Correctly selected design of a small bedroom, its color palette, decor, selection and arrangement of furniture - all this is of great importance. After all, if in a large room the flaws are not too noticeable, then in an area of ​​10 square meters every little detail will be before your eyes.

In this article we will look at the most important points regarding the design of a bedroom of modest size. Starting from design and ending with zoning of the room, taking into account its purpose. There is also a photo gallery with examples of decoration and furnishings.

DIY decoration and design of a small bedroom

The more carefully we pay attention to the decoration and design of the bedroom, the more comfortable it will be to be in it.

Choosing a design

When decorating the interior of a small bedroom, you need to remember that it is undesirable to clutter small rooms. In its pure form, it is better to use minimalist styles: hi-tech, minimalism, Japanese or Scandinavian. The latter is very successful, as it implies a nuanced harmony in the interior, consisting of neutral basic tones and a small number of bright accessories.

Most ethnic styles can be adapted for a small bedroom or living room in an apartment: Provence, English, maritime, African, Egyptian, Moroccan and Mediterranean. Their initial palette is not too dark, and decor is not the key point. With historical designs in small bedrooms it is more difficult, since decor and accessories are the basis for the recognition of such styles.

Renovation of a small bedroom, design. Photo of a Scandinavian style room

Note:When we talk about adapting styles, we mean adjusting the color palette of the room and the volume of decor. For example, English design involves a lot of dark wood, wallpaper and textiles in rich colors. Adaptation is done by replacing wenge-colored wood with a lighter one; wallpaper is selected in neutral tones; the number of accessories is reduced without distorting the overall character of the style.

Modern design of a small bedroom: photo of an adapted interior in the English style

Wallpaper and photo wallpaper in a small bedroom

As for simple wallpaper for a small bedroom, in a room with a small area it is better to refuse:

  1. Large drawing - it visually makes the room smaller
  2. A sharply contrasting pattern will quickly tire your eyes.
  3. Drawings in the form of balls of any size - they seem convex and visually push the walls towards the beholder.

You can visually enlarge a small bedroom using photo wallpaper depicting an exit to a terrace, a forest path, a view from a cliff or cliff, a city panorama, etc. The subconscious mind perceives all of the above as the absence of a wall, and accordingly, the room will seem larger. It could also be something abstract, cold in tone. It is better not to use large images of animals or flowers - they have a large number of rounded lines (see point 3).

Small bedrooms, interior design: photo of wall decoration

Note:The temperature and lightness of tones directly determine how noticeable the lack of space will be. Cool shades visually push the walls apart, warm shades make them closer; Light colors make rooms larger, dark colors make them smaller.

Placing accents in the interior of a small bedroom

At the beginning of the article, “nuanced harmony” was mentioned. Its main advantage for a small bedroom is its light primary colors, which make the room appear more spacious. And if a large room allows you to complement the design with any number of bright details, then a small room, on the contrary, requires moderation. Accents in the design of a small bedroom are introduced in small quantities, best of all - one large point and two or three small ones.

The photo shows a renovation in a small bedroom with a beautiful design, executed in nuanced harmony.

Options for placing accents may be different. Here are some ideas:

  • Two bright bedside tables + two or three small reproductions or paintings above the bed.
  • Bright curtains + several decorative pillows to match.
  • A bedspread with a blanket of different colors and textures + a painting/reproduction on the wall + a couple of unusual lamps.
Note:the bed and curtains in the space of a small bedroom are quite large surfaces, the color of which greatly affects the perception of the room. If there is no task to focus specifically on them, the shade of textiles is selected as neutral as possible. Otherwise, the room will be overloaded with color. A good example is in the following photo of the interior of a small bedroom.

How to decorate a small bedroom: the correct placement of accents is very important

Selection of decorative items

As with furniture, which will be discussed below, bulkiness should be avoided in decor. For example, paintings, photos and reproductions. They should not have a massive, dark frame. Wide frames, similar in color to the walls, are quite appropriate. In a small bedroom, the size of these wall decorations also matters: either up to 60 cm 2, or we already use a panel of photo wallpaper, covering the entire wall.

An important point is lighting. In a small room, wall-mounted bedside lamps are optimal. When lampshades are not intended to be used as accents in the bedroom design, they are selected in neutral colors. If the lamps are standing, you should not choose devices with large lampshades: the more modest, the better. In this regard, high-tech models are good - small, with a simple surface relief. Chandeliers are selected according to the same principle - small size and simplicity of design.

Very small bedroom design. Photo with bedside lamps coming down from the ceiling

Curtains for a small bedroom

In a small room, it is better to avoid curtains with massive lambrequins or wide, far-protruding bands. If the design of the curtains is classic and they are attached to a round cornice, then the latter should not be too wide. All this visually lowers the ceiling and moves the window opening towards the person looking at it. Fabrics for curtains are preferably soft, flowing, and hard, bristling ones, like organza, should be avoided.

