To understand the difference between dependent and independent system heating, it is necessary to give a clear definition of these concepts in order to avoid confusion in the future:

  • Independence implies isolation from external public heating mains. We can say that a double-circuit network is being implemented to avoid mixing coolants of the first and second stages. Heat is transferred to special device called a heat exchanger.
  • Dependence lies in the lack of opportunity self-adjustment coolant temperature, starting and stopping the system according to an individual schedule according to the climatic conditions. Rigid binding to an item district heating, which adjusts network parameters at its discretion.

Each of the two heating options has both individual advantages and disadvantages, which follow from the design features and operating principle.

Independent heating system and its types

An independent heating system is divided, in turn, into two subtypes according to the implementation of the method of circulating energy in pipelines:

  1. Gravitational, otherwise called non-volatile. The liquid moves through the pipes due to the different densities of the cold and heated substances. Therefore, the heated medium coming from the heat exchanger tends upward due to the lower specific gravity, cold, on the contrary, settles at the lowest points of the heating main. This feature imposes several strict requirements for full functionality:
  • The heat exchange device or hot water boiler, if the heating is autonomous, must be placed at the lowest point of the building. If radiators are also installed on this floor, you will have to install a pit below floor level.
  • All horizontally laid pipelines should be mounted at a slope of two to three degrees in the direction of movement of the coolant in the pipe. That is, the feed will have a positive angle relative to the general vector, and the return will have a negative angle.
  • To minimize negative influence hydraulic resistance the bore diameter of the pipes must be large. For two-story cottage with five to seven heated rooms, a diameter of 35 millimeters will be sufficient. The principle of more is better is in full effect here.

  1. Circulating or energy dependent. Coolants centralized system The supply and heat distribution hydraulics have no physical contact with each other. Heat transfer from one to another occurs in the so-called heat exchanger, which is a tank in which there are tubes with liquid circulating through them. That is, the independent connection of the heating system allows for flexible adjustment temperature regime heated structures, simplify modification and expansion of the network and save on heating costs. There are also features:
  • The cost of construction significantly exceeds the cost of the first method.
  • Increased demands are placed on the quality of secondary circuit coolants.
  • There is almost always a need for a continuous power supply to ensure the circulation process.

Safety and efficiency of independent heating systems

To be able to save money on heating, several conditions must be met:

  1. Develop and approve the project with the permitting authorities. Without an approved GIP and a project agreed upon with all authorities, all modifications will be illegal. Therefore, you will not be able to use the results.
  2. Install or reconstruct existing equipment in accordance with design solution.
  3. Install a heat energy meter. This allows you to pay for what you receive thermal energy exactly in the amount in which it was consumed.
  4. Provide the necessary level of automation or manual regulation. CHP does not respond particularly quickly to temperature changes weather conditions and can continue to fire their boilers to the fullest. And through the heat exchange tank, unclaimed energy will be transferred to the networks of consumers who open windows and vents from excess heat.

Installation and connection of an independent heating system

Installation work is not much more complex than a gravity route. Among the additional activities, it is worth noting the need to organize a source uninterruptible power supply. This will make it possible not to be left without heat during a power outage and is implemented through automatic switching on battery uninterruptible power supply or liquid fuel electric generator.

In addition, existing centralized routes are also subject to modernization by separating coolants with a heat exchange tank, installing a forced circulation pump and an uninterruptible power supply. Replacement or dismantling of pipelines with radiators is not required.

Due to the fact that a certain set of documents is required, it is recommended to start with obtaining a design solution. This sequence allows you to avoid wastage of time and unnecessary expenses on materials.

The heat supply system is one of the most important components of each residential building. Its main task is to provide thermal comfort for people in the premises. All central heating systems are connected according to a certain scheme - dependent or independent. These heat supply systems differ in their connection options and have fundamental differences. Independent heating system on at the moment is gaining more and more popularity.

Independent heating system. Click on photo to enlarge.

Dependent connection

It can be performed in two versions: directly or using a mixing unit.
If the connection is made according to the first option, then the superheated water from the heating networks is mixed in the boiler (in a certain volume) with the returning water from the heating system. In this way, the water acquires a sufficient temperature, up to approximately 100 0. Its value depends on the power of the boiler. The temperature may be higher. Next, it enters the heating source. Heating points are supplied with pumping mixing devices and water-jet elevators. To create an optimal indoor air temperature, low-temperature water is added to the pipeline, reducing the temperature. The second connection option implies that hot and cold water are mixed, and the coolant liquid with a temperature of 70-80 0 C is sent to heating radiators residential buildings.

Dependent connection diagram. Click on photo to enlarge.

Direct connection can be used directly in low temperature heating networks where two-pipe system with radiator throttling thermostats. Here, the coolant parameters are constant throughout the year. Heat networks reflect changes in consumer demand for heat volume through instruments showing the pressure drop at the inputs. With their help, electronic regulators change the flow general pumps heating network.

This system can only be regulated quantitatively. The circulation of the heat source of the dependent circuit is carried out through differences in water pressure values ​​​​at the areas of connection to the elements outdoor system heating. The dependent connection and its connection diagram with the water mixing unit are structurally simple and easy to maintain.

The cost of the circuit is greatly reduced by eliminating some structural elements. A dependent circuit is selected if the heat-consuming system, including the heating system (according to sanitary and hygienic recommendations) allows an increase in hydraulic pressure to the value of the water pressure from the outside when entering the heat pipeline. For some time, the dependent scheme was popular in Russia, due to the ratio of its pros and cons.

Independent heating system unit. Click on photo to enlarge.

Advantages and disadvantages of a dependent heating system


  • quick payback;
  • easy and inexpensive maintenance.


  • lack of ability to regulate the temperature in the premises;
  • the ability to use only certain system equipment that suits the requirements of the station (systems of this kind must withstand high pressure and hydraulic shocks during startup);
  • Regular measures are required to protect equipment from the hardness of salts dissolved in the coolant and oxygen exposure, in order to avoid the formation of corrosion;
  • overconsumption of consumed energy resources.

Connection according to an independent scheme

An independent heating system looks completely different. If the elements are connected according to an independent circuit, then the water in the boiler is heated to approximately 150 0, after which, through a special heat exchange equipment goes to the main coolant. The main coolant serves for circulation in closed loop heated residential building. In this case, the water does not mix.

The heating unit is equipped with a circulation pump to provide pressure and water heat exchangers. Application of a set of measures to save energy in the system: the use of modern electronic coolant temperature controllers, circulation pumps with adjustable rotation speed, meters for metering consumed thermal energy. Application of a set of measures to ensure operational reliability: special design of the entire heating system settlement, looping them with the possibility of emergency switching of consumers to various sources of heat supply.

Schematic diagram of connection via an independent system. Click on photo to enlarge.

An independent connection scheme is used if the engineering scheme does not allow an increase in hydraulic pressure (due to the condition of system strength). That is, the water pressure in the outer pipeline must be greater than the pressure in the inner pipeline. In addition to the implementation of an unchangeable thermal hydraulic regime under external influences, selected for each building separately, independent heating characterized by increased reliability.

It is endowed with the ability to maintain circulation involving the content of a certain amount of heat in the water for a certain period of time, which is approximately sufficient to eliminate unforeseen emergency situations in the event of malfunctions of the external heat pipeline.

The hydraulic mode of connection with an independent circuit does not depend on external elements engineering system. IN open systems providing heat, the considered connection of the heating system improves the quality of the water coming through the hot water supply installations. In this case, the connection circuit is configured so that water does not pass through heating devices that serve as settling tanks for various kinds mud.

The principle of operation of an independent circuit. Click on photo to enlarge.

Advantages and disadvantages of an independent heating system


  • the possibility of flexible adjustment of the temperature regime in the premises (the coolant is isolated from the coolant boiler of the heating system) by maintaining the required pressure;
  • possibility of using different chemical composition coolant;
  • obtaining an energy saving effect, heat savings from 10 to 40%;
  • opportunity effective organization heat supply systems with significant distances and territorial dispersion of consumers;
  • heating system shows high level reliability;
  • The quality of hot water supply improves.


  • huge maintenance costs are required;
  • labor-intensive and expensive repairs.

Elements of an independent heating system. Click on photo to enlarge.

In closed systems made in dependent or independent heating circuits, hot water heaters are connected to the heating network mainly in parallel, mixed and series versions. When choosing the optimal option, the ratio is taken into account maximum load, designed for heating, to the hot water supply load, which is used in some areas. This is done using temperature chart centralized regulation of heat output adopted in subscriber thermal energy-consuming devices.

Heating system in which it is used dependent connection, has now lost its distribution. IN modern construction An exclusively independent heating scheme is used. IN modern world they have all the important advantages of modern heating systems, despite the large financial costs and investments. The transition to independent heating is happening everywhere. Sometimes a combined scheme for connecting a local heating point, using both dependent and independent heating systems.

Consumers who require large volumes of heat for heating, and these are administrative premises and multi-storey buildings, usually connected to central heating. In addition, if private houses are located near central heating networks, then their heating can be ensured by connecting internal circuits to main pipelines. Certainly, individual system heating has a number of advantages, but sometimes the only option there will be a connection to this heat source.

Heat supply mains are sources of heat, for the supply of which an independent and dependent space heating system can be used. The length of the heating mains can be quite large and special measures are used to evenly distribute the coolant. To balance the heat supply in accordance with the needs of the facilities, the heating system of the buildings closest to the thermal power plant is shimmed. Technically, the problem can be solved by installing special throttle washers in the supply pipeline.

If a dependent circuit is used, this means that the same water, heated in the boilers of the central boiler room, circulates in the heating circuits of consumers.
The coolant temperature reaches 150, 130 or 95 degrees, which depends on the operating mode of the thermal power plant, with a return temperature of 70 degrees. The water temperature determines the type of consumer connection if a dependent heating system is used, which is carried out according to the following schemes:

Direct connection

If the thermal power plant supplies heating network coolant with a temperature of up to 95 degrees, its flow can be supplied directly to batteries and other heating devices. This type of supply is effective for any heating scheme of heating systems. This connection is often used because of its simplicity and reliability.

When the water temperature is above 100 degrees, it is necessary to equip a mixing unit that uses an elevator. The main task is to mix supply water with return water to reduce the temperature of the coolant entering the heating devices.

The open dependent connection scheme of the heating system is reliable and does not require constant supervision.
Its installation is relatively cheap. When using an open dependent system, feeding is easily organized hot water, because it can be taken directly from the heating network. These are the main advantages of an open dependent system, but it has many quite significant disadvantages.

Disadvantages of open dependent design:

Features of an independent (closed) heating system

When constructing and equipping new boiler houses, an independent closed heating system is used. It consists of the main and additional circulation circuits hydraulically separated by a heat exchanger. This means that the coolant circulating in the boiler room circuit enters the heat exchanger and transfers heat to an additional circuit - the heating system of the house.

This is how the independent connection of the heating system works, which is used in modern construction. It should be noted that the organization of independent closed system heating is more expensive, so a combined open and closed heating system is used for connecting a local heating unit.

Advantages of a closed heating system

The organization of DHW is carried out by installing additional plate heat exchangers, which are connected to the heating main. One additional circuit will provide heating, and the other will provide supply hot water. To ensure a stable temperature in the DHW circuit, automatic replenishment from the “return” is provided. Heating coolant can be supplied from plate heat exchangers to any wiring diagram for heating systems of objects.

