Why are leaf gall aphids so dangerous for currant bushes? The thing is that these insects mainly love red and white currants; they can cause a lot of harm to representatives of these varieties. Sometimes aphids also attack black currants, but much less often. But the list of food products for such insects goes on.

If the farmer does nothing to destroy them in a timely manner, the colonies become overcrowded in the summer. And then they look for plants that have not yet been touched by insects. These include mint, sage, oregano, thyme, lavender, as well as chistets (a favorite treat for aphids).

Aphids reproduce quite rapidly. Therefore, it is so important to act as soon as possible after detecting the first signs of the presence of insects on the leaf blades of the plant. If time passes and the colonies develop unhindered, the consequences may be sad for your shrubs:

There can be many problems caused by the presence of aphids on your currant bushes. But if you approach the problem with all seriousness, you will certainly appreciate the result.

Life cycle of aphids

Before determining how to fight aphids, you need to understand during which periods of their life activity it is recommended to carry out treatment procedures.

Therefore, it is worth knowing at what time aphids become especially dangerous for your plants, as well as when they are easiest to kill.

Interestingly, such insects survive the winter cold well. They overwinter as eggs on bushes. As soon as spring arrives and the buds begin to bloom on the plant, insects become active. They feed on fresh buds and young shoots. This period of life lasts until approximately July.

When there is nothing left to eat on the bushes, and the insects themselves have grown wings at this point, they leave the currants and move to wild and varietal herbaceous plants. In this case, aphids also prefer juices. All this time, voracious insects not only actively feed, but also give birth to offspring.

Effective methods of control

How to fight aphids on currants? Some farmers prefer professional chemicals. However, it is not always advisable to use them, especially when it comes to the early stages of aphid infestation of shrubs. The best option is traditional methods.

If certain areas of the plant seem too damaged by these pests, spray these areas selectively with chemicals. And only in the most severe cases, hope remains only in the use of professional medications.

  • Inspect plants regularly and remove affected leaves. Then it is best to burn them. At the same time, it is better to carry out this kind of procedure in the spring - this way you can achieve good results, because there are not too many pests on the bush yet;
  • You can also plant plants that repel aphids near currant bushes. These include onions, tomatoes, garlic, parsley, basil, coriander, etc.;
  • Plant plants in your garden that attract beneficial insects, for example, ladybugs and lacewings. What herbaceous plants will cope with this function? These are daisies, marigolds, dill, anise, buckwheat, etc.;

  • As an alternative to chemicals, farmers widely use traditional methods (shrubs are sprayed with a solution of tobacco, liquid soap and ash, or other compounds);
  • The effectiveness of using insecticides has not been canceled, although they are not recommended to be used unnecessarily. The main thing is to spray in a timely manner. The optimal periods for this procedure are the moment of bud break, the end of the flowering phase of the bushes, and also after harvesting.

The best solution for any gardener is, of course, the use of comprehensive measures. Only in this case will you quickly get rid of voracious insects, which, perhaps, have already created entire colonies on currant bushes.

Prevention of currants from pests

From this video you will learn what gall aphids are on currants and how to get rid of them.

Many gardeners who grow red currants have noticed ugly, unsightly swellings on the leaves of this plant in the spring. In appearance, the symptoms resemble a disease, however, this is the “work” of an insect pest, namely the gall aphid. The swellings on the leaves are called galls, hence the name of the pest.

The insect prefers to attack young foliage, which cannot but affect the health of the bush and the future harvest. In the article, we will look at the causes and signs of damage to red currants by gall aphids, find out how this problem can be dealt with, and what kind of prevention will help prevent the attack.

Description and harm

The gall aphid is one of the representatives of a large family of these insects. Currently, gall aphids can be found all over the world - in places where there are berry bushes. This insect prefers red currants, less often white and black. Since under magnification this insect is covered with hairs, it is sometimes also called the “hairy” aphid.

Gall aphid on red currants

Aphids do not live on currants all the time, but only until mid-July: during this period, the insects grow wings and fly away. However, by that time the damage to the bushes has already been seriously inflicted. Let us note that aphids do not fly far - if there is a lot of weeds and weeds around the currant, then the insect will settle well on these plants in order to fly back to the currant bushes in the fall to settle down for the winter.

Video shows what gall aphids look like on red currants:

Aphids also attract other insects to the site - for example, ants. The latter use aphids as a “cash cow”, meanwhile also feeding on the juice of berry bushes. To top off all the dangers, gall aphids often act as carriers of dangerous diseases.

Let us additionally note that currant shoots affected by aphids are unlikely to ever catch up with healthy ones in growth, since their development slows down significantly. But how currants are treated against aphids after flowering, and what products should be used, is indicated

Signs of defeat

What symptoms may indicate that red currants are infected with gall aphids.

