Research topics in Biology

Biology project topics:

The aroma of health
Aromatherapy in the lives of junior schoolchildren.
Aromatherapy at home
Fauna Architects
Bactericidal effect of phytoncides.
Biologically active substances. Vitamins.
Dietary supplements.
Biological methods for controlling pests of indoor plants.
Biological significance of fat-soluble vitamins.
Biological weapons and bioterrorism.
Biology in everyone's life
Biology in professions
Developmental biology as a function of time.
Biology. Reproduction.
Biometric features of the papillary pattern.
Biometric study of the influence of a person’s dermatoglyphic features on his character, abilities, and behavior.
Bionics. A technical view of living nature.
Biorhythms around us
Biorhythms of life
Biorhythms - human internal clock
Biorole of vitamins
Human biophysics
Biochemical diagnostics of the fatigue process.
Gemini - the miracle of life
Twins. Similar or not?
Bread diseases
Paper and its properties.
Vegetarianism: pros and cons.
Influence live and dead water on living organisms.
The influence of insect pests on the green spaces of my city.
Influence of heavy metal salts on plasmolysis of plant cell protoplast.
The influence of phytoncidal plants on living organisms.
The influence of phytoncides on the safety of products.
Effect of bleach on proteins
The influence of various conditions on the growth and reproduction of yeast.
Water is the most amazing substance on Earth.
Water is the source of life
Water is the basis of life on Earth.
Water that gives life
Impact electric current to plant cells.
The emergence of life on Earth
The emergence and development of conditioned reflexes.

Identification of the most favorable factors for preserving the freshness of milk.
Identification of stringy (potato) bread disease and ways to prevent it.
Gifts of the plant world and beauty
A summer cottage as an ecosystem.
Natural scientific justification of some folk signs.
Living and dead water - myth or reality.
Living “monsters” - a variety of deep-sea living organisms.
Dependence of photosynthesis intensity on external conditions.
Dependence of photoperiodic reactions on the influence of light on the plant organism.
The meaning of inbreeding.

Green blanket of the Earth
Study of the influence of musical sounds on humans and animals.
Study of patterns of temporal and geographical variability in the timing of seasonal development of nature.
Study of the inheritance of left-handedness traits in a family.
The study of inheritance of traits by pedigree.
Studying the characteristics of the emergence and manifestation of fears in 7th grade school students.
Studying the problem of schoolchildren's fear of public speaking.
Studying the work of yeast in dough
Test of appetite
Study of individual biorhythms.
Study of the relationship between the lifestyle of a schoolchild and his body density.
Study of the influence of individual factors on the course technological process preparation of yeast dough and the quality of products made from it.
Study of the influence of noise and music on human memory and attention.
Study of water hardness of various natural sources in the area.
The Red Book is an alarm signal.
Forest calendar
About some ways to survive in nature.
They are next to us - rare and endangered animals (plants).
Determination of water quality using biotesting.
Soil is the storehouse of earth
Natural disasters.
Natural weather forecasters.
Natural clock
Problems of survival on a hike.
Weather forecast by signs.
Beekeeping products in cosmetology.
Jet motion in wildlife.
Modern breeding methods
Creation of a manual for solving genetic problems.
Methods of distribution of fruits and seeds in different ecosystems.
Transpiration and photosynthesis
Friction in the plant world.
Kingdom of Prokaryotes
Enzymes – elixirs of life
Enzymes are biological catalysts.
Phytoncides and their effect on microorganisms.
Functions of proteins
Functions of proteins in the body.
The miracle of zootherapy
Evolution of the Earth and natural selection.
Evolution around us
Electricity in plant life.

Research topics on trees and shrubs:

Australian giant
Adaptation of wild trees and shrubs in city landscaping.
Adventive trees and shrubs on the territory of the village.
Birch - tree of miracles
Birch is a sacred tree of the Ob Ugrians.
Birch in human life
Birch in the school garden landscaping.
Birch - tree of life
Birch is a tree of life and health.
Willow - a symbol of spring
News from the forest about the wild rose.
News from the forest. Birch
evergreen tree
Evergreen beauty of the forest.
The influence of raspberry fan garter on the onset of ripening and fruit quality.
The influence of harmful factors on the fetus
The influence of light on the growth and development of birch
Effect of temperature and light on the coffee tree.
The influence of poplar on human health.
The influence of plant photosynthesis on the onset of “bird cherry cold” and “Indian summer”.
Second life of the forest
Growing and propagation of pyramidal poplar.
Blue spruce
Tree outside the window
Trees and bushes near the school.
Trees of our region
Primrose trees
Oak and everything around it.
A living factory in the leaves.
Green tea
Studying the vital condition of green spaces in the vicinity of the school.
Study of modification variability in deciduous plants during leaf fall.
Study of the physiological response of common birch (Betula alba L.) to soil salinization with NaCl.

How to preserve spruce?
Cedar is a breadwinner and healer.
Beautiful birch tree
When does the birch tree wake up?
Leaf fall in plant life

Morphology and dynamics of shoot development in domestic apple and hybrid cotoneaster.
Muraya is an exotic healer. Medicinal properties, growth, development and reproduction.
Damage to oak plantations by powdery mildew and methods of plant protection.
Russian birch
Sacred trees of the Mari people.
Secrets of the thuja
Factors influencing changes in the color of leaves of trees and shrubs.
Photo identification of trees and shrubs in the school area.
Apple tree and apple
Amber - magical tears of trees.

