Forget-me-not (from Latin Myosotis) belongs to the Borage family. There are more than 50 species in the genus that grow in Europe, Africa, America, Asia, New Zealand and Australia, Russia. The plant is located in damp, sometimes swampy areas. In Russia, this flower is well known and loved; it has received popular names such as “gorlyanka”, “pregozhnitsa”, “fever grass”. Getting started in your garden beautiful flower garden from forget-me-nots, cultivation and care are the main issues that need to be studied. And our article will help you with this.

Small, usually blue, flowers on long stems.

Forget-me-not flowers can be:

  1. annuals;
  2. two-year-olds;
  3. perennial.

The stems are long, reaching 40 cm. The leaves can be lanceolate, sessile, spatulate, linear-lanceolate. The colors of the flowers are blue, pink, white. Collected in inflorescences. The fruits of the plant are small, dense, nut-shaped boxes with many black shiny seeds inside. They take root well and can remain viable for up to 3 years.

Types of forget-me-nots

More than half of all forget-me-not species grow in Russia and former USSR. Let's look at some of the most famous ones.

  1. Alpine forget-me-not (Myosotis alpestris). Place of distribution - rocky areas of the Caucasus, Carpathians, Alps. The rhizome of the plant is short, the stem is low - up to 15 cm. The leaves are light green and the petals are dark blue. Loves to be in bright light; in these conditions it can bloom for up to 7 weeks. Propagated by seeds.
  2. Forget-me-not (Myosotis palustris). Grows in moist soil, along the banks of ponds and swamps. Stems are long, branching. The leaves of the flower are large and bright green. The petals are pink or blue, the flowers are relatively large, up to 1.2 cm in diameter.
  3. Forget-me-not field. It is considered a medicinal plant. The shoots are low, the flowers are small, blue.
  4. Forest forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica). Perennial with long stem, green oval elongated leaves. The flowers are numerous, located on stalks and collected in curled inflorescences. Depending on the variety, the color of the petals can be pink, blue, blue. The plant loves shade and moisture.

Breeders are constantly developing new types of forget-me-nots with flowers of different colors - purple, yellow, cream.

Breeders have already created varieties of forget-me-nots with pink and purple flowers.

Alpine forget-me-not is rarely found in nature in our country; most often, its domesticated version is grown, which is called “Alpine garden forget-me-not” (Myosotis x hybrida hort). This garden plant is very unpretentious - it grows and blooms well in the sun, in the shade, and in drought conditions. It even withstands slight frosts, down to -5 degrees. It can bloom for a long time - about 45 days. Popular varieties garden forget-me-nots:

  1. "Music" is a tall flower with dark blue petals.
  2. "Indigo" - small bushes up to 15 cm tall, with blue flowers.
  3. "Rosilva" - small plants, pink flower petals.
  4. "Victoria" - small, round bushes with pale blue flowers.

Home care

Forget-me-not grows and feels great in natural conditions, therefore it is an unpretentious plant. It is usually grown in a garden or greenhouse.


Although it is believed that forget-me-not flowers grow well in the shade, sunlight they still need it. It is necessary to ensure conditions when the grown flower is in the sun from 3 to 6 hours a day; partial shade conditions would be ideal. In this case, flowering will be more abundant.

Taking into account the recommendations, you need to choose a place in the garden where the flower will be half a day in the sun and half a day in the shade. Indoors choose south side, not forgetting to curtain the windows on time. You also need to remember about regular ventilation.


Forget-me-not is more demanding when it comes to watering. It grows well only in moist soil, so it should not be allowed to dry out. It is better to water infrequently - about once a week, but abundantly, well moistening the soil. Regular spraying of the flower is allowed warm water. The regularity of watering is calculated based on external conditions. If the forget-me-not is in the sun for a long time, it needs to be watered more often, if in the shade - less often.

Diseases and pests

Due to their natural hardiness, forget-me-nots are little susceptible to disease and pest damage. Problems may arise as a result Not proper care. If you water frequently and allow the soil to become acidic, fungal diseasesgray rot, powdery mildew. In this case, spraying with fungicides will help.

How to grow forget-me-nots

When choosing soil for growing a plant, you need to consider two factors:

  1. the soil should not be too nutritious, otherwise the forget-me-not will grow greatly and practically not bloom;
  2. the soil should not be poor sandy, otherwise the flower will not grow well.

The ideal option is moist meadow soil. Next you will need to monitor the humidity level and follow the watering schedule.

Forget-me-nots need to be fertilized infrequently. After planting, 2 weeks later, you need to apply liquid mineral fertilizer. In the spring it is better to feed with peat and humus, and in the fall with organic mineral fertilizers.

