In modern life, garden plots are used by homeowners mainly for the purpose of a comfortable break from the everyday hustle and bustle and a pleasant pastime. And who would refuse deliciously prepared food cooked right in the barbecue area in the country?! Every owner of a personal plot will not miss the opportunity to invite his family or a cheerful group of friends to a delicious dinner. But setting up such an area is not so difficult. The main thing is to take this issue seriously and you will succeed!

Why are barbecue areas set up in a country house?

In other words, a barbecue oven is an ordinary version of a fireplace that is installed outdoors. But its main function in this case is to cook delicious dishes directly on the fire! An additional, but no less important function is that the whole family or close friends gather together to prepare a variety of dishes on the barbecue. is a company that has been building barbecue ovens for more than 10 years; more than a hundred ready-made barbecue projects are presented on the website. Low prices and post-warranty service.

Compared to a barbecue, such a stove can be used even in bad weather, since the fire is protected from winds and rain, and besides, during cooking you can be right next to the device without worrying about your own safety. In addition, a barbecue area on your property will perfectly decorate its exterior!

Organizing a barbecue area with your own hands

The place in which you decide to install a stationary barbecue should be carefully considered. Of course, it is best to deal with this issue at the stage of arranging the entire landscaped exterior of your suburban area.

In general, the conditions are such that the stove should be installed so that it fits perfectly into the overall design of the entire site, taking into account the architecture of the buildings. It is also important that there are paths to this area for your comfort!

It is best for the barbecue area to be located near a gazebo or any other type of canopy. This will allow you to shelter in case of bad weather, and the party will not need to be canceled or rescheduled.

You can also follow some rules when choosing a suitable place to place a barbecue:

  • Smoke should not enter the playground with children, as well as the recreation area, so that everyone can breathe and be there comfortably.
  • The open version of the stove does not need to be placed very close to the house.
  • Also, there should be no trees or bushes very close to the stove.
  • To prevent the lawn from getting trampled quickly, you should not place a barbecue on it. It is best to install it on an area equipped with stones, bricks or tiles.
  • Also, do not install the stove near a fence leading to neighbors.
  • Be careful that there is no fuel near the stove.

It would be a good idea to take care of the lighting of this area. Here you can already fantasize as soon as your heart desires!

How to design a barbecue area?

You've probably already seen the selected photos of the barbecue area, and noticed that they can be decorated in a very interesting, comfortable and convenient way. So why don’t you create such a secluded corner where you could create masterpieces of culinary art, surprising every visitor to your home!

Of course, it is unconditional that this zone should be harmoniously designed with other buildings on your site. Naturally, if you use stone cladding, and also have paths laid out of it, it would be logical to decorate the barbecue area using this material. Then everything will be very harmonious.

There may be such an arrangement when the stove is installed on a platform made of natural wood, or maybe on the flooring. Then the barbecue area can be organized with wood. But in this case, it is important to take into account the nuance of fire hazard!

The clinker or ordinary version of the brick also looks original and unusually beautiful. With its help, the territory can be improved in the most unusual and beautiful ways.

In the case of a plastered, painted facade of the building, it is logical to decorate the recreation area, as well as the barbecue, in the same style.

By the way, a stationary barbecue oven can even be installed on the roof of a house or in the backyard. But this option is, so to speak, a backup option. It can be used if you are a fan of family or noisy gatherings and like to cook over the fire, but you simply don’t have a large area near your house. Always remember to keep a fire extinguisher in the barbecue area and monitor its expiration date.

The barbecue area in the backyard is very beautiful to decorate in snow-white color.

In general, you can be creative, use your own imagination or turn to a professional designer so that your backyard area is simply unique and original!

If you have a dacha, it is better to cook and eat barbecue and other similar dishes in comfort and in a designated place. For convenience, separate a piece of land on your site for a barbecue and enjoy your vacation.

Places where you should not install a grill or barbecue

It is advisable to exclude the toilet, trash container, compost heap and other unpleasant things from sight. It is not advisable to choose a place near the road, dog house or playground for children. Approach the task with taste, let the view of the beautiful surroundings, a river or just a beautiful vineyard open up when preparing food.

Of course, it is a very bad option to put a barbecue near a wooden fence, building or parking lot. Also, the heat will most likely dry out the grass, leaves of nearby trees and flowers. Pay special attention to the location of the barbecue away from flammable materials.

You need to know which way the wind blows most often in your area. The area for the barbecue should be arranged so that smoke and fumes from the barbecue do not fly into the windows of either you or your neighbors. Also consider that you will be cooking mostly during the day, which means try to place the cooking area in the shade. For those who like to cook after sunset, the last piece of advice is clearly superfluous.

