Elena Pronikova
Summary of a speech therapy lesson on the topic “Insects”

Organized educational activities for children of preparatory age in the group of compensatory orientation in lexical topic"Insects".

TARGET: Expand and clarify children’s knowledge about insects, highlight their characteristic and distinctive features.


Correctional and educational: Clarification of knowledge about insects, their characteristic features; formation of relative adjectives; agreement of numerals with nouns; compilation complex sentences with the conjunction “because”; use of the preposition “under”, differentiation of hard and soft consonants.

Correctional and developmental: development logical thinking and attention.

Correctional and educational: cultivate an attentive attitude to the word; positive motivation for occupation.

Equipment: presentation on this topic, subject pictures with the image insects; cards with numbers; story picture“Wonderful glade.”

OOD progress.

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Today I suggest taking a walk to a wonderful clearing.

(Slide 3 "Wonderful clearing")

Look how many flowers there are around. Draw flowers using your fingers.

(Children complete the task)

Smell them.

(Children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale through a “tube”)

(Slide 4 "Fly-Tsokotukha")

Guys, look, someone has appeared in our wonderful clearing. To find out who it is, you need to guess the name of the fairy tale, an excerpt from which I will now read to you.

The musicians came running

The drums started beating.

Bom! boom! boom! boom!

Fly and Mosquito dance.

And behind her is Klop, Klop

Boots top, top!

Boogers with worms,

Bugs with moths.

And the beetles are horned,

Rich men

They wave their hats,

Dancing with butterflies

What kind of fairy tale is this?

Children: "The clattering fly"

Speech therapist: Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Children: Insects.

(Slide 5)

Speech therapist: That's right, guys. Let's do some finger exercises.

(Slide 6)

(Children perform finger exercises)

« Insects»

Together we count our fingers -

We call insects.

(Clench and unclench fingers)

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,

This is a beetle with a green belly.

(Bend your fingers into a fist one by one, starting with the thumb)

Who's calling here?

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!

(Rotate the little finger)


(Hands behind your back)

2. Subject message classes

Speech therapist. What is a mosquito, a fly, a grasshopper, a butterfly?

Children. Insects.

Speech therapist. And what kind insects you still know?

Children. Dragonfly, ant, cockroach, etc.

3. Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

A) “Choose an action word” selection of verbs for a word insects: fly, bite, sting, harm, crawl out, work, fall asleep, etc.

(Slide 7)

B) “Select a feature” selection of features, formation of relative adjectives. Ball game.

(Slide 8, 9)

Speech therapist. I throw you a ball and ask a question, and you answer and throw the ball back to me.

What butterfly?

Child. Beautiful, colorful, wonderful, etc.

C) “The fourth odd one” Pictures are displayed. (Slide 10, 11, 12)

Bullfinch, beetle, butterfly, dragonfly.

Ant, pig, butterfly, grasshopper.

Butterfly, fly, caterpillar, bee.

4. Physical education minute. Exercise for coordination of movements with speech.

(Slide 13)

That's what a dragonfly is - very round eyes

(Arms to the sides, then circular movements of the fists at eye level)

Spins like a helicopter:

Right, left, back, forward

(Arms to the sides, movements around its axis, then hands on the belt, bends)

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump

We sat down, sat down, ate some grass,

They listened to the silence.

5. “Let's count” - agreement of numerals with nouns.

Each child has a picture of insect.

Speech therapist shows a number(from 1 to 5). The child must make up offer: “There are 3 ants on a flower”

6. Game “Where did they hide” insects". Come up with suggestions based on the picture.

Slide with a picture of a clearing (slide 15)

Speech therapist. Heavy rain is expected. All the insects hid, try to find them.

Children. Caterpillar under an apple.

The butterfly hid under the chamomile.

A mustachioed beetle crawled under a bush. Etc.

7. Help insects get together.

(Slide 16)

Insects, in the name of which place two syllables on a red flower, and in the name of which place three syllables on a green leaf.

8. Work in albums: butterfly shading.

(Slide 17)

Speech therapist. Guys, guess the riddle.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, perked up, soared up and flew away.


Look, it has arrived in your album

beautiful butterfly. Let's do some shading on the butterfly.

9. Summary classes.

Speech therapist: Guys, tell me what you liked most?

Children answer in complete sentences.

Speech therapist: Well done, guys!