Curtains for a small bedroom: photo of a classic design without lambrequins

Note:if the window is located on a smaller wall, then not only it, but also the partitions on the sides should be covered with curtains. With open partitions, we get several wide vertical lines that will make the room narrower. This rule applies to classic, French and Japanese curtains.

How to arrange a small bedroom: furniture

The correct choice and arrangement of furniture, zoning - all this is of great importance for rooms with a shortage of space.

Bedroom layout

The layout of a small bedroom depends on the shape of the room, the location of the entrance, the window/windows and whether there is a need to place storage systems or a workspace. The diagram below shows two options for arranging a standard set of furniture in a small bedroom. If there is no need for a storage system, then in its place you can place a stand for TV and/or audio.

Layout: double bed + bedside tables + wardrobe

If you need to place a study in the bedroom, then the arrangement of furniture can be as follows:

How to place a bed, bedside tables, work space and bookcase in a small bedroom

The diagrams given above are designed for standard furniture. However, to save space, you can use unusual options. A good way to fit a sleeping and work space into a 10-meter room would be to purchase a loft bed, as in the photo. The niche underneath can be used to install a desktop and/or bookcase. True, this option is available if the ceiling in the room exceeds 3 m in height.

Note:There is also an option for rooms with ceilings up to 3 m - a transforming bed. During the day it is a small sofa, in front of which there is a lot of free space, and at night it is a wide, comfortable sleeping place. Problems can only arise with the purchase of a bed - most often such models are only available to order.

Furniture for a small bedroom: photo of a loft bed for a teenager

Furniture selection

In a small bedroom there is no place for a bed with a massive headboard and footboard. Ideally, it is better to do without them at all, or with just a small headboard. A good option would be to purchase a bed made of openwork forging; it looks good and does not clutter up the space. If you like to read while sitting in bed and leaning against the wall, then you don’t have to buy a bulky model with a soft headboard. You can use the idea for a small bedroom from the following photo: a small cornice with a narrow pillow on it is mounted to the wall.

Cozy room for a girl or woman

It is better to completely abandon sofas, armchairs, and voluminous poufs and replace them with stools or chairs. If you want to place a banquette at the foot of the bed, then it should have thin legs and a seat that is not too plump. Bedside tables should be lightweight, in the form of drawers on thin legs, or replaced with small shelves.

How to furnish a small bedroom: furniture should be light in appearance

Note:It is preferable to replace ordinary hinged wardrobes with compartments. The sliding wardrobe does not require additional space for opening the doors. They, in turn, can be of any width, which significantly improves the overview of the content. In addition, a built-in mirrored wardrobe visually enlarges the bedroom, which cannot be said about a hinged wardrobe.

Mirrored wardrobe with sliding doors

Zoning a small bedroom

If we are talking about zoning a room used by one person or a married couple, then it is better not to consider options with physical partitioning of the room. Any partition immediately makes the bedroom very small, so it is better to use visual methods - color, material and texture of the walls, floor or ceiling. You can also use curtains that, if necessary, will be pulled towards the wall and, when assembled, will not catch the eye.

It’s a completely different matter when the bedroom is designed for two children, and even with the condition that there is a workplace in it for each of them. Here two problems arise at once: personal space and the ability to do homework without being distracted by each other. A way to avoid the construction of partitions is to purchase a rack with the top open on both sides. This way, each child will have their own corner and additional storage space for school supplies.

Zoning a room for two children

Not all apartment owners can boast of a spacious recreation room; more often they have to develop one. The task is further complicated by the fact that in a small-sized apartment such premises play the role of and.

Let's look at the optimal design options for a small rest room, ideas for it, furniture arrangement,. The photo gallery will demonstrate examples of how to decorate a small bedroom.

The most suitable interior design options for a small bedroom

The design of a small bedroom should solve two problems:

  • visual expansion of limited space;
  • functional and comfortable placement of furniture.

Ideas and layout

DIY small bedroom design starts with an idea. Ideas can be borrowed from magazines, the Internet, or from friends. The first stage is the layout of a small bedroom. It depends on the size, shape of the room, and the number of its inhabitants. Before purchasing, they draw up a design for the premises. This will help you choose the optimal size headset.

Please note: The main goal is to make the room not only beautiful, stylish, but also comfortable.

Approximate layout of furnishing a small room

For comfortable passage and use of furniture, the distance from the wall or piece of furniture to the bed must be at least 0.7 m. If the bed is double, it must be approached from both sides. In a room for two children, the distance between the sleeping places should be 0.5 m.

If space is limited, you can move it to one of the walls. In this case, there should be free space at the foot of the bed so that the person sleeping against the wall can get to his sleeping place without disturbing his partner. Leave the distance from the door to the opposite wall free, so the room will seem wider.

Options for how to place a bed in small bedrooms - interior design, photo

If you plan to install a dressing table in the room, then the distance from its front edge to the adjacent piece of furniture should be at least 70 cm. This is enough for comfortable use of the table while sitting on it. In a walk-through location, this distance should be - 1 m. When planning the installation, or, keep in mind that to open the door and pull out drawers, you need at least 30 cm of free space.

Advice: It is not recommended to cover the approach to the window with furniture; this will complicate window cleaning and care.

An example of arranging a small recreation room

If you can’t place the bed against one of the walls, you can place it diagonally across the room. This placement will provide free access to the sleeping area for two partners.

On a note: An interesting option is a round bed - it has a comfortable, streamlined shape, but this design costs more than a regular one.

In a small bedroom, a bed located diagonally provides free passage to the balcony.

Our selection of photos will demonstrate more examples of how to arrange a small bedroom with an area of ​​6, 8 and 9 square meters.

How to visually enlarge your bedroom

The Japanese style, characterized by functionality, simplicity and elegance, will be successful for a small room.

Despite the fact that the bedroom has a small area, it looks great. The advantage of this style is the rational use of the available space - every piece of furniture is useful and is in its place. A glossy stretch ceiling will give the bedroom a modern look, visually expanding the space.

Remember: In a small room, a classic interior should not be pretentious.

Refined elegance embodied in a small area - small bedroom design, photo

Vintage rooms look unusual. Aged objects in shabby frames have a special charm and give the room warmth and coziness. In a small room, this style can be represented by a delicate color scheme, a minimal set of things, and light floral textiles.

Romantic, cozy little relaxation area, decorated in Provence style


The interior of the relaxation room will be enlivened by a variety of textiles. This could be a bright bedspread, stylish pillows of different configurations, an original rug on the floor, etc.

Recommendation: limited space should not be overloaded with different details - one or two bright accessories are enough.

The windows of a small room are decorated minimally. The best option is Roman curtains with light curtains.

Well-chosen curtains for a small bedroom, photo

A good idea for increasing space is. If it is located opposite the window, the light will fill the entire room, making it more spacious.

The mirror can be placed separately on the wall, or be part of the cabinet facade

Furnishing options for a small bedroom

Selection and arrangement of furniture

The rest room may also include the following pieces of furniture:

  • dressing table;
Advice: if the bedroom area allows, you can place all these pieces of furniture; if not, select only the necessary ones.

Minimum set of furniture and accessories - design of a very small bedroom, photo

The central element of the bedroom interior is the bed. It is selected according to the level of comfort and ergonomics, and should be as large as the dimensions of the room allow.

Every square centimeter is valuable, so the space under the bed should be used to maximum advantage. A smart solution is to buy a bed with drawers. A bed with a lifting mechanism is also suitable. Store bed linen and various accessories under the bed; in this case, you won’t need a chest of drawers.

The podium bed combines original design, comfort and functionality - furniture for a small bedroom photo

Bedside tables are convenient because you can put the most necessary things on them - a phone, a book, and put them on top. They do not take up much space, so you should discard this piece of furniture only as a last resort.

Idea: When decorating a room for a girl, the bedside table can be replaced with a dressing table.

Option for arranging a small lounge combined with a balcony

Wardrobes are necessary for storing clothes and belongings. They should be compact but roomy. The best option for a small bedroom is a built-in wardrobe with a mirrored facade. It can be corner, or located in a niche, taking up little space, and mirrored doors will increase the space.

A spacious wardrobe is a lifesaver for small spaces

If you have a separate wardrobe in your apartment, or there is not enough space in the room for a full-fledged wardrobe, you can conveniently store everyday clothes and linen.

An example of how to furnish a small bedroom without using a closet

Increases the comfort level of the bedroom. You can sit on them, drink tea, fold your clothes before going to bed. But if there is not enough space in the bedroom, you can discard these pieces of furniture.

Compact furniture with low legs will save space - an example of how to decorate a small bedroom

Many people prefer to watch TV before bed. If the rest room is small, it is better to choose a flat model and install it on the wall opposite the bed.

Advice: ;
  • use of combined;
  • arrangement of sliding screens, curtains.
  • Attention: When dividing functional areas, you should focus on the location of the bed - it should occupy a central place.

    Separated with a curtain, one person can sleep peacefully while their partner is still working

    The division into zones is carried out and. The central chandelier in the room can be complemented by wall sconces on both sides of the bed, a floor lamp, or a table lamp in the work area.

    Soft diffused light will create a cozy atmosphere in the room - renovation of a small bedroom - design, photo

    Bottom line

    With the right approach, even a tiny room can be made as comfortable as possible. When developing the design of a small bedroom, you need to think carefully, create a furniture layout, and choose the right one. And various design techniques will help to visually expand the space and divide it into functional zones.

    A room such as a bedroom must be comfortable, cozy and pleasing to the eye, since a person spends about a third of his life there every day. To many, it may not seem very important what the room in which he sleeps looks like, because in fact you see it the least, but psychologists have long proven the influence of what surrounds you before bed on a person’s psyche and mood.

    When the bedroom is small, you want to place everything you need in it so that it is as functional as possible, but at the same time it is not too cluttered, because there should also be free space for movement. At the same time, the sleeping area should remain convenient, comfortable, and stylish. Is it possible to combine all this in the smallest bedroom? Easily!

