More recently, a set kitchen appliances limited to a stove, oven, simple food processor and a pressure cooker. But the situation has changed dramatically: bread machines, air fryers, steamers and multicookers have taken their positions on kitchen shelves. Pressure cookers have been successfully used for a long time, but multicookers appeared in Russia only a few years ago. Few people can afford to buy both devices at once, so the question often arises about which is better - Indeed, each of them has its own advantages.

Which is better - a slow cooker or a pressure cooker? Cooking time

In terms of speed of cooking, the pressure cooker is the undisputed leader. Indeed, due to the pressure pumped into it, you can save quite a lot of time. So, you can cook it not in one and a half to two hours, but in about forty minutes.

A multicooker cannot boast of such speeds. It is made according to a different principle, which is so extolled by many amateurs healthy eating, namely slow cooking. The food in the slow cooker seems to languish. And, of course, this seriously increases the cooking time. So, when you need to do something quickly, you will most likely have to use a stove or the already mentioned pressure cooker. But it's not just about speed.

Which is better: a multicooker or a pressure cooker - the need to be present during cooking

With the cooking time everything is clear: the pressure cooker is in in this case preferable. On the other hand, the multicooker can turn itself off, which means that during the process you can not only be in the kitchen, but also not be at home. If you follow this logic, what difference does it make whether a multicooker cooks for an hour or two if it does not require human presence? After all, it will turn itself off at the end of the process, and at this time you can do business and go for a walk.

A pressure cooker, unfortunately, will not provide such an opportunity. We'll have to sit at home and keep watch.

Which is better - a slow cooker or a pressure cooker? What can you cook in them?

Separately, it is worth mentioning the range of uses of each device. The multicooker allows you to do everything: fry, boil, bake, and so on. Moreover, during the cooking process, you can look under the lid and adjust the process, add the necessary ingredients or stir the contents.

The range of dishes that can be prepared using a traditional pressure cooker is not as diverse. This is largely determined by the high pressure that is built up during operation inside the pan. So you can’t open it and see what’s inside. Therefore, which many people love to cook in multicookers, a pressure cooker cannot do.

Is there a way out?

How wonderful it would be to combine useful features two devices to be able to prepare a wide variety of dishes and at the same time choose the cooking time! Recently, this has become possible thanks to the advent of multi-cookers. These miracle devices have a number of advantages. You can cook in them like in a pressure cooker (due to high pressure), and like in a multicooker (the whole range of its functions). Moreover, they are equipped with modes such as “Heating” and “Delayed Start”.

More and more such “pots” are appearing. One of prominent representatives- multicooker-pressure cooker Redmond. One device provides the functionality of two devices, not to mention saving space. All large quantity Manufacturers are already producing or preparing to produce similar kitchen appliances.

The only drawback is the price, which is undoubtedly higher than that of the average multicooker or pressure cooker. On the other hand, their cost separately will be comparable to the cost of a universal device, but they will take up twice as much space.

Separately, it is worth saying that finding recipes for a multicooker-pressure cooker is not difficult. In addition to numerous forums, manufacturers publish their own cookbooks. The recipes in them are adapted to specific model devices, so it’s almost impossible to “miss” the cooking mode.

When you come to the store, the main thing is to clearly understand the purpose of your search. When purchasing a new electronic kitchen assistant Sometimes, for example, the following question arises: what is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker?

To understand, you will have to delve into the features of such devices, understand how they work, how they will be useful and what the difference is between them.

Pros and cons of a pressure cooker

A pressure cooker is practically an ordinary saucepan, the lid of which closes hermetically. Due to this, the pressure inside the container increases significantly, which leads to accelerated boiling of water. And this speeds up the cooking time of any dish by 2–4 times, and, for example, beans by 6–8 times. It is noteworthy that when cooking in a pressure cooker, the cooked products retain a bright and rich color.

A pressure cooker allows you to cook your favorite dishes much faster

It is interesting that only thanks to such household appliances will it be possible to prepare high-quality dishes in conditions with thin air - in the mountains. The fact is that due to lower than usual atmospheric pressure decreases and average temperature boiling liquid - approximately 4 °C for every 1000 meters. Thanks to the pressure cooker high blood pressure inside the container easily solves the problem, allowing you to enjoy quality food at any altitude and latitude in any weather conditions.

