The correct microclimate in apartments and houses is the key good health And wellness every family member. Incorrect climatic conditions in a residential building and each of its rooms separately can lead to serious illnesses. That is why every homeowner needs to know what the indoor air humidity standards are, why an increased or decreased level is dangerous, and how the level can be adjusted.

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    Effect of air humidity

    When assessing the air parameters in a home, many people first of all pay attention to its temperature, completely forgetting about more important parameter- humidity. It is this criterion that creates a feeling of cold, stuffiness or heat, shapes the general condition of the residents of the house, and is responsible for the safety indoor plants and household items, finishing materials, equipment and other interior items.

    The degree of humidity directly depends on the geographical location and regional climate, time of year, and weather outside. In winter this figure decreases significantly, while in summer it increases. To prevent interior items from becoming unusable, you should adhere to indoor air humidity standards.

    How to measure air humidity

    Seasonal normative indicators

    According to GOST standards, permissible humidity indicators are indicated for residential buildings by season or adjusted depending on the purpose of the rooms. IN summer time this parameter can vary between 30−60%, but should not exceed 70%. In the cold season, this figure decreases significantly to 30−45% (maximum permissible value cannot be more than 60%).

    It is worth noting that these humidity standards in residential premises are more relevant for developers and designers whose task is to construct and maintain construction projects. Compliance with the indicators allows them to extend the operational life of buildings.

    Standards for individual premises

    Seasonal standards show that during the cold season the level of humidity in a house or apartment decreases. This trend is due to moisture entering living spaces with street air and which drops to room temperature. Despite this, a person needs normal levels at any time of the year. Either heating season or hot summer.

    If the question arises of what the normal air humidity in an apartment should be, you should adhere to average parameters that do not depend on the time of year or the purpose of the room, which are 40-60%. Individual rooms have their own moisture standards:

    It is worth noting that depending on the situation, indicators may change. For example, in a nursery, when a child is sick with an acute respiratory infection or other infectious disease, viral disease, the humidity in the room should be approximately 70%, while the air temperature cannot exceed 24 o C.

    How to determine air humidity at home? Lesson #4

    Methods for measuring moisture levels

    To find out the humidity level at home, you can use one of four proven methods. The most reliable information is shown by a hygrometer - special device for measuring moisture levels inside rooms. If there is no such device in the house, you can use improvised means, although they give a relative result, which may differ slightly from the real parameters, but they will still be able to show whether it is worth increasing or decreasing the humidity.

    Four ways to measure indoor moisture levels:

    Do-it-yourself air dehumidifier*ECONOMY OPTION*

    Using these simple methods, every homeowner can find out in just a few minutes what humidity should be in the room, based on the results obtained.

    Methods for increasing parameters

    During the heating season, every homeowner has to deal with the problem of drying out the air in an apartment or house. In summer, humidity decreases due to air conditioning. Will help solve this problem special devices, sold in hardware stores, or folk methods of increasing humidity parameters.

    Special devices

    They are in greatest demand among apartment and house owners. The operating principle of such devices is to evaporate water and supply it through a special reservoir into the space, which makes it possible to replenish the lack of moisture in the air. There are three types of similar devices on the market:

    If necessary, the homeowner can purchase a universal steam device, which allows you to turn a simple air humidifier into an inhalation device thanks to the attachments included in the kit.

    Household tricks

    If the apartment owner does not have a special humidifying device, then you can resort to folk methods increasing humidity levels. Such “old-fashioned” methods will help saturate the room with the missing moisture without spending on expensive devices:

    An alternative option could be an aquarium with fish, which is important for rooms with a small square footage. Regardless of the chosen method, do not forget that dry air has a bad effect on human health: it leads to dry mucous membranes, skin, puts unbearable strain on the heart, disrupts digestion and worsens air quality.

    Dehumidifiers for home

    Such devices can be fixed and portable. The productivity of the devices is calculated by the daily use of the amount of liquid and can vary between 12-100 liters. There are only two types of dehumidifiers:

    1. 1. Compressor units, the operating principle of which is to distill moist oxygen through fans. After air enters the unit, it is drawn through the evaporator, and the settling moisture accumulates in a special receiver.
    2. 2. Adsorption, which are often called. The stationary device is characterized by low power consumption and noiselessness. Inside the device there is an adsorbent that absorbs wet air. When buying such a device, you should take into account the additional expenses that will be required to replace the cartridges.

    The use of air dehumidifiers is also important in winter; they are installed in rooms where there is no heating. The advantage of the devices is automatic shutdown when the maximum amount of liquid accumulates in the receiver.

