Article 1. Goals and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law regulates relations related to the establishment, modification and termination of the trade secret regime in relation to information that has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties.

2. The provisions of this Federal Law apply to information constituting a trade secret, regardless of the type of media on which it is recorded.

3. The provisions of this Federal Law do not apply to information classified in the prescribed manner as a state secret, in respect of which the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets apply.

Article 2. Lost force on October 1, 2014. - Federal Law of March 12, 2014 N 35-FZ.

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) trade secret - a regime of confidentiality of information that allows its owner, under existing or possible circumstances, to increase income, avoid unjustified expenses, maintain a position in the market for goods, works, services or obtain other commercial benefits;

2) information constituting a trade secret - information of any nature (production, technical, economic, organizational and others), including the results of intellectual activity in the scientific and technical field, as well as information about methods of carrying out professional activities that have valid or potential commercial value due to their unknownness to third parties, to which third parties do not have free access legally and in respect of which the owner of such information has introduced a trade secret regime;

4) owner of information constituting a trade secret - a person who possesses information constituting a trade secret on a legal basis, has limited access to this information and has established a trade secret regime in relation to it;

5) access to information constituting a trade secret - familiarization of certain persons with information constituting a trade secret, with the consent of its owner or on another legal basis, subject to maintaining the confidentiality of this information;

6) transfer of information constituting a trade secret - transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to the counterparty on the basis of an agreement to the extent and on the terms provided for by the agreement, including the condition that the counterparty takes measures established by the agreement to protect its confidentiality ;

7) counterparty - a party to a civil contract to whom the owner of information constituting a trade secret transferred this information;

8) provision of information constituting a trade secret - transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to government bodies, other government bodies, local government bodies in order to perform their functions;

9) disclosure of information constituting a trade secret - an action or inaction as a result of which information constituting a trade secret in any possible form (oral, written, other form, including using technical means) becomes known to third parties without the consent of the owner such information or contrary to an employment or civil law contract.

Article 4. The right to classify information as information constituting a commercial secret, and methods of obtaining such information

1. The right to classify information as information constituting a trade secret and to determine the list and composition of such information belongs to the owner of such information, taking into account the provisions of this Federal Law.

3. Information constituting a trade secret received from its owner on the basis of a contract or other legal basis is considered to have been obtained in a legal manner.

4. Information constituting a trade secret, the owner of which is another person, is considered to have been obtained illegally if its receipt was carried out with deliberate overcoming of the measures taken by the owner of the information constituting a trade secret to protect the confidentiality of this information, and also if the person receiving this information knew or had there are sufficient grounds to believe that this information constitutes a trade secret owned by another person, and that the person transmitting this information does not have a legal basis for transmitting this information.

Article 5. Information that cannot constitute a commercial secret

A trade secret regime cannot be established by persons engaged in business activities in relation to the following information:

3) on the composition of the property of a state or municipal unitary enterprise, state institution and on their use of funds from the relevant budgets;

4) about environmental pollution, the state of fire safety, the sanitary-epidemiological and radiation situation, food safety and other factors that have a negative impact on ensuring the safe operation of production facilities, the safety of each citizen and the safety of the population as a whole;

5) on the number, composition of employees, the remuneration system, working conditions, including labor protection, indicators of occupational injuries and occupational morbidity, and the availability of vacant jobs;

6) about the debt of employers for payment of wages and social benefits;

7) about violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and facts of prosecution for committing these violations;

8) on the conditions of competitions or auctions for the privatization of state or municipal property;

9) on the size and structure of income of non-profit organizations, on the size and composition of their property, on their expenses, on the number and remuneration of their employees, on the use of gratuitous labor of citizens in the activities of a non-profit organization;

10) on the list of persons who have the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity;

11) the mandatory disclosure of which or the inadmissibility of restricting access to which is established by other federal laws.

Article 6. Provision of information constituting a commercial secret

1. The owner of information constituting a trade secret, at the motivated request of a state authority, other state body, or local government body, provides them with information constituting a trade secret free of charge. A reasoned request must be signed by an authorized official, contain an indication of the purpose and legal basis for requesting information constituting a trade secret, and the deadline for providing this information, unless otherwise established by federal laws.

2. If the owner of information constituting a trade secret refuses to provide it to a government body, another state body, or local government body, these bodies have the right to request this information in court.

3. The owner of information constituting a commercial secret, as well as state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies that received such information in accordance with Part 1 of this article, are obliged to provide this information at the request of the courts, preliminary investigation bodies, and investigative bodies in cases , being in their proceedings, in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Documents provided to the bodies specified in parts 1 and 3 of this article and containing information constituting a trade secret must be stamped “Trade secret” indicating its owner (for legal entities - full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic of a citizen who is an individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

Article 6.1. Rights of the owner of information constituting a trade secret

1. The rights of the owner of information constituting a trade secret arise from the moment he establishes a trade secret regime in relation to this information in accordance with Article 10 of this Federal Law.

2. The owner of information constituting a commercial secret has the right:

1) establish, change, cancel in writing the trade secret regime in accordance with this Federal Law and a civil law agreement;

2) use information constituting a trade secret for one’s own needs in a manner that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) permit or prohibit access to information constituting a trade secret, determine the procedure and conditions for access to this information;

4) demand from legal entities, individuals who have gained access to information constituting a trade secret, government bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies that have been provided with information constituting a trade secret, to comply with obligations to protect its confidentiality;

5) require persons who have gained access to information constituting a trade secret as a result of actions committed by accident or mistake to protect the confidentiality of this information;

6) protect, in accordance with the procedure established by law, his rights in the event of disclosure, illegal receipt or illegal use by third parties of information constituting a trade secret, including demanding compensation for losses caused in connection with the violation of his rights.

Articles 7 - 9. Lost force on January 1, 2008. - Federal Law of December 18, 2006 N 231-FZ.

Article 10. Protection of confidentiality of information

1. Measures to protect the confidentiality of information taken by its owner must include:

1) determination of the list of information constituting a trade secret;

2) restricting access to information constituting a trade secret by establishing a procedure for handling this information and monitoring compliance with such a procedure;

3) accounting of persons who received access to information constituting a trade secret and (or) persons to whom such information was provided or transferred;

4) regulation of relations regarding the use of information constituting a trade secret by employees on the basis of employment contracts and contractors on the basis of civil law contracts;

5) affixing on tangible media containing information constituting a trade secret, or including in the details of documents containing such information, the stamp “Trade secret” indicating the owner of such information (for legal entities - full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic of a citizen who is an individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

2. The trade secret regime is considered established after the owner of information constituting a trade secret takes the measures specified in part 1 of this article.