Advantages of pressure cookers:

  • relatively low energy consumption compared to other kitchen appliances;
  • maximum preservation of vitamins and other useful substances due to minimal oxidation of food in conditions of lack of oxygen in a sealed container;
  • it is possible to carry out a so-called “internal explosion”: a sudden boiling of liquid in the bowl due to a rapid release of pressure in the system; Some grains can be softened well only this way.

Disadvantages include the lack of access to food when the device is operating (it is impossible to determine the readiness of the dish), as well as the risk of burns if the lid is opened carelessly. There is also such a thing as the potentially high explosion hazard of the device, but thanks to the efforts of the manufacturers, the risks are reduced to almost zero.

Features of steamers

As the name suggests, the main purpose of a steamer is to cook food using water steam. They come in the form of a pan into which a perforated insert is inserted, or they are made as a grate for installation directly on a gas or electric stove.

Using a steamer you can cook dishes using steam

Advantages of steamers:

  • The main thing is that you cook with it dietary dishes. If you do not specifically add fats to the kitchen bowl, those who adhere to a diet will receive tasty and healthy food.
  • Preservation of the maximum amount of vitamins and other nutrients. The steamer is ideal for preparing minced meat, fish, vegetables, puddings and soufflés.
  • Food in a steamer does not burn or dry out, and therefore it is perfect for defrosting or heating dishes.

The disadvantage of this household appliance is the inability to qualitatively cook large pieces of meat, which are difficult to bring to the desired condition, as well as cooking pasta, which requires intense boiling.

What to expect from a multicooker?

With this electronic kitchen device, you have the opportunity to prepare many delicious dishes almost completely automatically. In fact, the multicooker replaces several similar household appliances for cooking: pressure cooker, steamer, oven, bread maker, convection oven, electric frying pan.

Basic operating modes

  • cooking;
  • cooking pasta, dumplings, dumplings, etc., when the products must be placed in already boiling water;
  • stewing;
  • frying/baking;
  • buckwheat/rice;
  • pilaf;
  • yogurt;

The multicooker combines the functions different devices

Among additional features It is worth noting steam cooking using a special grill included in the kit; maintaining the temperature of the finished dish; warming up

In the majority kitchen appliances There is a timer that allows you to count down the time until a certain event occurs. If the selected program does not require the presence of a person, then the dish will be prepared automatically at the specified hour, which is quite convenient.

Some models provide a multi-cook mode, which allows you to create your own new programs for cooking. It is clear that the functionality of the device depends on the manufacturer and cost.

Advantages of multicookers:

  • The main thing is to automate the cooking process and save space for other similar kitchen appliances.
  • Ease of use: literally anyone can prepare a delicious dish, as long as you read the instructions first - what and how much you need to put in the bowl.
  • Ease of maintenance and care.

Multicookers have only one drawback: you can’t do two things at the same time. But this is exactly what few people expect from her.

Comparison of multicooker and pressure cooker (video)

The main differences between pressure cookers, steamers and multicookers

If you are just deciding on a future purchase, then first analyze several factors that will give a clear answer to the question: what is the difference between a double boiler and a multicooker or pressure cooker. Well, the choice, of course, will have to be based on your personal preferences, especially since we are not even talking about the brand, the brand, or the country of production.

So, the criteria for the differences between these devices:

  • Functionality.
  • Method/methods of preparing the dish.
  • The amount of food you can cook at one time.
  • Time spent cooking.
  • The usefulness of the dish (preservation of vitamins and other useful substances).
  • Cost of a household appliance.

Only by carefully analyzing the factors outlined above will you be able to understand which appliance: pressure cooker, steamer or multicooker is best suited for you.

Their common tasks should be noted:

Makes work easier in the kitchen;

Save a lot of time;

Save useful elements in cooked food to the maximum.

