Do you want something new, exotic? Then a Japanese-style party is the option for you!

Unusual costumes, sushi loved by everyone or almost everyone, cool entertainment, exotic music and at the same time - an original thematic photo shoot and bright pictures as a souvenir.

How to party

1. Theme and name of the party. Not just Japan, but cheerful and even funny Japan. Our party will be stylized as Japan, but not with strict adherence to national characteristics, but with an informal, even humorous approach. Let's call our party, for example, Japan Party (by analogy with the well-known euphemism “Japan Mother”).

2. Entourage.

Interior. We will bring it into the interior where our Japanese party, features of the east to immerse guests in the atmosphere of the land of the rising sun. You can decorate the room in the style of one particular symbol of Japan: for example, use many images of dragons - both scary and funny.

Or decorate the room with fans (they can be made from pieces of wallpaper sheets, from whatman paper and even newspapers, magazines, wrapping paper - in general, from anything that comes to hand) - fans can be hung on the walls and fixed on curtains, doors, furniture. If only adults, relaxed people will be present at the party, you can use erotic pictures from Japanese anime to create the ambiance.

When setting the table, use rectangular rather than round plates and Japanese placemats. And, of course, you can’t do without Japanese music - you can download it.

Dress code for a Japanese-style party. You can be anyone at the party: a samurai, a Sumo wrestler, a geisha, a Japanese robot, a kamikaze, a dragon, an anime hero, etc. The main thing is to be in the Japanese style and funnier. By the way, you can organize a prize for the best and funniest Japanese costume.

3. Progress of the event.

We have Japanese style party, and the hospitable Japanese love feasts as much as we do, so we’ll immediately invite guests to the table. We will place chopsticks near the plates, but when everyone is seated at the table, we will invite the guests to “buy” forks, knives and spoons. You will have to pay for cutlery not with money, but with intelligence. The appliance seller says a Japanese proverb, and the buyer must name its Russian (or well-known in the Russian-speaking environment) analogue. Of course, if someone wants to eat with chopsticks, they shouldn’t insist on using a fork.

List of Japanese proverbs and approximate analogues:

If dust particles accumulate, they will become mountains. -Water wears away stones.

He who does not know is as happy as Buddha. – The less you know, the better you sleep.

Then - even fields, even mountains. - After us there might be a flood.

One stone - two birds. – Kill two birds with one stone.

It is impossible to catch a tiger cub without entering the tiger's den. – If you are afraid of wolves, don’t go into the forest.

And you will wait for good weather for a sea voyage. “And there will be a holiday on our street.”

A falling drop breaks through a stone. - Water wears away stones.

If you are poisoned by poison, treat yourself with the same poison. - They knock out a wedge with a wedge.

Having been taught a lesson on hot soup, it blows on cold vegetables. - Having burned himself on the milk, he blows on the water.

In the whole block, only my husband doesn’t know. – The husband will be the last to know about everything.

4. Entertainment, games, competitions for a Japanese party.

After dinner, we will offer guests a competition program. Its goal is to identify the best of the best Japanese in our company. After all, we have fun japanese party , therefore the titles will not be serious.

1. Competition "Japanese Chef"

Those who wish to participate will be given a large pancake or cake and a pack of mayonnaise (a doy-pack with a dispenser). In addition, you will need sample paper sheets with a hieroglyph (to be fair, everyone needs to be given the same hieroglyph). The task is to decorate the dish with a mayonnaise hieroglyph. You need to squeeze the mayonnaise from the packaging onto the pancake, drawing a hieroglyph according to the pattern. Here you can choose two winners: the one who completes the task faster, and the one whose hieroglyph is the most accurate and beautiful.

2. Competition "Japanese policeman"

The competition is held right at the table, so everyone can be involved. We give participants paper (can be A4 or larger, white or colored) and ask them to fold it into any weapon for a policeman, using the origami technique.

The winner will be not the one who can do it faster or make it more beautiful, but the one whose weapon ends up being the longest (you may have to measure it with a ruler). But we will not inform you about this condition in advance and will reveal our cards only when all the weapons are ready. The winner is awarded the title “Japanese Policeman” and a prize - a package of office paper or a roll of toilet paper with drawings/inscriptions.

