Lemon monarda is often called bergamot, due to its similarity with the popular plant. The herb is actively used in medicine and cooking due to its spicy aroma.

Botanical name: Monarda citriodora.

Lemon monarda is a fast-growing annual herb reaching 60-90 cm in height. When crushed, the leaves release a lemon-like aroma, but some people describe it as oregano-like, especially when crushed into older leaves. This plant looks like a bush, with several stems growing from the center. The leaves are green, about 3-8 cm long, oval with a sharp tip. The slender stems are surrounded by curls of white, pink or purple flowers.

Monarda is a member of the mint family and may be called American lemon balm, bergamot, or lemon balm. The name of this species comes from the Latin word for "citrus smell." This scent attracts bees and butterflies.

Monarda is native to most of the United States and Mexico. It is often found on roadsides in California and other sunny states such as Florida. Clay prairie soils are ideal for this American. In some areas, these plants grow everywhere, creating the appearance of a blanket of color when they bloom in the summer.

Growing conditions

Grows easily even in a pot

Lemon monarda prefers clay soil, but it is important to choose an area that is not at risk of flooding, is drought tolerant, and will tolerate calcareous or alkaline soils. Grows naturally in limestone heaths, slopes and savannas. Monarda grows best in spring in a sunny location. This plant blooms from late spring to mid-summer. If you want to have a constant supply of lemon bergamot in your garden, the seeds, which can be collected every year, just need to be planted again. For germination, seeds require a temperature of at least 20 °C. In cold conditions it is usually an annual plant, but it can grow for more than long periods in warm and tropical regions. Bergamot can be grown in pots if the climate is too cold or garden space is limited.

Culinary use

Lemon Bergamot can be used to add a subtle lemon flavor to a variety of dishes, especially desserts such as cheesecakes, cookies and cakes. This taste and aroma is also imparted to fish dishes, salads, sauces, teas, wines and liqueurs. The flowers are edible and can be used to decorate garnishes. The leaves can be chopped and placed in ice cubes to add to drinks.

Medicinal use

Lemon bergamot can be used in facial treatments and aromatherapy. It is often combined with chamomile and lavender to create facial steams, which is very beneficial if you have oily and acne-prone skin.

Monarda can be rubbed onto the skin as an insect repellent.

Monarda lemon (Monarda citriodora Gerv. ex Lag.) - decorative, spicy and vegetable plant. Other names: lemon bee balm, lemon bergamot, lemon balm. Lemon monarda grows wild in southwestern North America. In many countries of Europe and America it has been introduced into culture. Grown in Russia.


Lemon monarda - perennial herbaceous plant, often grown as an annual. The stem is erect, from 60 to 140 cm high. The leaves are oppositely located, heart-shaped-lanceolate, toothed. It differs from other species, among other things, in its squat, spread-out type of bush, narrow, dark leaves with strong odor and whorled arrangement of pink-lilac flowers on the peduncle. Forms with white, pink, dark and light lilac flowers are highlighted. It blooms starting from the second year of life, in June-July, blooms less often in the first year. The seeds ripen in August. Weight of 1000 seeds is 0.4-0.8 g, germination capacity of fresh seeds is 50-90%, seed yield per 1 m2 is 15-20 g.

Biology of lemon monarda

This monarda is undemanding to soil conditions, but prefers light soils and a sunny location. This plant is relatively moisture-loving. Winters successfully only in southern zones.


Monarda essential oil gives a pleasant aroma. The main tone of the smell is lemon-resinous, with a hint of mint. It is grown on personal plots as a spicy, aromatic and medicinal plant. The lemon-scented leaves are used to flavor food or put into tea. The leaves and flowers are used in food as a seasoning for salads, meat dishes, for flavoring jam, kvass. All above-ground mass, fresh and dried (collected during the flowering phase), is used in the production of vermouth. Lemon monarda essential oil can be used in the soap industry and for flavoring cosmetics. The essential oil content (in the south) reaches 0.348% of wet weight.

In Russia, the Mona Lisa variety is approved for use.

Growing lemon monarda

It is better to allocate low, moist areas for lemon monarda. But acidic and swampy soils are not suitable for it. Monarda is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. It is best to propagate monarda through seedlings that are grown in greenhouses or greenhouses. Sowing should be done in March-April. There are 1-1.5 g of seeds per 1 m2. Seeds are sown to a depth of 1.5-2 cm and planted. Shoots appear on 15-20 days. After 20-25 days from the emergence of shoots, the monarda is planted and fed 1-2 times with ammonium nitrate. On permanent place tolerate tall strong seedlings 12-15 cm long, having 6-8 pairs of leaves. Monarda is also propagated by dividing the bush where it overwinters (at the age of 2-4 years).

The soil for lemon monarda is prepared in the same way as for other types of monarda. Monarda is placed with row spacing of 70 cm, and in a row the distance between plants is sufficiently 25-35 cm.

Caring for lemon monarda in areas where it overwinters (in all years) consists of loosening the rows and weeding in the row. In early spring, plants are fed with ammonium nitrate in doses of 20-25 g/m2 and superphosphate - 15-20 g/m2, combining feeding with loosening. Plants should not lack moisture. Harvest the second year in July, during flowering. Flowering leafy shoots are cut at a height of 25-30 cm. The yield is 1.2-1.7 kg/m2 of green mass.

At annual crop The care is the same; the green mass is removed at the end of summer. Despite the fact that lemon monarda does not overwinter in most zones of Russia, in one year it produces high yield green mass, with a larger percentage of it being leaves, that is, the most valuable part.

This tall (up to 1.6 meters) plant from the Lamiaceae (or Lamiaceae) family can truly be called many-sided - a variety of species and varieties, the versatility of its use in the garden...

Monarda ( Monarda) begins to bloom in July and ends during the first frost. The flowers are great for cutting. If the buds are not removed, by autumn they will become balls with dark-colored seeds that look decorative and can be used in winter bouquets. The plant is famous for its unsurpassed mint- citrus aroma. Thanks to this, insects flock to the monarda bushes, the plant - excellent honey plant. It can also be used in cooking and in the treatment of various diseases. This plant is often mistakenly called bergamot.

In North America (where monarda comes from) there are about 20 species, but in our conditions the most commonly grown monarda is double ( M. didyma), lemon ( M. citriodora) and fistula ( M. fistulosa).

Where to plant monarda?

The location for the plant is chosen depending on the species. Light shade is more suitable for Monarda doucalis, and it likes the soil to be fairly moist. Monarda fistula prefers sunny places and is more drought-resistant. Hybrid varieties planted depending on the relationship to a particular plant species. But in any case, it is advisable to choose a place protected from the wind so that the shoots do not bend.

Monarda is not too picky about soil, but prefers light calcareous soils and does not tolerate acidic and swampy soils. It is better to prepare the place in the fall: when high level acidity, it is recommended to carry out liming (40 g of lime per square meter). After this, distribute manure, humus or peat (2 kg per square meter), potassium salt (20 g), superphosphate (40 g) over the ridges, dig up and remove the weeds. In the spring, especially on thin soils, add organic matter. For 1 plant, the feeding area should be at least 30*70 centimeters.

Do not forget that monarda is a large plant and grows into a large clump. They look good in separate groups, or in combination with sage, yarrow, catnip, and cereals. To maintain the decorative quality of the composition throughout the summer, low plants are planted around the monarda (its shoots below are often unattractively exposed).

Monarda double "Scarlet" in garden design

Growing from seeds

Through seedlings in middle lane Growing monarda is more reliable than direct sowing in the ground. They are planted already in February; it happens that the seeds take a very long time to germinate – up to 40 days. To bring this event closer, you need to first soak the seeds in a solution of any stimulant (according to the instructions) or for 24 hours in hot (about 60°) water. And if before that you keep it for about a month (the temperature is a little more than 0°) in refrigeration chamber, not forgetting to periodically moisten the seeds, the seedlings will begin to appear even earlier. At favorable conditions(temperature +16 – 21°) the first shoots appear after 10 days. Now the air temperature should be lowered if possible (but not below +15°).