Research Paper Topics on Plants

Project topics on plants:

The influence of “living” and “dead” water on the growth and development of plants.
Adaptation of plants to high temperatures.
ABC of plants in my region
The relevance of growing flax in my country.
Biological development of local varietal and wild cereals against the background of agrotechnical practices.
Biology. Species of bryophytes.
In the world of lichens
What is cannabis to blame?
Vegetative propagation of plants
Mutual influence of plants
Mutual adaptations of plants and insects
Species composition and distribution features of aquatic species.
lake plants
Species composition of vegetation in the area.
Species composition herbaceous plants, growing near the springs of the area.
The influence of the Moon on the growth and development of plants
Influence nitrogen fertilizers on plant growth and development.
The influence of nitrogen fertilizers on the formation of green mass.
The effect of antibiotics on plant germination and growth.
The influence of hydrogel on the rate of germination of seeds of plants of different growing seasons.
The influence of reserve nutrients of cotyledons on the growth and development of seedlings.
The influence of Pb2+, Cu2+ and H+ ions on plant growth and development.
The influence of magnetic water on the life of plants.
The effect of urea on seed germination and subsequent seedling growth.
The influence of music on plants.
The influence of music on the growth and development of plants
The influence of illumination on the growth and development of plants.
Influence nutrients on plant growth processes.
The influence of soil on plant growth and development.
Effect of light duration on the movement of wood sorrel (Oxalex acetosella) leaves.
The influence of various biostimulants on germination garden plants.
Influence various types soils on plant development.
The influence of various musical styles on plant growth and development.
The influence of growth regulators on plant regeneration processes.
The influence of light, heat and water on the growth and development of plants.
The effect of silver water on plants
The influence of words and music on the growth and development of plants.
Influence sunlight and soil quality on plant growth and development.
The influence of sunlight on the process of photosynthesis in plants.
Influence tobacco smoke on plant growth.
The influence of the heat of mineral substances on the awakening of plants from winter sleep.
The influence of heat, moisture and light on plant growth.
Influence peat tablets on plant growth
The influence of fertilizers on plant growth and development.
Do kind words affect plant growth?
Do fertilizers affect plant growth and development?
Water is the basis of plant life
Aquatic plants of the lake
Take protection. Rare plants.
Magic nettle shirts - fairy tale or reality?
Wild plants in our diet.
Datura - a killer plant?
Mysterious plant - bamboo
Green plant under the snow. Ledum.
The importance of mineral nutrition for plants.
Studying the species diversity of plants in my village.
Study of herbaceous species diversity wild plants school site.
Studying the influence of pyramids on seed germination, growth and development of plants.
Studying the effect of light on plants.
Study of the long-term influence of electromagnetic radiation from a high-voltage power line on awnless brome and creeping wheatgrass.
Study and morphological description weeds in my area.
Study of honey plants in the outskirts of the city.
Study of the plant pigment system involved in photosynthesis.
Study of herbaceous plants in the school grounds
Smoothed iris – rare plant surroundings of the lake.
The use of associative diazotrophs in the cultivation of green manure plants.
Usage weeds person.
Study of the influence of spring fires on grass growth.
Study of a group of plants related to weeds. Their role in nature.
How plants adapt.
How do plants travel?
How do plants reproduce?
Reed like biological agent purification of wastewater containing lead ions.
When do the roots wake up? Establishing the dependence of the appearance of the root system of plants on the time of year.
Coral reefs
The cosmic role of green plants.
Watercress as a bioindicator of soil and snow.
Honey plants
Variety of ferns
Can a plant grow without a root? Secrets of the growing season.
Unknown soybean
Unknown clover.
Ontogenetic strategy of creeping wheatgrass.
Plant pollination
Be careful - poisonous plants!
Parameters of the structure of plants that facilitate the flow of water through them.
Petunia garden
Wormwood - the herb of nomads
Duration of deep dormancy in different plant species.
The path to the light, or the ability of plants to find a way out of difficult situations.
Development of a plant from a bud
Development of a plant from a seed
Plants in legends and traditions
Plants in mythology
Plants - symbols different countries.
Plants are predators
Plants listed in the Red Book.
Barometer plants
Giant plants
Indicator plants
Migrant plants
Flora of the taiga.
Symbolic plants
Predatory plants.
Clock plants
Flora of swamps.
Traveling plants.
Common lumbago
Variety of mosses
Sundew is a hunter plant.
Fern family. Male shieldweed.
Taxonomy of angiosperms.
Weeds: friends or enemies?
Spore plants
Methods of propagation of Siberian princeling and its use for landscaping garden plots.
Methods of seed dispersal in weeds.
Plant growth stimulants
Amazing jungle plants.
Amazing plants of planet Earth.
Amazing predator plants
Photosynthesis, or the greatest secret of the green plant.
Poisonous plants
Poisonous plants of our region.

Research topics on Houseplants

Project topics on indoor plants:

ABC on the windowsill.
Aloe is the green doctor on the windowsill.
Aloe is the green doctor at the window
Vegetative propagation of Chinese hibiscus by green cuttings.
Vegetative propagation and cultivation of Uzambara violet.
Vegetative propagation of plants and the influence of abiotic factors on the development of indoor plants.
Lady's slipper, or northern orchid.
The influence of external factors on the growth and development of indoor plants.
The influence of heteroauxin on the formation of the root system in Saintpaulia.
The influence of classical music and rock music on the growth and development of Uzambara violet.
The influence of indoor plants on creating a healthy office microclimate.
Influence mineral fertilizers on the growth of zonal pelargonium.
The effect of nettle infusion on the growth and development of violets.
The effect of watering on the life of indoor plants
The influence of various conditions on the growth and development of indoor flowers.
The influence of various factors on the growth and development of indoor plants.
The influence of light on the germination and growth of cultivated plants pansies(viola).
The influence of light on the growth and development of indoor pelargonium (geranium) plants.
The influence of soil properties on the development of indoor plants of the pelargonium genus.
The influence of the content of mineral salts on the rate of formation of adventitious roots in geranium cuttings.
The influence of aloe juice as a biostimulant on plant development.
The influence of the substrate on the duration of rooting of Uzambara violet cuttings, their survival rate and yield planting material.
The influence of the substrate on the rooting of cuttings of indoor plants.
The influence of lighting conditions on the growth and development of indoor lantana plants.
The influence of lighting conditions on the growth and development of Ruellia low.
Effect of physiologically active substances on growth date palm in room conditions.
The influence of chlorophyll on the adaptive abilities of plants.
All about cacti
Oxygen release by leaves of indoor plants.
Growing wild plants indoors.
Growing wild coniferous plants in rooms.
Growing corals at home.
Growing tangerine from seed
Growing tangerine tree at home.
Growing cucumbers indoors
Growing wheat at home.
Growing plants in bonsai style.
Growing plants from seeds of exotic fruits.
Growing plants in aqueous solutions
Growing Uzambara violet indoors.
Growing fruit plants indoors
Growing cotton indoors and studying its sensitivity to pollutants.
Revealing the best way preparing garlic for planting to obtain the maximum amount of vitamin products in room conditions.
Heteroauxin as a stimulator of root system development.
Dracaena deramensis. Growing and keeping indoors.
Perfume for the home
Dependence of the development of peperomia (Peperomia-Pixie) on the degree of illumination.
Green pharmacy on the windowsill. Lemon.
Green doctor in my house
Greens all year round