    Traditional methods

    Many homeowners, in order to reduce the level of air humidity, install in their apartments oil radiators or multifunctional air conditioners with built-in moisture control function. Despite this, there are cheaper, proven methods of air drying. For example, ventilation sunlight or installing a hood in unventilated areas, lighting candles.

    You should not be negligent about the air humidity levels in an apartment or house; they must comply with GOST standards. Otherwise, high rates may lead to chronic diseases respiratory organs, unpleasant odors, constant irritability and fatigue, dampness of things and so on. A healthy microclimate that meets the standards has a positive effect on the well-being of household members and extends the service life of equipment, furniture, and interior items.

Maintaining a normal microclimate inside an apartment is the key to the health of all its residents. There is a certain norm of air humidity in the apartment, which, if violated, will have a bad effect on well-being. Therefore, it is very important to maintain normal humidity in your apartment by removing excess moisture in the air. About what it is normal indicator and how to change it is described in this article.

What air humidity should be in the apartment?

The exact answer is indicated in the state standard number 30494-2011. It regulates the characteristics of the microclimate inside the room. In accordance with the presented normative document, permissible norm air humidity in any apartment should be maintained at a level of 30 to 60 percent summer period and 30 to 45 percent in winter. At the same time, for winter time the limit is 60%, and in summer it should not exceed 65 percent.

It should be noted here that the values ​​​​given in the state standard are aimed primarily at designers and maintenance personnel, and not at the residents themselves. This is noticeable if only by the fact that for the winter the percentage decreases compared to summer season. The thing is that in cold weather the air temperature is much lower, which affects the level of relative humidity when heating inside the apartment. Design and maintenance of buildings maintaining the “summer” norm in winter period– these are quite complex tasks. On the other hand, air humidity must be brought to such a level that residents do not experience health problems.

Important! According to physiologists, regardless of the period, the optimal percentage of humidity should be maintained at a level of 40 to 60 percent.

If the air humidity in the room is at the level of 30 percent, many feel it is “dry”, which can provoke Negative consequences for the body. This is clearly not enough for wide range plants that are grown on windowsills - in such an environment they quickly wither and then dry out completely. For our latitudes, the optimal indicator for indoor flowers is from 40 to 70 percent. Accordingly, it should be wet, but within reasonable limits.

Standards for individual premises

Judging by the figures given above, we can draw the following conclusion - with the onset winter cold the air dries out. Optimal rate humidity in a living space must be maintained in all rooms, regardless of how much time people spend in them.

  1. Children's room. In a children's room, little residents freeze or overheat faster. Due to insufficiently developed immunity, it is more difficult for them to tolerate various kinds diseases. Therefore, it is necessary to create a healthy microclimate for the child. The ingress of dry air negatively affects the nasopharyngeal mucosa, because it gradually loses its moisture supply. Ultimately, this leads to cough, bronchitis, and runny nose. Dry air is a source increased danger for newborn children. It's simple - the skin suffers from a lack of moisture, which first provokes peeling and then leads to atopic dermatitis. The optimal rate is from 50 to 60 percent.
  2. Bathroom and kitchen. As you know, the kitchen, bathroom and toilet are places where real indicators exceed all acceptable limits. Showering, bathing, or cooking increases the humidity and temperature significantly. The solution to the problem is to install a high-quality ventilation system. If the hood’s power is insufficient, it is necessary to additionally equip it with another fan, simultaneously ventilating the rooms with greater intensity. It is recommended to ensure that it is saturated with relative humidity - for example, 50-60 percent.
  3. Living room. This room is the most spacious and largest. Family members spend the most time here. A comfortable indicator is equivalent to the bathroom, kitchen and toilet - from 40 to 50 percent. In such a microclimate they feel good and indoor flowers, pets, fully functioning household appliances and furniture.
  4. Greenhouse. If the area of ​​the apartment is sufficient for arrangement winter garden, do not forget that comfortable temperature regime and quality lighting are far from the only factors that need to be paid attention to more attention. The optimal dose of moisture for plants varies from 50 to 70 percent, based on the type of flowers and their origin.
  5. Study. For your own library or workspace, the recommended amount is 30 to 40 percent. When it increases, books will quickly deteriorate, ink on documents will begin to “float” inside the plastic file, and equipment will begin to rust and oxidize faster. As a rule, the microclimate in rooms intended for work is characterized by dry air, so it is recommended, if possible, to increase the indicators.
  6. Pharmacy. In accordance with technical requirements, the permissible humidity level in a pharmacy according to a hygrometer varies from 40 to 60 percent. At this level, all drugs inside will be stored correctly. Three orders issued by the Ministry of Health regulate the level of humidity in a pharmacy.