During the period of plant growth, the soil must be loosened periodically to ensure better access to moisture and fertilizing. But forget-me-not does not need weeding - it is powerful root system does not give weeds a chance to get out. The plants are not covered with anything for wintering.


For planting in the garden, choose a shaded place.

First you need to choose a place in the garden where the forget-me-not will receive enough light and be in partial shade. You can grow the plant next to tall flowers that will cast a shadow. For example, a spreading fern would be suitable as a neighbor.

IN open ground The best way to grow from seeds is:

  1. The soil is loosened well, peat and humus are added, then leveled.
  2. Furrows are made on the surface and the seeds are laid out in them, retreating approximately 10 cm between the holes.
  3. The seeds are lightly sprinkled with soil and covered with polyethylene on top.
  4. Water regularly, keeping the soil moist. This must be done carefully, spraying or passing water through a piece of cloth.

Forget-me-not shoots appear 2 weeks after planting. When the first leaves appear, it is necessary to thin out the sprouts or plant them at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Flowering begins in May and lasts up to 2 months.

Another option for planting forget-me-nots in the garden is to pre-grow seedlings. To do this, in the fall, plant seeds are sown in containers with light soil, slightly buried. Under the soil layer there must be a layer of expanded clay. It is better to water the seedlings before germination through a sheet of paper.

With the appearance of leaves, the seedlings dive and move to a cold greenhouse until the beginning of spring. At the end of April, seedlings can be planted in open ground. Flowering will begin in May.

Regardless of the growing method, planting and caring for forget-me-nots will not cause much trouble.


By properly planting and propagating forget-me-nots, you can create a beautiful carpet of flowers on your site.

There are three main ways to propagate forget-me-nots:

  1. Seeds. Seeds can be collected by hand during the period of fruit ripening. To do this, dried branches with fruits are cut off and the seeds are shaken out in the place where they want to grow forget-me-nots. But it’s easier to let the plant reproduce by self-sowing, after transplanting it into right place. The main thing is to prevent the forget-me-not bushes from growing too much, periodically thinning them out.
  2. By dividing the bush. You can propagate forget-me-not flowers by dividing the bush into several parts. Transplantation can be done at any time of the year - the root system of the flower is very strong and can easily take root.
  3. By cuttings. The method will work for propagation of varietal forget-me-nots. In early June, you need to cut off the green shoots at the top of the bush (about 5 cm). They are planted immediately in open ground, shaded and covered with film. Water carefully, trying not to get on the leaves. For better tillering, pinch the top a little. Plants propagated in this way bloom in the same season, but not for long. For the winter, the plant is covered with spruce branches or peat.

If you plant and propagate forget-me-not flowers correctly, you can get a beautiful colorful carpet, which will become a decoration of the garden.

It is rare today to find a garden where forget-me-nots do not grow. Flowers of soft blue color, exuding the aroma of meadows and forests, are an integral sign of spring.


This herbaceous plant, belonging to the borage family, can be either annual or perennial. The branched stem is low - from 10 to 30 cm, slightly pubescent. The basal lanceolate or spatulate leaves have a dark green or grayish color. In May, the bush is covered with a scattering of small blue flowers. Blue flowers with yellow eyes, collected in short inflorescences, decorate the garden for a month.

At the end of flowering, a nut-like fruit is formed, filled with black shiny seeds. There are up to 2000 of them in 1 gram. The color of a forget-me-not flower can be not only blue, but also white or pink. Typically this color is found only in the wild.


WITH decorative purpose In gardens, as a rule, varieties are grown that are descended from forest, alpine or swamp forget-me-nots.

Forest forget-me-not is a dense bush with a large number branching shoots and 20-30 cm high. Flowers about 1 cm in diameter, blue, are collected in apical inflorescences. Prefers shaded, damp places.

Forget-me-not is found mainly along the banks of ponds, streams and the outskirts of swamps. It is most common in western Russia, southern Siberia, Mongolia and the Balkans. Due to the constant formation of shoots throughout the summer, the marsh forget-me-not is a flower that differs from other varieties long period flowering lasting from spring until autumn.

This plant is great for decorating the banks of a small pond. The Thuringian variety looks spectacular thanks to its dark blue flowers, and the scorpion-shaped forget-me-not, bred in the USA, has a bright blue color with a yellow or white center.

Alpine garden forget-me-not- a perennial flower, cultivated as a biennial. Very hardy and unpretentious plant, blooming quite profusely in the second half of spring. It is not afraid of either drought or spring frosts.