    Of course, a small bedroom has a number of its disadvantages, but before you get upset, look at the problem from the other side. A small bedroom can become a real cozy nest, but making a spacious room cozy is much more difficult. And only when you try to arrange a miniature room do all your talents come to light, because you need to choose the right furniture, color, try to visually expand the space, and at the same time create a harmonious interior. We hope the tips below help you.

    No. 1. Use light colors

    Light shades in the design of small rooms - The easiest way make it visually larger and this is the method that both professional and novice designers resort to, since this option is a win-win. Light shades seem to expand the space, making it lighter, fresher, more elegant. You can also use one trick - paint the ceiling the same color as.

    It is not necessary to use only white color, which for many people does not cause the most pleasant sensations, and cannot always give the room the proper coziness. Will do just fine all pastel shades: cream, peach, beige, as well as light delicate shades of blue, light green, pink, etc. If you want to give the room uniqueness and originality, then against the general background of pastel shades, one of the walls can be painted in some contrasting color. It is with this technique that you can solve the problem and place the necessary emphasis. You can get it by painting it a different color, pasting it over, or using photo wallpaper.

    Usage photo wallpaper in the bedroom- one of the ways to highlight a wall in the interior. It is photo wallpaper that can give a room a feeling of additional space if it depicts some landscapes with a pronounced perspective. And if you use the backlight for them correctly, you can achieve absolutely wonderful results.

    By the way, if you have decided the gender, then we hope there is no need to say that it should also be light shades. And one more detail: it is placed diagonally, and not in the usual way, this will create a feeling of more space.

    No. 2. Choosing the right furniture

    Another important condition that must be observed when arranging a small bedroom is the choice of the right furniture: it should be functional, take up as little space as possible and be simple, not pretentious. Try to use minimum required set of furniture, do not waste space between elements, give preference to lower furniture. So, you can choose a low one, in the Japanese style, and then the room will seem visually more spacious. Another interesting trick is to use, which can simultaneously become a storage place for numerous things. It’s hard to even believe how much stuff can fit there.

    No. 4. We use mirrors

    Hanging mirrors in the bedroom is another simple and reliable way to make the bedroom visually larger. If you correctly place a floor-length mirror in the room, you can get illusion of extra space, and the bedroom, remaining exactly the same in size, will already seem more spacious. All this is due to the fact that the mirror, as it were, doubles the space. Any mirror surface has the same properties, so similar accessories, pieces of furniture and decor should be used in the design of a small bedroom.

    No. 5. Leave the space around the door free

    This is another little trick that many of us are not aware of. The space near the bedroom door must remain free if you want to visually expand the room. It’s good if there is nothing at all from the door to the wall opposite, but in the smallest bedroom this is difficult to achieve, so the minimum number of objects at the maximum distance from the door is the best option.

    No. 6. Optimizing space

    When starting to arrange your own bedroom, try to look at it differently. Perhaps you never noticed high ceiling or wide, which may be useful in the arrangement. So, if the ceiling is high enough, then you can turn the bedroom into a real dream and organize second tier, and place a sleeping place on it, leaving the first floor for storage systems, dressing table, table and other necessary pieces of furniture. Wide window sill It will also help to arrange additional places for relaxation: you can arrange a small sofa there, decorating it with bright pillows that can distract from the main drawback of the room - its miniature size.

    Using massive, heavy accessories will also not add additional space to a small bedroom. At all decor in such a room There should be a minimum, but there’s no escape without it. One or two paintings or photographs will only decorate and diversify the simple interior of a small bedroom, but a huge number of them will play a cruel joke. The bedroom can be decorated with fresh flowers, small souvenirs and other items, but the main thing is to observe moderation and know the line between taste and bad taste.

    Great idea to hang it on one of the walls large painting or poster. This technique will help distract attention from the area of ​​the room, catching your eye.

    No. 8. Correct lighting

    There is another problem that owners of a small bedroom may face: lack of natural light, i.e. no windows. This can happen after a not entirely successful redevelopment, adaptation of a room not intended for this purpose into a bedroom, and in a number of other cases. The way out is to create the effect of the presence of a window: you can attach a real frame to the wall, equip it with a mirror or lighting and curtains, you can draw a window, make the partition in the next room transparent. Interior styles such as minimalism, classic and Japanese style.

    Many people dream of a spacious bedroom where all the necessary pieces of furniture can fit. However, even a small room can be made cozy and functional. It is only important to properly organize the design of a small bedroom. By taking into account all the features and nuances, you can fit the necessary furniture into a limited space and avoid crowding and clutter.

    Lighting in a small bedroom creates a larger space.