Optimal humidity according to GOST

Acceptable rules and requirements sanitary standards Air humidity is regulated by Sanpin. Below are the indoor air humidity standards according to Sanpin, depending on the type of room.

  1. Bedroom. At temperatures up to 20° degrees, the indicator should not exceed 55 percent and not be lower than 40.
  2. Children's room. Many people wonder what humidity should be in a child’s room. The answer is: from 50 to 60 percent, while permissible temperature should not be more than 24° degrees.
  3. Living room. In terms of temperature indicators, you should focus on the nursery, but the humidity should be a maximum of 50 percent.
  4. Bathroom. It is for this room that the minimum temperature level is set at 21° degrees, the maximum is 2° more. The size is the same as in the living room. The indicators are considered optimal if there is an additional ventilation system inside.
  5. Kitchen. To maintain a healthy microclimate, it is also necessary to equip the air ducts with a ventilation and air conditioning system. Level – from 40 to 50 percent.
  6. Toilet. The values ​​are identical to the hallway - both rooms should have a value between 40 and 45 percent.
  7. Study. Given the availability large quantities paper products - folders, documents, books, brochures and so on, the recommended humidity during the warm period should be slightly lower - from 30 to 40 percent. By the way, the study is a room with a minimum humidity level in general.

Important! Sanpin also indicates what the humidity in the apartment should be in winter. Generally speaking, we can conclude that it is necessary to increase humidity due to the frequent entry of cold air inside (opening windows, doors, uncovered ventilation ducts, and so on).

Consequences of exceeding humidity standards

Always be aware of the danger high humidity. To prevent it from harming human health, it is necessary to check the permissible value from time to time. Failure to comply with this requirement leads to a number of negative consequences.

  • The frequency and complexity of respiratory diseases is increasing. Residents of an apartment will more often suffer from a runny nose, allergies, and high fever. What's worse is asthma and bronchitis.
  • Comfortable living becomes impossible - people begin to notice stuffiness or dampness inside the premises.
  • “Freshness” disappears – harmful bacteria and microorganisms begin to multiply more and more intensively. They can cause serious illness, so it is strongly recommended to keep levels within acceptable limits.
  • Washed laundry will take much longer to dry.
  • Houseplants inside the apartment will begin to rot.

And this is far from full list troubles that the owner may encounter. For example, due to too high humidity, mold begins to appear on the walls and ceiling. Wooden crafts lose their original strength.

How to measure air humidity?

The current indicator can be determined using available tools or a device for measuring humidity. Let's consider both options.

How to reduce air humidity?

It is possible that the air inside the room is too humid. There are several reasons - a pond near the apartment, a dilapidated roof, or living near a basement. The most reliable way is to do repair work using waterproofing materials. You don’t always have to resort to drastic methods - there are alternative ways normalization of the air condition in the room. The most effective is the use of dehumidifiers. They are divided into two categories - adsorption and compressor types.

You can also get by traditional methods, especially when the help of special devices is not enough. For example, frequent ventilation, saturation of the room sunlight, cleaning the ventilation duct in the kitchen and bathroom.

In general, the humidity in the room should always be maintained at an adequate level. Otherwise, health problems or failure may occur. household appliances, damage to paper products, development of pathogens. The choice in favor of one method or another is made depending on the personal preferences of the home owner.

In conclusion, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the video material

The level of humidity plays an important role in ensuring comfort in the apartment. Thus, high humidity promotes the development of potentially pathogenic organisms and mold, which can pollute the air with toxins. And low levels can cause irritation of the mucous membranes of the nose, throat and dry skin. What air humidity is considered normal in an apartment?

A relative humidity of 70% means that the air contains 70% of the water vapor it can absorb at that temperature. Thus, your comfort directly depends on the delicate balance between temperature and air humidity percentage.

At 60% relative humidity, moisture discomfort will be felt more at 30°C than at 20°C. This is because air at 30°C is saturated with moisture faster, that is, it can contain more water vapor than at a temperature of 20°C and the same humidity level. Therefore, a person will experience greater discomfort from humidity at 30°C. Conversely, a humid day will feel warmer than one with higher temperatures but drier air.