The seeds are laid out, covered with a little soil. About 3 weeks after the first plants appear on the surface, the seedlings need to be thinned out (maintain a distance of about 5 centimeters) or the excess ones should be planted in separate glasses. The seedlings are fed at least once before planting. nitrogen fertilizers. They are transplanted into their place after 1.5 - 2 months.

IN southern regions Planting directly into the ground in February gives good results. Early spring planting is usually less successful. Typically, the seed method is used to grow new varieties. And then, when the clumps grow, they use the method of dividing the bush to preserve varietal characteristics.

Monarda seeds

Dividing the bush

The bush is usually divided in the spring (it is possible at the beginning of summer, but then the planted plants will need to be shaded and the soil moisture monitored) 3–4 years after planting. Each division should have from 2 to 5 shoots and part of the root system. Once every 3 weeks, planted plants can be fed with any complex fertilizer. Don't forget about watering and loosening the soil.

If the curtains are not planted, in the 5th - 6th year they begin to lose their decorative effect - the middle is exposed.

Other methods of reproduction

Sometimes self-seeding occurs. You can also pin the shoots to the ground in the summer for rooting. After the root system appears, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant and replanted.

Self-seeding of monarda is possible

Care according to the rules and without...

Counts unpretentious plant. In the spring you should treat the monarda with nitrogen fertilizers (you can use 1/5 mullein) or mineral fertilizer(according to instructions). During drought it is necessary to water; in such weather it is even better to mulch with humus. But the crop does not tolerate excessive stagnation of moisture. Before flowering, you can feed with nitrophoska (per square meter - 30 g), after flowering - potassium magnesia and double superphosphate (per square meter - 30 and 20 g, respectively). Responds well to the application of compost.

In preparation for winter, the shoots are cut off, and the place where the bush grew is covered with compost, although this crop is considered to be very frost-resistant and even in the Moscow region overwinters without shelter.

Diseases and pests

Susceptible powdery mildew and fungal rust. As a preventive measure, keep the soil moist in dry weather and prevent thickening of plantings.

Due to its strong aromaticity, it is rarely affected by pests. Sometimes leaf beetles attack. If the plant is used for treatment and cooking, chemicals should not be used to combat them.

Use in home cooking and treatment

As a medicinal plant, it was originally used by the indigenous people of North America. In the 15th century, Monarda was described by Nicolas Monardes (Spanish botanist and physician) as exclusively useful culture. Even then, thanks to the amazing lemon aroma of flowers, they were added when brewing tea. It turned out to be a very tasty and healthy drink.

It has now been proven that, in addition to its antipyretic effect, monarda has anthelmintic, antimicrobial, diuretic, antisclerotic, and immunomodulatory effects. This plant is very effective for skin problems(including hair loss), to stimulate cardiac activity, strengthen blood vessels and relieve neuroses. An excellent prevention against the flu is oil, which has a very strong antibacterial effect. To avoid getting sick, it is enough to place bowls filled with oil throughout the rooms. But during pregnancy, monarda is contraindicated.

Leaves, shoots and flowers are an excellent addition to various dishes. They can be added to marinades, jellies, salads, first and second courses, and sauces. By the way, the British include it in the most expensive varieties tea.

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Family Lamiaceae or Lamiaceae

Origin of culture

Grows in the wild flora of the USA and Mexico. There is a wide variety of species and varieties of this plant. The leaves, stems and inflorescences have a strong scent of lemon, mint, zest and a wide bouquet of other essential oils. Introduced into culture as a spicy-aromatic and ornamental plant in many countries of Europe and America. In recent years, it has been actively gaining popularity among Russian gardeners.

Useful properties

Monarda is medicinal plant, the essential oil of which has antimicrobial and anthelmintic properties. It is used to treat bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, radiation sickness, as a means of promoting the engraftment of foreign tissues. It is used to treat burns, eczema, and hair loss. Effective against protozoa - trypanosomes, amoebas, and helps treat salmonella infections.

