accessible platform will appear in the city where every mother with a child with developmental disabilities can go free of charge and receive qualified assistance from a specialist.


  1. Creation and organization of a sand therapy studio for rehabilitation, socialization and education of children with disabilities.

Justification of social significance

At the present stage of development of society, a real trend has emerged in the deterioration of children's health, and the number of children with disabilities has increased. In the Russian Federation, less than 10% of newborns are practically healthy and belong to health group 1. The situation is similar in the Stupinsky district. A large number of children have health disorders of varying severity. Of these: disabled children – 284 people. The majority have not just limited developmental features, but also psychological problems and they cannot solve them on their own. Despite the presence in the city of 7 additional education institutions for preschool children, work using the sand therapy method is carried out in one budget institution, where there are only 3 sandbox tables. This is clearly not enough for a city where 7,980 preschool children live. It should be noted that 6,513 children are educated in kindergartens. Another problem for families with children with disabilities is the lack of free classes. It is important to note that in the city there are 1,174 low-income families, 830 large families and 905 mothers raising children alone. The public organization has been working in Stupino for more than 15 years. Over the years, we have accumulated a wealth of experience in conducting classes on the comprehensive development of children and organizing cultural and leisure activities for all family members. The organization has premises at its disposal under the terms of a free use agreement. Over the years, a friendly team of professionals has formed. It is within the power of a public organization to provide assistance to children with disabilities. A survey among parents of the Mothers' League Club showed the relevance of conducting sand therapy classes for children. Drawing in the sand brings children closer to creative activity, inspires them, and immerses them in a fairy tale. Sand is the best medium that gives an idea of ​​the child's inner world. An experienced specialist can easily recognize a psychological problem in these children's creations. Under the guidance of a psychologist, sand therapy is a good way to relax a child and relieve stress, tension, and fears. Participation in the project will help families create conditions for children with disabilities to lead full lives. The implementation of the project will improve the interaction of government and public structures to create a favorable space for families raising children with disabilities.

Pupils of a correctional kindergarten are characterized by increased nervous excitability, anxiety, aggressiveness, hyperactivity on the one hand and passivity, isolation, closedness, constriction, underdevelopment of the emotional sphere, and behavioral disorders on the other hand. In addition, children with problems in the intellectual sphere experience speech impairment or its complete absence, insufficient development of motor coordination, fine motor skills of the hands, lack of a sense of rhythm, impaired speech memory, attention, perception, etc.

Therefore, our students need special methods for correcting their psycho-emotional health. Our work experience has convinced us that one of the most productive and effective methods of training, development and organization of correctional work with children with similar problems is - sand play therapy.

The therapeutic effect of playing with sand was first noticed by the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Carl Gustav Jung. It would seem that everything is very simple - a child builds something out of sand, without regret destroys the creations he himself has created, and builds again... But it is this simple action that keeps a unique secret - there is nothing that is irreparably destroyed - the old is always replaced something new is coming. By repeatedly living this secret, the baby reaches a state of balance, anxiety and fear go away. Another important psychotherapeutic property of sand is the ability to change the plot, events, and relationships. Since the game takes place in the context of a fairy tale world, a child with special educational needs is given the opportunity to change an uncomfortable situation for him. He learns to overcome difficulties on his own.

Playing with sand is a natural and accessible form of activity for a child with disabilities. A child often cannot express his feelings and fears in words, and then playing with sand comes to his aid. By acting out the situations that agitate him with the help of toy figures, creating a picture of his own world from sand, the child is freed from tension. And most importantly, he gains invaluable experience in symbolically resolving many life situations, because in a real fairy tale everything ends well.

Observations by psychologists show that it is precisely the first joint games of children in the sandbox that can clearly show parents the characteristics of the behavior and development of their children. Parents see that the child is becoming overly aggressive or timid in communicating with peers - this may be a reason to think about the education system.

A child's play is a symbolic language for self-expression. By manipulating toys, a child can show more adequately than express in words how he relates to himself, to significant adults, to events in his life, to the people around him.

Children's play can be more fully appreciated if it is recognized that it is a means of communication for them. Children express themselves more fully and directly in spontaneous, self-initiated play than in words, because they feel more comfortable in play. For children, "acting out" their experiences and feelings is the most natural, dynamic and healing activity they can engage in.

Playing in the sand provides a means to resolve conflicts and communicate feelings. Toys equip the child with suitable tools, since they are the environment in which the child can express himself. In free play he can express what he wants to do. When he plays freely, and not at the direction of someone else, he performs a whole series of independent actions.

Feelings and attitudes that a child may be afraid to express openly can be safely projected onto a toy chosen at their own discretion. Instead of expressing feelings and thoughts in words, a child may bury this or that toy in the sand, hit it, drown it, etc. A child's feelings often cannot be expressed verbally (in words).

Playing with sand is necessary for children with disabilities, they:

· develop tactile-kinetic sensitivity and fine motor skills of the hands;

· relieve muscle tension;

Help the child feel protected in a comfortable environment;

· develop activity, expand life experience conveyed by the teacher in a form that is close to the child (the principle of information accessibility);

· stabilize emotional states by absorbing negative energy;

· allow the child to relate games to real life, comprehend what is happening, and find ways to solve a problem situation;

· overcome the “bad artist” complex by creating artistic compositions from sand using ready-made figures;

· improve visual-spatial orientation and speech abilities;

· contribute to the expansion of vocabulary;

· allow you to develop phonemic hearing and perception;

· promote the development of coherent speech, lexical and grammatical concepts;

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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