Read also:

IN general case relative humidity 30 to 70% covers all recommended ranges. In a medical environment, normal humidity in an apartment is considered to be between 40 and 60%. Very low moisture content in indoor air can cause respiratory complications. Thus, relative humidity below 30% is too uncomfortable for living.

Permissible indoor moisture concentration in winter

High humidity in the apartment winter time year may cause an increase in heating costs, since it will be necessary to further heat the water contained in the form of moisture in the indoor air. Moisture creates a feeling of cold, which stimulates an excessive increase in air temperature. Too much humidity can also cause health problems, including respiratory problems in children and older adults, who are most at risk.

When humidity levels are low, we will experience dry skin, chapped lips, irritated throat and nose, and difficulty breathing. In this regard, the recommended relative humidity to prevent the formation of condensation on windows in winter is from 30% to 50% average temperature indoor air from 18 to 24°C:

  • on colder days - 30%;
  • on warm days - 50%.

IN summer months The relative humidity level should be no more than 50% if indoors constant temperature from 22 to 25°C. IN ideal The humidity level in an apartment or house in summer should fluctuate around 45%. Anything below 30% is too dry air, above 50% is very humid.

As noted above, when humidity is low, you will feel the air colder. This occurs due to the evaporation of moisture from the surface of the skin, which provides a cooling effect.

How to quickly and easily measure humidity levels?

Condensation on the windows, things in the closets have become somehow damp, mold has appeared in the corners or on the walls of the house or apartment... Every time you pay attention to such changes in the house, this indicates that your living space has too much moisture .

To check whether the air in your home is too humid, you will need simple items that are found in every home. This test can be done in any room except the kitchen, since if you have just cooked the food, the results may not be as accurate:

  1. Take a glass, put three ice cubes in it, fill it with water and stir.
  2. After this, leave the glass on the table and wait for a total of three minutes, and then check if there is condensation on the outside glass
  3. If not, then the air in your home is too dry and you need to purchase a special humidifier.

A better and more accurate way to measure humidity is to use a special hygrometer. There are quite a few options for hygrometers on the market, ranging in different price ranges. Cheaper models are mechanical. They respond to changes in humidity more slowly than digital models. The most advanced of them are automatic; they detect air humidity and make recommendations for optimizing the operation of your air conditioner to avoid discomfort in the apartment.

What to do if the indicators are higher or lower than normal?

Here are the main reasons why we should maintain an optimal level of humidity in our home:

  • the number of bacteria and viruses is significantly reduced;
  • the risk of allergies caused by dust mites and other pathogenic organisms is reduced;
  • we get rid of mold and mildew and reduce the content of toxins in the air;
  • creating a more pleasant atmosphere;
  • we reduce heating costs;
  • we get rid of the threat of damage to the house and furniture;
  • We care about the health of our children.

note that optimal humidity air in an apartment for a child is in the range of 50-70% at an air temperature of 18-19°C.

If the air in your home is too dry, there are three standard way fix this problem:

  1. Evaporation. Place a container of water on the surface or next to the radiator.
  2. Portable humidifier.
  3. The best and most expensive way is a controlled humidity system for the whole house.

If you have problems with excess moisture, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure your home is well ventilated, there is sufficient air circulation and heat is distributed evenly.
  2. Use exhaust fans while cooking and bathing.
  3. Reduce the number of houseplants.
  4. Keep bathroom and kitchen doors closed.
  5. Install a portable dehumidifier.
  6. Insulate the walls of your home.

IN Lately there is often talk about air humidity in the apartment, normal which ranges from 30% to 60%. Perhaps this is a publicity stunt for humidifier sellers. However, this indicator really affects your well-being. Personally, I thought about this after watching Dr. Komarovsky’s program about children’s immunity.

However, keeping it at these levels is not so easy. In winter, the air is dried out due to centralized heating; in summer, the humidity is often increased. How to measure the air humidity in an apartment and bring it to normal?

First, let's find out what is redundant or insufficient humidity harmful to humans. Why, actually bring it back to normal?

Our well-being directly depends on the level of humidity. Excessively dry air dries out our mucous membranes (eyes, respiratory tract, nasopharynx) and can lead to decreased immunity, fatigue, and deterioration of skin condition. And just to discomfort. Excessive humidity is quite capable of causing diseases such as asthma, allergies, and rhinitis.

Children are especially sensitive to changes in humidity. That is why the level of humidity in the children's room must be treated most carefully.

And the room itself “suffers” from a lack or excess of moisture in the air. So, in dry air they very quickly lose their appearance parquet, furniture, etc. wooden surfaces. Cracks may appear and objects may “shrink out.”

