Modern forms of organizing joint activities of junior schoolchildren in Russian language lessons.

primary school teacher

highest qualification category

gymnasium No. 3 of Zelenodolsk RT

Antipina O.V.

For several years, the modern school has needed fundamental qualitative changes in terms of teaching and education. In recent years, there have been big changes in the life of a modern school: curricula are changing; alternative programs and textbooks are being developed and successfully introduced into teaching; 2nd generation standards are being introduced.

The quality of students' knowledge in the traditional education system has long been a cause of widespread concern. The preservation of the traditional lesson, the traditional class-lesson system leads to formalism in assessing the activities of students and teachers, and to the impossibility of solving many vital tasks of teaching and education. Improving the lesson - the main form of the learning process - is intended to ensure the organic unity of education, upbringing and development of students.

In this regard, the problem of getting out of this situation arose in the elementary school.

This solution was seen in developmental education. Of particular importance for developmental education are the results of psychological and pedagogical research conducted under the leadership of L.V. Zankov, V.V. Davydov, D.B. Elkonin. The main objective of initial teaching of these studies is the overall development of students and its close connection with learning.

D.B. Elkonin wrote: “In order for education in primary school to be developmental, it is necessary to take care, first of all, about scientific character.”

Research has shown that introducing primary schoolchildren to the fundamentals of science and mastering a system of theoretical concepts open up the possibility of restructuring the entire nature of a child’s development and forming the ability for theoretical generalization.

Our gymnasium has been working according to the developmental systems of Zankov and Elkonin-Davydov for 20 years.

We believe that qualitatively new content of teaching for younger schoolchildren presupposes qualitatively new forms of learning. The initial form of mastering any cultural content is cooperation. After all, learning is communication, during which the reproduction and assimilation of all types of human activity occurs. We believe that the most important things in the educational process are collectivism and independence.

Therefore, the central task of 1st grade is the formation of motivation for educational activities. The ability to cooperate is the basis of collective distribution activities. Already from the 1st grade, I teach children to help each other, I use situations in which they help their classmates. I introduce children to the rules of teamwork. Children gain some experience working in pairs and groups, and become familiar with the rules and signs. Children already in the 1st grade know how to address each other, express their opinion and attitude towards the opinion of a friend. (Masha wants to know if you agree with her? Do you agree? What other thoughts do you have? Who thinks the same?)

During the lesson, the child conducts a dialogue not only with the teacher, but also with classmates. Often in lessons the following words are heard: “Please contact Nikita,” “You don’t agree with my opinion, but what do you think?” “Whose idea did you find interesting?” etc. Often you have to help your child formulate his thoughts. I paraphrase his statement and ask the child to evaluate its accuracy, for example: “Did I understand you correctly that...?” “You wanted to say that...” At the same time, I think it is important to involve the class “What did Igor mean? “Who understood Yanina’s idea?” and I turn to the author: “Did we understand you correctly?”

Children's successful mastery of the rules and methods of educational interaction is impossible without the systematic organization of pair and group work.

The main signs of student group work in the lesson are:

    The class in this lesson is divided into groups to solve specific educational problems;

    each group receives a specific task and completes it together under the direct guidance of the group leader or teacher;

    tasks in a group are carried out in a way that allows the individual contribution of each group member to be taken into account and assessed.

Collective types of work make the lesson more interesting, lively, instill in students a conscious attitude to educational work, activate mental activity, provide an opportunity to repeat the material many times, help the teacher explain and constantly monitor the knowledge, skills and abilities of the children of the whole class with minimal investment of the teacher’s time.

As already noted, students begin to master the collective form of work from the 1st grade. First, children work in pairs (for example, checking each other's homework in subjects).

When working in pairs, I teach children to listen carefully to their friend’s answer (after all, the child acts here as a teacher), and to constantly prepare for the answer, because they will definitely ask you too (and this is very important for children). Therefore, the rules are always learned. In addition, the student gets the opportunity to once again test and consolidate his knowledge while listening to his neighbor. Learns to speak, answer, prove some point to a friend. A child can do in this lesson or at this moment in the lesson what is not allowed at other times - communicate freely with a friend, sit freely. He really likes this kind of work. He speaks, but the conversation is businesslike. Children are limited by time, so they try not to be distracted so as not to fall behind other groups. It is interesting that, when interviewing each other, child “teachers” often turn out to be more demanding of each other than we are teachers.

But this work also teaches children to sympathize with those who have difficulty coping with the task or cannot cope at all. They try to explain something they don’t understand to their friend and force them to repeat the rule again and again.

The simplest case of collective training sessions can be mutual dictations of students, if each person takes turns working with different partners and performs the functions of either the teacher (dictator and checker) or the student. I conduct mutual dictations in pairs of permanent and rotating members starting from the 1st grade (using, for example, a split alphabet).

