Gas / Gas meters

Have you noticed that gas meter in your house (apartment) is faulty. For example, it does not “turn” when a gas stove or water heater is turned on. This must be reported to your gas supply company. This is the requirement of current legislation. However, before calling the gas workers, some details should be clarified. Otherwise, there is a risk of incurring serious financial expenses.

The gas meter has failed. How are gas fees calculated?

The issue of paying for gas consumption when replacing a failed meter is described in clause 28 of the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2008 N 549. It is not long, so we will present it in full:

28. In the event of damage to the integrity of any of the seals ... or a malfunction of the gas meter, which the subscriber notified the gas supplier on the day such a malfunction was discovered, the volume of gas consumed is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards for the period from the date of notification to the day following day of restoring seals, including installing a seal at the place where the gas meter after repair is connected to the gas pipeline.

If damage to the seals or a malfunction of the gas meter is revealed as a result of an inspection carried out by the gas supplier, the volume of gas consumed is determined in accordance with gas consumption standards for the period from the date of the last inspection to the day following the day the seals were restored, including the installation of the seal at the place where the gas meter after repair is connected to the gas pipeline, but no more than 6 months in advance.

With the current version of the Rules.

As you can see, the Rules consider two options for calculating gas payments after a meter malfunction (violation of the integrity of the seal) is discovered:

  • the first implies that the subscriber himself discovered the malfunction and reported it to the gas workers.
  • the second is that the gas workers themselves found out about the malfunction during a regular or unscheduled inspection.

In the first case, during the period between the notification of a malfunction of the meter and the moment of its replacement (i.e., sealing), the gas payment is calculated based on the gas consumption standards in force in the region.

In the second case, the consumer is also transferred to payment according to the standard until the seal is installed on the new meter, but in addition to this, gas workers recalculate the subscriber’s payment for the previous six months according to the standard. It should be understood that gas consumption standards for heating are greatly overestimated. In this case, the consumer is billed an amount that is several times greater than his regular payments on the meter.

Of course, this situation does not seem entirely fair for the consumer. Without having the necessary skills (and often without even being officially notified), he is appointed by current legislation to be responsible for good condition your gas meter.

A gas supply organization that has specialists and necessary technologies for control proper operation counter does not bear any risks. Moreover, he definitely benefits (by overcharging for gas) by discovering a faulty meter during the inspection.

However, these are the requirements of current legislation. Whether they are fair or not is a separate question, but they must be fulfilled. That is, you need to monitor the counter.

However, even if you notice a faulty state of the meter and call the gas workers yourself to correct the situation, there is a risk that you will be charged for gas according to the standard for the last six months.

They reported a faulty gas meter, but the gas workers still issued a bill for six months according to the standard

Let's consider a typical example that took place a couple of years ago in the Orenburg region. The circumstances of the case became known from the materials of the subsequent trial.

A resident of the Orenburg region, Kuznetsova A.A., discovered a malfunction in the gas meter installed on the street (the meter made loud clicks). I reported this by calling the emergency telephone number of the gas services - number “04”. After a while I called back again to the same number. As a result, an inspector arrived who drew up a report about the malfunction of the gas meter, which the woman’s adult son, who was in the house at that time, signed.

However, after some time, Kuznetsova received an invoice from the local gas supply organization to pay for gas consumption according to the standard for the previous six months. The requirement was motivated by the second paragraph of clause 28 of the “Rules for the supply of gas to meet the household needs of citizens.” Thus, where we're talking about about the case of a meter malfunction detected by the gas workers themselves during an inspection.

A resident of the Orenburg region did not agree with such a blatant violation of her rights and filed a lawsuit in the local court. She won the case in both the first and second instances, where the gas workers appealed.

The position of the gas supply organization, as it turned out during the consideration of the case, boiled down to the fact that Kuznetsova was calling the wrong person - the number “04” does not belong to the gas supplier OJSC Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Orenburg. Accordingly, the company does not have information about this call and its content. And the gas workers checked the meter as part of a regular inspection, which is recorded in the company’s internal documents. The fact that the inspector came to the house and checked the gas equipment shortly after calling the number “04”, according to the gas workers, is just a coincidence.

The court found these arguments unconvincing.