3. Competition “Japan Mom”

Both men and women can participate, but it’s more fun with men. We attach inflated balloons (preferably large ones) to the bellies of those wishing to fight for the title “Japan Mama” using tape. The task is to collect sakura petals from the floor. But where do we get such exotic stuff? Instead of sakura, take rose petals or cut them out of paper - you will need a lot of petals to literally cover the floor. Whoever's stomach bursts during the game is eliminated. At the end, we count the number of collected petals. The one who collects the most petals will become “Japan’s mother”. The prize could be a Japanese fan.

4. Competition “Russian-Japanese Translator”

The presenter calls a word from the Russian dictionary, and the participants must remember the Japanese word denoting the same or a similar concept. And even if it is not a completely accurate analogue, it is suitable in meaning. Humor is welcome. We give the most active and resourceful “Japanese scholar” the title “Russian-Japanese translator” and a prize – a Russian-Japanese phrasebook.

Examples of words and analogues:

Mistress- geisha.
Paper plastics– origami.
Suicide- kamikaze.
stabbing- hara-kiri.
Robe- kimono.
Vodka- sake.
Hooray!- Banzai!
Letter- hieroglyph.
Fat man- sumo wrestler.
Pet– Tamagotchi.
Warrior- samurai.
Vanka-Vstanka- Daruma.
Rhyme- haiku.
Cartoon– anime.
Bouquet– ikebana.
Mat– tatami.
Crossword– Sudoku.
Mustard– wasabi.

4. Game “Japanese impromptu theater”

After the end of the competition you can continue Japanese party, but not simple, but “Japanese”. The presenter reads the text expressively. The actors, when mentioning their hero, pronounce a line and reproduce this or that movement in accordance with the text. There are seven actors and one presenter.

Heroes and lines:

(pleadingly): « TokasE is not ikebana!» ( note: this means “just don’t make an ikebana out of me!”).
Sparrow (proudly): “Japanese bird! "
Horses(two people) ( sad): « We're bad ass».
Grass (perky): “Tickle me! "
Samurai(two people) ( menacingly): “Banzai! "


Beautiful SAKURA grew in the endless Japanese steppe. SAKURA branches swayed. A small SPARROW was sitting in the branches of SAKURA. Two purebred Japanese HORSE horses were grazing nearby. And beneath them the lush Japanese GRASS grew and stretched. Oh, how it extended! The stallions energetically and very greedily plucked the GRASS. At the same time, the GRASS tenderly tickled the bellies of the stallions. THE RORDERS neighed contentedly.

Two Japanese SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba appeared in the steppe. SAMURAI Tamagotchi was a sumo wrestler, and Samurai Toshiba was a karateka. What a Tamagotchi sumo wrestler! What a karateka Toshiba is!

The two SAMURAI hated each other and were constantly bullying. And now they were making faces and teasing each other. SPARROW, looking at this, laughed and chirped. The SAMURAI threatened the SPARROW, and it flew away from SAKURA.

SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba saw ROOMS. The SAMURAI wanted to ride the HORSE and made an attempt to do so. And another try, and another. Not immediately, but the SAMURAI managed and saddled the obstinate HORSE. The stallions impatiently beat their hooves and neighed displeasedly. The SAMURAI fidgeted nervously on their horses, wanting to fight the enemy.

They went in different directions and, taking off from their place, rushed towards each other. Tamagotchi hit Toshiba and he fell from his MOUNT. While falling, Toshiba bit the Tamagotchi. Now SAMURAI Tamagotchi has fallen from his MOUNT. The defeated SAMURAI lay on the GRASS. The beautiful SAKURA towered above them, bowing its branches sadly. A SPARROW flew past, looked at the lying SAMURAI and fell to the ground. SAKURA was left alone. Suddenly thunder roared and lightning struck SAKURA. She fell noisily.

