None of us should underestimate the interior around us. And even more so when it comes to bedrooms. As a result of psychological tests, it has been proven that the emotional influence of the environment has a very strong influence on us. Accordingly, the surrounding interior plays a huge role in the life of each of us. And even if your bedroom is very small in size, it must be cozy and comfortable for spending time in it. We suggest you understand the ways of decorating bedrooms in small rooms, as well as look at the options proposed in the photos of small bedroom design. In addition to the basic rules for interior design, we will tell you how to choose the right furniture with wallpaper, as well as how to expand the space of a room.

Advantages and disadvantages of small bedrooms

As a rule, ordinary apartment options are not at all pleasing to their inhabitants, including the owners. Low ceilings, narrow windows, and the overall area of ​​the room basically always wants only the best. And often such “negative” moments characterize Khrushchev’s buildings directly. At the same time, such disadvantages can simply be turned into great advantages.

If the room is small, it is very easy to create cozy nests in it, where everyone will want to constantly strive after a hard working day for a quick rest in the company of a loved one.

Among other things, decorating your bedroom is a great opportunity to show others how great your taste is in this matter. The fact is that tasks are solved here that do not need to be solved in large rooms, for example, visual enlargement of the room, choice of color and its harmonious combination with the entire interior, as well as selection of furniture. Doing something like this will bring a lot of pleasure and pleasure!

What color is best for the bedroom?

The main purpose of the room is relaxation. Accordingly, the color scheme here should be calm, not burdensome, peaceful, and even relaxing to some extent.

It is generally accepted that light shades are ideal for tired looks. In addition, they also visually increase the space, which is very important for the interior of small bedrooms. In addition, we are not just talking about white or beige; any options are appropriate here. Whatever you like, as long as they are light! Thanks to them, the room will be bright and creative. To get inspired, look at the photo options of small bedrooms presented in our catalog.

You must understand that each color can have both warm and cool undertones. The former are used in bedrooms facing north, but cold shades are used in rooms facing south. At the same time, the interior will not look very boring if it is diversified with color accents that contrast with the overall color mood. For example, you can accent the wall at the head of the bed by painting it with a bright color, use rich photo wallpaper, put a carpet on the wall, or buy a dark-colored bedspread that will stand out among pastel-colored walls and furniture.

Furniture for a small bedroom

Since there is not much free space in the bedroom, you need to use a minimum amount of furniture here. Of course, there must be a bed. But in order to create the impression that the space is not too cluttered, choose models that do not have legs. Such options will look smaller than usual, and the ceilings will visually appear higher. For example, if the bedroom is small and it is intended for children, it is worth purchasing a bed with two tiers. But modern designers offer a variety of options for multifunctional furniture:

  • Options for bedside tables combined with shelving. They store things on them - these are a closed option. For books or decorative elements/objects, open shelves are best.
  • The built-in wardrobe model, which has a mirrored door, will accommodate any things you need. They help to visually expand the room, as well as replace the mirror near the night table model. Of course, if you don’t have too many things, you can choose a chest of drawers. You can also use drawers under the bed as a storage system.

Small bedroom decor

To begin with, it is important to understand what kind of center you will have for your compositions. Naturally, in the bedroom it represents a bed. Of course, a specific place may already have been selected for it, in which case it will not be a problem to arrange other furniture. It is worth leaving some free space in the central part of the room so that the room is not overloaded. It is best when the furniture is installed right around the entire perimeter of the bedroom. If you decide to install bedside tables, choose options whose height will not exceed the height of the bed.

When decorating a modern small bedroom, you should not choose bright and contrasting colors in which your walls and furniture will be painted. It is very important to choose colors so that they combine harmoniously with each other. Choose a light color, but not white. But if you choose options for light, squat furniture, then your ceiling height will seem higher. Use a minimal amount of decorative elements. There should be no details that will clutter up the space. Let there be only one accent in the room that attracts attention, but it should not be in the central part of the room. Place it in one of the far corners to add visual perspective.

If the chosen accent is elongated and vertical, the height of the ceilings in the bedroom will appear higher.

Also take into account the fact that the upholstery on the furniture, as well as any textiles with a large pattern on it, will look completely ridiculous and inappropriate in a small bedroom. It is best if you choose the option of low-contrast or small ornaments.

What are the ways to visually increase space?

If your bedroom is not too large, don't worry too much about it. To make the room seem larger or, conversely, smaller, you can use some techniques that we will introduce you to.

Using mirrors and glass elements in a small bedroom style

In this matter, the mirror plays the main role. It can be the only one hanging on the wall, or on the door of the closet. This method will perfectly add volume, but if there are several small mirrors on the wall, then they can break up the space, while its edges will be hidden. To make the room look as bright and large as possible, it is best to hang mirrors opposite the windows. It may also happen when the room uses a design that simply does not fit the use of wall mirrors. In this case, you can use various options for mirror surfaces, for example, tiles, panels, stained glass.

“A material like glass is quite transparent and light, so the space will not be cluttered. You can make some glass elements in furniture, for example, the same shelves, door panels, coffee table.

Gloss ceiling and walls

If we take into account modern designs, then they often use glossy paint, because when it is applied to the walls, it can perfectly visually increase the space of the room. But don't go too overboard when choosing the color of the material. For example, if you choose some bright and aggressive options, you will probably feel tired and restless. The main task is to choose a pastel shade so that it is not too oppressive. But, in this case, it is important that there is an ideal, even surface. The mirror type of gloss is capable of perfectly refracting light rays, making visible any irregularities and flaws, which will make it seem as if the painting was done completely untidy.