Studying the process of plant respiration using geranium as an example.
Study of phytoncidal activity of indoor plants
Study of tissue juices of various indoor plants.
Interesting information about pomegranate and experience of growing it at home.
Study biological features pelargonium.
Research on the possibility of growing citrus fruits indoors.
How to quickly grow cedar at home.
How to grow a date palm at home.
How to grow a flowering cactus
How to help indoor plants.
What does homemade tangerine taste like?
Cactus - a prickly friend
Cacti and computers
Cacti, their types, features of care and reproduction.
When flowers sleep
Indoor floriculture and experiments with flowers.
Houseplants in the classroom
Houseplants in our life.
Houseplants - biology room.
Houseplants hazardous to human health.
Healing indoor plants
Indoor plants. Uzambara violet.
Indoor healer aloe
Lemon Wizard
Growing using the "wet chamber" method.
Is it possible to grow a large cactus at home?
Is it possible to grow a plant in a closed glass jar?
Can the dandelion plant be used as food?
Observation of vegetation, flowering and heterotrophic nutrition of the Venus flytrap.
Vegetable garden on the windowsill. Growing tomatoes indoors.
Determining the best method of propagation of Uzambara violet in winter period in a school setting.
Fruit garden on the windowsill
Rules for successful cactus grafting.
Dust-collecting abilities of indoor plants.
Propagation of indoor begonia plant by leaf cuttings.
Propagation of coleus by stem cuttings
Propagation of cyclamen by seeds and tubers.
Propagation of Saintpaulias by leaf cuttings.
Cyperus plant
Rare orchids
Saintpaulia - Usambara violet.
The ability of indoor plant leaves to trap dust.
Methods of propagation of Sansevieria.
Usambara violet
Uzambara violet and its cultivation at home.
Conditions for growing violets
Violets are my favorite flowers.
Phytoncidal activity of indoor plants
Exotic garden on the window
Poisonous indoor plants and their effect on human health.

Research topics on Medicinal plants

Project topics on medicinal plants:

Anatomical and morphological features of plantain plants and biological productivity in assessing the state of the urban environment.
Evergreen medicine man: aloe.
The influence of external factors on the life activity of Aloe vera.
The effect of epin on the productivity of valerian officinalis.
Wild medicinal plants of Baraba.
Larkspur is a protected plant.
Green pharmacy against cough.
Green laboratory
Green healers
Green doctor in my house
Golden mustache is a medicinal plant.
Study of indoor plants that have medicinal properties.
Ginger: what is this miracle plant?
Use of medicinal plants of our region.
Research on the healing properties of dandelion.
Nettle. What do I know about her?
Medicinal plants
Medicinal plants from my garden.
Medicinal plants of our region.
Medicine under your feet
Treatment with parsley
Medicinal properties of rose hips.
Dandelions are our healers
Plantain is a healer of all times.
Natural pharmacy. What do we know about her?
Chamomile is a wildflower.
Nettle fabric
Healing properties of green tea.

Research Paper Topics on Flowers

Project topics about flowers:
To the land of the blooming lotus
Victoria: name or plant?
The influence of water, soil and light on the life of flowers.
The influence of growth regulators and fertilizers on the development and decorative properties of Chinese aster.
The influence of compliance with hyacinth growing technology on its growth.
The effect of sunlight on the growth of gladioli.
The influence of growth stimulants on the survival rate of green phlox cuttings.
The influence of seedling growing conditions on the further development of plants of the genus
The influence of corm storage conditions on the growth and development of gladioli.
Forcing hyacinth by March 8th - “Gift for Mom.”
Forcing tulips in winter
We'll grow tulips ourselves and then give them to mom.
Growing asters seedling method in open ground.
Growing oak trees
Growing peony evasive from seeds.
Growing tulips from bulbs.
Hyacinth - "flower of rain"
Studying varieties of marigolds
Use of culture annual dahlias in landscaping the balcony.
Study of the development of rose plants in an artificial environment.
Study of storage conditions for flower bouquets.
How to create a flower clock.
How to care for roses
Lotus - flower of eternity
Snowdrop in autumn: reality or fiction?
Rose - queen of flowers
Tulip - a miracle in winter
Golden italmas flower.
Flower of my homeland.
Flowers and color. Why are all the flowers different colors?
Tundra flowers.

