The method is based on the use of phytoncides of living vegetation. It is known that plants are able to protect themselves from insect pests with the help of phytoncides. Some types of insects that harm certain types of plants also ignore other types of plants that are poisonous or repellent to them. Widely known repellent property for many garden pests plants such as elderberry, hemp, etc.

Callitorg flies were artificially bred and exposed to radioactive cobalt, which resulted in infertility of the males. In general, the insects were quite viable and were released into the wild. After mating with males, females laid eggs that were unable to develop. The application of this method was crowned with great success on the territory of a small island, and then on larger areas of the mainland.

For other insect pests, a sterilization method is used not by irradiation, but chemically, although the action is similar: they release into nature large number insects that are not capable of producing offspring.

This method is often called American, but it is fair to note that its author, the Soviet geneticist A. S. Serebrovsky, is a professor at Moscow University, a scientist who proposed it for effective fight with insect pests.

Biological bait method

This method became famous not so long ago, and its purpose is to place an extract based on the odorous glands of female butterflies in traps harmful insects. Males of this species, attracted by the scent, will fall into the trap. As you know, butterflies pick up scents over fairly long distances.

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Microbiological or bacterial method of pest control

Found this method wide application on the territory of our country. Its essence is that viruses or bacteria are dispersed into areas of active reproduction of insect pests, as a result of which the insect pests become infected with diseases and die.

Shown good results experiments were carried out in Siberia, when the caterpillars of the Siberian silkworm were infected with bacilli that cause septicemia (rotten blood). A week after aerial treatment of deciduous forests covering an area of ​​about 300 hectares, up to 90% of the caterpillars died.

This method is good because the destructive effect applies only to caterpillars, silkworms and some other types of insects; does not pose any danger to humans, other warm-blooded animals and invertebrates.

The foci of the disease are quite persistent; the corpses and cocoons of caterpillars remaining on the trees for several years served as a source of diseases for the next generations, if they appeared.

This method is used in two ways:

An example of the use of this method is a story that began in the 18th century; red blood aphids were accidentally brought into our country along with vegetation from abroad.

Aphids caused huge losses to apple orchards southern regions countries. In 1931, it was possible to cope with this insect pest with the help of the colonization of the aphelinus parasite, which in a short period of time significantly reduced the number of the pest - blood aphids, so that it practically ceased to be a pest.

Another example: the predatory beetle Vedalia was brought to Transcaucasia in order to overcome the Australian scale insect Iceria. The scale insect came to our country from Australia, and after some time began to cause significant harm citrus trees. The Vedalia beetle contributed to a noticeable reduction in the number of scale insects.

This method involves the use of vertebrates and especially birds - it can be called zoological. Like many others, the method was developed in our country several decades ago. On the basis of nature reserves and on the territory of southern forest plantations, experiments were carried out to attract birds to combat forest pests.

It should be noted that when using biological methods of pest control, it is not nature itself that acts, but the incomparably more powerful anthropogenic factor. Man consciously restructures nature in a direction more advantageous for himself, not taking into account the fact that cyclical, natural fluctuations in the density of varieties of populations of harmful and beneficial species are not preserved.

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Rare video - Dionaea flower eating insects

