Small architectural forms are one of the main, integral elements of garden landscape design. It is impossible to imagine a garden without a gazebo, benches and a playground, not to mention garden figurines and fountains. Purchased small architectural forms (hereinafter referred to as MAF) are not a very cheap pleasure and may not always fit perfectly into your garden plot, so creating small architectural forms with your own hands is a very popular and interesting type of work. Today, MAFs are made from a wide variety of materials: wood, metal, concrete, plastic, clay. Therefore, now we will provide you with a list of MAFs that you can make from various materials with your own hands.

Wood is the most popular material for creating small architectural forms. The advantage of wood as a building material is as follows:

  • Environmental friendliness of the material
  • A light weight
  • High strength
  • Cheap material
  • Nice appearance
  • Wooden MAFs suit almost any garden style
  • Woodworking is not very difficult and requires minimal knowledge and skills, which can be learned on the Internet
  • If the wood is treated in advance with protective agents, it will have a long service life (up to 15 years)
  • Easy to care for

And this is not all the advantages of wood, which is why there are the largest number of small architectural forms made of wood in relation to other materials.

The most popular wooden MAFs are:

  • MAF for creation (gazebo, swing, terrace, patio)
  • Garden furniture (almost all)
  • Structures for climbing plants (arches, pergolas, trellises)
  • Wooden garden figurines
  • Houses for birds and animals (birdhouse, squirrel house, feeder)

And this is not the entire list of small architectural forms made of wood. If you are interested in building an MAF with your own hands, simply follow the links and study the detailed instructions that we provide.

It should be noted that the most suitable garden styles that can be complemented with small architectural forms made of wood are country, landscape, colonial, English and, in rare cases, modern.

Small architectural forms made of concrete are more luxurious and interesting than wooden MAFs.

The advantage of small architectural forms made of concrete is the following:

  • The highest durability (we see how MAFs from the Middle Ages and even older eras have been well preserved to this day)
  • Luxurious appearance that makes the garden look vintage, more elegant and unique
  • Lack of concrete maintenance

Indeed, MAFs made of concrete are very beautiful, and most summer residents dream of equipping their summer cottage with them, but the following disadvantages of concrete products prevent them:

  • Huge weight of products
  • High price
  • Almost all products have a more antique look, so such MAFs are not suitable for many styles
  • It is very difficult to make a beautiful product with your own hands.

The following architectural forms made of concrete are popular among summer residents:

  • Bird drinkers
  • Fountains, grottoes, arches, urns
  • All garden sculpture
  • Bridges
  • Garden benches

We have already provided you with instructions for creating small architectural forms from concrete more than once, so there is no need to dwell on the nuances; it is better to simply provide you with photo examples:

Small architectural forms occupy a middle position in popularity between concrete and wood.

The advantage of metal is also quite average: the price is acceptable, the weight of the structures is also, the appearance is quite attractive (especially if forged metal is used), the durability of the material exceeds the bar of 20 years (if you take care of the product: treat it with anti-corrosion agents and paint it). Therefore, the choice of small architectural forms for the garden made of metal is quite reasonable and a good option.

The most popular small architectural forms made of metal are:

  • Facilities for the recreation area (gazebo, canopy, benches, swings, rocking chair)
  • Garden sculpture (many summer residents equip their summer cottages with forged figures)
  • Urns, pergolas, arches, bridges, etc.

Creating small architectural forms from metal with your own hands is not a difficult process, the main thing is to have a welding machine and be able to use it, and then everything depends on your imagination.

We present to your attention photo examples of the most popular metal MAFs:

Building materials such as plastic, glass and stone are not very popular due to their individual disadvantages, although they can still be a good way to decorate a garden plot.

For example, plastic garden figurines sometimes decorate a summer cottage much brighter than wooden and concrete ones. Moreover, making an MAF from a plastic bottle or other available means will not be particularly difficult.

Stone MAFs are also often used for garden decoration, and the Japanese garden and alpine hill largely consist of ordinary stones of various shapes and sizes, which makes the garden unique and inimitable.

Often in high-tech garden style you can see neat glass figures that unusually complement the design of the site. The disadvantage of glass products is the fragility and high cost of the material.

