The most difficult task when choosing a mattress is determining the required level of firmness. This is one of those parameters that cannot be assessed using standard measuring instruments.

Misconceptions about mattress firmness

Many buyers are mistaken in believing that the firmer the mattress, the more beneficial it is for the spine and back in general. This is one of the myths that formed in our country back in the Soviet years. At that time, a very hard mattress was actively opposed to a soft sleeping place with pressed springs, creating the so-called hammock effect. In fact, both the first and second options are harmful to the health and condition of the spine in particular, since they exclude the possibility of resting in a natural position for the body.

Let's turn to physiology. The spine is not a straight line like a string; in its shape it is more like a wave. Accordingly, sleeping on a very hard surface will result in the shoulders and hips receiving the maximum load - they simply will not be able to sink into the soft layers of the mattress. At the same time, the space around the lumbar region will remain unfilled, it will not receive the necessary support, which will lead to overstrain of muscle tissue. A surface that is too hard can disrupt the functioning of the circulatory system due to excessive compression of individual vessels, which provokes problems with blood circulation. This can cause numbness in the limbs, stiff muscles, and a general feeling of fatigue after sleep.

A mattress that is too soft is no less harmful to health, but for different reasons. On such a surface, the spine bends too much and takes the shape of a crescent. And again the muscles become overstrained, the lungs are compressed, and the breathing process becomes difficult.

When choosing the firmness of a mattress, you should take into account the weight and age of the person, anatomical features his body, medical indications based on diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs.

How to determine the optimal mattress firmness

The desire to feel well-rested and well-rested requires careful attention to the selection of an orthopedic mattress. The huge assortment of products that fill regular and online stores leads buyers more to confusion than to making the only right decision.

The question of purchasing the most suitable product according to its characteristics worries many consumers. The prepared review will help you understand the differences between models with different fillers and different degrees of hardness.

STEP 1 Selecting mattress hardness

This is one of the fundamental characteristics of an orthopedic mattress. A person’s proper rest and well-being largely depend on his rigidity. For a comfortable rest, medium-hard mattresses are considered the best option, but the choice remains individual.

  • Increased rigidity

    Hard mattresses are recommended for diseases of the spine and osteochondrosis. The filler can be materials such as compacted polyurethane foam, struttofiber, coconut fibers, and composites. As a result, the surface is not soft and does not provide comfortable sleep, but in case of problems with the spine, it will ideally support sick or damaged vertebrae. Sleeping on such mattresses is also recommended for people in excellent health, but those over 50 years old should be careful when choosing a mattress that is too hard. In any case, hard mattresses are quite specific products, which are chosen either because of the love for hard sleeping surfaces, or because of medical prescriptions.

  • Medium hardness

    The most recommended stiffness for a healthy person of average build and height. In inexpensive mattresses, medium-hard padding is used. composite materials such as struttofiber, artificial latex, polyurethane foam with characteristic orthopedic qualities, for more expensive ones - combinations natural latex and coconut coir, as well as memory. Such mattresses with medium hardness are in great demand.

  • Low hardness

    To provide mattresses with low hardness, manufacturers use polyurethane foam and natural latex layers. Filling made from natural latex is classified as orthopedic padding, and polyurethane foam is not suitable for sleeping people who are overweight. Often soft and moderately soft mattresses are chosen for older people, as well as for children aged 8-15 years.

Recommendation: To clarify the rigidity of the mattress, you should use the accompanying passport, which indicates the weight the product can withstand. A thin person will find it comfortable to sleep on a soft model, but for those who have extra pounds, it is advisable to opt for a more rigid option.

STEP 2 Take into account the weight of those sleeping

In addition to the selection criteria mentioned above, the weight of the future owner plays an important role. It is very important to take this factor into account, since firstly, the service life of the product depends on it, and secondly, the feeling of hardness of the mattress.

Do not exceed the maximum weight by one sleeping area specified in the characteristics of the mattress. It is better to have a reserve for this indicator in the region of 5-20 kg. In addition, keep in mind that the hardness of mattresses is indicated for people of average build (weighing 70-90 kg). For example, for an overweight person weighing more than 110 kg, a mattress with a declared medium hardness will seem quite soft, but for a person weighing 40-50 kg, on the contrary, it may be perceived as moderately hard.

  • People who are overweight will feel comfortable on fairly high mattresses.
  • For people with normal weight, experts advise choosing mattresses of medium thickness.
  • A thin person will not be able to apply enough pressure to the thick base of the mattress, so there is no point in buying a mattress that is too thick.

Models with a small thickness, which is limited to a couple of centimeters, are not suitable for sleeping. Such products are suitable for creating comfort on a sofa, bed and leveling their surfaces and are called mattress covers.

STEP 3 Choose the size and height of the mattress

The comfort of rest largely depends on the height of the mattress. In addition, this factor is also important in aesthetic terms. The thinnest are mattresses up to 14 cm thick; such mattresses are usually designed for children or infrequent seasonal use. Experts say that thin models can negatively affect health and harm the spine if the sleeper weighs significantly. For adults as a main mattress constant use The following height guidelines are suitable:

  • When choosing a mattress for adults, you should select products whose thickness is 14-30 cm.
  • If you buy a springless monolithic mattress, then its thickness can be at least 14-16cm.
  • High-quality mattresses with independent spring blocks are made with a thickness of at least 18-19 cm. Anything less is ultra-cheap options with thin filling.
  • Manufacturers also offer models with multi-layer filling, which provides more convenience and comfort. Elite mattresses can have a thickness from 24 to 40 cm.
  • The standard height of an orthopedic mattress for an adult is considered to be 19-23 cm.
Important! For children over 4 years old, the use of very thin mattresses (3-6 cm) is categorically unacceptable.

When asking about the size of a mattress with orthopedic properties, we are talking about its compliance with the base and/or bed on which it will be placed:

  • If the width of the mattress is greater than the width of the bed, this will either lead to drooping edges and, as a result, uncomfortable sleep, or the mattress simply will not fit into the dimensions of the bed;
  • If the mattress is smaller in width, this will cause inconvenience during rest and the sloppy appearance of the bed;
  • If the length is inappropriate, the same inconvenient picture will result, leading to discomfort or impossibility of operation.
  • The most common sizes of mattresses for a single bed are: 80x190, 80x200, 90x200 cm. For double sizes, 120x200, 140x200, 160x200 and 180x200 cm are considered standard. We recommend taking standard sizes - this will simplify the selection of furniture and accessories.
  • If you measured the size of the mattress and it turned out to be outside the standard values, you can always order a mattress in a non-standard size.
Advice! The best option is the simultaneous selection of a bed and a mattress with precise observance of mutual parameters.