Having received from the telecom operator a transcript of calls from A.A. Kuznetsova’s phone, the court found that the woman had indeed called the number “04” on the indicated days. It was also established that this number is actually serviced by another organization - OJSC Gazprom Gazoraspredeleniye Orenburg, which services gas equipment, but does not supply gas to the population. It turned out that the employee of this organization, who received Kuznetsova’s call on “04”, did not inform her of the need to contact the gas supplier directly.

Thus, the court found that Kuznetsova fulfilled her obligations to notify about a malfunction of the gas meter. And it’s not her fault that gas workers cannot establish an exchange of information among themselves.

Based on this conclusion, the court determined that in the case considered it is necessary to apply the first paragraph of clause 28 of the Rules. Those. that option when the subscriber himself notified the gas workers about the malfunction and, accordingly, must pay for gas according to the standard in the period from the day the malfunction is discovered until the day the meter is replaced (a seal is installed on it).

By the time the decision was made, Kuznetsova had managed to pay the amount billed to her (so as not to have to pay penalties on it later). This money was offset by a court decision against future gas payments.

The decision of the court of second instance in the case described above.

Faulty gas meter: what is the right thing to do so that you don’t get charged according to the standard?

As the analysis shows judicial practice However, cases involving faulty gas meters do not always end in favor of the consumer. In many cases, they fail to prove the fact of treatment. And it’s clear how this happens.

Suppose the owner of the house was alarmed by something in the operation of the meter. He called the gas workers once, twice... No one came. There doesn't seem to be a leak. The device does not take into account excess consumption. Quite the opposite. Well, okay, so be it...

And then the inspector comes, turns on the burner on the gas stove, and finds that the meter does not respond. After that, a report is drawn up about the malfunction of the meter and a receipt is received with a recalculation for the last six months according to the standards.

People argue, but many pay. After all, not everyone is ready to sue, and the outcome of the case is unpredictable. It is not always possible to prove the fact that information about a meter malfunction has been reported. And gas workers can, in turn, submit to court internal documents, confirming that the inspection was planned.

What resume? As mentioned above, current legislation gives clear preference to gas workers, the balance of rights and obligations is obviously shifted in their favor, and not in the direction of the consumer. And it's difficult to do anything about it.

However, let's try to give a few practical advice that will help you avoid unnecessary spending:

  • If you discover a fault with your gas meter, please report it to your gas supplier. That is, the organization whose details are indicated on your payment
  • When communicating with a representative of your gas supplier, try to find out whether your appeal has been registered and how it was done?
  • most reliable way protect yourself from possible future claims for recalculation according to the standard - submit a statement about the malfunction of the meter to in writing in two copies, one of which, with the appropriate mark, to keep for yourself
  • when a gas service employee comes to check your meter, try to find out whether he came at your request or what? If you do not receive a clear answer, contact your gas supply company.

There is no point in preparing yourself for inevitable troubles in advance. It may well turn out that in your case, replacing the meter will take place without unnecessary problems and expenses.

But think about how to protect yourself in advance from negative consequences and, of course, you need to take simple actions.

Gas is the main assistant to the cook and fireman; with it you will not be cold and hungry. Knowing the safety rules and behavior patterns during emergency situations will protect you from harm and help strengthen your “friendship” with the gift sent to us by Mother Nature. Still don’t know what to do when the gas tap in the kitchen leaks and how to check if there is a leak? Well, let's get down to business then.

You are probably aware that natural gas comes to our kitchens directly from the bowels of the earth, naturally, bypassing kilometers of pipes. The main flammable component of gas is methane. It is this that poses a threat to human life if it comes out of the pipeline. A 5% concentration of this substance in the air is enough, and if you do nothing, fire or explosion is inevitable. “Why does everything have to end in fire?” - you ask. As a rule, due to ignorance of the rules of behavior in such situations, people do not stop using electrical devices (sometimes they even turn on the light to understand what kind of unpleasant smell is coming from the kitchen), or even completely, when the gas tap in the kitchen sometimes goes bad, they bring a lit match to the stove to determine which burner is broken.

Worth paying attention! Natural gas, you may be surprised, has no smell, taste or color. Therefore, before pumping it into the pipes leading to consumers, it is odorized - saturated with a substance with a specific, unpleasant smell, which is harmless to humans and helps us find out about gas leakage from the system.