3. An individual entrepreneur who is the owner of information constituting a trade secret and does not have employees with whom employment contracts have been concluded, takes measures to protect the confidentiality of information specified in part 1 of this article, with the exception of paragraphs 1 and 2, as well as the provisions of paragraph 4 relating to the regulation of labor relations.

4. Along with the measures specified in Part 1 of this article, the owner of information constituting a trade secret has the right to use, if necessary, means and methods of technical protection of the confidentiality of this information, and other measures that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Measures to protect the confidentiality of information are considered reasonably sufficient if:

1) access to information constituting a trade secret by any persons without the consent of its owner is excluded;

2) the possibility of using information constituting a trade secret by employees and transferring it to contractors without violating the trade secret regime is ensured.

6. The trade secret regime cannot be used for purposes that contradict the requirements of protecting the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and state security.

Article 11. Protection of confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret within the framework of labor relations

1. In order to protect the confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret, the employer is obliged to:

1) familiarize, against signature, the employee whose access to this information, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties, is necessary for the employee to perform his job duties, with a list of information constituting a trade secret;

2) familiarize the employee, against signature, with the trade secret regime established by the employer and with the penalties for violating it;

3) create the necessary conditions for the employee to comply with the trade secret regime established by the employer.

2. An employee’s access to information constituting a trade secret is carried out with his consent, unless this is provided for by his job duties.

3. In order to protect the confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret, the employee is obliged to:

1) comply with the trade secret regime established by the employer;

2) not to disclose this information, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties, and without their consent not to use this information for personal purposes during the entire period of validity of the trade secret regime, including after termination of the employment contract;

3) compensate for losses caused to the employer if the employee is guilty of disclosing information that constitutes a trade secret and became known to him in connection with the performance of his job duties;

4) transfer to the employer, upon termination or termination of the employment contract, material media available for the employee’s use and containing information constituting a trade secret.

4. The employer has the right to demand compensation for losses caused to him by the disclosure of information constituting a trade secret from a person who gained access to this information in connection with the performance of labor duties, but terminated his employment relationship with the employer, if this information was disclosed during the period of validity of the trade secret regime .

5. Losses caused by an employee or a person who has terminated an employment relationship with an employer are not compensated if the disclosure of information constituting a trade secret occurred as a result of the employer’s failure to comply with measures to ensure the trade secret regime, actions of third parties or force majeure.

6. The employment contract with the head of the organization must provide for his responsibilities to ensure the protection of the confidentiality of information constituting a trade secret, owned by the organization and its counterparties, and responsibility for ensuring the protection of the confidentiality of this information.

7. The head of the organization compensates the organization for losses caused by his guilty actions in connection with the violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets. In this case, losses are determined in accordance with civil law.

8. An employee has the right to appeal in court the illegal establishment of a trade secret regime in relation to information to which he received access in connection with the performance of his job duties.

Article 12. Lost force on January 1, 2008. - Federal Law of December 18, 2006 N 231-FZ.

Article 13. Protection of confidentiality of information when provided

1. State authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws, are obliged to create conditions that ensure the protection of the confidentiality of information provided to them by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

2. Officials of state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, state or municipal employees of these bodies, without the consent of the owner of information constituting a trade secret, do not have the right to disclose or transfer to other persons, state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies information that has become known to them due to the performance of official (official) duties and that constitutes a trade secret, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law, and also does not have the right to use this information for personal gain or other personal purposes.

3. In case of violation of confidentiality of information by officials of state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, state and municipal employees of these bodies, these persons are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 14. Liability for violation of this Federal Law

1. Violation of this Federal Law entails disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. An employee who, in connection with the performance of his job duties, has gained access to information constituting a trade secret, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties, in the event of intentional or careless disclosure of this information in the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of such an employee, bears disciplinary liability in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. State authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies that have gained access to information constituting a commercial secret bear civil liability before the owner of the information constituting a commercial secret for the disclosure or illegal use of this information by their officials, state or municipal employees of the specified bodies, to whom it became known in connection with the performance of their official (official) duties.

4. A person who used information constituting a trade secret and did not have sufficient grounds to consider the use of this information illegal, including gaining access to it as a result of accident or error, cannot be held accountable in accordance with this Federal Law.

5. At the request of the owner of information constituting a trade secret, the person specified in part 4 of this article is obliged to take measures to protect the confidentiality of information. If such a person refuses to take these measures, the owner of information constituting a trade secret has the right to demand protection of his rights in court.

Article 15. Responsibility for failure to provide state authorities, other state bodies, and local government bodies with information constituting a trade secret

Failure by the owner of information constituting a trade secret to comply with the legal requirements of state authorities, other state bodies, local governments to provide them with information constituting a trade secret, as well as preventing officials of these bodies from obtaining this information entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation .

Article 16. Transitional provisions

Labels applied before the entry into force of this Federal Law on tangible media and indicating the content of information constituting a trade secret in them remain valid provided that measures to protect the confidentiality of this information are brought into compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Russian Federation

Article 1. Objectives and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law regulates relations related to the classification of information as a trade secret, the transfer of such information, and the protection of its confidentiality in order to ensure a balance of interests of holders of information constituting a trade secret and other participants in regulated relations, including the state, in the goods market, works, services and prevention of unfair competition, and also determines information that cannot constitute a commercial secret.

2. The provisions of this Federal Law apply to information constituting a trade secret, regardless of the type of media on which it is recorded.

3. The provisions of this Federal Law do not apply to information classified in the prescribed manner as a state secret, in respect of which the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets apply.

Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets

The legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets consists of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, and other federal laws.

