The high cost of a vehicle attracts a large number of car thieves. Therefore, the next task after purchasing a car will be to ensure its safety. GSM car alarm is a new word in ensuring vehicle safety. The device is capable of transmitting the coordinates of the vehicle's location. The user will also have the opportunity to listen to all the sounds occurring inside the car.

What is GSM alarm

A modern security system is a functional device that performs various functions. GSM/GPS car alarm transmits information about the location and possible threats to the vehicle owner. The system is also capable of transmitting alarm data directly to the security company's console.

One of the main advantages of the system is its operating range. No matter where your car is, your phone will always receive information about its condition. In addition, the system responds to threats both inside and outside the cabin. When attempting to load a car onto another vehicle, the owner will immediately receive information about this.

The principle of operation of the GSM system

GSM car alarm system is a system consisting of a main module, as well as a set of various sensors, for example. Their main functions:

  • transfer of data to the owner about the location of the car. Using GPS systems, coordinates are determined with an accuracy of up to 100 meters;
  • control of the vehicle engine and the ability to block it;
  • transmitting a sound signal from the car interior.

At the owner's request, additional sensors can be installed in the car.

The indicated functions of GPS/GSM alarm are its main advantages. A conventional alarm system cannot boast of them. As in traditional alarm systems, the process of controlling GSM security can be carried out using a key fob. The owner can control its operation, which prevents the possibility of reprogramming the GSM system to another control panel.


On the market, consumers can come across various types of GSM systems. One of the classifications of modules is based on the method of transmitting information to the owner. The signal can come in the form of an SMS message or a phone call. There are also combined systems on the market that use both notification methods.

Car alarms with GPS/GSM functions are divided into expensive and budget models. In more expensive options, the owner receives not only a security system kit, but also a source of autonomous energy for the device, as well as a transmitter with which the car can be controlled remotely.

Car alarms are also divided according to the method of power supply. The majority of devices are connected to the car’s on-board network, but there are models that also work with batteries. Such models have a function to notify the owner about the charge status of the device’s battery.

Advantages of GSM security alarm

One of the main advantages of the system is signal transmission and the ability to remotely control a vehicle over a long distance. The system operates anywhere on the planet, is capable of transmitting all information about the condition of the vehicle, and thanks to the use of a GPS sensor, the function of determining the coordinates of the vehicle is available.

The variety of functions is another advantage of this system. You can not only control the car and find out about its condition, but also listen to what is happening now in the vehicle. The entire control process is simple and is carried out using a phone or remote control. By receiving messages about the condition and location of the object, the owner can also find out about such parameters as the remaining gasoline, speed, and direction of movement of the car. Installing additional equipment, for example, motion sensors that respond to tilt, will also allow you to receive information about loading a car with a tow truck or removing wheels.

Another advantage of this device is the ability to control the operation of the machine’s engine. The owner can either start or stop the engine, or block its operation. And all this can be done remotely, being at any distance from the car.

The GPS/GSM security alarm system is reliable and cannot be hacked using third-party devices. The presence of a battery in such devices allows you to control transport if the main battery is missing.

Alarm selection

When choosing a system from several models, you need to focus not only on cost, but also on the manufacturer. It is desirable that the device have the following functions:

  • protection against false alarms;
  • control of car locks and its engine;
  • self-diagnosis, monitoring the condition of all system elements;
  • the presence of a battery, which will allow the system to operate autonomously.

When choosing, remember the rule: the more functions, the better. In terms of installation complexity, this type of system is no different from a conventional alarm system. Getting to grips with the controls is also not difficult. The kit includes detailed instructions describing all functions and features.

One of the important elements in a car alarm with GPS/GSM functions is a mobile phone. You can use any model of device, and it does not have to be touch-sensitive. Of course, the advantage of using a smartphone is getting a map with the location of the car. All that is needed in a phone is the availability of call and SMS functions. It is worth remembering the following:

  • the phone number must be linked to your GSM system;
  • the device must be in full working order;
  • The mobile device must always be within range of the network.