According to the rules for handling gas, the population is prohibited from dismantling or repairing pipes on their own. What should you do if the gas tap in the kitchen is leaking? First, open the doors and windows. Secondly, stop using electrical appliances. Third, call the appropriate service.

What to do if you suspect a gas leak, but you’re not sure about it; do you think it’s just your imagination? There is a way to check the correctness of this assumption. Make a soap solution and apply it to the faucet or areas where you think gas may be leaking. If there is indeed a breakdown, then bubbles should appear, and of substantial size. Do you have any doubts? Perform the operation again, because call emergency service because of unfounded suspicions is also bad, isn’t it?

This is what one of the gas tap models looks like

Crane repair and lubrication

Naturally, according to the rules, it is better to invite a master, but many men consider themselves “savvy” enough to produce renovation work on one's own. Well, this can happen, especially if the owner of the house has already dealt with the repair of gas pipelines and specialized equipment.

Let's consider a mini-repair version - lubrication of the gas tap.

What will be needed to carry out the work?

  • screwdriver;
  • gag (made of wood or in the form of wet cloth in plastic bag);
  • lubricant (graphite or grease);
  • textile.

Make sure that nothing interferes with you, you should come close to the pipe, and if necessary, move the stove away

Of course, it is better to turn off the gas supply during lubrication. But it happens that this is not possible, then try to lubricate the tap without shutting off. Disable household appliances, open the window, turn off the fire (candles cannot be used either).

Using a screwdriver, unscrew the plug on the tap, remove the spring, and then the cone valve. Close the hole with a gag. Remove dirt and old grease from the valve and apply new mixture. Remove the gag (you need to do this very quickly), replace the bolt, spring and plug. Check the tightness in a way you already know with soap solution. Are there any bubbles? This means that you have successfully completed the job, the tap is lubricated and will work properly. If the leak does not stop, call the gas service immediately.

This is important to know! Allow specialists who have supporting documents to carry out such work, including a license, to connect any gas appliances. During the work, be nearby to come to the technician’s aid if necessary. “Armed” with soap, do not forget to check the quality of work.

The faucet has been replaced, all that remains is to paint the pipe

Now you know what to do and how to behave, if the gas tap in the kitchen is leaking, then your home will always be safe.

Gas is still used in many residential buildings and apartments as a cheap and practical fuel. However, a gas leak can pose a huge danger to people. The gas is not only a toxic substance, it can burn and cause an explosion in a closed room. Pure propane has no odor, so in order to recognize the danger in time, a special fragrance is added to it. Should be handled with care gas stove And gas cylinders, know what to do if a gas leak is detected, where to turn for help and how to save those who have been in a room for a long time where dangerous gas was present.

Four important “don’ts” when operating or gas leaking in an apartment

  • Don't repair gas appliances on one's own.
  • Don't tie it to gas pipes clotheslines and do not use them as grounding.
  • Do not correct defects in gas pipes yourself! The tool can strike the fatal spark.
  • Do not leave running gas appliances unattended, especially if children have access to them. More detailed information about household gas appliances.

If you smell a strong gas odor. What to do if there is a gas leak in your apartment

  • Turn off the gas tap.
  • Ventilate the room (create a draft).
  • Call an emergency (you need to call from a room not filled with gas, or from another apartment altogether) by calling DEZ or 04.

  • Do not light a fire or turn any electrical appliances on or off. The location of a gas leak can only be detected with soap suds - by the presence of bubbles.

Safety precautions when using gas cylinders

During operation liquefied gas in cylinders, it is necessary to follow safety regulations to avoid leakage. An explosion of a pressurized gas container can cause great destruction and loss of life. Therefore, you should not store a propane source indoors near thermal device. If it is located closer than one meter from the heater, it is necessary to place a screen to protect against heat.

No alterations are allowed; even the restoration of the thread on the neck must be entrusted to a specialist who must have the appropriate permit. should be handled by an individual or the corresponding gas service of the enterprise, the functions of which can be read. If you smell it, you should not operate such a device that leaks gas. It is prohibited to repair gas leaks on your own, either at home or in the workplace. Disassembly and repairs may only be carried out by the manufacturer.

