On September 27, the Kirov City Duma of the new convocation elected Elena Kovaleva as the head of the city, and on October 5, the ex-Minister of Finance of the Kirov Region will solemnly assume her new position. However, the formation of municipal authorities will not end there. On October 27, a competition for the position of head of the city administration is scheduled to take place. This post has been held by Alexander Pereskokov for the last three years. In accordance with the city charter, his powers were terminated along with the powers of the Duma of the previous convocation. Until now, not all Kirov residents understand the difference between the head of the city and the head of the city administration. We decided to fill this gap.

  • When did two people start ruling the city at the same time?

    Dual power in Kirov was introduced in June 2005, when a new city charter was adopted. Until this point, there was only the position of head of the city administration, which has been elected since 1996. That is, there was only one mayor and was elected in direct elections by all citizens. Only one person had the status of a popularly elected mayor in Kirov - Vasily Kiselyov. He was elected to this post twice: in 1997 and 2002. In 2005, the positions were divided. According to the new municipal charter, the head of the city became the chairman of the Kirov City Duma, elected from among the deputies. The head of the city administration began to be appointed based on the results of a personnel competition. Vladimir Bykov became the first head of the city in March 2007. Having worked in this post for almost ten years, in September 2016 he left for the regional parliament and became the speaker of the OZS. But during the ten years of its existence, four people worked as head of the city administration: Gennady Plekhov, Georgy Machekhin, Dmitry Drany and Alexander Pereskokov.

  • Why was it necessary to share the position of the head of the city?

    It was officially positioned that municipal government should be divided into two branches in the same way as it was at the federal and regional levels. That is, the head of the city, as chairman of the city duma, must represent the legislative branch, and the head of the administration must represent the executive branch. In fact, the division of functions between two mayors and the abolition of direct elections of the mayor integrated the municipality into the vertical of power and made it more accountable to higher authorities rather than to citizens. Currently, only the governor or a group of city Duma deputies can initiate the resignation of the head of the city or the head of the administration.

  • What is the main difference between the head of the city and the head of the city administration?

    Formally, the highest official of a municipality is the head of the city. According to the city charter, he represents the city in relations with other authorities, signs legal acts adopted by the city duma, and on behalf of the city enters into a contract with the head of the city administration. The head of administration, as a hired manager, has a lower status, but the main levers of city management are concentrated in his hands. It is under his leadership that the city budget is formed and executed, and the head of the city and city Duma deputies only control this process. In essence, the city duma, represented by the head of the city, sets the rules of the game for the city administration, but within the framework of these rules, the head of the administration has broad powers.

    Another important point: unlike the head of the administration, who manages his department alone, the head of the city cannot make any decision without taking into account the opinions of deputies.

  • What powers does the mayor of the city have?

    He represents the city in relations with all other structures, signs legal acts adopted by the city Duma, and enters into a contract with the head of the city administration. At the same time, the head of the city does not choose the head of the administration. The selection of candidates for the position of city manager is carried out by a special competition commission, half of which is formed by the city duma, and the other half by the governor of the Kirov region. That is, the key role in this issue belongs to the deputies and the governor, and not personally to the head of the city.

    The head of the city can also enter into an employment contract with the chairman of the city Chamber of Control and Accounts, demand an extraordinary convening of the City Duma, can receive the population and go to court to challenge decisions of state authorities and enterprises that violate the rights of local government. He is ordered to coordinate the activities of the administration in matters of “strengthening interethnic and interfaith harmony”, monitor the implementation of the rights of national minorities, the adaptation of migrants and the prevention of interethnic conflicts. Plus, a separate line in the city charter stipulates the right of the city head to make decisions on the implementation of municipal-private partnership projects. That's basically it.

  • Does the head of the administration have more powers?

    Much more. As we have already said, the head of the administration is its sole leader. He develops the structure of the mayor's office, forms the staff of the administration and determines the salaries of his subordinates. It is he who appoints and dismisses his deputies, managers and employees of structural divisions of the administration, as well as heads of municipal enterprises and institutions.