You don’t even have to think about creating small architectural forms from glass, because... it represents complex technology.

As you can see, small architectural forms can be made from anything and at the same time will elegantly complement the garden plot. Don’t be afraid to make an MAF with your own hands, because... Not only is it fun, but it will also improve your skills in working with wood, metal or anything else!

Small architectural forms for summer cottages and playgrounds are the final chord of a symphony of landscape design; to be convinced of this, just look at the photo. Even if you have a small plot of land with unsightly buildings, you can always use the right design solutions to turn the area into a luxurious, if not fabulous, place to relax in the lap of nature.

Types of small architectural forms

Architectural structures of this kind have long been perceived as classics, because, due to their accessibility, they are used almost everywhere: once you find yourself in a park area or in a country garden, you will catch your eye:

Summer cottage with gazebo and pond

  • unusual sculptures;
  • mesmerizing fountains;
  • openwork gazebos in which you want to hide from the outside bustle, holding your breath;
  • magnificent arches strewn with flowering plants;
  • forged bridges;
  • sophisticated rotundas;
  • decorative flowerpots;
  • colorful terraces;
  • trellises for flowering plants;
  • decorative lanterns;
  • other architectural masterpieces and compositional solutions.

Decorative composition with a waterfall

Today, all these masterpieces can be found in some parks and on the territory of private households in our country.

Against the backdrop of the rich design of country houses, it may seem that such elements of landscape design are very expensive, but this is not so! Absolutely any owner of a personal plot has access to such beauty, because you don’t have to install expensive fountains, majestic amphitheaters or unusual labyrinths, but use a budget, but very original gazebo, decorating it with picturesque climbing flowers, elegantly “throw” a bridge over a landscaped artificial pond, and finally, use an amazing arch in the exterior.

Attention! Remember, stylizing a site is possible even on a limited budget, because the main thing is your desire, imagination and, of course, hard work!

Design of a recreation area in the garden

If we talk about the tasks inherent in such solutions, there are several of them:

  1. Decorative. It is created by picturesque fences, amazing gazebos and sculptures, the magic of fountains and the water surface of pools.
  2. Active recreation and sports. This task can be realized with the help of sports grounds, courts and swings, playgrounds and sandboxes.
  3. Massive use. By building extraordinary benches and benches, installing garden lamps and sculptural masterpieces, you can radically transform a park area or an unsightly garden plot.

Landscaping the garden area

The choice of one or another architectural element depends on the scale and style of the territory, the initial design, the time that you can freely spend on arrangement, financial capabilities, flight of fancy and other factors.


Gazebo on a summer cottage

Most often you can see lightweight structures of a simple, less often capital type, built with a base. For their manufacture, materials of different origin, texture and quality can be used: natural wood and stone, brick and metal. A gazebo made from a combination of seemingly incompatible materials at first glance looks impressive, especially when surrounded by picturesque flower beds. The shape of the gazebo, according to the architects' ideas, can vary from classic to round and even hexagonal.

Made in the same stylistic direction with the territory of the garden, a colorful gazebo, in addition to its decorative function, can become an island of escape from the sun and heat, bustle and city noise. This is a great place to retire and simply enjoy the natural colors.

Rotundas and gazebos

These architectural forms are practically not found in a simple summer cottage where we grow flowers and berries. Rotundas, like gazebos, carry a certain style and functionality, which is more inherent in design and imposing spaces. Covered buildings, decorated with stucco and stately columns, are considered an excellent place for tea drinking and calm, pleasant conversations.



These solutions originate from Europe, where they were placed mainly on high ground. The belvederes are equipped with amazing supporting columns and a well-appointed observation deck. They are constructed from natural stone, wood, concrete and metal, and their style can be classical, Greek, modern and so on.


Architectural solutions in a classic design are perfectly located in open space, on hills, near a reservoir, and even on the border area of ​​a summer cottage. Today you can often find transformed belvederes of incredible beauty, where architectural elements from different styles simultaneously predominate.


Very popular buildings made of plastic, wooden beams and other building materials, with powerful pillars and a through roof. Pergolas serve more as a decorative element of the exterior than as a practical function. With their help, you can focus on the bright elements of the garden and emphasize the special beauty of a particular style. A beautiful, massive and rich-looking pergola will become not only a pleasant addition for the owner of a personal plot, but also a favorite place for warm meetings with friends and joint tea parties in the warm season.