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) trade secret - confidentiality of information that allows its owner, under existing or possible circumstances, to increase income, avoid unjustified expenses, maintain a position in the market for goods, works, services or obtain other commercial benefits;

2) information constituting a trade secret - scientific, technical, technological, production, financial, economic or other information (including those constituting production secrets (know-how), which has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis and in respect of which the owner of such information has introduced a trade secret regime;

3) trade secret regime - legal, organizational, technical and other measures taken by the owner of information constituting a trade secret to protect its confidentiality;

4) owner of information constituting a trade secret - a person who possesses information constituting a trade secret on a legal basis, has limited access to this information and has established a trade secret regime in relation to it;

5) access to information constituting a trade secret - familiarization of certain persons with information constituting a trade secret, with the consent of its owner or on another legal basis, subject to maintaining the confidentiality of this information;

6) transfer of information constituting a trade secret - transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to the counterparty on the basis of an agreement to the extent and on the terms provided for by the agreement, including the condition that the counterparty takes measures established by the agreement to protect its confidentiality ;

7) counterparty - a party to a civil contract to whom the owner of information constituting a trade secret transferred this information;

8) provision of information constituting a trade secret - transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to government bodies, other government bodies, local government bodies in order to perform their functions;

9) disclosure of information constituting a trade secret - an action or inaction as a result of which information constituting a trade secret in any possible form (oral, written, other form, including using technical means) becomes known to third parties without the consent of the owner such information or contrary to an employment or civil law contract.

Article 4. The right to classify information as information constituting a commercial secret, and methods of obtaining such information

1. The right to classify information as information constituting a trade secret and to determine the list and composition of such information belongs to the owner of such information, taking into account the provisions of this Federal Law.

2. Information independently obtained by a person while carrying out research, systematic observations or other activities is considered to have been obtained in a legal way, despite the fact that the content of this information may coincide with the content of information constituting a trade secret owned by another person.

3. Information constituting a trade secret received from its owner on the basis of a contract or other legal basis is considered to have been obtained in a legal manner.

4. Information constituting a trade secret, the owner of which is another person, is considered to have been obtained illegally if its receipt was carried out with deliberate overcoming of the measures taken by the owner of the information constituting a trade secret to protect the confidentiality of this information, and also if the person receiving this information knew or had there are sufficient grounds to believe that this information constitutes a trade secret owned by another person, and that the person transmitting this information does not have a legal basis for transmitting this information.

Article 5. Information that cannot constitute a trade secret

A trade secret regime cannot be established by persons engaged in business activities in relation to the following information:

3) on the composition of the property of a state or municipal unitary enterprise, state institution and on their use of funds from the relevant budgets;

4) about environmental pollution, the state of fire safety, the sanitary-epidemiological and radiation situation, food safety and other factors that have a negative impact on ensuring the safe operation of production facilities, the safety of each citizen and the safety of the population as a whole;

5) on the number, composition of employees, the remuneration system, working conditions, including labor protection, indicators of occupational injuries and occupational morbidity, and the availability of vacant jobs;

6) about the debt of employers in payment of wages and other social benefits;

7) about violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and facts of prosecution for committing these violations;

8) on the conditions of competitions or auctions for the privatization of state or municipal property;

9) on the size and structure of income of non-profit organizations, on the size and composition of their property, on their expenses, on the number and remuneration of their employees, on the use of gratuitous labor of citizens in the activities of a non-profit organization;

10) on the list of persons who have the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity;

11) the mandatory disclosure of which or the inadmissibility of restricting access to which is established by other federal laws.

Article 6. Providing information constituting a trade secret

1. The owner of information constituting a trade secret, at the motivated request of a state authority, other state body, or local government body, provides them with information constituting a trade secret free of charge. A reasoned request must be signed by an authorized official, contain an indication of the purpose and legal basis for requesting information constituting a trade secret, and the deadline for providing this information, unless otherwise established by federal laws.

2. If the owner of information constituting a trade secret refuses to provide it to a government body, another state body, or local government body, these bodies have the right to request this information in court.

3. The owner of information constituting a commercial secret, as well as state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies that received such information in accordance with Part 1 of this article, are obliged to provide this information at the request of the courts, prosecutors, preliminary investigation bodies, authorities inquiries into cases pending in their proceedings, in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Documents provided to the bodies specified in parts 1 and 3 of this article and containing information constituting a trade secret must be stamped “Trade secret” indicating its owner (for legal entities - full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic of a citizen who is an individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

Article 7. Rights of the owner of information constituting a trade secret

1. The rights of the owner of information constituting a trade secret arise from the moment he establishes a trade secret regime in relation to such information in accordance with Article 10 of this Federal Law.

2. The owner of information constituting a commercial secret has the right:

1) establish, change and cancel in writing the trade secret regime in accordance with this Federal Law and a civil law agreement;

2) use information constituting a trade secret for one’s own needs in a manner that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) permit or prohibit access to information constituting a trade secret, determine the procedure and conditions for access to this information;

4) introduce information constituting a trade secret into civil circulation on the basis of agreements that provide for the inclusion of conditions to protect the confidentiality of this information;

5) demand from legal entities and individuals who have received access to information constituting a trade secret, government bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies that have been provided with information constituting a trade secret, to comply with obligations to protect its confidentiality;

6) require from persons who have gained access to information constituting a commercial secret as a result of actions carried out accidentally or by mistake, to protect the confidentiality of this information;

7) protect, in accordance with the procedure established by law, his rights in the event of disclosure, illegal receipt or illegal use by third parties of information constituting a trade secret, including demanding compensation for losses caused in connection with the violation of his rights.

Article 8. Holder of information constituting a trade secret obtained within the framework of labor relations

1. The owner of information constituting a trade secret obtained within the framework of labor relations is the employer.

2. If an employee receives, in connection with the performance of his job duties or a specific assignment from the employer, a result capable of legal protection as an invention, utility model, industrial design, topology of an integrated circuit, a program for electronic computers or a database, the relationship between the employee and by the employer are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property.

Article 9. The procedure for establishing a trade secret regime when executing a state contract for state needs

A state contract for the performance of research, development, technological or other work for federal state needs or the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must determine the volume of information recognized as confidential, and must also resolve issues relating to the establishment of a trade secret regime in relation to the information received. .