    The head of the administration acts as the main manager of budget funds in the execution of the budget, that is, not a single ruble from the city treasury can be spent without his consent. He participates in the development of the draft municipal budget, and after its approval by the Duma, he reports quarterly on its implementation. He is responsible for the organizational, logistical and technical support of municipal elections, as well as for the development and amendment of two key urban planning documents - the general plan and the rules of land use and development. And although any changes to these documents are then submitted to the City Duma for approval, the consent of deputies on these issues is most often formal. It is the head of the administration who issues permits for the construction and commissioning of all capital construction projects in the city, and also carries out the reservation and withdrawal of land plots for municipal needs.

  • Is that all?

    No. The powers of the head of administration can include any of the competencies of the administration itself. And the list of these competencies includes fifty items related to urban management: from managing municipal property and building roads to organizing people's squads and catching dogs. That is, everything that concerns the daily life of citizens: uninterrupted heat, electricity, gas and water supply, transport services, landscaping, garbage removal, kindergartens, schools and cultural institutions, relocation from dilapidated housing, organization of trade, maintenance of cemeteries, liquidation consequences of emergency situations - the head of the administration, and not the head of the city, is responsible for all this.

  • Who is easier to become - the head of the city or the head of the administration?

    The paths to getting to these positions are different. To become the head of the city, you need to be elected to the city duma, and for this you need to have political weight and electoral support. At the same time, no special requirements in terms of experience and competencies are imposed on the potential head of the city. You can even have a criminal record, the main thing is to report it to the election commission. That is, purely theoretically, any citizen who has reached the age of majority can become the head of the city.

    The requirements for the head of administration as the main manager of budget funds are much higher. He must be over 25 years old, with a higher education in the specialty “State and Municipal Administration” or equivalent. The candidate must have at least four years of work experience in government agencies. If you don’t have it, work experience in any specialty is suitable, but not less than five years. Plus, the candidate must have at least 3 years of experience in management positions.

  • Does the competition commission itself decide who will be the head of the administration?

    No. Based on the results of the competition, the competition commission may select several candidates for the position of head of the city administration. The final decision on who to appoint as city manager is made by the City Duma. The head of the administration is appointed for the term of office of the Duma itself, but not less than two years.

  • Which of the heads is easier to lose their position?

    The chances are the same. Both the mayor and the chief of administration have similar restrictions on their positions and the same sanctions for failure to fulfill their duties. Both do not have the right to engage in entrepreneurial or any other paid activity, with the exception of teaching, scientific and creative activities. Both are required to comply with restrictions set by anti-corruption legislation, such as reporting their income and assets and avoiding conflicts of interest in their work. Both are prohibited from having accounts and deposits in foreign banks. For violation of these conditions, both may lose their positions.

  • And who fires them?

    Both the city Duma and the governor can remove the head of the city and the head of the administration from office. The reasons for such a decision may vary. The head of the city may lose his job for inappropriate spending of budget funds, the occurrence of too much overdue debt, for allowing a massive violation of state guarantees of equality of human rights and freedoms, as well as if deputies give his work in this post a “failure” two times in a row. The head of administration may be fired if the terms of the contract are violated.

    Otherwise, the reasons for the termination of the powers of the head of the city and the head of the administration are similar: death or incapacity, leaving at his own request, the entry into force of a court conviction, deprivation of citizenship or leaving for permanent residence outside of Russia. Interestingly, both heads will also lose their posts if the number of voters grows by more than 25% - due to the expansion of the city’s borders or its merger with another locality.

  • What is the legal status of the mayor? The mayor has the right to make decisions and is vested with the appropriate powers to resolve social and everyday issues, including those related to the management of the municipality entrusted to him.

    This could be a city district, a district or regional center.

    These powers are prescribed in the charter of the municipality, approved by the meeting of local deputies.

    In this article:

    Legal status of the mayor

    The mayor of a city or district holds the post of head of the municipality. A mayor may be a citizen who has reached twenty-one years of age on election day. The law does not provide for educational requirements for a candidate.

