An old chandelier serves faithfully, but has long lost its presentable design, is outdated, the paint is worn out, or simply is not pleasing to the eye.

The easiest way to buy a new lamp. However, it is not a fact that the new model will suit you in terms of price. And from a quality point of view, of course, a new chandelier may be inferior to old proven devices. In this case, you can simply update the chandelier.

If it stops working, and you will not be able to use your favorite thing for its intended purpose, then you can try to make something radically new from an old chandelier (some element of creative decor).

How to update a chandelier with your own hands

What are the options? There are not many variations on the theme of how to update an old chandelier, but they can be reduced to several basic ones:

  • Painting.
  • Ceiling renovation.
  • Create new or refresh old lampshades.
  • Make something completely new out of a chandelier.

Painting old chandeliers

Painting can mean a base color update as well asfoundation updateplastic, glass or ceramic lampshades.

It is better to paint with several layers of varnish and set aside the completed work.

Benefits of painting

  1. You can choose absolutely any color to suit your individual tastes and preferences, the color scheme of your interior.
  2. When you get tired of this type of lamp, you can easily repaint it.
  3. If you are not satisfied with the result, then you can throw away the old chandelier. But this is a last resort.

Base paint

  1. alkyd enamel (oil paint).
  2. acrylic paints in cans.

the process of using the latter is, of course, faster, more interesting and more enjoyable.

How to draw

  1. First, remove all removable parts of the chandelier that should remain unpainted (light bulbs, sockets, various decorative elements).
  2. Clean the chandelier thoroughly, removing any remaining old paint, sanding, if necessary, and degreasing the surface.
  3. In the yard or on the balcony, you need to prepare a work surface. Cover the floor with old newspapers or film.
  4. Place the chandelier on the work surface so that most of it is accessible for painting.
  5. Apply the first coat of paint and let it dry.
  6. You need to repeat the dyeing procedure several times until the paint hides all the defects and the base color becomes even and rich.
  7. Let the product dry, and then treat those parts of the chandelier that remain unpainted.
  8. After final drying, return all the removed parts to their place, and you can use the updated old chandelier for its intended purpose.

Paint (paint) the ceiling

  1. acrylic paints.
  2. stained glass paints.

Here you can show your imagination to the fullest:

abstractions, geometric or ethnic patterns, images of animals, birds and plants.

The main thing is that the chosen method is in harmony with the overall style of the room. If you do not have artistic talent, you can use ready-made to create fancy designs on the ceiling. The finished image must be varnished.

How to resurface a chandelier

In addition to the well-preserved painting of the lampshades, you can revive them using various decorative methods, the choice of which depends on the available materials, your preferences and imagination.

What can be useful in the process of decorating lampshades

  1. Beads.
  2. Ribbons, braid, fringe.
  3. Lace.
  4. Fur and feathers.
  5. Ready-made artificial flowers and butterflies.
  6. Paper petals, napkins, scraps of fabric.
  7. Decorative chain.
  8. Wires.
  9. Threads or cords, etc.

Follow a simple procedure: select appropriate items to decorate and secure them to the base using a glue gun or double-sided tape. In this case, the foundation can be completely covered with decoration, or you can lay out a specific pattern or ornament.

This method can be successfully combined with painting.

Creation of new lampshades

Lampshade made of thread and PVA glue

A very common method, simple and effective.

  1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size.
  2. Pour some white glue into a plate.
  3. Dip the thread into a container of glue.
  4. Try to make the winding evenly on all sides of the ball.
  5. Let the product dry completely.
  6. Pierce the ball and remove it from the resulting lampshade.
  7. A new lampshade can be decorated with bright beads, bows and fringe.

Lampshade with wire base

For this option, you need to create a wire frame and cover it with the selected material.

It could be paper, fabric, wicker, and so on. It is important to remember fire safety when choosing raw materials; the material must be resistant to high temperatures, use fire-resistant impregnations, or at least avoid getting “hazardous” materials into the lamp.

After creation, you should decorate the lampshade: embroider, paint, etc.

Lampshade made of unusual things

In this case, we mean that the lampshade may be an unusual thing in the surrounding interior. The decor can be complemented by woven baskets, original glass beakers and cups with drilled holes in the bottoms.

