What are almonds? How is it used? You will find answers to these and other questions regarding the mentioned product in this article.


What is this called a small tree or shrub that belongs to the Almond subgenus and the Plum genus.

Many people assume that almonds are just ordinary nuts. But in fact, it is just a stone fruit, which in its shape is very similar to the apricot drupe.

Botanical description

What are almonds and what do they look like? This is a shrub or a small, very branched tree 4-6 meters high. The shoots of such a plant are of 2 types: generative shortened and vegetative elongated.

Almond leaves are lanceolate, petiolate and with a long-pointed tip. As for the flowers, they are solitary, with light pink or white petals, one pistil and numerous stamens. They reach 2.5 cm in diameter, and also consist of a red or pink corolla and a fused-leaved, goblet-shaped calyx. The flowers of this plant bloom much longer before the leaves.

Do almonds bear fruit? The nut that we are used to seeing on store shelves is called almond. It is obtained from the fruits of the plant in question, which are a dry, velvety-pubescent and oval drupe with a leathery green inedible and fleshy pericarp.

When ripe, the dry pericarp is quite easily separated from the stone. Moreover, almond nuts have the same shape as the fruits themselves. They are covered with small dimples and also have a groove, weigh 1-5 g and length 2.5-3.5 cm.


Now you know what almonds are. The primary focus of the formation of this plant is located in Western Asia, as well as in nearby regions, including Central Asia and the Mediterranean. Almonds grew in these areas for many centuries BC. Today, the largest plantings of this shrub are located in China, the Mediterranean region, Central Asia, the USA (in particular in the state of California), Crimea, Kopetdag, the Caucasus and Western Tien Shan.

This tree is also grown in warm areas Slovakia (in the vineyards), the Czech Republic and South Moravia.

Almonds grow on gravelly and rocky slopes at an altitude of 800-1600 meters above sea level. It prefers soils rich in calcium. It can be found in small groups of 3 or 4 individuals, at a distance of 6-7 meters from each other.

The plant in question is very light-loving and drought-resistant, as it has a well-developed root system.

(a photo of the bush is presented in this article) in March or April, and sometimes even in February. Its fruits ripen in summer, in June-July. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 4-5 and continues for 5 centuries. Almonds live up to 130 years.

Reproduction of this tree occurs by stump shoots, seeds or root suckers. It carries severe frosts, but with the beginning of the growing season it suffers quite seriously from even minor spring frosts.

Chemical composition

The taste of almonds, or rather their nuts, is known to many. The kernels of this fruit cultivated plant contain a large amount of fatty oils (about 40-60%), proteins (about 30%), mucus, vitamins, coloring components (including carotene, lycopene, carotenoids and others), as well as essential oil (about 0. 6%). By the way, it is almond oil that determines the smell of nuts. It contains linoleic glycerides and oil, which was obtained from unrefined fruits, contains a small amount of myristic and linolenic acids.

Bitter seeds are poisonous. This is due to the presence of amygdalin glycoside in them. After the breakdown of this element, benzaldehyde and glucose are released.

Whole almond kernels have no odor. Only after cutting them, thanks to benzaldehyde, do they acquire a specific aroma.


Almond is a plant that is valued as an early spring honey plant. The flowers of this shrub produce a lot of pollen and nectar. The tree in question is also used as a kind of drought-resistant rootstock for apricots and peaches. In addition, it is often planted in gardens as a soil-protecting ornamental plant.

The seeds are inedible, but very often fatty oil is obtained from them. After purification from amygdalin, this product is used for making soap.

The pulp of these fruits is poisonous. It was once used to cook medicinal water, which was used as a sedative, tonic and analgesic. It was also used to make essential oil used to create perfumes.

Use in cooking

How to use sweet almonds? There are many recipes using these nuts. The seeds of the plant in question are consumed fresh, roasted and salted, and also as a spice during the preparation of various baked goods, chocolate, sweets, liqueurs, etc.

The shells left over from almond seeds are used to improve the color and flavor of alcoholic beverages. Activated carbon is also produced from it.

Almond milk is a traditional cow milk substitute. It is especially in demand among strict vegetarians.

What are they cooking?

For several centuries in Spain, the herbal drink horchata was prepared from almonds. They also made a delicacy called blancmange based on almond milk.

Of the many existing almond-based sweets, they are extremely popular in European countries got marzipan and praline. It should also be noted that whole nuts are actively added to chocolate-coated candies in coconut flakes.

