Tubercles appeared on the leaves of the grapes; underneath they were yellowish and brown. What to do?

We all felt that this year is not like usual. An absolute record of excess was recorded in Crimea average daily temperatures over the past 90 years - more than 6.8 degrees in July. That's a lot. Scientists around the world are sounding alarm bells global warming— the average annual temperature of the atmosphere on Earth increased by 0.4 degrees. As we see, our regions make a significant contribution to this figure.

In addition to the unbearable heat, not a drop of rain has fallen in almost all places since the end of March. It’s not just hot, but also indescribably dry, when relative humidity air, instead of the usual 60-75%, slightly reaches 25-30%. Scorching heat. Such conditions are ideal for the development of the mite, because even in places where it has never caused problems, this season it easily destroys plants.

The most common ones in our country are spider mites and grape felt mites. With severe infection, some of the shoots are suppressed, numerous tubercles are formed on top of the leaves, the lower, depressed part of which is covered with felt pubescence. These are the places where ticks are infested. To combat it, special drugs are used - acaricides. Actellik, Keltan, Neoron, etc. are represented on the Ukrainian market.

On my site, a real disaster was the invasion of thin, long, speckled worms - they

From the moment the buds swell and open, the grape itch moves to the leaves and begins to feed on plant sap. While eating, this insect secretes saliva, which contains a substance that helps accelerate cell growth and division. As a result, its enzymes, in direct contact with it, lead to deformation of the foliage structure. This structural disorder is displayed in the form of large and small oval-shaped bubble-shaped swellings that appear on the outside of the leaves.

On the inner side of the foliage affected by the mite, a peculiar white coating, resembling fluffy felt. Initially, this coating has a beige or white color. Later they acquire a red and sometimes brown color.

What does grape itch look like?

It is almost impossible to see the itch well with the naked eye, since the grape felt mite has a very small size. Only with multiple magnification can you see that the tick’s body looks like a light or yellowish worm larva. The length of the female corresponds to 0.16-0.20 mm, and the male - 0.14 mm. The insect's abdomen has numerous small bristles at the front and rings with spines at the back and middle of the body.

Why is itching dangerous for the grape harvest?

It is known that grape itch from the leaves is capable of moving to the young ovary, shoots and flowers of grapes. Consequently, other parts are also affected. If the affected areas of the grapes are not treated in a timely manner, this is fraught with its death and a decrease in yield as a whole.

In addition, the tick of this type capable of transmitting viruses dangerous to grapes, which negatively affect the ripening of fruits, the condition of the root system, leaves, which can ultimately lead to the death of the grapevine.

How to get ahead of affected grape leaves?

In order to find out if grape leaf mite has infected your plants in the garden, you need to pay attention to the leaves. In this case, it is worth looking at the back side of the foliage, since its front part at the first stage of infection does not have visual deformation in the form of tuberous mounds. However, a tick can be noticed by a secondary sign - the presence of a white terry coating on the underside of the leaf.

What is it: itching or mildew?

If you pay attention to grapes infected with mildew, leaf diseases of this type affect the upper and lower parts of them. On the surface of the foliage you can see characteristic yellowish spots the size of a penny or more. A clearly visible white fluff appears on the back of the leaves - this is a mycelium. It is because of this that inexperienced gardeners make the “wrong diagnosis”. How to determine whether it is itching or mold deposits?

Unlike aphids, itching forms smaller and sparse swellings. In phylloxera they are more frequent and larger, resembling blisters or warts. If desired, they can be crushed with force with your fingers.

Grape mite: control methods

In order to get rid of a tick, it is necessary to deal with it in a timely manner. However, the whole difficulty when baiting an insect is that it settles on back side sheet, and not on its surface. Therefore, using specialized chemicals, it is necessary to spray the foliage from the back. Experienced gardeners recommended for this purpose

For this you will need approximately 10-50 g of sulfur. You can also use drugs against grape mites such as Fufanon, Neoron, Karbofos, Tiovit-Jet, Fiori, Talstar, Kinmiks, Omite, Vertimek, Actellik " and others.

In addition, buds that have not yet opened must be sprayed with a solution of Nitrophen diluted in water using 200 g. chemical substance for one bucket of water. Next, it is recommended to treat the blooming buds. It is best to do this at the time of pulling out the kidneys. At this very time they reach a length of approximately 4-6 cm. It is recommended to treat them with a sulfur solution. It is prepared at the rate of 100 g of substance per bucket of water.

How many times do grapes need to be processed?

Treatment of grapes against diseases and pests should be carried out depending on the degree of infection of the plants, as well as on the type of pests and diseases themselves. So, you should save grapes from mites by applying twice the treatment with an approximate interval of 10-12 days.