The most popular varieties are those that have compact bushes and bloom profusely - Blauer Korb, Victoria, Indigo, Blue Ball, Music, Miro, Compinidi, etc. With the help of these varieties you can get blue islands of different shades in the garden. The color of the forget-me-not flower Rosilva or Carmen King is pink.

This allows them to be used to create original compositions. Some other plants belonging to the borage family are sometimes mistaken for forget-me-nots. For example, such as brunerra, blackroot or anhusa - flowers similar to forget-me-nots. Therefore, they are quite often confused.

Growing conditions

Forget-me-nots prefer shady places, but if the humidity is high, then they grow well in sunlit areas. It is desirable that the soil has enough nutrients. Watering is required only when necessary. In this case, the stream of water is directed below the plant. Excessive waterlogging of the soil threatens to rot the root system or stretch the stems. Therefore, the soil where you plan to plant forget-me-nots needs good drainage. With a lack of moisture, the flowering period quickly ends.

The forget-me-not flower is very responsive to feeding. The description of the requirements for caring for this plant includes the mandatory application of various fertilizers.


Forget-me-nots are usually propagated by seeds. Sown in July-August, they will sprout in 2 weeks, and next spring will please you already magnificent flowering. Varietal forget-me-nots are usually propagated by cuttings. In May or early June, the tops of shoots up to 5 cm long are cut off and planted on prepared beds. Forget-me-not grows well on them. These flowers have a superficial root system, which allows for painless replanting of plants at any time, even during the flowering period.


To get flowering plants in spring, it is recommended to sow seeds in the fall. Pour into a container with a mandatory hole at the bottom. soil mixture, consisting of two thirds of turf soil and one third of river sand. It is treated before sowing with a solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are first placed in salted water to remove any that float. The rest need to be washed clean water and dry.

Forget-me-not is a flower that is planted directly on the soil surface without being buried; the seeds are simply sprinkled lightly with soil and covered with paper until shoots emerge. They should appear in 5-6 days. When the first true leaves form, the plants are planted in pots at a distance of at least 3 cm from each other. After this, containers with forget-me-nots are placed in a cold greenhouse until March, then transferred to warm room. Plants are planted in flower beds at the end of April, at which time buds may already appear on them.

Forget-me-not are flowers that can be planted directly in open ground. This should be done in July, having previously fertilized the soil with humus and peat with the addition of nitrophoska. Seeds are sown in the grooves and sprinkled with river sand.


Forget-me-nots practically do not need weeding, since they are planted in shaded areas and quite densely. It is only necessary to apply fertilizer if the soil is poor in composition. Ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium chloride (in a ratio of 2:3:1) are suitable as top dressing. Forget-me-not are flowers that respond very well to watering with mullein diluted with water 1:10. The soil must be mulched after watering.

Diseases and pests

If improperly cared for, forget-me-nots can be susceptible to various diseases. Flowers, photos of which amaze with their delicate beauty, lose all their decorative effect when infected.

For example, if the required distance between plants is not maintained during planting, powdery mildew may appear. This disease manifests itself as white plaque on the leaves. Spraying with fungicides will help in the fight against it.

With excessive watering, the plant is affected by brown root rot, the stem becomes brown in color and the flower dies. When this disease appears, forget-me-nots should be planted in another place. If you regularly loosen the soil, provide normal (not excessive) watering, and prevent the plantings from thickening, then these problems can be avoided.

It is necessary to periodically inspect plants for the presence of insect pests. Aphids often settle on the underside of leaves. The presence of small sores on flowers and leaves indicates that the plant is infested with the light-legged flea beetle. In both cases, it is recommended to treat all above-ground parts of the plant with karbofos (at the rate of 2 g per 10 m2) or any other special preparations recommended in the store.

The forget-me-not flower does not cause any particular problems when growing. The description of proper care for this plant given above will help you avoid many unpleasant moments.

Forget-me-not in landscape design

In early spring, blue flowers that look like small pieces of the sky are simply irreplaceable when decorating balconies and flower beds. Forget-me-nots look especially good near ponds. They are often planted in a group along with other flowers (daffodils, tulips) that bloom at the same time.

Phytodesigners use forget-me-nots in borders and rockeries. Flowers (see photo in the article) are a great decoration when decorating garden paths. The ability to grow among thick grass is used to create a blue flowering meadow in the middle of a green lawn, which looks very beautiful.

Forget-me-nots look great not only in the garden, but also on the balcony, planted in pots, boxes or suspended structures. They are also suitable for cutting, maintaining their attractiveness for two weeks, or even longer. Forget-me-nots are good both in single bouquets and in compositions with other flowers.