STEP 4 Choosing a type: springless or spring mattresses?

When answering the question about which model to choose - springless or spring - you should understand their differences.

Bonnell spring mattresses

Mattresses with dependent spring blocks are called classic; their use dates back hundreds of years. They are called Bonnel. Such mattresses do not have orthopedic properties.

Important! The use of old and damaged spring mattresses leads to damage to the vertebral joints and curvature of the spine.

The low cost of spring models attracts buyers. However, before purchasing, it is advisable to weigh the pros and cons so that minimum fee There will be no health problems for either children or adults.

Mattresses equipped with independent spring blocks

Such mattresses attract the attention of consumers with their simple but very comfortable design. Each of the springs is placed in a separate case, which allows you to move without contact with other blocks. When pressing several blocks, adjacent springs will remain in the same position. Fillers are placed horizontally along the top and bottom of the blocks, which together with springs create a mattress with excellent orthopedic and anatomical qualities.

Each spring works pointwise, independently. This means that the mattress will ideally bend to every curve of the human body and provide the necessary support for the spine. The standard installation density of springs is 250 pieces per square meter, but there are also models with blocks of improved design - Multipocket (about 500 springs per square meter) and Micropocket (more than 900 springs per sq.m.). Such models can be recommended to people with a large weight, as well as to those who want to get the best orthopedic back support from all that modern spring mattresses offer.

The use of mattresses with an independent spring block is indicated for people over 12 years of age, taking into account the degree of surface hardness. The advantages of models with such springs include:

  • pronounced orthopedic properties with excellent back support;
  • long service life;
  • no squeaking of springs;
  • Possibility of use for people with large body weight;
  • high degree of reliability, guaranteeing the preservation of the properties of the base even after active games by children;
  • comfort of sleep and rest.

The price for this type of mattress varies very widely - from inexpensive models with a TPA spring block and artificial fillers to expensive mattresses with sophisticated high-density spring blocks with high-end materials.

Springless mattresses with polyurethane foam

This is the most common type of inexpensive springless mattresses today. They are often sold in compact rolled packaging. Such mattresses are often purchased for children, teenagers and adults as economical options. They are perfect for the role of mattresses for a summer house or a rented apartment. However, among them there are also good options that are perfect for the role of mattresses for constant use, the only thing you need to pay attention to is the density of PU foam; such mattresses should have a hardness index of “medium” or “moderately hard”.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:

    Availability and low prices;
    - several levels of hardness - from soft to medium;
    - quite good orthopedic qualities of models with dense polyurethane foam;
    - ease of transportation to your destination.

  • Minuses:

    Low service life;
    - not the best anatomical qualities.

Springless mattresses with orthopedic properties

When choosing a springless version, you should focus on the filler, which is responsible for the rigidity of the product. Mattresses that do not have springs are characterized by sufficient strength and soundlessness, which is why they have earned considerable popularity among users.

In the manufacture of fillers, latex is used, coconut fiber, struttofiber, horsehair, polyurethane foam and other materials that provide surfaces with orthopedic properties, and owners - comfortable and healthy sleep.

Thanks to competently selected filling, the products have amazing endurance and can withstand considerable loads, jumping and children’s games. Orthopedic springless mattresses can be structurally divided:

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pros:

    Long service life;
    - several levels of hardness;
    - high orthopedic properties.

  • Minuses:

    High price due to the use of expensive fillers, including coconut fibers and natural latex;
    - heavy weight such mattresses.

STEP 5 Selecting filling material

A thoughtful approach to choosing filling for an orthopedic mattress will allow you to purchase a model that suits the buyer’s personal needs, because this directly affects rigidity, environmental friendliness and reliability.

Remember! Fillers such as down, inexpensive foam padding, and cotton wool do not have orthopedic characteristics. Among the unpopular properties of cotton wool is that it clumps into uneven clumps, which interferes with comfort during sleep.


The basis for the production of latex layers is Hevea juice, processed in a special way to obtain foamed mass. The prepared material serves as an excellent filler for orthopedic mattresses, taking on the contours of the body and perfectly supporting the spine. Latex can be either soft or quite hard. At the same time, artificial material has a higher degree of rigidity compared to natural material. The popularity of latex mattresses is evidenced by their demand among both children and adults.

The list of advantages of latex filler:

  • providing comfortable conditions for relaxation;
  • anatomical repetition of body contours;
  • comfort of sleep for people diagnosed with spinal problems;
  • perfectly withstands heavy loads and the weight of a person, fast recovery structures due to porosity;
  • combination with various materials allows you to increase rigidity if necessary;
  • the use of the material in soft mattress models allows you to preserve both sleep comfort and the orthopedic properties of the base;
  • absence of allergic effects;
  • quick disposal of excess moisture;
  • wear resistance under intense loads.

Among the disadvantages are the high cost of the products, as well as the fragility of the artificial material, which dries out after some time, which leads to delamination.

Polyurethane foam

The high popularity of polyurethane foam (PPU, orthopenes, artificial latex) is due to the fact that the base is foam rubber, which is familiar to many users, with various orthopedic additives. The use of polyurethane foam allows us to produce orthopedic mattresses with good characteristics at a fairly low price.

Among the positive aspects of using PPU:

  • affordable price;
  • sufficiently long service life;
  • immunity to increased loads, so children jumping and playing are not critical;
  • providing sufficient orthopedic properties, which is acceptable for those who care about their health.

Problematic issues include the difficulty of removing absorbed moisture, as well as the difficulty of cleansing from contaminants. In addition, the service life of mattresses using PU foam is short - from 4 to 9 years.

Coconut coir

An elastic plate made of pressed coconut fibers is a fairly rigid material that is often used to fill orthopedic mattresses. Coir is usually combined with latex and polyurethane layers, which allows you to create surfaces of excellent quality and comfort for sleeping and relaxing. Or it can be used without additional softening fillers, thus producing mattresses with high rigidity.

The advantages of choosing mattresses with coconut coir include:

  • non-allergenic material;
  • creating an obstacle to the growth of bacteria;
  • rapid evaporation of moisture;
  • not subject to rotting;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • excellent ventilation;
  • medicinal and orthopedic properties;
  • absence of harmful components;
  • proper back support during sleep;
  • the ability to use not only for adults, but also for children of any age.

The disadvantages include high cost, the reason for which is the complexity of processing and preparing the material.

You should know it! Mattresses with coconut filling are fragile, which should be taken into account during operation without subjecting the product to shocks and twists.

Holofiber and Struttofiber

The interesting name refers to a material that has unique properties thanks to the unique structure in the form of vertically arranged fibers. When producing a mattress with struttofiber fibers, goat wool, horsehair, and linen threads can also be added. An excellent combination is obtained by combining struttofiber or holofiber with polyurethane foam or with independent spring blocks. Hollofiber is a very similar material, but in it the fibers are oriented not vertically, but randomly, which makes this material a little softer in comparison with struttofiber.

The advantages of struttofiber/holofiber are as follows:

  • clear expression of orthopedic properties;
  • elasticity;
  • excellent breathability;
  • quick disposal of moisture trapped on the surface;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • immediate restoration of the original shape after suffering deformation;
  • wide range of hardness from medium to high;
  • wear resistance;

Memory foam mattresses

MemoryForm is a material with a foam structure, which allows the surface to adapt to the shape of the body. Memory Form bends under a person, taking on his outline, and after the load is removed, it is restored within a few minutes. Such memory foam mattresses provide excellent sleeping conditions, but at lower temperatures unique material acquires increased rigidity.

Have you made your choice? Order a mattress!

After a careful consideration of the characteristics of mattresses with various fillings, it is easy to draw a conclusion about the most suitable product. Choose models with concern for the health of yourself and those close to you!

Use our mattress selection form - it will make it easy and fast!

The presence of many manufacturers does not make choosing a mattress easier, but only makes it more difficult. It is very difficult to understand all the splendor presented in stores, and differences in the price range for models with similar characteristics create additional difficulties. Which brand of mattress is better to choose for daily sleep and relaxation? In order to answer this question, we decided to review the most famous mattress manufacturers.

In our review, we will not consider little-known manufacturing companies, focusing on the market leaders. This approach will allow you to concentrate on quality mattresses , throwing aside goods of dubious origin.

What to look for when choosing

When choosing mattresses from one manufacturer or another, you need to pay attention to every detail. Thanks to this, you will be able to make the right choice and not overpay for the chosen model. The buying process should begin with market research - here we look at the following:

  • Manufacturer's fame;
  • Availability of quality certificates;
  • Quality of materials used;
  • Availability of similar models from other manufacturers.

Many consumers believe that they should buy only from the most eminent and well-known sellers - they are the ones who monitor the high quality of their products. But following the lead intrusive advertising, remember that The advertising we consume costs a lot of money. And this money comes out of our pockets when we pay for our purchases. Thus, aggressive advertising of a particular brand is already a sign of the high cost of the products sold.

There are a number of brands that we consumers have almost never heard of. And their products can easily meet all the requirements for quality and orthopedic properties. At the same time, the cost of mattresses from little-known but fairly old brands is in a more affordable range.

If you find a mattress with a well-known and expensive manufacturer suitable characteristics, take a closer look at the products of another brand - it is quite possible that you will find the same thing, but at lower prices.

When choosing a mattress manufacturer, it is advisable to read reviews, read about the materials used and production technologies. While in the store you should ask for a quality certificate to make sure that we have original products.

Famous mattress companies

Manufacturers of mattresses for children and adults have varying degrees of fame. We hear about some almost every day, and we learn about some brands only when we see them in stores. For example, many of us do not know about the existence of the manufacturer Lapis Lazuli, but we are all very familiar with the company Ascona - its mattresses are advertised quite aggressively.

Let's look at the most popular manufacturers, evaluate their products and talk about prices. We will start with little-known companies and end with well-known brands.

The Lazurit company was born more than 20 years ago. In fact, this is the manufacturer quality furniture. But as the company developed, it included not only furniture, but also sleep accessories in its list of products. Prices for Lapis Lazuli orthopedic mattresses are quite high, but they themselves mattresses boast unsurpassed performance characteristics.

Even the cheapest Lapis Lazuli mattresses contain coconut fiber, Ortho Foam and blocks of independent springs. Also in the range of mattresses there are elite models that create especially comfortable conditions for sleep and relaxation. Their cost is quite high, since they use expensive fillers.

The Lazurit company also produces additional accessories:

  • Mattress covers;
  • Thin mattresses;
  • Orthopedic pillows;
  • Blankets;
  • Cases;
  • Orthopedic bases and much more.

But the main emphasis is still on furniture. There are very few company stores in Russia, so regional buyers have to be content with products from partners or orders through the online store.

The next mattress manufacturer is Vega. It has been producing mattresses since 2002, but it can hardly be called a well-known company. Over the entire period of work, more than 100 models were produced, which are presented in the company’s online store. Delivery throughout Russia is available, and all questions about the range and characteristics can be asked via the hotline.

Mattresses from the manufacturer Vega are represented by a wide range of models in several lines:

  • Classic;
  • Comfort;
  • Elite;
  • Lux springless;
  • Lux springless, thin;

To produce mattresses, Vega uses coconut fiber, natural latex, struttofiber, polyurethane foam, holofiber and much more, including Memorix. The product range also includes springless and spring mattresses (with dependent and independent springs).

Additional sleep accessories are also available for sale - covers, mattress covers, orthopedic pillows, blankets, orthopedic bases and even bed linen. Prices for mattresses and accessories produce pleasant impression– even in the Luxury category you can find models that are quite affordable for any pocket.

Strong company works on domestic market since 1998. It produces orthopedic mattresses of a variety of designs, which were developed for use in health resort institutions. The range is not very large, but includes many different models. There are several lines on sale:

  • Classic – classic spring mattresses;
  • Comfort - orthopedic mattresses based on classic spring blocks (as stated by the manufacturer);
  • Balance – the optimal combination of price and quality;
  • Dream – orthopedic spring and springless mattresses with hypoallergenic fillings;
  • Grand – quality and comfort;
  • Duet – a special series for double beds;
  • Imperial – reliable orthopedic mattresses with removable covers;
  • Relax – spring and springless mattresses for comfortable sleep;
  • Season – mattresses for two seasons;
  • Antic – a series of springless mattresses with natural fillings;
  • Baby – a series of children’s mattresses;
  • Compact – flexible mattresses, easy to transport.

There are quite a lot of series, but the company abuses classic spring bases, including in children's models. The official website is not very informative, prices for mattresses are in the middle category. The manufacturer operates in the south of Russia - all of its stores are located here. But delivery is carried out throughout the country.

Ormatek company is enough famous manufacturer mattresses, which has a large network of branded stores. The company's assortment includes many products - bed linen, ready-made bedrooms, comfortable orthopedic pillows, beds, bed bases, ready-made furniture and much more. Orthopedic mattresses Ormatek are divided into many lines. But it must be said that products in budget lines are quite expensive.

All Ormatek products undergo rigorous testing, which is the key to the excellent quality of the products sold. Almost all mattresses can boast excellent orthopedic properties and resistance to stress. They are made from environmentally friendly pure materials and have a long service life. About 120-130 models are constantly on sale, so the choice of mattresses is quite large - there is plenty to choose from.