Topic: "Insects"

Lesson objectives

Correctional and educational:

Activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Insects”;

Exercise children in selecting verbs and adjectives;

Improve the skill of identifying monosyllabic and polysyllabic words by ear;

Learn to compose sentences with prepositions of spatial meaning;

Strengthen and develop the ability to coordinate numerals with nouns;

Correctional and developmental:

Develop attention, visual perception, auditory perception, fine motor skills, memory;

Correctional and educational:

Foster a love of nature;

Demo material: pictures of insects, a plastic set of insects, a ball, a magnetic board, an audio recording of the sounds of insects (fly, bee, mosquito, grasshopper)

Handout: “houses” for words, a sheet with a silhouette of a butterfly for shading, colored pencils

Progress of the lesson

    Organizational moment

Speech therapist: Those guys who have butterflies on their chairs will sit. Those guys who have a dragonfly will sit down.

    Lesson topic message

Speech therapist: Dragonfly, butterfly - what can we call it in one word?

Children: Insects.

Speech therapist: What other insects do you know?

Children: Spider, fly, bee, …..

    Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

1) "Choose the right word" Selection of verbs to a noun

The butterfly (what is it doing?) flutters.

Grasshopper (what is it doing?) jumping

What is the beetle doing (what is it doing?) crawling

The dog (what is it doing?) barks

The mosquito (what is it doing?) is buzzing

2) "Find the extra one" Put away extra item

Speech therapist: Can all this be called in one word INSECTS?

Children: children's answers

3) “Let’s move words into houses” Monosyllabic words in small house, polysyllabic in large.


Physical education minute. Exercise for coordination of movements with speech.

That's what a dragonfly is - very round eyes

(Arms to the sides, then circular movements of the fists at eye level)

Spins like a helicopter:

Right, left, back, forward

(Hands on the waist, turns left - right, bends)

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump

4) Ball game"Pick an adjective"

Speech therapist. I throw you a ball and ask a question, and you answer and throw the ball back to me.

By color:

Butterfly (what?) yellow

Grasshopper (what?) green

By size:

Ladybug (what?) small

Spider (what?) big

Caterpillar (what?) long

5) "Answer to a question" Practicing spatial prepositions in sentences.

Who crawls to the web? (A spider crawls towards the web)

Who jumped off the branch? (A grasshopper jumped from a branch)

Who was hiding under the leaf? (An ant hid under a leaf)

Who is sitting on the flower? (A butterfly sits on a flower)

Who's crawling on your hand? (It crawls up my hand ladybug)

6) "Count it" agreement of numerals with nouns in gender, number, case

Speech therapist: Butterflies landed on the chamomile. Come on, let's count them in chorus

Children: One butterfly, two butterflies, three butterflies, four butterflies, five butterflies

Speech therapist: Dragonflies fly over the chamomile. Come on, let's count them in chorus

Children: One dragonfly, two dragonflies, three dragonflies, four dragonflies, five dragonflies

    Sounds made by insects. "Listen and Guess"

(fly, bee, mosquito, grasshopper)

    Working on leaves: butterfly shading

Butterflies are depicted on the leaves. We will do the shading according to the sample.

    Lesson summary

Speech therapist: Who did we talk about in class?

Children: About insects

Speech therapist: What did you like about the lesson? (children's answers)

Speech therapist: The lesson is over, you all did well today!

Target: consolidation and expansion of children’s knowledge on the topic “Insects”.

Correctional educational:

  • activate children's vocabulary on the topic “Insects”;
  • exercise children in selecting antonym words;
  • improve the skill of conducting preparatory dialogue;
  • teach children to select words that denote actions;
  • consolidate and develop the ability to compose a descriptive story according to a plan-scheme.

Correctional and developmental:

  • develop attention, visual perception, logical thinking, fine and gross motor skills, memory.

Correctional and educational:

Foster love and respect for native nature.

Equipment: a box, a “Bug” toy, object pictures with images of insects, a ball, a mnemonic table for composing a story.

1. Organizational moment

The teacher brings in a box.

Guys, look at my box. Guess who's there. To do this you need to solve a riddle.

White fenders,

Velvet back.

Flight begins in May,

And it hums like an airplane!

Everyone around immediately hears -

May is flying by...! (Bug.)

That's right, that's cockchafer. (The teacher takes out a “beetle” from the box.) What other beetles have you seen? (Stag beetle, fireman, ladybug, etc.)

2. Main part.

Now spring has come. The sun began to warm up and insects were crawling out of their hiding places.

The children take their seats.

Now we will check how you know them.

The teacher reads the riddles, the children guess, find a picture and put it on the board.

She has four wings

The body is thin, like an arrow.

And big, big eyes

They call it...(dragonfly).

Drinks the juice of fragrant flowers,

Gives us both wax and honey.

She's nice to everyone

And her name is... (bee).

He is a real worker

Very, very hard working.

Under a pine tree in a dense forest

An ant builds a house from needles.