Setting up a barbecue area

If you leave compacted soil under the grill, then in the rain or spring there will be a swamp and mud. It is best to pave the area with fire-resistant material. Anything from ordinary stones to concrete tiles and clinker will do.

If you place the barbecue in the corner of your site, then the platform under it can be raised by 25-40cm and the edges reinforced with a wall of stones or bricks. And by increasing the wall in some places, you will get excellent seats. It is better to deepen the frying zone in order to make it windproof. Seats around the grill will create coziness and comfortable conditions for cooking.

Don't forget to take into account that the fireplace needs easy access. Sometimes this is access from one side, for some models of barbecues - from two or even from all sides.

If you have chosen a large enough area for the barbecue, you can make it more comfortable by adding a trellis on several sides along which plants climb. This is very convenient when you need to hide the barbecue from prying eyes or the barbecue simply does not fit very aesthetically into the landscape of your garden.

Barbecue in a gazebo or just under a canopy.

It happens that rain interrupts the rest in the midst of cooking. In order to avoid such unpleasant incidents, you can place the grill under the roof. Make a small shed for the barbecue and the cook, and a larger gazebo next to it. In such a gazebo you can place tables, chairs and everything you need, the main thing is that the rain will not interfere with your leisure time.

It is better to use non-flammable materials for the barbecue gazebo - bricks, metal or concrete. But if you still prefer wood as a material, then you definitely need to impregnate the boards with a fire retardant. Place an iron sheet covering the wood in front of the fireplace so that flying embers do not start a fire.

Since four walls are enough for you at home, you shouldn’t build them in nature. It is enough to make one blank wall from the north and cover it with vines of plants from the neighbors. If the gazebo will be used in winter, then you can make several blank walls, and the rest are sliding or removable, so that in the summer you can enjoy a beautiful garden and fresh air.

Both a stationary hearth and a portable one must be equipped with a chimney. For a stationary one, it must be brought out through the roof, while for a portable one, a hole in the lid is sufficient. To protect against precipitation, a so-called cap (chimney) is attached to the top of the chimney.

If you will use the barbecue gazebo often, it is better to equip it with cabinets, niches and a comfortable table for preparing food for cooking. Set aside a place to store skewers, dishes, potholders and other utensils.

It will be convenient to install not only light in such a pavilion but also install electrical sockets. With them, you can turn on various electrical appliances right on the street, from a kettle to a radio and even a lawn mower.

Finally, install a washbasin nearby. You can hang it on a post or wall. Drain the drain into a barrel without a bottom, covered with stones. And if you plant flowers nearby that love moisture, you will get rid of its excess.

Choosing a place for a barbecue in the garden | Near the househttp://site/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/besedka1-450x300.jpghttp://site/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/besedka1-450x300-150x150.jpg 2019-01-04T20:14:29+00:00 Near the house The buildings Barbecue, Grill, ArrangementIf you have a summer house, it is better to cook and eat barbecue and other similar dishes in comfort and in a designated place. For convenience, separate a piece of land on your site for a barbecue and enjoy your vacation. Places where you should not install a grill or barbecue It is advisable to exclude the toilet, trash container, compost heap from sight...Near the house

It's no secret that many people primarily associate holidays in the countryside with preparing delicious kebabs and other products of this kind. And if in camping conditions you can get by with a fireplace made of stones or bricks, then at home you need to take care of arranging a capital facility. Making barbecues and barbecues for your dacha with your own hands is much easier than it seems at first glance, you just need to stock up on the necessary materials and follow simple recommendations.

Types of barbecues and their features

All products of this kind are divided into three main types, each of which has its own characteristics:

Folding structures They are characterized by high mobility, since when folded they take up very little space. You can carry them with you in the trunk of your car and unfold them in a matter of minutes. The main disadvantage is low reliability and deformation of elements due to high temperatures, since thin metal is used
Portable products This option is more reliable, as it is made of thicker metal. Small structures can be moved independently, more massive options can be moved by two people. Made from sheet steel, forged elements are often used for decoration
Stationary structures This option is most often made of brick and is a system with a firebox for wood, grates and a chimney. In addition, the design can include a work area, a sink for washing hands and equipment, as well as a compartment for storing firewood and utensils

For use at the dacha, the third option is best suited; this design will last for many years, and the price of the project if implemented independently will be quite affordable.

Stages of work

To better understand how to make a barbecue stove for a summer house with your own hands, we will break the whole process into stages, which can be carried out sequentially to build a structure with minimal time and effort.


The final result largely depends on quality preparation, so do not neglect this stage.