Advantages of an independent closed system:

During operation plate heat exchangers are contaminated by the coolant of the thermal power plant, so they require periodic flushing. Additional costs for the purchase of heat exchangers, pumps and fittings increase the cost of organizing heating. Reliability, safety and excellent adaptation to modern heating equipment more than cover these shortcomings.

Types of circulation in heating circuits

To deliver heat to the batteries, you need to move the coolant heated by the boiler.
Applicable natural circulation in the heating system and forced movement of water using. Natural circulation is used in simple systems heating, it requires a minimum of equipment for minimum costs for installation and operation.

To implement this method of moving the coolant, a change is used physical properties water when heated. The speed of movement depends on the temperature difference and on the magnitude of hydraulic resistance, which is reduced by increasing the diameter of the pipes.

Open heating circuit

An open gravity heating system with natural circulation has undoubted advantages.

Advantages of open natural coolant circulation:

  1. simplicity and low costs for installation;
  2. efficiency;
  3. easily converts into a system with forced circulation, circulation pump usually installed in the return line.

Therefore, it is very popular and successfully used. The main disadvantages of such heating are high inertia. In addition, the presence of an open expansion tank determines the answer to the question - is it possible to pour antifreeze into the heating system of a house. You can fill it, but it will constantly evaporate, which will make the operation of the system unprofitable.

Closed heating circuit

The coolant in a closed heating system has no contact with atmospheric air. For compensation thermal expansion install sealed membranes expansion tanks. A closed heating system can have any design; it is equipped with a circulation pump to move the coolant. The absence of contact of the coolant with air significantly increases the service life of pipes and heating circuit equipment.

If during installation the slope of the pipes is provided, then in the absence of mains voltage and the bypass is switched, natural circulation will occur in the closed heating system of the house. Of course, the efficiency of the system will drop, but the heating will be operational and will continue to heat the home.

The main advantages of a closed heating system:

The influence of air on the operation of the heating circuit

When, for one reason or another, air appears in the heating system, normal operation the system is disrupted. Circulation worsens or stops altogether, with all the ensuing consequences. In such cases, experts say that the heating system is contaminated and it is necessary to take measures to remove air jams.

The presence of air in the circuit can cause unpleasant phenomena:

To successfully remove air from the circuit, vents are used in the heating system, which can be manual or automatic. Of the manual air vents, the most famous is the Mayevsky valve. It is installed at the end of the battery and with its help the accumulated air is released. Automatic air vent removes air from the system during operation.

Air vents are installed in critical places, such as pipe turns and the highest points of heating systems.

Algorithm for removing air from the circuit

During operation, according to various reasons, air pockets may occur. Therefore, in order to properly ventilate the heating circuit, you need to perform the following steps:

The heating system in a house is perhaps the most important in life support and achieving the required degree of comfort for residents. Without an acceptable temperature in the house, no one will live or feel comfortable, so the main task heating system– ensure thermal comfort for residents living in the house. It does not matter whether the house is connected to central heating or has an autonomous heating system - the heating schemes are implemented as dependent and independent. Today, independent heating systems are more popular, but you need to know why to ensure a more efficient and uninterrupted supply of heat to radiators in all rooms. Let's compare both of these schemes to draw the appropriate conclusions.

Dependent heating scheme in the house

The operation of such a scheme for connecting heating systems to heat mains is implemented directly or with a mixing station, the role of which can be played by a collector. When the coolant is directly connected to the house, the hot liquid coming from all the heating pipes in the house is mixed directly into the heating boiler with the coolant coming from the return line. You need to understand that the total temperature of the coolant in this option depends not only on the operation of the boiler, but also on the total length of the heating networks, the connection diagram of the radiators and many other factors.