Also, options for glossy stretch ceilings will help increase the space. Combined with well-chosen lighting options, it creates the impression that the space is endless. But if a mirrored ceiling is made with an imitation of a starry sky, on which lights will flicker chaotically, it will create the impression that the room is “a piece of space from outer space.”

Special wallpaper for a small bedroom

By using photo wallpaper, the way we perceive the surrounding space can be deceived. Today, fortunately, a huge and varied selection of such materials is offered, and even those in which the perspective is expressed in a fairly vivid way. Very often you can see options depicting landscapes/cities. But, this type of material should be glued to one - accent wall, it is with the help of it that the space of the room will be increased. If you prefer a perspective version of the drawing, then definitely, it should not be applied to one of the narrow walls in a rectangular room. Thus, you will only contribute to the fact that the room will take on even more elongated shapes, and you will have the impression that you are in a tunnel.

If the space is quite disproportionate, the proportions of the walls can be visually changed if the selected wallpaper has stripes. For example, horizontal ones contribute to expansion if they are on the wall that is narrower. If you prefer vertical ones, then the ceilings will visually appear higher.

Also, wallpaper options with a pompous/very large size design are not suitable. Large details make the room seem much smaller. But if the wallpaper is too shiny and ornate, the atmosphere as a whole will be disrupted. After all, everything in the room will just look terribly piled up. It is very important that there is harmony in small bedrooms, otherwise it will not be cozy.

Lighting in a small bedroom design idea

The question regarding lighting is very important in any room, and even more so if we are talking about a room with small dimensions. It is not at all necessary that it be a classic with the only option for central lighting. In this case, the room will not become more comfortable. It is best to have zonal lighting that will illuminate each corner of the room.

If the lamps are placed on the walls along the entire perimeter, then visually the ceilings will appear much higher. By the way, a very good result will come from the option with multi-level lighting.

Balcony combined with bedroom

If you have this particular layout option, you are very lucky. Due to it, the space of the room will not only visually seem larger, it will actually be so! If it is included in the main design of the bedroom, then it will continue it. In addition, this is an excellent option for placing furniture. Here you can sit very comfortably and comfortably and read a book, magazine, or just think about good things... By the way, if you have some kind of hobby, then this is a very good option for this kind of activity. There will be many times more daylight lighting here.

Interesting design options for small bedrooms

If you are still looking for options for decorating your own bedroom, choosing the most suitable option, you should watch the proposed video options, as well as photos of small bedroom design. After all, it is here that you can find exactly what you have long dreamed of and this will turn out to be the best solution for you. Surely, having been inspired by fresh ideas, you will be able not only to choose a wardrobe for a small bedroom that you will like, but will also meet all your needs and preferences. And if you approach the issue with complete seriousness and responsibility, the design of your bedroom will be the envy of many inhabitants of huge bedrooms, which are very cold and impersonal. After all, happiness is all about not “chasing” for square meters, but creating comfort in your own home.

95 photos of small bedroom design

In principle, a bedroom is a room for which it is not at all important to have a large number of square meters, because in fact, a bedroom usually contains a bed, bedside tables and a wardrobe. But, of course, people always want to be the owners of more spacious premises. Having small modern small bedrooms, in any case, you need to properly arrange them so that the modest size is not so obvious. Beautiful small bedroom design - 40 photos of a cozy small bedroom for you!

The most frightening thing in small bedrooms, of course, is the cramped space; it is usually very difficult to feel comfortable in cramped spaces; there may even be some kind of overwhelming feeling that you can get rid of with the right arrangement.
Before you even start arranging a beautiful design for a small bedroom, it is advisable to create a project to understand how best to arrange the furniture in the room so that there is enough free space left.

When decorating the interior of a cozy small bedroom, it is best to pay attention to Asian and Swedish styles; the fact is that it is there that they most often use rather cramped bedroom spaces, so some interior features can be taken into account.
If the ceilings in the room allow it, then you can make a second floor where a sleeping place will be placed, while at the same time a large amount of free space will be freed up below, which will clearly have useful uses. Photo of a small bedroom in an apartment:

Modern small bedrooms, you should not place the bed in the center, this “eats up” a lot of usable space; in small rooms it is best to place the bed along the wall. You can adopt a lot of design tricks with which you can visually increase the area of ​​the bedroom, such tricks include the use of light shades, installation of mirrors, etc. Marine motifs will look very advantageous in the bedroom, especially since they look very stylish.

A cozy small bedroom is not a reason for sadness and disappointment, it is a reason to study as many interesting design techniques as possible and, of course, use them in order to at least visually expand the available space and make the bedroom as cozy and comfortable as possible.
Professional designers can easily turn even the smallest room into a very functional space that will be comfortable and pleasant to be in, and there will definitely not be a feeling of cramping. Modern design of a small bedroom photo:

Modern small bedrooms

The most intimate place in the apartment is perhaps the bedroom, because strangers are usually not allowed there. In this room a person can be left alone with himself, here he rests, is distracted from some thoughts, sleeps, regains strength, etc. Photo of a small bedroom in an apartment. Naturally, special attention is paid to the design of the bedroom; all finishing materials are carefully selected, which raises the question: what kind of wallpaper should be purchased for the bedroom so that the atmosphere in this room remains as cozy as possible. In fact, choosing wallpaper is really difficult, because there are so many of them, and they are all completely different, and clearly no one wants to make a mistake with the choice.

You should start by determining a suitable color scheme.
Obviously, too bright colors in the bedroom will be unnecessary, since they will definitely not help a person relax, and bright colors do not bring coziness to the room. Decorating a small bedroom photo, designers advise in this case to give preference to wallpaper in light shades, they definitely won’t bother you and be an eyesore; in general, it’s always pleasant to be in a bright room. But, of course, you can always add a few bright splashes; this is not forbidden and, moreover, sometimes it looks very advantageous. You can even make one wall contrastingly bright, then the room will look very stylish. Modern design of a small bedroom photo:

Beautiful design for a small bedroom - the texture of the wallpaper for the bedroom is no less important. The cheapest are paper wallpapers; their cheapness comes from the fact that the material used for their production is very inexpensive and cannot be called durable. Paper wallpaper deteriorates much faster.