Not only in Russia, but also in many European countries love to use these blue "lights" to decorate the garden. In Germany, France, and Sweden, a rare spring flower garden is complete without forget-me-nots.

Forget-me-not. Care, varieties and types

Care: unpretentious plant.

Planting and flowering dates: sowing is carried out in May-June; on permanent place planted at the end of August or next spring. Blooms from May for 40-45 days.

Frost resistance: can tolerate frosts down to -5 °C.

Forget-me-not is very popular in Europe, especially in England, France, Germany and Sweden. There she often decorates spring flower beds. And in Russia it is difficult to find a garden where this delicate blue flower does not grow. In our country, forget-me-not is also called gourd, fever herb or comedy grass.

U different nations There are legends about this flower, but they are all connected with the concepts of fidelity and memory. For example, in Greece they talk about the shepherd Lykas, who gave his bride a bouquet of forget-me-nots as a farewell gift. There is a similar legend in German folklore.

They say that many years ago a couple in love went for a walk along the river. On the edge of a steep bank, the girl saw a blue flower and the young man climbed down to pick it. Unable to resist, he fell into the river and before the water covered him, he managed to shout: “Don’t forget me!”

Forget-me-not is also considered a witch's herb: a wreath of these flowers, worn around the neck of a loved one or placed on his chest, bewitches. This power is also attributed to the roots of the plant.

The Latin name for forget-me-not is myosous, where myos means mouse and ous means ear. Indeed, the pubescent leaves of some species look like mouse ears.

General description

Forget-me-not is a one-, two- and perennial plant of the borage family. The genus contains about 50 species growing in damp places Europe, Asia, America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand. Forget-me-not stems are branched, reaching a height of 10-40 cm. The leaves are green, sessile, lanceolate, linear-lanceolate or spatulate. The flowers are collected in an inflorescence-curl; blue with yellow center, sometimes pink or white. The fruit is a nut. 1 g contains 1500-2000 black shiny seeds. They germinate 2-3 weeks after sowing.

Most often grown as annuals.

Forget-me-not. Types and varieties

Annual forget-me-nots grow only in the mountain forests of the Caucasus. These include the related forget-me-not with a large corolla and the forget-me-not lasistan with small blue corollas, as well as perennial forget-me-not pleasanta (grown as an annual) is a long-rhizome plant.

Based on perennial species Annual and biennial varieties have been bred (Table).


Species name

Brief description kind

Alpine forget-me-not

Based on this type, we derived numerous varieties. True alpine forget-me-not is rare in cultivation.

A perennial with a short rhizome and a dense rosette of grayish leaves. The bushes are low and in spring they are covered with a mass of dark blue flowers. Blooms profusely in May. Propagated only by seeds



Victoria - blue forget-me-nots up to 30 cm high.

Carmen King - up to 20 cm high, flowers are dark pink. Indigo is a low-growing forget-me-not with blue flowers. Rosilve is a forget-me-not up to 20 cm high with pink flowers.

Blue Ball is a profusely flowering variety up to 15 cm high, blue flowers.

A perennial plant cultivated as a biennial. Blooms in the second half of spring, in middle lane Russia in mid-May. Flowering is long and abundant. Seeds ripen at the end of June - July

Forget-me-not swamp

Thuringian - with dark blue flowers. On its basis, a variety was obtained in the USA

Semperflorens - with bright blue flowers and a yellow center

Perennial. The stems are highly branched, up to 30 cm high. The leaves are large, bright green. The flowers are soft blue. Propagated by seeds

End of table.

Growing conditions and care of non-seeds

Forget-me-nots grow best in shade and partial shade, but they can also feel good in sunny areas, but in this case the duration of their flowering is reduced to 20 days.

Grows well in moist, fertilized soils. Too rich, especially fertilized fresh manure soils cause active growth leaves, disrupting the rhythm of seasonal growth and development.

Forget-me-nots are moisture-loving and will quickly fade if there is insufficient moisture. In drought they require abundant watering. But waterlogging the soil is also undesirable, as this can lead to rotting of the plants or their stems will become very elongated. Therefore, the area where forget-me-nots grow must have good drainage.

➣ In English, forget-me-not is called forget-me-not, in German - Vergissmeinnicht, which translated means: “Don’t forget me!”

Plants respond well to the application of organic and mineral fertilizers. Fertilizer with ammonium nitrate (10 g per 1 m2), superphosphate (15 g), and potassium salt (5 g) is required. You can use mullein infusion (1 part per 10 liters of water) and a mixture of compost and peat.

Forget-me-not. Reproduction and growth characteristics

All forget-me-nots reproduce well by seeds. Sowing is done in cold greenhouses in May-June. Flowers are planted in a permanent place at the end of August or next spring. In addition, forget-me-nots provide abundant self-seeding.

