A school desk is not a student’s removable companion for several hours, 5 days a week, so its choice directly determines what the child’s posture will be. The workplace should not only be attractive, but also comfortable and functional, and contribute to the normal learning process. When wrong choice

furniture, the consequences can be disastrous - poor posture, problems with the spine, blurred vision. What size school desk is optimal and what are the requirements for it?

Types of school desks Many people mistakenly believe that school desks They are practically no different from each other - in fact, each of them is intended for specific activities. There are ordinary and special student tables (for drawing, drafting, foreign languages

  1. , chemistry, etc.).
  2. In stores you can find 2 types of desks: 1-seater and 2-seater. Structurally they are:

With a height-adjustable tabletop that can be adjusted depending on the student’s height. Non-adjustable, in which the inclination of the tabletop and the overall height are unchanged. For primary classes desks are familiar, which are a monoblock structure - a table is combined with a bench. For small children this is best option

which helps maintain their health. But

best choice will become an orthopedic modern desk, with which your posture will always be correct, since the tabletop is flexibly adjustable in height and tilt. Requirements for furniture

  • Compliance Standards
  • school tables
  • developed in the USSR decades ago, however, they cannot be called comfortable. In most cases, it is impossible to adjust the height of the desk and tabletop, which affects the convenience of the lesson - suitable for some children, for others the table is low or high, depending on height. As for the requirements, the furniture must comply with:

the height and age of the child; features of the educational process; room area. In addition, when making school desks, only undergoes certification, as evidenced by special documents. The service life of the table should not be less than 10 years.

Standard student desk sizes

The height of the desk is selected depending on the height of the child, and research results indicate that a difference of 10–15 cm in sitting children does not in any way affect posture.

  1. For this reason, the tables produced are divided into 5 groups with a difference of 15 cm in height, so that you can choose the best option for each student:
  2. A - table height 53–58 cm, permissible height – up to 130 cm.
  3. B - table height 59–63 cm, permissible height – 130–145 cm.
  4. B - table height 64–69 cm, permissible height – 145–160 cm.
  5. D - table height 70–74 cm, permissible height – 160–175 cm.

D - table height 75–82 cm, permissible height – over 175 cm.

Categories 1 and 2 are intended for primary classes; in secondary classes there should be tables from 3 to 5 categories so that children of different heights can study equally comfortably. In this case, the desks are arranged in ascending order - first category 3, then several 4 and finally 5. The most comfortable adjustable furniture can rarely be found in a school, although it is the best option.

Regulatory Features The basis for school tables is metal carcass (more often profile pipe 25x25 with wall thickness 1.2 mm). The service life of furniture is significantly extended due to powder painting , which protects it from corrosion. The standard tabletop is made of plywood 6–12 mm thick, chipboard or furniture board . In the latter case, a hypoallergenic colorless varnish is applied to the surface. Table compliance criteria for healthy and correct location

student: You should also make sure that the edge of the desk is flush with the bottom of the child’s chest. In this regard, once again, the advantage of an adjustable table is that it can be adjusted as precisely as possible to the individual characteristics

schoolchild and change them as he grows up.

Correct posture Sedentary activities make up the majority of Therefore, maximum attention should be paid to proper seating at the table. While sitting, the child's body is in an unstable balance, and a less tiring position in which the muscular effort to maintain it is minimal.

This is characteristic of an upright position, when the torso is positioned vertically, since the center of gravity is located above the support points. Greater comfort is achieved by the ability to transfer the center of gravity to a support, for example, to the back. A properly selected desk provides many additional amenities for a schoolchild.

For example, he can comfortably place his forearms on the table and write - without having to lean or lean forward. In this case, the student will practically not get tired, because all efforts will be spent only on writing, since the hands do not perform a supporting function. The direct position of the head is also the least tiring - in the absence of its tilt, the neck and back do not get tired. Sloping tabletops are the most attractive from the point of view of learning effectiveness, since information that is perceived at a right angle is absorbed best.

The abundance of offers on the market makes it possible to choose a desk for a student based on many parameters. In this case, he will not get tired, and classes will be easier for him. In addition, as practice shows, studying at a table in the choice of which the child was directly involved is much more effective. When preparing a child for school, parents have to think about numerous things, because this stage quite responsible, and also long-lasting. You need to take care not only about the purchase school supplies

and new things, but also about the furniture on which the first grader will do his homework. New workplace
The schoolchild should not only please the child in order to stimulate him to study, but also be as comfortable as possible. After all, if a chair or table is chosen incorrectly, the child’s posture will soon be impaired and

Vision will deteriorate significantly.

Therefore, you should approach the choice of furniture very responsibly, choosing the height of the desk and chair depending on the height of the baby. As practice shows, health problems in first-graders most often occur precisely because of incorrectly selected furniture. If, for example, the high chair is too low, the child’s blood circulation will soon be impaired. And it's too high seat

impairs visual acuity.
furniture accessories:

  1. When choosing a chair, you need to visually determine at what level the baby’s feet are. If the sole is completely on the floor, and a right angle has formed between the thigh and shin, you can safely purchase this model.
  2. It is equally important to pay attention to the seat, which should never come into strong contact with the hamstrings.
  3. The back also needs to be given due attention. You need to choose a chair with a back that is securely fixed and has a right angle.
  4. According to experts, a chair equipped with four legs is best suited for a first-grader, that is, it is best to avoid purchasing rotating models.
  5. It is imperative to pay attention to how far away the child’s eyes are relative to the table. Determining the correct distance yourself is quite simple, because this indicator should correspond to the distance from the baby’s elbow to the tip of his fingers.

It happens that relatives give a future first-grader a chair in advance that turns out to be too high. In this case, parents need to build a stand for it from a wooden base, on which the baby should always place his feet.

To facilitate the choice of furniture, the SanPiN table posted on the Internet resource will help, which indicates the approximate height parameters of both the desk and the chair, depending on height.

Height Desk height High chair height
up to 135 cm 52.5 cm 30.5 cm
from 135 to 140 cm 60 cm 35 cm
from 144 to 164 cm 65 cm 43 cm
from 164 to 170 cm 72 cm 45 cm
over 170 cm 75 cm 50 cm

It is equally important to think about good lighting workplace, and place the light source taking into account which hand the baby writes with. That is, if working hand is right, then lighting fixture is installed on the left, respectively, for left-handed people the light should come from the right.

The workplace should be well lit not only with natural light, but also
additional lighting sources. According to experts, fluorescent lamps should not be used for lighting, as such light causes rapid eye fatigue. It is best to use LED or regular incandescent lamps to illuminate the workplace.

Color scheme used in design working area, also should not tire the eyes with variegated shades. The decoration is best done in two shades, and for variety, add several decorative elements in the color that the baby likes best.

How to fix furniture that is not appropriate for a child's height

There are two fairly simple ways to reduce the height:

  1. Make your own stand from a wooden base on which the baby will rest his feet.
  2. The desired height can also be achieved by cutting the legs. But since children grow very quickly, experts do not recommend stopping at this option, so as not to soon start thinking about how to raise the height of the table.

If the purchased desk, on the contrary, is too low, the following tips will help you change the parameters:

  1. Making a special podium, which must exceed the width of the legs and table top. A table is fixed to the podium, that is, the structure, in addition to its main purpose, will act as an additional fixation.
  2. Having visited a specialized store, it is quite possible to buy supporting furniture legs, without a tabletop, of the appropriate length, and simply replace the unsuitable ones with them.

When choosing furniture for a child, you should choose a reliable manufacturer whose products have a GOST certificate and a special conclusion issued by the sanitary-epidemiological station. It is best to opt for desks and chairs made from a natural wood base, for example, cherry or alder. As practice shows, products provided to customers in accordance with GOST have high quality, simple and easy to use, long time saves external attractive appearance and is practically durable.

Methodological development of a practical lesson for students of all faculties

on this topic“Methodology for hygienic assessment of school (educational) office and school furniture”

OBJECTIVE OF THE LESSON: master methods of hygienic assessment of children's furniture.

PRACTICAL SKILLS: learn to find deviations from GOST when determining the number of children's furniture and be able to link these deviations with poor posture, deformations of the musculoskeletal system and myopia.


TARGET: familiarize yourself with the hygienic requirements for furniture in various children's institutions. TOUR LETTER: 1. Bolshakova M.D. “Hygiene of children and adolescents” M. 1966.

2. “Hygiene of children and adolescents.” Edited by Karda-shenko N.V.M. 1980.

3. Pokrovsky V.A. “Hygiene” M. 1979.

4. “Guide to practical classes on the hygiene of children and adolescents,” edited by Belousov A.Z. M.1972.

Seat distance - the horizontal distance from the front edge of the seat to the perpendicular lowered from the rear edge of the table. The seat distance can be negative, positive or zero. With a negative distance, the edge of the table extends 3-5 cm beyond the edge of the bench, perpendicular to the bench. At zero distance, the edges of the table and chair are located on the same vertical. If the seat distance is positive, the perpendicular is in front of the edge of the bench. Positive distance is necessary for the student only when answering from the seat,

sitting down at the desk and when leaving it. This is created by the presence of a hinged desk lid. When writing, negative distance is most favorable, so it is considered the most hygienic. Furniture with zero distance is acceptable. Desks with a positive seat distance are not recommended in school practice.

To provide correct landing During work, solid or broken lines are drawn on the surface of the seat parallel to its front edge at different distances, indicating the limit of writing the edge of the table above the surface of the chair. This is necessary to maintain a negative seat distance.

For table A this size is set to 40 mm. B - 50 mm. B-60 mm. G - 70 mm. D - 80 mm.

Back distance - horizontal distance from the rear edge of the table top to the back of the seat. This value must be equal to

anterior-posterior diameter of the chest plus H 2? see for respiratory movements of the chest.-.-.

The height of the seat above the floor should correspond to the length of the lower leg along with the foot, with an addition of 1.5-2 cm for the height of the heel. This allows the student to place his feet more firmly on the floor or footrest.

Seat depth^antero-posterior size) - must match St. thigh length, which ensures a comfortable and stable fit. The seat relief should be profiled according to the shape of the thigh and buttocks, with a recess of 10-15 mm. in the anterior section. For a profiled position of the spine while sitting, it is necessary that the chair has a backrest. The relief of the back should correspond to the curves of the spine in the lumbar and thoracic parts.

Correct fit is also ensured by the rational design of the table (desk lid) and its dimensions. The desk lid is made of 2 parts - horizontal and inclined. The horizontal part is used to place writing instruments, the inclined part is used to carry out written work. To create the most optimal conditions The tilt angle of the lid should be within 12-15°.

Properly selected furniture in children's and adolescent institutions serves the full implementation of educational and labor process. The correspondence of furniture to the proportions of the child’s body determines the correct energy expenditure by the body, the normal function and activity of various organs and systems. The meaning of correct posture

and the convenience of furniture is especially increasing at the present time, when the activities of modern people<%ёка, включая и детские контингента, свя­заны с недостатком движения и длительным сидением. Недостаточная подвижность сама по себе неблагоприятна для растущего организма, а в сочетании с неудобной мебелью во время работы и отдыха может слу­жить одним из факторов, отрицательно влияющих на осанку ребенка, его зрение. Это способствует развитию ряда патологических процессов, так как в положении сидя затрудняется функция системы дыхания и кровообращения, изменяется положение некоторых внутренних органов, возможны сдавления сосудов и нервов. При сидячем положении созда­ются условия, нарушающие нормальную статику позвоночника и его связочный аппарат, что ведет к изменению осанки, формированию ско­лиозов и других нарушений опорно-двигательного аппарата.

Based on this, doctors providing medical care to children in preschool and adolescent institutions must conduct a hygienic assessment of furniture for the following indications:

Compliance of furniture with the nature of the educational and labor process;

Determination of furniture sizes and their age-appropriateness

growth indicators;

Arrangement of furniture in classrooms;

Sanitary maintenance of furniture.,

First of all, the doctor establishes the correspondence of the type of furniture to the nature of the educational and labor process.

A desk with a tilted table top is most convenient for reading and writing, which is why classrooms for students in grades 1–4 are equipped with desks of various designs.

Currently, double wooden desks are produced on a wooden and metal base. Double desks are intended for secondary schools. Along with this, single desks are produced, which are mainly intended for special and auxiliary schools.

Classrooms and laboratories are equipped with double tables and chairs, as they most fully correspond to the specifics of independent work of students of senior and middle school age. Student chairs are manufactured in two types: 1st with constant parameters; 2- with adjustable ones. The use of stools and benches in schools is prohibited.

Currently, desks, tables and chairs are produced in five numbers, each number is intended for children of a certain height group.

Table No. 1.

Each desk or student table and chair must be marked: on the outer side surface of the desk or table, a relief marking is made indicating the number (numerator) and height of the children (denominator) for whom the furniture is made.

_ For example, B/(131-145)

In addition, additional color markings are applied on both sides of the tables in the form of a circle with a diameter of 25 mm. or a horizontal strip 20 mm wide. On student chairs, relief markings are applied to the back surface of the back, and color markings are applied to the legs on both sides of the chair.

The following color markings have been established for school furniture: A - yellow

B - red C - blue D - green D - white.

The furniture number is determined by measuring the main dimensions of a desk or table and chair with a centimeter tape, which are then compared with GOST data. When measuring furniture, you need to pay special attention to the dimensions (parameters), (see table No. 2).

Differentiation pairs (table) is the vertical distance from the rear edge of the table cover to the seat surface. The correct differentiation will be that which corresponds to the distance from the elbow of the seated arm, bent and pressed to the body, to the surface of the bench plus 2-2.5 cm. ".- - "

Table№2. , ___________Main dimensions of school furniture, mm. ________


Furniture groups

Single Table Cover Length

Length of 2-seater table cover

1200 for all groups

Width covers

Side table top height sitting_

Seat front height

chair above floor

Seat width (depth) of the chair

The height of the front edge of the chair back above the seat surface

School furniture manufactured at the enterprise is marked at the enterprise itself. When repairing furniture carried out by the school, marking must be carried out under the supervision of the school doctor, while the basic dimensions of the furniture must be strictly observed, and only those finishing materials and paints must be used that are approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

When distributing school furniture among classes and offices, it is necessary to take into account the needs of schoolchildren in furniture groups (see table No. 3).

^ Table№3.

Approximate distribution of schoolchildren by classes and furniture groups (V percent)

Furniture group

As can be seen from the table, for primary school students only the furniture of the first three rooms is required. Therefore, the desks with which classrooms for students in grades 1-4 are equipped are produced only in numbers: A, B, C. Student tables and chairs for offices are manufactured in all 5 numbers, tables for laboratories are produced in the last three numbers: C, D, D.

Desks, tables and chairs are arranged in groups in the classroom: smaller sizes are closer to the blackboard, larger ones are further away; for children with reduced visual acuity and hearing, desks, regardless of their size, are placed in front. At least twice during the school year, students sitting in the 1st and 3rd rows change places without disturbing the furniture’s suitability for their height. Desks and tables are installed along the classroom in three rows. In a classroom with a longitudinal configuration, the distance between its outer wall and the first row of desks (tables) is 0.6-0.7 m. In schools in the first climatic region, desks (tables) are spaced at least 1 m away from the outer wall. The width of the aisles between the rows - 0.6-0.7 m., the distance between the inner wall of the classroom and the desks (tables) is 0.5 m, from the back wall to the desks (tables) - 2.4-2^6 m and no more than 8 m to the last desk;

The place of study furthest from the windows should not be further than 6 m.

In classrooms or offices of a square or transverse configuration with furniture arranged in four rows, the distance from the board to the first desks (tables) should be at least 3 m, from the windows to the 1st row

0,8-1m., from the last desks (tables) to the cabinets located along the back wall - 0.9-1 m, the width of the aisles between the rows is 0.6 m.

When evaluating sanitary condition and maintenance of furniture it is necessary to take into account that school furniture must be durable, easy to move during cleaning, and also safe in terms of injury (no thorns, sharp corners, etc.); the surfaces of the tops of tables and chairs must be plain, painted resistant to the use of detergents and warm water during the entire period of use of paints. The light reflection coefficient of table and chair covers should be 35-55%, wood frames - 30-35%, metal frames - 15-55%. Table tops should not be coated with varnish, as the shine irritates the eyes.