Wallpaper for a small bedroom

On the market you can also see non-woven wallpaper, which perfectly hides all the roughness that is on the walls. There are also similar wallpapers that can be repainted; they are very convenient for changeable personalities who like to often change the interior of the room. Another common type of wallpaper is vinyl; as a rule, they depict very interesting and beautiful designs that cannot leave anyone indifferent, however, this material is not cheap.

Beautiful design for a small bedroom - textile wallpaper includes natural fabric fibers, and therefore the prices for such wallpaper are high, but they are very impressive.
The most durable are fiberglass wallpapers, and the most expensive are natural ones, as they are made from natural materials, for example, bamboo.
Of course, when choosing wallpaper for your bedroom, you need to start from your material capabilities, because even when using cheap wallpaper you can create a unique interior. Decorating a small bedroom photo:

Many people today do not have much living space where they could expand on a grand scale. The walls cannot be physically moved apart, and meters cannot be added. But this does not mean that in such conditions you will not get a bedroom that is stylish, convenient, comfortable, exclusive and, simply, the way you want.

To design a small bedroom, you don’t need to be a professional interior designer. You just need to try to think creatively about the arrangement, and as for the principles and tricks that will help make your dream bedroom come true for small spaces, here are the most effective ones.

Color to help bedroom design

Color will help visually enlarge the space, and, most importantly, create the perception of the interior as it should be: light, cozy, calming. All light colors have this effect. Starting from white to gray-white, beige. The smaller the area, the lighter the tone and the cooler the shade.

This principle is widely used in Scandinavian countries, where apartments in cities are extremely small, but very rationally built.

Game of textures in a white bedroom

Now let's talk about how to apply white. To prevent it from seeming too boring and faceless, you need to develop a play of textures, for example, a combination of glossy paint on the walls with a fleecy carpet on the floor and add a bedspread made of coarse unbleached linen.

Decor and accessories in a white bedroom

To add liveliness to the interior and dynamics, you can add small bright decorations, for example, pillows on the bed, a stylish and colorful lampshade on the lamp. The main thing is to add decor in bright colors on small interior items and accessories.

If the bedroom is deprived of sunlight, then it is worth hanging a colorful and cheerful picture on the wall. A large photograph of a landscape that goes far into perspective or, as is now fashionable, macro photography of some flower in bright and saturated colors will work well to increase light and space.

Combination of other colors in a bright bedroom

Bedroom interiors look especially elegant if their combinations include a transition from white to blue or from white to orange.

Furniture in the design of small bedrooms

The most important principle is to divide furniture into small sections and distribute it throughout the room. Large, uniform surfaces should not be allowed, for example, like the doors of a large cabinet. You need to break everything down, if not physically, then visually, for example, paint the same door with stripes, maybe multi-colored, but in bed colors.

Cabinets and shelving

Wardrobe cabinets are best tall and narrow. With the smallest size, it is the same as having double doors. It is better to make separate shelves for small items open or with glass doors, without back walls. Such a storage system arrangement will allow you to immediately find the book, magazine, or thing you need, and will also teach you impeccable order and organization.

The things themselves, laid out in neat piles, will also play the role of decor and enliven the interior. One trick should be used when laying out piles of things on racks or shelves: you should not fill the shelves to the very top, let there be a little emptiness.

Large closed cabinets

If you still cannot do without them, then it is better to make their doors glossy. In the already mentioned Scandinavian style, the most fashionable are cabinets with transparent glass doors, from the inside of which a lace curtain is hung. This idea takes the viewer back to a time several generations ago, when such cabinets were in almost every home. The easiest way to fit wardrobes into a small bedroom is to choose them the same color as the walls.

Bed with extra inclusions

You can combine a sleeping area with a storage system very well. There are many options. For example, a bed with built-in drawers under the base. Such a bed will look much taller than a regular one, but overall it will be elegant and stylish.


If the bed has a built-in complex of drawers, then it is better to make the headboard minimal. A small one, 30-40 cm high from the mattress, is enough. If there is no built-in complex, then, on the contrary, an elongated headboard, covered with colorful fabric and decorated, will look good.

Getting rid of unnecessary things in the bedroom and replacing them

This is a rather controversial issue, but still, carrying out an audit in your bedroom and removing a couple of interior items is a mandatory measure. What could be unnecessary in the design of small bedrooms? For example, bulky floor lamps, a bookcase standing in the corner with a couple of souvenirs, a soft and wide chair, replacing it with a high-back chair on thin legs. A small bedside table can be replaced with a shelf hidden under the head of the bed.

Bedrooms with high ceilings

If such an opportunity is present in the dimensions of the bedroom, such as high ceilings, then an excellent option to save space would be a mezzanine on which to place the bed. Modern technologies make it possible to create small mezzanines with railings and stairs. Of course, this method of saving can be called youthful, but it would be perfect in a bedroom with a very small area for the required double bed.

Low ceilings and bed

And here you can make a bed on top. Construct the bed so that its height is the same as that of a two-story bed. Many people slept on the second floor as children; it was interesting to climb into a secluded place under the ceiling. This bed will bring back these sensations. Considering that this method of reducing the volume occupied by a furniture room is not suitable for everyone, it should be emphasized that modern possibilities in designing such a bed are almost limitless.