For group work, four children sit at two adjacent desks and turn to face each other. As an example, I’ll give you a Russian language lesson. When studying the topic “Vocabulary words” we try to remember the spelling of the word cabbage. There are no rules for writing dictionary words. It is not possible to check them with related words. I suggest memorizing words with the help of associations, and the students’ emotional and figurative memory will actively work. We connect this word with another, play with the associative connection in a poem, riddle or rebus, and the dictionary word has an “adopted relative” who will help to highlight and firmly remember the desired letter in the word. I suggest children find words by analogy that could help remember this word. Working in groups, children do the work on sheets of paper with a marker. Then one child from the group hangs this sheet on the board. The groups got different words to remember. Hare loves cabbage butterfly lays eggs on cabbage leaves, drop– Cabbage loves moisture. In all selected words the letter A stands in a strong position, namely a vowel A I had to remember the word cabbage. Then we get acquainted with the poem from the associative dictionary:

Our garden bed was empty -

Suddenly overnight it grew to A empty!

When to A empty rain has passed,

Grows to A empty is good.

It rained on hundreds of soft paws,

Knocked on A pelki: “K A p–k A n!”

As soon as A p–k A p–k A p" sounded -

TO A empty immediately grow up A la.

TO A empty to A it rained all night

And in the morning he rushed away.

Children make a generalization and conclude that cabbage is written with a vowel A. We do similar work with all the vocabulary words, then the children put their work in a folder.

In 3rd grade, working on the topic “Endings of nouns,” children in groups prove that endings in weak positions in nouns obey the basic law of writing. To check endings, they select groups of words with a strong position in the ending. After discussion, they prove their point of view and come to the conclusion that to check nouns 1 cl. suitable words are star, snake, hand, wall, pine; for words 2nd letter – glass, window, table, horse; for words 3rd letter. – chain, rye, steppe. Then the children compose poems, drawings and put them in a folder.

1) This is ours Earth,

This is ours river.

sparkled steppe, like gold chain.

And the artist painted window,

Where is our village.

2) I once had a dream:

I'm walking along earth.

Next to me horse coming.

Only around us steppe..

We walked for a long time and now river

Wide and deep.

And there is a boat on the shore,

Linked to chain.

And beyond the river housing my,

And in it window And table.

I woke up to write down

Such a wonderful dream.

One of the forms of group work is the game “Stream”. In the stream, children communicate within one row, where 10 students work. For this work, I prepare cards for the lesson according to the number of students in a row. The contents of the cards differ from each other. Similar cards are drawn up for the guys in the second and third rows. So, I have 3 sets of cards, 10 pieces each. Children complete their task, then exchange cards in rows and discuss the work of their classmates.

In the Russian language lesson I work in dynamic pairs with dictations. First, I prepare different dictation texts on the topic being studied. Each student receives one of the texts, different from all others. All students work in shift pairs in the following order:

    one of the working pairs reads the text sentence by sentence, the other writes;

    then another student (the one who wrote before) reads, and the first one, who previously dictated, writes;

    then everyone takes his neighbor’s notebook and, without looking at the card, checks the dictation he wrote;

    open the cards and check the cards a second time (already together);

    the one who made mistakes, under the control of the dictator, makes an oral analysis of his mistakes;

    Everyone writes down an analysis of their mistakes in their notebook.

    They take each other’s notebooks again, look through everything again and put their signatures: “Checked by Ivanov,” “Checked by Petrova.”

After the tasks are completed and each other is checked, the couple breaks up. The released students form new pairs. When choosing a partner to work together, students move freely around the class, forming new dialogical combinations, and teach each other using their task cards.

I use these methods of forms of collective work at individual stages of the lesson. But in lessons of generalization and consolidation of a particular topic, I conduct collective training sessions, using various collective forms of organization throughout the lesson.

After the lesson on speech development “A big ship, a long voyage,” the children had a desire to learn more about modern ships. For this purpose, we visited the shipbuilding museum of the Gorky plant. The guys saw with their own eyes how the beautiful ships that our fellow countrymen are building are standing in the dock. We learned the history of the creation of repair shops and got acquainted with the models of ships produced in our hometown. At the technology lesson, we learned how to make several types of boats using origami techniques. High school students helped them with this. At the end of the lesson, the entire flotilla was launched into the inflatable pool! The children's eyes shone with joy: it was so interesting to work with their older comrades! This work once again proved that collective forms of the lesson influence the following:

    students get great pleasure from classes and feel more comfortable at school;

    cognitive activity and creative independence of students increases;

    the nature of relationships between children changes, indifference disappears;

    children begin to better understand each other and themselves;

    class cohesion increases sharply;

When organizing collective classes, it is important to take into account a number of specific features:

    Each participant in the classes alternates in a unique role of either a “student” or a “teacher.”

    The immediate goal of each participant in classes, both “student” and “teacher,” is to teach everything that he knows or studies himself.

    The activities of each participant in the classes have a distinctly socially useful flavor, since he not only learns, but also constantly teaches others.