    There are basic styles that can be implemented in a small bedroom:

    The small bedroom is decorated in light colors with bright accents.
      • Provence. Helps to bring the atmosphere of the southern part of France into your own bedroom. To create this style, pastel colors are chosen. For textiles, choose chintz that is slightly faded, as if it has faded in the sun. The fabric may have a pattern in the form of flowers, polka dots, or a checkered pattern. Furniture should be used simple. No pretentiousness, in light colors;
      • Style . It combines the absence of finishing materials on the walls, spaciousness, large windows and high ceilings. For a small bedroom, you can adopt several useful ideas from this style. On the walls you can leave a simple brickwork. There are a large number of finishing materials to imitate this effect. The bed should be chosen without legs. It is installed on an uncoated floor. A characteristic feature of a loft is that it gives the room the appearance of a free artist’s haven. Any decorative elements must be absent. To visually add space to the room, you can place a wardrobe in the bedroom with doors with a glossy metal effect. Blinds should be used as curtains;

    Small bedroom in green tones.
    • Minimalism. This style is most optimal for small rooms. Minimalism consists of the absence of any frills and decorations. All surfaces are perfectly smooth, the furniture is clear, there are no more than two bright accents in the room;
    • Scandinavian style. This design is associated with coolness and transparency. Mainly shades of white are used. The style is suitable for rooms with windows facing south. Scandinavian design is suitable for warm climates.

    Finishes and materials

    Furniture arrangement in a small bedroom.

    All proposed styles for small bedroom design are based on the use of light shades. For walls it is better to choose a pastel range of colors. This will help visually expand the space. If you want a pattern on your wallpaper, choose a small one. Large design elements on the canvas should be abandoned.

    You can create a stylish ornament on one side of the wall. To do this you will need to purchase two types of wallpaper. There will be a harmonious contrast in the bedroom. The ceiling should also be made white. This will additionally visually increase the space. For example, you can make a suspended ceiling with LED lighting. You determine the location of the light bulbs yourself.

    For the floor, it is preferable to use laminate, which is laid diagonally. This arrangement creates the effect of increasing the area. Before purchasing all the materials necessary for renovation, it is important to correctly measure all the parameters of the bedroom. This will help you calculate the exact quantity needed.

    Placement of furniture, appliances and accessories

    Small bedroom in pastel colors.

    In a small bedroom it is recommended to use compact furniture. An excellent option would be a bed that can be stored in a closet. With a convenient and practical placement of all pieces of furniture, you can avoid cluttering an already small space. This will clear all passages. Thanks to this, you can freely move around the room.

    Original design of a small bedroom.

    By putting the bed in the closet during the day, you will have a large amount of free space. This solution has the following advantages:

    • Comfortable and convenient sleeping place;
    • You will not only have a sleeping place, but also a closet for storing things. In this case, the structure will take up little space;
    • Putting the bed in the closet frees up space in the bedroom;
    • There is no need to purchase a chest of drawers. All bedding will be stored in the closet along with the bed;
    • The corner type of design is characterized by increased capacity.

    Harmonious combination of colors in a small bedroom.

    In addition to choosing furniture, it is also important to arrange it correctly. It depends on how organically and freely it will fit into the overall style of the room.
    To do this, you can use useful recommendations:

    • Buy furniture without high legs. It’s best that they don’t exist at all;
    • To store things, choose a wardrobe. It is spacious and saves space due to sliding doors;
    • The mirror surface of the cabinet doors will visually increase the space;
    • If you cannot do without dressing tables and cabinets, they must have compact dimensions;
    • You should not buy floor lamps; they take up too much space. It’s better to opt for models that are attached to walls;
    • A small bedroom should be completely free of items that you don't use.

    Small bedroom in beige tones.

    When thinking through the design of a small bedroom, special attention is paid to the layout of the furniture. This determines how spacious and free your room will look. In addition, the more correctly the objects are arranged, the more convenient it will be for you to move around the room.

    If you need a TV in the bedroom, then you definitely shouldn’t place it on the cabinet. It will only take up more space. Many modern models are wall mounted. This is an ideal option for limited space.

    A shelf that is placed on the wall is suitable for storing various small items. This will allow you to avoid purchasing a table and leave more free space.

    The small size of the bedroom can be visually enlarged thanks to the correctly selected interior.

    Color design for small bedrooms

    Light shades suit a small bedroom well.

    The bedroom is a place of relaxation. A man sleeps in this room. That is why it is important to use calm and peaceful shades when designing. If the room is small, it is best to use light colors. They will visually add spaciousness to the room. Dark colors, on the contrary, will make the bedroom even smaller. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to stop at white or beige. Choose any light, calm shades.
    The location of the windows in the bedroom matters. If they face the north side, then it is worth considering a warm color scheme. If the windows face south, then it is permissible to use cool shades. If you think that such solutions in the design of a small bedroom are boring, you can add a few bright details. This could be a beautiful carpet, a painting, plants, or one wall decorated with photo wallpaper. It is only important that it is combined with the overall interior of the room.

    Design option for a small bedroom.

    Furniture in the interior of a small bedroom

    Don't use too much furniture. Only the most necessary. If you are not going to use a certain bedside table, it should not be in the room. All small things can be stored on the shelf. It hangs on the wall and does not create clutter. Moving around the bedroom will be much more convenient.