Living plants in the bedroom

The bedroom is a place to stay at night, and most plants tend to release oxygen and carbon dioxide at night. That is why in small bedrooms you need to carefully select plants. There are also those that absorb carbon dioxide at night, releasing oxygen. Among the recommended indoor plants for bedrooms are pelargonium (geranium), which improves sleep, and ferns, which perfectly humidify the air.

Large indoor plants should be avoided.

Window sill in the bedroom

A window sill can play a great role in saving space. For example, you can make a dressing table from it by installing an elongated tabletop on its base. There is a bar stool nearby if the window sill is high, and the mini-office is ready. In this case, it is better to cover the window with blinds or a Roman blind. Another role that a window sill can take on is additional seating. It is enough to lengthen the tabletop to 40-50 cm and put pillows, but this is provided that the window sill is not high.

Window decoration

In small bedrooms, massive curtains and curtains can burden the overall decor, so you should choose curtains carefully. Curtains such as Roman, Japanese, and blinds are best suited. There are window frames with special curtain rods attached directly to the frame, on which small curtains are hung. You can also hang the curtain on a curtain rod attached directly to the window opening.

In any case, it is best to hang curtains in length to the end of the window opening, which will allow you to place an additional shelf above the window opening, which will not be immediately noticeable, but will hide some things.

Textiles in the interior of small bedrooms

As discussed above, curtains should be selected the size of the window. But what materials they will be made from is a question. Light and translucent fabrics in light colors are appropriate in small bedrooms. The striped pattern on fabric curtains looks good.

Floor and ceiling in the bedroom

If the bedroom is light or even white, then the floor can be quite contrasting with the walls. Laminate or dark wood parquet will come in handy in light bedrooms, shading the walls and bringing balance to the space. As for the ceiling, the simpler the better. You should not make multi-level or suspended structures, or decorate it with massive stucco.

Photo gallery

The problem of cramped spaces in apartments built during the Soviet period remains relevant, since the majority of city residents still live in such “mansions.” But it is quite understandable that the owners want to make even such housing as comfortable and beautiful as possible. Therefore, numerous questions arise regarding its arrangement and design.

Designing a small bedroom is one such problem. In the art of design, there are many different techniques and tricks that help to rationally use even a very small space, making it easy to use and very cozy. Therefore, before starting to develop a project for the future bedroom interior, it makes sense to find out what should be taken into account to obtain an excellent result. Well, look at examples of successful completed projects.

The main factors influencing the situation in the bedroom

According to statistics, a person spends about a third of his life in the bedroom. Restful sleep and proper rest are among the most important factors affecting human health. That is why it is very important to create the most comfortable conditions for spending time in the bedroom. It is clear that when developing the design of such a room, you won’t be able to run away too much if it has a very small area. Therefore, it is immediately necessary to take into account that this room should contain only the necessary pieces of furniture and a minimum number of decorative accessories.

So, when drawing up a project, it is necessary to take into account the following factors:

  • General style decision.
  • Furniture items you can't live without.
  • Surface finishing material.
  • A combination of finishing colors that promote rest and relaxation.
  • Methods of lighting, general and local.
  • Textile interior elements.
  • Decorative accessories.

It is very important that the space of the room should be filled concisely, and all objects and materials should be in harmony with each other.

If it is not possible to create a bedroom design project in a computer application (although there are currently enough such programs that are not particularly difficult to master), then you should at least try to make a small sketch by hand. This way you can visually assess how the chosen finish will look in the intended shades of color, and how much free space will remain after arranging the furniture.

Furniture items in the bedroom

The number of items in the bedroom should be minimal, that is, only what is really necessary.

  • Unfortunately, in two-room apartments, where there is always a shortage of space, furniture that should not be there, for example, a wardrobe, is often placed in the bedroom. It is especially undesirable in the rest room of people prone to allergic reactions, especially if the room is small.

  • A very useful piece of furniture in the bedroom is a chest of drawers, which is used to store bed linen and underwear. If it is possible to place a wardrobe in another room, then a chest of drawers in the rest room will be enough.
  • The most important thingfurniture accessory for the bedroom is a bed. Well, or a folding sofa that can quickly turn into a comfortable sleeping place. If the room is very small, and in addition to the bed it is still planned to accommodate other voluminous pieces of furniture, the same closet or even a “wall”, then a sofa is better suited, since it can be quickly folded to a compact size.

Another option suitable for a small room could be a transformable bed, which is retracted into a niche in the wall during the day. Such models will be especially relevant if the bedroom has to be used as an office during the day.

  • On both sides or at least on one (if there is a chest of drawers) of the bed, it is necessary to provide space for installing a bedside table, which should also fit ergonomically into the interior.

  • Many women simply dream of having a dressing table with a large mirror in the bedroom. This table can often replace one of the bedside tables.

  • A good solution for a small bedroom would be to have stationary shelves, bedside tables and even wardrobes built into the walls. The convenience lies in the fact that they are arranged in place and given the desired shape and size. And the usable area is consumed minimally.

  • In some bedroom design options, there is also an area for a workplace - a table with shelves and a chair. These pieces of furniture will have to be selected or manufactured independently or to order, focusing on the parameters of the free area of ​​the allocated work area.

Material for finishing walls and built-in furniture

It is very important to choose high-quality and environmentally friendly materials for decorating the bedroom, which will not have a negative impact on the degree of comfort of rest.

  • It is not advisable to purchase products made from chipboard panels, since they contain formaldehyde resins, which emit toxic fumes throughout the entire period of operation. It is recommended to purchase furniture, as well as finishing for the panels of the room, if they are included in the project, made of natural wood. As a last resort, suitable products are made from wood composites with formaldehyde emission class E 1 or E 0.5, but with necessarily closed edges and a laminated surface.