Carrying a propane tank on your shoulder is not permitted. To move it, two people are required and it is advisable to use a stretcher or special carts. You can roll it alone for a short distance, tilting it slightly to the side. Gas containers can only be transported over long distances using special vehicles. One cylinder for personal use can be transported, eliminating the possibility of gas leakage and first putting a carrying case on it.

Gas leak in the apartment. What to do if you smell gas in your apartment?

IN lately V major cities and megacities increasingly began to change to new gas and electric meters. If previously they could only be found on communal pipes, today they are installed en masse in every apartment. Due to the fact that gas prices are constantly rising, people are trying to find any possible options savings, just not to pay at generally accepted tariffs, but to report for the actual cubic meters consumed. But more and more often there are questions on the Internet regarding the fact that a brand new gas meter turns quickly. What to do in such a situation, where to go and what measures to take. we will find out in the next article. And these situations really require attention, because it even happens that the meters wind up twice as much as people used before they were installed.

What to do if the gas meter breaks down?

If you find that the meter is moving too quickly or, on the contrary, the cubic meters consumed are not being counted, that is, the numbers are not moving at all, then you must immediately contact the emergency gas service. So, what should you do if your gas meter fluctuates a lot or stops working?

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. If there is no leak, that is, there is no smell of gas, but the meter does not work, then you can safely use it, because you do not have the right to turn it off yourself, but you can satisfy your needs.
  2. While waiting for a representative of the city gas service, under no circumstances try to access the meter yourself, so as not to break the integrity of the seals, otherwise you will not be able to avoid penalties.
  3. Upon arrival of specialists, do not take your eyes off them, carefully monitor their every action so that they themselves do not accidentally damage the seal, and then transfer all responsibility to you. By the way, such situations occur quite often, and the craftsmen begin to extort money from residents in order to voluntarily settle this issue.
  4. The team must certify that the seals are intact.
  5. After a detailed inspection, your meter can be dismantled and taken away for the purpose of examination and repair, and if it cannot be repaired, then the specialist is obliged to issue you a document to replace it.

The financial side of this issue depends on who has your account on their balance sheet. During the absence of the device, the monthly fee is calculated according to the conditions specified in the contract - most often the average gas consumption is taken.

Important! If a leak is detected, you must immediately turn off the gas and under no circumstances use the stove.

How can you independently check that the meter is moving too much?

To check whether your own gas appliance is deceiving you, you need to perform a few very simple steps, namely:

  1. First, you need to check whether it starts when absolutely all gas appliances in the house or apartment are turned off. If so, then most likely there is a leak or an illegal connection to your device.
  2. Turn on the device for fifteen minutes at full power and compare the gas consumption indicated in the passport of your device and the changes that occur.
  3. If the meter has an electronic display and readings are read even when the gas tap, then we can with great probability assert the presence of so-called stray currents, the nature of which is not always possible to determine.

Important! More often they arise due to incorrect connection of stoves with electric ignition in neighboring apartments or when special gas outlets are used.

The most common causes of gas meter breakdowns

Only a specialist can accurately determine why the gas meter fluctuates a lot. What should the residents of the house do in this case? Of course, less initiative, because in such situations it does not lead to anything good. These devices are too complex in terms of design and operating features to understand them on your own.

The reasons for excess gas consumption are usually the following factors:

  1. Most often, the cause of meter failure is a problem that arose in gas equipment and consumption patterns natural gas. For example, if you use 10-20 cubic meters of gas per month, while using gas boiler with only one wick, then you need to reconsider the effectiveness of such a huge consumption, because this is a pretty decent figure. In such a situation, it is necessary, first of all, to evaluate how effectively your home retains heat. It may be necessary to insulate it, and then gas consumption is guaranteed to decrease noticeably.
  2. A trivial leak. By the way, when it occurs, you may not even smell the gas. But you can safely diagnose the problem yourself. You just need to coat the gas valve and all connections with a foam solution made from regular shampoo or soap. If bubbles form, it means that there is absolutely a leak and you need to urgently call a specialist.

In this article, we looked at all the reasons why the gas meter turns quickly or does not turn at all, and compiled for you step by step instructions what to do in such situations. We hope you were able to solve the problem competently and quickly.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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