The main difference between a slow cooker and a steamer is that they cook food according to different technologies. You can consider what each of these units represents. A steamer is one of the electrical items household appliances, which makes it possible to steam cook food. It consists of a set of the following elements: base, pallet, basket. As a basis in this device the base protrudes. It also contains a water container. There are usually several baskets; they are made in the form of plastic containers with a perforated bottom. They are placed on top of each other, and the top is tightly closed with a lid. Condensation collects in the pan. U different models the number of pallets is different: either one common, or one for each basket.

To understand what it is worth considering what the second of the units consists of. It includes:

Housing with heating element;

The container in which food is cooked;

Built-in microprocessor;

Steam valve;

A container in which food is steamed;

Hermetically sealed lid.

The operating principle of each device is another important point in deciding the difference between a double boiler and a multicooker. In the first device, the heat treatment of products is carried out using steam. You can either cook fresh food in it or reheat it ready meals. Some models may be equipped with blenders. The multicooker allows you to grill, fry, boil, stew or bake food. A number of models have a built-in mode for cooking pilaf, baking, and much more. Any multicooker has the ability to prepare steamed dishes.

If we talk about how a double boiler differs from a multicooker, then it is worth mentioning that it contains several containers that have various purposes. That is, the user has the opportunity to steam several dishes at the same time. The multicooker comes with only one bowl, the volume of which is usually 2.5-4.5 liters, and you can cook only one dish in it at a time. The cooking process in both units is very slow, but steamers in this sense work a little faster. Both of these devices are approximately the same, however, a multicooker requires a little more power, since cooking takes longer in it.

Multicooker and double boiler: the difference

The advantages of the first unit are the following: the presence of program control, multifunctionality. The steamer, in turn, is also not without certain " positive qualities". It allows you to perform a number of tasks at the same time. Equipped with different bowls allows you to prepare dishes according to various recipes. Among the disadvantages of a multicooker are usually the cooking time and the inability to cook several dishes at the same time. A double boiler does not provide such wide possibilities in terms of the range of dishes.

Honor and praise to the one who invented the slow cooker! For many, this device has become indispensable in the kitchen. And this is not at all surprising. After all, it makes cooking much easier, reduces the time spent in the kitchen, while at the same time allowing you to get tasty and healthy dishes.

There are a lot of models of multicookers on sale. And the heads are spinning for those who are choosing a kitchen assistant for themselves. The price of the device is a significant criterion. Surprisingly, the price tags vary by tens of thousands. What is the difference between expensive multicookers and cheap ones and does it make sense to pay more?

Basic functions in multicookers

Let's consider, first of all, the set of functions. Typically, the higher the purchase price, the greater the range of programs and modes it is equipped with. Variety is, of course, great. Another question is whether it is necessary. The most popular modes are baking, rice, soup, stewing, frying, steaming, and heating. With this set you can prepare any dish from the usual menu. However, most functions are interchangeable. And, for example, you can stew meat using the “soup” button, and fry chicken using the baking mode.

A minimum set of programs is available on most of the most inexpensive models. Depending on your needs, you can choose multicookers with separate buttons for milk porridge, making yogurt, baking bread, etc. As a rule, you have to pay extra for these privileges. If the device will completely replace kitchen stove, then it is desirable to have a frying program.

The warming function will keep food hot for a long time. And the ability to delay the start makes life much easier. But this is available not only to owners of expensive models. Almost all of these useful things are already available in multicookers in the mid-price segment.

Those who want to keep everything under control and create their own programs will like the multicooker. But this, perhaps, is about those who never spend a day without a smart saucepan and masterfully understand all the nuances. For all other existing modes it is quite enough, because with them you can cook a lot delicious dishes. There are enough resources on the Internet offering a wide variety of recipes for multicookers of any model.

Bowl materials

Multicookers also differ in the material from which the bowl is made. Both Teflon and ceramic coating. Both of them have non-stick properties. Ceramics are easier to clean and more environmentally friendly, but Teflon is somewhat more durable. Especially if it has many layers. The higher the quality of the coating, the higher the cost. However, among inexpensive models there are decent options.