This type of architectural structure refers to supports. Arches are most often created for “living walls” and for growing climbing vegetation. Arched structures made of wood, brick and natural stone are often found in gardens, park areas and arboretums. Braided with luxurious greenery, majestic arches dilute the landscape design of the territory, regardless of its area and the dimensions of the architectural building.

Arch entwined with flowers


Log and paved, wooden and forged, curved and smooth, equipped with elegant railings and without them, floating above the water, and vice versa, heavier - all this is said about the bridges that “throw” over landscaped reservoirs, streams and ponds. An amazing addition to any public garden, park or garden, or artificial forest, giving the area an element of naturalness and magic. Each of us, if we haven’t already admired the surface of the water while on a decorative bridge, have probably dreamed about it.

Bridge over an artificial pond

Attention! Often bridges are complemented by forged benches and park lanterns, which in the evening very effectively reflect the picturesque beauty of the area and highlight the small architectural forms inscribed in it.

Garden sculptures

These elements symbolize majesty and tact and indicate the good taste of their owner. Classical and modern sculptural works are most often present in museum and historical squares and parks. Carved from natural stone or created from concrete, they can have a wide variety of shapes and sizes - monumental columns, huge lions and gentle angels. If a professional is involved in the arrangement and selection of sculptures, then you can be sure that he will be able to achieve incredible success in improving the recreation area.

Garden sculpture

You won’t find such majestic sculptures on private plots. Stylized plaster figurines of gnomes and fairy-tale heroes, miniature copies of historical buildings and castles with decorative lighting are popular. Such solutions look amazingly beautiful against the backdrop of a bright lawn, under the shade of well-groomed trees or dense vegetation.

In the evenings, by the light of lanterns, it is good to gather in a friendly group at a table in a cozy gazebo.

All this would be impossible without small architectural forms. It is these elements that create comfort in the yard and are pleasing to the eye.

Small architectural forms (for brevity they are called MAF) are well-known structures and decorative elements that create the general mood of the space and at the same time perform useful functions. The design of small architectural forms is widely used in the design of garden plots.

Benches, flowerpots, fountains, bridges, lanterns and gazebos - all these are elements of small architectural forms. Small architectural forms complement the landscape design, enlivening it and placing the necessary accents.

With their help, it is easy to navigate what this or that functional area is intended for: you can sit on a bench, hide from the scorching rays of the sun in a gazebo, or cross the space on a bridge. Lanterns illuminate the garden, and you can plant your favorite plants in flowerpots. These forms are practical and emphasize the individuality of the site.

In landscape design, all small architectural forms must combine visual appeal and ease of use.

Designers are vigilant about ensuring that the shapes they choose fit together and harmonize with the surrounding area. Then the garden plot will be well-groomed, functional and will look impressive.

For greater originality, decorators use in design projects not only standard MAFs purchased in hardware stores, but also those made with their own hands.

Particularly respected is the ability of craftsmen to transform even waste material into a masterpiece. Such design elements are more memorable.

The world of small architectural forms is truly diverse, as evidenced by the abundance of photos on the Internet. Specially developed classifications help you navigate this world.

A decorative mill surrounded by flowers is an excellent decoration for the site

MAF classification

Small architectural forms differ in their purpose and are divided into three types:

  • universal(for general daily use) - flowerpots, lanterns, benches, trash cans, etc.;
  • decorative(to decorate the environment) - statues and sculptures of various shapes, fountains, gazebos, mosaic pool bases, bridges and artificial streams;
  • leisure(for children's and sports games) - sandboxes, swings, slides, wall bars.

There is another way to divide the MAF according to its intended purpose; according to this method, two groups are obtained:

  • small architectural forms designed to evoke visual and aesthetic pleasure, please the eye and create a cozy atmosphere;
  • applied architectural forms responsible for comfortable living and recreational conditions.