    The basic principle of work is that everyone takes turns teaching everyone and everyone teaches everyone.

    everyone is responsible not only for their own knowledge, but also for the knowledge and success of their fellow students.

    complete coincidence and unity of collective and personal, individual interests: the better and more I teach others, the more and better I know myself.

In addition, the guys, doing their part of the work, feel responsible not only for themselves, but also for their neighbor. Students support pair work; they find it more interesting to work together with each other.

Through teamwork, students are able to:

    formulate your point of view;

    find out the points of view of your partners;

    detect differences in points of view;

    try to resolve disagreements using logical arguments.

Collaborative work has some advantages over front-line work:

    different solutions are discussed;

    erroneous options are rejected;

    students are interested in doing things quickly and correctly.

The effect of the collective form of organization of the educational process is obvious:

Both the volume of absorbed material and the depth of its understanding increase;

    less time is spent on the formation of concepts, abilities, skills than with frontal training;

    disciplinary difficulties are reduced;

    self-criticism increases; a child who has had experience working with peers assesses his capabilities more accurately and controls himself better;

    they acquire the skills necessary for life in society: responsibility, tact, the ability to build their behavior taking into account the positions of other people;

    children who helped their friends study have great respect for the work of the teacher;

    the teacher gets the opportunity to really implement an individual approach to students: take into account their mutual inclinations, abilities, pace of work when dividing the class into groups, give groups tasks differentiated by difficulty, pay more attention to the “weak”;

    The educational work of the teacher becomes a necessary condition for group learning, since all groups in their formation go through the stage of conflict relations.

The use of a collective form of organization in lessons makes it possible for each student to progress at an individual pace and contributes to the manifestation and development of each child’s abilities. All this once again confirms the close relationship of developmental education with the collective form of organizing the educational process.

The elementary school operates according to the Federal State Educational Standards of the second generation, a distinctive feature of which is the requirement to organize extracurricular activities for students as an integral part of the educational process at school. Extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO should be understood as activities carried out in forms other than classroom lessons, organized outside of class time, to meet the needs of students for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities. Extracurricular activities at MAOU Lyceum No. 42 are organized in the following areas of personal development:

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“Experience Sharing Speech”

Implementation of PROJECT ACTIVITIES by junior schoolchildren as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards of NEO

rear Congratulations, dear colleagues. My name is Olga Zufarovna. I am the Deputy Director for Educational Management in Primary Schools. Today I present to your attention a report on the topic “Project activities in elementary schools in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of the NEO.” I want to start my speech with the words of the English writer Anna Rogovin

If you want to teach me something,
Let me go slowly...
Let me take a closer look...
Touch and hold in your hands
And maybe taste it...
Oh, how much I can do
Find it yourself!

For the fourth year now, the primary school has been working according to the second generation Federal State Educational Standards, a distinctive feature of which is the requirement to organize extracurricular activities for students as an integral part of the educational process at school. Extracurricular activities within the framework of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO should be understood as activities carried out in forms other than classroom lessons, organized outside of class time, to meet the needs of students for meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and socially useful activities. Extracurricular activities at MAOU Lyceum No. 42 are organized in the following areas of personal development: sports and recreational, spiritual and moral, scientific and educational, social, general cultural, project activities. Extracurricular activities at MAOU Lyceum No. 42 are represented by an optimization model and are carried out through the organization of activities of extended day groups.

Project activities carried out in the associations “I am a researcher”, “Logic”, the purpose of which is to create conditions for students to successfully master the basics of research activities through games,

observations, research, defense of research works, collective travel, visiting sites for research purposes.

Projects various directions serve as a continuation of the lesson and provide for the participation of all students in club work, are reflected on the pages of textbooks, notebooks for independent work and anthologies. Project method – pedagogical technology, the goal of which is focused not only on the integration of existing factual knowledge, but also the acquisition of new ones (sometimes through self-education).

Project – literally “thrown forward”, i.e. prototype, prototype of any object or type of activity.

A child’s research practice can intensively develop in the field of additional education in extracurricular and extracurricular activities. Research activities make it possible to involve different categories of participants in the educational process (students, parents, teachers), creates conditions for working with families, communication between children and adults, their self-expression and self-affirmation, development of creative abilities, provides an opportunity for relaxation and satisfaction of their needs, education mutual assistance, respect for elders.

This is how the idea arose to unite children and adults to teach them research activities.

The “I am a researcher” program is intellectually oriented. It is a continuation of lesson activities and is based on the ideas of the educational system “School 2100”, the methodology and program of research training for junior schoolchildren by the author A.I. Savenkov.

Basic principles of program implementation scientific character, accessibility, voluntariness, subjectivity, activity-based and personal approaches, continuity, effectiveness, partnership, creativity and success.

    The course “I am a researcher” offers the following goals and objectives

Purpose of the program: creating conditions for students to successfully master the basics of research activities.