A notable difference is the availability on sale of round orthopedic mattresses designed for round beds. There is also the possibility of making custom mattresses. Delivery available throughout Russia.

The Dreamline factory was born in 2007. Despite its youth, the company has managed to earn success in the mattress market. Today it produces 15 product lines, constantly improving production processes. All mattresses are accompanied by quality certificates, and their prices are affordable for everyone - there are lines for thrifty buyers. Let's look at the most popular model ranges:

  • Economy - these are inexpensive mattresses with classic springs and blocks of independent springs. The series is distinguished by low prices;
  • Balance is an average price category that includes mattresses with independent spring blocks. Only natural materials are used as additional padding;
  • Springless is a series of reliable springless mattresses made from coconut fiber and natural latex. The line is distinguished by its rigidity, but provides reliable back support and comfortable sleep;
  • Single – inexpensive mattresses with one working side. The design includes classic or independent springs;
  • Bonnel is a whole series of mattresses built on classic springs;
  • Prime – premium quality mattresses made from natural fillings and materials. The series is different great height mattresses;
  • Memory is a unique line, the mattresses of which are made using Memorix material, which remembers the shape.

There are also many other types of orthopedic mattresses on sale.

The company has many official representative offices where you can purchase almost any type of product. Also, mattresses of this brand are sold through affiliate networks and the official online store. Delivery is carried out throughout Russia. Dreamline mattresses will certainly appeal to those who vote for reliability and practicality of purchases.

Holding Consul is one of the leading manufacturers of mattresses for various purposes. The brand's product range includes the following types of mattresses:

  • Classic spring;
  • With independent spring blocks;
  • Springless;
  • Flexible twistable;
  • Thin;
  • Children's;
  • With drying systems.

In the production of mattresses, the holding's proprietary technologies are used and high-quality imported fillers are used, such as natural latex, coconut fiber, Memorix and many others. The range of Consul products is very large, and the mattresses themselves are produced under several brands. As for prices, they vary widely - both the most affordable models and luxury ones are presented.

If you want to buy a really high-quality mattress, you should visit the official website of the manufacturer, where there is an online store and interesting shape selection of products according to characteristics. Mattresses are also sold through company and partner stores.

The geography of location of partner and company stores is extremely small - literally a dozen large Russian cities, which is a big disadvantage.

Perhaps every resident of Russia knows about this manufacturer. The Ascona company has developed an active activity, so its stores are easy to find even in the smallest Russian cities– this is a big plus. The product range includes not only mattresses, but also additional sleep accessories. In addition to everything, Ascona is a furniture manufacturer.

Speaking about mattresses, we can safely say that Askona is the most popular and promoted brand with a huge number of products. The following products are available at points of sale today:

  • Classic spring mattresses;
  • Mattresses with independent spring blocks;
  • Springless mattresses made from environmentally friendly fillings;
  • Children's mattresses of various designs;
  • Mattress covers and covers;
  • Transformable beds.

A notable feature is availability of orthopedic mattresses for sale medical purposes – this is also a big plus. To purchase products from Ascona, you should visit one of the company stores or place an order on the official website.

Ascona stores employ specially trained salespeople who can provide detailed advice. All products from this manufacturer are thoroughly tested in the company’s own laboratories, and their own proven developments and technologies are used in their development.

As for the pricing policy, the cost of some mattresses is quite affordable for any buyer. But some models are extremely expensive - Ascona is considered an expensive brand.

The main function of a mattress is to provide comfortable conditions for rest, in which the body completely relaxes after physical activity. The wide selection of products offered allows you to equip your sleeping area in accordance with your preferences. However, it should be borne in mind that an incorrectly chosen sleeping place can lead to serious problems with the musculoskeletal system.

How to choose?

To prevent possible health problems and create comfortable sleeping conditions, you should take into account all the details when choosing a mattress. Before purchasing, it is advisable to consult with a specialist who will give recommendations regarding

  • type of product,
  • used in the manufacture of fillers,
  • degree of hardness.

It is necessary to take into account the size (it must correspond to the parameters of the bed) and type of cover.

You can get useful tips on choosing a quality mattress by watching the video. They will help you make the right choice.

Types of structures

Orthopedic mattresses have various designs. They are divided into two large groups:

  • spring,
  • springless.

Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. Detailed analysis each type will allow you to accept correct solution when choosing a product.

Spring structures

Mattresses based on spring blocks are the most in demand. Buyers are attracted by the longer (compared to springless) service life. Spring structures have anatomical and orthopedic effects. Some use dependent blocks, others use independent ones. The choice depends on the desired degree of comfort.

With dependent spring blocks

Mattresses with a base made of Bonel dependent spring blocks are softer, following the contours of the body. A similar effect is achieved thanks to large springs connected to each other.

Steel structures have sufficient elasticity to provide optimal support for the body during sleep. Such products are practically hollow inside. They are well ventilated, which is their main advantage. Another important plus is the affordable price.

Disadvantages include the unpleasant “wave” effect formed during the interaction of springs and the metallic squeak that appears during operation.

With independent spring blocks

Independent spring blocks are more popular, despite their higher price. They have high orthopedic properties, perfectly support the spine and promote complete relaxation.

The springs in them are connected using “pocket” technology. Each of them is placed in a special pocket and does not come into contact with neighboring ones. steel structures, which gives the product point elasticity. As a result, there is no wave-like interaction between the springs. If one sleeper turns around in his sleep, he will not disturb the person lying next to him.

Independent springs do not touch each other, which eliminates metallic clanging and promotes quiet rest.

This type has one drawback - a fairly high price, but it is fully compensated by its advantages. In addition, it is not advisable to jump on them, which should be taken into account when small children grow up in the house.

Springless designs

Springless mattresses, unlike spring ones, have a long history. To create comfortable conditions for sleeping, they were stuffed with straw, cotton wool, and feathers (feather beds). Modern orthopedic products use natural and high-tech synthetic materials. They impart a higher degree of rigidity and increase useful characteristics sleeping place.

There are three types of orthopedic mattresses - monolithic, mixed and puff. The first ones are made from solid filler. The latter, in addition to the main block, have two outer layers made of other materials. Still others consist of alternating layers that provide varying degrees of rigidity, which depends on the fillers used.

It is necessary to take into account that spring mattresses do not like wet cleaning. Purchasing a product with a removable cover will solve this problem.


Fillers are artificial and synthetic materials used as an orthopedic base. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice depends on the purpose for which the bedding is purchased.

Polyurethane foam (PPU)

Polyurethane foam is an artificial filler that can create the conditions necessary for a comfortable, full sleep. Modern practical material.

  • has high orthopedic properties, is able to take the contours of a lying body;
  • hypoallergenic, does not cause skin irritation;
  • has a cellular structure and is well ventilated;
  • Easily folds, making it easy to store and transport;
  • affordable.
  • does not have.

Natural latex

Natural latex is made from natural tree sap and is used in quality sleep products. The price is quite high, but justified.

  • high orthopedic characteristics;
  • different densities and therefore hardness;
  • hypoallergenic characteristics;
  • long (up to 30 years) service life.
  • high cost of mattresses.

A quality product made from natural latex cannot be cheap. Low price talks about the use of low-quality artificial materials.

Latex artificial

Artificial latex is a modern material that is an analogue of natural filler, but has a lower cost. By quality characteristics it is similar to nature.

  • does not cause allergies, except in cases of individual intolerance;
  • has higher (compared to natural) rigidity and weight;
  • has excellent orthopedic characteristics.
  • the service life is shorter (about half) than that of natural latex.

When buying an artificial latex mattress, it is recommended to take into account that it will last less than a product made from natural material. If it will not be used for a child's bed, it makes sense to purchase a higher quality bedding.


Struttofiber is an artificial filler made from polyester fiber. High-tech material used as a base for orthopedic products. Its high wear resistance can significantly extend the life of a product in which layers of softer materials were used.

  • does not cause allergies;
  • practical;
  • is different long term operation.

When purchasing, you should beware of counterfeits and purchase products from trusted manufacturers.

Memoryfoam is a modern high-tech material that appeared on the market about 20 years ago. It is a dense memory foam. Sleeping products made from it are able to take the shape of the body lying on it and retain it. A person sleeping on such a mattress, turning over, will return to his previous position, which means his spine will experience less stress.

  • has a long (up to 15 years) service life;
  • does not rot;
  • allows air to pass through well;
  • retains its quality characteristics throughout the entire period of use.
  • quite high price.

Coconut coir

Coconut coir filler is a layer of compressed soft fibers of the nut intercarp.

  • allows air and moisture to pass through;
  • is not subject to putrefactive processes due to the presence of lignil in the composition of the natural polymer;
  • has antibacterial properties;
  • prevents the proliferation of ticks;
  • has a long service life if the rules of use are followed.
  • It is not recommended to roll up bedding made from coconut coir, otherwise the material will crumble and become unusable.

Coconut has a high degree of hardness. It is recommended for newborn children, adolescents and people with musculoskeletal problems who need a hard sleeping surface.


Sisal is a natural fiber obtained from dried agave leaves. For the filler, it is pressed and impregnated with latex. The material is highly durable. Back in the 16th century, it was used to make ship ropes.

  • is highly resistant to wear;
  • does not break when folded;
  • has high orthopedic characteristics (able to take on the contours of a sleeping person, creating comfortable conditions for rest;
  • suitable for people with heavy weight;
  • perfectly ventilated;
  • resistant to moisture.
  • high price.


Ormafoam is a resilient and elastic artificial filler for mattresses. It is made from polyurethane foam using modern technologies ensuring environmental safety of the material.

Ormafoam has high orthopedic properties. It is recommended for people suffering from spinal diseases or who need to maintain correct posture.

  • the material has a cellular structure, which allows it to perfectly pass air and moisture;
  • has a massage effect that helps improve blood circulation in the epidermis;
  • elastic;
  • does not cause allergic reactions (recommended for children's mattresses);
  • has a long service life;
  • affordable price.
  • does not have.


Batting filling has been used for over a century.

  • low price.
  • does not have orthopedic characteristics;
  • wears out quickly;
  • takes a long time to dry after wet cleaning.

Currently, bedding with this filler is not in demand, but the material is used as a layer in other types of orthopedic mattresses. For example, it will reliably protect the skin from the prickly surface of coconut coir and make sleep more comfortable. It is also used in spring mattresses, placed between metal blocks and outer, softer layers.


Felt is a natural filler in the form of panels of varying thicknesses, made from sheep wool.

  • the material does not cause allergic reactions;
  • allows air to pass through;
  • retains heat well;
  • has a low price.
  • absorbs and accumulates moisture, which contributes to the development of putrefactive processes.

Today, manufacturers prefer to use it as intermediate layers. When purchasing a product with felt, you need to remember the disadvantages of this material.

Wool fiber

Raw materials obtained from sheep or camels are used as wool fiber filler.

  • has hygroscopic properties;
  • keeps warm;
  • does not generate static electricity;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • modern manufacturers treat the fiber with lanolin before using it, which increases its antibacterial characteristics.
  • mattresses filled with wool do not have orthopedic properties.

If the goal is not to purchase a sleeping place with such characteristics, this product will do an excellent job of providing coziness and comfort while sleeping. Another advantage of the material is its affordable price, which is also important.


Orthofiber (also known as holofiber) artificial fiber is widely used as a filler. Orthofiber is a hollow fiber, which prevents caking and extends the life of the product. In terms of its quality characteristics, it is not inferior to natural materials.

  • the material is hypoallergenic;
  • does not absorb moisture;
  • ventilated;
  • retains heat, which provides comfortable sleeping conditions.
  • quickly compacts under constant heavy loads.


Modern mattresses always come in covers. They perform a protective function, preventing rapid wear of the filler, and provide pleasant interaction between the skin and the surface of the sleeping area.

It is important to pay attention to this particular property of the case when purchasing. It should be made of dense (and at the same time pleasant to the touch) natural cotton fabric. Jacquard products are especially popular.

The second characteristic that is important when purchasing is the ability to remove the cover. Manufacturers use two types of them: removable and non-removable. Which one should you prefer? This video will help answer this question:

Removable covers

  • easy to care for;
  • can be washed, which preserves the impeccable appearance of the sleeping place for a long time;
  • When purchasing a mattress, a removable cover with a zipper will allow you to evaluate internal filling product: does it correspond to what is declared by the manufacturer.
  • do not fit tightly to the base of the mattress, which does little to extend the service life;
  • After washing, the cover may shrink and become too small for the mattress.

Non-removable covers

  • non-removable covers are additionally attached to the surface of the mattress using special glue and securely hold the internal filling.
  • the inability to wash it is a significant drawback, but the use of a special mattress cover (including a waterproof one) will help solve this problem.


Orthopedic mattresses are offered in three degrees of hardness:

  • high,
  • average,
  • low.

Unless we are talking about a small child or a person with musculoskeletal diseases that require hard surfaces, then the choice of hardness depends on personal preference.

A mattress with a high degree of hardness is not recommended for side sleepers. They do not allow the spine to take a comfortable horizontal position and relax. A sleeping surface with medium hardness (latex, memory foam) will be the most comfortable.