Varietal forget-me-nots are propagated by cuttings. The tops of growing shoots 4-5 cm long are taken for cuttings in May-June. They are planted in ridges and shaded.

Since forget-me-nots have a superficial fibrous root system, they tolerate replanting well throughout the season, even during flowering.

If it is necessary to obtain flowering specimens in the spring, then the seeds are sown in October - November. To do this, take a box, pot or milk bag with a hole at the bottom and fill it with soil (2/3 - turf soil, 1/3 - river sand). Before sowing, the soil is shed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. Sow seeds scattered over the soil surface. You should not bury the seeds, as they will germinate faster.

Before sowing, the seeds can be dipped in lightly salted water. Those that float to the surface must be thrown away. The seeds that have sunk to the bottom are washed with clean water, dried and sown, lightly sprinkled with light soil and compacted with a plank. After 4-6 days, shoots appear.

Until this time, the boxes are covered with paper, which is used for watering.

After the seedlings have 1-2 true leaves, they begin picking into boxes or pots with peat soil. They dive at a distance of 3-4 cm. The boxes are placed in a cold greenhouse, but in March they are transferred to a warm room. Since forget-me-not is shade-tolerant plant, then it does not need additional lighting. But it is necessary to constantly maintain soil moisture.

At the end of April, forget-me-nots can be planted in flower beds, and in May they will delight you with their blooms.

After flowering ends (June, July), the plants lose their decorative properties. Therefore, until the seeds ripen, you should leave no more than 2-3 copies. The remaining plants are removed from the flower garden.

Problems during cultivation

Forget-me-nots do not cause problems when growing.

However, in order to prevent them from getting sick, it is necessary to follow some rules: avoid dense plantings, regularly loosen the soil and water, while avoiding waterlogging. If the rules are violated, forget-me-nots can be affected by various diseases (gray and root rot, true and downy mildew). Powdery mildew is treated by spraying with fungicides (2 ml per 10 liters of water).

Pests of forget-me-nots are aphids, cruciferous flea beetles, cutworms and slugs. They can be controlled by spraying with insecticides.

Use in decoration Plants are indispensable for decorating flower beds and balconies early spring. They also look very nice in groups near the water. Forget-me-not in a group with tulips and daffodils are common spring flower beds in European countries. The plant looks good in borders. In addition, forget-me-nots are planted in rockeries. It is important to ensure that it does not grow.

Forget-me-not looks very good next to the lily of the valley, as well as under the trees. Contrasting colors go well with forget-me-nots. biennial plants. Organizing such flower beds does not require much work. Forget-me-nots look great not only in flower beds, but also in pots or boxes.

The flowers are suitable for cutting. It is better to make a bouquet using the entire bush. Forget-me-nots will last about two weeks in a vase.

Forget-me-nots are classified as annual or perennial herbaceous flowers from the Borachnikov family. Many people know about these modest and attractive blue flowers with a yellow center (sometimes there are specimens with pink and white petals). The plant has a low stem and large, oblong leaves of different shades. The size of the forget-me-not does not exceed 30 cm. Its fruit is a black nut, consisting of four parts. Small flowers delight and lift your spirits. They can be supplemented flower arrangements in your garden.

Forget-me-nots are widely used in folk medicine. They help with pulmonary diseases. With their beauty they have won the hearts of many gardeners. The plant is especially popular in landscape design. Forget-me-nots are grown as a garden plant in many countries around the world.

Flowers are not required special care, during flowering they look very impressive, so the plant can be found in developed European countries. They decorate the gardens of Sweden, Germany, and France.

Description of forget-me-not

Forget-me-nots are one-, two- and perennial plants. Branched stems 10-40 cm tall. The leaves are sessile, lanceolate, linear-lanceolate or spatulate. Forget-me-not flowers are usually blue with a yellow eye, sometimes pink or white, collected in an inflorescence - a curl. Blooms from May to mid-June. The fruit is a nut. In 1 g there are 1500-2000 black, ovoid, shiny seeds, the germination of which lasts 2-3 years. When sown, they germinate in 2-3 weeks. Forget-me-not is very popular in England, France, Germany, and Sweden, where it often decorates spring flower beds. And in Russia it is difficult to find a garden where this delicate, touching flower does not grow.