Infection by this pest begins with the apical buds, which bloom in the spring. But before the leaves appear, it is usually not possible to detect the insect. When the green mass blooms, you can notice the deformation of individual leaves.

Galls form on the surface of the leaves - characteristic swellings in the form of dense lumps of an orange-red hue, unsightly and disfiguring the entire appearance of the plant.

In addition, young shoots are also deformed, as their growth stops and the petioles become crooked. If you notice these signs, don’t be lazy to look under the bottom of the leaves - you can easily see the insects themselves there. But how to fight aphids on currant bushes, and what products should be used, is indicated in this

How to treat

Let's consider the most effective ways to combat gall aphids on red currants.

Mechanical method

If aphids have just begun their “work” of sucking juices from currants, insects can be collected manually. To do this, it is recommended to carefully inspect the bush and cut off all leaves with the slightest hint of deformation. Pay attention to the lower part of the foliage - it is in these secluded places that aphids sit.

Those leaves that have been removed must be burned. And you certainly shouldn’t throw them out on the site - in this case, re-infection is inevitable.

Traditional methods

Experienced gardeners often use various simple home methods to control pests and prevent diseases. By the way, many of them are very effective, and at the same time they are also natural and harmless. Let's consider several folk methods of combating gall aphids on currants. But how to use Coca-Cola against aphids on currants, and whether this remedy can help, is outlined

Video shows pest control:

Tobacco method

In this case, the currant bush is sprayed with a tobacco solution. To prepare the product, you need to pour 300 grams of dry tobacco leaves with a liter of water and leave for 2-3 days. Then you need to strain the infusion, add a concentrated solution of laundry soap in a volume of 100 grams (tar soap is also suitable).

The resulting concentrate must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 before use, and then sprayed on the bushes.

Marigold infusion

Aphids really don't like these beautiful garden flowers. To prepare the solution in the required concentration, you need to pour half a bucket of carefully crushed flowers with 10 liters of water (hot).

Mustard infusion

When currants are sprayed with mustard infusion, the aphids leave the bush in a hurry. To prepare the solution, you need to pour 25 grams of dry mustard powder with a liter of boiling water, and then leave for 48 hours. After infusion, the concentrate is diluted with 10 liters of water, 50 grams of liquid soap are added to it, and used to spray currants. But how effective mustard is against aphids on currants will help you understand this


Almost all folk recipes against currant aphids include soap. But this substance can also be used separately. To prepare a soap solution, you need to stir 300 grams of laundry soap in a 10-liter bucket of water.


Take 200 grams of spruce needles, chop and boil for an hour in a liter of water. After boiling, the solution must be left for two days to infuse. After this, the solution is filtered, the grounds are separated, and the remaining liquid concentrate is diluted with water in an amount of 10 liters. It is recommended to spray currant bushes with the resulting coniferous solution to get rid of aphids.

It is necessary to spray currant bushes in dry weather and in the evening so that the sun's rays do not scorch the wet leaves. You need to spray thoroughly so that every leaf on the bush is moistened.


To get rid of aphids on currants, a method such as fumigation is often used. This method is good because puffs of smoke, unlike water, are able to penetrate into the farthest corners of the bushes and remove aphids more effectively.

You can fumigate bushes with burnt rubber, tobacco or mushroom. Carry out the procedure before the plant buds open, since then fumigation can have a negative impact on the harvest.

To fumigate with rubber, melt a piece of black rubber from a tire in an old saucepan, and then place this smoking container under a currant bush. The shrub is fumigated with tobacco and mushrooms using a beekeeping smoker.

The fumigation procedure must last at least 3 hours. Only this duration guarantees effectiveness.

Chemical and biological drugs

When the aphids have already noticeably multiplied, it is useless to collect them manually and use gentle folk methods. The time has come to use more aggressive commercial products of chemical or biological origin.

In order for the fight against aphids to be effective, make sure that the drug you choose in the store belongs to one of the following classes:

  • neonicotinoids;
  • pyrethroids;
  • organophosphorus.

But how to use laundry soap against aphids on currants, and how effective this product is, is indicated in this

To provide a long-term positive effect of protection against aphids on currant bushes, it is recommended to use chemicals such as Actelik, Maxi, Vofatox, Confidor or Calypso.

Important: if flowers have already appeared on the currants, it is better to use biological products that can cope with insects without harm to the future harvest.


What measures will help prevent damage to red currants by gall aphids.


Treating currants with a solution of this drug in early spring will help protect the bushes from aphids. Treatment should be carried out before the buds bloom, and should cover the bushes themselves, as well as the space around the trunk area.