And for best result It is worth treating the grape leaves on both sides twice a day. Recommended spraying times are 10:00 (first) and 22:00 (second).

Preventative measures to combat itching in the garden

What pests are dangerous to grapes?

Visually it looks like a miniature color and with a body length of no more than 3-4.4 mm. Oviparous. The eggs are laid by the female beetle and she attaches 10-30 of them per inside leaf.

The fight against the leaf beetle, as well as the fight against grape itch, is associated with the treatment of plant buds with special insecticidal solutions. For example, Fufanon and Iskra are used for this purpose.

Another well-known insect pest is the grape gnat. Its size is only 2 mm. The mosquito itself is not harmful. Its larvae cause great harm. An adult insect is capable of laying up to 100 eggs at a time. After about 9-10 days, larvae emerge from them and begin to greedily eat the grape leaves. Wart-like swellings form in the areas where the larva lives. You can also get rid of mosquitoes using insecticides.

In addition, other pests can be found on the leaves, stems and roots of grapes, for example, weevils, borers, leaf rollers, mites, thrips, scale insects and cicadas.

Unfortunately, they are also common in our vineyards. In general, experts find up to 60 species of different mites in our vineyards, but of course, not all of them cause great harm and we do not need to know each of these species “by sight.” This year the mite has already begun its destructive effect on our vineyards and I managed to photograph it.
Itching is very difficult to notice with the naked eye. Its length is only about 0.2 millimeters, and its width is even less! In the clutch, the eggs of the zhudya are transparent and they are also indistinguishable, especially on a green leaf. The itch lives only on the underside of the leaf, where it forms small depressions covered with a thick layer of whitish or creamy coating. If you climb under this raid, then when good magnification we will be able to see the owner of this small house. The bulges on the upper side of the leaf become brown or reddish when exposed to the pest for a long time: dark varieties In grapes, at the beginning of the lesion, the tubercles are purple, and the felt pubescence is white, and after a while it turns red. U
light varieties
– the tubercle is the same color as the leaf, the felt is white, but then with the development of the lesion the felt darkens, but the tubercle does not change color. There are mites that form light felt, and there are also those that form dark felt. The mite overwinters, like all normal mites, under the bark of grapes, in the cracks of stakes for gartering grapes, on pruned vines and grape leaves that were not harvested in the fall, under the scales of buds, in short, where it is warmer and more comfortable. In spring it awakens and settles on the underside of grape leaves. Frankly speaking, there is little harm in vineyards with

When making a diagnosis, you can make a mistake. At first there are no swellings yet; they appear later. They feed by sucking the juice; in this place, part of the leaf is as if paralyzed, and the nearby territory develops its own life. This is how you get the tightening (bumps). And so, at first there are no swellings yet, the primary sign that we can detect is the fluff on the underside of the leaf. There is one tricky thing, you have to try to erase this fluff with your finger... if you succeed, then it is mildew, and if not, then it is itching.

Types of ticks:

Colomerus vitis Pgst. - Grape felt mite (grape itch). Synonyms: Phytoptus, Eriophyes.

Grape spider mite - Eotetranychus pruni (Oudemans).

Synonyms: Apotetranychus Oudemans, Schizotetranychus viticola Reck, Sch. aceri Reck, Sch. aeusculi Reck, Sch. ulmicola Reck, Sch. coryli Reck, Sch. telarius kargalensis Wainstein, Eot. pomi Sepasgosarian...

Red fruit mite - .Panonychus ulmi Koch Cosmopolitan, found on many plants, incl. and on grapes. Synonyms: Tetranychus ulmi Koch, Paratetranychus ulmi Koch, Metatetranychus ulmi Koch, Tetranychus pilosus Canestrini et Fanzago, Tetranychus mytilaspidis Ewing. Measures to combat itching: clean up after autumn pruning

vines, grape foliage, weeds. In spring and autumn, when there is a large number of mites, spray the grapes with any anti-pest preparation. BI-58, Neoron, Demitan, ZOLON, Omite, Fufanon, as well as regular sulfur.

Puzenko Natalya Lariasovna

Tubercles appeared on the leaves of the grapes; they were yellow and brown underneath. What to do?

We all felt that this year is not the same as usual. In Crimea, an absolute record for exceeding average daily temperatures over the past 90 years was recorded - more than 6.8 degrees in July. That's a lot. Scientists around the world are sounding the alarm about global warming - the average annual temperature of the atmosphere on Earth has increased by 0.4 degrees. As we can see, our regions make a significant contribution to this figure.