Of the 50 species of this genus, 35 grow on the territory of the former USSR. Similar to the forest forget-me-not, Krylov’s forget-me-not (Myosotis krylovii) is also a perennial with more developed sterile shoots, growing in Siberia and Central Asia, and the two-three-year-old Sakhalin forget-me-not (Myosotis sachalinensis), found on Far East. Annual forget-me-nots grow only in the mountain forests of the Caucasus. These are related forget-me-nots (Myosotis propinqua) with a rather large corolla and Lazista (Myosotis lazica) with small blue corollas and short fluffy pedicels, as well as the perennial pleasant forget-me-not (Myosotis amoena) - a long-rhizome plant with a large flat limb of the corolla, its seeds have a small white appendage . Forget-me-not (Myosotis sparsiflora) with small corollas and sparsely separated leafy racemes is a common species in disturbed habitats, sparse forests and clearings with fresh soil in the European part of Russia, Siberia, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Folk legends

In our country, the forget-me-not has other names, for example, it is called the snail, feverish grass, and gourd. Different peoples have different legends associated with this flower, but they are all united the concept of fidelity and good memory. In Greece and German folklore, a legend is mentioned about a shepherd named Lykas, who gave his bride a bouquet of forget-me-nots when saying goodbye to her.

They also remember the ancient legend about a couple in love who went for a walk along the river. On the edge of a steep bank, the girl noticed a delicate blue flower. The young man climbed down to pick it off, but could not resist and found himself in the river, which caught him in a strong current. All he had time to shout before the wave covered him was: “Don’t forget me!” This is one of the many legends about the lovely blue flower with a yellow eye, telling how he got his interesting name.

This flower is considered witchcraft by many. Because a wreath woven from it and placed around the neck or placed on the chest in the heart area of ​​a loved one can bewitch and hold him tighter than chains. The roots of forget-me-nots have the same power.

Types and varieties of forget-me-nots

Now many varieties of these wonderful flowers have been bred:

  • Alpine forget-me-not - this species almost does not grow in nature, but wonderful new varieties have been bred on its basis. This is a perennial plant with a dense rosette and short rhizome. Bushes in spring period completely covered with flowers blue. Reproduction occurs only with the help of seeds;
  • Garden forget-me-not - varieties were bred on the basis of this species: Victoria - with blue flowers and bushes growing no more than 30 cm in height. Carmen King - fuchsia flowers, plant height no more than 20 cm. Indigo - plant with indigo flowers. All these varieties bloom in late spring.
  • Swamp forget-me-not - wonderfully bred on its basis beautiful variety with blue flowers and a yellow center. This perennial flower with large green leaves.
  • Forest forget-me-not - this species has bushes with pink and blue flowers, flowering lasts one and a half months, the plant is perennial.

Forget-me-not swamp

IN natural environment grows in Transcaucasia, the Balkans, Siberia, Mongolia and Central Europe. Blooms throughout the summer. Preferring moist soil, it is found on the banks of ponds and swamps. Her characteristic features are branched stems, large leaves and flowers with pink or blue petals.

Alpine forget-me-not

Distributed in the Caucasus, Carpathians, and Alps. Prefers a lot of light. It has a meek rhizome and a low stem 5-15 cm high. distinctive feature are gray-green leaves and dark blue petals. It will bloom for about seven weeks.

Forget-me-not field

It is a medicinal plant. It has low shoots and small blue flowers. Its homeland is North Africa, Siberia, Asian countries, and the Canary Islands.

Forest forget-me-not

It is a perennial plant. It can be found in the Carpathians and European countries. Its height is about 30 cm. It has soft green oval, elongated leaves and light blue flowers.

Currently, breeders have managed to develop new hybrid species flowers with multi-colored petals. There are flowers that have blue, blue, purple, cream, white and pink petals. Alpine forget-me-not – rare guest in our gardens. Its domesticated counterpart is more common.

Reproduction of forget-me-nots


It is necessary to propagate by seeds in July, simply sowing them on a selected area of ​​open ground. But for this you need to prepare it:

  • Dig it up;
  • Sprinkle the soil with peat and humus;
  • Dig the soil a second time to mix the fertilizers.

After all the manipulations with the soil in the flowerbed, it must be leveled and shallow holes made up to 2 cm deep, where the seeds should be sown. Then cover the seeds with sand and compact it lightly with your hands. It is better to do watering using a watering can by sprinkling, so as not to wash the seeds out of the soil. Then organize a temporary shelter over the forget-me-not crops.

After about 15 days, the seeds will sprout, after which the improvised greenhouse is removed. In the fall, to prevent freezing of young forget-me-not plants, they are sprinkled with peat or fallen leaves. In the spring, after they have germinated well, they are planted in a permanent place, planted in a checkerboard pattern with a step of 15 cm. In the first year, the forget-me-not will increase the vegetative mass, which by the end warm season will become a dense green carpet. On next year this carpet will turn sky blue.