  • For the construction of built-in cabinets and shelves, plasterboard sheets that do not contain any toxic substances are perfect. Drywall is also used to level walls, however, if the room is small, then it is worth using the technique of gluing sheets directly on the surface of the walls, since the frame method (using lathing from profiles) will narrow the room by at least 100 mm, and this is a lot.
  • The best (of the most affordable) decoration for bedroom walls is wallpaper on paper or other natural base. Fortunately, today the range of this material is so wide that it allows you to choose it for any chosen interior.

What wallpaper is suitable for the bedroom?

In this matter, it is also necessary to take into account a number of important criteria. More information about the variety of materials available for sale that are suitable for the case in question can be found in the article on our portal.

  • Another successful option for finishing bedroom surfaces is cork material, which can be used as wallpaper, flooring, and even ceiling cladding. Cork has such qualities as environmental friendliness, high levels of heat and sound insulation, durability, abrasion resistance and vapor permeability. The material is warm both to the touch and to the visual perception, therefore it is able to create a cozy comfortable microclimate in the bedroom. In addition, cork wallpaper goes well with other finishing wall materials.

  • However, some homeowners prefer painting the walls. For this finishing, it is necessary to select water-based paints that do not contain substances harmful to humans.

If the walls in the room are smooth, but not smooth enough, then you should pay attention to wallpaper intended for painting, many of which have decent characteristics, ideal for residential premises.

  • The choice of finishing for the ceiling surface directly depends on the height of the walls. If the ceiling of the room is high enough, then one of the hanging systems or a tension option will be suitable for it, which will lower the surface by at least 50 mm.

The quality of the ceiling surface is also taken into account. Low ceilings can be tidied up by careful leveling (puttying) followed by wallpapering or painting. With high walls, the same suspension or tension systems help hide unevenness.

If it is necessary to create a noise barrier, and this is a very common problem in high-rise buildings, special materials are used, of which there is no shortage today. One of the latest developments, which has already proven its effectiveness and gained popularity, is Texound. This material can be used not only for protection from the noise from upper neighbors, but also for walls and floors.

How can you protect yourself from noisy upstairs neighbors in your apartment?

This task is not as simple as it might seem. The use of conventional insulation most often does not give the expected result. But modern materials that have a good noise absorption effect come to the rescue. More details about this can be found in a separate article on our portal.

  • The flooring in the bedroom must also meet certain criteria that will contribute to normal rest and relaxation:

— it should not create echoes or other noise when moving;

- do not attract or absorb dust;

— be environmentally friendly;

- easy to clean;

- floors should be warm and comfortable for bare feet or slippers.

  • For example, wood flooring matches all named higher characteristics, but if it is raised above the ceiling to a certain height, for the purpose of insulation, then the space formed under the flooring must be filled with soundproofing material so as not to get a “drum” effect.

  • The traditional one is easy to clean and does not absorb dust, but in terms of environmental characteristics it is not entirely suitable for a rest room, as it has unsafe chemical components. However, today you can buy linoleum made from natural materials. Although it will cost much more, as you know, you can’t buy health. Therefore, it is better to spend money on high-quality finishing. To produce natural coatings, ingredients such as linseed oil, wood or cork flour and chips, jute, tree resins and natural dyes are used.

  • Cork that meets all the above criteria is ideal for coating. This coating is sold in slabs and in rolls, and is fixed to the prepared base with glue.
  • Today laminate flooring is widely advertised, but many of those who have already taken advantage of this offer could see that this coating does not live up to expectations. The surface of this material is subject to mechanical damage, the coating quite noisy, each object falling on it gives a certain echo, over time the boards begin to feel unpleasant. If moisture gets into the gaps between the slats, they can become deformed.

  • Another material that is undesirable for the bedroom is carpet, which accumulates a large amount of dust and requires a powerful vacuum cleaner to clean it. For allergy sufferers, this option should not be considered in principle. If an ordinary carpet can be rolled up and sent for cleaning, then in order to roll up the carpet you will have to not only move the furniture, but also dismantle the baseboards, which will be akin to carrying out minor repairs.

Optimal lighting in the bedroom

Whatever materials and furniture accessories are chosen for the bedroom, they will not look impressive if you do not create the right lighting in the room. The bedroom should have soft, calm light, which will help prepare for the relaxation process.

You can’t do without night lights in the bedroom, which can be sconces or small table lamps.

In addition, many homeowners liked the lighting of shelves or beds or a tube, which adds an interesting effect to the overall interior, giving a soft glow.

Another option for additional lighting is to install lamps under furniture. Moreover, the light from them can be both white and colored. Bottom lighting will be a good solution, since it will only illuminate the floor and will not interfere with the rest of those in the bedroom if one person needs to temporarily go out at night.

A small chandelier or spotlights can be used as overhead lighting. Large ceiling-mounted electrical appliances are not suitable for a small bedroom, as they will not only be out of place there, but will also visually make the ceiling lower. And many people also feel quite uncomfortable when such a “hulk” hangs over the bed.

What finishing colors are best for a bedroom?

One of the most important aspects of design is the correct selection of colors and finishes, as this directly affects the mood and psycho-emotional state of a person.

As you know, dark shades of color have a depressing effect on the psyche, which does not improve the emotional mood, and it should be present not only in the morning hours of awakening, but also when preparing for bed. Some people believe that dark walls help them fall asleep faster. Perhaps it affects just a few individuals in this way, but in a person with a normal psyche, “blackness” usually causes a feeling of anxiety. Therefore, you should not experiment with your health, even in cases where the person who was under the first impression really liked the colors of the wallpaper or other wall coverings. Dark colors tend to quickly bore the eye, and also increase a person’s depressive states. And this is especially true if they dominate a small room.