Among the small architectural forms of the second group, several subspecies are distinguished:

  1. MAFs that delimit space visually divide the area into several parts: they separate the rest area from the working area, and hide equipment and tools behind a partition or canopy. These include: fences, stairs, bridges, retaining walls, arches, fountains and flowerpots.
  2. LFAs that equip recreational areas: gazebos, garden furniture, benches, swings, barbecues and barbecues, children's and sports grounds.
  3. LFAs responsible for the convenience of the area for people: lanterns and lamps, trash cans, drinking fountains.

Small architectural forms are also distinguished by the use of vegetation:

  • MAF using plants (vases, pergolas, bosquets);
  • MAF without plants.
Read about how to build a playground yourself.

Learn to strengthen the soil and decorate the area using.

Another large group of MAFs is distinguished based on the material used to make a particular shape:

  • concrete;
  • metal alloys;
  • ornamental stone;
  • natural materials (wood, wicker).

Sometimes several materials are used (for example, a forged cast-iron gazebo trimmed with natural stone).

Types of MAF


These rounded ceilings are installed to divide the area into several zones. An arch is a kind of gate through which you can pass from one area to another.

A bosquet is an area with decoratively trimmed trees and bushes that have clear geometric shapes


Such small architectural forms are appropriate above bodies of water. However, sometimes they are installed over so-called dry streams made of decorative stones.

Bridges are built from stone, cast from metal or cut from wood coated with varnish or a special water-repellent impregnation.

The bridge is a monumental structure that is thoroughly installed for a long time. It is necessary to correctly fit it into the environment.

One of the wonderful additions to landscape design is bridges in the garden.


If you want to emphasize the natural landscape on your site with all the natural irregularities, then for a comfortable transition from level to level you can lay out single steps or entire stairs.

Stairs are made of brick, stone, paving slabs, and poured concrete.

When installing a staircase, you need to consider whether it will harmonize with the path. Everything should be made from similar materials.

Sometimes railings, for example cast from metal, are installed on stairs in open spaces. Or you can plant low-growing plants along the edges of the stairs. They will make such a ladder part of the surrounding landscape.

A staircase in the garden is an excellent solution to connect two areas of different heights


Any owner of a plot will be especially proud to have his own. It can be built in the middle of an already planned pond, or you can think about a separate drainage system when creating a design project. Then the waterfall will turn out to be an autonomous reservoir.

The bed of a fountain, organized in a pond, is made of a flexible, water-permeable material, such as a rubber film. A free-standing waterfall can be made of stone with concrete waterproofing.

The fountain can be decorated with various water overflow effects and lighting

Retaining walls

With complex terrain of the site, slopes and slopes require additional strengthening. This is why they are erected. They are made from stone, brick, logs or concrete.

Construction of a wall that protects the slope from sliding and weathering is a very labor-intensive task and will require the help of professional workers.

Depending on preference, a retaining wall can be built from wood, wild stone, brick or concrete


Gazebos are needed to provide shelter in the garden from bad weather. The roof of such an improvised house provides protection from rain and snow, and the walls protect it from gusts of wind. At the same time, you are in the fresh air, inhaling the aromas of the plants growing around and hearing the birds singing.

Good places to locate a gazebo are a quiet corner of the garden or the shore of a pond, depending on your goals.

Read about the use of stones in landscape design.

If you are going to be in the gazebo, alone with a book, it is better to place it away from the house. If you plan to gather in a noisy group and barbecue, then it is best to build a gazebo closer to home.

Gazebos can be wooden or metal, with or without walls, but always with a roof. Gazebos shrouded in greenery look impressive.

Gazebo - a piece of paradise in the garden

Sculptures and figures

Garden sculptures do not carry a functional load, but are the highlight of the architectural ensemble. They are installed in places that are easily accessible to the eye: tall sculptures - in lowlands, smaller ones (figures) - on hills.

Sculptures will add zest to your garden, making it more alive

Sculptures made of marble, plaster and ornamental stones are invariably popular. The most popular figures are garden gnomes.

Funny figures will delight the owners with their appearance and add personality to the site


Decorative flowerpots are designed to highlight the beauty of flowers. They come in all sorts of shapes and colors. The main thing is to select a flowerpot so that it matches the plants that will bloom in it.