Before you start using your phone with a security module, study the features of your mobile operator. Pay attention to the quality of communication and the cost of SMS messages. As a rule, for a month of using a GSM/GSM system you will spend a small part of the money.

Popular GSM alarm models

The market offers consumers various device options at different prices and functionality. The main advice from professionals is to purchase models with a large number of functions from manufacturers that have proven themselves in the market. It is advisable that the seller offers you the service of installing and configuring a new system. So, what popular models does the market offer?

Top 5 popular GSM alarm models

If you are thinking about purchasing such a device to protect your car, don’t delay it. The number of additional features, as well as the price of the device, are directly related - the more additions, the higher the cost of the device. Therefore, you should first pay attention to exactly what functions you plan to use. This will allow you to find a model with the optimal price-feature ratio.

Car safety has always been a pressing issue for its owner. They tried to ensure the safety of the vehicle by any means possible. Various mechanical locks for the steering wheel, pedals, etc. were used. Secret toggle switches were installed that turned off the power to the on-board network. Later, all kinds of “squeakers” appeared.

Operating principle of GPS and GSM alarm

The rapid development of technological progress has not spared the issue of vehicle safety. And if a few years ago satellite alarm systems were available only to military or government agencies, today in almost any car store you can freely choose a GPS/GSM car alarm that is suitable for the price and functionality.

How does GPS/GSM car alarm work?

An electronic unit is installed in the car interior, which includes a microcontroller, a GPS module and a GSM module. The GPS module provides communication with the global positioning system, which determines the coordinates of the location and speed of the vehicle. The gsm module provides communication with the owner of the vehicle and the operator of the security console (if the system is connected to the control panel of the security company). The microcontroller processes the information received from the sensor system and, based on it, includes an action algorithm corresponding to the protection program.

The GPS/GSM car alarm system ensures constant communication between the car and its owner. Being far from the car, you can get information about its location or technical condition, as well as start or stop the engine. The car is controlled and its condition is monitored via SMS messages, voice calls (dtmf), as well as through the web interface of a special website.

The site is an Internet portal that receives information from a car equipped with an alarm system automatically. From the same portal, the system takes the settings for driving the vehicle. To remotely use a web portal, you only need to have any device with Internet access – a computer, laptop, iPhone, smartphone.

Alarm calls or SMS messages can be sent to several mobile phones recorded in the memory of the alarm control unit.

If the car is stolen or impounded, its location can be determined using the function. Almost any satellite car alarm kit has the ability to connect video cameras, which allows you to remotely conduct covert video surveillance of the car’s interior. Digital relays provide additional protection. If an attacker detects and disables the alarm unit, digital relays and all main power circuits. It will no longer be possible to activate them, even if you supply power directly. In addition, these same relays will block the doors with special pins.

Most modern satellite signaling devices support eCall / ERA-Glonass technologies. A car equipped with such a device can independently call the rescue service. This function is very relevant in case of an accident, if the driver and passengers themselves are not able to do anything. According to experts, the installation of such devices will reduce the consequences of injuries in road accidents by 14 percent.

General structure of the gps/gsm car alarm system

To obtain data about the current state of the car, the alarm controller is connected to the diagnostic connector or directly to actuators and sensors - tachometer, generator, injectors, speed sensors, oil pressure, etc.

To connect video cameras, a special interface is provided in the central alarm unit. Data from the cameras is sent to the system’s website and to the car owner’s mobile phone in the form of an mms message.

The controller is connected to the actuators and sensors of the vehicle

With all its advantages and high technology, the gps/gsm alarm system is not without its disadvantages. Attackers also keep up with progress; the latest equipment (scanners, code grabbers, repeaters, jammers) sometimes allows hijackers to bypass the electronic security system.