Program objectives:

    to form an idea of ​​research learning as the leading method of educational activity;

    teach the special knowledge necessary to conduct independent research;

    form and develop research skills and abilities;

    develop cognitive needs and abilities, creativity.

Suggested course of action:

1. Introducing the class to the topic. Compliance with traffic rules.

2. Selection of subtopics (areas of knowledge). Beware of the car. They offer their ideas and thoughts, from which subtopics are formed.

3. Collection of information.

4. Selection of projects. A diagram of a safe route, a drawing competition, a baby book, a performance for students.

5. Work on projects.

6. Presentation of projects. Project protection

The program provides for extracurricular activities, children’s work in groups, pairs, individual work, and work with the involvement of parents. Classes are held 1 time per week in the classroom, in museums of various types, libraries, in the school area. Project activities include conducting experiments, observations, excursions, meetings, Olympiads, quizzes, KVNs, meetings with interesting people, competitions, project implementation, etc. Project activities involve searching for the necessary missing information in encyclopedias, reference books, books, electronic media, the Internet, the media, etc. The source of the necessary information can be adults: representatives of various professions, parents, enthusiastic people, as well as other children.

Technologies, methods that are characteristic of project activities

    level differentiation; some students can only do according to the model, others put forward their own ideas;

    problem-based learning; the teacher does not provide ready-made knowledge; the problem can be stated in the form of a question. For example, - Do you know the traffic rules? Do all people do them? What can be done?

    modeling activities; model the stages of work themselves;

    search activity; searching for information independently, no ready-made knowledge;

    information and communication technologies; computer use;

    health-saving technologies; taking into account the characteristics of the age development of schoolchildren, absence of stress, appropriate workload.

Possible results (“outputs”) of the project activities of junior schoolchildren:

  • herbarium,

    magazine, flip book,

  • collection,

  • music selection,

    visual aids,


  • series of illustrations,

  • directory,

    wall newspaper,

    souvenir craft,

    holiday script,

    study guide,

    photo album,


The program provides for achieving3 levels of results :

First level of results

Second level of results

(grades 2-3)

Third level of results

involves first-graders acquiring new knowledge and experience in solving design problems in various areas. The result is expressed in children’s understanding of the essence of project activities and the ability to solve project problems step by step.

presupposes a positive attitude of children towards the basic values ​​of society, in particular towards education and self-education. The result is manifested in the active use by schoolchildren of the project method, independent selection of topics (subtopics) of the project, acquisition of experience in independent search, systematization and design of information of interest.

involves students gaining independent social experience. It manifests itself in the participation of schoolchildren in the implementation of social projects in an independently chosen direction.

Results program implementation may be presented through project presentations, participation in competitions and olympiads in various fields, exhibitions, conferences, festivals, championships.

    Expected results of the program implementation and criteria for their evaluation:

Must learn

Formed actions

Students must learn

■ see problems;

■ ask questions;

■ put forward hypotheses;

■define concepts;

■ classify;

■ observe;

■ conduct experiments;

■ make inferences and conclusions;

■ structure the material;

■prepare texts of your own reports;

■ explain, prove and defend your ideas.

In the course of solving a system of design problems, junior schoolchildren can develop the following abilities:

    Reflect (see the problem; analyze what has been done - why it worked, why it didn’t work, see difficulties, mistakes);

    Goal setting (set and maintain goals);

    Plan (make a plan for your activities);

    Model (represent a method of action in the form of a model-scheme, highlighting everything that is essential and important);

    Show initiative when searching for a way(s) to solve a problem;

    Engage in communication (interact when solving a problem, defend your position, accept or reasonably reject the points of view of others).

At the end of the program, students will be able to demonstrate:

Actions aimed at identifying the problem and determining the direction of research of the problem;

Basic questions will be asked to which you would like to find answers;

The boundary of the study will be indicated;

A hypothesis or hypotheses will be developed, including unrealistic provocative ideas;

Self-study activities will select research methods;

The study will be carried out sequentially;

The acquired knowledge will be recorded (information will be collected and processed);

The received materials will be analyzed and summarized;

A report will be prepared - a message based on the results of the study;

Organize public speaking and defense to prove your idea;

The exploratory creativity of children is stimulated in 100% with the involvement of parents;

Learn the rules of writing research papers;

An express study, collective and individual, is organized;

The results will be demonstrated at mini-conferences and seminars;

Will be included in the competitive defense of research works and creative projects among students in grades 2,3,4;

“Researcher Folders” will be created for 100% of students to record the information collected;

Ideas about research learning and HOW TO BECOME A RESEARCHER will be formed!

Students' interest in the acquired knowledge they gain in joint creative, research and practical work is intensified.