She is dearer than all the bugs,

The back is scarlet.

And there are circles on it

Black dots (ladybug).

Flies, squeaks,

The thin legs are dragging.

The opportunity will not be missed.

A mosquito will sit and bite.

She is not a bee, but she stings.

She loves honey and jam.

There is a stripe on the abdomen.

Who is she, tell me? (wasp).

Who flies into every house

Along with the summer draft?

Who is buzzing dully behind the frame?

Annoying... (fly).

In a clearing in cornflowers

He practiced jumping.

It's a pity, the chick had breakfast with them.

Who was it? (grasshopper).

Six-legged and furry,

The winged motor hummed.

Pollinate flowering hops

An agile one has arrived... (bumblebee).

She is bright, beautiful,

Graceful, light-winged.

She looks like a flower

And loves to drink flower juice (butterfly).

What is the main characteristic of all insects? (All insects have 6 legs.)

Is a spider an insect?

Name insects that are predatory (dragonfly, grasshopper, ladybug)

Why are they called predators? (Because they hunt other insects.)

Name the beneficial insects. (Butterfly, bee, ant.)

What benefits do bees, butterflies, and ants bring? (Bees pollinate flowers, give us honey and wax. Ants carry the seeds of many plants throughout the forest. Butterflies pollinate flowers.)

Name the harmful insects. (A fly - carries germs, a caterpillar - eats plant leaves, a mosquito.)

3. D/i “The Fourth Wheel”

fly, mosquito, bee, cockroach

grasshopper, cockroach, dragonfly, ant

dragonfly, ladybug, grasshopper, bee

4. D/i “Say the opposite”

- Stand in a circle around me. Let's play the game "Say it the other way around." (The speech therapist throws a ball to the child, who returns the ball back, choosing an antonym word.)

The mosquito is evil, but the butterfly, on the contrary, is kind.

The bumblebee is big, and the ladybug... is small.

The bee is useful, but the fly is... harmful.

The wasp lives outside, and the cockroach... at home.

The grasshopper jumps, and the ant... crawls.

The beetle buzzes, but the spider... is silent.

A dragonfly flies quickly, but a mosquito…slowly.

5. Physical education lesson - coordination of speech with the “Caterpillar” movement.

This strange house without windows (turn around slowly)

People call it “cocoon”.

Having twisted this house on a branch, (rotate hands)

The caterpillar sleeps in it. (palms under right cheek)

He sleeps without waking up all winter. (palms under left cheek)

But winter passes by - (wave hands up)

March, April, drops, spring... (clap hands on each word)

Wake up, sleepyhead! (stretch)

Under the bright spring sun (draw the sun with your hands)

The caterpillar has no time to sleep. (they shake a finger)

She became a butterfly! (run in a circle, flapping their arms like wings)

6. Reading Irina Gurina’s story “How a Butterfly Appears”

The beans flew and flew and sat on the flowers. (Children sit on the carpet.)

I will now read to you Irina Gurina’s story “How a Butterfly Appears”

Butterflies are the most beautiful insects. They live wherever there are plants. Butterflies can even be gigantic, the size of a bird, or small, the size of a fingernail. Have you ever seen a butterfly? Well, of course you saw it! Do you want to know how these amazing creatures appear?

The female butterfly finds a secluded place on the underside of a leaf and lays many tiny eggs there. Each of them contains a tiny caterpillar that grows day by day. Over time, she gains strength and gnaws through the shell of the egg. Having got out, the caterpillar immediately begins to eat the leaves. The more she eats, the faster she grows. And one day the old skin becomes too small for her. This skin bursts and the caterpillar crawls out of it, as if from an old dress.

Caterpillars, like butterflies, come in different forms: large and small, bright and inconspicuous. The body of the caterpillar consists of many parts located one after another, like train carriages. With the help of tenacious legs, it deftly crawls along leaves and branches. Soon the caterpillar becomes very large, stops eating and crawling, and settles down more comfortably in some cozy place on a leaf or branch and entangles itself with sticky threads.

The old skin bursts again and a caterpillar body appears under it, covered with new, soft skin. It is called a cocoon. A butterfly grows inside a cocoon. One day she hatches like a chick from an egg. Having got out, the butterfly sits motionless for some time, and then begins to flutter over the flowers. The butterfly drinks flower nectar with its thin proboscis. The time will come, she will also lay eggs, from which voracious caterpillars will emerge, and then these caterpillars will turn into beautiful butterflies.

The wings of butterflies are covered with small scales, which are covered with dyes. This is what gives butterflies their wonderful wing colors. But these colored scales are very, very fragile. Therefore, if you pick up a butterfly, you can damage these scales and then the butterfly will die. Do not pick up butterflies and do not allow others to do so. Save the beauty.

