The refrigerator may not be the most difficult kitchen equipment, but the importance of its normal stable work It’s hard to overestimate. Most food products do not have long term storage, and cooling – the only way save them and use them as needed.

Number of compressors

There are two options:

  • single-compressor - both the freezer and refrigerator compartments are served by one compressor. The refrigerant moves along one circuit, cooling the freezer first, since it requires more low temperature, and then the refrigerator;
  • two-compressor – the chambers are equipped with their own circuits and are served by two compressors of different power.

The effectiveness and efficiency of the second solution is obvious. The compressor servicing the refrigerator compartment turns on more often, since it is used more often, but the motor here is less powerful. The “freezer” compressor is more powerful, but is turned on less often, since the freezer is not opened so often.

In a single-circuit device, both chambers are served by one compressor. The open one is forced to turn on every time the temperature sensor detects too high a temperature. At the same time, the freezer also cools.

As a result, frequent activation of a less powerful compressor and rare operation of a more powerful one turns out to be more profitable than intensive operation of a medium-power compressor.

The second useful feature is the ability separate repair and use. If the refrigerator compartment is broken, then in this case the freezer compartment works and the most expensive products will not spoil.

Breakdowns and repairs

The situation when refrigerator works, but the freezer doesn’t, doesn’t happen very often. But it is discovered late, as a rule, when the camera begins to leak or back wall ice appears.

What to do in such cases:

  • if such a deficiency is observed after transporting the equipment and installing it in a new place, then you should wait at least a day. Developing the necessary temperature regime takes time. If we're talking about about a single-circuit “middle-aged” device, then returning to normal mode may take three days;
  • If a “working” refrigerator breaks down, then first of all you need to check the degree of ice freezing. In a double-circuit model, only the freezer is turned off; in a single-circuit model, the entire device is turned off and completely defrosted. Next, you need to remove the back panel of the freezer and inspect the evaporator tubes. Common cause This type of breakdown is a defrosting failure, as a result of which ice freezes on the evaporator and prevents its normal operation.

Deep defrosting can take up to three days. After which the device is loaded with products again and turned on. If the situation does not change within a week, then the problem is different.

As a rule, users look into the freezer compartment of a refrigerator much less often than into the main compartment. And often, breakdowns in which the refrigerator compartment works, but the freezer does not freeze, are not noticed immediately, but only when a puddle of melted ice forms on the floor. So you noticed that your refrigerator cried a whole lot and began to work only half?

The situation, frankly speaking, is unpleasant and requires an urgent response. Especially if it’s warm outside and the safety of food is in question. But before you call the workshop, you need to make sure that the breakdown still occurs.

What to check first if the freezer in the refrigerator does not work?

Sometimes, the freezer does not freeze not because of breakdowns of the unit itself, but because of simple carelessness during operation. Before you give your refrigerator a “broken” verdict, be sure to look at the thermostat data. The optimal position, in which both the products are normal and there is no excessive load on the motor - between 3 and 4, which corresponds to minus 18-19 degrees Celsius. Perhaps, through negligence, you yourself turned the regulator to minimum, which is why there was a “thaw” in the freezer?

An equally common reason is ice freezing. If there is so much of it that the seal does not fit tightly, it ends up in the freezer. warm air. While the motor is “resting,” the ice melts and a puddle forms under the refrigerator. It is necessary to defrost the refrigerator and thoroughly wipe the rubber seal.

If the temperature regime is chosen correctly and no ice blocks are found, and freezer still doesn't work, there must be some problem.

Why doesn't the freezer work?

A number of breakdowns in which the freezer does not freeze have “additional” symptoms. We've organized them into a table so you can narrow it down for yourself. possible problems and find out approximate cost upcoming repairs.

Symptoms of a problem

Possible problem

Repair cost * **

In a two-compressor refrigerator the motor running the freezer turns on for 5-10 seconds and immediately turns off

Most likely The freezer motor compressor has failed. As a rule, this occurs as a result of natural wear and tear during long-term operation of the unit, or due to excessive load on the motor (for example, you set the freezer thermostat to maximum minus in hot weather)

The compressor needs to be replaced.

from 1500 rub.