This is nature’s most natural method of regulating pest numbers. Because for this purpose natural, natural enemies of pests are used cultivated plants. Practice shows that almost every pest has its own enemy, which, sometimes gradually, and sometimes immediately upon meeting, kills its victim.
First of all, we are talking about insectivorous animals and birds, as well as bats and parasitic worms, in particular nematodes, which cause disease and death of pests.
Beneficial insects - entomophages - are divided into parasites and predators.
Parasitic insects seek out and infect the eggs and larvae of harmful insects. For example, the egg-eater Trichogramma parasitizes more than 200 species of harmful insects. In many countries around the world, trichograms are used to combat harmful
butterflies. Trichogramma females lay several eggs in the eggs of the host insect. The emerging larvae live and develop directly in the host’s egg, where they pupate. And from such an egg emerges adult insect. Trichogramma larvae remain in the host’s eggs for the winter, and there are up to several generations of the parasite per year. Scientists have noticed that in nature, Trichogramma cannot significantly reduce the number of pests due to the discrepancy in the timing of development and emergence of adult insects. Therefore, Trichogramma is bred in laboratory conditions and released, for example, into apple orchards during oviposition codling moth.
Or another parasite - tahini flies. Its larvae develop in ringed silkworm caterpillars, apple moth, leaf rollers, moths. There is evidence that tahini flies destroyed more than half of the apple moth population in apple orchards.
Beneficial vegetable and garden predators immediately kill their prey. These also include warm-blooded animals - hedgehogs, moles, badgers, shrews, etc. A whole army of birds - woodpeckers, jackdaws, thrushes, finches, redstarts, flycatchers, warblers - destroy most insects during the nesting period and feeding their chicks.
Amphibians also make a strong contribution to the fight against pests - these are toads and lizards. Spiders, so unloved by many, turn out to be useful inhabitants summer cottages. After all, contrary to popular belief, there are very few poisonous spiders, and they live only in warm southern regions.
And among the insects there are many volunteer helpers - predatory bugs, camel bugs, ladybugs, lacewings, ground beetles, ants, wasps, syrphid flies, blackbird flies, etc. It is worth telling a little about these insects.
Ladybugs are small reddish bugs with black dots on their elytra. Well, who doesn’t know these insects? We probably don’t pay attention to them - well, they sit on the plants, and that’s okay. Meanwhile, these are very useful insects. Their favorite treat- aphids. One ladybug can “suck out” up to seventy aphids in a day, and up to 800 individuals in its entire life. It is not for nothing that in many countries these little helpers began to be specially grown. In Japan, for example, there are special farms for growing ladybugs.
In fact, these are schooling insects, and they live, as a rule, in a certain territory, reluctantly changing place. So in many countries, enthusiastic owners buy entire colonies of these little ones. They release them into the area and can be relatively calm that aphids and copperheads, the main food of ladybugs, will not destroy the crop.
But you need to take into account that ladybugs, like many insect pests, hibernate under the bark and in its cracks, under fallen leaves and other similar shelters. And although one female ladybug can produce a generation of 700 individuals, it is worth paying more attention to the little helpers and not destroying their settlement along with other insect inhabitants.
One more worst enemies hated aphids and copperheads - syrphid flies, or rather their larvae. The flies themselves feed on the nectar of flowers, but the larvae actively hunt pests, mainly in the second half of summer.
Very useful to plant throughout the garden flowering plants dill, celery, carrots - this will attract another enemy of aphids and copperheads to the site - lacewing larvae and small parasites. By the way, copperheads are eaten with great pleasure by predatory spiders. The parasites, feeding on the nectar of flowering celery plants, lay eggs directly into the female aphids, which, of course, significantly complicates their lives, reducing the number of future offspring of the pest. And during the period of their development to adult insects, lacewing larvae destroy up to 600 aphids each.
The riders, in turn, are very interesting insects. They have the ability to find their prey (barbels, horntails) even deep in wood and lay eggs in it. The female runs along the trunk and suddenly stops, sticks the jagged end of the ovipositor into the tree and begins to spin around it. As a result of such “drilling,” the ovipositor can dive to a depth of 4-5 cm and lay an egg.
There are many types of riders, and each one chooses a victim for himself. They can also parasitize adult insects.
Aphids also have another parasite that successfully fights them - aphelinus. The parasite feeds on drops of dew and rain with substances dissolved in it. But as soon as the aphelinus encounters a blood aphid, it sits on its back and, piercing the pest’s cover with its ovipositor, lays one egg. After a maximum of 4 days, the larva appears and begins its development to adulthood, while feeding on the juices and tissues of the aphids. One female aphelinus lays up to 140 eggs during her life and gives 6-9 generations.
It is worth taking a closer look at another very active predator - the spotted bug. Adult insects and grown larvae feed on the larvae Colorado potato beetle, other leaf beetles, as well as caterpillars various types butterflies, including the white American butterfly.
The ground beetle is very dangerous for the gypsy moth and many other harmful insects. For fruit mites, meeting with predatory thrips is extremely undesirable, since they feed on mite larvae, sucking them out.
There are also many parasitic insects that destroy harmful flying, crawling, gnawing, sucking inhabitants of the garden - dragonflies, blackbirds, and some types of ants.
The camel is also a very useful insect; it is also called the “dragon”. There's a reason! Convex eyes on the head with rather strong jaws, an elongated pronotum, similar to the neck of a dragon, a long ovipositor, like a dragon’s tail, and four folding wings - indeed, this insect looks like a dragon. And it flies, making a loud crash. But the length of the camel is only 1.5 cm.
Any gardener will be delighted when this insect arrives in the garden, since insect larvae feed on anything - insect eggs, caterpillars, aphids, larvae. The larvae even penetrate into the passages made by bark beetles and deal with them right there. The development of camel larvae is very interesting - they develop for two years and then pupate. But that's not all: during the pupal stage (which usually occurs in a motionless state in insects), camel pupae can calmly leave their cocoons and run around. This interesting and very ancient insect, during its development, destroys a lot of pests, thereby significantly reducing their numbers.
Strive to create a system of beneficial symbiotic relationships between plants and insects. Dill, watercress, horseradish, celery, fennel will attract bees to your site, as well as other pollinators, trichogramma and others beneficial insects, which will destroy the codling moth.
During the summer, pest butterflies can be tied to the branches of fruit trees and berry plants with bunches of tansy and wormwood. It is useful to leave several large plants of wormwood, hemp and tansy between the trees.