    Furniture without legs, including a bed, can visually increase the height of the ceilings. It has already been noted that the ideal option is to combine a bed and a wardrobe. If this is a small children's bedroom, then choose a bed with several tiers. Use the space you have up.

    Harmoniously selected furniture for a small bedroom.

    Small bedrooms have long ceased to be something unusual. Designers have long been successfully developing and producing many models of furniture, compact and functional, especially for small spaces. For example, many beds are equipped with special drawers. It is convenient to store things in them, it does not take up extra space, and there is no need to purchase additional cabinets.

    Small bedroom design

    Laconic design of a small bedroom.

    To combine originality, functionality and comfort in the bedroom, you should take into account the color scheme, the furniture used and the overall decor. If you don’t like the idea of ​​a completely light room design, you can combine bright colors and pastels. It is not recommended to use only dark ones, as the room will look too small. And when you combine light and bright, you get an unusual combination that will not lose its main function - to visually expand the space.

    Photo wallpapers help add some zest to the bedroom. This will enliven the overall interior. With the help of such wallpaper you can create a certain, unique atmosphere in your bedroom. Do not use deep saturated tones and purple shades. These colors can trigger feelings of anxiety and are not suitable for the bedroom.

    In addition to the walls, the design of the ceiling should also be carefully considered. A matte stretch ceiling should be abandoned if the height of the room is less than three meters. It is better to make a glossy finish with spot light. For a small bedroom, curtains made of light fabric without draperies are suitable.

    Expanding the space of a small bedroom with lighting.

    Advantages and disadvantages of a small bedroom

    Many people are not happy with typical housing layouts. Even those with small bedrooms feel that they will have to work hard to make the interior beautiful and practical.

    Decorating a spacious small bedroom.

    The advantages of small-sized rooms are much greater than they might seem at first glance. Among them:

    • In a room with a small area it is much easier to create a cozy atmosphere;
    • Lack of large financial investments. The smaller the room, the more economical the renovation budget will be. Not only will less material be required, but many furniture parts can be eliminated;
    • Setting up a small room for a non-professional is much easier. In addition, when the dimensions are small, you will think about how to make every corner functional and beautiful. In large rooms, you often have to decide how to fill a large amount of free space;
    • A beautiful and original interior created in a small bedroom evokes much more admiration than the same design in a large room. This is because the more space, the easier it is to decorate it in a non-standard and attractive style.

    Small bedroom in lilac tones.

    The main disadvantage of a small bedroom is the lack of space. Because of this, you will have to give up some pieces of furniture and carefully think through the entire organization of the area so as to maintain functionality and beauty.

    How to furnish a small bedroom - ways to visually increase space

    If your bedroom is not as large as you would like, you can use various elements to create an optical illusion. Among the main ones:

    Original design of a small bedroom.
      • Glass and mirror details. It has long been known that mirror surfaces reflect light and help visually enlarge the space. Be sure to choose wardrobes with doors that have mirrors. You can place several small ones on the walls of the room. Visually this will add volume to the area. Be sure to place everything not next to the window, but against it. The reflected light will fill the bedroom and provide additional illumination. If you cannot use mirrors in the bedroom, replace them with mirrored surfaces. For example, stained glass and panels. The visual lightness and transparency of mirrors does not clutter up the space;
      • Glossy surface of the ceiling and walls. Special glossy paint can replace the mirror surface. It’s just important not to go too far with the color. Bright colors can cause anxiety and aggression. Choose pastel shades that will not put pressure on you, but will only give you peace of mind. Before using paint, you need to perfectly level the surface. The mirror surface of the gloss will begin to refract light. This will expose all the existing bumps and holes. As a result, you will get the effect of untidy painting. If you combine the glossy surface of the ceiling and well-structured lighting, you get the effect of infinity;

    Modern interior of a small bedroom.
    • Special wallpaper. To change the perception of space, you can use photo wallpaper. There is a huge range of such coatings. The most commonly used wallpapers are those depicting a landscape or a city. They should only be glued to one wall. This will become the main accent in the room. If the room is rectangular, a narrow wall is not suitable for photo wallpaper. This will further stretch the room even more, and the desired effect will not be achieved. If you need to change the proportions of a room, add harmony to a disproportionate room, use striped wallpaper. A covering with horizontal lines glued to a narrow wall helps expand it. To increase the height of the room, vertical strips are used;
    • Lighting. This decorative element is important because it can be used to change the atmosphere in the room and create various visual effects. For a small bedroom, the classic option with bright lighting in the center is not suitable. This way you won’t be able to achieve comfort. It is recommended to use zone lighting. Each area of ​​the bedroom has its own lighting;
    • If there is a balcony. Some apartments have a balcony in the bedroom. And it plays an important role, as it helps to expand the space. It can be included in the overall interior of the bedroom. Additional furniture can be placed on the balcony. It is suitable for creating a separate zone.

    An example of an interesting design for a small bedroom.