New life for an old chandelier

If the good old and beloved candelabra cannot be revived, try to use it in a new way.

For example, from an old chandelier you can quite successfully make flower pots for your country house. To do this, place light bulbs and lampshades in protective flower pots, fill them with soil and plant flowering plants. This design can decorate an open terrace or balcony.

Overall, the process of updating old chandeliers is quite creative and interesting. The main thing is not to be shy to show your creative thinking.

Of course, it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the ideas that have already been thought up and implemented. Fortunately, today we have the World Wide Web and the experience of self-taught colleagues at our service.

So, study and dare! Creative success!

Lamps are not just a source of artificial lighting in the interior, but also an important decorative element, without which the composition looks incomplete. You can create bright accents by making a lampshade for a chandelier with your own hands, because it is not at all necessary to spend huge amounts of money on purchasing designer models. Read about the nuances of work in our article!

Where to begin?

When creating a lampshade with your own hands, keep in mind that using a regular incandescent lamp is not the best idea. It is better to opt for energy-saving light bulbs that do not heat up so much and, accordingly, do not heat nearby parts, thereby ensuring safety. In addition, they are quite economical, which allows you to save money on electricity, and are also durable.

When choosing a material for a lampshade, focus on both aesthetic properties and technical characteristics. Firstly, these must be environmentally friendly, preferably natural, bases that will not distribute unsafe substances with minimal heating.

Secondly, the lampshade should not collect a lot of dust: some surfaces, like fabric ones, are more prone to this than others. Choose an option that is easy to clean and can be easily wiped with a damp cloth. This does not apply to paper, but due to the cheapness and simplicity of the material, such a chandelier can always be replaced if necessary.

Thirdly, the chandelier should illuminate the room well without darkening it. However, for some interiors, dim lighting is more suitable: in a nursery, bedroom or living room for an intimate atmosphere. In such cases, you can show your imagination by making a lampshade that creates light patterns in the room. You, as the author, can implement any of your decisions - and this is probably the main advantage of homemade lampshades.

Selecting a lampshade to match the interior style

A chandelier can become a bright accent in the interior or an inconspicuous but important addition. With any choice, the lampshade should harmoniously match the style of the room.

Unfortunately, not every product can be created with your own hands. For example, classics are characterized by elegant crystal, glass or metal products that cannot be made independently. But there are other options.


A laconic and laconic composition of minimalism can easily be disrupted due to one extra detail, which will be especially noticeable in such an interior. Regardless of the type of room, simple geometric shapes, the absence of hanging elements, as well as a uniform color scheme that is included in the overall palette of the space will look appropriate here.

Metal frame structures that slightly darken the light, or paper shades without decorative details, are suitable.


This is where you can really go wild, in a loft interior, in which homemade products made from unusual materials will look organic. It’s not scary if the appearance of chandeliers reveals their non-manufacturing origin, because many details of this style highlight their imperfections as their main advantage.

For lampshades you can even use familiar objects: transparent cans, metal utensils, frames made of thread or wire. If the ceiling height allows, then a long pendant chandelier with a minimalist cap would be an excellent option.

Scandinavian style

Despite its northern origin, this style of interior design looks very cozy and modern. Minimalist in its essence, the Scandinavian style prefers natural materials, as well as light, mostly white, colors.

There are many options for chandelier design - the style does not greatly limit the shape. But not everything can be created independently. Ball-shaped, airy models made of thread or paper are suitable.


Coming to us from distant French villages, Provence prefers the simple, cozy aesthetics of natural materials, floral patterns, and light shades. This is approximately what a lampshade for a chandelier should be like.

Products made of fabric or lace with a round shape look appropriate. With a small level of skill, you can decorate a glass dome with decoupage, thereby saving money - after all, despite its simplicity, authentic Provence involves significant costs in the arrangement.

Paper lamps

Despite the fact that paper is not considered the most reliable basis for lampshades, the ease of working with it and its noticeable low cost have made this material very attractive among handicrafts. In addition, with its help you can update your interior at least every month, creating new crafts.