Alpine slide in the yard.
Apothecary garden
Vitamagic, or a remedy for sadness. (Lettuce salad).
The influence of atmospheric precipitation on the yield of cultivated plants.
The influence of humic fertilizers on the growth and productivity of vegetable crops.
The influence of the qualitative composition of irrigation on the germination and growth of dill seeds.
The influence of magnetic and electrostatic fields on the rate and degree of germination of seeds of cultivated plants.
Influence magnetic field for germination of grain seeds.
The influence of mineral fertilizers on barley yield.
The influence of inorganic fertilizers on plant growth and development.
The influence of watering and mineral fertilizers on the crop.
Influence pre-sowing treatment seeds on the growth and development of cereal crops.
The influence of various pollination methods on the yield and quality of sunflower seeds.
The influence of different soil conditions on the development of barley.
The influence of succinic acid solutions of different concentrations on seed germination.
The influence of root formation stimulants on the quality of planting material of lavender angustifolia.
The influence of soil chemical composition on the germination of oat and wheat seeds.
The influence of the chemical composition of seeds on the amount of water absorbed during swelling.
Revival of flax

Growing Peanuts
Growing feed corn.
Glucose how chemical substance in cereals and legumes.
Biennial garden plants
Ornamental plants.
For health in the garden!
Infestation of cereal grains
Green pharmacy in grandma's garden.
Yield study different varieties radish.
Ginger: what is this miracle plant?
How to grow a sunflower from a seed
How to get a rich harvest on bad lands.
How bread grows
How zucchini was born
How I grew a sunflower.
How I grew bread
How I extracted sunflower oil.
Corn is the queen of fields
Medicines in the garden.
Schisandra chinensis
Local varieties of black currant.
Vegetables as medicinal plants.
Sowing qualities of winter wheat seeds depending on age.
Rare vegetables in the garden
Sweet corn protects the health of the nation.
Varietal study of black currant in home garden conditions.
Soy: harm and benefit?
A convenient way to plant garden strawberries.
What is amaranth and what is it for?

Research Paper Topics on Potatoes

Project topics about potatoes:

An alternative way to grow potatoes.
Ah, potatoes!
Bardym potatoes are the best potatoes.
The influence of legumes on potato yield
The influence of peas on potato yields
The influence of the size of planting material on potato yield.
The influence of hilling on the development of tubers and potato yield.
The influence of the position of potato seeds during planting on yield.
The effect of planting potatoes with a downward cut and an upward cut on its yield.
The influence of planting material on potato yield.
The effect of potato germination on germination
Effect of the growth regulator epin on potato yield.
The effect of a stimulating cut on potato tubers on the yield.
The effect of removing buds and flowers on potato yield.
The influence of phytohormone on potato growth.
All about potatoes
A profitable way to plant potatoes
Growing potatoes indoors.
Growing potatoes in milk cartons.
Dependence of potato yield on the amount of sprouts breaking off.
Dependence of potato yield on planting material.
Study of the influence of planting dates and hilling methods on potato yield.
Study of the dependence of potato yield on planting material.
Studying the dependence of potato yield on different ways landings.
Yield research and taste qualities different varieties potatoes in my garden.
Potatoes are the second bread
Potatoes and their propagation by sprouts.
Potatoes as a source of electrical energy.
Potatoes are the best food.
Methods for obtaining an early potato harvest.
Potato propagation in different ways.
Propagation of promising potato varieties by sprouts.


Research paper topics about pepper:
Bell pepper. Choice of variety.
Growing bell pepper at home

Research Paper Topics on Peas

Project topics about peas:

Explosive peas.
The effect of laser radiation on the germination of pea seeds.
The influence of natural biological stimulants on the germination of pea seeds.
The influence of the environment on the germination of pea seeds.
Influence different types watering for pea growth.
Will all pea seeds germinate?
Studying morphological features pea samples.
Stages of development and formation of pea fruits.


Research topics on beets:
The influence of mineral fertilizers on the yield of beets cultivated in risky farming conditions.
The influence of organic and mineral fertilizers on the productivity of red beets cultivated in risky farming conditions.
The influence of various fertilizers on the yield of red beets.
Studying the influence of moon phases on the growth and yield of table beets.
Study of the agrochemical characteristics of soils in the region for the purpose of growing sugar beets.
Varietal study of beets.


Research paper topics on beans:
The influence of light on plant growth and development (using the example of beans).
The effect of tobacco smoke on a growing organism (bean sprouts).
Growing different varieties climbing beans on a personal plot.
Dependence of shoot growth intensity on the action of putative stimulants and inhibitors using the example of common beans and corn.
Study of bean sprouts.

Watermelon and Pumpkin

Research paper topics on watermelon and pumpkin:
Growing watermelon in temperate climates.
Growing watermelons in seedlings in closed ground.
Growing pumpkin
Her Majesty the pumpkin.
Studying different varieties of watermelons.
Pantry of vitamins – watermelon
Lagenaria, or bottle gourd
Observation of the growing season of decorative pumpkin.


Topics of research papers about berries:
Far Eastern pharmacy of wild nature. Cowberry.
Cloudberry - the queen of berries
Cloudberry is a miracle berry.
Berry Cranberry.


Research topics on mushrooms:
Pick mushrooms in the forest
In the kingdom of mushrooms.
Ubiquitous mushrooms
The influence of urbanization on the distribution of mushrooms and their species composition.
Influence of factors external environment on the development of mold fungi.
The harm and benefits of mushrooms, their role in human life.
Growing oyster mushrooms at home.
Identification of conditions for the development of mold fungi. Their role in nature and for humans.
Oiler mushroom growing in our forests
Mushroom: plant or living organism?
Mushroom Kingdom
Mushrooms and their medicinal properties.
Mushrooms of our forest
Fungi are natural decomposers.
Snowdrop mushrooms
Mushrooms: plants or animals?
Why do the forest need mushrooms?
The importance of tinder fungi in nature and human life.
Studying methods of propagation and preservation of mushrooms in forests.
What different mushrooms...
Lichens as bioindicators of the ecological state of the environment.
Lichens are indicators of air purity.
Lichens. Union of algae and fungus.
fly agaric
Edible mushrooms
Such mysterious oyster mushrooms.
Kombucha and its effect on the human body.