The butterfly's mouth is a long, thin proboscis. Usually it is curled into a tight spring, but as soon as a butterfly sits on a flower, the proboscis unfolds and descends to the very bottom of the flower to collect nectar. Insects use their antennae to sniff. Antennae sense odors from afar.

7. D/i “Name the insect”

The teacher hands out various pictures of insects to the children. The child must describe in words what his insect does, without showing his picture to other children. Based on the description, the guys must guess the insect.

8. Compiling a story using the mnemonic table “Insects”

  1. Sun summer, spring.
  2. Meadow in the meadow.
  3. A bee lives in a hive.
  4. An anthill ant lives in an anthill.
  5. Butterfly stages butterfly development.
  6. Human benefit and harm that insects bring.


(An approximate story based on the mnemonic table.)

Spring comes, and the first insects appear in the meadow: beetles, butterflies, ants. Bees buzz above the flowers - they collect nectar in order to take it to the hive and turn it into honey. From fallen leaves, grass and pine needles, ants build their house - an anthill. The most beautiful things in the meadow are butterflies. A butterfly goes a long way from a larva to an adult insect. Butterflies look like beautiful flowers and are called differently: lemongrass, swallowtails, urticaria. Insects bring great benefit– they pollinate flowers and destroy pests. Birds eat insects.

Chaplygina E., speech therapist.

Lesson objectives:

Correctional and educational: Clarification of knowledge about insects, their characteristic features; formation of relative adjectives; agreement of numerals with nouns; composing complex sentences with the conjunction “because”; use of the preposition “under”.

Correctional and developmental: development of logical thinking and attention.

Correctional and educational: cultivate an attentive attitude to the word; positive motivation for exercise.

Equipment: clearing; object pictures depicting insects; cards with numbers; subject picture “Wonderful Glade”.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist. Today I propose to take a walk to a wonderful clearing. Look how many flowers there are around. Draw flowers using your fingers.

(Children complete the task)

Smell them.

(Children take a deep breath through their nose and exhale through a “tube”)

But butterflies flew past, bugs and worms crawled by.

(Children perform finger exercises)


Together we count our fingers -

We call them insects.

(Clench and unclench fingers)

Butterfly, grasshopper, fly,

This is a beetle with a green belly.

(Bend your fingers into a fist one by one, starting with the thumb)

Who's calling here?

Oh, a mosquito is flying here!

(Rotate the little finger)


(Hands behind your back)

2. Report the topic of the lesson

Speech therapist. What is a mosquito, a fly, a grasshopper, a butterfly?

Children. Insects.

Speech therapist. What other insects do you know?

Children. Dragonfly, ant, cockroach, etc.

3. Lexico-grammatical games and exercises

A) “Choose a word” - selection of verbs for the word insects: fly, bite, sting, harm, crawl out, work, fall asleep, etc.

B) “Select a feature” selection of features, formation of relative adjectives. Ball game.

Speech therapist. I throw you a ball and ask a question, and you answer and throw the ball back to me.

What kind of beetle?

Child. Big, horned, etc.

C) “The fourth odd one” Pictures are displayed.

Fly, ant, rook, bee.

Dragonfly, beetle, caterpillar, dog.

Mosquito, bee, butterfly, lion, etc.

4. Physical education minute. Exercise for coordination of movements with speech.

That's what a dragonfly is - very round eyes

(Arms to the sides, then circular movements of the fists at eye level)

Spins like a helicopter:

Right, left, back, forward

(Arms to the sides, movements around its axis, then hands on the belt, bends)

Raise your shoulders

Jump grasshoppers.

Jump-jump, jump-jump

We sat down, sat down, ate some grass,

They listened to the silence.

5. “How many insects are there on a flower?” agreement of numerals with nouns.

Each child has a picture of an insect.

The speech therapist shows a number (from 1 to 5). The child must make up a sentence: “There are 3 ants on the flower.”

6. Game “Where the insects hid”

On the board there is a picture depicting a clearing.

Speech therapist. Heavy rain is expected. All the insects are hidden, try to find them.

Children. Caterpillar under an apple.

The butterfly hid under the chamomile.

A mustachioed beetle crawled under a bush. Etc.

7. Work in albums: butterfly shading.

Speech therapist. Guys, guess the riddle.

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up,

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

He moved, perked up, soared up and flew away.


Look at your album arrived

beautiful butterfly. Let's do some shading on the butterfly.

Goal: To introduce children to the concept of “insects”.