Epilogue. In the endless Japanese steppe there grew a broken, crooked SAKURA. A plucked SPARROW was sitting on it. Under the tree lay the GRASS, crumpled and limp. SAMURAI Tamagotchi and Toshiba were lying in the GRASS and hugging each other. THE HORSE HORSES nibbled the GRASS and neighed joyfully. Peace reigned in the endless Japanese steppe.

Japan is a mysterious country, an island where the sun spends the night, where it wakes up and rises. Rich cultural traditions are carefully preserved by the Japanese and passed on to new generations, thanks to which we can enjoy beautiful customs, colorful outfits and delicious cuisine. It is not surprising that they are trying to imitate this splendor, and therefore Japanese-style parties are becoming increasingly popular.

The atmosphere of Japan is created from little things

Where to start? The exotic atmosphere of the country will be created by the appropriate decoration of the hall. The basis of wall decoration can be based on images of dragons. You can get several figurines in the form of these monsters - this is a wonderful decor for a festive table. Any bamboo products - curtains, coasters, bells - are ideally combined with Japanese culture. Let’s not forget about the famous red paper lanterns and cherry blossoms; perhaps their presence is mandatory. You can light a couple of fragrant candles; a romantic note is quite appropriate at many events, even if it is a business meeting.

Japanese transformation

For those who like to dress up, a Japanese-style costume party would be a good option. Girls are geishas, ​​boys are samurai. In principle, costumes are not so difficult to find now. As a last resort, you can borrow a kimono from someone and become a real karateka, cruel and merciless. And it doesn’t matter that you’ve never held a belt in your hands, for one evening you can become anyone, even an elusive ninja. Women can become real geishas with the help of makeup; for this you need to “whiten” your face, make your eyes big and draw small lips with red lipstick.

Japanese music

And another important point is Japanese music. The most famous groups are: UtadaHikaru, AAA, MejkoKaji and others. A subtle, gentle melody will completely immerse all guests in the fairy-tale world of Japan.

Making a Japanese menu

The first thing that comes to mind when talking about Japanese cuisine is rolls. And, of course, sake, or rice vodka. In principle, if the people gathered at the party are not fans of exotic food, then you can use familiar dishes.

The table setting deserves special attention: rectangular plates, chopsticks, bamboo print elements on the tablecloth and napkins. Even if the food on the table is not entirely Japanese, at least the style will be one hundred percent consistent.

Shall we have fun?

Of course, at any party competitions will be useful. How to entertain guests in the Japanese style?

Sumo competition

You can hold a sumo competition. To do this, we “thicken” the players with the help of tape and balloons, after which the great athletes come together in a severe battle and try to burst their opponent’s balloons and at the same time protect their own from destruction.

Competition "Samurai"

The competition for the best samurai will definitely appeal to those who love to compete. To carry it out you will need several sticks and many rings that will be thrown onto these sticks. Several pairs of volunteers take part in the tournament at the same time - one is a squire, the other is a well-aimed samurai. The winner is the one who puts the most rings on the sword, which the squire holds at a certain distance from the samurai.

Competition "Japanese shooter"

You can compete in your dart throwing skills. This is a great opportunity to determine which of those present is hiding a real ninja. As an option, take the usual game of darts instead of darts.

Creative competitions

Speed ​​match towers, origami art, calligraphy - a Japanese party is a great opportunity to compete in the arts.

Computer games

By the way, for some kind of Japanese-style bachelor party, a great entertainment is suitable - a championship in games on a console. You can remember such wonderful times when Mortal Kombat was the favorite game of all the boys.

Japan is a multifaceted country, rich spiritually. Its culture is so vast that getting even one iota closer to it is not an easy task. But with the right approach and organization, you can get a stunningly beautiful holiday, filled with sun, the smell of cherry blossoms and accompanied by a pleasant Japanese melody.

Congratulations from... Japanese (or Japanese)

Suitable as a congratulation for a wedding, anniversary or birthday. There are two speakers - a translator and a Japanese (a man in a regular suit, preferably dark-haired). Don't forget to bow several times. The translator always listens very carefully and only then answers

If this role is played by a woman, you need to tinker with the costume - tie and wrap fabrics on the robe, make a bow at the back, put on clogs - at least high heels, white makeup with red shadows. The Japanese woman has dark hair gathered into a bun on her head, secured at least with long knitting needles.
Japanese: Dear state positions!
Translator: Dear ladies and gentlemen!
Japanese: Nasa delegate, Honda Japan mother, prime minister.
Translator: Our delegation arrived from the Land of the Rising Sun on behalf of the Prime Minister.