Too much white color also does not contribute to a good mood, since most people associate it with a hospital ward. Therefore, the best option would be to use dark and light tones as a dilution of neutral colors. In combination with them, they are able to emphasize and highlight or, conversely, “mute” certain areas of the room’s decoration.

Another color not recommended for use in a bedroom of any size is red. It is good for diluting the “boringness” of a calm interior. Moreover, red can be portable decorative accessories that, if necessary, can be removed from view - small pillows, vases, floral decorations, bedspreads, rugs, etc.

A small amount of red tones brings expression to the interior design, and its excess has a stimulating effect on the psyche. Therefore, in a bedroom with an excess of this color, insomnia may appear, leading to depression.

The best option for a normal rest would be calm pastel colors of finishing materials, as well as floral designs. For a small room, light wallpaper with not too large and bright design fragments is well suited. Excessively large-scale details of the picture contribute to the visual reduction of space and are better suited for spacious rooms where their size will be “blurred”.

Since floral design is more of a “female” option, you can find a compromise solution by making the wall cladding approximately monochromatic.

For this, smooth wallpaper can be used or one with shallow relief, but made in pastel soothing colors - beige, blue-gray, light green or lilac.

Textiles in the bedroom interior

The colors and designs of the fabrics used in the bedroom are no less important than other design elements. They should be matched to the basic tone and style of the design. It is also taken into account that some of them will enliven the interior, while others will organically fit into the overall color scheme, not coming to the fore, but complementing and making the bedroom cozy.

Bright textiles can be used for pillows and blankets that complement the bedspread, as well as for elements of curtains and bedside rugs. Moderate colors will be appropriate for the main part of the curtains and bedspreads.

The shades of fabrics must support the overall mood of the design, otherwise the interior will not look harmonious.

Textiles can radically change the design style of a room if the bedroom walls are decorated with neutral, monochromatic materials. So, it will be enough to make the bed with a bedspread of a different shade, replace decorative pillowcases and bedside rugs, and hang curtains of a different color, and the room will sparkle with completely new colors without any cosmetic repairs.

"Tricks" of bedroom design

To rationally use a small bedroom space, make it visually larger, and also correctly use color and linear accents, you need to study a little the tricks of design art. Considering these recommendations, it will be easier to cope with the rather complex task of decorating a small room.

Placement of furniture

The distribution of furniture throughout the room depends on its configuration, as well as the location of the windows and doorway.

Sometimes you have to resort to this - a bed that has a width equal to the width of the room.

  • If the room is narrow and long, then it makes sense to purchase or make your own bed that has a width equal to the width of the room, and also rationally use the space under it by arranging drawers. If there is a free zone along the length of the room, then you can install cabinets, a chest of drawers, or a set of items combined into a furniture “wall” in it.

  • If the bedroom has a square shape, but it is planned to install not only a large bed, but also wardrobes, then the problem can be solved as shown in the illustration above. In this design project, part of the bed is “recessed” to the depth of the closet. If it is necessary to vacate the room during the day, you can install a square bedroom that folds out only at night and is put away in the closet during the day. This option will also look similar to the complex shown in the photo.

  • In a long room, the bed can be installed across the room, across its entire width, along the wall. In this option, it will be better if there is a gap between the wall and the edge of the bed for passage to the sleeping area located near the window. The disadvantages of this arrangement include the inability to hang traditional curtains, but for this case there are Roman shades or blinds.

  • As a rule, the area around windows and entrance doors in residential premises remains unused. But when there is clearly not enough free space, it is worth using these zones. Moreover With the right layout, you can arrange not only shelves for books and decorative accessories, but also a workplace with bedside tables, leaving the heating radiator open. True, you will have to abandon ordinary curtains completely, or place them only in the window opening. Another option is to replace the curtains with horizontal or vertical blinds. If the bedroom area allows, then built-in wardrobes can be built around the door.

Techniques that visually expand space

In addition to color "tricks", there are several other techniques that can visually enlarge - expand or lengthen a room.

  • Volumetric curtains make the room smaller, since the cornices installed above the window protrude from the wall by at least 50 mm, and sometimes more. This means that none of the pieces of furniture should be placed closer to the wall where the window is located, especially if the cornices go from wall to wall. To prevent the room from being made smaller due to curtains, you can completely abandon them. This is possible in cases where the apartment is located above the first floor, and the bedroom windows face north, that is, the sun will not bother you.

A replacement for traditional curtains can be stylish Roman blinds, attached directly to the window opening. They are also made from fabric that can be matched to the main color scheme of the interior. Blinds are installed in the same way. Today they are made from different materials, in a wide range of shades, so finding the right option is not difficult.

  • To visually increase the volume of a room, you can stick 3D wallpaper on one or two walls, which will create the effect of expanding the space. In specialized stores you can find photo wallpapers for every taste - these can be floral themes, imitation of a window open to the sea, a path going into a forest thicket, the depths of the sea, etc. When choosing promising wallpaper, you need to take into account the style of the furniture that will be installed against the wall, since it should somehow become a continuation of the plot.

  • Low ceilings in the bedroom can be visually raised by gluing striped wallpaper to the walls, naturally with the stripes oriented vertically. Moreover, these can be ordinary lines of different colors and thicknesses, or made in the form of small or medium-sized floral designs arranged in vertical rows.

  • If it is necessary to expand the room, wallpaper with transverse stripes is used, which can be pasted on one or two walls - and this will be enough. If you decorate the entire room in this way, it, on the contrary, will look smaller, and your eyes will get tired, which will not allow a person to relax and have a good rest.

Moreover, in both the first and second cases, it is not necessary to choose wallpaper with bright contrasting stripes. It is enough for them to differ in color by one or two tones.