Conclusion: project activities contribute to the formation of key competencies of students, preparing them for real life conditions. It takes the process of learning and education out of the walls of the school and into the outside world. Thus, the introduction of design and research activities in primary school is certainly important and necessary, since such activities capture the holistic personality of the student and bring to life not only mental and practical skills, but also the cultural and spiritual abilities of the developing person. Project activities of junior schoolchildren lay the foundation for the development of design in primary school.

Natalya Plakhteeva

This academic year, our kindergarten is hosting interesting events where teachers share their experiences. These include holding master classes for teachers and parents of students, consultations, open classes, and presentations of their experience.

Before the presentation, teachers held open classes with children in their groups.

I offer a summary of the lesson that I taught.

Organized educational activity “Journey to the winter forest”

(with young children)

Integration of educational areas: “Cognitive development”, “Socio-communicative development”, “Speech development”.


Create conditions for expanding and consolidating children’s ideas about winter.


Develop children's cognitive activity;

Strengthen the ability to determine the time of year based on characteristic features;

Enrich your child’s vocabulary;

Develop fine motor skills;

Foster a sensitive and caring attitude towards living nature.


Demonstrative material corresponding to the theme “Winter”;

Toys hare, mouse, bear cub;

White paper napkins;

A winter landscape using a special fabric that imitates snow, Christmas trees of different sizes, and made using different types of paper-plastic techniques, a model of a winter mink for a mouse-norushka.

Preliminary work

Conversation based on pictures about the seasons (winter).

Observation of winter phenomena in nature.

Learning songs and nursery rhymes on a winter theme.

Vocabulary work:

Winter, snow, snowballs.

Progress of educational activities

Organizational moment

Educator. A bunny came to visit us from the forest. Let's say hello to him.

Teacher (listens to the bunny). Guys, the bunny invites us to visit him in the forest. The bunny's forest is very beautiful in winter, he has a home there - a mink, he lives there with his mom and dad. The bunny invites us for a walk in the winter forest. Would you like to go for a walk?

Children's answers.

Educator: Since you and I are going into the winter forest, in order not to freeze, we need to dress warmly. Let's show the bunny how we can do this.

Outdoor game:

(perform movements according to the text)

Very cold in winter

The children and I will go for a walk,

I'll put on pants

And although I am small, I have felt boots.

I'll put on a sweater

I'll put on my hat

I'll tie a scarf

And then fluffy, warm, beautiful

Crumbs - I’ll put mittens on my hands.

Educator: So we got dressed, we won’t freeze in the forest. And snowflakes will tell us the way to the forest.

(The teacher and children walk along the snowflakes laid out on the floor and approach a beautifully decorated table with a winter meadow).

Educator. Look what a beautiful winter meadow, everything is white all around, the Christmas trees are all covered in snow. Guys, what can you make from snow?

Children's answers. You can make snowballs and a snowman out of snow.

Educator. Right. Oh, what am I hearing? The bunny told me that he really likes to play snowballs, but he doesn’t know how to make them. Let's show him how snowballs are made.

Finger gymnastics:

One, two, three, four (we bend our fingers,

You and I made a snowball (they make it by changing the position of their palms,

Round, strong, very smooth (show a circle,

And not at all sweet (we shake our fingers,

Once - we'll throw it up,

Two - we'll catch

Three - we'll drop it, and... we'll break it (stomp our feet).

Educator. Guys, look - these are magic napkins, you can make snowballs out of them and play with them.

The teacher hands out white paper napkins to the children.

Educator. To do this, we need to crumple the napkins and make a snowball out of it. Look, I got a lump of snow, and Arina also got a lump of snow, and Syoma, and Artyom... Now let's play with the bunny.

Educator. Well done, we played well! The bunny says that he has a lot of fun with us. He has friends - a mouse and a bear cub, who also want to play snowballs. We, bunny, will help your friends with the kids and make snowballs for them. Let's collect our snowballs and make some more.

The bunny praises you and says what wonderful snowballs we made. Now he and his friends will play snowballs in this clearing.

We visited the bunny and played with him. And now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Shall we take the bunny with us to kindergarten or leave him in the forest with friends?

Children's answers

Educator. Well done guys. Why can't we take a bunny home?

Children's answers

Educator. That's right, in the forest the bunny has a house - a hole in which he lives with his family - mom and dad. The bunny said that he wanted to stay in the forest with his friends - the mouse and the bear cub. He will teach them how to play snowballs.

Educator. And you and I are going back to kindergarten.

(The teacher and children go back the way)

Educator: Here we are in the garden. Did you enjoy our trip?

Summary of the lesson. Questions for children

Where were we today?

Who did we see there?

What were we doing in the winter forest?

Who will the bunny play snowballs with now?

Why didn't we take the bunny home?

A few days later, I (like my colleagues) were asked to summarize and present my work experience at a pedagogical meeting-seminar.

The topic of my speech was “Socio-moral education of preschool children.”

My presentation included:

The purpose of social and moral education of preschool children;

Tasks of social and moral education of preschool children;

Areas of activity;

Forms of work with students, their parents and fellow teachers.