The motor is running but takes long pauses(for refrigerators with electronic control).

Defective freezer air sensor. In this case, the control module does not receive information that the temperature in the freezer is below the set temperature and does not turn on the motor for cooling.

The sensor needs to be replaced.

from 1500 rub.

The motor is running, but takes long pauses(for electromechanical refrigerators)

Out of orderthermostat (thermostat) of the freezer compartment. A faulty thermostat does not inform the “brain” of the refrigerator that it is warm in the freezer, so the control element does not switch the motor to cool the freezer (in single-compressor models) or does not turn on the motor at all (in double-compressor models).

The thermostat needs to be replaced.

from 1500 rub.

The freezer freezes, but not hard enough

Sometimes, in single-compressor refrigerators with a no-frost system and a crying evaporator The switch valve fails. It gets stuck in the "fridge and freezer cool" position, resulting in not having enough power to cool the freezer. As a result, the freezer is warm.

The failed unit needs to be replaced.

from 1500 rub.

Rust on the body in the area of ​​the freezer compartment and/or the freezer compartment froze weakly, but now does not freeze at all (for refrigerators with a freezer at the bottom)

Freon leaked through the steel circuit. This problem is typical for models with a freezer at the bottom and a “crying” evaporator in the refrigerator compartment. Due to blockages in drainage system Water collects under the fruit and vegetable drawers and drips onto the top and front of the freezer. In this place there is a steel contour protected by plastic. If water finds microcracks and gets through the plastic onto the steel circuit, corrosion begins. Subsequently, this leads to the appearance of holes through which freon escapes.

The system needs to be sealed and recharged with freon.

from 2500 rub.

The freezer did not work after defrosting the refrigerator, and during the defrosting process you chipped off the ice or artificially “warmed” the freezer

Might have happened circuit damage and freon leakage. Especially if you “helped” the refrigerator by chipping off ice or placing a bowl of ice inside the freezer. hot water. Attention: please don't rush your refrigerator! Ice chipping or defrosting using heat is the most the right way“kill” modern units. Only old, Soviet models could withstand such operations!

It is necessary to find the location of the damage, seal the system and recharge with refrigerant.

from 2500 rub.

The freezer does not work, there are no “additional symptoms”

Most likely there is a problem with the control module. In this case, the refrigerator is externally in perfect order, but the freezer does not freeze, since the “brain” of the unit does not give the command to cool the freezer.

Re-flashing is required or complete replacement fees.

from 3000 rub.

* The table shows the approximate cost. The technician will provide an accurate estimate for repairs after inspecting the refrigerator, taking into account the nature of the breakdown, as well as the manufacturer and model.

** Prices are indicated only for the work of the master, without taking into account the cost of spare parts.

Having looked at the prices for repairs, you will probably have the question “Why overpay the craftsmen, you can fix it yourself?” Alas, even if you were able to use our article to determine the reason why the freezer is not working, this does not mean that you can fix the problem yourself. For quality repairs you need experience and knowledge that only professional craftsmen have, as well as a considerable amount of diagnostic and repair equipment.

Do-it-yourself repairs often lead to even more serious, and as a result, more expensive breakdowns to fix. For example, if you install a thermostat with the wrong resistance, the refrigerator motor-compressor may “burn out,” the cost of replacing which will cost a larger amount. A master does not make the same mistakes as a beginner, and on top of that, all work is confirmed by a warranty card. That is why it is easier, cheaper, faster and more correct to call a refrigerator repair specialist:

7 (495) 215 – 14 – 41

7 (903) 722 – 17 – 03

In urgent cases, our specialists are ready to leave even on the day of your call. All work is carried out directly at the client’s home and after an hour or two your refrigerator will be in operation again, ready to freeze anything!

  • Read more:

Owners of combined refrigerators with one compressor often turn to service center Regarding this, the refrigerator began to work poorly, but there are no comments about the freezer. The chambers are dependent on each other, and it is not always possible to cool the positive zone.