    There are many ideas for decorating a small bedroom. Using a lot of light, mirror surfaces, and light colors helps to visually increase the area of ​​the room. Many manufacturers produce special pieces of furniture for such premises, combining functionality, comfort and beauty. You can organize the space so that all things fit without feeling cluttered. Warning systems are widely used in various areas of human activity - security, industry, transport, sports, and culture. This is a very important point, so to resolve this issue you can buy a broadcast amplifier.

    Video: Examples of small bedroom design

    Design ideas for arranging a small bedroom and creating a cozy and multifunctional environment in it attract with their variety and styles.

    How to create a comfortable atmosphere in the bedroom by combining furniture and finishing materials, lighting fixtures and flooring into one harmonious whole?

    We offer some recommendations and tips for arranging a small bedroom so that it is both beautiful and cozy, because this room is a paradise and a sanctuary of sleep and its furnishings should set you in a positive mood, joy and a romantic mood.

    A small bedroom area should not upset you, because even a small space can be filled with charm and a favorable atmosphere.

    Small bedroom design, photo

    An ill-designed room may have an unsightly appearance and will not bring pleasure from staying in it. Therefore, before you start arranging a small bedroom, you should think through all the details, draw up a furniture placement plan, review photos with options for already finished small bedrooms, and only then start working.

    Adhering to the principle of minimalism, the room will acquire an attractive appearance and become your favorite place in the apartment.

    When designing a small bedroom, it is imperative to fulfill the two most important conditions:

    • visually increase the space;
    • Thanks to the successful arrangement of furniture, make the room functional.
    Interior of a small bedroom, photo

    Bedroom zoning

    For a comfortable stay in a small bedroom, they sometimes resort to zoning it. Such rooms may have:

    • an area for doing what you love, for leisure;
    • sleep area.

    A functional wardrobe placed in the sleeping area is at the same time a bedside table, a chest of drawers for bed linen and is equipped with shelves for storing small items for everyday use. This piece of furniture looks beautiful and fashionable.

    A corner table would be quite convenient and appropriate here; part of its tabletop is the window sill. This fact helps to increase the free space in the room.

    In a small bedroom you can build a plasterboard structure that can accommodate a TV, stereo system, and books. This arrangement is characterized by its compactness and functionality; it looks stylish in the overall interior.

    Let's find out how to furnish and arrange a small bedroom in a modern apartment or private house.

    Small bedrooms: interior design, photo

    Furniture in the bedroom interior

    Bedroom sets are one of the main components of comfort and beauty in a room. Rest, well-being and mood largely depend on the cozy atmosphere of this room.

    Bedroom design can change the entire look of your room, giving it a fresh, irresistible look, no matter whether you have a spacious apartment or an ordinary Khrushchev apartment.

    Bedroom set for a small bedroom, photo

    One of the main interior items in the room is the bed, the head of which is decorated with stylish pillows. Beautiful bedspreads combined with curtains create an ideal picture of beauty and harmony.

    It is advisable to install a compact bed in a small bedroom to avoid clutter and cramping.

    Decorating a small bedroom in an apartment, photo

    The space will be visually enlarged if the bed is placed closer to the window and the middle of the room is kept free.

    A practical solution is to install a bed with built-in drawers for bed linen and other accessories instead of a wardrobe.

    Important! Avoid installing a four-poster bed, as this visually makes the room appear smaller.

    Bedroom interior in a small room, photo

    The bed is not the only piece of furniture in the bedroom. It has a table, chairs, chests of drawers and other things. Just like a small bed, small furniture frees up space and keeps the room feeling spacious.

    Light furniture is the best option in the design of a bedroom. Even small but dark furniture sets and sets will look heavier in the overall interior and emphasize the uncomfortable atmosphere.

    Without cluttering the room with a traditional wardrobe, you can resort to installing two high bedside tables, which are connected by mezzanines. It is recommended to install spotlights in their lower part, which will look beautiful and unusual.

    Small bedroom decor, photo

    By adding a built-in shelving unit or alcove, you will have a great space saver, a functional part of the room, and a great place to store all sorts of items and accessories. The presence of shelves eliminates the need to install additional furniture.

    It is advisable to install such racks up to the ceiling in a small bedroom; in this case, it will visually look higher. By painting the wall near the shelving with a contrasting color, you will emphasize its depth and stylish design.

    Even corners and curves in walls can be filled and furnished with well-chosen furniture (corner cabinets, built-in shelves, etc.).

    Renovation in a small bedroom: photos of options

    Install low furniture in Asian or any oriental style, which visually takes up less space and creates a feeling of width and space. It is allowed to use a small podium for low double beds.

    Small bedroom design, photo

    Color solutions and lighting in the interior of a small room

    The color palette in decoration, textiles, and furniture plays an important role in arranging a small bedroom and can turn it into a beautiful, spacious room.

    Important! The darker the paint on the walls, the heavier the atmosphere and the room looks unsightly and boring.

    Choose light colored paints, preferably pastels or neutrals, to make the room feel open, light and airy.

    Bed in a small bedroom, photo

    Light wallpaper in warm colors with small patterns in harmonious unity with light curtains can provide the room with incredible attractiveness and comfort.