Note that this drug is dangerous for the leaves, as it burns them, so it can only be used for a limited period of time. To spray currants, use a solution in 3% concentration. For one adult bush, you need to use half a liter of the resulting solution. But how can you treat berries against bud mites on currants, and what are the best means, this will help you understand


To prevent aphids from ignoring currant bushes, it is recommended to plant plants such as marigolds, chamomile or calendula nearby. Any flowers with a strong scent will do. Aphids also cannot tolerate the smell of tobacco, garlic and onions.



Timely destruction of weeds will help prevent the spread of the pest throughout the area. Take special care to eliminate dead nettles (nettles), since this plant is an intermediate link between aphids getting on currants and their hatching from eggs.


Red currants need timely feeding, watering and other care procedures. In this case, the bush will be strong and healthy and will be able to successfully resist pest attacks.

Watering currants

Pruning currants regularly. It is important to promptly remove old, dried branches and excess growth, since it is in plant debris that aphids can overwinter.


Scalding a currant bush

So, we looked at the features of the fight against gall aphids that attack red currants. As you can see, this insect poses a serious danger to berry bushes, and can also pose a danger to the entire garden by carrying germs and disease spores. Be sure to take preventive measures against this pest, and periodically inspect the currant bushes for galls on the leaves.

What is the leaf gall aphid that colonizes red, white and black currant bushes? This is a small insect about 2.2 millimeters long. It refers to sucking representatives. A favorite delicacy is young growing shoots and currant leaves. Pests live in colonies on the underside of the leaf blade. On areas damaged by aphids, new formations of dark red, cherry or yellow color appear in the form of swellings and tubercles, which are called galls.

Life cycle of leaf gall aphids on currants:

Gall aphids overwinter on currants in the egg stage, which the female lays in the fall on the bark of annual shoots next to the buds. With the arrival of spring and the established positive air temperature, when the buds begin to bloom, the larvae hatch. A wingless generation of hungry aphids is born, which needs to eat something. Young, not yet formed currant leaves and green juicy shoots become the main food source for the pest.

By July, when the growth of currant shoots and leaf blades stops, the gall aphid develops wings and leaves the bushes. The pest migrates mainly to wild and varietal herbaceous plants, where it continues to feed on their sap. Over the summer, more than one or two generations of this pest appear. Surprisingly, aphids, like other insects, are very prolific. By autumn, around September, the pests return to the currant bushes to lay eggs.

Gall aphids pose a particular danger to young currant bushes. Hot weather conditions and the presence of a large number of pests in the garden area can destroy young plants. Damaged leaves and young shoots curl and dry out. On mature shrubs the berries become smaller and plant productivity decreases.

To attract beneficial insects that can significantly reduce the population of gall aphids on currant bushes, it is worth taking care of planting special nectar-bearing plants. It could be marigolds, alyssum.

Ladybugs can be attracted by planting asteraceous plants in the garden: p Izhma; t yarrow; m daisies.

Many insects beneficial to the garden are attracted to plantings of dill and buckwheat. In addition, using special baits, you can force ladybugs and lacewings to live in your garden. To do this, you can spray the plants with Wheast, a product sold in garden stores.

In advanced cases, insecticides are used to protect currant bushes from leaf gall aphids.

Spraying is carried out in three steps:

First produced at the moment of flowering of the currant, when the buds open;

Second- after the bushes have faded;

Third- after full harvest.

Experienced gardeners recommend using natural insecticidal solutions for the second spraying against aphids. Here are some recipes for their preparation:

Tobacco infusion

Shag or tobacco dust - 400-800 gr.

Water - 10 liters.

Laundry soap - 100 gr.

Pour water over the shag or tobacco dust and let it brew for several days. Then the infusion is filtered through cheesecloth and the resulting liquid is diluted with another 10 liters of water with the addition of grated soap.

An infusion of marigolds has proven to be an effective remedy against leaf gall aphids:

Dry crushed marigolds - 12 10 liter buckets

Water - 10 liters

Laundry soap - 40 grams

Marigolds are filled with warm water and infused for 2 days. After which the prepared solution is filtered and grated soap is added. Everything is mixed until the soap is completely dissolved.

And a few more recipes for herbal infusions to combat leaf gall aphids on currants:

Infusion of Red Capsicum

To prepare the concentrate you will need the following ingredients:

Red hot pepper (raw capsicum) - 1 kg;

Water - 10 liters;

Laundry soap - 30-40 grams.

The pepper must be cut and placed in an enamel bowl. Then add cold water and put on fire. After the contents boil, simmer over low heat for about 1 hour. Then let it cool and place in a warm place for several days. Next, filter the resulting concentrate, bottle it, and store it in a cool room.