Flowerpots can be portable or stationary, depending on your preferences, types of flowers and climate. Sometimes, in case of bad weather, it is convenient to bring flowerpots with flowers into the house. And sometimes it is safer for the flowerpot to be dug into the soil.

Vases are often made independently, for example, or plastic bottles.

You need to choose the shape and material of flowerpots in accordance with the overall style of the garden.


The most common example of garden furniture is. But such a bench is needed not only to sit on, but also for decorative purposes.

The bench is the key node of the site - many paths converge near the bench, stairs or a bridge can lead to it. Benches are placed in a gazebo or near the house.

They are made from a variety of materials: wood, metal and stone. There are also multi-colored plastic benches.

Benches make the garden cozy and conducive to relaxation.


Even the most thoughtful landscape design will fail if it is poorly designed. It is important to choose this accessory wisely.

The key point when choosing a flashlight is the type of power supply: electricity or solar battery. It is necessary to think in advance which type of nutrition is preferable for you.

Lanterns are installed along the paths, near the hammock and swing, at the gate and in front of the house.

Properly selected ones will help you relax longer in your favorite area, enjoying its beauty even in the dark.

There are countless options to make the landscape design of your site unique. To do this, it is enough to choose the right small architectural forms.

Before installing them on your site, you should make sure that all accessories are combined with each other and suit your landscape. Don't lose sight of the material from which they are made. Then you will be satisfied with the work done and will love relaxing in your garden even more.

Aug 5, 2015 Elena Timoshchuk

Creating an atmosphere of relaxation, unity with nature - this is what we expect from staying in a country estate, be it a small dacha or a luxurious country house; and elements of comfort such as small architectural forms are designed to create such an atmosphere.

Video tour of the fairy garden with outlandish MAFs and mafiks

Why is small garden architecture needed?

Small architectural forms (abbreviated MAF) are components of landscape design (structures, decorative compositions and equipment) that have both aesthetic and functional properties.

Bridge over a garden pond

Small architectural forms for a garden, personal plot, park area complement the main development of a country estate. They must combine convenience and original design, fit organically into the surrounding landscape in form and material, creating an overall composition of beauty, comfort and functionality, emphasizing and ennobling it, be inexpensive and constructive, and made from high-quality materials.

Classification of small architectural forms

By purpose

Any MAF has two purposes. Firstly, they must provide visual and aesthetic pleasure, creating a cozy, pleasing to the eye atmosphere. Secondly, they must be used for their functional purpose, providing comfortable living and recreational conditions.

Let's consider into what groups MAF can be divided according to their functional purpose.

1. Delimitation of territory

Sometimes it is necessary to visually or physically separate one part of the territory from another. For example, separate recreation areas and work areas, hide outbuildings and equipment from view behind a partition, and much more.

MAFs performing this function include:

  • bridges;
  • decorative and retaining walls;
  • fencing;
  • stairs;
  • arches;
  • fountains;
  • sculptures and topiaries;
  • flowerpots.

Bridges and balustrades, enclosing structures and arches separate different parts of garden plots from each other, being also exceptional decorative elements that emphasize the style and uniqueness of your garden plot.

Original garden sculpture

Topiaries are specific small architectural forms, which are sculptures carved from living trees and shrubs. They, along with ordinary stone sculptures, flowerpots and fountains, perform a purely decorative role, also dividing the space into separate parts.

Garden sculptures. These MAFs do not necessarily have to represent the generally accepted sculptural compositions - a statue or a group of statues. This could be a bird bath located in the center of an artificial pond or a decorative mill, a grotto with a bench or a decorative bridge.

2. Arrangement of recreation areas

The main purpose of household plots and garden plots, in addition to economic needs, is to provide people with recreation. For such needs, the following elements of landscape design are used:

  • gazebos;
  • country and garden furniture;
  • benches;
  • swing;
  • barbecues;
  • children's play complexes;
  • sports grounds.

Gazebos are one of the most popular types of MAFs. It is impossible to imagine a country estate without a gazebo, providing the opportunity for secluded relaxation. By design, the gazebo can be open (summer) or glazed (all-season).

3. Providing amenities

To ensure the comfort of people in different areas, the following is required:

  • lighting devices (lanterns);
  • urns;
  • drinking fountains.