    Being at the head of the city, the mayor determines the main ways of development of the city territory, represents its interests in relations with the state, region and other municipalities.

    In most cases, the mayor is the people's representative, so he exercises his powers in the interests of the population.

    The mayor usually heads either the local administration or the city council. Its place in the system of local self-government depends on the model of local self-government implemented by the charter of the city or district. The mayor's term of office is usually five years.

    The procedure for forming the position of mayor

    The formation of a candidacy for the head is regulated by regional law and the charter of the municipality.

    There are several options for forming the position of mayor:

    • by election in local elections by the population of the relevant municipality;
    • election as part of a representative body from among its members, as a result of which he simultaneously holds the post of chairman of the city duma;
    • in the absence of a representative body, where the population is less than 300 people, the mayor is elected by the population through a gathering of citizens, as a result of which he simultaneously holds the post of head of the local administration.

    The law prohibits the mayor from simultaneously holding positions in the city duma or local administration, with the exception of a municipality in the form of a rural settlement or an intracity entity of Moscow and St. Petersburg in accordance with the charter.

    Currently, most regions of the country have adopted a law according to which the post of mayor is formed by deputies from among their members, as a rule, in a city district.

    Rights and responsibilities of the mayor

    The mayor’s competence includes resolving the following local issues:

    • representing the interests of the municipality in relations with other local bodies, the region and the state, as well as citizens and organizations of all types;
    • approves the adoption at the local level of regulations on municipal issues by signing and promulgating them;
    • has the right to issue its own regulations in order to exercise official powers;
    • may convene an extraordinary meeting of deputies;
    • in the case of vesting local bodies with state powers, ensures their implementation;
    • annually generates reports on activities provided to the representative body.

    The mayor is subject to the same restrictions and prohibitions as deputies, including as part of the anti-corruption policy.

    Cases of termination of powers of the mayor

    Termination of the mayor's activities may be due to a number of reasons, including early termination:

    • as a result of death;
    • resignation of one's own free will, including for health reasons;
    • removal from office by decision of a representative body;
    • upon removal from office for loss of confidence in the public;
    • if the court has declared him incompetent, missing or dead;
    • as a result of a court conviction for socially dangerous acts committed;
    • when moving for permanent residence outside the country;
    • loss of citizenship, except in cases provided for by international treaties or agreements;
    • carrying out the procedure for voting by voters to recall the mayor from office;
    • for loss of confidence in the President of Russia;
    • as a result of a transformation or change in the form of a municipality.

    Based on the above and if they wish, citizens have the opportunity to change the mayor of their municipality.

    Mikhail Kireev will temporarily act as head of the Krasnogorsk urban district until the decision of the district Council of Deputies; before that, he served as first deputy head of the administration for housing and communal services. This was reported by the press service of the city district administration.

    “The head of the Krasnogorsk urban district, Radiy Khabirov, is leaving his post due to the appointment of the acting head of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Temporarily, until the decision of the district Council of Deputies, the first deputy head of the administration for housing and communal services, M. Kireev, will act as the head of the district.”, - the message says.

    As noted in the message, in the conference hall of the city district administration, R. Khabirov thanked his colleagues and heads of enterprises for their joint work. “We have managed to do a lot in these less than two years to turn Krasnogorsk into the best city in the Moscow region. I am grateful to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov for the opportunity to work in a unique breakthrough team. And of course, I want to thank the Krasnogorsk residents for being with you all During this time, we developed our district, invested our strength and energy. The main task that I now see for myself is to justify the trust of the president and apply all our strength, experience and knowledge to make the lives of the residents of Bashkiria better.", he said. His words are quoted in the message.

    On October 11, 2018, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the early termination of the powers of the head of the Republic of Bashkortostan and the appointment of Radiy Khabirov as acting head of the region.

    / Friday, October 12, 2018 /

    topics: Housing and communal services Vorobiev

    . . . . . He will hold this post until the decision of the district Council of Deputies. . . . . .

    The head of the Krasnogorsk urban district, Radiy Khabirov, is leaving his post due to the appointment of the acting head of the Republic of Bashkortostan. He previously thanked his former boss, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov, for the opportunity to work in a strong, breakthrough and daring team. Khabirov headed the Krasnogorsk city district on March 28, 2017.

    The former head of Krasnogorsk near Moscow, Radiy Khabirov, thanked the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov for his joint work, and also noted that he would try to justify the trust of Russian President Vladimir Putin as head of Bashkiria.

    On October 11, Rustem Khamitov, who had headed Bashkiria since 2010, announced his resignation, sending a corresponding appeal to the President of the Russian Federation. By his decree, Vladimir Putin appointed Khabirov as the acting head of Bashkiria.

    . . . . .

    He also thanked the residents of Krasnogorsk for the fact that together with him these two years they developed the city district, invested strength and energy to make it a leading city in the Moscow region.

    Khabirov was born in 1964, graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Bashkir State University. From 2003 to 2008, he was the head of the presidential administration of the Republic of Bashkortostan, and since 2009, deputy head of the Russian Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy. From March 28, 2017 to October 11, 2018 - head of the Krasnogorsk urban district of the Moscow region.

    The mayor of the Krasnogorsk urban district in the Moscow region, Radiy Khabirov, will take up new duties as acting head of Bashkiria on October 12. This was reported by “ Interfax".

    Tomorrow ", - Radiy Khabirov answered the question of the agency’s journalists.

    According to him, the main task in the new place will be to justify the trust of Russian President Vladimir Putin and improve the life of the population of Bashkiria.

    . . . . .

    On the afternoon of October 11, it became known that the former head of Bashkortostan, Rustem Khamitov, had resigned. He announced his decision at a local government meeting. A little earlier on Thursday, Governor of the Trans-Baikal Territory Natalya Zhdanova and head of the Kursk region Alexander Mikhailov announced their resignations.

    The Bashkir Central Election Commission noted that elections for the new head of the region will most likely be held in September 2019.

    On the evening of October 11, the president signed a decree appointing Radiy Khabirov to the position of acting head of Bashkiria.

    . . . . . Before that, he worked for five years as the head of the presidential administration of Bashkiria, and later became director of the department for interaction with the Federal Assembly and political parties of the Russian Presidential Administration for Domestic Policy in the administration of the head of state. In September 2016, Khabirov voluntarily left the Kremlin administration.

    Head of Administration

    Head of Administration- position of head of the executive power of municipalities in Russia. In a number of regions of Russia, it replaces the position of governor.


    The position of head of the administration of a region of Russia (territory, region, autonomous region, autonomous okrug) was established in August 1991 by President Boris Yeltsin. The heads of administrations replaced the chairmen of the executive committees (executive committees) of the councils of people's deputies. The first to be appointed on August 23, 1991 was Vasily Dyakonov, head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory. In 1991-1993, heads of regional administrations were appointed by the President of Russia; the candidacy of the head of administration had to be approved by the council of people's deputies of the region. In 1994-1996, heads of administrations were appointed President of Russia on the proposal of the chairman Russian government, the consent of regional deputies for the appointment was not required. From 1995-1996 to 2005, heads of regional administrations were elected by direct vote.

    The 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation gave the constituent entities of the federation the right to independently determine the title of the post of the highest official in the region. As a result, the job title head of the region since 1994 gradually replaced by a more prestigious name governor. In colloquial use, heads of administrations began to be called “governors” already in 1991-1992, despite objections that this word should not be used, because there are no provinces in the country.

    In the republics within Russia, heads of administrations were appointed only in exceptional cases: in 1992, Vladimir Khubiev in the Karachay-Cherkess Republic, in 2000, Akhmad Kadyrov in the Chechen Republic. In Moscow, the head of the administration, Yuri Luzhkov, was appointed in 1992 to replace the elected mayor, Gavriil Popov, who resigned.


    Today's position head of administration instead of governor used in the following regions: Lipetsk, Tambov regions. In the Krasnodar Territory and the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the position of the head of a subject of the Federation is designated in the Charter as head of administration (governor)., which allows you to use either of the two names.