Furniture equipment for kindergartens deserves no less attention. Children's rooms for infants in nurseries and joint preschool institutions are equipped with rectangular-shaped playpens, for crawling groups - with slides, single or shared tables.

Group rooms in children's institutions are equipped with children's tables and chairs. In accordance with state standards for children's furniture, the production of four types of tables is provided:

1- four-seater table (70x70 cm) for children 1.5-5 years old;

2- double table with a fixed tilt of the lid for children 5-7 years old;

3- two-seater trapezoidal table - 1.5-4 years;

4- single table for home use (60-45 cm). Tables and chairs for kindergartens are installed for six height groups of children (see table No. 4).

Table No. 4..,

Table No. 5. Basic dimensions of furniture for preschool children (in cm).

furniture number

Table dimensions

Chair dimensions

Height above floor

Anteroposterior size

Length of one place

Seat height above floor

Seat depth

The height of the upper edge of the subscapular back above the seat

Chair width: A-22, B-24, B-26, G-28, D-30, F-32.

GOST 1930173-73 “Children's preschool furniture - functional sizes of beds” provides for the production of two types of beds for children's institutions. For children under 3 years of age, it is planned to produce beds with restrictions (mesh or lattice) and variable bed height from 50 to 30 cm from the floor, 120 cm long. For ages 3 to 7 years - beds without restrictions with a bed height of 30 cm, length 140 cm and width 60 cm.

Annex 1


1. Name of the school.................................................... ................. Class................................ ........

2. Floor on which the classroom is located

3. Class dimensions: length, m...................width, m................... ..height, m.........................,

area, m2 ....................., cubic capacity, m...................

4. Lighting: a) natural: number of windows............................................ .........

window orientation................................................... ........ glazing area, m2 .....................

luminous coefficient................................... angle of incidence of light rays....... ................

opening angle...................................daylight factor.................. ..........

b) artificial: number of lamps................... type of lamps..................... .....

total lamp power, watts................... calculated illumination (according to the watt method), lux..........

5. Ventilation: number of transoms or vents ............................. their area, m2 ............ ....

ventilation air volume, m3...................................exchange rate

air per hour........................ Availability of ventilation devices................................. ....................

their effectiveness................................................................ ...............

6. Heating: view................................................... ............ location of heating

devices........................................................ .............their protection................................... ...................

air temperature.......................................

7. Water supply: is there a water supply in the classroom with taps and a sink.......

8. Interior decoration: condition of the walls; their color.........................................................

ceiling........................ floor................... .............

9. Classroom equipment.................................................... ........................................................ ...............

10. Conclusion........................................................ ........................................................ ................................

Appendix 2


by assessing a school desk and using a rostopartometer

A hygienic assessment of classroom furniture is carried out according to the following indicators: by body position when using the furniture, the main dimensions of the furniture and, according to their age and height indicators, by the arrangement of furniture. When measuring the parameters of the table and seat (chair), compare them with the indicators of GOST 11015-71 and GOST 5994-79.

School desks, types and functional sizes GOST 5994-79


Standards for group desks, mm

1. Height of the desk lid from the seated side

2. Length of the lid of a single or double desk

3. Width and lid of the desk

4. Width of legroom in the desk, not less than:



5. Distance from the edge of the desk lid on the seated side to the vertical supports, not less

6. Depth of the area in front of the seated knees,

7. Height of legroom, not less

8. Height of the zone above the seated person’s foot, not less

9. Height of the front edge of the seat above the floor

10. Seat depth, not less

11. Length of the seat and back of the desk, not less:



12. Height of the lower edge of the backrest above the seat

13. Back height

14. Back distance

15. Negative seat distance

16. Distance from the edge of the seat to the vertical supports of the bench, not less

17. Overall depth of the desk at the base,

18. Seat angle, degrees.

Extract from GOST 11015 - 71

Height group, cmNo. of desks _______ Desk sizes, cm __________

____________________________seat height | differentiation | table height

Up to 130 A32"22 54 from 131 to 145B36 24 60 from 146 to 160B40 26 66 from 161 to 175G44 28 72 from 176 and above D48 30 78

Rostopartometer is a meter ruler with marks 32, 36, 44, 48, 50, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78 cm on one side. Numbers up to 50 indicate the height of the seat, above - the height of the table. The letters on the left indicate the part numbers. On the other side of the ruler there are marks I 30, 45, 60, 75 cm, which indicate the height of the students (+100). Between the marks are the numbers of desks required for a given student length.