The most common ones in our country - With severe infection, part of the shoots is suppressed, numerous tubercles form on top of the leaves, the lower, depressed part of which is covered with felt pubescence. These are the places where ticks are infested. To combat it, special drugs are used - acaricides. Presented on the Ukrainian market and etc.

Before using them, it is best to consult with a specialist on site, as everyone’s conditions are different. And don’t forget about safety precautions, and this means not only gloves and a respirator at the time of spraying, but also parsley, cucumbers and currants that grow under the gazebo. The waiting period for all medications is at least 20 days.

Ecological methods of controlling mites on grapes

Based on the above, it is best to treat the affected plants with more environmentally friendly sulfur preparations: - which are approved for use in industrial or home gardens in each specific season and have significantly shorter waiting times. At the same time, sulfur is a natural product; 90% of the world's reserves of native sulfur are located in the Lviv region.

Under influence high temperature sublimation of sulfur occurs; after the first treatment, the pairs effectively inhibit the development of the mite, completely destroying it when reuse and preventing the development of oidium - powdery mildew grapes Here you kill not two, but much more birds with one stone: if cucumbers or other vegetables grow under the grapes, you get rid of powdery mildew, too. The main thing is not to forget to repeat the processing. If traces of mite activity do not appear on new leaves, it means that when overwintering buds are laid, pests will no longer accumulate in them in the next season.

The vineyard attracts the attention of many dozens of pests. Around the world, about 800 species of insects have been recorded that can harm the harvest of this crop. Moreover, not only berries suffer, but also roots, perennial and green shoots, inflorescences and leaves.

Without a well-built plant protection system, preventive and therapeutic treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, there is a risk of losing 30 to 50% of the crop, and some enemies of this crop can completely destroy the plantation.

Grape mites and methods of combating them

The most common pests of grapes throughout the world are numerous types of mites, which, feeding on the juices of the green parts of the plant, weaken the vineyard. With general harmfulness, insects are isolated that cause the greatest damage to the buds and leaves of grapes.

If you do not stop the reproduction of insects in time and do not start using methods to combat grape mites, their vital activity negatively affects the ripening of shoots, the quality and quantity of berries, and colonies of bacteria and fungi can develop on the affected parts of the plant, including the causative agents of such serious diseases as mildew and.

Female mites overwintering on weeds or inside buds in the spring, already at a temperature of about 7–8 ° C, begin to feed and lay eggs. As a result, the rudiments of inflorescences and shoots are damaged, the resulting clusters turn out to be smaller than before the mite attack, and the growth is weaker. If the mite infects the buds, they turn red, become dense and crumble.

The damage caused by an insect that produces from 6 to 11 generations per season increases in summer months, when the grape itch is nourished by the juices of the green part of the bush.

Traces of the presence of a pest look like deformation outside the leaf plate, the appearance of noticeable tubercles on it, which correspond to small depressions covered with a pile similar to felt or cobwebs.

The stronger the damage to the leaf, the weaker it is in its tissues. metabolic processes. If urgent measures are not taken to combat grape itch, felt spots on the back of the leaves merge, sheet plate collapses, practically falling out of the process of photosynthesis. The leaf weakens and dries up. Sometimes ripening brushes are found under the felt cover.

If at the beginning of the season the mite settles on the lower tier of the vine, then without proper control it can spread to younger shoots. Dry conditions contribute to the spread of ticks hot weather, gusty winds, insects fall from diseased parts of the plant to healthy parts during pruning, planting or grafting. To minimize the risk of crop loss from grape mites, methods of combating this pest should include agronomic practices and spraying with modern insecticides and acaricides.

Shoots that are weakened or frozen in winter must be removed. In autumn or in early spring, when the grape buds have not yet begun to grow, the vine and potential places where grape itch accumulates are treated with a two percent DNOC solution. A 3% solution of nitrafen will be effective against wintering female ticks. Since insects are often hidden by the felt covering that forms, Special attention When treating grapes against diseases and pests, the back side of the leaves is applied.

A long-tested measure to combat grape itch is considered to be double treatment of plantings with sulfur preparations. It is important that the air temperature is above 20 °C, and there are 10–14 days between procedures.

When plants are attacked by mites, remedies chemical treatment, including Fufanon, Neoron and Aktara, or Tevit Jet, are chosen not only taking into account their effectiveness, but also safety in relation to bees and humans.

Grape aphid or phylloxera

Extremely dangerous for rootstocks and European varieties grape pest is a grape aphid that causes damage to plantings in all existing forms, be it larvae, nymphs, winged and soil insects.

Appearing in Europe in the mid-19th century, this pest caused devastating damage to the most famous vineyards, calling into question the cultivation of this crop in France.