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “Head of Administration” is in other dictionaries:

      HEAD OF ADMINISTRATION, in the Russian Federation (see RUSSIA (state)) the head of the executive branch, the highest official of a territory, region, federal city, autonomous region, autonomous district. Unofficially, heads of administration often... Encyclopedic Dictionary

      In the Russian Federation, the head of executive power, the highest official of a territory, region, federal city, autonomous region, autonomous district. Informally, heads of administration are often called governors. Head of Administration... ... Political science. Dictionary.

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    In many countries around the world, state and municipal government systems provide for positions such as mayor and governor. What are their specifics?

    Who is the mayor?

    Job title mayor in most cases corresponds to the position of the head of the executive branch of government at the municipal level - most often a city (in the Russian Federation - ordinary or federal significance, urban district). The mayor’s tasks usually include control over the implementation of the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the territory of the locality, the administration of which he heads.

    In Russia, mayors are the heads of administrations of many largest cities - for example, Moscow, Novosibirsk. The appointment of persons to the position in question is, as a rule, carried out on an elective basis by residents of the relevant locality.

    The head of the executive branch of a municipality is usually not accountable to higher levels of government in the Russian Federation - federal and regional structures, since, according to the Constitution, local government bodies are not subordinate to state ones. But the head of the regional executive branch has the right to dismiss the mayor of a city located in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation.

    Who is the governor?

    Under governor may be understood:

    • in Russia - the head of a federal subject (which may also be a city of federal significance);
    • in Western countries - the highest official of a state or other administrative-territorial unit.

    In the period from 1995 to 2005, Russian governors were elected by the population of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. From 2005 to 2012, regional leaders were appointed by legislative bodies in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the President of Russia. Since June 1, 2012, citizens again have the right to elect their governors.

    If we talk about the history of the institution of governorship in the Russian Federation, it can be noted that it appeared during the times of the Russian Empire. Before the revolution of 1917, the position in question was held by a person who was the head of a province or region. It performed functions such as:

    • ensuring the inviolability of the legitimate rights of the authorities;
    • ensuring compliance with legal provisions;
    • implementation of political governance in the relevant territory.

    In modern Russia, as we noted above, the person holding the post of governor heads the executive branch of government at the level of a subject of the Russian Federation. Thus, this position is part of the system of government. The person occupying it is accountable to Moscow, can be appointed (if there are provisions in the legislation establishing this procedure) as governor or relieved of his functions in accordance with the order of the political center.

    It should be noted that in the national republics the position in question was not widespread. In the relevant constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the head of the executive branch of government is the Head or President. In addition, in some Russian regions, the person holding the corresponding position is called not the governor, but the head of the regional administration.

    Persons heading the executive branch of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation can hold their positions for no more than two terms, each of which lasts 5 years.

    In the United States, the position of governor corresponds to the position of the person who heads the executive branch of government in the state. As a rule, this person has a very wide range of powers - comparable to those possessed by the President of the United States on a federal scale.

    American governors are elected by the population of the states for 4 years. As a rule, the same person can become the head of the executive branch of government an unlimited number of times. But in some states the same governor can be elected only 2 times.

    Many of the American governors become US Presidents. For example, the political careers of Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush developed accordingly.


    The main difference between the mayor and the governor is that the first position, as a rule, is established at the local government level, the second at the regional level. The mayor usually heads the city, the governor - the subject of the federation. But there are exceptions to these rules.

    For example, the head of the executive branch of Moscow, a city of federal significance, that is, part of the public administration system, is called the mayor. In turn, the person heading the executive branch of St. Petersburg - another Russian city of federal significance - is called the governor.

    According to the Constitution, Russian mayors are not accountable to government bodies - but can be removed from their positions with their direct participation. Governors, in turn, are accountable to federal structures. In addition, the political center has the right to relieve them from their duties.

    Having determined what the difference is between the mayor and the governor, we will record the conclusions in the table.

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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      THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

      • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have been motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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          What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

    • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):