In an effort to protect your garden plot from invasion uninvited guests and at the same time – to protect future harvest, summer residents are selling various methods pest control. Some of them are based on the use of all kinds of traps, others involve the use of pesticides, and others are aimed at creating unfavorable living conditions for pests and preventing the diseases they carry. Let's take a closer look at the main methods of controlling garden pests, which should be adopted by all summer residents who care about their summer cottage.

Basic methods of plant pest control

The list of basic methods for controlling pests in the garden and vegetable garden includes the following:

  • - biological;
  • - chemical;
  • - agrotechnical;
  • - physical and mechanical.

Each of the above methods covers a whole set of measures that make it possible not only to effectively combat plant pests, but also to protect summer cottages from a number of dangerous diseases. Depending on the specifics and scale of the tasks facing the summer resident, these methods can be used both individually and in combination. Usually in practice they are used as needed, alternating one or another procedure, or combining them with each other.

Biological methods of pest control

Among the most famous predators that destroy harmful insects in a summer cottage, first of all, it should be noted such representatives as:

  • - toads, frogs;
  • - hedgehogs;
  • - insectivorous birds;
  • - ladybugs, lacewings, individual species ants.

These methods are based on the use of pesticides - agricultural pesticides used to protect green spaces. In accordance with the characteristics of the object to be processed, the following types of such means are distinguished, namely:

  • - fungicides – drugs used to destroy pathogenic fungi and treat fungal diseases in plants;
  • - insecticides – preparations intended to eliminate harmful insects;
  • - molluscicides – pesticides used to kill slugs and other types of mollusks;
  • - herbicides – preparations whose main action is directed against the growth of weeds on personal plot.

Modern pesticide manufacturers produce their products in various forms - in particular, such as:

  • - emulsion concentrates;
  • - soluble and wettable powders;
  • - dusts for pollination;
  • - preparations intended for application to the soil (granulated powders, etc.)

Agrotechnical methods of pest control

This group of methods includes a whole list of agrotechnical procedures that are extremely important in the system of protecting home gardens. Many of these procedures are aimed at preventing and preventing diseases in gardeners and flower crops, as well as reducing the risk of damage by harmful insects.

Yes, everyone for an experienced summer resident The rules of crop rotation and the conditions for their placement on a personal plot are well known. Many people know that, for example, cucumbers cannot be planted and sowed in the same place where other members of the pumpkin family were grown last year - otherwise, the delicate tropical crop may fall victim to their common diseases or pests.

For the same reason, you cannot plant radishes, cabbage and turnips next to each other, tomatoes should not be planted next to potatoes, gooseberries should not be planted next to currants, and strawberries should not be planted next to raspberries. Take these subtleties into account when planning your site and drawing up a planting plan.

For cultivation, use only zoned varieties adapted to the conditions of your area. For sowing and planting, select only healthy, full-bodied seeds and planting material. After planting, provide seedlings and seedlings full lighting, access fresh air and regular watering - in accordance with all requirements for the cultivation of cultivated crops.

One of the preventive agrotechnical methods of pest control is conscientious and timely tillage of the soil, aimed at destroying the pests living in it and promoting the proliferation of beneficial microorganisms.

It is better to dig up the soil in the spring and autumn, and hill up and loosen the soil around the plantings during the period of egg laying and pupation of harmful insects. It should be noted that also thanks to the high hilling of plants, it is possible to create insurmountable obstacles to pests that from time to time get out of the soil to the surface.