The slides showed:

Educational activities and conversations, museum pedagogy - excursions to the local history museum in our kindergarten, small local history - walks around the territory of the kindergarten, project activities, creative productive activities of children;

Preparation and holding of national holidays both for all kindergarten students and their parents, and for the students and parents of our group;

Non-traditional parent meetings (gatherings, master classes) and photo reports about events;

Consultations and master classes for kindergarten teachers.

And at the end of my speech, I told my colleagues that I had created a blog on the educational portal MaaM. ru in order to acquire new knowledge and exchange experiences with fellow teachers.

And I came not empty-handed, but with a knapsack containing the most important items for me.

I unfolded a multi-colored Russian scarf and took out the books “Tanina Kuban” and “Talashechka”, which my friend and colleague, a teacher, sent me Kiryushatova Tatyana . I often read her fairy tales or tell them to children, they love to listen to them.

Then I took out from my knapsack the well-known Mordovian matryoshka-Erzyan doll, which I gave Galina Grishenkina . I briefly talked about the interesting conversation we had in our group.

The knapsack itself, and even more so its contents, aroused genuine interest among my

colleagues. They really liked this surprise! I hope my performance will too.

Publications on the topic:

Newspaper of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 KV" city of Pikalevo - 1 page. Events. For children, holidays are fun and great happiness. And we are adults.

It has become a good tradition in our preschool educational institution to hold “Literary Living Rooms” for kindergarten staff and parents. This time there was a competition.

1 Presenter: Good afternoon, dear colleagues! We welcome everyone to our KVN - a competition of cheerful and resourceful kindergarten teachers.

All of us who do manual labor with our children almost always use paper, be it applique or paper design.

Republican workshop for teachers of preschool educational organizations within the framework of the Republican Innovation Platform (RIP) PMCPKiPPRO FSAOU HE KFU

Topic: “The work system of preschool educational institutions for the development of the potential capabilities of talented children”



Experience exchange seminar

“Applying Singapore's development frameworks

success in preschool children."

Senior teacher

Highest qualification category

Municipal budget

preschool educational institution

"Child development center-kindergarten No. 1

"Belekach" Almetyevsk RT

Nagaeva Irina Vladimirovna

Progress of the master class

Be as creative as possible. Are you done? Turn to your partner's shoulder and share information about your invention using the time-pace-share structure. Each of you has 30 seconds, partner A begins. Partner B's time. Table #1, participant #3 share the idea of ​​your partner's creative invention and say why it should be created. (interview 2.3 people).

Dear colleagues! Think back to how you imagined new inventions. If you agree with my statement, stand up. You can stand up more than once.

SLIDE 2 - Please 2.1 stand up if you presented this as text first! Thank you, have a seat!

2.2 - Please stand up if you first presented this as a picture, an image! Thank you, have a seat!

Have we ever thought that most, if not all of us, imagine a new idea in the form of a picture rather than text? Today we will sketch your ideas as soon as they arise in your head.

2.3 - Please stand up if what you presented is related to something you already knew! Thank you, have a seat!

2.4- Please stand up if what you presented is a combination of different ideas that already existed! Thank you, have a seat!

2.5 - Please stand up if what you presented is motivated by a desire to solve any problem! Thank you, have a seat!

New ideas are usually a combination of different ideas that already existed. Many of your ideas have been driven by problems you or people you know are experiencing.

We want our students to develop creative problem-solving skills, but why is this so important? SLIDE 3 Can you imagine that in the near future people will not be able to apply for some of the jobs simply because those jobs will be filled by robots? Let's watch a video about new developments and how people's jobs may be at risk?(video) These are ordinary industrial robots. And these are modern robots that can already fold clothes and shake your hand. If cars were able to replace horses in the last century, will new types of robots be able to replace humans in the near future? Look at the car without a driver! Do you want to have a robot that will take care of all the housework? He can do laundry, sweep the floor, wash your hair and climb stairs, and he also knows how much water to pour into the cup so that it does not overflow. And this one is especially cute! In the video we saw how people can be replaced by robots, and this applies not only to manual work. Think about which of these professions will disappear and which will remain in 10-12 years, when the children you teach now start looking for work?(slide show4) . Take a look at the list of professions on the slide, mark those that, in your opinion, will disappear in 10-12 years. You have 1 minute. Let's do a robin round to share our ideas, starting with participant #2.(listen to answers)

SLIDE 5 This data is based on research into how easily worker actions can be broken down into simple algorithms and tasks that can be performed by machines. Let's focus on two professions in the educational field: “Kindergarten teacher” and “Primary school teacher”. Why do you think these professions will remain?(listen to several answers). Why do you think there are no middle and senior teachers, as well as university teachers, on this list?(listen to several answers).If some professions disappear, are others emerging? According to research, companies such as Google, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, which were created more recently, have collectively accounted for more than $1 trillion in market capitalization over the past few decades. Imagine how many employees would be needed to earn that much money? But these four companies employ only 1,500,000 people, far less than the number of jobs disappearing. In-demand professions: multimedia artist, cartoonist, computer game developer, senior graphic designer, etc. What are the consequences of this situation for your students who need to look for work in 12 years?(listen to several answers).