A system of one compressor and two heat removal circuits is in dynamic equilibrium. If one of the chambers takes more energy, the other may not have enough. This is one of the many reasons why the refrigerator does not freeze well.

It happens that the temperatures in two chambers are independent regulation, set to maximum cold. No matter how well the compressor works, it will not be able to provide the mode. You need to choose what is more important at the moment, super cooling or super freezing.

It is important to know that with the general No Frost cooling circuit, the entire energy flow is directed to the minus chamber, where an evaporator is installed. The secondary air is directed by a fan into the positive chamber through the air channel. The system is designed for a specific air flow. If the control valve did not work correctly, became stuck, the refrigerator began to freeze poorly. In a design that uses manual defrosting of the freezer, the refrigerant flow is divided into 2 evaporators by a magnetic valve. This is also where damage can occur.

  1. The refrigerator may not work well due to leaky closed door, while increasing the snow coat in the chamber.
  2. The upper chamber sensor, thermostat, or a malfunction in the electronic control unit may be faulty.
  3. It happens that there is little refrigerant in the system, but its amount is enough to maintain the freezer mode.
  4. A plug in the capillary tube will give the same result as a freon leak.
  5. Compression has dropped - insufficient gas compression.

These reasons can be understood after diagnosis.

Why does the refrigerator freeze poorly, but the freezer freezes well?

When the temperature in the refrigerator approaches room temperature, and the freezer is working as expected, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics and repairs.

If the refrigerator has the No Frost function in the freezer, the first reason is that the defrost has broken down. The heating element does not work, the system freezes up inside and out. In this case, the fan blades will touch the ice on the evaporator and rotate with force. The engine will burn out, the blades will jam, and the air duct will freeze. Following the positive chamber, the cold will begin to leave the freezer.

A malfunction can be detected by the loud operation of the fan, creaking, and then silence. Before making diagnostics, you need to defrost the cabinet for 24 hours, then try to start it up. If the fan does not rotate, you need to call a technician. If the defrost system does not work, the accident will repeat. It is necessary to change either the heating element or the evaporator temperature sensor. Sometimes the reason why the refrigerator does not freeze well, but the freezer works, is a failure of the defrost timer drip system defrosting.

If the cold chamber in a two-compressor refrigerator refuses to work, it has a separate compressor and cooling circuit. You can conduct research without turning off the freezer. The reasons are classic:

  • thermostat malfunction;
  • freon leak;
  • compressor malfunction;
  • failure of the control system.

It is important, when looking for the reason why the freezer freezes well, but the refrigerator works poorly, to pay attention to whether the incandescent light bulb inside the chamber turns off when closed circuit. Perhaps the button is broken or there is no contact with the door. You need to make sure that the door and seal fit tightly and that there are no distortions in the contour.

Reasons why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly

What does it mean – it doesn’t freeze well? This is considered if the temperature in the chambers does not correspond to the specified value. In the freezer, the temperature rises to the limits of defrosting food; in the refrigerator, refreezing is possible. The reasons are varied, depending on the design of the refrigerator.

  1. The thermostat is responsible for cyclical operation of the compressor. If it fails, the motor may long time do not turn off, causing excessive cold. At this moment, the No Frost system cannot start defrosting, the evaporator freezes, and cold air stops flowing into the upper chamber, its temperature rises. But if the compressor does not receive a command to turn on, the effect is the same, the temperature rises.
  2. There is a gas leak in the cooling circuit, the pressure in the system is insufficient, heat removal is impaired, the temperature will rise. This will be noticeable first in the refrigerator, then in the freezer.
  3. The pressure balance in the system is disturbed, the capillary tube is clogged, the consequences are similar to a freon leak.
  4. There is a malfunction in the electronic control unit - it is impossible to change the mode in the cameras or turn off the device.

In any case, if uncharacteristic sounds appear, if the refrigerator does not freeze well and does not turn off, it is necessary to find the reason. If it is not possible to fix the breakdown yourself, you need to stop the unit, defrost it and call a technician.