The essential oil of various types of monarda is also of interest to the perfume and cosmetic industries as a flavoring agent and fixative. The composition of the essential oil includes a and p-pinene, myrcene, limonene, 1,8-cineole, p-cymene, thymol and carvacrol.

Widely distributed in decorative floriculture. Good in group plantings, not individually. Currently there are not only garden forms, but also highly decorative varieties with abundant flowering, brightly colored inflorescences - red, purple, pink and white, spectacular compact bush, long flowering period.

Monarda is also a nectar-rich honey plant.

Can serve as a tea substitute or seasoning for meat dishes.

Biological features

All types of monarda are perennial plants, aboveground part which die in winter and are renewed in spring.

The stem is straight, branched, 60-100 cm high. The leaves are entire, but more often serrated, oblong-oval. The flowers are small, collected in capitate inflorescences with a diameter of 6-7 cm, which are located one above the other along a tetrahedral stem.

Blooms in July-August. Flowering duration is up to 50 days. Grows well in sun and partial shade.


The State Register includes 2 varieties of lemon monarda - Mona Lisa and Solntsevsky Semko. In the conditions of the Non-Black Earth Zone they are grown through seedlings as annual plants, although they often overwinter well.

Growing conditions

Monarda is propagated by seeds and vegetatively by dividing the bush. At seed propagation in the Non-Chernozem Zone it should be cultivated seedling method.

Seeds are sown in boxes in late January - early February. Shoots appear on the 15-20th day. 20-25 days after emergence, the seedlings dive 3-4 cm from each other. Seedlings are planted on a plantation at 60-65 days of age with 2-3 pairs of true leaves. Monarda tolerates light frosts down to -3-5°C.

In the southern regions, sowing can be done directly into the ground. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm.

The emerged plants grow very slowly for the first 30-45 days and quickly become overgrown with weeds. In addition, plants propagated by seeds (especially Monarda fustaceae), as a rule, are heterogeneous in morphological and biochemical parameters. Therefore, it is better to start a monarda plantation with seedlings obtained from dividing 3-4-year-old bushes. From each three-year-old uterine bush in the Non-Black Earth Region you can get up to 30 or more seedlings, while mother bush can be saved.

Seedlings are planted on the plantation early spring, somewhat earlier than seedlings, according to the 70x30-40 cm scheme. When propagated by dividing bushes, the harvest of green mass and seeds is obtained already in the year of planting, while when propagated by seed, all types of monarda, except lemon, bloom only in the second year of life.

Lemon monarda should be grown only by seedlings, since in winter in the conditions of the Moscow region it freezes.

Open, flat areas should be allocated for monarda. It is undemanding and grows successfully on calcareous soils, especially after predecessors well fertilized with manure ( vegetable crops, potato). Heavy, acidic, highly saline and waterlogged soils are unsuitable.

Preparing the site for monarda begins with digging immediately after harvesting the previous crop to a depth of 25-30 cm.

For digging you should add 5-6 kg of rotted manure, 5-6 kg of peat, 40-50 g of superphosphate and 20-30 g potash fertilizers per 1 m2.

During the summer, 2-3 hand weedings are carried out in the rows to control weeds.

Harvesting of above-ground green mass begins in the mass flowering phase, when the inflorescences and leaves contain the most essential oil.

The cutting of raw materials is carried out no lower than 20-25 cm from the soil surface at the foliage level - in the branching zone of flowering stems. Dry raw materials retain their aroma for up to 2-3 years.

Mature monarda seeds tolerate artificial freezing and frost down to -20°C for 2.5 months in frozen testes on the site. That is why in the spring you can observe numerous shoots of monarda from seeds that fell to the ground in autumn and winter.

Note to the hostess

Tea with monarda

For 1 liter of water, 3 teaspoons of long tea, 3 teaspoons of dried leaves and inflorescences of monarda, 50 g of sugar.

Tea with monarda and cinnamon

For 1 liter of water, 3 teaspoons of long tea, 2 teaspoons of lemon monarda, 1/4 teaspoon of cinnamon, 50 g of sugar.