    Only some small objects in the room (shelves, wall clocks, pillows, etc.) can be in bright shades.

    By creating harmony in the combination of light walls, light furniture with bright minor accents of some details, your small bedroom will always look festive and impeccable.

    Cozy small bedroom: design, photo

    Lighting is of great importance in the interior of a small room space. However, this doesn't mean your bedroom should be lit up like a casino. Properly focused lighting and stylish lamps provide an atmosphere of well-being and order.

    If a small recreation room is equipped with suspended or suspended ceilings, then an excellent option for visually enlarging it would be to install spotlights around the perimeter of the ceiling.

    Ceilings in a small bedroom: design, photo

    In a small apartment, sometimes the bedroom is a room not only for sleeping, but also for reading, watching TV, and for many other things. Thanks to numerous design solutions, during the renovation process a small bedroom can be transformed into an excellent room for rest and relaxation, creating comfort and maximum convenience in it.

    Photo of a small bedroom in an apartment

    How to visually increase the area of ​​a small bedroom? Solutions exist! To increase the size of a room (even visually), you need to make some effort and show maximum imagination. There are a number of techniques used to make a bedroom appear larger than it actually is.

    Below are some suggestions and design ideas that will help solve the problem of a small bedroom area.

    1. Try to empty the room of unnecessary things to see how much free space appears after that. Removing some items from the floor and placing them in a dresser or nightstand will make the room feel more spacious. Don't clutter the room; It is advisable to arrange furniture along the longest wall. Try not to accumulate too much furniture and accessories in it because it looks untidy. Choose only the most necessary interior elements.

    2. Small bedroom in minimalist style
    3. Don't go overboard with patterns and designs. If you want to create a feeling of calm, choose a pastel color palette and add a few light accents. Use rich shades and bright patterns minimally so as not to create a narrow optical space.
    4. Use every centimeter of a small bedroom optimally.
    5. Avoid draperies. Curtains with many folds and made of heavy fabrics (for example, velor) make the room smaller, so use light fabrics: linen and cotton. Instead of standard curtains, you can use lightweight options that take up less space, such as thin curtains or blinds.

    6. How to place furniture in a small bedroom, photo
    7. The use of large mirrors located on different walls of the room and reflecting its areas will visually make the bedroom much larger.
    8. Use photo wallpaper with an expanding effect to decorate the walls. Panoramic images, photo panels with perspective, voluminous 3D wallpaper and pictures with open windows or streets stretching into the distance are suitable.
    9. Glass panels visually expand the space, diffuse light, reflecting part of the room. You can also rely on some glossy or shiny surfaces in light colors, which also act as light reflectors.
    10. If it is possible to increase the size of the closet or add another one, do this in order to store bulky items in them and place clothes, shoes, books, sports equipment without cluttering the room with them.

    11. Ideas for renovating a small bedroom, photo
    12. A large sleeping bed is good, but for a small bedroom it is considered a luxury as it takes up a lot of space and provides a small and cramped space around it. Small beds are comfortable, lighter and look stylish and comfortable.
    13. It is necessary to take into account that in a small bedroom there is free space under the bed and in the lower part of the closet, and these places are most often empty. Use them wisely, as the space under the bed is ideal for sports equipment or things you rarely use.
    14. Arranging shelves on the walls to store all kinds of objects and things will free up the room and give it a cleaner and more open look.
    15. The ceiling is often the most underrated part of a room. Properly selected ceiling decor can make a room appear taller and larger than it actually is. For these purposes, it is advisable to use striped, circular or rectangular structures on the ceiling.

      1. How to arrange a small bedroom, photo

        There are many ways you can make a small bedroom feel special and spacious with your own hands. By choosing the right lighting and decorating the windows with light curtains or sheer tulle, you will provide her with warmth and comfort.

        The walls can be decorated with family photographs or modular paintings that match the decor.

        Small bedroom interior, photo

        When decorating a bedroom, a panel rich in sunny colors looks great. Using warm shades in its design, you can give the room an amazing atmosphere of warmth and emphasize its impeccable beauty.

        This design of one of the walls can be in perfect harmony and match the color accents of pillows or curtains, shelves or furniture.

        Ideas for a small bedroom, photo

        To create the illusion of more space and compensate for the limited size of the room, a ceiling frieze is used, painted in sparkling white, drawing attention to the top of the wall and ceiling.

        Striped wallpaper along the entire height of the room - from floor to ceiling - also makes the room taller and more spacious.

        Design of a small bedroom in an apartment, photo

        Each small bedroom has its own specific problems in creating a comfortable interior, which require specific solutions.

        Read about how to create rooms with your own hands: details about the choice of furniture, decoration, curtains and accessories with photo examples.

        The criteria for choosing furniture for a bedroom in the Art Nouveau style are described.

        The procedure and features of decorating a small bedroom in a classic style are described in the article at:

        Photo gallery

        To help you, we offer a selection of real photos with layout ideas and new bedroom designs for their design and arrangement in different styles and color combinations:

    This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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