Parameters - one more important criterion when choosing it. The product must match the size of the bed. Modern manufacturers offer mattresses in three sizes: one-, one-and-a-half and two-size.

Single - most often used for teenage beds. Double rooms - preferred by married couples. One and a half - are considered universal and can be used to create a comfortable sleeping place for one adult.

Where to buy a mattress so as not to make a mistake

Available on the market a large number of mattresses from various manufacturers. Can all offers be trusted?

First of all, you should pay attention to well-known retail chains that have numerous positive reviews. They have been on the market for a long time and care about their reputation.

Today there are brands on the market whose products are trustworthy.

TOP 10 mattress manufacturers

Mattresses of both domestic and foreign manufacturers. The most popular products are considered to be from the following companies:

  1. Ascona. More than 25 years on the market. Offers high quality springless and spring mattresses. Their products are distinguished by their original design and long service life. The high prices for models from this manufacturer do not detract from their advantages.
  2. Ormatek. One of the leading domestic producers sleep products. Wide price range, large selection of quality products with natural and artificial fillers.
  3. Dormeo. The company presents spring and springless mattresses of decent quality at a reasonable price on the market. Uses both natural and artificial fillers. The buyer can always choose a product that meets the requirements.
  4. Relax. The company has been on the market for seven years. Affordable price. The manufacturer uses spring and springless blocks of its own making, which compares favorably with the cost of the product.
  5. Vegas. The company offers spring and springless mattresses with varying degrees of hardness. They use mainly natural materials, which makes their products expensive.
  6. Consul. The manufacturer offers premium products. Excellent quality, use of advanced technologies, but high prices.
  7. Barro. The Belarusian company presents mattresses with dependent and independent springs on the market. The best option compromise between price and quality.
  8. DreamLine. Presents a wide selection of anatomical mattresses with artificial and natural fillers. Distinctive feature - good quality and affordable prices.
  9. Magniflex. An Italian company, well known in the domestic market. Offers mattresses in vacuum packaging with memory effect. High prices are the only disadvantage of their products.
  10. Toris. A domestic company operating on the market for 25 years. High quality, reasonable prices. Has a subsidiary company that produces budget options popular mattresses.

Buying a mattress is an important step. Its correctness determines how comfortable the sleep and rest of the owner of the product will be. Experts do not advise rushing to make a choice: decide what exactly you need, analyze market offers, and get acquainted with reviews. Based on the information received, it will be easier to make a choice. The main thing is to take into account all parameters: rigidity, size, materials used, reputation of the manufacturer and seller.

If you are the proud owner of a new mattress, take care of its care. Failure to follow the operating rules will lead to rapid wear and tear, and a quality, expensive item will end up in a landfill.

  1. Read the instructions carefully.
  2. Remove the packaging and leave in a ventilated area for two days to remove the industrial smell.
  3. Make sure the mattress matches the size of the bed. Even a slight (up to 2 cm) deviation can lead to deformation of the product.
  4. It is recommended to turn the mattress over during use so that the sides wear evenly.
  5. The surface of the mattress must be cleaned regularly, and if necessary, stains must be removed using special non-aggressive means. If there is a removable cover, wash it by hand to avoid shrinkage.

Follow the basic rules of caring for your mattress and it will last a long time.

A mattress is a product that guarantees you restful sleep And comfortable stay. The right choice will determine how well you will feel in the next few years and in what mood you will wake up in the morning.

There are two main criteria that you need to focus on when choosing: support and comfort.

The support ensures the correct position of the spine during sleep. No matter what position you lie in, your spine takes its natural anatomical position. Therefore, it is very important to choose the right mattress firmness that provides optimal support for you.

Comfort is also an important factor that affects sleep quality. The level of comfort depends on the ability of the mattress to adapt to the contours of your body and thereby distribute pressure evenly. The more comfortable the mattress, the less you will turn during sleep.

If you find a mattress that supports your spine in correct position and at the same time does not create excessive pressure on the body, then you have found a suitable option. But it is also worth paying attention to other indicators:

Eco-friendly and anti-allergenic. You need to make sure that the mattress is safe and does not contain materials that may cause your allergies.

Temperature and Humidity Control. Quality mattresses always have good ventilation and support optimal temperature. Manufacturers often make mattresses with a “winter-summer” effect. This means that the mattress has a different padding material on each side. The summer cool side is a cotton cover, and the winter warm side is wool.

Motion transmission. If you sleep together, it is important to minimize motion transfer from the mattress. You can roll over in your sleep or get out of bed without the risk of waking your spouse. Typically, such a disadvantage as high transmission of motion is inherent in spring mattresses based on a bonnel block.

Edge support. For spring mattresses, it is important that the edge of the mattress does not sag too much if you sleep near the edge of the bed or sit on it. To solve this problem, they use either special springs around the perimeter, or install a polyurethane frame, or simply use a steel frame.

1.1 How can I check my support level?

The most important factor When looking for an orthopedic mattress, the right level of support is important. All mattresses can be divided by level of hardness: soft, medium-hard and hard. You need to determine what level of firmness will provide the best spinal support for you.

Correct spine position. The right mattress will conform to the contours of your body and keep your spine in a naturally straight position. Your muscles will be able to truly relax, which will ensure deep and healthy sleep. And in the morning you will wake up rested and feeling great.

Too hard. If the mattress is too hard, your shoulders and hips will be pushed upward and your spine will not be straight. In addition, it is violated normal circulation blood due to excessive pressure on these points.

Too soft. If the mattress is too soft for you, then you will lie like in a hammock. If you stay in this position for a long time, you may wake up with back pain.

The main criterion that you need to focus on when choosing the firmness of a mattress for an adult is weight.

  • For people up to 55 kg, a soft mattress is best suited.
  • From 55 to 90 kg, the optimal choice is medium hardness.
  • If you weigh more than 90 kg, you need to choose a rigid option that will provide the necessary level of support.

How to check? Lie on your back and try to move your palm under your lower back. If your arm moves freely, the mattress is too hard for you. Try turning over from one side to the other. If you find it difficult to change positions, then the mattress is too soft for you.

1.2 How to check your comfort level?

The feeling of comfort is achieved by reducing the counter pressure of the mattress on the body, especially on the shoulders and hips. The larger the area of ​​contact between the mattress and the body, the less pressure on individual points.

The top layer of the mattress is largely responsible for the level of comfort. As a rule, soft and elastic materials are used as the top layer of filler, such as natural latex, synthetic latex, memory foam, felt, strutofiber, batting, holofiber, etc. Natural latex and memory foam best reduce pressure. For spring mattresses, it is also important to pay attention to the density of the spring blocks - the more there are, the better the mattress will follow the contours of the body.

It is important not to confuse comfort level with the ability of a mattress to support your back in a natural position. A mattress that is too soft will follow the curves of the body well, but will not support the spine in the correct position.

High pressure.Zones of red and yellow color show the points where the greatest pressure appears. In these places, blood and lymph circulation deteriorates, and painful sensations appear.

Optimal pressure distribution. If the mattress adapts to the smallest bends of the body, then the pressure on the body is distributed evenly. Reducing pressure on soft fabrics helps you relax completely.

With a comfortable mattress, you will turn less in your sleep and will not wake up in the middle of the night. This is very important because in order to feel rested, you need to reach the deep sleep stage.

How to check? Try lying down on a mattress in a store and lying there for a few minutes without moving. If you are comfortable and do not want to roll over, then the pressure is distributed evenly and you will sleep comfortably.

2. Types of orthopedic mattresses

There are two main types of mattresses: spring and springless. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Springless mattresses made from filler monoblocks or combine several layers different fillers like a sandwich. In this case, the orthopedic effect depends on the properties of each material and their combinations.

Spring mattresses consist of a block of springs and one or several layers of filler. Spring blocks can be of two types: dependent and independent. The latter support the spine much better and are more durable.

Both types of mattresses can have any level of firmness and comfort.

2.1 Types of spring blocks

Dependent blocks - bicone springs are installed in a row and intertwined with spirals. This is an economy class model and belongs to the mattresses with the least pronounced orthopedic effect. Mattresses with dependent blocks are not suitable for people weighing more than 100 kg, as well as for partners with a large difference in weight. The service life of such mattresses is 5-7 years.

Independent blocks– the springs in them are not connected to each other and each is located in a separate case. The covers are sewn together, which provides flexible but reliable connection. A high-quality mattress must have at least 200 spring blocks per 1 sq.m. The service life of mattresses with independent blocks is 7-10 years.

Independent spring blocks are further divided into several groups depending on the size of the springs and the type of their arrangement:

  • Pocket Spring (TFK, S-500) - is the simplest type of independent spring block. It has a spring diameter of 5-6 cm and a density of 220-300 pieces per 1 square meter. m. The maximum load on 1 berth is no more than 110-120 kg. As a rule, it is installed in mattresses in the mid-price range.
  • Multipocket (S-1000) – follows the contours of the body better than the Pocket Spring, and creates a greater “streamliner” effect due to the increase in the number of springs. The diameter of the springs is 4-4.2 cm, and the density per 1 sq. m up to 500 pieces. Designed for loads up to 120-130 kg.
  • Micropocket (S-2000) – has the smallest spring diameter of 2-2.6 cm and high density up to 1200 pieces per 1 sq. m. This type of block provides excellent point elasticity and creates a minimal springing effect.
  • Hour Glass(" hourglass") - these blocks got their name because of the shape of the spring, which resembles an hourglass. This shape provides universal mattress rigidity and is therefore suitable for partners with a large difference in weight. The same spring has three levels of rigidity and will support equally well any weight of the sleeper.
  • Dual Spring (spring within a spring) – designed for partners with different body compositions (with a difference of 20-40 kg). Can withstand a load of up to 150 kg per bed.
  • Reinforced – suitable for people with heavy weight (up to 150 kg). The springs are made of thicker wire, and the blocks are arranged in a checkerboard pattern.
  • With hard zones. Springs of varying degrees of hardness are distributed along the length of the mattress, which ensures different levels support. Depending on the number of zones, such mattresses come in three, five and seven zones. Also, the mattress can be divided lengthwise into two halves with different degrees of hardness, which solves the problem when there is a large difference in weight.

2.2 Types of fillers

Before choosing an orthopedic mattress, study the qualities of the internal fillers.

Polyurethane foam (PPU, foam rubber, ortofom) is a completely artificial material of cellular type. It has good anatomical properties and low cost. The disadvantages include low breathability, the ability to accumulate and retain odors, as well as low service life.

Memoryform (Memory Foam, Memorix, memory foam) is the same polyurethane foam, but specially processed. Has a more viscous structure, appearance resembles foam and after compression always returns to its original shape. This filler puts less pressure on the body, which promotes good blood flow. The only disadvantage of the material is low breathability.

Natural latex- a natural material that manufacturers obtain from the sap of the Hevea palm tree. Harmless, environmentally friendly, soft, easily takes the anatomical shape of the human body and quickly recovers after compression. Latex practically does not absorb moisture and has good thermoregulation. The service life of this filler is up to 20 years.

Artificial latex– wear-resistant and highly elastic material. It is similar in composition and structure to foam rubber, but surpasses its performance. It does not contain Hevea palm sap; it is made from processed polyurethane foam. It received its name due to the similarity of elasticity and elasticity indicators with natural latex.

Periotec and struttofiber made of polyester with the addition of natural materials (cotton, wool, bamboo, horsehair, eucalyptus, flax, seaweed). Both materials have a similar three-layer structure. They restore their shape well after post-formation and do not contain resins or glue. Struttofiber has greater elasticity than Periotec.

Holofiber is another artificial material made from polyester fibers. The material holds its shape perfectly, does not cake, does not absorb moisture, is breathable, and does not contain toxic or carcinogenic substances. It has excellent softness and elasticity.

Coconut coir is compressed lint from coconuts. A natural material that does not rot, does not rot and has a high moisture resistance. High-quality coir filler has long fibers. Short-fiber coir breaks and crumbles quickly. Coconut wool fiber filling gives the mattress rigidity.

Sisal is a natural material whose fibers are obtained from the leaves of the Agava sisolana plant. Sisal boards are additionally impregnated with natural latex.
Sisal boards are more rigid than coir boards, but also more wear-resistant.

Horsehair is an excellent natural material. It has high breathability and moisture resistance. Fibers for the boards are made from the hair of the mane and tail of horses; the boards are additionally impregnated with latex. Horsehair filler is classified as elite, which is reflected in its price. Used for the manufacture of hard and medium-hard mattresses.

Technogel is an innovative gel-like material. Unlike memory forms, technogel provides deformation with a 3D effect. This means that it can be deformed not only up and down, but also to the sides. This allows you to distribute the load even more evenly and thereby reduce the pressure on the body. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

3. How to choose the size?

To choose the right size of an orthopedic mattress, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. 1 The length of the mattress should be at least 15-20 cm greater than your height.
  2. 2 The width of the mattress should be such that you can easily put your hands behind your head. At the same time, your elbows should not go beyond the mattress and, if you sleep with a partner, then his elbows should also not touch yours.
  3. 3 Measure the area your bedroom to better estimate what the maximum size mattress can fit in it.