SLIDE 6 We just discussed why creativity is so important. So what is creativity? SLIDE 7 Here is a diagram of creative problem solving. When solving a problem, we need to use divergent and convergent thinking. With divergent thinking, you use your imagination to generate many ideas. In convergent thinking, you use your judgment to judge or select the most appropriate solution options.

Now I will introduce you to divergent thinking. On your tables there are sheets of paper with circles drawn on them. SLIDE 8 You will need to paint each circle to turn it into something new. Each circle must be painted separately, without connecting them together. You have 2 minutes. Your time is up. Joy Paul Guilford is an American psychologist known as the creator of the structure of intelligence model. He has conducted research on intelligence in the areas of memory, reasoning, concentration and creativity, especially divergent thinking.

Let's look at Joy Paul Guilford's creativity assessment criteria one by one.

SLIDE 9 Fluency is a measure of how well your students develop divergent thinking. Those with the highest scores on the Fluency criterion are able to generate more ideas on a given topic. Look at your drawings and count them. Please stand up if you have more than 20 drawings. (offer a number below and above the specified one to determine the participant with the largest number of drawings). Let's give our winner a THR "EXCELLENT", because you have the highest fluency score on this task!

SLIDE 10 The next criterion is “Flexibility” - an indicator of the ability to create a larger number of different types of ideas/answers.

You can measure flexibility by counting the number of categories of designs. For example, you may have different faces drawn, but they will all belong to the same category - face. Other categories could be: wheels, balls, etc. Look at your drawings. Organize your drawings into different categories. Count the number of resulting categories. Now we will compare them within the team. Whoever has the most categories on the team, please stand up. Let's applaud the winner, you have the highest flexibility score for this task!

SLIDE 11 To find out who has the most unique ideas, we look at the "Originality" criterion. Please compare each other's drawings and eliminate the same or similar categories within your team. The remaining circles are the most original ideas within your team. What are they?(listen to some original ideas). Let's do a FIREWORKS CHIR for our winners, you have the highest rate of originality for this task.

SLIDE 12 Next we will evaluate “Elaboration”. Look at your drawings and look for the most elaborate and detailed ones. For example, if you drew a mustache, sunglasses, cap, facial expression, etc. Please look at the drawings within your team and choose the member whose drawing contains the most detail. Let's applaud our winners, you have the highest level of development for this task!

The J. Guilford Creativity Test is a criterion for assessing divergent thinking. It assesses fluency, flexibility, originality and elaboration. As usual, we use positive stimuli in the form of questions, tasks, etc. to encourage children to generate creative solutions. Each of these indicators can be developed through regular practice and should be presented separately.

Let's look at our ability to “see the same thing, but think differently”, using the structure of the SEIM BAT DIFFERENT!

SLIDE 13 Write down 3 different definitions (in one word) that describe this picture. What comes to your mind? Two triangles, a rhombus, a square? These are the exact words you can't use to not just fit what most people think about this picture. Even though everyone is looking at the same picture, use your creativity to look at it differently.

All participants No. 2 take a sheet of A4 paper, fold it in half, tear it along the folded line and give one half to your shoulder partner with a wide smile. Now all participants No. 1 and No. 2 fold their leaves in half and tear them and give one half to their partner in the face. Don't accept a leaf without a smile! Each participant must divide and tear the piece of paper into 3 parts. Each of you take a marker. Look at this picture and think about how else you can describe it. Write one word on each piece of paper. You've got 1 minute left! Great, I see you're done.

Now we will study one of the structures for the development of convergent thinking FIST TO FIFE in order to decide which signature is better.

Fist: no agreement

1 finger – very low degree of agreement

2 fingers – low degree of agreement

3 fingers - average degree of agreement

4 fingers – high degree of agreement

5 fingers – full agreement

Look at the leaves lying on the table. So many ideas! Now carefully arrange the leaves in a line so that everyone can see them clearly. Place sheets of paper with repeating or similar ideas on top of each other in a pile. All participant #2 read out one word after another, all team members, including participant #2, vote on each idea using FIST TO FIFE. You must vote individually for the best title. All participant #2 write down the total number of votes for each idea on a piece of paper. You have 2 minutes.

Slide captions:

MASTER CLASS “Development of creativity in preschool children, with the help of Singaporean structures”



Why is creativity important?

Vanishing professions: Which of these professions may disappear, and which will remain in 10-12 years? Kindergarten teacher Bank operator Proofreader Policeman/detective Sports trainer Pilot Cartographer Butcher Cashier Primary school teacher Secretary Surveyor Pharmacist

Vanishing professions Professions Will Disappear Kindergarten teacher Bank operator * Proofreader * Policeman/detective Sports trainer Pilot Cartographer Primary school teacher Secretary * Surveyor Pharmacist * Butcher Cashier * *

What is creativity?