Japanese: It's hard to write satire.
Translator: Our road was very difficult. We flew by plane for a long time.
Japanese: Mitsubishi Toyota San is a pit or a ditch.
Translator: Then we drove for a long time in a foreign car called “Zaporozhets”.
Japanese: Dear Kolyan!
Translator: Dear Nikolay!
Japanese: Freebie gunda kisi - misi yahamaha.
Translator: Thank you for the invitation to such a significant event.
Japanese: Prime Minister Murakasi Palakasi.
Translator: The Prime Minister regrets that he could not come in person.
Japanese: Kyurono hawajimi two boor japanese mother.
Translator: But he sent us - two of the best representatives of the Japanese people.
Japanese: Shikenawa ikebana shuka sex.
Translator: There are so many smiles, joy and love here!
Japanese: Baba - san is thin - plump.
Translator: There are so many beautiful and slender girls here!
Japanese: Suzuki kimonota crappy Japanese bitches.
Translator: Unfortunately, our Japanese women are not so beautiful and charming.
Japanese: Nasa japona kobelina macaques are stupid.
Translator: And men cannot compare with your Russian heroes.
Japanese: Shuki juices mimindo fuck wasi fashion quasi fashion hemurovata moonshine.
Translator: How cheerful Russian men are, especially if they drink a glass of champagne or martini.
Japanese: Hitachi shuki tena, rodaki mani dali.
Translator: How richly the table is set. Apparently you are rich and take good care of your earnings.
Japanese: Aren't you a bad Japanese mother?
Translator: Have you ever been to Japan?
Japanese: Hiro is your Japanese mother.
Translator: We invite you to visit our homeland.
Japanese: Desya hamond sun prime minister take out su him japan mother.
Translator: On behalf of the Japanese people and their Prime Minister, we thank you for the invitation and look forward to a generous meal.
Japanese: Quasimode amori pavori cherubim suka sex.
Translator: We wish you a lot of happiness and love!
Japanese: Thank you, my chest of drawers!
Translator: Thank you!

Japanese proverbs.

To rework this text for the hero of the day, they may be useful to you.

1. If a problem can be solved, then there is no need to worry about it; if it cannot be solved, then there is no use worrying about it.

2. Having thought, make up your mind, but having decided, don’t think.

3. Do not detain the one leaving, do not drive away the one who has arrived.

4. Fast is slow, but without interruptions.

5. It is better to be the enemy of a good person than the friend of a bad one.

6. There are no great people without ordinary people.

7. Anyone who really wants to go upstairs will invent a ladder.

8. A husband and wife should be like a hand and eyes: when the hand hurts, the eyes cry, and when the eyes cry, the hands wipe away the tears.

9. The sun does not know what is right. The sun knows no wrong. The sun shines without the purpose of warming anyone. He who finds himself is like the sun.