Research topics on algae:
Algology and chemistry of seaweed.
The influence of external conditions on the life activity of Elodea canada.
Water workers.
Algae and their role in human life.
Study of the influence of changes in environmental factors on the photosynthesis of Vallisneria and Elodea.
Some features of the species composition of algae of the pondweed family.
Lesser duckweed and common chlorella are indicators of water pollution with oil and drilling fluids.
This amazing chilim.


Research paper topics on mold:
Mysterious mold.
Research on mold development.
Mold is a dangerous disease of bread.
Mold that eats starch
Mold: conditions of occurrence and role in human life.
The appearance of mucor in the bread bin, or the influence of plant phytoncides on the growth of mucor.

(☺ - youth)

Updated 03/27/2019.

✱ April 1-4, 2019 International Symposium "Ecology and Evolution: New Horizons". Ekaterinburg. Registration is completed. Symposium website.

☺ April 8-12, 2019 International scientific conference students, graduate students and young scientists "Lomonosov 2019". Moscow. Registration is completed. Conference website.

✱ April 11-12, 2019. Conference on Medical Mycology "Socially significant mycoses". Moscow. Acceptance of abstracts has been completed. Conference page.

✱ April 15-19, 2019. International scientific conference « Contemporary issues medicine and natural sciences". Yoshkar-Ola. Registration until 03/31/2019. .

✱ April 22-26, 2019 Second All-Russian Conference with international participation “Monitoring and biological methods for controlling pests and pathogens of woody plants: from theory to practice”. Moscow. Acceptance of preliminary applications has closed. Advance notice.

✱ May 2-4, 2019 3rd International Conference on Life and Environmental Sciences. Kaunas (Lithuania). Registration is completed. Conference website.

✱ May 5-8, 2019 International scientific conference “Current problems of biodiversity conservation and environmentally balanced environmental management in the Western Caucasus”. Sukhum (Abkhazia). Applications are now accepted. First information letter.

✱ May 13-19, 2019 International scientific conference “The role of botanical gardens in preserving the biological diversity of the Russian steppe zone”. Rostov-on-Don. Acceptance of abstracts until April 20, 2019. .

✱ May 20-24, 2019 Eighteenth international scientific and practical conference "Problems of botany in Southern Siberia and Mongolia". Barnaul. Registration forms have been accepted. First information letter.

✱ June 5-6, 2019 Anniversary International Forum “Protection and rational use forest resources» . Blagoveshchensk Acceptance of articles, report presentations and registration forms is closed. First information letter.

✱ June 16-20, 2019 VII All-Russian scientific conference with international participation “Ecological problems of the northern regions and ways to solve them”. Apatity. Pre-registration has closed. .

NEW! June 17-21, 2019 9th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Protection of plants from pests» . Kuban. Applications are accepted until 04/15/2019. Information message.

✱ June 18-22, 2019 International Congress “VII Congress of the Vavilov Society of Genetics and Breeders, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Department of Genetics of St. Petersburg State University, and associated symposia.” Saint Petersburg. Early registration has closed. Conference website.

✱ August 19-24, 2019 XVI International Scientific Conference of Diatomologists “Diatoms: morphology, systematics, floristics, ecology, paleogeography, biostratigraphy”. ZBS MSU, Moscow region. Pre-registration has closed. (clarifying). .

✱ September 3-6, 2019 International scientific and practical conference “Biodiversity: problems of study and conservation.” Bohrok. Pre-registration has closed. 1st Information Letter.

NEW! September 4-6, 2019 2nd International Eurasian Mycology Congress. Konya (Türkiye). Acceptance of abstracts until 06/01/2019. Conference website.

✱ September 9-11, 2019 IV All-Russian Congress on Plant Protection “Phytosanitary technologies in ensuring the independence and competitiveness of the Russian agro-industrial complex”. Saint Petersburg. Acceptance of abstracts until June 10, 2019. Congress website.

✱ September 9-13, 2019 International conference "Lichens: from molecules to ecosystems". Syktyvkar. Pre-registration has closed. Conference website.

NEW! September 15, 2019 All-Russian scientific and practical conference "Biological diversity and sustainability of forest ecosystems". Webinar. Acceptance of materials until July 15, 2019. 1st Information Letter.

✱ September 16-21, 2019 II International Scientific School-Conference “Cyanoprokaryotes/cyanobacteria: taxonomy, ecology, distribution”. Syktyvkar. Pre-registration until April 22, 2019. 1st Information letter.

✱ September 16-21, 2019 XVIII Congress of European Mycologists. Warsaw and Bialowieza (Poland). Early registration until 03/31/2019. Conference website.

NEW! September 23-27, 2019 2nd Russian Microbiological Congress. Saransk. Acceptance of abstracts until May 15, 2019. Conference website.

✱ September 23-27, 2019 “Lost world” in biodiversity studies: focus at the Earth's blank spaces. Vladivostok. Registration until 04/15/2019. First information letter.

✱ October 8-10, 2019 VII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Museum-reserve: ecology and culture". Veshenskaya. Applications are now accepted. First information letter.

✱ October 8-10, 2019 Scientific conference with international participation “Study and conservation of biodiversity in botanical gardens and other introduction centers”. Donetsk. Applications are accepted until 05/01/2019. First information letter.

✱ October 9-11, 2019 IX All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Reserves - 2019: biological and landscape diversity, security and management". Simferopol. Applications are accepted until May 20, 2019. First information letter.

☺ October 14-18, 2019 IX All-Russian Conference of Young Scientists “Strategy for the interaction of microorganisms and plants with environment» . Saratov. Registration until 05/01/2019. 1st information letter.

NEW! October 21-25, 2019 All-Russian scientific conference with international participation "Innovations and traditions in modern botany", dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Academician V.L. Komarov (58th Komarov Readings). Saint Petersburg. Pre-registration until April 15, 2019.