Video: Car theft with satellite alarm

Ways to hack satellite signaling and protection methods

The weak point of the gps/gsm alarm is the communication channel with the server and the owner’s mobile phone. Attackers have several ways to disrupt this connection:

a) GSM signal jamming

The signal to a mobile phone can be jammed

— Such a simple device, costing about $120, can jam all 3G/GSM/CDMA modems within a radius of five to twenty meters.

b) SIM card counterfeiting (cloning)
The number used by the alarm has a copy in the hands of the hijackers. If the alarm is silenced using the jammer described above, the second number will be accessible and will not sound an alarm. If the alarm is checked by periodic dialing, then the dialing will be sent to a copy of the SIM card and will not cause an alarm.

To protect against signal jamming and counterfeit SIM cards, the Jamming Detection function was developed. It is designed to detect attempts to jam the signal. When such an attempt is detected, the alarm locks the car, turns on the siren and records information in its memory that it was turned off. When the connection is restored, this information is sent to the server and to the owner’s phone.

V) Replacing a telecom operator's station

The device posing as a cellular operator's station is placed in a small suitcase. The car alarm GSM modem will not be able to determine which of the available base stations is real and which is fake. In case of hacking, it will not send an alarm through the real channel.

G) Localization of the alarm installation site with subsequent shutdown or disabling

The field detector, which costs $43, allows you to find installation sites for radio transmitters operating at frequencies from 1 MHz to 2.6 GHz. The device display shows the signal level and frequency of the transmitter.

In case the installation site is detected using a field detector and the alarm is physically deactivated, it is recommended to use additional GPS/GSM beacons. Such a beacon consists of a GPS receiver, a GSM modem and a battery. The device is miniature in size and can be easily hidden in hidden places in the car. The beacon is difficult to detect visually and almost impossible to detect using a field detector, since it is always in a state of sleep, only occasionally waking up to register on the network and send its coordinates to the server. In the event of a car theft, the signals from the beacons can easily determine its coordinates.

To protect against all the above hacking methods, a method of monitoring the communication channel was developed. The modem of the signaling unit communicates with the server at certain intervals - for example, sends data via http. If the modem does not connect to the next communication session, the server raises an alarm - it calls or sends an SMS to the owner of the vehicle. Of course, this method is not a panacea in all cases - somewhere there may simply be an area of ​​poor signal reception - but, nevertheless, it significantly increases the level of vehicle safety.

Satellite gps/gsm car alarm undoubtedly has great advantages. Even if the car was stolen, it will allow you to track its coordinates. It will be much easier to apprehend the hijackers. However, to increase vehicle safety, experts recommend using satellite alarms in combination with simple and reliable mechanical anti-theft devices.

Buying a vehicle is an important process for many. And sooner or later we think about how to ensure the safe operation of our car. And a modern and reliable GPS/GSM car alarm helps with this, thanks to which constant control over the car will be ensured at any time of the day or night.

What are the specifics?

Satellite alarm is a modern device that operates on the basis of two built-in and GSM. The first is needed in order to determine the location of the car relative to the world coordinate system, since this is a global network consisting of 24 satellites in orbit. The module is supplemented with special receivers, through which communication with satellites is established. A good GPS/GSM car alarm system recognizes a large number of satellites.

Main Components

Satellite signaling consists of basic and additional equipment. Of the basic components, each security system is equipped with:

  • processor unit;
  • interface software;
  • antenna;
  • sensors;
  • GPS module.

Each alarm has its own design features and is programmed for a specific operating algorithm. As additional components of a satellite line, a GSM module for car alarms, an immobilizer, a listening device and

Why do you need GSM?

The GSM network is an important element of car alarms, since through this module an alarming text message is sent to the car owner’s mobile phone, which allows a timely response, for example, to an attempted theft. The alarm system must be equipped with an antenna, the task of which is to establish communication with the satellite. It is installed so that there are as few obstacles as possible in the path of signal or data packet transmission.

How does the security system work?

GPS/GSM car alarm system consists of two electronic units that are mounted inside the car. The first block is needed to determine the geoposition of the car in relation to satellites, the second - to ensure communication with the driver of the car. The advantage of using it is that it is connected to the dispatch control panel, and therefore all important information will go directly to the security company. True, these services are paid.