10. The sea is big because it doesn’t disdain small rivers.

11. And a long journey begins with a close one.

12. He who drinks does not know about the dangers of wine; whoever does not drink does not know about its benefits.

13. Even if you need a sword once in your life, you should always wear it.

14. Beautiful flowers do not bear good fruit.

15. Grief, like a torn dress, should be left at home.

16. When there is love, smallpox ulcers are as beautiful as dimples on the cheeks.

17. No one trips while lying in bed.

18. One kind word can warm three winter months.

19. Give way to fools and crazy people.

20. When you draw a branch, you need to hear the breath of the wind.

21. Check seven times before you doubt a person.

22. Do everything you can, and leave the rest to fate.

23. Excessive honesty borders on stupidity.

24. Happiness comes to a house where there is laughter.

25. Victory goes to the one who endures half an hour more than his opponent.

26. It happens that a leaf sinks, but a stone floats.

27. No arrow is shot into a smiling face.

28. Cold tea and cold rice are tolerable, but a cold look and a cold word are unbearable.

29. At ten years old - a miracle, at twenty - a genius, and after thirty - an ordinary person.

30. If a woman wants to, she will pass through the rock.

31. Asking is a shame for a minute, but not knowing is a shame for a lifetime.

32. A perfect vase has never left the hands of a bad master.

33. Don’t be afraid to bend a little, you’ll straighten up straighter.

34. Deep rivers flow silently.

35. If you set off on a journey of your own free will, then a thousand ri seems like one.

To compose your text, you may also need “Jokes about the Japanese,” which are located at this address:

Organizing a birthday party at home, without resorting to the help of animators, is quite labor-intensive and difficult work. Where to start preparing? The main thing is to come up with a theme, and then everything comes together like a puzzle, piece by piece.

My daughter’s birthday was approaching, and I still didn’t have a clear idea about the upcoming holiday. This year is my daughter’s 10th birthday, and we decided to celebrate it at home. We started with invitations, which I decided to make myself, after consulting with our craftswomen. There was very little time left to do everything about everything - only one week. I want to warn you right away - never leave so little time for preparation, it should start as early as possible - well, at least a month before the event. Especially if you, like us, will celebrate your birthday twice - first with relatives, then with the child’s friends.

It took 2 whole days to implement the idea, as a result of which 15 original invitations were born.

Next, I simultaneously compiled the program and menu. Of course, not everything planned was realized; there simply wasn’t enough time, because on that day I had to play the roles of both photographer and presenter; and receive guests, and feed, and see that the house is not destroyed.

So, in order. I decided to include both games and practical exercises in the program.

1. Quiz. The task is to answer the question correctly. 2 captains take turns choosing their teams. While competing, they receive points (so as not to lose count), and at the end of the game, we use them to determine the winning team. The team with fewer answers receives consolation prizes - there are no losers at the festival.

2. Master class on fans with a tassel. For this you needed: colored paper, scissors, cardboard figures, thread and a stapler.

3. Surprise prize. A book with a bookmark is a prize for which you need to “compete” - guess which page the bookmark is on. If the game drags on, we give hints - how many pages are in the book (1-100), reduce the interval (for example, from 10 to 90), etc.

4. Game for attention. Very simple. The conditions are as follows: children must sit still without getting up, and the leader asks questions. For example: who noticed where the birthday girl is depicted with a monkey, what color the birthday girl’s room is, where the box with soft toys is located, what hangs on the wall above the bed... etc.

5. Origami - made a ladybug. You need sheets of white paper, markers, scissors. In the process, the ladybug was placed on a leaf, cut out and painted, glued or stapled.

7. Disco - well, what would we do without it? It’s important to choose music here, since just a radio won’t do. It’s good to ask in advance what music is in the top and make an appropriate selection. And then it’s simple - color music, disc and forward.

Table. In order to somehow maintain the Japanese style, I decided to serve something from seafood and sushi (although this is not exactly a Japanese dish, it was in Japan that it gained recognition). It was also important to decorate the table, since the Japanese, as they say, “eat with their eyes,” - they love to decorate dishes.


Breaded shrimp.
Breaded crab claws.
Eclairs with crab curd salad.
Baskets with cheese salad and shrimp on top.
Boiled cauliflower with garlic-lemon sauce.
Meat rolls with cheese salad.
Vegetable skewers: option 1 - grilled champignons, cheese, cherry tomato; Option 2 - pickled cherry tomatoes, cucumber, olive, champignons.
Rice leaf envelopes with fried small pieces of chicken, arugula lettuce, avocado, paprika with sweet and sour sauce.
Mini sandwiches with smoked sausage and cucumber.
Mozzarella, tomato in basil sauce.
Plata with cheese, olives and grapes.
Fruit skewers.