Article 10. Protection of information confidentiality

1. Measures to protect the confidentiality of information taken by its owner must include:

1) determination of the list of information constituting a trade secret;

2) restricting access to information constituting a trade secret by establishing a procedure for handling this information and monitoring compliance with such a procedure;

3) accounting of persons who received access to information constituting a trade secret and (or) persons to whom such information was provided or transferred;

4) regulation of relations regarding the use of information constituting a trade secret by employees on the basis of employment contracts and contractors on the basis of civil law contracts;

5) affixing on tangible media (documents) containing information constituting a trade secret the stamp “Trade Secret” indicating the owner of this information (for legal entities - full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic of the citizen who is individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

2. The trade secret regime is considered established after the owner of information constituting a trade secret takes the measures specified in part 1 of this article.

3. An individual entrepreneur who is the owner of information constituting a trade secret and does not have employees with whom employment contracts have been concluded, takes measures to protect the confidentiality of information specified in part 1 of this article, with the exception of paragraphs 1 and 2, as well as the provisions of paragraph 4 relating to the regulation of labor relations.

4. Along with the measures specified in Part 1 of this article, the owner of information constituting a trade secret has the right to use, if necessary, means and methods of technical protection of the confidentiality of this information, and other measures that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Measures to protect the confidentiality of information are considered reasonably sufficient if:

1) access to information constituting a trade secret by any persons without the consent of its owner is excluded;

2) the possibility of using information constituting a trade secret by employees and transferring it to contractors without violating the trade secret regime is ensured.

6. The trade secret regime cannot be used for purposes that contradict the requirements of protecting the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and state security.

Article 11. Protection of confidentiality of information within the framework of labor relations

1. In order to protect the confidentiality of information, the employer is obliged to:

1) familiarize, against signature, an employee whose access to information constituting a trade secret is necessary for him to perform his job duties, with a list of information constituting a trade secret, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties;

2) familiarize the employee, against signature, with the trade secret regime established by the employer and with the penalties for violating it;

3) create the necessary conditions for the employee to comply with the trade secret regime established by the employer.

2. An employee’s access to information constituting a trade secret is carried out with his consent, unless this is provided for by his job duties.

3. In order to protect the confidentiality of information, the employee is obliged to:

1) comply with the trade secret regime established by the employer;

2) not to disclose information constituting a trade secret owned by the employer and his counterparties, and not to use this information for personal purposes without their consent;

3) not to disclose information constituting a trade secret, the holders of which are the employer and his counterparties, after termination of the employment contract during the period provided for by the agreement between the employee and the employer concluded during the validity period of the employment contract, or for three years after termination of the employment contract if the specified agreement was not concluded;

4) compensate for the damage caused to the employer if the employee is guilty of disclosing information constituting a trade secret that became known to him in connection with the performance of his job duties;

5) transfer to the employer upon termination or termination of the employment contract the material media in the employee’s use containing information constituting a trade secret.

4. An employer has the right to demand compensation for damages caused by a person who has terminated employment relations with him, if this person is guilty of disclosing information constituting a trade secret, to which this person received access in connection with the performance of his labor duties, if the disclosure of such information followed within the period established in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 3 of this article.

5. Damages or losses caused are not compensated by the employee or the person who terminated the employment relationship if the disclosure of information constituting a trade secret was the result of force majeure, extreme necessity or the employer’s failure to fulfill the obligation to ensure the trade secret regime.

6. The employment contract with the head of the organization must provide for his obligations to ensure the protection of the confidentiality of information owned by the organization and its counterparties, and responsibility for ensuring the protection of its confidentiality.

7. The head of the organization compensates the organization for losses caused by his guilty actions in connection with the violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets. In this case, losses are determined in accordance with civil law.

8. An employee has the right to appeal in court the illegal establishment of a trade secret regime in relation to information to which he received access in connection with the performance of his job duties.

Article 12. Protection of confidentiality of information within the framework of civil law relations

1. The relationship between the owner of information constituting a trade secret and his counterparty, insofar as it concerns the protection of confidentiality of information, is regulated by law and agreement.

2. The contract must define the conditions for protecting the confidentiality of information, including in the event of reorganization or liquidation of one of the parties to the contract in accordance with civil law, as well as the obligation of the counterparty to compensate for losses if it discloses this information contrary to the contract.

3. Unless otherwise established by the agreement between the owner of information constituting a trade secret and the counterparty, the counterparty, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, independently determines the methods of protecting information constituting a trade secret transferred to it under the agreement.

4. The counterparty is obliged to immediately inform the owner of information constituting a trade secret about the fact of disclosure or threat of disclosure committed by the counterparty or becoming known to him, illegal receipt or illegal use of information constituting a trade secret by third parties.

5. The owner of information constituting a trade secret transferred by him to the counterparty, until the end of the contract, cannot disclose information constituting a trade secret, as well as unilaterally terminate the protection of its confidentiality, unless otherwise established by the contract.

6. A party that has not ensured, in accordance with the terms of the contract, the confidentiality of information transferred under the contract, is obliged to compensate the other party for losses, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Article 13. Protecting the confidentiality of information when provided

1. State authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws, are obliged to create conditions that ensure the protection of the confidentiality of information provided to them by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

2. Officials of state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, state or municipal employees of these bodies, without the consent of the owner of information constituting a trade secret, do not have the right to disclose or transfer to other persons, state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies information that has become known to them due to the performance of official (official) duties and that constitutes a trade secret, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law, and also does not have the right to use this information for personal gain or other personal purposes.

3. In case of violation of confidentiality of information by officials of state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, state and municipal employees of these bodies, these persons are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 14. Responsibility for violation of this Federal Law

1. Violation of this Federal Law entails disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. An employee who, in connection with the performance of his job duties, has gained access to information constituting a trade secret, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties, in the event of intentional or careless disclosure of this information in the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of such an employee, bears disciplinary liability in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. State authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies that have gained access to information constituting a commercial secret bear civil liability before the owner of the information constituting a commercial secret for the disclosure or illegal use of this information by their officials, state or municipal employees of the specified bodies, to whom it became known in connection with the performance of their official (official) duties.

4. A person who used information constituting a trade secret and did not have sufficient grounds to consider the use of this information illegal, including gaining access to it as a result of accident or error, cannot be held accountable in accordance with this Federal Law.

5. At the request of the owner of information constituting a trade secret, the person specified in part 4 of this article is obliged to take measures to protect the confidentiality of information. If such a person refuses to take these measures, the owner of information constituting a trade secret has the right to demand protection of his rights in court.