To determine the desk number, the partometer is placed with its (outer) lower end on the floor at the front edge of the seat and the rear edge of the desk table. If the desk is standard or its parameters are correctly adjusted, then the level of the seat and table will show the same desk number.

To select a desk for a student, a stadiometer is applied to the door frame at a height of 1 m from the floor, the length of the student’s body is measured, and the number of the desk needed for this student is read from the length of the body.

GOST 5994-93
(ISO 5970-79)

Group K25


Types and functional sizes

School desks. Types and functional dimensions

MKS 97.140
OKP 56 0000

Date of introduction 1995-01-01


1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Federation

INTRODUCED by the Technical Secretariat of the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification

2 ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Protocol No. 4 of October 21, 1993)

The following voted for adoption:

State name

Name of the state body for standardization

Republic of Belarus


The Republic of Kazakhstan


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia


State Standard of Ukraine

3 This standard takes into account all the indicators and requirements of the international standard ISO 5970-79 "Furniture. Tables and chairs for educational institutions. Functional dimensions" in terms of requirements for height numbers 1-4

4 INSTEAD GOST 5994-86

5 REPUBLICATION. August 2005

This standard applies to desks intended for equipment in grades I-IV of secondary schools and medical educational institutions, and establishes their types and functional dimensions.

Mandatory requirements to ensure safety for the health of students are set out in 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.6, 2.8, 2.11, 2.12.

1 Types

1.1 Desks should be made single or double of two types:

I - with constant parameters;

II - with adjustable parameters.

Desk types I and II are manufactured in two subtypes:

A- with a constant tilt of the lid;

b- with variable tilt of the lid.

2 Functional dimensions

2.1 Type I desks must be manufactured in four numbers with color markings in accordance with Table 1.

Table 1

In millimeters

Average student height

Growth group

Marking color

St. 1000 to 1150


" 1150 " 1300


" 1300 " 1450


" 1450 " 1600


2.2 The functional dimensions of the desks must correspond to those indicated in Figure 1 and Table 2.

Figure 1. Functional dimensions of desks

Picture 1

table 2

In millimeters

Size name

Meaning for desk, number

Working plane height, not less

Distance from the floor to the lower edge of the elements protruding under the lid of the desk at its edge (height of the legroom), not less

Distance from the floor to elements protruding above the knees (height of space for legs bent at the knees), not less

Distance from the floor to elements protruding above the foot of a seated person (height of space for outstretched legs), not less

Working plane width, not less

Working plane length, not less:

single desk

double desk

The distance between the supporting elements of the desk (the width of the legroom), not less than:

single desk

double desk

Distance from the edge of the desk on the side of the seated person to the elements protruding in front of his knees (depth of legroom), not less

Distance from the edge of the desk on the side of the seated person to the elements protruding above his foot (depth of legroom when sitting with legs extended), not less

Seat height

Seat depth

Seat width (one seat), not less

Height of the back bend line, no more

The height of the lower edge of the backrest above the seat

Height of the top edge of the backrest above the seat

Back width (one seat), not less

Bend radius of the front edge of the seat

Radius of the backrest (one seat) in plan, not less

Seat angle, degrees

Backrest tilt angle, degrees

Distance from the edge of the table on the seated side to the most protruding part of the backrest

Distance from the edge of the table on the seated side to the front edge of the seat

2.2.1 At the request of the consumer, it is allowed for rooms 3 and 4 to produce single desks with a working plane length of 700 mm and double desks with a working plane length of 1300 mm.

2.3 Type II desks must be height adjustable into four numbers from 1-4. Dimensions , , , , , and must be changed in accordance with Table 2, the remaining dimensions must comply with the standards for desk No. 4.