A plant is a living organism. Each plant - wild, agricultural, garden, indoor - is a complex living organism. Initially, all plants were wild, and man used for himself what they provided in nature. Over time, man selected the most useful plants from nature and cultivated them in order to obtain this or that product in the greatest quantity and best quality. Living plant Especially those in bloom please the human eye. 1

In order to be able to constantly enjoy the contemplation of living plants, people began to grow the most beautiful plants in their rooms. Influenced by care and special impact these plants have become indoor flowers, distinguished by their special beauty. IN lately began to understand that plants are not only room decoration. Although their decorative effect is also important, since good mood and, accordingly, a person’s well-being are largely determined beautiful view green or flowering indoor plants.Plants in living spaces:

Improves the climate in the room;

Filters out dust particles in the air;

They cool the air in summer due to evaporation;

Increase air humidity;

Lower content carbon dioxide in the air;

Increases the oxygen content in the air;

They remove harmful substances such as formaldehyde and tobacco smoke from the air;

They are indicators of the microclimate in a residential area;

They have a simultaneously calming and stimulating effect;

Help relieve stress and improve well-being;

Create a unique atmosphere in the room. 4

Flowers have been decorating human life for a long time. Indoor plants have an emotional effect on us and calm the nervous system, while improving our mood. Plants also have a variety of decorative properties and biological characteristics.

But today we want to introduce you to indoor plants that contain toxic substances. Many of us do not even suspect that indoor plants can be poisonous and can cause harm to health. Research I thinkrelevant , since our school has a small winter garden, and in the classrooms you can find a wide variety of indoor plants.

The purpose of my work: Identify the poisonous plants that are available in our school and determine their effect on human health.

Object of study - indoor plants GBOU Secondary School No. 10 Kinel.

Subject of research - the effect of poisonous indoor plants on the human body.

Hypothesis: Some indoor plants are poisonous and can adversely affect human health.


    Study literature about indoor plants.

    Determine the possible impact of toxic substances on human health.

    Conduct monitoring of poisonous plants found in our school

    Create information material in the form of labels for poisonous plants.

    Bring to the attention of students in natural history and biology lessons.

Research methods: conversation, analysis, synthesis, modeling.

Theoretical and practical significance of the study: familiarizing students and school staff with poisonous indoor plants and their effect on human health.

Chapter 1. Variety of indoor poisonous plants

An abundance of fragrant indoor plants vigorous flowering Window sills create a unique flavor of the home. However, the list of poisonous plants is striking in its length. Many of us live in houses where there are many indoor plants that are poisonous and extremely harmful to our body. These are narcissus, crocus, hyacinth, iris, chrysanthemum, delphinium, foxglove, lupine, aconite. Even the water in which these plants stand becomes so poisonous that it can kill not only an animal, but even a small child, so you need to be extremely careful with these plants.

Having studied the literature, N. Verzilin “Travel with House Plants”, D.G. Hessayon ​​“All about indoor plants”, M.S. Alexandrov “Indoor floriculture”, I have identified the following groups of poisonous indoor plants

    1. Plants that irritate the skin

The white juice of all Euphorbiceae contains skin irritants, but in varying concentrations. This family includes Euphorbia pulcherrima, Euphorbia milli, Codiaeum variegatum, and Acalypha. Some of the Aroids (Araceae) of indoor culture are also dangerous with poisonous cell sap; these are, for example, Dieffenbachia, Aglaonema (Anglonema), Monstera deliciosa, Philodendron, Zantedeschia. The juice protruding from the incision site causes swelling and soreness in the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat, and in contact with the eyes - conjunctivitis and changes in the cornea. Amaryllidaceae (Amaryllidaceae) also contain cell sap, which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. The most famous representatives: Tulip (Tilipa), Narcissus (Narcissus), Hyacinth (Hyacinthus), Hippeastrum (Hippeastrum) and Clivia.

If milky sap appears at the site where the plant was cut, you should immediately wash your hands thoroughly.

When you are handling any plant, do not touch your eyes with your hands.

    1. Plants with poisonous organs

The nightshade family (Solanoideae) is known for its toxicity. It includes, in particular, Brovallia, Brunfelsia, Capsicum, and false pepper nightshade (Solanum pceudocapsicum), whose orange berries, like the berries of Clivia, are especially dangerous for children. The fact is that children often simply cannot resist the temptation and put these berries in their mouths, which cause nausea, vomiting, painful sensations, and then drowsiness and dilated pupils. In terms of the number of poisonings caused by indoor plants, false pepper nightshade is in first place. The Kutrov family (Apocynaceae) is also very dangerous. Its most famous representatives are: Oleander (Nerium oleander), Allamandra, Carissa, Catharanthus roseus, Dipladenia and Pachypodium. These plants contain substances that affect cardiac activity. True, serious danger threatens only those who swallow flowers or leaves in large quantities. They taste very bitter and initially cause vomiting. However: with this family of plants - especially for children! - Handle with care. If a child eats a tuber of Gloriosa superba or Colchicum autumnale, his life will be in danger. 3

    1. Plants that cause allergies

You can feel sorry for those who are allergic to primroses: from the slightest contact with Primula obconica, their skin begins to become irritated or inflamed. It is this species that has secretions on the thin hairs of leaves and stems, to which many people react so sensitively. Primroses, however, are not poisonous. A similar substance is found in the tubers of the peach cyclamen (Cyclmen persicum), which, however, are not touched very often by anyone. 7

2. Classification of poisonous indoor plants

There are various classifications of poisonous plants, based mainly on the specific composition or toxic effect of biologically active substances. Among the variety of poisonous plants, the following stand out: unconditionally poisonous plants (with a subgroup of especially poisonous ones) and conditionally poisonous plants (toxic only in certain habitats or when improper storage raw materials, enzymatic effects of fungi, microorganisms).