Regardless of who the equipment manufacturer is, each system has its own characteristics and functional differences. The effectiveness of its operation is ensured by the quality of coverage of the area by a specific mobile operator. The advantage of satellite security systems is that they will provide multifunctional two-way communication between the car and the owner. All information is provided to him on his mobile phone.

Types and features

Modern GSM car alarms can be paging, backup or carry out GPS monitoring. Paging ones are the cheapest and allow you to determine the location of a vehicle from a distance. The peculiarity of GPS monitoring is the ability to determine the exact location of the car and remote control of the main car systems - ignition or engine. Elite class alarm systems include backup ones, which not only carry out GPS monitoring, but also have a number of additional capabilities. Modern GSM car alarms are characterized by a number of advantages:

  1. Large network coverage.
  2. Multifunctionality.
  3. Ability to track the movement of the vehicle.
  4. Hidden installation.

But reviews note that satellite security lines also have disadvantages, the most important of which is the ability to read the GPS code signal. In addition, if the car is underground, it is impossible to detect the sensor signal.

Selection rules

Modern manufacturers offer a huge selection of car alarms. But experts and owners of equipment of different brands advise paying attention to a number of details when choosing:

  • if there is an immobilizer, then if necessary, you can block the engine;
  • built-in motion blocking systems ensure blocking of fuel supply to the engine in the event that the immobilizers are broken during operation of the power supply circuit;
  • remote start is an important advantage of modern security lines;
  • The GPS module is the key to ensuring that the driver’s key fob receives information about the location of the stolen car.

How to do it yourself?

Of course, there are a huge number of modern car alarm models. But not everyone has the opportunity to purchase products of one brand or another. Note that the simplest GSM car alarm can be made with your own hands from your phone.

Those who have already made similar equipment with their own hands say that the process is simple, the main thing is to select diagrams and descriptions. As components you need to prepare:

  • old mobile phone with buttons;
  • magnet;
  • reed switch;
  • wires;
  • switch.

The assembly process is quite simple. First, a call to the subscriber is configured, that is, the current owner’s number for one button. Then the front panel of the phone is removed, since access is needed to the board where the contacts are connected. At this stage it is important to solder the wires correctly. So, if the functions of turning off the phone and hanging up are on one button, then one wire is soldered to the button itself, and the second to the key that will be responsible for the call. If the end call and power off buttons of the mobile device are different, then the wires are soldered to each of them.

After the circuit is completed, a magnet is placed on the door, and then the reed switch is adjusted. This one, as you can see, is easy to create. But the essence of its operation differs from the principle of operation of conventional alarm systems: when you try to open the door, the reed switch contacts close, and the phone will call the number that is programmed. Using an additional switch, the alarm can be armed or disarmed. Such a system will promptly warn the car owner about unauthorized access. In addition, the systems are inexpensive to create, almost completely autonomous, and the phone will be periodically charged.

Pandora DXL 3910

Let's look at the most popular security systems that have earned a lot of different reviews. Thus, the model attracts attention with its innovation, since GPS/GSM car alarm does not require the use of a key fob. The entire system works on the basis of tags, that is, key fobs with two buttons that do not display any information. The car alarm is controlled via a smartphone, but you can set up a GSM voice interface or install a mobile application.

Thanks to the flexibility of configuration, the system can easily be adapted to the requirements of a specific owner. And, as users note, Pandora DXL 3910 will look harmonious in the standard system of any car. Among the shortcomings, users note that the system is too complex, it has a huge number of settings, which are very difficult to understand even for experienced owners of automotive electronics.

StarLine: B64 Dialog CAN and D94 2CAN GSM/GPS Slave

The GSM module for car alarm StarLine is a modern device that provides complete control over the car. This brand offers a wide selection of security lines with a wide variety of functionality. Thus, the StarLine B64 Dialog CAN model, in addition to security functions, allows you to control car service functions - interior lighting, temperature control in it and many other important details.