Mulching with peat, covering it with film, pieces of felting felt or remnants of other covering material helps to delay the emergence of pests from the soil - we previously talked about this in the publication “Calendar of work in the garden in March”. Pests caught in such a trap will not be able to get to the soil surface and will die or become victims of ground beetles or other insectivorous creatures.

Do not forget about such aspects as liming the soil and adding fertilizers to it. It has been established that liming acidic soils and the use of ammonia fertilizers in relation to them contributes to the creation unfavorable environment for the development of nematodes, larvae of long-legged flies, wireworms and other plant pests.

Physico-mechanical method of pest control

Despite the intricate name, this method involves the implementation of standard and quite familiar activities to every summer resident - such as:

  • - use of different types of traps;
  • - temperature disinfection of seeds and planting material;
  • - manual capture of pests and their further destruction.

To catch pests of gardening plants - butterflies and flies - for the purpose of their subsequent destruction, traps (containers) are often used, filled with decoctions of leaves and fruits of plants with the addition of yeast and sugar. It is characteristic that each individual pest is attracted by its own specific aroma - for example, the apple moth readily responds to the smell of an alluring apple compote, and the moth readily responds to the aroma of a decoction of currant leaves. When the bait drinks ferment, they are placed among tree branches or placed among plants. Alas, although this method of controlling garden pests is considered widespread, it is not very effective, since few insects are caught in these traps, and some of them turn out to be useful or harmless.

The use of trapping belts (see photo above), which protect fruit trees, is considered more effective. Many types of pests move along the surface of the trunks of garden plantings, rising up into the crown after a successful wintering, and descending down in the summer and autumn to pupate. In this case, catching belts serve in a great way protection, since harmful insects either get stuck in them, or stick to the sticky substance distributed over them, or die from contact with the toxic substance.

The agrotechnical method of controlling pests in the vegetable garden and garden deserves special attention, such as manual assembly their oviposition, larvae, caterpillars and adults. Severely affected plants are also removed from the site and burned immediately.

Inspection of the garden and vegetable garden for nests and shelters of pests is carried out both in autumn and winter. All discovered wintering places are burned so as not to leave the inhabitants who have taken refuge there a single chance of survival.

Biological methods of pest control do not fall outside the normal cycle in living nature, and therefore cannot cause damage to it.

They are used against insect pests natural enemies- insect predators. Many of them live in our areas and destroy pests much more effectively than chemicals, but only more slowly, so we do not notice their work. It would be nice to know our assistants by sight. These are the well-known ladybugs and their larvae that destroy aphids. These are a large ground beetle that eats pest larvae, a tachina fly, a hoverfly, a lacewing and its larva, a scolioid wasp, ichneumon wasps that lay eggs directly into the bodies of caterpillars, trichogramma and others.

Some of predatory insects and ticks were specially brought to us from other countries. They are multiplied and kept in the laboratories of the Institute of Plant Protection. They are mainly used to control insects in greenhouses.

The army of beneficial insects - entomophages - can be increased on your site from year to year, if you do not use chemicals at all or use very limited chemicals (the exception is the biological products "Fitoverm" and "Iskra-bio", which do not destroy beneficial insects). In addition, it is necessary to plant plants on the site that attract entomophages to your garden, in particular legumes and spice crops.

Our friends and helpers are insectivorous birds, primarily tits, which throughout the year clean the garden of caterpillars, aphids, and copperheads. To attract tits to the garden, make tit boxes and tie strips of unsalted lard to the trunks of apple trees. The tits will immediately fly in for a treat, and at the same time they will thoroughly clean the apple tree of pests. Lesser-known birds are also very useful: nuthatches, pikas, redstarts, flycatchers, wagtails. Although starlings are undesirable guests in the garden because they peck berries, they feed them to their chicks huge amount caterpillars

There is another biological method pest control - with the help of pathogenic bacteria that infect insects. These are microbiological preparations.

  1. BTB (“Bitoxibacillin”) is used against cabbage and turnip moths, cabbage cutworms, cabbage and apple moths, Colorado potato beetles, hawthorn, leaf rollers, moths, spider mite on cucumber.
  2. "Dendrobacillin" - against caterpillars, sawfly larvae, codling moth.
  3. "Lepitotsid" - against cabbage and turnip moths, cabbage moths and cabbage cutworms, apple moths, hawthorn moths, moths, leaf rollers, and gooseberry sawflies.

All these preparations contain live bacteria, so they cannot be left to overwinter in an unheated dacha and stored for a long time - the bacteria will die. In addition, the prepared solution cannot be stored.