Plants that produce toxic substances (phytotoxins), even in small quantities, causing death and damage to humans and animals are considered poisonous. 1

The following families of poisonous plants can be distinguished:

2.1. Family Araceae.

Almost all representatives of this family are poisonous. Among the aroids, we can note such plants as aglaonema, alocasia, dieffenbachia, anthurium, calla (weakly poisonous), syngonium, phyllodendron.

2.2 Amaryllidaceae family.

Representatives of this family contain poisonous cell sap, which can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Common flowers such as tulip, narcissus, hyacinth, and hippeastrum are poisonous. Of the indoor amaryllis, crinum is especially poisonous. Among the weakly poisonous room representatives families can be called sprekelia, zephyranthes, eucharis, hymenocallis, purpurea valotta, hemanthus (“deer tongue”), clivia cinnabar.

2.3. Family Araliaceae.

Slightly poisonous members of the family include Dizygotheca graceica and Schefflera. Ivy and Fatsia japonica have strong toxic properties.

2.4. Family Kutrovye.

One of the most poisonous families. It includes adenium, which is often called the most poisonous plant. Fortunately, this plant is not yet widespread in our region and is found mainly in the collections of professional flower growers. This family also includes: oleander, pachypodium, allamanda, pink periwinkle, dipladenia. The main effect of poisons from plants of this family is aimed at weakening cardiac activity.

2.5. The Euphorbiaceae family.

It includes plants such as spurge and spurge. The juice of these plants is poisonous.

3. The influence of poisonous plants on human health

The main active ingredients of poisonous plants are alkaloids, glycosides (including saponins), essential oils, organic acids.

They are usually found in all parts of plants, but often in unequal quantities, and with the general toxicity of the whole plant, some parts are more poisonous than others. These substances can be both poisons and medicines. In some cases, this substance is a poison, in others it is a medicine. A lot depends on the dose of the substance entering the body. In small doses it heals a person, but in large doses it can become poisonous.

The most common effects of poisonous indoor plants on human health include:

Gastrointestinal disorders;

Contact dermatitis, skin inflammation;

Irritation of mucous membranes;


Disturbance of the central nervous system and heart rhythm.

All representatives of poisonous indoor plants of the aroid family have different organs containing substances that may be harmful to human health. The poisonous juice of this family will cause swelling of the larynx and oral mucosa, and if it gets into the eyes, conjunctivitis and irreversible changes in the cornea. Other organs can lead to skin inflammation, heart rhythm disturbances, damage to the central nervous system, gastrointestinal upset, contact dermatitis and other consequences. The most common poisonous plant of this family is Dieffenbaria.

The euphorbia family contains sap that causes burns. Other parts of the plant cause vomiting, diarrhea, collapse, headache, kidney damage, stomach irritation, etc. In the leaves, peduncles and scales of the bulbs of most of the amaryllis family, cavities are formed containing large number mucus that flows out when damaged. Consequences: kidney damage, stomach upset, diarrhea.

Another group of plants that is dangerous due to the presence of milky sap is the Kutraaceae. Entering the body can cause disruption of cardiac activity and nervous regulation. Knowing these consequences, a person needs to be able to provide first medical care:

    If a poisonous plant gets into your mouth, you must drink water with crushed medicinal charcoal. Coal binds toxic substances. If activated carbon If you don’t have it on hand, you need to induce vomiting by drinking a large amount of water first. Repeat this procedure several times until all parts of the poisonous plant are removed.

    If the juice of a poisonous plant gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is necessary to rinse with the eyelids open under running water for 20 minutes. If severely affected, consult an ophthalmologist. 5

Conclusion: Having analyzed the educational literature, I found out that indoor plants not only bring undeniable benefits, but there are also poisonous ones among them, which can cause skin irritation, allergies, disruption of the central nervous system, and heart rhythm.

Chapter 2. Research part

  1. Questionnaire analysis

106 students in grades 6-7 took part in the survey; they were asked questions and the results were presented in diagrams.

  1. Monitoring poisonous plants at school.

Having monitored indoor plants using an illustrated atlas, we paid close attention to poisonous plants in our school landscaping. Among them we found the following plants: 6

Family Araceae. These plants attract unusual shape leaves and their striking color, while many aroids bloom very beautifully. But, unfortunately, almost all aroids contain poisonous oxalic acid, toxic proteins and enzymes. Oxalic acid salts penetrate deeply into the skin and mucous membranes, causing severe burns and irritation. The most dangerous thing is getting aroid juice into the eyes. oral cavity and the digestive system. Upon contact with oxalic acid, the mucous membranes swell and become inflamed, as a result of which it becomes impossible to eat, the voice disappears, and breathing becomes difficult until it stops.


There are 10 copies in our school, including from the most dangerous areas - these are classrooms primary classes and school recreation on the 2nd floor.Damaged leaves and stems emit poisonous juice. It can burn mucous membranes if it gets into the eyes, mouth, or nose.


Two copies, one of which is in school recreation. The sap of the plant is very poisonous. May cause irritation in case of contact with skin. If ingested, it causes swelling of the mouth and tongue. When cutting cuttings, wear rubber gloves.X.Local residents where this plant lives in natural conditions, use it as a poison against rodents.


At school there are 3 copies.The milky sap of the plant can cause irritation of the mucous membranes.

Family Araliaceae.


There are 5 copies at school. May cause contact dermatitis on contact. Be sure to wash your hands after any contact with it.

WITH Kutrov family.


There is only one copy at school.The aroma of the beautiful pinkish-white flowers of this plant, for example in a poorly ventilated room, can cause severe headaches, dizziness, and weakness in people.And oleander juice is especially dangerous for humans.

Mulberry family.


The school has 2 copies.

They contain milky sap, and their insidiousness lies in the fact that if they get on the skin in small quantities, it can cause a toxic or allergic effect: some people just have redness, others have redness and itching, and sometimes there is an increase in temperature, and chills.