  • Another technique often used by interior designers is the use of mirrors to decorate rooms. It is necessary to set aside a certain place for mirrors in the bedroom, since it is undesirable for sleeping people to be reflected in it. Perhaps this is a prejudice, but still, if you decide to make a mirrored wall or install a closet with mirrored doors, then it is better to provide curtains that will close it at night.

To increase space, most designers most often place mirrors at the head of the bed, since this area is the first to come into view when entering the room. In addition, it is advisable to position the mirror so that it reflects light: during the day - coming from the window, and in the evening - from a table lamp or sconce.

In the project presented in the illustration, mirrors imitating windows are installed on both sides of the head of the bed, and the wall between them is decorated with light wallpaper with a large floral pattern, which is only a few tones lighter than the background. Mirror surfaces make areas of the wall seem transparent, making the surface covered with wallpaper protrude forward. The combination of these elements creates the effect that the room behind the head of the bed has a continuation, that is, the space expands.

Several examples of small bedroom interiors

If the design style for your future bedroom has not been finalized, you can turn to ready-made projects made by professional designers. Moreover not at all necessary copying a completely decorative solution - it is quite acceptable to take the most interesting moments and apply them at home, taking into account the characteristics of your room.

Naturally, when sketching your own bedroom, it is recommended to adhere to the tips given above.

Small bedroom in soothing colors

As you can see, the bedroom shown in the photo has a very small area. However, thanks to the well-organized space and selection of colors, the room turned out to be cozy and conducive to relaxation.

Fits perfectly into a small room quite elegant, but a spacious chest of drawers that can be used not only for storing bed linen, but also for other items of clothing that do not require hanging them on hangers. Due to the fact that there is very little free space for furniture in the room, a tall, shallow-depth model of the chest of drawers was chosen, so it does not seem bulky and does not come to the fore.

The window-sill space of the room is also rationally used - the shelves arranged in it are able to accommodate everything you need - favorite books, cosmetics, as well as hygiene products - everything is always at hand.

The designer excluded the use of heavy voluminous curtains, which would visually make the room smaller and deprive it of natural light. If desired, the window can be closed with any of the top curtains mentioned above, which are located directly in the window opening.

The interior uses several tones close to chocolate color, which harmonize perfectly with white shades. Their successful combination and distribution makes the room bright, and at the same time creates a calm microclimate.

The wall at the head of the bed is decorated with embossed wallpaper, which perfectly replaces the previously widely used wall hangings for interior decoration. It is the presence of this design element that makes the room especially cozy.

Among the lighting fixtures, the project developer chose a chandelier with an almost transparent “airy” design and a table lamp with a lampshade, the shape of which harmoniously echoes the element of the upper

There are no unnecessary details in the interior - only everything you need. Therefore, it can be called laconic and perfect for a small bedroom.

Bright bedroom in a romantic style

The design of the bedroom shown can be attributed to two popular styles, especially among women - “romanticism” and “Provence”. Such a design in a small recreation room is possible if the apartment or house has a spacious room where you can place cabinets and a chest of drawers, since the designer did not provide any space for them in this interior.

Although, if you use your imagination and reduce the size of some elements, then you can easily find a suitable area for the chest of drawers. For example, if you place the cornice only above the window, and also remove the corner bedside table, then a small chest of drawers will fit perfectly in its place. By the way, it will be more functional than a very small bedside table.

The interior has an excellent combination of white and cream shades, and it is brought to life by well-chosen delicate wallpaper with an unobtrusive floral pattern. certain areas of the wall are highlighted - this is the head of the bed and the front door, and a floral strip pasted in the corner balances the overall composition.

The bedspread used to decorate the bed is made of fabric that has almost the same pattern as the wallpaper, which brings harmony to the overall appearance of the interior.

The ceiling surface is also interestingly designed. The “Provence” style in it is given by the imitation of open floor beams and sufficiently attached to them volumetric, but because of the white color and its design - a seemingly weightless chandelier. Sconces are used as lower night lighting in the interior, which can also be called a decorative addition.

The color of the curtains echoes the shade of the floor covering, which also brings harmony to the developed design.

This interior is quite suitable for both a small room and one with big enough square. In the latter case, to add coziness to the bedroom, you can add several furniture accessories, as well as choose wallpaper with larger plant patterns.

Country style bedroom

“Country” is an American version of the rustic style, which has become popular in many countries around the world due to the coziness it creates. In addition, the design of a room in this design direction is characterized by such qualities as simplicity and the absence of expensive decorative accessories.

Basically, this style is “made” by textiles, which are used everywhere in the “country” interior - these are colorful or plain, hand-quilted bedspreads, sometimes patchwork curtains, tablecloths, napkins, as well as fabric lampshades for chandeliers, table lamps and sconces. During its existence and development, “country” has absorbed the traditions of the countries in which it was used, so its decorative elements and fabric colors may vary. However, as a rule, rooms decorated in this style have warmth and coziness; they are comfortable to stay in both in the summer heat or winter cold, and on a rainy, cloudy day.

By choosing “country” to decorate your bedroom, you can fit any objects close to your heart into the interior. And some products can be made with your own hands, using available materials that will be in harmony in tone with the main color scheme.

The rustic style is characterized by warm tones, close to the shades of wood, which can also become the main decor of the bedroom. Wooden lining is perfect for cladding all or one of the walls, and cabinets, beds, chests of drawers and even cabinets are often made of natural wood. Although in some cases it looks a little rough, its warmth and textured patterns add coziness to the design of the room, and the bedroom looks like a “box”.

“Country” is perfect for decorating a small bedroom - all shades of style, as well as accessories, contribute to peace, stress relief and normal rest for a person.