Remember that these drugs are slightly toxic to bees and humans, so after treatment you should not eat berries and vegetables for five days!

As mentioned above, a good way of protection is to disorient the pests with a smell that interrupts the odors of the host plants. To do this, you can regularly spray the plantings with infusions and decoctions of herbs or a two-week infusion of fermented weeds diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5. Since the smell dissipates over time, these sprayings must be repeated once a week while the pests are infested.

An infusion of pine needles can be used against many pests (aphids, codling moths, strawberry-raspberry weevils

Infusion citrus peels effective against leaf-sucking pests. This solution cannot be sprayed on strawberries.

Infusion of onion peels - against leaf-sucking and leaf-gnawing pests.

Garlic infusion - against leaf-sucking and leaf-gnawing pests.

A freshly prepared infusion from any of the following plants: tansy, dandelion, nettle, burdock, marigold, marigold, yarrow, tomato or potato tops, wormwood - can be used against most leaf-sucking and leaf-gnawing pests.

Planting plants with strong odor among vegetables and berry plants, you will disorient their pests.

  • Basil- against flies and mosquitoes.
  • Marigold(tagetes) - against nematodes, many diseases of roses, tulips, gladioli.
  • Immortelle- against moths.
  • Red elderberry- against flies, mice, rats, codling moth.
  • Black elderberry- against currant kidney mite, gooseberry moth, codling moth.
  • Dahlias- against wheatgrass (plant for 2-3 years in a row in the place of wheatgrass thickets).
  • Delphinium- against most pests of vegetable crops, copperheads, sawflies.
  • Cereals(winter rye or oats) - against nematodes and soil pathogenic fungi.
  • Potato- against pests legumes, cabbage pests aphids, mites, which is why it is good to plant cabbage along the edges of a potato field.
  • Cilantro(koreander) - against mice.
  • Hemp(during the flowering period) - against most apple pests.
  • Onion- against carrot flies.
  • Matricaria
  • Carrot- against onion fly.
  • Nasturtium- against nematodes, rodents and fungal diseases of vegetables, peonies, late blight of potatoes.
  • Marigold(calendula) - against nematodes, aphids, raspberry flies, root rot (fusarium) of peonies, tulips, gladioli, against leaf-eating pests of berry gardens.
  • Tansy- against many apple tree pests.
  • Pyrethrum- against nematodes, mice and rats.
  • Tomato- against cutworms, aphids, moths, sawflies, caterpillars.
  • Radish- against spider mites on cucumbers.
  • Chamomile- against most garden pests.
  • Celery- against cabbage whites.
  • Sweet tobacco- against cabbage and onion flies.
  • Dill- against cruciferous flea beetle.
  • Horseradish- against clubroot, cabbage, turnips, rutabaga.
  • Bird cherry and virginiana- against mosquitoes.
  • Blackroot(seeds) - against mice.
  • Garlic- against aphids, cruciferous flea beetles, spider mites, strawberry-raspberry weevil, ants, many diseases of roses, tulips, gladioli, as well as against late blight of tomatoes.
  • Spinach- against many vegetable pests.


Ways to control pests and diseases

1. Agrotechnical

2. Physical and mechanical

3. Biological

4. Chemical

5.Integrated plant protection system


Methods for controlling pests and plant diseases

Among the measures to ensure the preservation and increase of agricultural crop yields, important place focuses on pest and disease control.

The success of this work depends on the timely implementation of protective measures in combination with preventive and agrotechnical plant care techniques.

Recommendations for protecting crops from pests and diseases are combined under the general name of a system of measures, including various control methods - agrotechnical, mechanical, biophysical, chemical and biological.

The effectiveness of these measures, in turn, depends on the timely detection of plant diseases and areas of spread of the most dangerous pests.

The plant protection service provides great assistance to collective and state farms in carrying out work to combat pests and diseases. Plant protection stations are located in all agricultural areas of our country.

When planning and carrying out measures to combat pests and diseases, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the biology of pests and pathogens, as well as climatic and weather conditions, on which the success of plant protection measures largely depends.

1. Agrotechnical method

Development of pests and microorganisms, causing diseases plants, as well as the development of the plants themselves, depends on the conditions environment.

Timely sowing ensures the most favorable conditions for seed germination and plant development, making them more resistant to damage.