  1. Creation of information material.

Together with the students, we created labels for poisonous plants, which indicated that these indoor plants are hazardous to health. We placed informational material in the form of labels on poisonous indoor plants. In addition, teachers and school staff were informed about the effect of toxic substances on the human body. They brought it to the attention of school students during natural history and biology lessons.



    Having studied the issue of indoor plants, I found out that indoor plants can not only bring benefits, but also have a negative effect on the human body.

    One of the negative effects may be an allergic reaction - from a common runny nose to severe contact dermatitis. In addition, poisonous indoor plants can cause disruption of the nervous system and heart rhythm.

    After monitoring school classrooms and recreation, I found out that our school also has dangerous plants - dieffenbachia, anthurium, shefflera, syngonium and the most dangerous oleander.

    Together with a biology teacher, we developed information material in the form of labels and placed it on poisonous plants.

    Teachers and school staff were informed about the effects of toxic substances on the human body. They brought it to the attention of school students during natural history and biology lessons.

Appendix 1

First aid for poisoning

Upon contact poisonous organs plants with skin, it is necessary to wash the affected area warm water with soap.

If a poisonous plant gets into your mouth, you must drink water with crushed medicinal charcoal. Coal binds toxic substances. If activated carbon is not at hand, you need to induce vomiting by drinking a large amount of water before doing so. Repeat this procedure several times until all parts of the poisonous plant are removed.

In case of severe poisoning (loss of consciousness, rapid heartbeat, convulsions), it is necessary to urgently call a doctor.

If the juice of a poisonous plant gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is necessary to rinse with the eyelids open under running water for 20 minutes. If severely affected, consult an ophthalmologist.

Appendix 2

List of poisonous plants

Aglaonema variable

Azalea (Rhododendron Sims)

Alpine violet, Cyclamen persica

Amaryllis beautiful /Amaryllisbelladonna

AnthuriumAndre or Scherzer

Begonia decorative leaf

Ethiopian calligraphy

Japanese euonymus


Gloriosa luxurious



Kala Calla

Clivia minium or Clivia orange

Codiaum variegated

Lantana camara

Beautiful Euphorbia, Poinsettia

Euphorbia Mile

Common oleander

Nightshade or solanum


Broom racemose

Cycad averted

Family Euphorbiaceae

Syngonium peduncle

Scindapsus painted


Epipremnum pinnate

Almost all succulents are also dangerous.


    Alexandrov M.S. "Indoor floriculture." M.:No Name, 2000

    Baleksandrov V. “In the green country.” M.: Education, 1964.

    Verzilin N. “Travel with house plants.” L.: “Children’s literature, 1958.”

    Zhurkova E.N., Ilyin E.Ya. “Indoor plants.” M.: Publishing House Prosveshchenie, 1968.

    Zalevskaya L. S. Plants at our home. - M.: Rosagropromizdat, 1967.

    A.Yu. Limarenko T.V. Paleev "Atlas of indoor plants". M.: 2003

    Hessayon ​​D. G. All about indoor plants. - M.: "Storehouse - Bouquet", 2005.

Topics of projects and research papers in biology.

5th grade:

Cedar is a breadwinner and healer.

Leaf fall in plant life


White birch.

Photo identification of trees and shrubs in the school area.

Apple tree and apple

Amber - magical tears of trees

The influence of “living” and “dead” water on the growth and development of plants.

The influence of the Moon on the growth and development of plants

The influence of music on plants.

The influence of music on the growth and development of plants

The influence of illumination on the growth and development of plants.

The influence of nutrients on plant growth processes.

The influence of soil on plant growth and development.

The influence of various biostimulants on the germination of garden plants.

The effect of silver water on plants

Green plant under the snow. Ledum.

The cosmic role of green plants.

Honey plants.

Plants in legends and traditions

Plants in mythology

Plants are symbols of different countries.

Flora of the taiga.

Poisonous plants.


Yeast mushrooms.


Poisonous mushrooms.

Siberian berries.

8th grade

Capabilities and features of the human eye

Age-related changes in the dynamics of vital capacity of the lungs.

Human hair

Hair is an indicator of human health and beauty.

Blue blood: myth or reality?

Hormones of life.

Mysteries of the cerebral hemispheres.

Study and calculation of biological rhythms

Study of the influence of interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain on the abilities and creative potential of students.

Optical systems of the eye and their disorders

Digestive system And modern nutrition schoolchildren

Perfection human hand

Man's dream

Human aging and the possibility of immortality

Cardiovascular diseases

The heart and its influence chemicals.

Mysteries of memory

The influence of memory on the performance of students in our class.

The effect of tobacco smoke on body growth.

The effect of noise on the human body.

Computer and student health

Therapeutic nutrition for various pathologies

Assessment of the volume of short-term memory and performance of high school students according to their individual daily chronotype.

Adolescent health assessment

9-10 grade

Antibiotics, classification

The AIDS virus and humans - the dynamics of the struggle.

Are microbes “friends” or “enemies”?

Microelements - characteristics and biological role.

The world of nanotechnology - possibilities of application in biology and medicine.

Violation of the physicochemical properties of the cell when the body is infected with the HIV virus.

Prions are new pathogens.

The role of catalysis in living systems.

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Harmful and beneficial mutations

Identification of causes that negatively affect a person’s genotype.

Artificial organs - problem and prospects.

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Methods of human genetic research.

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Analysis of family nutrition.

Household chemicals in our house and alternative cleaning methods.

The influence of ventilation and wet cleaning on the state of indoor air microflora

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Additives, colorings and preservatives in food products.

House dust and its effect on the human body.

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Pesticides - necessity or harm?

Waste disposal is a problem of the 21st century.

What is healthier: fruits or juices?

Environmental monitoring of students' learning conditions.

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