Design of a site with a water intake column

All this equipment does not require a separate description - its necessity in design is well known, and the variety of options offered will allow it to harmoniously “fit” into any architectural style.

By plant use

Based on the use of plants in small architectural forms, they are divided into:

  • MAF using plants;
  • MAF without the use of plants.

Architectural forms without the use of plants were discussed earlier; we will not dwell on them here.

What kind of MAFs are there using plants?

  • Trellis

It is a metal or wooden support for climbing plants. Such trellises are used both for relaxation (for example, as gazebos) and for fencing off outbuildings or equipment.

  • Pergola

It is a canopy in which, instead of a roof, there is supposed to be a lattice intertwined with plants. A pergola can be either a free-standing structure or an extension to the house. If you install decorative tables and benches inside the pergola and build a barbecue made of natural stone, you will get an ideal place to relax. For such MAFs, climbing plants are used, such as grapes, clematis, hops, and some types of climbing roses.

  • Bosquets

The third type of MAF with plants can be called bosquets, when the walls are specially trimmed trees and shrubs, forming the so-called “green rooms”. Modern landscape designers take this type of MAF from history - it was the most fashionable style of landscape design in France in the 16th-17th centuries.

Original cart-flower bed

  • Vases with flowers

And finally, we can list here flowerpots with flowers, which are also decorative MAFs using plants.

According to material performance

Based on the material from which MAFs are made, they can be divided into:

  • small architectural forms made of concrete;
  • small architectural forms made of metal;
  • small architectural forms made of natural stone;
  • small architectural forms made of natural materials (wood, wicker).

It is possible to combine two different materials to create small architectural forms, for example, natural stone and forged metal enclosing structures in the design of a gazebo.

Requirements for the manufacture of MAF

Quality. Speaking about the quality of the MAF, it is necessary to take care of both the quality of materials and the quality of design, ensuring its durability

Price. MAFs made of natural stone, valuable wood, forged metal, and stained glass belong to the elite class and are not cheap. Many people can afford wood types such as pine, concrete and brick structures, or structures using polycarbonate.

Arranging a recreation area on the site

We create with our own hands

The production of small architectural forms is not always the privilege of specialized companies; you can make them yourself. This will be less expensive, since you can make a design decision yourself, using in whole or in part the designs offered on the Internet and looking at small architectural forms in the photo. If you create MAFs with your own hands, they will reflect the individuality of the owners, their preferences in the choice of shape and material, and then your creation will become a favorite vacation spot for all household members and friends.

Small architectural forms for summer cottages and playgrounds are the final chord of a symphony of landscape design; to be convinced of this, just look at the photo. Even if you have a small plot of land with unsightly buildings, you can always use the right design solutions to turn the area into a luxurious, if not fabulous, place to relax in the lap of nature.

Types of small architectural forms

Architectural structures of this kind have long been perceived as classics, because, due to their accessibility, they are used almost everywhere: once you find yourself in a park area or in a country garden, you will catch your eye:

Summer cottage with gazebo and pond

  • unusual sculptures;
  • mesmerizing fountains;
  • openwork gazebos in which you want to hide from the outside bustle, holding your breath;
  • magnificent arches strewn with flowering plants;
  • forged bridges;
  • sophisticated rotundas;
  • decorative flowerpots;
  • colorful terraces;
  • trellises for flowering plants;
  • decorative lanterns;
  • other architectural masterpieces and compositional solutions.

Decorative composition with a waterfall

Today, all these masterpieces can be found in some parks and on the territory of private households in our country.

Against the backdrop of the rich design of country houses, it may seem that such elements of landscape design are very expensive, but this is not so! Absolutely any owner of a personal plot has access to such beauty, because you don’t have to install expensive fountains, majestic amphitheaters or unusual labyrinths, but use a budget, but very original gazebo, decorating it with picturesque climbing flowers, elegantly “throw” a bridge over a landscaped artificial pond, and finally, use an amazing arch in the exterior.

Attention! Remember, stylizing a site is possible even on a limited budget, because the main thing is your desire, imagination and, of course, hard work!