In many countries, macaroons are also especially popular. As for almond cream, it is indispensable in the preparation of many types of cakes, and is actively used as a filling for sweet buns.

In Western countries everything in great demand I use almond paste. It serves as a kind of alternative to high-fat peanut butter.

This nut takes pride of place in Indonesian and Chinese cuisines, in which it is added to a huge number of dishes, including fried poultry, rice, various types meat and so on.

Application in medicine

Than in modern medicine Are almonds good for you? Reviews claim that this is an excellent raw material that is used to obtain fatty oil and seeds. The latter are actively used to create a special emulsion. As for the cake, which is unofficially called “almond bran,” it is used as a medicinal and cosmetic product, as well as to obtain bitter almond water.

It should also be noted that oil is prepared from the seeds of the mentioned plant through cold or hot pressing. It is used not only in the food industry, but also in the pharmaceutical and perfume industries. This product serves as a kind of camphor solvent for injection preparations, as well as the basis for cosmetic and medicinal ointments. Thanks to this additive, creams and other products soften the skin well and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Almond oil can also be administered orally, including to children. It is often used as a laxative. As for the emulsion, it exhibits enveloping and emollient properties.

It should also be said that sweet almond kernels have been used in food since ancient times. folk medicine for such painful conditions as anemia, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, insomnia and migraine. They are also highly effective as an antitussive for seizures. In addition, almond oil is often used internally as a sedative for heart disease, as a remedy that improves appetite, as an anti-inflammatory drug for throat diseases, pneumonia and flatulence, and also externally for bedsores.

A small tree 2-6 (8) m tall. The shoots are bare, reddish-brown; the bark of the branches is gray-brown, of old trunks - almost black. Stipules subulate, small, falling off early. Leaves are alternate, on shortened branches, arranged in tufts, petiolate, 4-6 (9) cm long, glabrous, lanceolate or narrowly elliptic, with a long-pointed, less often obtuse apex and a broadly wedge-shaped base; The edge of the leaf is blunt-serrate. Petioles are 1-3 cm long. Flowers that bloom before the leaves, are solitary, develop on last year's shoots; pedicels 3-5 mm long. The hypanthium is cylindrical, with five broadly lanceolate, obtuse, long-haired calyx lobes along the edge, reaching 4-5 mm in length; five-petalled corolla; petals are wedge-shaped, more or less notched at the apex, white or light pink, 1.5-2 cm long. Stamens numerous; pistil with an upper, sessile at the bottom of the hypanthium, appressed-pilose ovary, with a thin and long (especially in A. communis L. f. dulcis DC.) style and a stigma notched on one side. The fruits are drupes 3-3.5 (4) cm long, oblique or oblong-ovate, compressed, at the apex oblong-pointed or obtuse, unequal, with a deep groove on one side, greenish or brownish-gray, with velvety pubescence. The pericarp is dryish, leathery, about 2 mm thick. The stone is about 3 cm long, from whitish to brown in color, with a strong or rather fragile shell, with a perforated-pitted or deeply grooved shell on the surface. Seeds without endosperm, with a yellowish-brown rough skin, ovoid-elongated, flattened, pointed at the apex, about 2 cm long, bitter (A. communis L. f. amara DC.) or sweet (A. communis L. f. dulcis DC). Contains 1000 “seeds” (seeds) around 1188. Blooms in February - April; the fruits ripen in June - July.
Location. It grows wild in Kopet-Dag, Western Tien Shan, and also in the south of Azerbaijan (Karabakh). It grows on the southern rocky or gravelly slopes of mountains, rising to 800-1600 m above sea level; sometimes forms large thickets. Successfully cultivated in Central Asia, eastern Transcaucasia and Crimea.
Part used. Bitter and sweet almond seeds.
Chemical composition. The seeds contain 45-62% fatty oil (obtained by cold pressing); The oil contains glycerides of oleic (83%) and linoleic (16%) acids and unsaponifiable substances (up to 0.5%). In addition to oil, the seeds contain: glucoside amygdalin C20H27O11N (3-4%); hematin OH; vitamin B2; up to 20% proteins and 2-3% sucrose.

Uses of almonds

Emulsion from sweet almond seeds and bitter almond water from bitter almond seeds are used for pain in the stomach and intestines. Almond oil is used internally as a gentle laxative, and externally to soften the skin. Seed cake (almond bran) is used for cosmetic purposes as a product that softens and cleanses the skin. In pharmaceutical practice, almond oil is used as a base for liquid ointments and an emulsifier. Bitter almond seeds are poisonous. Toxicity is due to the presence of amygdalin glucoside in them. In case of poisoning, drooling, nausea, vomiting, headache, shortness of breath, slow pulse, dilated pupils, general weakness, convulsions are observed, and in severe cases, respiratory arrest with fatal outcome.
Preparations: emulsion, almond oil, bitter almond water.

Fruit almond tree are actively used in cooking, perfumery, pharmacology and folk medicine. They are valued for good taste, rich chemical composition, numerous beneficial properties and high nutritional value.

Almonds - small tree or a shrub of the Plum genus, belonging to the Rosaceae family. Contrary to popular belief, almonds are not nuts, but hard stone fruits. The two most common varieties are sweet almonds (usually used in cooking) and bitter almonds (used in cosmetology). In stores and markets you can find both dried and fried fruits.

The almond tree blooms beautifully and exudes pleasant aroma

Composition and beneficial properties

Depending on the region of growth, the almond kernel contains 35–70% non-drying fatty oil, which includes glycerides of oleic (80%), linoleic (15%) and myristic (5%) acids, as well as proteins, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. In addition, the almond kernel contains: glucose, carbohydrates, carotene, coloring matter, essential oil and the glycoside amygdalin, which gives a characteristic bitter taste.

Calorie content per 100 g: table

What else is in almonds?

Since ancient times, almonds have been used as medicine. It owes its benefits to the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin E, which protects body cells from aging
  • B1 (thiamine), which is involved in metabolism and strengthens the immune system
  • B2 (riboflavin), necessary in the synthesis of hemoglobin
  • B6 (pyridoxine), which improves the functioning of the nervous system
  • B9 ( folic acid), which lowers blood cholesterol levels

The nut also contains many vital trace elements:

  • calcium
  • potassium
  • phosphorus
  • iron
  • manganese
  • magnesium
  • fiber

Almonds have a multifaceted effect on the body:

  1. Improves brain function, strengthens vision and memory.
  2. Normalizes metabolic processes in the body, promotes digestion and normalizes stomach function.
  3. Calms nerves, strengthens the nervous system, improves sleep.
  4. Eliminates headaches, sore throat and cough.
  5. It has a choleretic effect, heals the liver and spleen.
  6. Cleanses the blood.

Regular consumption of almonds cures ulcers, gastritis, and urolithiasis. The benefits are noticeable even with stomatitis, pneumonia and asthma. Thanks to a large number antioxidants, it prevents the appearance of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors. Almonds also have an anticonvulsant effect and help with numbness in the extremities. Almond-based cosmetics are good for skin and hair.

Fried or dried?

The beneficial properties are more pronounced in dried almonds, since heat treatment reduces the concentration of vitamins B and E. In addition, when preparing fried almonds, sugar and other components are often added, making them more nutritious. However, roasted nuts are still rich in microelements and even have one advantage - they are easier to digest and are better suited for those who have digestive problems.

For women

Almonds - faithful assistant for women's beauty and health. Vitamin E in its composition is called the “vitamin of youth” - it protects cells from aging, promotes tissue regeneration, rejuvenates the face and body. 20 g of nuts per day give the body daily norm this powerful antioxidant.

Cosmetics based on almond oil soften the skin, give it elasticity and a healthy color, and prevent the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite. And hair products containing it make hair soft, thick and silky.

Almonds are good for urolithiasis- removes small stones and sand. Eating almonds during menstruation improves well-being and reduces pain, and also helps to recover from blood loss.

Almonds are also good for those who are on a diet. Despite its high calorie content, the fatty acids of almond oil effectively trigger metabolic processes in the body, while at the same time not having time to be absorbed. Easily digestible almond protein can be a good alternative for those who want to give up meat.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Because during this period female body it's important to get everything necessary elements, doctors recommend that expectant mothers (in the absence of an allergic reaction) eat almonds for the entire 9 months, 10–15 nuts every day. Then the body will receive required stock protein and minerals: zinc, iron, phosphorus, folic acid.

It also helps solve the problem of insomnia in pregnant women: it calms the nervous system, promotes sleep soundly. In many situations, almonds are a good alternative to taking pills, for example, in case of headaches.