The use of crop rotation with the necessary spatial isolation for crops in some cases eliminates the possibility of their damage, since insects and many pathogens adapted to feed on certain plants die from lack of food when changing crops.

Fertilizers and fertilizing improve the nutritional conditions of plants, which increases their resistance to damage.

The right choice plot, especially when planting perennial fruit and berry plantings, contributes to better development plants, increases their resistance to pests and diseases. It is known that gooseberries and currants planted nearby are more damaged by the gooseberry moth; When potatoes and tomatoes are adjacent, the latter are affected by late blight (potato rot).

Correct fit crops (observance optimal distances between plants) promotes better ventilation area and prevents the spread of diseases such as apple and pear scab, currant anthracnose and many others.

Destruction of weeds that are food base for many pests, and fallen leaves on which microorganisms - pathogens of plant diseases - overwinter, removing dried branches, cleaning dead bark on fruit trees, timely watering significantly prevents the massive accumulation of pests and harmful microorganisms.

However, we should not forget that the effectiveness of the listed agricultural practices largely depends on the timing of their implementation and the development characteristics of each pest or plant disease.

For example, the use of potash or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers increases the resistance of many crops to damage by diseases and pests. Fertilizing carried out before the spread of pests (aphids, cabbage whites on cabbage) reduces the number of plants infested by them.

The quality of seed and planting material and the selection of varieties resistant to diseases and pests are of great importance.

Thus, by changing environmental conditions using various agricultural techniques, it is possible to increase plant productivity, their resistance to damage, and also contribute to the destruction of the wintering stock of pests and pathogens.

2. Physico-mechanical method

The physical-mechanical method of control consists in the direct destruction of pests and pathogens by collecting them manually and catching them with various traps and other devices.

This method is very labor-intensive, however, in some cases it is necessary. For example, if in winter or early spring you do not collect the wintering nests of hawthorn and goldentail hanging on trees, then in the spring the caterpillars emerging from the nests can destroy a significant part of the leaves. The same can be said about scraping onto the litter with subsequent destruction of gypsy moth oviposition and about cutting young shoots with ringlets of ringed silkworm eggs.

To catch codling moth caterpillars, trapping belts are placed on fruit-bearing trees, under which the caterpillars willingly climb to pupate. For the same purpose, in the fall they set up trap heaps of fallen leaves in the garden, where various weevil beetles go for the winter. Late autumn such heaps are burned.

In small gardens, they practice shaking off weevils in early spring onto cloths spread under the trees.

TO mechanical methods control also includes the use of traps and traps against mouse-like rodents.

To catch codling moth butterflies and some other pests, various light traps and electric traps are used. In the fight against strawberry mite, strawberry seedlings are treated in hot water.

In large vegetable farms, thermal disinfection of soil with water vapor is widely practiced.

To do this, in the cultivation room, in the middle of the prepared area, a steam distribution tube is placed in the longitudinal direction, connected by a rubber hose to the steam line. The soil intended for steaming is well loosened and then covered with a heat-resistant film. The edges of the film are secured with bags of sand (size 1m x 12 cm).

Steam (10-110 0 C) is supplied under the film until the soil temperature at the edges of the site rises to 70 0 C. At a pressure of 5 atm, the treatment continues for 10 hours, and at a pressure of 8 atm - 5 hours.

For steaming, you can also use perforated plastic pipes with a diameter of up to 5 cm, which are laid in the soil to a depth of 25-30 cm every 25 cm. The area on top is covered with film. In this case, steaming continues for 6 hours and steam is consumed more economically. Then the pipes from the cooled soil are transferred to new site. They also steam soil mixture, intended for preparing nutritious pots.

Action high temperature also used for disinfection of seed material. Cucumber seeds against viral diseases are dried and heated for three days at 50-52 0 C, and then for 24 hours at 78-80 0 C. Before sowing, they are moistened. Cabbage seeds are kept for 20 minutes. in water at 48-50 0 C, after which they are immediately placed for 2-3 minutes. V cold water.

In the field of biophysics, work is underway on the use of radiation sterilization of insects leading to infertility.

3. Biological method

WITH early spring and up to late autumn In the fields there are predatory ground beetles that destroy eggs, larvae (caterpillars), pupae and adults of many harmful insects. One ground beetle can destroy three to five gooseberry moth caterpillars and up to ten false caterpillars per day rapeseed sawfly, up to 100 gall midge larvae. Larvae and adult ladybugs are no less useful. They actively exterminate aphids, mites, scale insects and other pests. The seven-spotted ladybird destroys up to 200 aphids per day, and little beetle stetorus – up to 210 spider mite eggs. The predatory larvae of lacewings and syrphid flies intensively destroy aphids and their larvae.