A working solution for controlling aphids on currants is prepared as follows:

For 10 liters of water, take about 150 ml of prepared concentrate. Grated soap is also added there. For better dissolution, all this can be heated and then allowed to cool.

On my plot there are about a dozen red and black currant bushes that require constant attention. In any case, the pests of this crop do not let you get bored throughout the entire season. And the most annoying of them is aphid.

If I could easily detect these insects on blackcurrant bushes, then with its red-fruited sister the situation was different. On black currants, the activity of the common aphid is noticeable by the folded, wrinkled young leaves on the tops of the shoots, and the pest itself is clearly visible to the naked eye. On red currants, such aphids also appeared periodically, but leaves with strange red bubbly swellings caused much more concern.

When examining such leaf plates, I did not find any insects. I thought that the bushes did not have enough phosphorus, and I fed the plants heavily, but I did not notice the effect of such feeding.

Moreover, the red spots, which initially appeared on the upper young leaves, gradually spread to the remaining leaf blades. Eventually, the affected leaves withered and fell off. This story continued for two years, and during the next harvest, I noticed that the berries on the red currant bushes had become much smaller, and the yield had also decreased significantly. It became clear: the reason lies precisely in these red leaves. And I decided to immediately find out what this attack was and take drastic measures to combat it.

I spent a long time surfing the Internet in search of an answer to my question. At first I was looking for signs of mineral starvation of currants, but then, quite by accident, I came across a note about gall aphids and recognized my currant from the photograph - exactly the same red swellings adorned its leaves!

I don’t trust advice from the Internet much: they all seem to be the same, and one gets the feeling that they were written by people who are far from gardening. In addition, in that note, to combat gall aphids, it was recommended to treat with chemicals, which I do not accept.

I believe that since I grow fruits myself for myself and my loved ones, they should be environmentally friendly. Why then do you need a dacha at all? Fruits and berries filled with chemicals can also be bought at the market.

But still, I was glad to find out what kind of pest was damaging my bushes. Gall aphids are very small in size and cannot be seen with the naked eye. In addition, it settles exclusively on the underside of leaves. Females lay eggs on currant shoots in the fall, and a new generation begins to hatch immediately with the arrival of warm weather, simultaneously with the beginning of young leaves on the bushes to bloom - they become its food.

Later, the insects grow wings and begin to fly to other plants, such as weeds. But in the fall they return to currants again. Moreover, several new generations of this pest appear during the season. It’s not for nothing that my currants began to bear fruit less well - these insects, when distributed en masse, cause very significant damage to the plantings and can even cause their death.

Four successful attacks

So, I decided this time to do without insecticides and try to remove gall aphids using so-called folk remedies.

The fight turned out to be successful: in the first season, when I began to carry out treatments, the number of red leaves was halved, in the second year the red swellings on the leaf blades were already single, and last summer I did not find a single blister leaf! The currants came to life before our eyes and eventually returned to their former yield.

In early spring, during the budding period, I treated the bushes with an infusion of tobacco dust. To do this, pour 0.5 kg of powder into 4-5 liters of warm water, cover with a lid and leave for two days. The contents were stirred periodically. Then I strained it through several layers of gauze, brought the volume of the infusion to 10 liters, added 4 tbsp. l. liquid soap (I used garden green soap) and mixed everything well. The sprayer was filled with liquid and the bushes were treated generously, “from the heart.”

After 10-12 days I repeated the treatment - by this time there were already young leaves on the shoots. But now I used baking soda as a remedy. I diluted 1 glass of powder in 10 liters of water, added soap to make the solution stick, and treated the bushes, paying special attention to the underside of the leaf blades.

Immediately after flowering ended, I sprayed the bushes with wormwood infusion.

To do this, I picked grass from the surrounding area, crushed it, filled a third of a bucket with it and filled it with warm water. The wormwood insisted under the lid for a day. Then I filtered the solution, brought its quantity to 10 liters, added soap and treated the plants.

And the last, fourth treatment - with infusion of tomato tops - was carried out after the currant harvest. I used the stepsons left after forming the tomatoes. The infusion was prepared similarly to wormwood. In addition, throughout the entire season I carefully monitored the cleanliness around the bushes, weeding out all weeds.

I carried out such treatments every season and will now continue to do so every year, despite the fact that I no longer observe signs of gall aphids on my plantings. Because prevention is better than cure.

The gall aphid can also play pranks on black currants, and it still remains a mystery to me why it chose only red ones in my area, although chokeberries grow very close by? In general, if any of the readers have discovered such signs on their bushes, I advise you to take immediate action. To do this, I am sending my photo of the affected currant, taken two years ago, as a visual example.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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