During the season, aphids give 7–8 generations, as a result, plants infected with the root form of phylloxera noticeably weaken, their root system turns out to be underdeveloped, and without treating the grapes from diseases and pests, the vine dies within a few years. This form can only be dealt with by completely removing the affected bushes. The leaf form, characterized by the appearance of galls containing aphid eggs on the back of the leaves, is usually detected in the second year.

Since this dangerous pest is a quarantine species, then control measures include preventing the spread of aphids, as well as using phylloxera-resistant rootstocks. Actelik, Dilor, Confidor Maxi and Etafos are used against the leaf form. The first treatment is carried out when the buds bloom en masse, and the second at the stage when the shoots already have 9–12 leaves.

Leaf rollers and other green grape pests

To protect the crop from leaf rollers and cutworms, treatment of grapes against diseases and pests with insecticides is carried out during the period when butterflies emerge.

If eggs and caterpillars are found on the grapes, it is important to carefully remove the damaged parts of the plant, preventing the pests from spreading. You can protect the crop through three successive treatments with Fozalon, Ambush, Sumicidin or modern biological products.

Thrips: description of a grape pest, photos and methods of treatment

On thrips-affected leaves, browned areas appear, first along the edges and then throughout the entire blade; the surface becomes deformed and gradually curls.

Similar damage can be seen on young shoots, tendrils, and later on berries. As is the case with grape mite, methods of combating these insects are to use Phosfamide or BI-58, Carbamyl and Methomyl.

Scale insects and mealybugs

Grape shoots attract many pests. Small scale insects and mealybugs, leading a sedentary lifestyle, settle on the vine and suck out the juices. Which leads to weakening of the affected parts of the plant, their drying out and reduced yield. The presence of scale insects is indicated glossy spots honeydew secreted by these insects. However, damage to the plant from this type of pest is not limited to the weakening of shoots and foliage; fungi soon develop in the habitats of scale insects and scale insects, and outbreaks that are dangerous to grapes appear. Where do these grape pests shown in the photo live, and how to treat the bush affected by them?

In autumn, young scale insects concentrate at the base of one-year-old shoots, attach themselves and overwinter. In the spring, mature insects give birth to a new generation, which emerges from under the scutes of dead females.

Mealybugs with a whitish, loose, waxy mass as a coating can cause serious damage to grapes. Overwintering as larvae under the bark of adult shoots and even on trellis supports, with the onset of warm weather the pests move to the green parts of the plant, to shoots and leaves, where they become adults. WITH mealybugs And various types scale insects are fought by treating all aboveground parts bush, as well as trellis details. Spraying is carried out in early spring, before the buds open and, necessarily, under high pressure so that the drug penetrates into the layers of the bark.

Weevils or weevils

Vineyards are damaged by several species of weevils, which gnaw out the buds and leaf blades young foliage, and their larvae can seriously damage the root system.

Adult beetles and larvae of this pest overwinter in the ground at a depth of 15 to 30 cm. Insect activity begins with the arrival of spring, when the air warms up above 10 °C. Treatment of grapes from diseases and pests, including weevils, is carried out using insecticides in the period from April to May, when the beetles are actively feeding, as well as in June, when young individuals emerge from the soil. The vineyard is sprayed twice with an interval of 10 days, using chlorophos and fozalon, the soil between the rows is loosened to a depth of at least 15 cm.

Protecting grapes from wasps

If for most of the summer a colony of wasps actively increases their numbers and looks for protein food to feed their offspring, then in August the insects begin to prepare for winter and their diet changes radically. The harvest of many crops is suffering from wasps, now exclusively interested in sweets. garden crops, including grapes. Moreover, due to the thin skin of grape berries, these pests can seriously reduce yields and negatively affect the quality of grapes.

Therefore, protecting the vineyard from wasps is a task of paramount importance for the gardener.

Coping with wasps is not easy because when the berries ripen, the use of insecticides becomes dangerous.

The best result can be achieved if you start pest control in advance and use all existing methods. Destruction wasp nests better to spend in evening time when insects gather for the night. When planning to perform such a task, be sure to take all personal safety measures. The area where the pests are concentrated is treated with a fast-acting insecticide that is active against wasps.

The use of industrially manufactured and homemade traps will not help get rid of insects, but systematic approach will significantly reduce their numbers. At the beginning of summer, the trap is equipped with meat or fish bait, and in August and September the vessel is filled with syrup or other sweet product. As the device is filled, it is cleaned and hung near the vineyard.

When the clusters begin to ripen, to protect the grapes from wasps, other insects and birds, they are covered with covers made of mesh or nonwoven fabric. Such a shelter should be loose enough so as not to interfere with the filling of berries and to prevent condensation from appearing inside and the development of rot.

Video about diseases and pests of grapes

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