Article 15. Responsibility for failure to provide state authorities, other state bodies, and local government bodies with information constituting a trade secret

Failure by the owner of information constituting a trade secret to comply with the legal requirements of state authorities, other state bodies, local governments to provide them with information constituting a trade secret, as well as preventing officials of these bodies from obtaining this information entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation .

Article 16. Transitional provisions

Labels applied before the entry into force of this Federal Law on tangible media and indicating the content of information constituting a trade secret in them remain valid provided that measures to protect the confidentiality of this information are brought into compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Russian Federation
V. Putin

Article 1. Objectives and scope of this Federal Law

1. This Federal Law regulates relations related to the classification of information as a trade secret, the transfer of such information, and the protection of its confidentiality in order to ensure a balance of interests of holders of information constituting a trade secret and other participants in regulated relations, including the state, in the goods market, works, services and prevention of unfair competition, and also determines information that cannot constitute a commercial secret.

2. The provisions of this Federal Law apply to information constituting a trade secret, regardless of the type of media on which it is recorded.

3. The provisions of this Federal Law do not apply to information classified in the prescribed manner as a state secret, in respect of which the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on state secrets apply.

Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets

The legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets consists of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, and other federal laws.

Article 3. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

For the purposes of this Federal Law, the following basic concepts are used:

1) trade secret - confidentiality of information that allows its owner, under existing or possible circumstances, to increase income, avoid unjustified expenses, maintain a position in the market for goods, works, services or obtain other commercial benefits;

2) information constituting a trade secret - scientific, technical, technological, production, financial, economic or other information (including those constituting production secrets (know-how), which has actual or potential commercial value due to its unknownness to third parties, to which there is no free access on a legal basis and in respect of which the owner of such information has introduced a trade secret regime;

3) trade secret regime - legal, organizational, technical and other measures taken by the owner of information constituting a trade secret to protect its confidentiality;

4) owner of information constituting a trade secret - a person who possesses information constituting a trade secret on a legal basis, has limited access to this information and has established a trade secret regime in relation to it;

5) access to information constituting a trade secret - familiarization of certain persons with information constituting a trade secret, with the consent of its owner or on another legal basis, subject to maintaining the confidentiality of this information;

6) transfer of information constituting a trade secret - transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to the counterparty on the basis of an agreement to the extent and on the terms provided for by the agreement, including the condition that the counterparty takes measures established by the agreement to protect its confidentiality ;

7) counterparty - a party to a civil contract to whom the owner of information constituting a trade secret transferred this information;

8) provision of information constituting a trade secret - transfer of information constituting a trade secret and recorded on a tangible medium by its owner to government bodies, other government bodies, local government bodies in order to perform their functions;

9) disclosure of information constituting a trade secret - an action or inaction as a result of which information constituting a trade secret in any possible form (oral, written, other form, including using technical means) becomes known to third parties without the consent of the owner such information or contrary to an employment or civil law contract.

Article 4. The right to classify information as information constituting a commercial secret, and methods of obtaining such information

1. The right to classify information as information constituting a trade secret and to determine the list and composition of such information belongs to the owner of such information, taking into account the provisions of this Federal Law.

2. Information independently obtained by a person while carrying out research, systematic observations or other activities is considered to have been obtained in a legal way, despite the fact that the content of this information may coincide with the content of information constituting a trade secret owned by another person.

3. Information constituting a trade secret received from its owner on the basis of a contract or other legal basis is considered to have been obtained in a legal manner.

4. Information constituting a trade secret, the owner of which is another person, is considered to have been obtained illegally if its receipt was carried out with deliberate overcoming of the measures taken by the owner of the information constituting a trade secret to protect the confidentiality of this information, and also if the person receiving this information knew or had there are sufficient grounds to believe that this information constitutes a trade secret owned by another person, and that the person transmitting this information does not have a legal basis for transmitting this information.

Article 5. Information that cannot constitute a trade secret

A trade secret regime cannot be established by persons engaged in business activities in relation to the following information:

3) on the composition of the property of a state or municipal unitary enterprise, state institution and on their use of funds from the relevant budgets;

4) about environmental pollution, the state of fire safety, the sanitary-epidemiological and radiation situation, food safety and other factors that have a negative impact on ensuring the safe operation of production facilities, the safety of each citizen and the safety of the population as a whole;

5) on the number, composition of employees, the remuneration system, working conditions, including labor protection, indicators of occupational injuries and occupational morbidity, and the availability of vacant jobs;

6) about the debt of employers in payment of wages and other social benefits;

7) about violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation and facts of prosecution for committing these violations;

8) on the conditions of competitions or auctions for the privatization of state or municipal property;

9) on the size and structure of income of non-profit organizations, on the size and composition of their property, on their expenses, on the number and remuneration of their employees, on the use of gratuitous labor of citizens in the activities of a non-profit organization;

10) on the list of persons who have the right to act without a power of attorney on behalf of a legal entity;

11) the mandatory disclosure of which or the inadmissibility of restricting access to which is established by other federal laws.

Article 6. Providing information constituting a trade secret

1. The owner of information constituting a trade secret, at the motivated request of a state authority, other state body, or local government body, provides them with information constituting a trade secret free of charge. A reasoned request must be signed by an authorized official, contain an indication of the purpose and legal basis for requesting information constituting a trade secret, and the deadline for providing this information, unless otherwise established by federal laws.

2. If the owner of information constituting a trade secret refuses to provide it to a government body, another state body, or local government body, these bodies have the right to request this information in court.

3. The owner of information constituting a commercial secret, as well as state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies that received such information in accordance with Part 1 of this article, are obliged to provide this information at the request of the courts, prosecutors, preliminary investigation bodies, authorities inquiries into cases pending in their proceedings, in the manner and on the grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Documents provided to the bodies specified in parts 1 and 3 of this article and containing information constituting a trade secret must be stamped “Trade secret” indicating its owner (for legal entities - full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic of a citizen who is an individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

Article 7. Rights of the owner of information constituting a trade secret

1. The rights of the owner of information constituting a trade secret arise from the moment he establishes a trade secret regime in relation to such information in accordance with Article 10 of this Federal Law.