In addition, many pregnant women experience digestive problems. The fiber contained in almonds helps normalize the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Almonds have a positive effect on fetal development from the earliest months. At the same time, it is important to remember about contraindications and norms of use in order to prevent poisoning or allergic reactions. In each case, it is better to additionally consult a doctor.

Some fear that almonds may be harmful when breastfeeding. There is no need to be afraid of this if you consume almonds in reasonable quantities. Experts recommend snacking on nuts between meals. 30 g per day will be enough for the milk to be enriched with healthy fats and amino acids and become more nutritious. Almonds are great for breastfeeding children who are not gaining weight well.

To make sure that the child will well accept the introduction of a new product into the mother’s diet, it is better to start with a couple of kernels per day and gradually increase their number, but not exceeding the stated norm of 30 g. If the child develops a rash, colic or indigestion, immediately cancel this product! It’s not necessarily an allergy; perhaps the fragile body just doesn’t accept such a high-calorie nut well.

Benefits for men

Regular consumption of almonds is no less beneficial for men. Vitamins and microelements of almond fruits promote energy production, allowing you to better cope with stress, help restore strength and have a positive effect on the nervous system. Almonds are an excellent protection against stress, to which the stronger sex is often exposed.

Since almonds are rich in potassium, they improve oxygen supply to the brain. This makes it especially relevant for the diet of smokers, who should consume fifty grams of almonds daily. And if you are going to drink alcohol, five nuts eaten the day before will significantly ease your hangover the next day.

Regular consumption of almonds also helps to increase testosterone levels, and therefore improves sexual health. In addition, it contains arginine, an amino acid that has a beneficial effect on libido.

Studies have shown that almonds reduce levels bad cholesterol in the blood and give healthy fats, supporting heart health in men. It is also a means of preventing Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.

Medicinal mixtures from almonds strengthen hair roots and help prevent baldness.

Is it possible to give almonds to children?

It is possible and even necessary to give almonds to children, but do not forget about the recommendations on norms and contraindications. Children should not eat bitter or raw almonds, as they may be toxic to them. But sweet almonds for a growing body are a source of many useful microelements and protein necessary for growth.

The abundance of vitamins and minerals contained in the almond kernel has a beneficial effect on bones, skin and hair, strengthens memory, improves vision, helps to cope with stress more effectively and resist colds. All this makes almonds especially relevant for schoolchildren who are constantly faced with intellectual and physical stress.

Harm and contraindications

With all my beneficial properties Almonds still have a number of contraindications and require some precautions when consuming them.

You should not eat unripe almonds, as they contain cyanide, which causes severe poisoning. It is better to refrain from eating raw bitter almonds due to the presence of poisonous hydrocyanic acid in the fruit, which can cause significant harm to the body, including death. You cannot eat moldy or spoiled almonds!

Almonds are a fairly strong allergen. Overeating the fruits of the almond tree can lead to poisoning and various allergic reactions. People with individual intolerance to this product are prohibited from eating it!

Like other nuts, almonds have a high calorie content, so those who are prone to obesity are not recommended to indulge in them. In addition, it is better to exclude almonds from the diet for people with heart disease and disorders of the nervous system.

Almonds are a difficult to digest product, so they are also contraindicated for those with weakened intestines or stomachs.

How to select and store?

It is better to buy large almonds by weight (the size of a five-ruble coin). It is softer, and there is also less risk that you will be sold a mixture with smaller apricot kernels. All nuts must be uniform in color, size and shape. There should be no mold, “rust”, or shriveled fruits. If these are almonds in the shell, check its integrity: there should be no holes or cracks. Fresh almonds always have a pleasant nutty smell.

This is what a whole almond shell looks like

Good decision you will buy almonds in packaging - in this form they are not afraid of the effects of humidity and air. But in this case, you need to carefully read the composition - it should not contain any additional components (syrup, oil, preservatives). If you want to purchase roasted almonds, make sure that only dry roasting was used in the preparation.

Try to choose roasted almonds without sugar coating

If stored incorrectly, the nuts will deteriorate and lose useful qualities, so adhere to the following rules:

  1. Do not store nuts in open containers. Within a couple of weeks at room temperature, the almonds will spoil and go rancid.
  2. An airtight glass jar works well for short-term storage.
  3. For more long-term storage Place the almonds in a bag and place in the freezer. This way it can stay fresh for up to a year.

How to distinguish almonds from apricot kernels?

When purchasing small almonds, it can be quite difficult to distinguish them from apricot kernels

Unfortunately, some unscrupulous sellers sometimes pass off apricot kernels as almonds, so it is important to know how to distinguish them from each other:

  • Almonds are larger and more oblong in shape;
  • The pattern on the almond peel is clearer and deeper;

    The apricot pit is flatter in profile;

    Apricot kernel husks are easily removed, but almond kernels are quite difficult to remove;

    Apricot kernels break easily, almonds are much harder;

  • Sweet almonds taste like hazelnuts, and the apricot kernel has a characteristic bitterness;
  • Apricot nut is lighter than almond.

Thus, almond fruits are a tasty storehouse of vitamins and microelements, which together provide positive influence for the whole body. By following the instructions we give for choosing, storing and consuming almonds, you will protect yourself from possible unpleasant consequences and get maximum pleasure and benefit from consuming this product!

Amygdalus communis L

This is a bush or tree with reddish branches. The homeland of almonds is probably the Caucasus and North Africa, from where its culture spread to Europe. It can be said that it has been cultivated since time immemorial.


It reaches a height of 3–8 m, similar to a cherry tree. The leaves that grow after flowering are oblong, spear-shaped and serrated. The flowers consist of a goblet-shaped calyx and a pink or red corolla. The fruit is a leathery, hairy drupe that splits when ripe. Its surface is smooth or wrinkled.


Currently, the largest almond plantings are in the Mediterranean region, China and America. It is also grown in the warm regions of Slovakia, most often in vineyards, as well as in South Moravia and the Czech Republic in the vicinity of Litoměřice. In the process of long-term selection, a sweet-fruited variant was obtained. Sweet almonds differ from bitter almonds in the absence of amygdalin, which serves as a carrier of the typical almond taste.

Chemical composition and action.

Three varieties are most commonly grown:

1. Bitter almonds (var.attack) contains the glycoside amygdalin, which easily decomposes into sugar, benzaldehyde and highly poisonous hydrogen cyanide. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume bitter almonds without pre-processing them, and in general they should not be eaten by children. For a child, the lethal dose is 10 tonsils, for an adult - 50. During the process of frying, calcining and boiling, hydrogen cyanide disappears.

2. Sweet almonds (var.aulcis) with sweet seed and low amygdalin content. Its spiciness is much weaker. Used when frying fish, especially trout.

3. Brittle almonds (Var. dulcis for. fragilis) with fruits that have thin and fragile shells and sweet seeds.


Sweet and brittle almond seeds can be eaten without prior heat treatment.

Bitter and sweet almonds are used as medicine, in cosmetics, nutrition and as a food. In the pharmaceutical industry, galenic preparations are produced from them.

Bitter and sweet almonds are used in various products from dough, sweets, in the preparation of liqueurs and dishes with a delicate taste. A special place It occupies a place in Chinese and Indonesian cuisine, in which

Common almond(Amygdalus communis L.) belongs to the Rosaceae family. Tree 10 m high, trunk thickness at a height of 50 cm to 65 cm, durability up to 100 years.

The shoots are smooth, green-gray in color, often with an anthocyanin tan on the illuminated side. With strong growth, branches form on the one-year shoot, which in the second year form into twigs, spears, fruitlets, ringlets and May bouquets. The bulk of the flowers are usually concentrated on shortened shoots of 2-3 year old branches. Leaf buds are pointed, flower round, cylindrical, pubescent, arranged singly or in pairs - flower and leaf, three or two flowers and a leaf in the center.

The leaves are oblong-lanceolate, up to 9 cm long, 2.5 cm wide, serrated at the edges, light or dark green, shiny and matte, with up to 6 glands on the petioles.

Flowers with five pubescent sepals and a bell-shaped calyx. Petals 5, rarely more, mostly white, rarely pink color. By the end of flowering, anthocyanin color appears at the base of the petals. Stamens from 18 to 32, style with stigma usually higher than stamens, often curved, pubescent, ovary always pubescent, with one, sometimes with two ovules; in this case there are two seeds in one nut. As an exception, there are flowers with two or more pistils.

In early flowering (December - January) almond plants, flowering is extended, in contrast to late flowering ones, which bloom at the same time as peach. Towards the end of flowering, shoot growth begins; under favorable weather conditions, secondary shoot growth is possible.

After flowering and pollination, the ovary quickly develops into a fruit. 40 days after flowering, the fruits reach their size. Hardening of the nut shell occurs on the 72-80th day; intensive development of the embryo and cotyledons is timed to the same period, which complete their growth on the 83-90th day after flowering.