Soft drink with rosehip and monarda

For 4 glasses hot water 8 tbsp. spoons of dried rose hips, 1 tbsp. spoon of dry monarda leaves, 4 tbsp. spoons of sugar.

Wash the rose hips, crush them, pour them hot water, close the lid, put on fire and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add monarda and leave for 4-6 hours, strain, add sugar.

Apple jam with monarda

10 g of fresh monarda flowers and leaves, 3 liters of light sugar syrup, 3 kg of apples, cut into slices.

Pour monarda into boiling syrup, after 5-10 minutes add apples and cook until tender. Instead of apples, you can use plums, cherry plums, and other fruits.

Spring salad

50 g of fresh young shoots of monarda with leaves, 50 g of green onions, 0.5 eggs, 20 g of sour cream, salt.

Chop the washed and slightly dried monarda shoots and onions, put slices of egg on top, and season with sour cream.

Monarda - aromatic plant, which stands out interesting shape flowers. It is used and how decorative flower, and as a source of essential oil.

Description and application of garden bergamot in landscape design

Garden bergamot is a member of the Yamnotaceae family. Its distribution began in North America. In Europe, Monarda was used as an antiseptic., then began to be grown as a medicinal herb.

The appearance of this herb is a small bush with jagged leaves green. The inflorescences resemble multi-legged insects due to the visually sharp growths on the petals. Perennial grass blooms from mid-summer to its end, and the green leaves remain with early spring to late autumn, which is characterized by slight frosts.

There are several varieties of monarda, each of them has a specific color. Found in nature are red monarda, pink, various shades of purple and white. The stems sometimes reach a length of 1 meter or more.

Fragrant and bright flower finds wide application in landscape decoration. It can be found in private gardens or on huge decorative flower beds. It is often planted separately from other plants because it is self-sufficient and densely flowering. They combine harmoniously various types By color scheme. But less often you can find monarda in combination with other types of cultivated plants.

Combinations in a flower bed are usually quite unusual: a tall bush of garden bergamot is planted next to dwarf flowers. It gets along well with all types of monarda in one flowerbed.

It goes well with garden crops, saving them from pests and fungal diseases. This property is due to the release of essential oil.

Against a background of greenery climbing beans and other climbing crops, bergamot flowers stand out and are shaded. Apply decorative look plants and in the design of beds in rustic style : combine with cereals and other perennial flowering crops.

Features of growing monarda (video)

Varieties of monarda

Scientists count about 15 species of monarda; they are found perennial varieties and annual specimens. The most common are 4 types, which contain subspecies.

This species has a fragrant aroma reminiscent of citrus fruits. Inflorescences can be found in all shades of pink and lilac. Carrying out decorative function, the plant has healing properties, produces large number nectar, which contributes to the intensive production of honey by bees. Also, due to its spicy taste, it is used in cooking. They are consumed both fresh and cooked: in salads and soups, in tea and vermouth.

Medicinal properties are varied: promotes expectoration of sputum in diseases respiratory tract, has a disinfecting quality, and also helps with digestion and appetite disorders.

This species is exclusively decorative, but is often used as a seasoning. It is famous for its citrus aroma, which is... distinctive feature from other monarda flowers. Not picky about lighting: It grows well both in the sun and in light shade; the soil should be moistened regularly. Blue inflorescences will be harmoniously set off by flowers in pink and red shades of other plants.

Monarda double Pink Lace, Panorama

Monarda doublet found on several continents. It can be grown separately from other crops, or you can create entire flower beds in the garden. It is distinguished by the bright red color of its inflorescences, which is why it received the name “red bergamot”.

"Panorama" found in a wide variety of color solutions: All shades of red and purple can be seen on this amazing plant.

"Pink Lace" It is distinguished by purple-pink inflorescences, which are of considerable size. The low bush is resistant to many diseases. Characteristic of leaves dark color, roughness and strong aroma, which is used to flavor beverages.