2. The owner of information constituting a commercial secret has the right:

1) establish, change and cancel in writing the trade secret regime in accordance with this Federal Law and a civil law agreement;

2) use information constituting a trade secret for one’s own needs in a manner that does not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;

3) permit or prohibit access to information constituting a trade secret, determine the procedure and conditions for access to this information;

4) introduce information constituting a trade secret into civil circulation on the basis of agreements that provide for the inclusion of conditions to protect the confidentiality of this information;

5) demand from legal entities and individuals who have received access to information constituting a trade secret, government bodies, other state bodies, local government bodies that have been provided with information constituting a trade secret, to comply with obligations to protect its confidentiality;

6) require from persons who have gained access to information constituting a commercial secret as a result of actions carried out accidentally or by mistake, to protect the confidentiality of this information;

7) protect, in accordance with the procedure established by law, his rights in the event of disclosure, illegal receipt or illegal use by third parties of information constituting a trade secret, including demanding compensation for losses caused in connection with the violation of his rights.

Article 8. Holder of information constituting a trade secret obtained within the framework of labor relations

1. The owner of information constituting a trade secret obtained within the framework of labor relations is the employer.

2. If an employee receives, in connection with the performance of his job duties or a specific assignment from the employer, a result capable of legal protection as an invention, utility model, industrial design, topology of an integrated circuit, a program for electronic computers or a database, the relationship between the employee and by the employer are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on intellectual property.

Article 9. The procedure for establishing a trade secret regime when executing a state contract for state needs

A state contract for the performance of research, development, technological or other work for federal state needs or the needs of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation must determine the volume of information recognized as confidential, and must also resolve issues relating to the establishment of a trade secret regime in relation to the information received. .

Article 10. Protection of information confidentiality

1. Measures to protect the confidentiality of information taken by its owner must include:

1) determination of the list of information constituting a trade secret;

2) restricting access to information constituting a trade secret by establishing a procedure for handling this information and monitoring compliance with such a procedure;

3) accounting of persons who received access to information constituting a trade secret and (or) persons to whom such information was provided or transferred;

4) regulation of relations regarding the use of information constituting a trade secret by employees on the basis of employment contracts and contractors on the basis of civil law contracts;

5) affixing on tangible media (documents) containing information constituting a trade secret the stamp “Trade Secret” indicating the owner of this information (for legal entities - full name and location, for individual entrepreneurs - surname, name, patronymic of the citizen who is individual entrepreneur, and place of residence).

2. The trade secret regime is considered established after the owner of information constituting a trade secret takes the measures specified in part 1 of this article.

3. An individual entrepreneur who is the owner of information constituting a trade secret and does not have employees with whom employment contracts have been concluded, takes measures to protect the confidentiality of information specified in part 1 of this article, with the exception of paragraphs 1 and 2, as well as the provisions of paragraph 4 relating to the regulation of labor relations.

4. Along with the measures specified in Part 1 of this article, the owner of information constituting a trade secret has the right to use, if necessary, means and methods of technical protection of the confidentiality of this information, and other measures that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

5. Measures to protect the confidentiality of information are considered reasonably sufficient if:

1) access to information constituting a trade secret by any persons without the consent of its owner is excluded;

2) the possibility of using information constituting a trade secret by employees and transferring it to contractors without violating the trade secret regime is ensured.

6. The trade secret regime cannot be used for purposes that contradict the requirements of protecting the foundations of the constitutional system, morality, health, rights and legitimate interests of other persons, ensuring the defense of the country and state security.

Article 11. Protection of confidentiality of information within the framework of labor relations

1. In order to protect the confidentiality of information, the employer is obliged to:

1) familiarize, against signature, an employee whose access to information constituting a trade secret is necessary for him to perform his job duties, with a list of information constituting a trade secret, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties;

2) familiarize the employee, against signature, with the trade secret regime established by the employer and with the penalties for violating it;

3) create the necessary conditions for the employee to comply with the trade secret regime established by the employer.

2. An employee’s access to information constituting a trade secret is carried out with his consent, unless this is provided for by his job duties.

3. In order to protect the confidentiality of information, the employee is obliged to:

1) comply with the trade secret regime established by the employer;

2) not to disclose information constituting a trade secret owned by the employer and his counterparties, and not to use this information for personal purposes without their consent;

3) not to disclose information constituting a trade secret, the holders of which are the employer and his counterparties, after termination of the employment contract during the period provided for by the agreement between the employee and the employer concluded during the validity period of the employment contract, or for three years after termination of the employment contract if the specified agreement was not concluded;

4) compensate for the damage caused to the employer if the employee is guilty of disclosing information constituting a trade secret that became known to him in connection with the performance of his job duties;

5) transfer to the employer upon termination or termination of the employment contract the material media in the employee’s use containing information constituting a trade secret.

4. An employer has the right to demand compensation for damages caused by a person who has terminated employment relations with him, if this person is guilty of disclosing information constituting a trade secret, to which this person received access in connection with the performance of his labor duties, if the disclosure of such information followed within the period established in accordance with paragraph 3 of part 3 of this article.

5. Damages or losses caused are not compensated by the employee or the person who terminated the employment relationship if the disclosure of information constituting a trade secret was the result of force majeure, extreme necessity or the employer’s failure to fulfill the obligation to ensure the trade secret regime.

6. The employment contract with the head of the organization must provide for his obligations to ensure the protection of the confidentiality of information owned by the organization and its counterparties, and responsibility for ensuring the protection of its confidentiality.

7. The head of the organization compensates the organization for losses caused by his guilty actions in connection with the violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation on trade secrets. In this case, losses are determined in accordance with civil law.

8. An employee has the right to appeal in court the illegal establishment of a trade secret regime in relation to information to which he received access in connection with the performance of his job duties.

Article 12. Protection of confidentiality of information within the framework of civil law relations

1. The relationship between the owner of information constituting a trade secret and his counterparty, insofar as it concerns the protection of confidentiality of information, is regulated by law and agreement.

2. The contract must define the conditions for protecting the confidentiality of information, including in the event of reorganization or liquidation of one of the parties to the contract in accordance with civil law, as well as the obligation of the counterparty to compensate for losses if it discloses this information contrary to the contract.