From the boiler, the coolant mixed from the supply and return pipes is again supplied to the radiators using pumps or water-jet elevators. In order not to limit the operation of the boiler by temperature (and this is especially important when the pipelines are long), a liquid with a lower temperature is added to the coolant, preventing hot water in certain areas from reaching the boiling point. Optimal temperature liquid in the case of mixing hot and added cold liquid - 70-80 0 C. Water at this temperature is supplied to the radiators of apartments and premises.

Direct or direct connection used in heating networks with low coolant temperatures with a double-circuit system and thermostats installed on radiators. In these heating networks, the coolant temperature does not change throughout the year. Control devices in such heating networks show the need of consumers for thermal energy, which depends on the season, therefore the heat supply is regulated automatically using electronic devices regulating the supply of coolant by changing the power of the pumps.

Adjustment of the dependent heat supply circuit is possible only by the amount of hot and cold water, which will be mixed in the boiler. The coolant can circulate either forcibly or naturally, due to the difference in fluid pressure on the sections of connection to the components of the external heating system. This determines the ease of installation and maintenance with a coolant mixing unit included.

The cost of a dependent circuit is much lower than an independent connection due to the non-use of many components, parts and individual structural systems. Dependent heating of the house will be optimal choice, if the heating system, together with the pipeline and heating devices, has the ability to equalize the hydraulic pressure in the main line to the coolant pressure on the external main pipeline.

Pros and cons of a dependent heating connection scheme


  1. Installation, operation and maintenance dependent heating quickly pay for themselves due to the minimum set of components and their simple design;


  1. It is impossible to organize temperature control in individual rooms;
  2. Use in the circuit only a specific set of equipment and parts that are suitable for technical parameters heating station. This is the ability to withstand high pressure in pipes and mains, as well as the ability to withstand water shocks when starting the system;
  3. Regular cleaning of the pipeline and heating equipment from mineral deposits and sediments present in the coolant, protection from the effects of oxygen on the same elements and components in order to prevent metal corrosion;
  4. High energy consumption of equipment.

Independent heating connection

When installing a heating system according to an independent scheme, the connection of the components and elements of the heating main is done in such a way that the coolant in the heating boiler first heats up to 130 0 C-150 0 C, and then, after passing through the heat exchangers, goes to the main line with the main coolant flow. The main flow of heated liquid circulates in a closed heating circuit and does not mix with the added flow of heated liquid.

A circulation pump is installed in the thermal station, which provides the necessary pressure in the main line. Energy saving independent heating circuit uses automatic regulators temperature, pumps with adjustable rotor speed, control heat flow meters. The reliability of an independent connection scheme for the heating system is ensured by using original project for each heating circuit, a closed cycle of coolant circulation with the function of switching any of the consumers to other heat sources in the event of an accident or repair. With such a heating network design, it is extremely difficult to disable the entire line.

An independent connection is used if the critical values ​​of the hydraulic pressure in the line are not exceeded according to the strength conditions of the system elements and assemblies. The main condition for reliable and uninterrupted operation of the circuit is that the coolant pressure in the external heating main must be greater than the pressure in the internal heating main. If this condition is met, independent heating is the most reliable scheme.

Also, an independent connection allows you to maintain circulation of the heated coolant in case of accidents or repair work for a period of time sufficient to eliminate the causes of the breakdown or carry out preventive maintenance. That is, consumers will not be left without heat in their home in any case. Hydraulic pressure in heating network pipes at independent accession maintained separately from external heating system structures.

In open thermal systems, an independent connection scheme is used to improve the quality of the coolant coming from the boilers. The connection diagram itself is organized in such a way that the hot coolant does not flow directly over radiators or radiators, but ends up in settling tanks.

Pros and cons of an independent heating connection scheme


  1. In-depth temperature control in all heated rooms is possible due to the isolation of the coolant from the heating system boiler and constant support of the required pressure in the heating plant;
  2. The chemical composition of the coolant can be changed at your discretion;
  3. Energy saving thanks to an independent circuit reaches 40%;
  4. The heat transfer of radiators will be as efficient as possible even if the heated rooms are located at a significant distance from each other, from the heating station, with a large length of the heating main or with scattered heat receiving points;
  5. Reliability;
  6. Improving the quality of the coolant and, as a consequence, the quality of hot water.