Excessive humidity is even more detrimental to your apartment, because it can cause mold and mildew to appear on the walls and especially in corners where air movement is minimal. Food products also deteriorate quickly when exposed to moisture.

Air humidity in the apartment: how to achieve the norm

So, the standard level of air humidity in an apartment, as we have already written, is 30-60%, while the average level - 45% - is the most optimal. The humidity level depends on the moisture concentration outside the room. In winter, this difference is significant due to the heating operation. To measure humidity, use a good old hygrometer (personally, I still have one from my grandparents - 3 in 1: thermometer, hygrometer and barometer).

How to increase air humidity in an apartment

  • The easiest way to bring the air humidity in your home back to normal is to use a household humidifier.

Don't discount the height of your room's ceiling when purchasing a humidifier. For example, we have a very high ceiling in the nursery (it is in the nursery that we use a humidifier), so the humidifier can barely cope with maintaining the humidity level. It would be necessary to buy a more powerful one.

  • Increase the number of indoor plants. Firstly, they themselves have a positive effect on the air humidity in the apartment (albeit slightly), and secondly, they will become a kind of hygrometer: if the leaves wrinkle and dry out, this is a sign of a lack of moisture in your apartment.
  • If you are not a fan of indoor flowers, start an aquarium. Just remember to regularly add evaporating water.
  • Everyone knows that it is necessary to ventilate the room not only in summer, but also in winter. There's nothing better fresh air. However, at the same time, oddly enough, the air humidity in the apartment decreases, since cold air has low humidity. Therefore, when ventilating your apartment in winter, do not neglect the tips for humidifying the air in the apartment.

To prevent the house from cooling down, it is better not to leave the window open for a long time, but rather, open the window wide for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the air will have time to renew itself, and heat loss will be reduced to a minimum.

Don't forget that those working Appliances(TV, computer, iron, etc.) dehumidify the air in the room. To bring air humidity back to normal, try to ventilate these rooms more often or install a humidifier in them.

You can buy an air humidifier at a hardware store, but personally I think it’s easier to do it in an online store. Firstly, it is often significantly cheaper, and secondly, the selection of humidifiers here is simply huge, in contrast to the assortment of a regular store (2-4 models). Well, for example, on the website of a popular online hypermarket there is a page with ultrasonic humidifiers air. Moreover, here each model is presented in several stores and you can compare prices and choose the most profitable one for yourself.

We bought this one for our nursery. Satisfied:) (My impression of him is in the article ““)

How to reduce air humidity in an apartment

  • Steam builds up after cooking, washing, bathing or showering. Therefore, these rooms need to be ventilated immediately.
  • Drying clothes at home is not advisable. Better do it on outdoors or in a spare room, closing the door and opening the window.
  • To bring the air humidity in the apartment back to normal, in the summer do not curtain the windows in damp rooms, let the sun dry them.
  • By analogy with an air humidifier, there are special moisture absorbers that contain an absorbent substance that absorbs excess moisture out of thin air like a sponge.

And one more important point: operating in the summer not only lowers the air temperature in the room, but also dries the air. Even though it is easy to breathe in an air-conditioned room, this does not mean that the humidity is within normal limits. Therefore, it is advisable to use a humidifier in an air-conditioned room.

« Air humidity in the apartment: normal" especially for the Eco-Life website

Tsugunov Anton Valerievich

Reading time: 5 minutes

It's no secret that each apartment has a special microclimate. This concept can be attributed to temperature conditions, illumination, humidity and many other parameters. All of them have a direct impact on people's quality of life. If any indicators are too high or, conversely, too low, both your own health, and finishing the apartment. Therefore, you definitely need to monitor your home and prevent such situations. Let's find out how the level of humidity in an apartment affects our lives and why it is so important that it is within normal limits.

How does high and low humidity affect humans?

Both high and low humidity have a direct impact on the life and health of the apartment’s inhabitants.

High humidity

Let's consider a situation where the humidity in the apartment is high.

  • If the air is too humid, the body perceives temperature differently. The process of heat transfer is disrupted; at high temperatures the body overheats, at low temperatures it becomes hypothermic.
  • This phenomenon, combined with high temperature indoors is especially dangerous for people suffering from hypertension and cardiovascular diseases: it leads to dehydration and chemical imbalance, blood thickening, high blood pressure and exacerbation of chronic heart and vascular diseases.
  • High humidity negatively affects the physical and mental activity of even a completely healthy person, since fatigue sets in much faster in such conditions.
  • If a person is in a room or apartment with high humidity, he is more susceptible infectious diseases and colds. A long stay in such conditions can contribute to the development of more serious diseases: rheumatism, tuberculosis, etc.
  • High moisture content in the air is dangerous for allergy sufferers. The environment in damp rooms is very favorable for the appearance of powerful allergens, which can lead to truly adverse consequences for the body, not to mention the fact that they spoil the appearance and decoration of the apartment.