3. Unless otherwise established by the agreement between the owner of information constituting a trade secret and the counterparty, the counterparty, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, independently determines the methods of protecting information constituting a trade secret transferred to it under the agreement.

4. The counterparty is obliged to immediately inform the owner of information constituting a trade secret about the fact of disclosure or threat of disclosure committed by the counterparty or becoming known to him, illegal receipt or illegal use of information constituting a trade secret by third parties.

5. The owner of information constituting a trade secret transferred by him to the counterparty, until the end of the contract, cannot disclose information constituting a trade secret, as well as unilaterally terminate the protection of its confidentiality, unless otherwise established by the contract.

6. A party that has not ensured, in accordance with the terms of the contract, the confidentiality of information transferred under the contract, is obliged to compensate the other party for losses, unless otherwise provided by the contract.

Article 13. Protecting the confidentiality of information when provided

1. State authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws, are obliged to create conditions that ensure the protection of the confidentiality of information provided to them by legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

2. Officials of state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, state or municipal employees of these bodies, without the consent of the owner of information constituting a trade secret, do not have the right to disclose or transfer to other persons, state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies information that has become known to them due to the performance of official (official) duties and that constitutes a trade secret, except for the cases provided for by this Federal Law, and also does not have the right to use this information for personal gain or other personal purposes.

3. In case of violation of confidentiality of information by officials of state authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies, state and municipal employees of these bodies, these persons are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 14. Responsibility for violation of this Federal Law

1. Violation of this Federal Law entails disciplinary, civil, administrative or criminal liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. An employee who, in connection with the performance of his job duties, has gained access to information constituting a trade secret, the owners of which are the employer and his counterparties, in the event of intentional or careless disclosure of this information in the absence of corpus delicti in the actions of such an employee, bears disciplinary liability in accordance with legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. State authorities, other state bodies, local government bodies that have gained access to information constituting a commercial secret bear civil liability before the owner of the information constituting a commercial secret for the disclosure or illegal use of this information by their officials, state or municipal employees of the specified bodies, to whom it became known in connection with the performance of their official (official) duties.

4. A person who used information constituting a trade secret and did not have sufficient grounds to consider the use of this information illegal, including gaining access to it as a result of accident or error, cannot be held accountable in accordance with this Federal Law.

5. At the request of the owner of information constituting a trade secret, the person specified in part 4 of this article is obliged to take measures to protect the confidentiality of information. If such a person refuses to take these measures, the owner of information constituting a trade secret has the right to demand protection of his rights in court.

Article 15. Responsibility for failure to provide state authorities, other state bodies, and local government bodies with information constituting a trade secret

Failure by the owner of information constituting a trade secret to comply with the legal requirements of state authorities, other state bodies, local governments to provide them with information constituting a trade secret, as well as preventing officials of these bodies from obtaining this information entails liability in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation .

Article 16. Transitional provisions

Labels applied before the entry into force of this Federal Law on tangible media and indicating the content of information constituting a trade secret in them remain valid provided that measures to protect the confidentiality of this information are brought into compliance with the requirements of this Federal Law.

Russian Federation
V. Putin

The Law on Trade Secrets was adopted and developed on July 29, 2004. It contains the concept of market secrets, as well as the right to protect them and provide information to third parties and organizations.

And if you know the main points, you can avoid many conflict situations.


For legal entities It is important for individuals and individual entrepreneurs to take into account the provisions of Federal Law 98. Before starting a business activity, you need to familiarize yourself with it and study the norms of the law. You can download the Federal Law “On Trade Secrets” at

Latest changes

The Federal Law on Confidential Information was adopted in July 2004. The latest version of the law was introduced on March 12, 2014. Part 1 of Article 1 was adjusted. The Law on Non-Disclosure of Information since 2014 does not contain Article 2. Amended clause 2 of Art. 3 on the definition of data included in the concept of “trade secret”. Added clause 6.1. establishing the rights of the owner of information included in the concept of secret. Article 11 has been edited to indicate the protection of trade secrets within the boundaries of working relationships.

Article 5

This article contains a list of information that cannot be a market secret:

  • Information specified in the constituent acts of legal entities, papers certifying the event of entering information about legal entities and individual entrepreneurs into state registers;
  • Information justifying the right to commercial activity;
  • Information on the number of objects of municipal or state economic organizations and institutions, and on their use of resources from budgets at various levels;
    Information on the slagging of the natural biological environment, the level of food safety, the level of the sanitary and epidemiological situation, the degree of emission of radiation waves, the environmental friendliness of food products, and other information affecting the safety and health of humans, the environment and industrial enterprises;
  • On the composition of the workforce, the remuneration scheme, work requirements, the labor protection system, health risks in the workplace, the number of vacant jobs;
  • Information about the debts of managers regarding salaries and other additional social payments;
  • Information about non-compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation and bringing to administrative and criminal liability for them;
  • On the requirements for tenders or competitions for the privatization of real estate state objects;
  • On the size and composition of profits of non-profit enterprises, the size and number of their property, expenses, the number of people on staff and the amount of wages, on the use of free labor of workers in the work of non-profit objects;
  • Information about the list of citizens with the authority to work without a power of attorney from legal entities;
  • Data that must be disclosed or access to them must be unlawfully restricted, if this is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Article 6 regulates the provision of data constituting a trade secret.
The holder of market secret information is obliged, at the request of state authorities or municipal authorities, to give them free information included in the concept of a secret. The request must be certified by the signature of an official, defining the right and purpose of the request for information, and the period for its submission, if it is not regulated by law;

If the data holder refuses to provide information to state authorities or municipal authorities, they have grounds to request it through the court;

The holder of a trade secret and government agencies and other organizations with access to a trade secret are obliged to provide information at the request of courts, investigative and intelligence services, according to the system and law prescribed in the laws of the Russian Federation
Acts where a trade secret is indicated are marked “Trade Secret”, indicating information about its owner.

Article 10 contains data on the protection of confidentiality of information. Prescribes methods for protecting trade secrets, the procedure for establishing a trade secret regime, establishing that in addition to the methods of protection prescribed in paragraph 1 of the article, the owner can use mechanical methods to keep data secret, and any others that do not violate the laws of the country.

Commercial activities today are quite strictly regulated by law. There are many laws that also govern the dissemination of information about it.