Monarda hybrida Bergamo, Terry Tale, Citrodera Harlequin and Mahogany

The hybrid monarda variety is a collective concept. It includes forms of flowers obtained by crossing the double and trumpet species.

"Bergamo"- a perennial form of monarda, which pleases with flowering in the first year of planting. It has a compact bush appearance. Inflorescences of pink-purple color can be observed throughout summer season. Resistant to diseases, emitting a delicate aroma, this species will not only give aesthetic pleasure, but will also add good taste tea.

"Terry Tale" is also perennial plant, which tolerates frost well. The stems are quite tall, the inflorescences have a soft amethyst tone. The aroma of flowers is not the usual fragrant, but with notes of mint. It is used to treat diseases, and in cooking, as well as for extracting honey.

"Cytrodera Harlequin"- a representative of a low variety of bush, distinguished by purple-pink dense inflorescences, which are also called “sultans”.

"Mahogany"- a tall (up to 1 meter) plant that blooms from mid-summer until autumn. The dark red petals of the flowers have a characteristic curl at the edges. The inflorescences have medium size, look impressive in fresh bouquets, which can be cut before frost. This variety is used not only as a decoration for the garden, but is also actively used in food in the form of spicy additives, and also does not remain unclaimed and medicinal properties plants.

How to plant mornada (video)

Medicinal properties and contraindications of monarda

Due to its high saturation with essential oils, monarda is valued as medicinal plant. Vitamins of groups C and B were also found in it. Essential oils contribute to the presence of medicinal properties in the bush.

  1. Anti-inflammatory. They treat the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, as well as sore throat.
  2. Antispasmodic.
  3. Antiseptic. Used to treat wounds and abscesses.

It is also possible to use this herb to treat dermatic diseases: acne, seborrhea, fungus. The plant copes well with toxins and removes them from the body; it is also used to treat specialized eye diseases, female organs and respiratory tract.

Monarda can be used to remove nervous tension, and also as a blood preservative. Regular use of the drug helps get rid of atherosclerotic plaques in the vessels. Protects against radiation exposure and strengthens the immune system.

Despite all the available positive qualities, the herb has contraindications: pregnancy and lactation, age under 5 years, individual intolerance expressed by allergic reactions.

Technology for planting monarda in open ground

Growing monarda is a fairly simple process.

  • You need to grow seedlings from seeds. To do this, they are sown in boxes with soil at the end of winter.
  • In spring, seedlings are transplanted into prepared soil. For this you need to choose a place inaccessible to the winds, but at the same time sunny enough. If the bed is in light shade, this is not a problem for the plant; monarda tolerates almost any conditions well.

Preparation takes a small amount of time and effort, and is not particularly difficult: in the fall, you should dig up the area chosen for the bush, carefully removing the roots of other plants, then add a special mixture of fertilizers, which can not only be purchased.

In warm climates, you can sow seeds directly into the soil, but seedling method will guarantee flowering in the first year. The distance between each bush should be at least 0.6 meters. After planting, you need to water the soil with a large volume of liquid.

General rules for caring for monarda

To avoid exposure to diseases, such as powdery mildew, you need to regularly water the bush. If the season turns out to be hot and dry, it is necessary to mulch the soil under the plant. It is mandatory to break through weeds and loosen the soil for better drainage.

It is necessary to feed regularly by special means Monarda. They can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can prepare them yourself by diluting cowshed with water in a ratio of 1:10. And before and after flowering, you need to treat with copper sulfate.

Useful properties of monarda (video)

Collection and storage of flower seeds

The seeds of the plant fully ripen at the end of summer, sometimes at the beginning of autumn. They can be sown immediately into the soil, and can also be collected for propagation of seedlings. But the optimal solution would be to save them for planting after 3 years(most best shoots received after a while). It is better to store seeds in airtight packaging in a dry place, protected from sunlight.

Monarda is a bright flower that comes in a variety of colors. Despite its beauty, the plant does not require any care at all. Combination of bushes different heights will give an effective result when decorating a flower bed, this is what everything contributes to more widespread this flower.

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