Origami lampshades

Who wasn’t interested in origami as a child, designing little animals or complex modular paper products? Now you can use your skills for more practical purposes. However, even people who have encountered this activity for the first time can also easily master it and make origami lampshades for a chandelier with their own hands.

These are laconic designs of different geometric shapes that will fit perfectly into a modern interior. It is not recommended to use very strong paper, as it does not transmit light well.

Figured products

However, lovers of more varied decor can create lampshades of a wide variety of shapes from paper. For example, surround the lamp with paper houses, butterflies or envelopes.

The appearance of such a lampshade also depends on the surface - plain, patterned, newspaper, and so on. By combining these materials, completely different effects can be achieved.

Chinese lanterns

If you have paper lanterns at home, do not rush to use them as an independent lamp, because this is an excellent basis for other experiments.

It can be covered with anything you like, but to avoid a homemade look, we suggest decorating the ball with small paper flakes or long “feathers” that will gracefully hang down to the bottom.

Lampshades made of threads

Various threads and ropes are an excellent basis for a lampshade, which is suitable for creating an intimate atmosphere due to the darkening effect.

Graceful cocoon

A round lampshade made from randomly twisted threads looks very simple and at the same time stylish. In order for such material to hold the desired shape, it is fixed with glue on a balloon, which is delicately removed after finishing the work.

Although the field for creativity here is small, you can always experiment with colors, weaving in several shades.

Knitted lampshade

This solution made from threads looks less chaotic. The main conditions for making it are the ability to knit or the presence of a grandmother who will kindly knit a napkin for you. The finished product must be placed on any base - a metal frame, a transparent container, a Chinese ball. Similarly with the first option, you can attach the lampshade to the balloon using glue.

Bottle lamps

Stylish chandeliers for different types of rooms can even be created from bottles. This includes both glass and plastic containers.

Glass bottles or jars

The principle of working with such a base is simple: choose the most beautiful one and hide the lamp in it. Elongated bottles or small jars can be used. It is necessary to make sure that the glass transmits the amount of light required for the room, and if there is not enough light, several sources can be used.

If the chandelier plays more of a decorative function, the bottle can be covered with acrylic paint or painting.

Plastic lampshades

Plastic bottles should not be used untouched. But it’s quite possible to make cheap parts from them for a homemade lampshade.

Luxurious (as far as this word is generally applicable to plastic) look chandeliers from the bottom of ordinary bottles, which are shaped like a flower. They are fastened together with wire for better fixation, creating a variety of compositions.

Another option is a 10-liter eggplant covered with plastic spoons, which are lined up in several rows, like scales. The design will transmit muted but uniform light, which will further decorate the product.

Lampshades made of metal elements

Metal products also offer rather unusual solutions for chandeliers. Fortunately, you don’t need to make them yourself, so you don’t need any special skills in working with metal. But a spectacular appearance is guaranteed in any case.

Kitchen appliances

Don’t rush to throw away your old spoons and forks - you will need them to create an original design. By placing a dozen fixtures around the lamp, you will get an excellent shade for a kitchen chandelier that fits perfectly with the theme.

The same effect can be achieved by using, for example, a grater. In general, you can experiment with any devices, especially if your interior is decorated in a loft style. Just make sure that the metal parts do not get too hot.

Gear dome

If you want to add a little steampunk into your life, make a chandelier shade out of gears. You can get them by dismantling an old bicycle or buy them at a flea market. But the result is definitely worth the effort!

We looked at the features of making lampshades for chandeliers with our own hands and the most popular solutions from various materials. But, of course, there are many more interesting options - as evidenced by our selection of photographs. Enjoy watching!

Your old chandelier has served you faithfully for many years, but has long since lost its presentability, become unfashionable, the paint on it has become dilapidated, has it ceased to please your eye? Of course, you can purchase a new lamp, but it is not a fact that you will be completely satisfied with it in terms of price and external design. The quality of modern lighting devices is often disappointing - they are much inferior to the old technology that has been proven over the years. In such a situation, you can try to update the lamp, for example, you can paint the shades for a chandelier or a rag lampshade yourself. How to do this correctly, what tools and materials to use will be described in this article.