  1. High installation and maintenance costs heating devices and systems;
  2. Labor-intensive and expensive repairs.

According to any scheme, they have one feature: in them DHW boilers are connected to the heating plant using three options. These are parallel, serial and mixed connections. To choose the right one and best option, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of the load for the heating system of the house and the load on the domestic hot water supply. The ratio is calculated according to the temperature schedule with centralized regulation of heat transfer to the main line, which is adopted when calculating heat according to the readings of subscriber heat meters.

IN modern systems heating, dependent connection is practically not used due to inefficiency and cost of maintenance, so independent heating connection is becoming relevant and leading, despite the high initial costs during installation and commissioning. When switching to an independent scheme, it is occasionally used combined scheme connection of an individual heating point (IHP), in which both dependent and independent heating connection schemes operate.

Energy independence and choice of heating scheme

Heating systems are divided into volatile and non-volatile. When connecting electricity to the heating system, more possibilities in adjusting, monitoring and enhancing the heat transfer effect of the main line and radiators. To compare the simplest functions different options Boilers Below are the two most common requirements:

  1. Non-volatile gas appliances use manual ignition using improvised means or using a piezoelectric element. The flame in the burner is controlled by a mechanical thermocouple. When the set temperature is exceeded, the main burner stops working, but the support wick works;
  2. IN volatile boilers after a power outage, the gas is shut off. The main burner is ignited by an electrical impulse, which may not be present in emergency situations. Also, a connection to the electrical network is necessary to turn on the boost fan.

In areas with frequent emergency situations and power outages, it is better to use non-volatile gas or solid fuel boiler to ensure a constant supply of heat to the home heating system.

Important: Although today it is not difficult to organize heating using a dependent connection scheme, you must remember that this is the most ineffective scheme, which will require not only one-time costs, but also ongoing care equipment and monitoring system parameters.

The disadvantage of this solution is obvious: such boilers operate constantly, so they are uneconomical. And in the case of gas boiler maintaining a flame in the wick takes up to 20% of the total gas volume spent on heating.

Another disadvantage of such a scheme with a gas boiler is that the equipment, without being connected to the electrical network, cannot control the temperature outside in order to control the heating of the coolant depending on the readings of the outdoor thermostat. Therefore, organize separate control, time-consuming programming and temperature control in individual rooms will not work.

What is it - an independent heating system? Before us non-volatile heating or something else? What are the disadvantages and advantages of this solution compared to the alternative? Let's try to figure it out.


Let's clear up the confusion first.

Energy independence is an ability heating equipment work in the absence of electricity. The ability is undoubtedly pleasant, but we are not talking about it now. However, we will also touch on this topic.

What is the difference between independent and dependent heating systems? Connection diagram to the heating main.

Dependent circuit

Imagine an ordinary residential building. How is it built?

  • Input valves cut off the elevator from the route.
  • Behind them, on the supply and return, there are gate valves or valves, through which from the supply or return return pipeline hot water supply can be supplied.

Useful: in modern elevators you can often find two tie-ins on the supply and return, separated retaining washer. Their function is to ensure constant circulation in the hot water supply system.

  • After the hot water supply inserts, we see the elevator itself - a nozzle with a mixing chamber. Jet of hotter water with high pressure from the direct pipeline, it heats up part of the return water and draws it into repeated circulation.
  • Finally, house valves cut off the heating system. They are closed in summer and open in winter.

The key feature of a dependent heating scheme is that water enters the heating and water supply systems directly from the heating main.

Independent circuit

Now let's imagine another diagram:

  • Water from the supply pipeline enters the return pipeline, giving energy to the heat exchanger along the way. Water, we repeat, is not used for heating and hot water needs.
  • The same heat exchanger, but into a different circuit, is supplied drinking water from the water supply. It heats up and enters the heating system. It can also be used for household needs.