Key Features of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) DIVERGENT THINKING Expanding your thinking space - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---------- -- Convergent thinking Narrowing the thought process Imagination Judgment


MEASURING CREATIVITY ACCORDING TO J. GUILFORD Highest level: Fluency (most drawings)

MEASURING CREATIVITY ACCORDING TO J. GUILFORD 2.Highest level: Flexibility (most different types of patterns)

MEASURING CREATIVITY ACCORDING TO J. GUILFORD 3.Highest level: Originality (most unique options)

MEASURING CREATIVITY ACCORDING TO J. GUILFORD 4.Highest level: Elaboration (most details in the drawings)

Structure of DIVERGENT THINKING SEIM BAT DIFERANT Write down 3 different definitions that describe this picture in one word. Don't use these words: triangle, 2 triangles, diamond, square

STRUCTURE OF CONVERGENT THINKING FIST TWO FIVE Scale from NO (fist) to YES (5 fingers) FIST - no agreement 1 FINGER - very low degree of agreement 2 FINGERS - low degree of agreement 3 FINGERS - medium degree of agreement 4 FINGERS - high degree of agreement 5 FINGERS - full agreement

I think everyone will agree that an integrated approach to learning English is the most effective. It involves simultaneously studying phonetics, grammar, vocabulary and improving listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. But very often we understand much more than we can say. This is due to a lack of speaking practice. And it’s not surprising, because we often speak English only a couple of hours a week, and then only in class. Language exchange can be an excellent additional experience in using the knowledge acquired in class.

What is language exchange?

Language exchange ( language exchange, you can find the terms conversation/talk/chat exchange) is a great opportunity to practice the language you are learning with a native speaker. The idea is to share knowledge. For example, one of the partners is studying English, speaking Russian, he needs to find a second one who would study Russian and be a native English speaker. There is another option - 2-4 people speaking different languages ​​practice one language being studied.

How does this work?

Very simple! Find an exchange partner and start communicating. If you have just started learning a language, it is better to start with correspondence. This will give you enough time to think about what you want to say and how you want to say it. If you feel that you are ready for live communication, exchange contacts and engage in Skype, Paltalk or any other video chat program.

Where can I find a language exchange partner?

There are many different sites where you can find a language exchange partner, and all of these resources are very similar. First you need to register, confirm activation by clicking on the link received by mail, create a profile, then you can start searching by selecting the “ Search" The search criteria are also of the same type: the language being studied and its level of proficiency, native language, place of residence, gender, age of the partner. After receiving the search results, get acquainted with the profiles, choose the one you like and write to this person. Below are some of the most popular free language exchange sites.

Conversation Exchange very easy to use, following the above instructions, you can easily find an interesting conversation partner. It’s very convenient that you don’t need to go to the website every time to check if someone has written to you, because notifications about receiving a message come directly to your email. Here you can find not only a person for oral communication, but also a pen pal. With its help you can improve your writing skills. Very convenient for shy people! :-)

is a dynamic site where you can find speakers of more than 90 languages. The site is no more complicated than the previous one: register, create a profile. You have your own page, in the left corner you will see the button “ Navigation" By clicking it, you select the language you speak and the language you are studying. Next, press the button “ Apply”, and voila! Find the profile you like and write a message. If you are sure that you would like to continue communicating with this person, add him as a friend and change contacts.

The name of this site speaks for itself - . More than 28,000 people from all over the world are registered in this system. The site also features a forum where you can discuss various topics and exchange contacts. And if you are a super advanced English user and decide to start a career as a teacher, create your account in the “ I'm a teacher” and wait for messages from your future students. Don't forget - the more people you meet, the more likely it is that you will find an interesting interlocutor.

is a wonderful site that not only makes it possible to find an exchange partner, but also offers to learn English through games. The bottom line is that after registering and creating a profile, you can join the games. For example, in the game “ Word Explainer“The rules are simple: you need to guess or explain the word. The team with the most points wins. It’s also nice to have a Russian version of the site. The site is also adapted for social networks, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time registering.

How to make this practice as effective as possible?

  • Plan. Think about what you would like to discuss with your interlocutor, make a list of topics or questions, prepare words on the topic, maybe an outline of what you would like to say. On some sites you can find ready-made plans, but, as a rule, such sites are paid.
  • Treat your partner with respect. Let him also practice the language he is learning. It is best to discuss each topic first in one language, then in another. Alternatively, you can practice Russian for half the lesson and English for half.
  • Remember, this is just communication. Enjoy communication, make friends, enjoy.

I hope this article was useful to you and you decide to try this way of learning, meet wonderful people and improve your English. I will be glad to answer all your questions.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):