Build quality

Build quality is also an important factor. Basically, all multicookers, regardless of the brand, are made in China. But there are still differences. The body material can be metal or plastic. Moreover, the quality of plastic also varies. Expensive models have more thorough assembly. But this does not affect the taste and quality of the dishes.

What's behind the high price?

So is it worth purchasing high-cost multicookers? Eg, BORK U700. Its cost is about 20–26 thousand rubles. It looks very attractive, the body is made of plastic and metal. The bowl has a durable and high-quality Teflon coating, which can be judged even by its appearance. Fourteen modes and unusual functions, such as child protection, voice menu and octopus frying. Beautiful, stylish, comfortable, but not very practical due to the high cost.

Or this example. Polaris EVO EPMC 0125 with Wi-Fi.

Except beautiful design, 15 programs, as well as the ability to select a pressure cooker or multicooker mode, there is a unique control function from a smartphone or tablet through the corresponding application. And all this pleasure costs about 15 thousand rubles. But not many are yet ready to cook dinner remotely.

Perhaps, to appreciate all the unusual functions of expensive models, you need to be a very experienced multicooker. For ordinary cuisine and a familiar menu, the basic modes are quite sufficient. Often models with similar parameters differ significantly in price. The overpayment for the brand in such cases is obvious. Therefore, you should not spend extra money focusing on the manufacturer. After all, a multicooker is not a decorative element. She is just a wonderful helper in the kitchen. Practical, convenient and inexpensive.

The two devices are similar, and it is not without reason that people get confused. What is the difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker? Let’s look at the differences. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's approve the research plan. To begin with, we will tell you more about the devices and try to draw conclusions so that the reader gets a clear idea.

Multicooker - magic pot

The multicooker will allow you to cook almost any dish - perhaps even fry - and in automatic mode. Some models can maintain temperature certain time After finishing the cooking process, they turn off on their own. It’s not scary to leave the multicooker and go away. The magic pot will do the job and turn off. A multicooker is a true magic pot from a fairy tale, into which ingredients are poured, and after a fixed time the finished food is taken out.

The recipe is quite extensive for multicookers, but the device will provide demanding cooks with additional options. For example, the ability to set cooking programs yourself. Let's look at what a multicooker consists of and how it works. A typical device includes:

  1. Housing with a sealed lid equipped with a bypass valve to release excess steam.
  2. A pot (bowl) installed inside, made of steel or aluminum.
  3. Cord with plug.

The functionality of the multicooker is ensured heating element, a number of sensors and electronic filling, where cooking programs are programmed. Inside the central button, located under the bottom of the pot, there is a thermal fuse (for simpler models) or a temperature sensor (for expensive models). It is often thought that there is a mechanism there that protects the empty multicooker from being turned on. In expensive models - perhaps. If you forget to put a pot in a cheap multicooker, it will still turn on.

By the way, it is appropriate to recall that the central button will not provide a seal. A cook who forgets to install the bowl and starts pouring ingredients inside runs the risk of rendering the appliance unusable. Water and other components immediately enter the electronic stuffing housings. If an incident occurs, quickly unplug the multicooker. Then act according to the circumstances. If under warranty, you must contact service center. Please note that, according to the terms of the contract, the user of the multicooker pays for cleaning from careless handling. The procedure is not covered by warranty.

There is a nuance. It was discussed that there is a thermal fuse in the central button ( budget models) or temperature sensor (expensive models). An expensive multicooker will receive the sensor signal and turn off, but a cheap one will simply blow a fuse that will have to be changed. service department or on your own. The central button in budget multicookers is needed for uniformity of design. It is much easier to produce devices in a uniform housing than to reconfigure the conveyor at the enterprise. Don't be fooled by the presence of a central button. In cheap models, shutdown due to overheating is not included in the multicooker functions!

What's inside the multicooker?

They promised to tell us a few words about the coatings used. Please note that any protective layer applied to inner surface bowls, no trace remains after two years of use. This is rather good. There is a scandal associated with Teflon coating in the United States, when the patent holder paid astronomical sums of money to residents of areas adjacent to factories involved in applying Teflon to dishes. It turned out that one component used in production is extremely toxic. People got sick and died.