It includes the following work:

  • Development or search for a project for a future design. It is selected in accordance with the site allocated for construction, the desired configuration and size. Simpler options are not equipped with a chimney; higher quality ones may have not only a chimney, but also various additional elements.

  • The second important aspect is the choice of location for the future barbecue; it should be located away from residential buildings. It is better if the working area is on the leeward side so that the smoke does not interfere with cooking. If the project provides for water supply and sewerage, care should be taken to provide communications.

Combination is an excellent solution to reduce construction costs.
This is very convenient, since the place is protected by a roof, and there is no need to carry food anywhere - everything is in place.

  • A very important factor is the correct height of the chimney; the draft in the firebox depends on this. Any mistakes are fraught with the risk that the smoke will not go down the chimney, but will spread around.
  • It is also necessary to calculate how much material will be needed; having the project at hand, this is not at all difficult to do. For the firebox, refractory bricks are best suited; for other elements, stove bricks that are resistant to high temperatures are best. It is important to choose quality materials.

Main stage

The work is carried out in the following sequence:

  • First, a small pit is dug according to the size of the base, the depth of which is calculated in such a way that it is possible to first pour a 20-25 cm cushion of gravel. A reinforcing belt of reinforcement is laid on top, and a concrete base made of M200 concrete is poured. The thickness of the foundation depends on the weight of the future structure.

In order for concrete to gain the necessary strength properties, it takes at least 2 weeks, so take care of constructing the foundation in advance.

  • When building barbecues for a summer residence with your own hands, it is important to use high-quality masonry mixture. It is best to purchase a ready-made composition, which only needs to be diluted with water; it costs little, but you do not need to purchase the components separately.
  • First, the base is waterproofed using waterproofing agent or roofing material, after which the first row is laid out.

  • A metal corner is placed at the location of the brazier, between which rods made of reinforcement or simple metal are attached, the distance between them should be such that fine ash spills out for its removal.
  • To improve traction, 2-3 holes the size of half a brick are left in.
  • The chimney is made with a narrowing, and the indentation per row should not exceed 30% of the thickness of the brick. The height of the chimney must be sufficient to create draft (if it is made in a gazebo, the pipe must be higher than the ridge of the roof in the building).
  • If the design provides for working surfaces, then they are laid out according to the design. Natural or artificial stone is best for countertops, and stainless steel for sinks.
  • If desired, the surface can be lined with clinker or other facing material, the main thing is that it is weatherproof.

As you can see, a do-it-yourself stove-barbecue for a summer house is quite simple; it is important to study the technology and not deviate from it. This instruction will help you understand the process; additional information is available in large quantities on the Internet.


If you have not yet made a barbecue in your country house, then you should think about this issue; it will take very little time for such a useful and necessary element to appear on your site. The video in this article will explain some of the features in more detail.


Cooking outdoors has its own charm, especially when it's a barbecue. Recently, this method of cooking meat has become increasingly popular. Typically, such a hearth is made of brick, although there are models made of metal and other materials.

Before we start building such a structure, it’s worth figuring out whether it’s even needed on your summer cottage? Perhaps there are simpler models that can replace it.

Barbecue - what is it?

Any reference book will tell you that this is the name of an open flameless oven where natural air circulation occurs. The very concept of this word comes from “barbaric”.

However, it is far from clear how barbecue differs from quite. For example, with a grill everything is clear - the device is covered with a lid, and thanks to the holes in the roasting pan at the top and bottom, forced draft is created.

If you don’t go into details, you can decide that a barbecue grill and a barbecue are one and the same.

Let's compare:

  • in both places you can bake a semi-finished product using the heat of smoldering coals (without flame) in an open brazier;
  • due to uniform heating, IR radiation from the hot walls of the fireplace is improved;
  • both devices allow you to bake or fry meat (vegetables) on a skewer and grill.

However, everything is not so simple, especially if you look at the location of the skewer or grill. In a barbecue they are installed on top, while in a barbecue they have a side 200-250 mm high, i.e. in fact, the semi-finished product is placed in a recess.

What do we get

While this difference may not affect the appearance, it is very noticeable in the culinary characteristics. In a barbecue, the product comes into very little contact with smoke, since it is almost immediately carried away by even a small air flow.

At the same time, the side:

  • allows you to retain very light smoke, almost invisible to the eye. This allows the product to simmer slightly;
  • holds a pillow of hot air. That's why you can easily get an appetizing crust on a barbecue without damaging the product. It is sometimes very difficult to do this on the grill; most often the kebab turns out burnt.