Among other things, this flower reproduces remarkably by self-sowing. Therefore, if the bushes have taken root in the flowerbed, then they themselves will be able to take care of the continuation of their life in the gardener’s flowerbed.

Since the flower has a powerful root system of small intertwined roots, when the flower grows it no longer requires weeding. It suppresses the growth of weeds.


Using this type of propagation, you can propagate well the varietal forget-me-not. Since when dividing a bush, all varietal characteristics are preserved, which seed propagation plants are not guaranteed. To do this, cut off the tops of bushes up to 5 cm long and plant them in the shade. If there is no shadow on the site, then it must be created artificially.

Propagation using seedlings

Gardeners use this method if they need to get a delicately flowering bush in early spring. For this purpose, the seeds are sown in mid-autumn in previously prepared boxes with loose nutritious soil. It is necessary to disinfect the soil so that the plants do not get sick with blackleg during germination. To do this, the soil is spilled with a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

The seeds are simply spread on the surface of the soil. Before this, they are tested for germination in lightly salted water. Those seeds that float to the surface are removed, the rest are used for sowing seedlings. After about a week, the first seedlings begin to sprout.

After the seedlings begin to grow and the sprouts have two real sheet plates, they are dumped into separate containers small size. All this is displayed in fruit boxes and placed in a room where there is no heating, and at the same time the air temperature does not drop below 5 degrees Celsius.

At the beginning of spring, they are brought into a warm room and continue to grow it like ordinary seedlings. As a result of such manipulations, the seedlings grow strong and stocky. When growing forget-me-not seedlings, you must not forget to water to avoid drying out the clod of earth.

At the beginning of May, forget-me-nots can be planted in a permanent place in the flower garden and wait for the May flowering.

Outdoor care

Despite the fact that forget-me-nots are light-loving flowers, the best option there will be a shaded area for them. At the same time, you should monitor the soil moisture near the flower bed with the plant. If the soil is too dry, the flower may die. Flowering and its duration also depend on the area where the flower is planted. In a sunny area the plant will bloom for only 3 weeks, while in a shaded area it will bloom for up to 2 months. Note! Exceptions are field and alpine species and varieties. Regular garden blue forget-me-not It grows well with larger, taller flowers that provide shade for it. In most cases, plants are grown for 2 years, after which they are re-sown. In the third year, the stems of the plant become too elongated and the diameter of the flowers becomes smaller. As for the soil, then ideal option the soil will become moderately moist with a small amount of fertilizer.

If the soil is oversaturated with moisture, the plant will stretch, the stem will become thinner, and the flowers will become smaller. Too dry soil will not work. Watering should be carried out as the soil dries, depending on weather conditions, the forest clearing of forget-me-nots on your site should not be oversaturated with moisture. If the plant is grown in the sun, the volume of water for irrigation is increased. In spring, it is not necessary to water the flowerbed. Fertilizers are applied only 3 times: Before planting the plant in the ground. Before flowering, after germination. In autumn. It is better to use liquid fertilizer as fertilizer. mineral mixtures for flowers. They can be purchased at any gardening store. In autumn and spring, the clearing is fertilized with peat and humus.

Pay attention! Forget-me-nots love fresh soil, so it needs to be loosened periodically. As for weeding, it must be carried out as weeds appear on the plantation. When to plant forget-me-nots? Seedling method cultivation: Annual plant - sow in late February-early March. Biennial plant - sow in May-June. At the end of August and beginning of September, the seedlings are transplanted to a permanent place. To force plants in winter, seeds are sown in late February-early March. Further terms are as follows: in July-August the resulting seedlings are transplanted into pots, at the end of September the pots are brought into cool rooms with temperatures up to 0°C, in February they are brought into warm apartment. How to use in landscape design? Forget-me-not will become excellent option for decorating a flower bed, flower bed or balcony.

Many varieties of flowers can be grown at home. When choosing a place to plant forget-me-nots, you should take into account the type and variety of this plant; swamp - will perfectly decorate artificial pond, garden - a flowerbed, alpine will look great among the stones. Forget-me-not goes well with tulips, lilies of the valley, and daffodils. Daisies and pansies They will also look great in the flower bed next to it. Replace the forget-me-not if we're talking about about the selection of plants for shaded and moderately humid areas of the garden, you can: lungwort, small bulbous, daffodils, crocuses, chiostophyllum.

Location and lighting

Flowers will grow well in both shade and sun. But in a shaded place they will bloom longer, acquiring a more saturated shade.