The device comes with two key fobs - one has an LCD display and the other is simple and compact, but both provide two-way communication with the central unit at a distance of up to 2 km. Fans of compact but powerful systems note that this car alarm model is distinguished by its affordable price and additional capabilities. One of the disadvantages is the lack of engine auto-start.

The GSM GPS car alarm, according to many users, is the best in this series. This is a whole security system, the capabilities of which are unlimited. The device is controlled via a smartphone, and the alarm can detect a car with great accuracy if it is stolen. It is no coincidence that this model has been repeatedly recognized as the most reliable in terms of protection against scanning and hacking. The advantage of the device is the three-axis shock and tilt sensor, which is supplied in the kit. It is triggered whenever you try to move the car. Among the disadvantages, users note the difficulty of setting up and the expensive cost, but in terms of performance and reliability, this car alarm is worthy of attention.

StarLine M 30 (Messenger GPS)

Starline Messenger GSM/GPS modules are devices that allow you to control your car's security system. The StarLine series includes a huge number of such modules. So, StarLine M21 is a module that is controlled by a phone and allows you to determine the coordinates of the car. The unique feature of the module is the ability to work with any GSM communication operators. The car owner can give commands in several ways:

  • through a mobile application on iOS/Android platforms;
  • sending a text message with a command code;
  • by telephone call to the security system number.

This new product can also be used as an independent security system, since the body has three linear outputs through which the module can be connected to those located on the door, hood and trunk. This module is powerful - you will be in touch with your car, no matter where you are.

Pantera Cl-550

There are very different reviews about this GSM car alarm, but among the advantages are the affordable price of the device and the ease of setting it up. For a middle-class security system, Pantera Cl-550 can be considered a reliable anti-theft device that emits a siren when triggered. The model is equipped with simple but quite reliable sensors, so the car will be protected from break-ins. The advantage of the model is the ability to program and configure, which is quite rare for this price category. Some users note that the level of the security system is not very high.

Jaguar Ez-ultra

This is a one-way GPS/GSM car alarm, which, at a low price, attracts attention with effective protection against interference and speed. The system can be configured to use separate radio channels, especially if additional service functions are required. Among the advantages of the model, users note the expanded control of autostart and the ability to arm the alarm when the engine is idling. According to users, the Jaguar Ez-ultra is easy to install and configure, but it is not easy to hack.

Tomahawk 7.1

This GPS/GSM car alarm system attracts attention with its silent arming feature, which is not available in all premium models. An indisputable bonus of the system can be considered non-volatile memory, which, even when the power is turned off, will save all data about the state of the device. A dual dialogue code with a modern coding algorithm guarantees a highly secure system. But the model also has a drawback - there are no additional channels so that you can control external devices.

Alligator C-500

Among the economical but high-quality car alarms, this one can be noted. It is triggered at a distance of 2.5 km, has six independent security zones, is equipped with intelligent auto-start and has the function of controlling additional devices. In addition, the two-way GSM module for car alarms "Alligator" has received many good reviews. Installing the line in the car is simple and convenient; you don’t even need to go to a service center. Users say that the missing immobilizer can be filled with an additional module.

Thus, in order for the security system on your car to be effective and reliable, choose a model in which the driver notification rate is higher. It is for this reason that GSM systems are in high demand among those who want to protect their car from theft and unauthorized entry.

The emergence and widespread use of wireless GSM communications led to a massive transition, first of car, and a little later of home, garage and country house security alarms, from sirens to a full-fledged remote control system for the security loop. Things especially accelerated after the reduction in communication tariffs and the reduction in the cost of GSM modules. In some cases, for example, for a garage or a summer house, it is almost impossible to build an effective alarm with the ability to instantly receive a signal about an opening.