This crust not only makes the dish appetizing, it makes it possible to change the physical and chemical structure of the product. With its help, it is possible to retain moisture in the piece, which allows you to do two things at the same time - bake and boil the meat.

Thanks to this, you do not need to carefully select the starting products, which cannot be said about the grill, otherwise you will not be able to chew the meat. In the barbecue, the sausages do not burst, and various vegetables, including tomatoes, are fried like cute little ones. Another fact is that old beef cooked in a barbecue under a crispy crust turns into tender young beef.

The choice is made

After making a decision, you can start building a barbecue in the country. It is better to make a stationary option, although there are also summer residents who like to turn improvised stones into a Celtic hearth. Do not forget to create an additional fence around it.

Tip: folding options very often resemble a regular grill, so you won’t be able to get the desired result in the end.

An important feature of the barbecue fireplace that cannot be ignored is that it does not require strong draft. Otherwise, your entire air-smoke cushion will simply escape into the atmosphere, turning the hearth into a simple brazier.

Of course, you can bake with it, but you won’t be able to get the “barbecue” taste and tenderness. It is known from history that such Celtic hearths were made in huts and caves, where they used the “black fire” method, so no one cared about the chimney.

Tip: to protect your cooking from rain or wind, which can greatly fan the flame, it is advisable to install a stove pipe with a smoke hood on it.

Its height should not be high, approximately 1-1.2 m above the coals. You should also make a draft adjustment on the chimney, which is often called a cap.

In the photo - a traditional barbecue fireplace

Design options

We offer you two standard options for consideration:

  1. Such a barbecue fireplace will not be difficult even for a beginner in this matter.
  2. The masonry should be laid flat in half a brick.
  3. Its height is 13 rows; for protrusions under the grate or a raised brazier, the 6th and 10th rows should be laid out flat with pokes.
  4. Heating is easily regulated - the grate is placed at different levels.
  5. If you need to install a barbecue broiler, it should be high. In this case, place a metal rod on top, which will serve as a support for the ends of the skewers.
"Barbaric" This model is more expedient; it also simplifies the work and saves bricks. In this case, pieces of metal rods Ø6-8 mm should be embedded into the seams. If there are a lot of them, you can precisely regulate the heating of the product.

The disadvantage of this design, in addition to exposure to the weather, is the difficulty of working with coals, as a result of which you can even get burned if you step on them. So we recommend making them two-story.

The niche under the brazier can be used for drying firewood, and it is laid out flat from one row of bricks. To avoid complex structures, use a metal sheet in a frame made of channels or corners, since the load will be small.

Advice: you should not use gas or foam blocks with cement-sand mortar on the lower tier; you will then have to spend money on finishing to make the structure look aesthetically pleasing.


A simplified version is suitable for our design, since its weight is light and there will be no noticeable shrinkage.

The instructions below will tell you how to do it:

  1. Dig a trench 3/4 of a spade's depth, but if you have gravel or sand nearby, then use a bayonet.
  2. Place concrete posts for grape trellises on the sand and gravel backfill or directly in the trench; their price is lower than those used for fences (they can also be used), their weight is less, and their cross-section is trapezoidal. Place them with the wide edge facing up.
  3. Take a grinder and cut the wire loops from the posts.
  4. Use a wooden tamper to nail them horizontally.
  5. Remove the turf and soil from the area between them to a depth of 3/4 of the trench.
  6. Make the formwork and fill the area with thickly mixed clay with your own hands, which you level with a trowel.

  1. Without stopping, pave the clay with broken stone tiles, cobblestones, granite, diabase or other hard stone.
  2. Use a tamper and check the level.
  3. You can start laying out the body of the stove, but without stepping on the floor, which will begin to dry out a little. It is not advisable to trample it until you have made 3-5 treads.


  1. Use a medium fat clay solution.
  2. A regular brick will do; you shouldn’t overpay for a refractory one, since the flame temperature during heating will not exceed 800˚C due to the absence of artificial draft; the coals heat up to 600˚C.
  3. Only change stitches between rows. Corner bricks are three-quarter bricks.
  4. For convenience, you can start laying the first rows along the guides. In this case, stick straight metal corners into the ground at the outer corners of the foundation and align them plumb. Remove the guides after the 4th row, as it will be easier to navigate when folded.
  5. Drying the structure takes about 5 days in the summer, up to 20 in the fall, especially if the weather is cloudy. Don't forget to cover the fireplace from the rain. It will dry completely as you work.
  6. You can use the fireplace after you have heated it well once.


From this article, we hope you learned a lot about barbecue. Now you understand its difference from a regular barbecue and what its advantages are. When making a hearth stove, we don’t think you will encounter any difficulties. The video in this article will help you find additional information on this topic.