A good example of using photo wallpaper in bedroom design

With a 3D effect or having a perspective image, they can literally visually expand the walls of a small room. In this project, to create this effect, a three-dimensional composition was created, consisting of a plasterboard structure that imitates a window opening, behind which begins the “forest” depicted in the photo composition.

The effect of increasing space is enhanced by lighting, for which an LED strip mounted between the main and false walls is most often used. Other types of lighting included in this project are spotlights, as well as a sconce located next to the wall decorated with photo wallpaper.

Thanks to double lighting and spatial image, the room is not limited by a solid wall, but visually increases in size.

Photo wallpaper attracts the eye of a person entering the room, so the bed and textiles, bedspreads and curtains fade into the background and only complement the overall mood of the interior.

If we give general characteristics to this design, we can note a very organic combination of light and color, which create a calm mood that promotes relaxation processes.

Stylish small bedroom design

This project presents a small bedroom, decorated in a style that vaguely resembles English. Or rather, it uses elements characteristic of this direction - these are paintings or photographs in frames that are in harmony in color and shape with the overall design, furniture pieces made in a certain style, wide borders around the perimeter of the ceiling and other small interior details.

Although the walls are decorated darkburgundy and purple striped wallpaper, the room does not seem gloomy - due to the cabinets, shelves and doors being white, which enhances the influence of daylight on the decor.

The designer managed to rationally use every centimeter of the room, including not only big enough bed, but also two furniture walls that can solve all problems with storing clothes and bedding. The wall built above the headboard and on the sides of the bed is not only functional, but also plays a decorative role, as it has an elegant front and shelves that can be used to install decorative elements that can enliven the restrained colors of the interior. The “disadvantage” of the design of this bedroom is the small free space, but it is quite enough to get to the sleeping area located near the window.

Any of the presented interiors can be decorated with tall plants planted in large flowerpots. Fresh flowers have a beneficial effect on the microclimate of the room, as they can purify the air, and green color accents tend to relieve stress and, in combination with daylight, improve mood.

As you can see, even a very small area of ​​the bedroom can not only be used rationally, but also create a real “shelter” on it to recuperate after hard days at work and the bustle of the streets, which is especially important for residents of big cities. And the right design will help minimize periods of bad mood and emotional tension.

To supplement the information received, watch an interesting video selection of original design solutions for decorating very small bedrooms.

Video - How to transform a bedroom with an area of ​​only 9 square meters

You can’t find a single person who would say: I want a bright, aggressive bedroom with a rich color scheme.

And that’s right, for the reason that this room should be as calming, peaceful and relaxing as possible.

It is the interior of a bedroom in an apartment that contributes to good sleep, and therefore a quality life.

Concept, measure and color!

When creating a corner of privacy, you need to seriously think about the design of the bedroom in the apartment.

This is a personal space that should not always be occupied. Which allows, under the heading of secret, to create there an atmosphere of complete intrigue different from the main theme.

Simply put, the design of a bedroom in an apartment may differ from the general one. Which will not only benefit the body (it will signal that it’s time to sleep), but will also diversify the apartment.

Rule: You should adhere to measures when decorating a bedroom in terms of items, colors and size of furniture if the bedroom is small!

If the bedroom does not have a large area, it can be visually enlarged using:

  • bright hues,
  • mirrors,
  • small-sized furniture,
  • small size accessories,
  • silk textiles.

Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme of the bedroom in a small apartment:

  • Warm shades of white will add romanticism.
  • Blue and light green will bring coolness.
  • Yellow, orange or gold will charge you with energy.
  • Pink, as an alternative to red, will add coziness.

"Clothes" for the bedroom!

A beautiful bedroom in an apartment is undoubtedly a trump card, which is often known only to the owners of the house.

Some I turn it into duets: bedroom and office, bedroom and dressing room, bedroom-living room, bedroom and fitness room.

Today, it is very simple to do this harmoniously, without disturbing the overall concept of the room. Furniture sets designed to delight, rather than burden you with searching for compatible items, help bring such ideas to life.

This set consists of a bed, a chest of drawers, bedside tables and the item that is necessary according to the duo concept: a desk, a wardrobe, etc.

However, you can’t get by with just a kit: another important point is lighting.

The times of a single chandelier on the ceiling have sunk into oblivion, replaced by ceiling lamps, sconces and floor lamps.

It is much more convenient to distribute the light around the entire perimeter and use only what is necessary - locally.

This method has undeniable advantages: energy savings, visual increase in space and twilight for a romantic situation.

Apartment bedroom styles!

A bedroom in an apartment is a “demanding” room that requires a lot of effort when choosing the right style.

More precisely, the renovation of a bedroom in an apartment must absolutely justify the requirements set by us. To avoid mistakes, let's take a closer look:

The classic style is characterized by light colors and laconic furniture, without small accessories;

A country bedroom is like an exhibition of wood and stone, decorated with patchwork textiles, wicker furniture and ornamental paintings;

Ethnic style can “transfer” an African hut, an oriental tent or a Provence terrace;

High-tech high-tech - distinguished by strict lines, black and white, slightly diluted with metallic, blue, yellow or red;

Forged metal, antique accessories and textiles - vintage style details;

Biedermeier is the style of talented people who can create interior items with their own hands;

Minimalism and eco style are the favorite trends of metropolitan residents, who choose only functional furniture and environmentally friendly items.

Often, psychologists advise decorating bedrooms based on your psychotype.

For a melancholic person, Baroque or Biedermeier would be a good choice due to the presence of small details and rich colors: red, orange or gold.

A phlegmatic person will appreciate the eco style – synonymous with connecting with nature. The sanguine person wins in this list: he has the opportunity to choose absolutely any interior style.

His energy, moderate activity and perception of reality give this right.

Photo of interior design of a bedroom in an apartment

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