In addition to fungus and mold, high humidity promotes the development of various pathogenic microorganisms and insects. It spoils furniture and creates an unpleasant musty smell.

Low humidity in an apartment has the following consequences:

  • Too dry air dehydrates the body and dries out the mucous membranes. Dry nasal mucosa is the cause of frequent colds.
  • The skin becomes dry, inelastic, and metabolism is disrupted.
  • People experience constant nasal congestion and difficulty breathing, which lead to sleep disturbances, anxiety and irritability.
  • Dry air in an apartment contributes to the spread of dust, in which various microorganisms, as well as dust mites, can multiply.
  • The leaves of indoor plants dry out and fall off.
  • Wooden furniture and parquet dry out and become cracked. The same applies to musical instruments made of wood: they are constantly upset and gradually become unusable.

What air humidity is considered optimal?

Both excess and lack of moisture in the air pose a danger to the health and condition of the apartment. What should the ideal humidity be in a living space?

  • In order for a person to be comfortable in a room, the air humidity should be from 30 to 60%.
  • Comfortable humidity air in the apartment during the cold period is about 30–45%.

IN warm time It is not at all difficult to maintain such a level for years. However, in winter, with batteries and other heating devices running, this can be very difficult. At this time of year, the percentage of water in the air sometimes drops to 20%, and sometimes even to 15%, which is completely unacceptable.

Normal air humidity in an apartment is great importance not only for people, but also for various items. For example, for indoor flowers, furniture and books, the optimal figure is 40–60%, for household appliances – 45–60%.

How to measure the humidity level in an apartment?

There are several ways to help determine the humidity level in a room.

Glass of water

This is a less reliable method, but is often used at home. If you don’t want to purchase a special device, you can measure the air humidity level using a container of water.

Pour water into a glass and place it in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time, the water temperature should drop to 3–5 °C. Then place the glass indoors away from heating devices. At first the walls of the container will be foggy, but you need to observe what happens to them after 5 minutes.

  • If they dry out, it means the air in the room is dry.
  • If the glass remains fogged up, the humidity in the room is at the optimal level.
  • Streams flowing down the walls of the glass will help you find out about high humidity in the room.

This method does not require special equipment, but it will not allow you to find out the exact value of water content in the air.

What to do if the humidity is too high?

So, we have learned to determine the degree of indoor air humidity. Let's say you get a result indicating that your room is too high. What will help in this case?

  • Air Dryer. This device will allow you to as soon as possible get rid of humidity in the apartment. The dehumidifier can be portable or stationary.
  • Moisture absorber. It usually takes the form of a tablet made from a special absorbent substance.
  • Hood. Unventilated rooms where moisture constantly accumulates are best equipped with exhaust devices: a ventilation duct, . If the hood in the apartment is not functioning well, it is recommended to install a forced ventilation system.
  • Air conditioner. It will help eliminate excess moisture and maintain its optimal level in the room.
  • Frequent ventilation. The flow of fresh air also helps reduce the water content in the air.

How to increase humidity if the apartment is too dry?

If the air in your apartment is too dry, the situation can be corrected in the following ways.


The easiest way to increase humidity is to install a humidifier in your room. This device is capable of affecting the air in rooms up to 150 square meters. m. The principle of its operation is simple - you need to pour water into a container specially designed for this purpose, which the device will evaporate, saturating dry air with water vapor. There are three types of humidifiers:

  • Traditional (cold type). Have simple design with humidifying cartridges and a fan that drives air through them. Such a device can restore normal humidity air (up to 60%), its disadvantages include noise.
  • Steam. They operate on the principle of an electric kettle: they boil water and release it outside in the form of steam. Advantages: high performance, no Supplies, the ability to work with plain water from the tap. Disadvantages: enough high level noise and power, steam that can burn you (up to 60 degrees).
  • Ultrasonic. Considered the most modern, their work is based on the vibration of a membrane that turns water into cold steam. They operate almost silently and allow you to regulate the humidity level. Some models heat the water, killing germs and bacteria. Disadvantage: high maintenance requirements, use of cartridges that regularly need replacement, or distilled water.

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