The refrigerator does not freeze well and does not turn off - what is the reason

If the refrigerator works without interruption, and the temperature in the chambers does not reach average levels, you need to look for a place to put the food away. Most likely, the repair will involve revision of the cooling circuit. This is possible if a gas leak has occurred and the freezer compartment of the refrigerator begins to freeze poorly. The assumption will be confirmed if, after clearing the ice, the refrigerator refuses to freeze at all.

The compressor works without interruption because the chambers do not have the required temperature. But when long work without stopping, it will also fail. Therefore, it is in the interests of the equipment owner to diagnose the malfunction as early as possible.

Atlant refrigerator, two-chamber, does not freeze well - diagnostics

Using the Atlant two-chamber refrigerator as an example, we will look at what to do if the device does not freeze well.

A typical cause of circuit instability and failure is freezing and clogging of the capillary tube where it connects to the evaporator tube. Cork occurs as a result of moisture entering and freezing. The best way To fix the problem, replace the tube.

The freezer in the refrigerator will not work well if:

  • refrigerant leaks due to mechanical damage to the evaporator;
  • clogged filter and filter dryer cartridge.
  • frequent operation of the thermal relay;
  • thermostat malfunction.

In any case, when intervention in the operation of the dynamic heat removal circuit from the refrigerator is required, it is necessary to use the services of specialists.


We suggest you watch a video on how to restore the functionality of your refrigerator.

The refrigerator does not freeze well

Refrigerator is a popular type household appliances, without which it is difficult to imagine a well-established family life. The device preserves the freshness of food, helps preserve frozen vegetables, fruits, mushrooms collected in summer period. Unfortunately, sooner or later the device fails. Problems can be very diverse. It happens that the refrigerator itself does not cool, but the freezer works, what is the problem?

Causes of malfunction

Such breakdowns occur quite often in the operation of the device. The main thing is not to try to deal with them yourself. The first thing the owner should do is call a technician to carry out diagnostics. If the malfunction can be eliminated and necessary details is in stock, the master repairs refrigerators at home on the day of the call or the next day. Possible reasons malfunctions during this breakdown:

  • freon leak;
  • the drainage system pipes are clogged;
  • temperature sensor failure.

Freon leakage, as a rule, can occur after long-term operation of a household refrigerator (10 years or more). There are several unfavorable factors that significantly reduce the service life before possible breakdown. And this is due precisely to the leak of freon. Refrigerant charging must be carried out professional craftsman. This is a delicate job that does not tolerate mistakes. Incorrectly filled freon can lead to a possible leak and malfunction of the refrigeration chamber when the freezer is running.

If the temperature sensor breaks down, the control module is supplied wrong information, and the chamber stops cooling. To identify this failure, diagnostics are carried out, and then the temperature sensor is replaced.

If the tubes are clogged, the drainage circuit does not function. Blockages form in the tubes themselves. This prevents the refrigerant from circulating freely through the system and entering the chamber. To correct this breakdown, you will have to clean the tubes. And this work can also only be performed by a qualified craftsman.

What to do if the refrigerator does not freeze?

So, if the refrigerator does not freeze, we understand what to do - urgently call a specialist. But how will he cope with the breakdown? Firstly, a specialist will not start work without a preliminary diagnosis. Secondly, in addition to the above problems, the refrigerator may not work if one of the compressors fails, namely the one that services the refrigerator compartment and not the freezer. This is a rather dangerous and expensive breakdown that needs to be fixed urgently. The entire compressor does not have to be replaced, as it can be repaired. Often, repair is a more economical procedure than replacing a part with a new one.

Preparation for inspection and repair

After the technician is called to carry out diagnostics and repairs, the owner must defrost the entire refrigerator. This facilitates diagnostic manipulations. A snow cap, ice, and dampness in the refrigerator compartment will interfere with restoring the functionality of the device. Repair experts note that timely defrosting is an excellent preventive method to prevent possible problems. Experts recommend freeing the refrigerator from frost approximately once every 6 months.