Advantages and disadvantages of alarm systems for cottages based on a GSM module

The development of mobile communication technologies has made it possible to obtain a very compact and economical device in the form of a GSM communication module with a control unit and a sensor system. Ideally, a wireless alarm system provides the following functions:

  • Notify the owners of the dacha when one of the sensors is triggered. In some models, the alarm system sends a signal with a specific code, which allows us to judge the reasons for the alarm;
  • Arm, disarm and check the current state of the alarm using Push messages, listen to sounds inside the cottage;
  • Control the numbers and sequence of sending SMS information about the activation of an alarm element;
  • Take a photo and send the frame to the programmed address;
  • Control powerful electrical appliances using commands from a mobile phone. You can turn on/off irrigation, heating, ventilation, or any of the devices connected to the power module.

For your information! The first three functions are provided to all, even the most budget alarm models with a GSM module; the presence of more complex functions is determined by the characteristics of the specific system for the dacha.

In the first alarm models, manufacturers tried to combine the functions of autonomous and wireless alarms. That is, when triggered, the system turned on the siren and sent a message to the mobile phone. But in practice it turned out that the sound often interferes with catching a thief in the country, so newer versions have a function to turn off the howler.

A dacha outside the city may be located in a “blind” zone or an area with poor GSM signal reception, so there is a certain risk of losing control of the alarm system. In some cases, an external antenna is installed, but this only encourages criminals to commit illegal actions in the country.

In addition, not all GSM modules tolerate “work” at the dacha equally well in conditions of low temperatures or extreme heat. The most vulnerable are batteries, which need to be regularly charged and insulated indoors.

The most interesting alarm models for dachas

In addition to the general functions listed above, many models have their own interesting specific features, the presence of which makes them most suitable for use in the country.

GSM alarm system “Sentry” for a summer residence

The development of the IPRO company is well known for its good quality of elaboration of the alarm logic. To the above-mentioned features of Sentinel 4, you can add several specific functions, especially suitable for use in the country:

  1. The ability to control several powerful electrical appliances, for example, an irrigation pump or a ventilation system.
  2. The function of connecting and de-energizing the power supply in the garden. This option becomes especially valuable in case of strong winds or problems with electricity in the dacha premises.
  3. The ability to simulate the presence of owners in the dacha premises. According to a programmed sequence, the lights in the rooms, in the courtyard or at the entrance to the room can be turned on and off.

In addition, the GSM alarm system can issue four types of text messages to a mobile phone when a certain type of security module sensor is triggered. If necessary, you can remotely turn on the microphone and listen to the situation in the cottage.

Alarm system with GSM “Dacha 01”

“TAVR Dacha”, models 01 and 02, are deservedly considered one of the leaders in the line of domestic and foreign alarm systems. And we must admit, such an assessment corresponds to the capabilities and functions of an alarm system with a GSM module.

Firstly, the most significant advantage, in comparison with other models for dachas, is the two-module layout of the “TAVR Dacha”. This means that the control unit with a processor and sensors is made in the form of a separate panel, which is necessarily located inside the dacha room. The GSM signal reception and transmission module is made in the form of a separate box with autonomous power supply, which allows you to separate both units over a distance exceeding 200 m.

In fact, this principle of the “TAVR Dacha” layout makes it possible to solve most of the problems with “shadowing” and signal jamming, which are so feared by most users of wireless alarms with a GSM module.

Secondly, setup and access to service and programmable functions is possible only with the use of special magnetic key fobs. They are also used to remove or activate the alarm system. This means that any unauthorized persons entering the dacha premises where the control panel is located, or even intruders who entered by hacking, will not be able to change the settings of the wireless alarm system with a GSM module.

Thirdly, the autonomous GSM alarm system “TAVR” Dacha is designed for very economical consumption of electricity; the average duration of operation from four finger elements, according to the manufacturer, should be at least one year. Truly economical is very important when protecting remote objects to which there is no constant and regular access.

For your information! To ensure the operation of the Sentinel, the manufacturer recommends using an acid battery.

Most sensors are located inside the control panel housing, so certain requirements must be met when installing an alarm. Do not hang the panel on a heated or supercooled surface or wall with a high level of vibration. This, first of all, negatively affects the condition of batteries and electronic components that are not designed to withstand condensation.