The fruit is a drupe 10-60 mm long on a bare stalk up to 10 mm with a pubescent, hard, fleshy pericarp, initially gray-green, then yellow with blush, usually cracking along the ventral suture when ripe.

The nut is round, flat to compressed-cylindrical in shape, with a blunt or spike-shaped apex curved upward, with a smooth grooved or sharp keel-shaped ventral suture and with an open or closed dorsal suture. The shell is dotted or short-grooved, smooth or rough, from paper-cracking to stone-hard, from white-yellow in dry climates to dark brown, smooth on the inside.

The seed is a kernel, sweet with traces of bitterness or bitter, covered with a yellow-brown skin. The kernel of bitter almonds is used in cooking as a spice; it is used to prepare almond water, milk and powder in the perfume industry, to obtain fatty and essential oils. Bitter almond cake is poisonous.

Sweet almonds are used primarily in food industry, green - in salted and candied form, as well as for jam; a huge range of confectionery products are made from the mature kernel; the oil is indispensable for a number of medicines and ointments. After squeezing the oil from the kernel, a cake remains, which is also a valuable product. Flour is made from it; which is used in the preparation of medicines and the preparation of cheap varieties of chocolate. The cake is successfully used for fattening animals.

During machine shelling of almonds, crushed shells and shells accumulate in the waste. This waste, after more thorough grinding, is used for livestock feed, as it contains 60% proteins.

Almond gum is a valuable product used in the production of gum arabic glue and is used for dyeing cotton fabrics. Almond wood has a high density, has a reddish tint and is highly polished, therefore it is used for the manufacture of valuable carpentry and turning products.

Almond common by birth from the mountainous regions of Asia Minor and Central Asia. It is cultivated in Mediterranean countries, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, USSR, USA, Argentina, Chile, Australia, and areas of South Africa.

Global almond production is struggling to meet demand. Almonds are almost unknown in East Asian and tropical countries. In the Soviet Union almond As a food product, it is still not widespread, but every year the area under this crop is expanding.

The common almond grows most successfully in a dry climate with short and mild winters, being the most drought-resistant among all nut-bearing plants. However, to obtain the greatest harvest Irrigation is provided in industrial gardens.

Along with drought resistance, almonds have little demand for soil fertility. It grows successfully on crushed stone, slate, clay soils, chernozems, gray soils and even on soils with a significant lime content. Only saline and acidic soils are unsuitable for the normal growth of the almond root system.

Among all fruit crops almonds are the most demanding of light. With dense plantings and shading, broom-shaped plants with elongated oppressed crowns are formed, which become more like shrubs and subshrubs than trees.

Hardiness of almond plants to low temperatures depends on individual varietal characteristics. The predominant number of almond varieties were formed in the past under the conditions of the relatively mild mountain climate of Asia Minor with short winters, so most plants tend to have short winters. winter period peace. It has been established that for almond plants it is enough to obtain a temperature of 0 - 6 ° C at the beginning of winter for 100 hours, after which they only need exposure to active positive temperatures. For the onset of the petal appearance phase, the sum of active temperatures of 1100 °C is sufficient. Calculation of active temperatures is carried out according to the method of Yu. E. Sudakevich by calculating all average daily positive temperatures below 17 ° C.

Early flowering almond plants are more prepared for early frosts and are able to withstand frosts below -15-20 °C in November - December with less damage. Late-flowering plants are more sensitive to the effects of early frosts due to less preparedness, while in the second half of winter they are more hardy and enter the growing season in the spring with less damage.

From one year of age until full fruiting (at the age of 12-15 years), almond plants normal conditions agricultural technologies have high winter hardiness. With age, as the plant is depleted by the harvest and with inappropriate agricultural technology, their endurance decreases.

Sustainability flower buds to frost depends on the varietal characteristics of the plants. In the second half of winter, all early-flowering varieties have a higher percentage of bud death than mid- and late-flowering varieties.

Consequently, the winter hardiness of buds, shoots and the entire tree is determined by the environmental conditions of growth, the readiness of the plant for wintering, the presence of hardening, primarily in flower buds, resistance to provocative winter weather conditions, as well as appropriate agricultural care and varietal feature plants.

In the natural distribution zone, common almonds and most other types of almonds grow in a mountain climate, and the plants are located mainly on slopes of southern exposure, on soils with good soil and air drainage, i.e., their formation occurs in the summer in conditions of insufficient humidity.