Updating an old chandelier with paint

What options are there for updating a chandelier? There are many ways, you can paint it white and gold or update the shades, create a new or refresh an old lampshade, make something completely new from an old lamp. Painting means updating the base color, painting glass, plastic or ceramic shades.

Important! It is better to paint in several layers and fix the finished work with varnish.

Benefits of coloring:

  1. You can choose any shade, taking into account individual preferences and tastes, the color scheme that prevails in the existing interior.
  2. As soon as you get bored with the new color, you can easily repaint the lampshades again.
  3. If the result does not suit you, then you can simply throw away the old chandelier. But this is already a last resort.

What materials are needed for painting?

Today, there are many options for coloring compositions that can be used to bring your idea to life at home.

You will need the following materials and equipment for work:

  • Primer. You can use an acrylic primer or a primer specifically designed for metal surfaces.
  • Aerosol acrylic paints. The choice of shades and colors of these compositions is simply huge; you can find even the most unusual variation.
  • Transparent acrylic varnish. It allows you to protect the paint from various damages, gives the new color depth, and the coating will begin to shimmer and shine beautifully.
  • Gloves and respirator. Their use is mandatory when performing such procedures, because your health is at stake.
  • Solvent. You will need it to degrease the surface of the lampshades before painting.
  • Clean dry cotton rags or cloth napkins.
  • Screwdrivers. Useful for removing all removable parts from the chandelier.

How to prepare a chandelier for painting?

Of course, before you paint the chandelier shades with your own hands, they need to be prepared. It is better to organize the workplace outdoors.

  1. Hang the chandelier on some kind of hook, or stretch a rope - you can use a children's wall bars, the ceiling in a gazebo, or a branch.
  2. Cover the floor directly below the work area with something to prevent it from getting stained by drops of paint.
  3. Remove all light bulbs and removable parts from your chandelier. If any element that you do not plan to paint cannot be removed, then simply cover it with plastic film or masking tape.
  4. Clean the chandelier carefully, remove cobwebs, dust, dirt, and any contaminants so that they do not remain forever under the layer of paint. First, wipe it with a dry cloth. Wash parts that require more thorough cleaning with a damp cloth and mild detergent. Let it dry completely.
  5. The entire surface should be degreased, for example, with kerosene or acetone.

Painting a chandelier

Painting a chandelier from a spray can is actually very easy, the main thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of specialists and instructions.

Perform staining according to this scheme:

  • To get an ideal result, immediately before applying paint, treat the surface with an aerosol primer. It is recommended to apply it from top to bottom with broad strokes directly from the can. It is better to apply several thin layers.

Important! The can must be kept at a distance of 20 cm from the structure, otherwise the primer will begin to leak. If this happens, first let it dry completely, then sand off the smudges with fine sandpaper and prime it again.

  • Before painting, shake the paint can thoroughly so that it is thoroughly mixed inside and has the ideal consistency. Apply it with sweeping movements, paint from top to bottom so that no smudges form.
  • Paint the surface in several layers, allowing each layer to dry thoroughly before applying the next layer. Modern compositions dry in 20-30 minutes. Determine the number of layers yourself. If you evaluate the result and understand that one more layer is not enough to obtain a more saturated and deep color, then feel free to take up the spray can and apply paint again.
  • To protect the painted surface and add shine and depth to the color, apply an acrylic varnish on top. It must dry for at least 2 hours.
  • Make sure that the paint and varnish are completely dry, the chandelier is no longer sticky, remove the protective film or masking tape.
  • Reassemble the product and return all removed light bulbs and parts. Install an updated chandelier in your home.

If you understand how to paint a chandelier, strictly follow the proposed scheme, and approach the work creatively, then the result will surprise you, and the process itself will bring a lot of positive emotions and pleasure.

Options for updating lampshades

Lampshades preserved in excellent condition can be brought to life using various decorative techniques. The choice of a specific option depends on what materials you have at hand, your imagination and preferences.

The following materials can be used to decorate lampshades:

  • Beads, beads.
  • Lace.
  • Ribbons, fringe, braid.
  • Feathers and furs.
  • Ready-made butterflies and artificial flowers.
  • Paper napkins, petals, scraps of fabric.
  • Wire.
  • Decorative chains.
  • Laces and yarn.