In addition, the GSM model “Dacha 01” and 02 allows for fairly serious current temperature control. When the air temperature in the room is more than sixty degrees, the module generates and sends a message about a critical situation.

GSM alarm system "Guardian"

If your dacha is a full-fledged country house with a significant territory and a large number of objects that could be of interest to a criminal element, you will need a more powerful and advanced alarm system.

The most correct solution would be to install additional video or photo cameras that record events in the protected area in real time. In this case, you can install a full-fledged security complex or limit yourself to installing the “Guardian” GSM alarm module.

The Guardian's capabilities significantly exceed previous models. For example, the “Guardian S200 MMS” option is capable of working simultaneously with 16 wireless motion sensors and taking up to 20 high-quality photographs. In this case, a series of images can be received on a mobile phone and the degree of threat can be determined without visiting the site.

With proper use of the camera, you can monitor the situation in a very dense area control mode. In some cases, this method allows one to identify signs of an impending threat long before it appears at the dacha. For example, to record vehicles or people of marginalized species.

Wireless alarms are well suited for most cottages, provided that there is stable power supply in the room for a full day. Otherwise, the module will bombard you with messages about an emergency situation and switch to an economical operating mode. With a complete blackout, the device will be able to operate on a standard 1000 mAh battery for no more than 8 hours.

This type of GSM signaling deserves close attention due to its high resistance to information load. Most events related to setting and disarming alarms, making changes to the program, and the emergence of threats are duplicated by the Guard microprocessor via text messages to several addresses, including emails.

GSM security systems designed to ensure the safety of the home during the absence of the owner of the premises. Their main advantage is ease of installation and wireless connectivity. Modern solutions boast wide functionality and a large number of applications. Today, alarm sets are most often used to protect the perimeter from illegal entry, fire monitoring, gas leaks, as well as notification of excess air temperature. External sensors constantly read environmental indicators and transmit them to the main module. The GSM security system processes the data, after which it decides on the need to inform the owner through alarms about the occurrence of an emergency situation. Thanks to this, you will always be aware of the situation in a private house or apartment. You will not only be able to receive information from sensors, but also configure the operation of existing equipment in real time. To do this, it is recommended to choose complexes with the function of remote control of household appliances or a boiler, which will help heat the house before arrival, turn on the interior lighting or air conditioning.

GSM security alarm systems

The rapid development of technological progress is increasingly replacing the familiar security systems that use wired connections of elements. They are being replaced by products capable of transmitting a signal via radio channels. And this is no coincidence, because GSM security alarm systems are not only much more convenient for subsequent operation, but also do not require cable laying. Sensors located at a certain distance transmit a signal to the control device, after which the wireless alarm informs the owner about the occurrence of an emergency situation. It is also worth noting that they operate both from the network and from an autonomous power source.

Selecting a wireless security system

This question is asked by almost everyone who is faced with the question of choosing a wireless or wired alarm system. There is nothing complicated here, because most modern kits are fully compatible and support work within a single security complex. When purchasing, it is recommended to pay attention to the following parameters:

  • The first is the same signal transmission frequency between the devices and the module. The most common models are with frequencies from 900 to 1800 MHz. Therefore, you should focus on this range. If you do not take this factor into account, you risk getting a GSM security alarm system that is not capable of joint operation.
  • The second thing to look at is the maximum possible distance between the head unit and the sensors. At the same time, if you are going to use wireless equipment in your home or country house, then this indicator may not be particularly important, while for a larger facility it will play a decisive role.

Cost of GSM security systems

To a greater extent, the price for GSM security systems depends on the amount of external equipment that can be connected into a single security complex. This determines how effective the kit will be during daily use. If for a city apartment models with four or five sensors will be enough, then for a store or office building solutions are already recommended, the price of which is higher, with at least twenty sensors that must support wired or wireless communication with the rest of the equipment.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):