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Separately, you need to familiarize yourself with the Federal Law on Trade Secrets under number 98-FZ.


Today, various types of commercial organizations are required to maintain accounting records. Moreover, similar rules also apply to non-profit enterprises.

In turn, it is often necessary to carry out. It implies that this process has a number of different nuances and features.

First of all, this concerns trade secrets. Since the dissemination of insider information can cause quite serious damage.

It is for this purpose that a special regulatory document was formed at the state level, within the framework of which the protection of confidential commercial information is carried out.

Gaining access to data is carried out in a special mode. Therefore, their dissemination is not allowed until they have lost their relevance.

Access to this type of information can be obtained on various grounds. For example, within the framework of labor relations.

What is it

The term “trade secret” has several different interpretations. If possible, you should familiarize yourself with the exact concept in advance. Moreover, some data is secret by default.

Others simply cannot fit into the appropriate category. At the moment, there are quite a lot of nuances associated with trade secrets.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. This will avoid many of the mistakes that arise in this case.

As a rule, information that constitutes a trade secret includes the following:

  • production processes;
  • technology management;
  • financial activities.

In fact, such a secret may include everything, the disclosure of which could lead to financial losses.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself with a number of nuances in advance before starting. Often it is auditors who unwittingly, due to ignorance of certain rules and regulations, become violators.

Therefore, it is necessary to clarify all the main points in advance. It is important to note that a number of data cannot be classified as a trade secret.

These primarily include the following:

  • data contained in the constituent documents - confirming the fact of entering data on legal entities into the appropriate register;
  • information in documents that give the right to maintain;
  • a list of data related to the composition of property - and this also applies to state and municipal institutions;
  • information on the total number and composition of employees - workers at the enterprise;
    debts on;
  • data on competitions, auctions;
  • information regarding the income of commercial institutions.

The above and some other information must be provided not only to various government agencies during inspection.

But also to all citizens, commercial and non-profit institutions. In turn, the owner of insider information does not have the right to disclose it until a certain time. All these points are discussed in this legislative document.

Structure of the standard

This regulatory document is designated as. It includes a wide range of sections.

Currently the list of articles includes the following:

This section defines the goals, as well as the scope of activity of this regulatory document.
A complete list of concepts that are used in the document in question
The right to receive the information in question, as well as the way in which it will be possible to obtain the relevant data
A complete list of information that cannot constitute a trade secret
How to provide information that is a trade secret
This NAP defines all the basic rights that arise for the owner of a trade secret
Points regarding the protection of confidential information are indicated
How data protection is carried out within the framework of employment relationships
Confidentiality of data if provided

It is important to note that for violation of the rules specified in the legislation, quite serious punishment is assumed.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself with all sections of the law before you start using confidential data.

Since, as a rule, problems arise due to legal illiteracy. takes place within .

This issue is discussed in some detail in. Knowledge of regulatory documents will allow you to independently monitor compliance with your own rights. If necessary, protect them.

Legal and illegal possession of information

An important component of using information is precisely the availability of rights to do so. Possession of information can be:

  • legal;
  • illegal.

Moreover, each case is also defined in legislation. But it is important to note that this process has its own nuances.

For example, if there is access to insider information and it is not used, then there is no punishment for this.

If there is a legal right of access to a trade secret, the use of data can also be carried out within the framework of the NAP.

The use of information in some cases is not permitted, even if you have the right to receive the data.

In some cases, this may also have criminal consequences. Today, judicial practice in the commercial sphere is quite extensive.

That is why, before taking any action, it is important to carefully study the legislation. Otherwise, certain difficulties and problems may arise.

Federal Law of the Russian Federation on Trade Secrets 98-FZ

In addition to legislative regulation, there may also be internal provisions regarding the use of legislation.

Currently, this is the case in large corporations with large annual turnover. Joint-stock companies that issue shares take the issue of trade secrets quite seriously.

Since the dissemination of data can directly affect the price of shares. The self-government regime implies compliance with all nuances of the law without exception.

Key questions that will need to be worked out in advance:

  • documents not related to CT;
  • protection of information confidentiality;
  • for disclosing information.

Documents not related to CT

A number of documents used to conduct business simply cannot be classified as trade secrets. This issue is directly addressed in the legislation.

These documents include those containing the following:

Information that confirms the possibility of conducting commercial activities Entrepreneurial or charitable
Information regarding the entry of a legal entity Entrepreneur in the relevant state registers
Providing detailed information regarding the property on the balance sheet Moreover, regardless of the type
Data regarding environmental pollution And also on fire safety, epidemiological situation, other
About expenses and income of commercial organizations And also about the structure of these characteristics and parameters

All these points are covered in sufficient detail in the relevant regulatory documents. It is also important to note that this process has its own subtleties.

For example, in addition to the federal law regulating the use of trade secret data, there are many others.

Within which it may also be prohibited to disseminate information. Therefore, if you have no experience in this area, you should definitely familiarize yourself with all the nuances and subtleties associated with the preparation of documents. This primarily applies to large corporations.

Often certain laws may be shaped by local governments. The best solution is to get legal advice on this matter.

For example, in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Many organizations offer advisory legal support.

Protection of information confidentiality

This issue is regulated by a separate article in the legislative document under consideration. It is designated as Art. No. 11.

Establishes a number of responsibilities for the employer:

It is important to note that an ordinary employee’s access to trade secrets occurs only with his consent. There are no alternatives.

An employer has no right to force its employee to sign any documents. A standard list of employee responsibilities regarding maintaining trade secrets is established.

It is also discussed in Article No. 11. The list of such responsibilities includes:

  • it is mandatory to comply with the confidentiality regime established by the employer;
  • under no circumstances should trade secrets be disclosed;
  • if the employee is guilty of disclosing a secret, he will be obliged to compensate for all existing losses;
  • upon termination of the working relationship, transfer all paper and electronic media to the employer;
  • other.

The employee will need to familiarize himself with all the subtleties and nuances of data storage. This will allow you to avoid material and other expenses.

Since often problems in the service arise precisely because of the employee’s simple lack of knowledge. It is best to work out this question in advance.

Video: Trade Secret Law

Judicial practice regarding the disclosure of trade secrets is ambiguous. Therefore, the best solution is to resolve all controversial issues peacefully.

Responsibility for disclosure of information

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):