Actually, we have comprehensively described the independent connection scheme for the heating system.

Comparison of solutions

The dependent heating connection scheme has, in essence, only one advantage, but a very important one - low cost of implementation. You can assemble an elevator unit for a small cottage with your own hands from consumer goods shut-off valves. The only thing noticeable against the background of wiring batteries around the house will be the cost of manufacturing the nozzle - the only exclusive one made, the diameter of which determines thermal power elevator

What are the assets of an independent scheme?

  • Incomparably more flexible temperature control. It is enough just to reduce the flow of coolant through the heat exchanger - and the house will become colder.

Please note: yes, in elevator unit You can also press the valves, removing the difference. However, for them this is an emergency mode, fraught with falling cheeks and stopping circulation. In the case of an independent system, we simply adjust the performance of the circulation pump.

  • The practical consequence of flexible adjustment of heating to the needs of the home is efficiency. Relative to the dependent system, it is estimated at 10-40 percent.
  • Finally, the main thing: in a dependent system we are forced to use water from a large number pollution. It carries sand, scale and a lot of mineral salts.

There is no talk of using water as drinking water; moreover, in some regions it is undesirable to even wash with hot tap water. An independent circuit makes it possible to use purified water or even non-freezing coolants as a coolant.

For DHW needs It is no problem to heat drinking water.

Electricity addiction

Now let's return to energy dependence. When does a heating system need electricity to function, and when can it be done without?

Solid fuel boilers

The canonical solution is a conventional steel or cast iron boiler with a water jacket in the firebox and mechanical adjustment of the blower using a thermostat. This unit is completely energy independent.

The photo shows a classic solid fuel boiler.

However, this design has important drawback: The boiler requires frequent loading of fuel. Three technical solutions allow you to make heating as independent from humans as possible:

  • Hopper and conveyor belt, as the fuel burns out, it supplies new portions of sawdust or pellets. Electricity is required at a minimum for the transporter to operate.
  • divides combustion into two stages: pyrolysis of wood with a limited supply of oxygen and combustion of the resulting gas. In this case, the gas combustion chamber is located below the pyrolysis chamber. The movement of combustion products against the vector of natural draft requires the operation of an electric fan.
  • Top combustion boiler capable of working on one load of coal for up to five days. Only smoldering top layer fuel; air is supplied to it from top to bottom, and the ash is carried away by a stream of hot combustion products. Air circulation is provided by... that's right, an electric fan.


Non-volatile gas heating boilers use manual ignition using a piezoelectric element and flame adjustment mechanical thermostat. When the main burner goes out at high temperature coolant, the pilot continues to operate.

Boilers with electronic ignition stop the gas supply completely when idle. As soon as the coolant cools below the critical temperature, the discharge ignites the main burner and heating resumes. In addition, electricity often drives a blower fan that supplies air to the burner.

Which scheme is better? If you have frequent power outages, a non-volatile gas heating boiler would be more appropriate. Precisely because he is able to do without electricity in principle. On the other hand, these devices are less economical: up to 20% of the total gas consumed is spent maintaining the pilot flame.

One more useful feature, which gas systems lack non-volatile boilers heating - the ability to control the weather and control it using an external thermostat, which takes the temperature, for example, in a remote room. Of course, we are also not talking about programming the temperature for a day or a week.

Useful: in case you have frequent short-term heating outages, this will help simple instructions. Connect the boiler via a UPS with a high-capacity battery.


Everything is simple here: solar boilers are COMPLETELY identical gas boilers with electronic ignition. Only the burners differ. In fact, a lot of dual-fuel units are being produced.

It is clear that without a forced-air fan and electronic ignition, the devices simply will not be able to work.


You will find some more information about the types of heating systems and equipment for it in the video attached to the article. Warm winters!

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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