Forget-me-nots are suitable for moderately moist meadow soil. Too nutritious soil is not suitable for them, since the plant will grow rapidly and bloom poorly. Poor sandy soils also not suitable for the plant. If you plant a forget-me-not in an excessively wet area, it will hurt and become very long. That's why ideal conditions For growing these beautiful flowers, use moderately moist areas of land with a small amount of fertilizer.

Watering rules

If forget-me-not grows in the shade, watering the plant should be moderate. At the end of spring, it is not necessary to water the flowers, since the soil contains required quantity moisture. When forget-me-nots grow in sunny areas, watering is increased so that its leaves always remain fresh and elastic.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

You should not feed the plant too often. Fertilizers are applied to the soil three times. Young forget-me-nots must be fed two weeks after planting, before flowering. For this purpose liquid mineral fertilizers. Organic and mineral fertilizers also need to be applied in the fall. And in the spring, a small amount of peat and humus is added to the soil. Since forget-me-nots prefer fresh soil, it is regularly loosened so that the plant receives all the necessary nutrients. nutrients. Flowers do not need additional shelter for the winter.

Forget-me-not flowers practically do not require weeding, as they have a powerful fibrous system that does not allow weeds to break through.

Diseases and pests

Forget-me-nots can be affected by gray mold and powdery mildew. In the first case, the bushes are saved by pruning diseased elements of the plant, the rest by treating with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate. Powdery mildew can be controlled by spraying in the morning or evening with a solution containing the following components: 10 liters of water, 1 kg wood ash And laundry soap. As preventive measures, gardeners advise systematically removing weeds from the area, planting sparingly, and watering the plants sparingly.

Forget-me-not beneficial properties

Forget-me-not petals contain anthocyanins, which give the petals their blue color. These substances largely determine medicinal properties plants - eliminates inflammation, helps remove phlegm from the lungs and reduce sweating, stops bleeding. Basically, in medical practice, juice and powder are used in the treatment of cancerous tumors. oral cavity and organs of the reproductive system, less often - a decoction of the roots externally for eye diseases and as a bath additive for skin rashes and dry eczema.

Forget-me-nots (Myosótis), depending on the species, are perennial, biennial or annual plants, which are valued by gardeners for their low maintenance and beauty. In total, about 50 species of plants are known; forget-me-nots reach a height of 10 to 40 cm; the flowers are blue, less often pink and white, which bloom in early spring.

Leaf color has different shades green, leaves elongated in shape.

Requirements for soil and place for planting

Forget-me-nots are quite unpretentious flowers; they can be replanted even during flowering. They are frost-resistant, ideal for decorating rock gardens and rockeries. They tolerate winter well and do not need additional shelter. Almost all types of forget-me-nots grow well in the shade, bloom for about two months, in a sunny area the flowering period is shorter, there are only two light-loving varieties of forget-me-nots - alpine and field. Swamp forget-me-not tolerates high humidity, can grow in shallow water and will serve good decoration reservoirs.

The soil for growing forget-me-nots should be moderately moist; in waterlogged areas, the flowers will become very elongated and will hurt. In too nutrient soil Forget-me-nots will grow quickly and bloom poorly, so there is no need to fertilize the soil often.


Most often, forget-me-nots are grown from seeds, and then they grow as two-year-old plants; in the third year, forget-me-nots grow too tall, the flowers become smaller, and the flowers have to be removed and new ones planted in their place.

Forget-me-nots can be grown directly in the garden, in open ground. Before planting seeds, the area is loosened, fertilizer is applied and leveled. Flowers are planted in small holes at a distance of 10–15 cm. After planting, it is advisable to cover the seeds with covering material, which is removed a couple of weeks after the first shoots appear.

When the first leaves grow and become stronger, the flowers are thinned out or planted at a distance of about 5 cm between the bushes.

Seedlings can be grown in the fall, preferably in October or November. When the first leaves appear, the plants grown in this way are picked up and transplanted into a cold greenhouse until March; they are transplanted into open ground in April.

Top dressing

The plant does not require frequent fertilization. Usually, forget-me-nots are fed a couple of weeks before flowering with liquid mineral fertilizers. In the fall, organic and mineral fertilizers are added; in the spring, peat and humus are used. It is advisable to loosen the soil regularly.


Forget-me-nots can be propagated by cuttings. They are cut into warm time year, usually in June. The cut branches are kept in water until they take root, then planted in the soil.

Forget-me-not flowers require almost no weeding; their root system does not allow weeds to sprout.

Video about planting and growing forget-me-nots

Grow forget-me-nots in your garden, and if you wish, you can put the flowers in a vase. To do this, it is best to take a whole bush, washing the roots from the ground. And these flowers will delight you with their natural and delicate beauty for a long time.

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