A constant height and distance from the edge of the table from the seated side to the most protruding part of the backrest is allowed, according to the following standards: - 140 mm; - no more than 300 mm; - 250 mm and the height of the bend line - no more than 180 mm.

2.4 Desk cover subtype A must have the slope indicated on the drawing. Desk cover subtype b should be installed horizontally and at an angle of 7-12°. The decrease in the height of the edge of the lid facing the student when moving it to an inclined position should not be more than 10 mm.

2.5 Slanted desk cover subtype A may have a horizontal platform in the form of a narrow shelf on the side opposite the seated person. Its width must be at least 80 mm.

2.6 The width of the hinged part of the lid, if there is one, on the seated side should be 160-180 mm.

2.7 Double desks must have a platform measuring at least 450x270 mm for placing briefcases or backpacks, located between the seats, or a device for hanging them.

2.8 The student’s seat must be equipped with a recess in the table top for pens and pencils measuring at least 220x20x5 mm. The distance from the edge of the desk lid on the seated side to the recess must be at least 380 mm.

2.9 Removable and retractable music stands, if desks are equipped with them, should be placed at a distance of 370-400 mm from the edge of the lid on the seated side.

2.10 If there is a shelf under the desk lid, the height of the niche must be at least 60 mm.

2.11 The surface of the seat may be flat or have a depression. The recess should not be more than 10 mm and should occupy the rear depths of the seat. The deepest part should be at a point located from the front edge of the seat to its depth.

2.12 The corners of the seat cover and desk back must be blunted (ground) or have a radius of 10-30 mm in plan.

UDC 645.444:006.354

Key words: desks, types, functional sizes

Electronic document text
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
official publication
M.: Standartinform, 2005

Pocket article - mint about the height of the chair. To prevent your child from slouching, when purchasing a school desk or school table, you need to know how to choose the right chair height.

How to determine the correct chair height for a child?

The child should sit like this school desk so that his feet are level on the floor with the entire sole. There should be a right angle between the child's shin and thigh. If the angle is obtuse - the seat is higher than needed, if the angle is acute - lower, a higher school chair is needed.

In order for a child to sit comfortably and study at the school table, the distance from the child’s face to the table should be equal to the length from the child’s fingertips to the elbow.

The school chair should not dig into the hamstrings. The back should be leaning against the chair, the lower back should rest on the back.

There is an approximate table of height correspondence to the height of a chair or table. But even when choosing from the table, pay attention to the above recommendations.

To understand what the height of the child’s seat should be above the floor, measure the length of the child’s lower leg along with the foot, and add 1-2 cm to the resulting value (this takes into account the approximate height of the heel). The same algorithm applies when measuring chair height for an adult.

The standard requirements for the height of the seat above the floor are as follows: if the child is 150-159 cm tall, this height must be at least 44 cm; if the child is 160-169 cm tall, the seat height above the floor is 46-46.5 cm; for a child 170 cm tall or more, the seat should rise above the floor by approximately 48 cm.

Computer chairs for schoolchildren should follow the child’s anatomy, support the back in the correct position, it should not have armrests, and the seat should have a beveled edge.

Formula for calculating chair height

Your height * 75 cm / 175 cm = Table height

School desk for a child, distance from table to eyes

To prevent the child from slouching when writing or reading at the table, it is necessary to adjust the angle of the tabletop, depending on the type of activity. There are certain medical norms: if a child draws - 0-5° approximation, writes - 15° approximation to the table, reads - 30° approximation.

When the child sits correctly, the forearms rest on the tabletop and are relaxed.

What to do if you have already bought a chair, but the height is incorrect

You can place a bench or small stool under your feet. You can place a small pillow or cushion under your lower back for proper support.

If you are tired of sitting, lean on the backrest only in the lower spine and pelvic area so that the natural arch in the lower back is maintained. If you are resting correctly on your ischial tuberosities, you won't need a backrest. (these are two small bones in the lower part of the pelvis, just behind the hips. If you bend your lower back, the support from under the ischial tuberosities goes away, and you immediately begin to be pulled back onto the back of the chair). To be able to sit correctly, choose a fairly hard chair.

But it’s better to immediately choose the right furniture for sitting, comfortable and comfortable, of the required size and height.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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