In our country, Trichogramma is widely used to combat many types of harmful butterflies, and the predatory phytoseiulus mite is used to destroy spider mites that damage cucumbers in greenhouses.

Phytoseiulus is a heat- and moisture-loving predatory mite. the most favorable temperature for its development is 25-30 0 C and relative humidity air above 70%. Under such conditions, one generation lasts 5-6 days. The female's fertility is 50-80 eggs. per day, adults destroy up to 30 eggs or 24 spider mites per day different phases development. When foci of spider mites are detected in greenhouses, Phytoseiulus is released at the rate of 15-60 individuals per plant.

Phytoseulus is propagated on soybean plants previously infected with spider mites.

Many harmful insects are destroyed by birds (starlings, tits, rooks), as well as moles, shrews and some other animals.

4. Chemical method

Long-term agricultural practice has shown that for successful implementation of plant protection measures it is necessary to use all control methods, especially agrotechnical ones. However, in some cases, the success of pest and disease control is determined by the chemical method. The advantage of the chemical method is its speed of action, the possibility of simultaneous destruction of several pests or pathogens, as well as its high return on investment.

However, we should not forget that the chemical method has its drawbacks even if used ineptly. chemicals can give negative results. Thus, some drugs, while destroying pests, also kill beneficial insects. Leaves strong odors bad smell on processed fruits. Incorrectly formulated solutions can cause burns to plants, etc. Therefore, using chemicals to combat pests and diseases, you should strictly adhere to the established regulations and rules for their use, apply them on certain crops in established deadlines in compliance with concentrations and consumption standards.

With the chemical method, toxic substances are used to control plant pests and diseases - pesticides (“pestis” - infection, destruction; “cido” - I kill).

Depending on the organisms against which pesticides are used, they are divided into the following groups:

insecticides(fozalon, karbofos, dilor) - to combat harmful insects;

acaricides(acres, keltan) – herbivorous mites;

rodenticides(zinc phosphide) – with rodents;

molluscicides(metaldehyde) – with shellfish (slugs);

nematicides(carbation, thiazone) – with nematodes;

fungicides (copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture, captan, tsineb, TMTD. copper oxychloride, formaldehyde) – with plant diseases;

herbicides– for weed control.

Some chemicals have complex effects. They can simultaneously be insecticides and acaricides (phosphamide, antio. metaphos). The preparations nitrafen and DNOC have the properties of insecticides, acaricides and fungicides.

Depending on their effect on harmful organisms, pesticides are conventionally divided into groups: contact action (acrex. keltan. karbofos), intestinal (zinc phosphide), systemic (phosphamide, antio), fumigants and disinfectants (formalin, TMTD).

Fumigants poison the air and enter the pest’s body through respiratory system. Dressing agents destroy pathogens located on the surface of seeds, or protect seeds from contamination by bacteria and fungi found in the soil.

Depending on the physicochemical properties and weather conditions Pesticides are applied by spraying, dusting, and fumigation. in the form of aerosols, poisoned baits or dressings.

Spraying – application of pesticides to plants or insects in the form of solutions, suspensions and emulsions.

Solution– a liquid in which chemicals are completely dissolved (copper sulfate, iron sulfate, soda ash).

Suspension– a liquid in which solid particles of an insoluble drug are suspended (wettable powders of colloidal sulfur, entobacterin).

Emulsion– a liquid mixture in which small drops of liquid (for example, oil) are suspended in another liquid (water) – karbofos emulsion. preparation No. 30. To increase the stability of emulsions, soap, clay, OP-7, etc. are added to them.

The control of pests and diseases of agricultural crops is carried out mainly by the method of large-droplet multi-volume or small-volume small-droplet spraying.

With small-volume small-drop spraying, the size of the droplets is 50-350 microns, the consumption of working fluid in the field is 100-200 l, in the garden - 250-600 l per 1 ha, and with large-drop multi-volume spraying, respectively, 100-600 microns, 300-600 l and 800-3000 l per 1 ha. When spraying with small drops of pesticide, the same amount of pesticide is consumed per 1 hectare as with conventional large-drop spraying, but it is distributed in a smaller volume of water.