Dacha - for some, this word is associated with working in the garden or caring for trees, for others with clean air, but for the vast majority with barbecue. It’s hard to imagine a better vacation than visiting a dacha with a large, noisy group and sitting around a barbecue grill. It is the barbecue that we want to highlight this material, because frying meat on bricks or sticks is not very hygienic and healthy. In general, we believe that a dacha without a barbecue, like the life of a modern teenager without the Internet, seems to be real, but the effect is not at all the same.

Types of barbecues

In total, there are three main types of country barbecues: mobile, portable and stationary. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

A mobile barbecue, or as it is also called a folding one, is best suited for those who like to travel and want to use the barbecue not only at the dacha, but also take it with them on other trips.

The main advantages of a folding barbecue are its mobility and light weight, as well as a very attractive price. When folded, it resembles a small suitcase that you can easily throw in the car, or even take with you on a bicycle. But the less its weight, the thinner the material, which leads to disadvantages: low heat capacity and the ability to burn out. Therefore, when buying a mobile grill, you should be prepared for it to wear out quite quickly.

The most popular and widespread is the portable grill.

This type of grill is already more durable and reliable. If necessary, two people (preferably men) can easily move it from one place to another, for example, closer to the sun, or further from the rain. A portable grill is more expensive than a folding one, but at the same time it is more durable; its life cycle is measured not just once, but in seasons. The only drawback is the not very sophisticated appearance. Often people want to create a truly sophisticated barbecue area in their country house; a stationary barbecue is the best solution for this.

To make a stationary barbecue in the country, use brick or cast iron.

This type of barbecue is already a whole structure, an integral part of which is the chimney. Let us immediately note that a cast-iron or brick stationary grill will cost much more than a mobile or portable one, which is the main disadvantage. It is also much larger in size, but this disadvantage, with a competent design approach, is often turned into an advantage. Also, the “advantage” of a stationary grill is its significant heat capacity; after heating it, you can fry whatever you want for a very long time and do not worry that the heat will not be enough and the meat will be raw.

We should also pay attention to such a rapidly developing type of barbecue as the electric barbecue. In it, the skewers rotate on their own, and the meat is fried using the heat released from the electric spirals.

Of course, this is a very interesting invention, but since people are often attracted by the process of cooking barbecue, the electric grill has not yet taken root in our country.

Do-it-yourself barbecue for your dacha

Recently, there has been a tendency among male summer residents to make a brick barbecue for their summer house with their own hands. Those who have already done this can be proud of themselves, and those who haven’t yet - don’t be upset, now we will look at this process in detail. The first thing you need to do is draw up a design for a brick barbecue, choose the place where it will be installed, and calculate how much of which materials will be needed.

When the preparation is completed and everything you need is at hand, we begin to build the barbecue. First of all, as in any other construction, you need to prepare the foundation. We dig a trench of the size you need, no more than half a meter deep. And we fill it with a sand cushion, on top of which we put a reinforcing mesh and fill it with concrete. After the foundation of the grill has dried, you can move on.

The base of a brick grill can be quite varied and depends on financial capabilities. It is recommended to lay the first row of bricks dry; this will allow you to use only halves and whole blocks in the future, without the need for crushing into parts. Considering the water-absorbing properties of brick, it is advisable to wet it before laying it in order to avoid further inconvenience. The brick must be laid strictly according to the pre-marked sketch.

We prepare the masonry mortar as follows: one portion of cement, one portion of slaked lime and three portions of sand are mixed with water and brought to a thick mass.

Starting from the second row, the brick is laid with a deviation of half a brick (in a kind of checkerboard pattern), which ensures maximum stability. Moreover, it is recommended to start from the corners, filling the area of ​​the partitions. The width and height of the base of a brick stationary barbecue, as well as the presence of additional compartments, for example for firewood, depend on the desires and capabilities of the owner.

The most important and difficult stage is laying the brazier. To begin laying its brick base, metal corners and reinforcing bars are placed between the walls opposite. The brick barbecue oven itself is made of metal, which has a high density. To make the operation of the fryer more efficient, several holes are left in its area, unfilled with the masonry mixture. By laying a few bricks at a slightly different level than the rest you can create space to use a lattice.

Now your brick stationary grill is ready for use, but we still recommend improving it a little more. For example, build additional compartments for household purposes, embellish its appearance a little, or create a canopy.

Of course, the process of building a barbecue with your own hands is not quite simple, and if you don’t understand something, you can always look at photos of each stage of work on our website, as well as familiarize yourself with the drawings that will help you create a barbecue with your own hands.

Photos of various barbecues

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