Manufacturers produce mattresses in standard sizes. But if for some reason you need a different size, then many factories can make a mattress to order in any size.

4. How not to make a mistake with your choice?

To finally make your choice, you need to lie on different mattresses. This is the only way you can understand which one is really right for you. Each brand has its own gradation of hardness, so you need to focus only on your feelings. Here are some general tips:

  1. 1 Take your time with your choice. A mattress is not only an expensive purchase, but also extremely important for your health. Lie on each one for at least 10-15 minutes.
  2. 2 When testing, try different sleeping positions.
  3. 3 Be sure to take your spouse to the store. After all, both of you should be comfortable and comfortable sleeping.
  4. 4 Go to the store in loose and comfortable clothes. This will help you get a better feel for your comfort level.
  5. 5 If you are planning to buy a springless mattress, then pay attention to what it lies on. If it is a base without edges, then the mattress will feel a little softer than on a bed with limiting edges. This is especially true for latex mattresses.
  6. 6 If you feel the springs or the mattress squeaks when you move, this indicates its poor quality.
  7. 7 Don't go to the store tired. After a hard day at work, almost any mattress will seem comfortable and comfortable to you.

5. Where to buy?

When choosing a mattress, you need to decide where it is best to buy it. Let's look at the possible options.

Internet . On the Internet you will have a huge selection of mattress models. Some high-quality mattresses can only be purchased to order and you won't find them in regular stores. In addition, you can save a lot by purchasing online. Prices in online stores are usually 10-15% lower than in regular stores. A serious drawback is the inability to lie on the mattress and check its quality.

Department stores. In department stores and other large stores you can often find departments with furniture. They typically offer a very limited selection in the low to mid price range. As a rule, in such stores you will not be able to get good advice from sellers or any discount on your purchase.

Furniture stores. Furniture stores often sell mattresses as an additional product. The assortment in such stores is also usually quite small. Consultants cannot always help you choose the right mattress, since this is not their main sales area. However, you can count on a discount if you purchase a whole bedroom set.

Specialty stores. In stores that specialize in selling mattresses, you will have more choice. Here you can count on an experienced salesperson who can advise you. Typically, such stores offer models of different price ranges.

Recommendation: Visit several specialized stores and decide which mattress is best for you. Search the Internet for similar models and compare prices. If the price on the Internet is significantly lower, and the seller in the store does not want to give you a discount, then buy a mattress online at the best price.

6. How much to spend on a mattress?

The price range for mattresses is very wide. Cheap options can be found for a couple of thousand rubles, and prices for expensive ones can reach several hundred thousand. The cost depends on the fillers, build quality, size, as well as trademark. To better understand, let's look at prices using the example of a medium-sized double mattress.

  • Up to 12,000 rub. In this price category you can buy cotton and thin foam mattresses
  • . You should not expect any comfort or orthopedic properties from them.
  • From 12,000 to 30,000 rub.
  • For this price, in stores you can find models based on Bonnell-type dependent spring blocks or polyurethane foam slabs. Such models have a weak orthopedic effect and are not suitable for daily sleep. Sometimes you can find mattresses with independent spring blocks, but of poor quality. After a few months, such mattresses lose their elasticity and sleeping on them becomes very uncomfortable.
  • From 30,000 to 60,000 rub.

For this price, you can purchase a good orthopedic mattress based on independent spring blocks or a springless version made from high-quality fillers. free shipping or a case as a gift.

Rating of popular manufacturers

In Russia and the CIS countries alone, more than a hundred enterprises are engaged in the production of bedding. Every year, independent experts decide which of them deserves to be among the top best in their niche. In 2016, according to expert reviews, the top ten ratings of orthopedic mattress manufacturers were formed as follows:

  1. 1 place. Hönnemed is a manufacturer of orthopedic and anatomical mattresses from natural flax using innovative German technology. All models of this company are made using an independent Nine Touches spring block, divided into nine zones of different density and stiffness. This block has no analogues and is used only in Hönnemed mattresses.
  2. 2nd place. Lonax is a company that produces orthopedic mattresses of various price categories- from budget to exclusive. Thanks to this, in the company’s catalog, every buyer can find a mattress suitable for his needs and financial capabilities. It is worth noting that Lonax factories use high-tech German equipment and modern technologies.
  3. 3rd place. Dream Line is a manufacturer of high-quality orthopedic sleep products. Dream Line uses only innovative technologies and equipment from the world's leading manufacturers. The company's assortment includes more than 180 types of mattresses that can satisfy any request.
  4. 4th place. Comfort Line is a factory of ergonomic bedding for adults and children. Comfort Line mattresses are created on the basis of Multipoket S1000 spring blocks (a thousand independent springs for each bed) and highly elastic Memory foam. This allows the surface of the mattress to take the shape of the sleeper’s body and correctly distribute the load.
  5. 5th place. Atmosphere is a company that produces sleep products using “green” technologies. This method involves the use of environmentally friendly natural raw materials such as cotton, sisal, horsehair, latex. In the production process of Atmosphere mattresses, close attention is paid to every detail - from the independent Active Fresh Touch spring block to the 3D aero mesh of the mattress cover.
  6. 6th place. Toris is one of the most experienced participants in the rating. Toris mattresses appeared on the market in 1998. The company has its own Research Center, where Toris specialists regularly consult with experts in the field of orthopedics and somnology, and new models of the company’s products are tested.
  7. 7th place. Vegas is a leader among Belarusian enterprises producing bed accessories. The range of orthopedic and anatomical mattresses Vegas is huge, varied and has a budget price. Spring models have from 112 to 1100 springs per bed and are worthy competition to market leaders.
  8. 8th place. Consul is a holding company specializing in the production of sleep products. Every year, its enterprises produce more than 1,000,000 high-quality mattresses. Consul's product range includes spring and springless orthopedic mattresses of various prices, which allows each consumer to choose a model that suits his budget and needs.
  9. 9th place. Benartti is an enterprise that produces orthopedic mattresses of varying prices and accompanying bedding from environmentally friendly natural materials. All products of the enterprise meet the requirements of international standards. During production Special attention pays attention to the quality of components.
  10. 10th place. Askona is a Russian company part of the Swedish concern Hilding Anders Group, a leader in the production of beds and mattresses in the European and Asian markets. The company's product range includes more than 800 types of spring and springless mattresses. Despite the promotion and popularity of the brand, many buyers note that the price of Askona products does not always correspond to their quality. That is why Askona comes to the end of our rating.

We hope that this guide and reviews from experts will help you decide which mattress is better to choose and not overpay. Do not rush into purchasing and rely only on the advice of sellers. Study offers in different stores, compare prices and benefits. After all, your well-being and mood for the whole day will depend on the quality of your sleep.

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