Throughout the preparatory week, my daughter was intrigued - what would happen in the end?! When I consulted with her, I was sincerely happy with my ideas, helped, my eyes lit up even from sketches of invitations... At such moments you forget about fatigue, because for the sake of this light in children's eyes everything is done. At some moments, I did not allow my daughter to prepare, so that something would remain a surprise for her. Now I can say with confidence that any girl will definitely like this birthday. The guests, leaving, thanked us for the holiday and said that they really liked everything. After the weekend, at school, the girls from the class once again thanked their daughter for the holiday and the invitation.

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There are 2 options to prepare dishes according to the theme of the evening:

  1. Order everything you need with home delivery. There are no problems with this; you just need to set the table correctly.
  2. Prepare all meals yourself. We will dwell on this option in more detail.

It is much easier to organize a Japanese-style dinner for two than for 10 or more people. You can set a table for 2, 4 or even 6 people with your own hands. For a larger group, it will be easier to order Japanese food at home.

What you need to have on the table for a Japanese-style holiday:

  • Wooden sticks - hase, for each separately
  • Large main course tray
  • Small bowls for soy sauce and ginger - preferably for each
  • Saucer for mixing wasabi and sauce
  • Salad bowls
  • Cups with lids for rice and soup
  • Large noodle bowls
  • A clay or porcelain jug for sake, small glasses for each person for pouring

Objects can be different in shape: round, rectangular, and square. The Japanese love contrasts, so for those who want to maintain the atmosphere, dark dishes should be placed on a light table, and light ones on a dark one.

If you decide to cook yourself, then special kits are sold for making sushi; they contain everything you need: a sushi mat, nori sheets, rice vinegar, rice, ginger, wasabi. The boxes also contain detailed information on preparation, with all the nuances. You only need to purchase the filling you prefer: cheese, cucumber, salmon, eel, crab meat, shrimp, avocado, etc. One set will be enough for 6 people; for more people you can buy the components separately. You can also additionally prepare miso soup, rice, noodles, salads - the ingredients for these dishes are also sold in the specialized section of any supermarket.

Sample menu in Japanese style for a birthday:

1. Rolls with red fish, shrimp, avocado

To prepare the rolls, cook the rice according to the instructions and season it with vinegar. Nori sheets are cut in half and placed on a bamboo mat with a smooth surface. Next, lay the rice in a thin layer with your hands dipped in water and rice vinegar, slightly short of the edge of the sheet. The filling is laid out: raba, shrimp fried in soy sauce, avocado, cut into 1 cm bars. You can add soft cream cheese or wasabi at your discretion. The rolls are twisted so that the rice is wrapped around the filling, they are not wrapped in a snail, the edge free from rice holds the roll together. Then the mat is used to give the desired shape: a cylinder or a bar. Use a very sharp knife to cut into 4-6 pieces.

2.Funcheza noodles

Thin “glass” noodles are brewed with boiling water and vegetable oil. If the noodles are thicker than 0.5 mm, then they should be boiled for a couple of minutes. The noodles are then washed under running cold water. In a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry sweet peppers and ½ carrots, cut into strips for 2-3 minutes, add boiled shrimp, crushed garlic, a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce. Then add the previously boiled noodles and simmer a little. You can serve garnished with greens.

3. Sashimi salad

To prepare the salad, cut fish consisting of salmon, mackerel, tuna, scallop, and lakerda is used. Sliced ​​vegetables, cucumbers cut into strips, Tobiko flying fish caviar red or orange, greens, Sashimi dressing. Vegetables: cabbage, beets, carrots, after chopping, are washed and left to drain. It is important that they do not color other products and do not release excess juice. All ingredients are mixed carefully, dressing and lettuce are added and placed on separate plates.

4. Sake or plum wine

The dishes are served all at the same time, rice and soup should be hot, the rest should be served cold. The chopsticks are placed on a special tray for each participant, with sharp edges to the left. If you go to a restaurant, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of behavior and eating according to Japanese traditions. At home, everything is simpler and Japanese food can be treated as a new note on the holiday table menu.

If Japanese food is part of a themed party, then you should make sure that every guest is aware of its rules. For example, print out colorful booklets with the rules of etiquette and behavior when eating national food. A large poster “How to use hasi” can be hung in the most prominent place; it will definitely attract a lot of attention.

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Japanese style party scenario

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):