Important! You can completely cover the base with decorations or lay out some kind of pattern or ornament.

New lampshade for lampshade made of yarn:

  • For work, prepare yarn and PVA glue.
  • Then inflate the balloon to the required size, pour some glue into a small container.
  • Pass each strand of yarn through a bowl of glue, then wrap it tightly around the ball.

Important! Make sure the winding is even on all sides.

  • Let the structure dry, then pierce the ball and remove it from the resulting fabric lampshade.
  • Decorate the lampshade with bright ribbons, beads or fringe.

Original wire lampshade

Build a frame from wire, cover it with the selected material, for example, wicker, fabric or paper. The main thing here is not to forget about fire safety, so give preference to raw materials that are resistant to high temperatures. Decorate the lampshade with painting or other decorative elements.

I'm always amazed at how creative people can be! I myself have no illusions about my abilities to transform old things, but I can appreciate the work of others. The main danger of any handmade is that you can create an interior Frankenstein that will be scary to look at, but you won’t even dare to throw it away, because you have invested so much time and mental energy into it... So, here you need to be objective: homemade things can be stylish or they can be bad. Here it is important to soberly evaluate the result and understand whether it decorates your interior or not. We have collected for you 10 worthy ideas for transforming old things into chandeliers. If done properly, you will not be painfully ashamed of them, but, on the contrary, you will proudly tell your guests: “I made this luxurious lamp. Yes, yes, you heard right!”

Bottles and cans

Many things, especially glass ones, have an intricate fate. First, they store drinks or jams that make people a little kinder, then they are sent for processing, and they set off on their journey again. You can break this cycle by turning champagne bottles into a stylish chandelier. Many designers have already thought of doing this and are now selling their creations for very large sums. We offer you several examples of homemade chandeliers from cans and bottles. Maybe they will inspire you to experiment with interiors?


This is my favorite option from the entire selection. It is incredibly stylish and youthful. There is only one problem: the bicycle wheel is, in principle, not too small, and, naturally, such a large chandelier is only suitable for apartments with high ceilings. Otherwise, there is an option that you will hit her with your head. Agree, when a wheel runs over your head, it is very offensive.


A very popular idea for lamps. Chandeliers made from wooden hangers in eco-style look best. Such homemade lamps can also decorate the Scandinavian style.

Kitchen appliances

In all the following examples, starting with this one, need to use LED bulbs, since they heat up significantly less than traditional incandescent lamps. For lamps with paper or metal parts, this is a mandatory condition that will help you avoid fires and your own burns if accidentally touched. Lamps made from kitchen appliances look fun and unusual. You can make it yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones. True, such a chandelier made of silver spoons will cost a quarter of a million rubles. In my opinion, a design option can serve as inspiration.

Plastic spoons

A very simple and budget version of the lamp, for which you will need a base, a light bulb, a glue gun and a large package of disposable spoons that will have to be dissected. If you paint the resulting creation yellow, you will get a pineapple, if you paint it brown, you will get a pine cone, and if you leave it white, it will glow the brightest.


Another option that invites you to look around your kitchen with interest and attention in search of things for creativity. An ordinary kitchen grater, as we have already told you, can become an excellent stand for jewelry, and it also casts such beautiful reflections of light!!! The lamp made from a grater is genius, and the way it looks in combination with wood and plants is a perfectionist's paradise.


A weird, unusual and definitely very creative lamp made from colored cocktail tubes. It is necessary to cut the long tubes into several parts and attach them with glue to the lampshade base.


You have already graduated from school a long time ago and, perhaps, even traveled half the world, and the globe is still standing somewhere on your shelf without use? Make a lamp out of it! Here is a master class on this topic. The globe can hang alone, or it can form a whole row of planets, as in the picture below. A solar system like this is simply fascinating.


The old, boring set of dishes does not have to be put away on a distant shelf in the closet or taken to the countryside. Make it into a rustic lamp and let it remind you of the Alice in Wonderland tea party. Read also our material:

Cocktail umbrellas

Why buy Chinese lanterns for decoration when you can essentially make them out of cocktail umbrellas? That's right, no reason! A detailed master class can be seen.


This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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