The almond root system, due to its formation in crushed stone-cartilaginous soil-forming rocks, is characterized by weak branching of predominantly long cords of the first order. Starting from the third and subsequent orders, more or less branched roots are observed.

In the non-irrigated conditions of the foothill and steppe Crimea, where 320-480 mm of precipitation falls, almond plants summer period tend to stop root growth. With the appearance of available moisture in the soil in September, it resumes, then dies down when the soil temperature in the root zone drops to 5 °C and resumes again with the soil warming up in early spring.

With the onset of soil temperatures above 26 °C, new root formation stops even in the presence of available moisture. If there is no available moisture in the soil, which for almond roots is within 5-6%, the roots stop growing and the plant regulates moisture consumption by accumulating reserves in its roots and wood. If the level of available moisture in the root layer of the soil drops by 2-3%, almond plants experience moisture deficiency, resulting in premature shedding of leaves. If this phenomenon occurs before August and the plants do not subsequently replenish their moisture reserves through rain, irrigation or condensation, plant oppression will occur.

Creation of fruit almond plantations

Favorable areas for almond cultivation are areas where grapes are cultivated without shelter or with partial cover. Returns winter cold with a decrease in temperature once every 20-25 years to -25 ° C and below are not contraindicated for its cultivation. Such zones include the Danube regions of the Moldavian SSR and Odessa region, coastal zone Sevastopol-Simferopol-Chernomorsk, as well as the gentle slopes of Mount Agarmysh near the Old Crimea to Feodosia and Planerskoye. In the North Caucasus favorable conditions for the cultivation of almonds there is in the Krasnodar Territory (Anapsky district). Further to the east, the areas of possible almond cultivation are the Kabardino-Balkarian, North Ossetian and Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republics (arable peaks and slopes of the Kabardino-Sunzhensky and Tersky ridges).

There are many favorable territories for the cultivation of almonds in the Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic, in the Azerbaijan SSR (Absheron, Nukha, Kirovabad zones and the slopes of the Karabakh Highlands). In the Georgian SSR, almonds can be successfully cultivated in the regions of Eastern Georgia. In the Turkmen SSR, the pre-Kopet Dag irrigated territory of the Karakum Canal, as well as the Atrek part of the Caspian Plain, the territory of the Kizyl-Atrek and Gasan-Kul regions are especially promising. In the Kizyl-Atrek region there are lands that can be irrigated by the waters of the river. Atrek in the following tracts located in the modern delta of the river. Atrek: Kurdinsk, Ekkidag, Chat, Yagly-Olum, Kuyuk, as well as in the delta between Chat and Kizyl-Atrek. With the arrival of water from the fourth stage of the Karakum Canal in southwestern zone In Turkmenistan, on the state farms of the Turkmengiprovodkhoz, it is very promising to cultivate almonds along with other subtropical crops and cotton (Northern, Meshed-Missorian and Chag massifs).

In the Uzbek SSR, the Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya irrigated areas are promising, and for rain-fed conditions, the Bostandyk region on the western spurs of the Tien Shan up to an altitude of 1300 m above sea level. m.

In the Tajik SSR, almonds are successfully cultivated in the northern zone of the republic, as well as on the terraces of the Vakhsh valleys and other rivers. In the south of Tajikistan, almond cultivation is possible in the zone of abundant rainfed land up to 1100-2000 m above sea level. m. The Kirghiz SSR, having wild almond thickets, undoubtedly has favorable conditions for its cultivation on numerous arable mountain slopes, for example in the Osh region. and in other areas.

However, it should be remembered that elevated areas, less warmed up in winter, where there is no accumulation and stagnation of cold air in winter and spring, are the most favorable for harvesting. On elevated parts of the terrain, provocative weather occurs less frequently, and absolute minimum temperatures are 8-12 °C lower than in the lowlands. As a result, almond plantings are more productive. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to the choice of land for placing an industrial almond orchard.

In areas where there is no production experience in growing almonds, one should focus on the behavior of apricot and peach species close to almonds. It should be borne in mind that modern varieties of almonds in these areas usually have more stable yields than apricots, since they are less exposed to provocative winter weather conditions and are resistant to the disease Monilia laxa, the spread of which in wet spring kills all flowers and young apricot ovaries .

To create industrial orchards, almond varieties are propagated by grafting on the rootstocks of common almond, peach, and almond-peach.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):