It was believed that using such utensils was dangerous; after 5 years, it began to release a dangerous compound into food. Since then, Teflon production technology has been revised and the presence of dangerous factor. But the buyer's fear remained. I think that’s why the Teflon coating is applied thinly so that it wears off after a couple of years even with careful use. This theoretically blocks the possibility of harm from the dishes.

It is appropriate to remind you that Teflon cannot be washed with a metal mesh for dishes. Any are harmful mechanical influences. To prevent food from burning in a multicooker, wash the bowl in a kitchen machine or by hand, carefully. There are other types of coatings. They are inferior to Teflon in non-stick properties, but do not age quickly. As for the material of the pot, take aluminum or steel. Both bowls are good.

The review would be incomplete without mentioning that there is a condensate drain built into the multicooker lid. Water accumulates in a special transparent container located on the side of the case, from where the liquid must be drained periodically. It's comfortable.

How does a multicooker work?

The magical effect in this pot is achieved through the slow evaporation of water.

There is a special bypass valve, slowly releasing the steam, but most of the liquid remains inside. Therefore, cooking buckwheat requires a record small amount of water, while at the same time the cooking process is fast.

Therefore, people do not see the difference between a pressure cooker and a multicooker:

  • similar capacity;
  • similar cover;
  • same cooking speed...

The multicooker has a number of programs, but the models have a unique list. Eg:

  • pilaf;
  • buckwheat;
  • keeping warm;
  • frying;
  • milk porridge;
  • steaming.

You can guess why instructions are needed to use the device. What is the difference between Buckwheat and Rice, what is the difference between the modes? It is more difficult to set your own program for a multicooker. By the way, not all multicookers provide the user with such an opportunity.

Not all recipes are ridiculously simple. It happens that during the process they want to add products and withstand special conditions. Most dishes are deliciously simple to prepare. The components are placed in the bowl, the lid is closed, and the desired program is turned on. Later fixed time the food is ready.

A few words about the pressure cooker

The difference between a multicooker and a pressure cooker: the first is a multifunctional device. Thanks to its unique qualities, it will replace a frying pan, deep fryer, saucepan, or slow cooker. The second device is designed to perform similar functions. It's just that the slow cooker is a bit difficult to replace. But the cooking time is reduced.

A pressure cooker differs from a multicooker in that it is cooked under pressure. If the latter has a valve that periodically automatically releases excess steam, the type of device under consideration does not have such a structural element. The lid is specially reinforced with an additional bracket that serves as a latch. This electronic device vividly resembles pressure cookers that existed in the last century and did not have a smart filling.

Thanks to the two small details mentioned, the pressure cooker cooks food quickly. For example, a meat recipe will take 15 minutes. This effect is unattainable in other types of kitchen appliances.

Otherwise, the pressure cooker is exactly like a multicooker. Even the design is sometimes the same. Moreover, the pressure cooker is stronger because the body and lid can withstand the enormous pressure created during operation. Please note that after cooking, excess steam is released manually through a special valve. Do this carefully so as not to get burned by the ejected jet. Then open the lid. Otherwise there is a risk of an accident. Thus, we see the only drawback of a pressure cooker - the relative danger. Which, however, is reduced to a minimum by knowledge of the rules for operating the device.

As for the set of programs, the functions of the pressure cooker do not differ much from those with which a typical multicooker is endowed: Rice, Meat, etc. However, it is possible to cook soup in a pressure cooker. You will need less water than usual. In selected models, it is possible to set a custom program.


What to choose, a slow cooker or a pressure cooker? The answer is obvious. If you need a universal automatic device for cooking any dishes, take a multicooker. It will probably be cheaper due to different technological requirements to the product.

If guests arrive unexpectedly, a pressure cooker will be the way out. Fine dining, prepared almost instantly, will not leave you indifferent. Only frying in a pressure cooker is perhaps a little difficult. Meat is cooked every minute, fish even faster. We can only hope that doctors will support the designers: bacteria and worms need time to die in food.

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