If during inspection the technician discovered a freon leak, most likely the owner defrosted the device accelerated method(removed pieces of ice from the walls of the refrigerator using knives and sharp objects). Doing this is strictly prohibited! With such defrosting, it is very easy to pierce the circuit. Under the influence of mechanical damage, freon breaks out and the operation of the cooling circuit is disrupted. Accordingly, in this situation the camera works, but does not cool. A specialist will repair the gap and fill the refrigerator with freon, restoring normal operation of the household appliance.

After the technician fixes the breakdown (or makes a sad verdict about the demise of the device), carefully listen to his recommendations about the rules for using your assistant in the future. It is important to know that this also affects the quality and durability of its work.

Sometimes an unpleasant situation happens with household refrigeration units - the freezer is working, but the refrigerator compartment is not cooling. It seems that the refrigerator has not broken down, but it does not perform its functions well.

This situation is not only unpleasant for the owner, but can also be quite dangerous. If you let the situation take its course, the refrigerator may break down completely, and repairs will cost a pretty penny. And failure to comply with the temperature regime can not only lead to additional expenses, but also seriously harm the health of household members. There's no point in waiting for this. It is best to find a malfunction at the first sign, find out its cause and take appropriate measures.

Before finding out why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly, it is worth talking about how exactly the refrigerator is designed and works. In principle, there is nothing complicated about this. The household refrigerator system includes 4 main components:

  • compressor;
  • capacitor;
  • evaporator;
  • connecting tube system.

B hermetically sealed closed system A special gas - refrigerant - circulates. It has a low temperature of evaporation and boiling. When a refrigerant expands, it absorbs heat, and when it contracts, it releases it back through condensation.

The refrigerant in home refrigerators is usually freon. This is an absolutely harmless, non-flammable substance. The liquid refrigerant enters under pressure into the capillary tubes, and then into the evaporator, where it begins to “absorb” heat. As a result, the surface of the refrigerator compartment cools down. This process is repeated from the beginning until the set temperature is reached in the refrigerator. Next, the temperature controller will operate, which opens the electrical circuit and forces the compressor to stop. The thermostat is necessary to protect the compressor from overloads and save electricity.

After some time, when the temperature in the refrigerator compartment rises again, the circuit will close again and the cycle will repeat all over again.

Primary diagnostics of a refrigerator

If you notice that the refrigerator does not freeze food or has begun to do so poorly, first of all, carry out a visual diagnosis of the device. Sometimes a malfunction may not be related to a breakdown, but is a consequence of the carelessness of the owners.

  • First, make sure that the refrigerator is level, there are no distortions and nothing is preventing the door from closing.
  • Check whether the refrigerator is connected to a separate outlet or whether it operates through a tee or extension cord. Sometimes the reason that the refrigerator has stopped freezing normally is that there is no good contact between the plug and the socket.
  • Carefully inspect the button labeled “Defrost.” In some refrigerator models, the button may be accidentally pressed when incorrect placement products.
  • Inspect the thermostat. If the room is very hot and the freezer is working at maximum, it is likely that the refrigerator simply cannot cope with such a load. This is especially true for refrigerators that have one compressor. In such units, the refrigeration chamber operates according to the “residual principle”. That is, first the set temperature in the freezer is reached and only after that the refrigeration compartment begins to cool. What to do? To solve the problem, set the temperature in the freezer to -10 - 12˚C, and in the refrigerator compartment, move the thermostat knob to the middle position.
  • If you have a No Frost refrigerator, pay attention to the fan in the freezer. If it is frozen and does not work, then the cold will stop flowing into the refrigerator compartment. You don't need to disassemble the freezer for this, just listen carefully. If you do not hear a low, steady hum when the freezer door is open, defrost the refrigerator for 10 to 12 hours. This time is enough for the ice to completely melt and the situation to return to normal.

We identify minor problems

If none of the above actions bring results, then it’s time to look for the reasons why the refrigerator stopped freezing. All breakdowns of a household refrigerator can be divided into two groups: minor and major. First, let's talk about small faults that are relatively inexpensive to repair. So, if the refrigerator works, but does not freeze, pay attention to its “weak” points.