1. Clarify the names of insects, external signs, their structure;
2. Form nouns with diminutive suffixes;
3. Develop vocabulary on this topic, attention, memory;
4. Foster a caring attitude towards beneficial insects.

Equipment: subject pictures.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

Name the seasons, starting with winter.

What time of year is it now?

Name three spring months?

What month is it now?

What season comes after spring?

2. Thematic conversation about insects:

a) The speech therapist asks a riddle and displays a picture:

It is made from twigs, from pine needles
Will build a real house
No saw and no nails.
Who is the builder? ...

Ants - beneficial insects. They have a head, chest, abdomen and three pairs of legs. They are very small and very hardworking. They are called "forest orderlies." In one day they destroy large number harmful insects. Ants live in anthills. Anthills must be protected and preserved!

b) The speech therapist asks a riddle:

Moved by the flower
All four petals
I wanted to rip it off
He took off and flew away.

(E. Serova)

Most butterflies occur in May and June. In May, white butterflies with black spots on their wings begin to fly over the garden. Flying from leaf to leaf, the butterfly lays its eggs on them, from which caterpillars emerge. When the caterpillar is full, it wraps itself in sticky web and becomes a cocoon or pupa. There is work going on inside the cocoon - the transformation of a fat caterpillar into a beautiful butterfly.

Butterflies land on flowers and feed on their nectar, reaching it with their proboscis.

c) The speech therapist asks a riddle:

A violinist lives in a meadow,
He wears a tailcoat and walks at a gallop.

To be confirmed with children characteristic features structures of a grasshopper.

d) The speech therapist asks a riddle:

On a warm day, in spring, in May,
Everyone will know about me.
I'm not a fly, not a spider.
I'm buzzing! I am a May... (Bug.)

What are the body parts of a beetle called?

Where are the paws attached? (To the chest.)

What is the body covered with? (Hard wings.)

What's on your head? (Eyes, ears, mouth, mustache.)

The transparent thin wings of the cockchafer are hidden and are visible only in flight. It was named so because it is in May that they appear. There are especially many of them in the evenings. They fly low above the ground and buzz. The beetle gnaws the bark of trees.

Finger gymnastics:

I am a cheerful cockchafer, (Clench your fist, spread your index finger and little finger to the sides - “whiskers”, move them.)
I know all the gardens around.
I'm circling over the lawns,
And my name is Juju!

d) Who has dots all over his back?
Who grazes on leaves
Who do we ask to take to the sky?
And bring us some bread from there? (Ladybug.)

What is the difference between a ladybug and a cockchafer?

3. Physical education minute:
Raise your shoulders
Jump, grasshoppers!
Jump-jump, jump-jump.
We sat down, sat down and ate some grass,
Listen to the silence
Higher, higher, higher,
Jump on your toes with ease!

4. Guessing riddles:

What kind of girl:
The belt is thin,
Huge eyes.
It flies and chirps.

Flies over the lawn.
Will fuss over the flower -
He will share the honey.

You can't see it yourself
and the song can be heard;
Flies, squeaks,
the opportunity will not be missed:
He will sit down and bite.

She's circling above me
She's buzzing above me.
What a bastard
This clatter.

The fly is very harmful insect, because she carries diseases on her paws. A fly will land on bread and leave germs there. That’s why you should always cover food from flies, wash the table, plates, and hands. There are different types of flies: big and small; In Africa there is a poisonous tsetse fly. Flies must be dealt with with cleanliness and accuracy. Then you will not be afraid of any diseases.

5. Didactic game“Call me kindly.”

Mosquito - mosquito
Beetle - bug
Bee - bee
Mustache - mustache
Paws - paws
Head - head
Ant - little ant
Anthill - anthill
Fly - fly
Dragonfly is a dragonfly.

6. Didactic game “Finish the sentence.”

The fly spreads... (diseases).

The bee collects... (honey).

A mosquito bites... (a person).

The butterfly flies... (with a flower).

The beetle gnaws... (bark).

The ladybug eats... (aphids).

There are a great variety of insects on earth. On their abdomen they have transverse stripes, like notches. This is where the name “insects” comes from - from the word “to infest.” Insects are gluttons: they eat everything: greens, small insects. Insects are big and small. Some fly, others crawl or jump. Some live for several years, others for one day. In nature they appear only when it is warm (spring, summer). Birds eat insects. Among insects there are pests - carriers of human and animal diseases; There are also useful ones - they pollinate plants, provide food and raw materials (honey, wax, silk).

7. Result of the lesson: collect cut-out pictures and name the insect.

Ivanova Svetlana Vitalievna,
teacher-speech therapist MKDOU No. 22,
Asha city, Chelyabinsk region

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