In this book, the concentration of drugs in the working fluid is indicated based on large-volume large-droplet spraying.

Pollination – application of pesticides to the plant in the form of a powder (dust), in which poisonous substance mixed with an inert filler such as kaolin or talc.

Aerosol treatment – toxic fog or smoke containing various pesticides (for example, gamma isomer of hexachlorane, etc.). aerosol particle size 1-20 microns. Droplet aerosols - fogs are produced using special aerosol generators.

Solid aerosols - fumes - are produced by burning smoke bombs containing insecticides and acaricides. Currently, aerosols are used to treat greenhouses and other enclosed spaces.

Fumigation – processing of fruit and vegetable storages, greenhouses, etc. toxic vapors or gases that have a detrimental effect on pests and pathogens. To disinfect cultivation premises, a mixture of the following pesticides is used: 2% formalin + 0.3% keltan + 0.5% karbofos (200 ml + 30 ml + 50 ml per 10 liters of water) at a consumption of 1 liter of liquid per 1 m 2. Disinfection is carried out at a temperature not lower than 15 0 C.

If the greenhouses are well sealed, the most effective is fumigation with sulfur dioxide, for which they burn 100 g of sulfur or 50 g of sulfur bombs per 1 m 2 of room. After treatment, the greenhouses are closed for 1-2 days, then ventilated well.

Soil disinfection . Conducted in film greenhouses, greenhouses, as well as in open ground. For this purpose, carbation and other chemicals are used.

Poisoned baits used mainly to control mouse-like rodents. To make them, add to the feed product (grain, etc.) vegetable oil, a toxic substance (for example, zinc phosphide) and mix well. Baits are placed in areas where rodents are concentrated.

Etching – disinfection of seed material with powdered or liquid fungicides against pathogens. TMTD, fentiuram, tigam and others are used as seed protectants for vegetable crops.

5. Integrated plant protection system

Experience in pest and disease control shows that reliable protection cultivation of cultivated plants is possible only with the integrated use of all methods. This requirement is currently met by an integrated plant protection system, which is the highest stage in the development of systems of measures, theoretical foundations which were developed by Russian scientists back in the 30s. The basis of the integrated system is the following elements: cultivation of zoned varieties resistant to diseases and pests; application of a complex of agrotechnical techniques that increase plant resistance; use of biological control agents; rational use of chemicals taking into account the number of pests that threaten yield reduction or deterioration in product quality.

This system is mobile and meaning individual elements composing it depends on the species composition pests and their numbers. An integrated system involves the reasonable use of chemicals, and, above all, those that are least dangerous to humans and the environment. Extermination measures are carried out if the number of pests exceeds a certain level, i.e. becomes a threat to the crop. Thus, in Crimea it is recommended to spray apple trees (after flowering) against fruit mites if their number is three to five individuals per leaf.

This approach to plant protection makes it possible to reduce the use of chemicals, reduce material and labor costs for controlling pests and diseases, and creates favorable conditions for the activation of beneficial fauna.

List of used literature

1. Bey-Bienko G.Ya. General entomology. 3rd ed. reworked -M., Higher School, 1998, 485 p.

2. Gar K.A. Chemicals crop protection. - 3rd edition, revised and additional - M, Rosselkhozizdat, 1998, 147 p.

3. Gorlenko M.V. Agricultural phytopathology 3rd ed. revised. and additional –M, Kolos, 1997, 441 p.

4. Dementieva M.I. Plant pathology. 3rd ed., revised. and additional – M, Kolos, 1997, 372 p.

5. Korchagin V.N. Protecting the garden from pests and diseases. – 3rd ed., revised. and additional - M, Kolos, 1998, 287 p.

6. Plotnikov V.V. Plant protection. 3rd ed. – M, Kolos, 1998, 138 p.

7. Pospelov S.M. Plant protection. 3rd ed. reworked and additional – M, Kolos, 1998, 285 p.

8. List of chemicals and biological drugs control of pests and diseases approved for use in agriculture for 2004 – M, 2004, 148 p.

9. Agronomist’s Handbook on Plant Protection (edited by A.F. Chenkin). 3rd ed. reworked and additional – M, Rosselkhozizdat, 1999, 352 p.

10. Chemical protection plants (edited by G.S. Gruzdev). –M, Kolos, 1997, 376 p.

11. Chemical and biological agents plant protection (edited by P.V. Sazonov) - M, Kolos, 1998, 209 p.


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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):