The seal has dried out

There is a special rubber seal around the perimeter of the refrigerator door. It serves to ensure the tightness of the refrigerator and freezer compartments. How tightly it fits against the door determines whether additional heat will enter the compartment from the outside. If it has dried out, cracked and no longer fits tightly to the door, then you need to replace the seal with a new one.

Broken thermostat

Motor overheating

If the refrigerator light is on and the temperature does not drop, touch the motor. It is likely that due to high temperature it overheated, the thermal protection tripped and the motor turned off. This is another reason why the refrigerator began to freeze poorly.

Turn off the refrigerator and defrost it completely. Make sure the engine is completely cool and turn the refrigerator back on. If everything works, move the refrigerator away from the wall and other objects so that the motor can cool better.

Temperature sensor

Place a regular household thermometer in the refrigerator compartment and after a while compare its value with the readings of the temperature sensor. If they do not match, the sensor will have to be changed.

If the refrigerator does not freeze, you have not found any minor “sores” in it, then everything is much more serious. Most likely, the breakdown is associated with one of the main components.

The fan motor has failed

If this happens, you won't have to search for long. The fact is that the fan motor produces a very characteristic sound when operating, a uniform hum. If you don't hear it, the breakdown is obvious. It is likely that he was simply frozen. But if long-term defrosting does not help, you will have to call a specialist.

Compressor burned out

If your refrigerator has only one compressor, you will immediately notice a breakdown. Neither the freezer nor the refrigerator compartment will freeze. Most likely, you will very soon find a large puddle next to the refrigerator.

But if you have a two-compressor refrigerator, the problem may not be noticed immediately. In such models, each compartment has its own compressor. This is why the freezer can work normally, but the refrigerator compartment will be warm. Be that as it may, you are unlikely to be able to replace the compressor yourself, without the help of a specialist.

Cooling system clogged

Sometimes the filter drier through which the oil for the electric motor moves becomes clogged with waste or burnt particles. Good master will identify the problem fairly quickly. Also, the system of thin tubes through which the refrigerant circulates often becomes clogged. It is impossible to fix such a breakdown without special equipment. You need to thoroughly blow out the tubes under pressure and top up the freon.

Refrigerant leak

If you notice that, although the engine is running, the condenser remains cold all the time, it means that there is a freon leak and the refrigerator is pushing air. Another sign of such a breakdown is rusty streaks inside the freezer located below. The cause of the leak may be microscopic cracks in the evaporator. That is why it is strictly forbidden to “help” the refrigerator with defrosting, scrape off snow and break off pieces of ice in the freezer.

Microcracks could also form due to strong vibration of the refrigerator if it is installed unevenly. If you've recently moved your refrigerator, the tubes between the compressor and evaporator have probably broken. In general, there can be many reasons.

If the crack is not obvious, detect it without special device it won't work. In addition, in order for the refrigerator to work normally, after soldering the system must be refilled with freon.

Refrigerator No Frost

Do you have a No Frost system refrigerator? There is another reason why No Frost refrigerator does not cool. In units with a dry freezing system, the heating element sometimes burns out. This unit is needed to periodically defrost the cooling system. If the heating elements burn out, the fan will freeze into ice. To fix the problem, you need to thoroughly defrost the refrigerator and replace the thermal electric heater.

Rules for handling refrigeration equipment

Of course, it is impossible to completely rid the refrigerator of malfunctions. But by following some rules, you can delay the onset of trouble:

  • never place warm or hot food in the refrigerator;
  • Clean the back of the refrigerator once or twice a year using a vacuum cleaner and a damp sponge; this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the tubes and wires;
  • connect the refrigerator to an individual outlet so as not to disturb the wire when turning on other household appliances;
  • when turning off the appliance for defrosting, first turn the thermostat knob to position “0”, and then remove the plug from the socket;
  • place the unit away from the stove, radiator and sink - the presence of an additional heat source next to the refrigerator creates additional load;
  • move the unit away from the wall and other objects by at least 5 cm - this will create normal conditions for proper cooling of the compressor.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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