Design of a recreation area in the garden

If we talk about the tasks inherent in such solutions, there are several of them:

  1. Decorative. It is created by picturesque fences, amazing gazebos and sculptures, the magic of fountains and the water surface of pools.
  2. Active recreation and sports. This task can be realized with the help of sports grounds, courts and swings, playgrounds and sandboxes.
  3. Massive use. By building extraordinary benches and benches, installing garden lamps and sculptural masterpieces, you can radically transform a park area or an unsightly garden plot.

Landscaping the garden area

The choice of one or another architectural element depends on the scale and style of the territory, the initial design, the time that you can freely spend on arrangement, financial capabilities, flight of fancy and other factors.


Gazebo on a summer cottage

Most often you can see lightweight structures of a simple, less often capital type, built with a base. For their manufacture, materials of different origin, texture and quality can be used: natural wood and stone, brick and metal. A gazebo made from a combination of seemingly incompatible materials at first glance looks impressive, especially when surrounded by picturesque flower beds. The shape of the gazebo, according to the architects' ideas, can vary from classic to round and even hexagonal.

Made in the same stylistic direction with the territory of the garden, a colorful gazebo, in addition to its decorative function, can become an island of escape from the sun and heat, bustle and city noise. This is a great place to retire and simply enjoy the natural colors.

Rotundas and gazebos

These architectural forms are practically not found in a simple summer cottage where we grow flowers and berries. Rotundas, like gazebos, carry a certain style and functionality, which is more inherent in design and imposing spaces. Covered buildings, decorated with stucco and stately columns, are considered an excellent place for tea drinking and calm, pleasant conversations.


These solutions originate from Europe, where they were placed mainly on high ground. The belvederes are equipped with amazing supporting columns and a well-appointed observation deck. They are constructed from natural stone, wood, concrete and metal, and their style can be classical, Greek, modern and so on.


Architectural solutions in a classic design are perfectly located in open space, on hills, near a reservoir, and even on the border area of ​​a summer cottage. Today you can often find transformed belvederes of incredible beauty, where architectural elements from different styles simultaneously predominate.


Very popular buildings made of plastic, wooden beams and other building materials, with powerful pillars and a through roof. Pergolas serve more as a decorative element of the exterior than as a practical function. With their help, you can focus on the bright elements of the garden and emphasize the special beauty of a particular style. A beautiful, massive and rich-looking pergola will become not only a pleasant addition for the owner of a personal plot, but also a favorite place for warm meetings with friends and joint tea parties in the warm season.


This type of architectural structure refers to supports. Arches are most often created for “living walls” and for growing climbing vegetation. Arched structures made of wood, brick and natural stone are often found in gardens, park areas and arboretums. Braided with luxurious greenery, majestic arches dilute the landscape design of the territory, regardless of its area and the dimensions of the architectural building.

Arch entwined with flowers


Log and paved, wooden and forged, curved and smooth, equipped with elegant railings and without them, floating above the water, and vice versa, heavier - all this is said about the bridges that “throw” over landscaped reservoirs, streams and ponds. An amazing addition to any public garden, park or garden, or artificial forest, giving the area an element of naturalness and magic. Each of us, if we haven’t already admired the surface of the water while on a decorative bridge, have probably dreamed about it.

Bridge over an artificial pond

Attention! Often bridges are complemented by forged benches and park lanterns, which in the evening very effectively reflect the picturesque beauty of the area and highlight the small architectural forms inscribed in it.

Garden sculptures

These elements symbolize majesty and tact and indicate the good taste of their owner. Classical and modern sculptural works are most often present in museum and historical squares and parks. Carved from natural stone or created from concrete, they can have a wide variety of shapes and sizes - monumental columns, huge lions and gentle angels. If a professional is involved in the arrangement and selection of sculptures, then you can be sure that he will be able to achieve incredible success in improving the recreation area.

Garden sculpture

You won’t find such majestic sculptures on private plots. Stylized plaster figurines of gnomes and fairy-tale heroes, miniature copies of historical buildings and castles with decorative lighting are popular. Such solutions look amazingly beautiful against the backdrop of a bright lawn, under the shade of well-groomed trees or dense vegetation.

Original ideas for small architectural forms for a summer residence: video

Small architectural forms for the garden: photos

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay.

  • And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area
    I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet.