Those who have vision problems and often suffer from colds will be able to appreciate the healing capabilities of alfalfa. What is this amazing plant, what properties it is endowed with and how it can be used - we’ll talk about this.

Alfalfa is known on almost all continents. The ancient Chinese made medicinal potions from it to relieve coughs. Indian healers offered recipes based on alfalfa to treat ailments of the gastrointestinal tract. The Slavs made health-improving decoctions from alfalfa, which today would be called immunomodulatory. Although most often the grass was used to feed livestock. It was believed that alfalfa gives animals energy, increases their performance, and sets them up for heavy loads. In Argentina and America, alfalfa was fed to horses, and in Europe the plant was used to prepare cosmetic compositions.

To understand what alfalfa looks like, just look at the photos below. But about its main useful qualities and possible contraindications must be described in detail. Alfalfa occurs in the wild, but seeded forms can also be found. Stretched leaves small in size and abundantly cover the herbaceous stem. The blue-violet inflorescences resemble small boats. After flowering, fruits are formed - beans twisted into a spiral.

Useful qualities

Having studied photographs of alfalfa, you can understand that the plant looks very ordinary, although it healing properties and modest restrictions on intake speak in favor of the use of alfalfa in folk medicine. Why did healers like alfalfa so much? This gift of nature is useful for those who have high stomach acidity. Alfalfa neutralizes acid and normalizes the acid-base balance.

The herb has a pronounced antitumor effect. Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a variety of alfalfa-based formulations for the prevention of cancer. It is known that the product cleanses the blood, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, and increases visual acuity. Herbal compositions based on alfalfa are indicated for anemia and low hemoglobin.

The healing herb has an antipyretic effect. Tea based on it will be useful for colds, fever, flu. Alfalfa has an anti-inflammatory effect, improves immunity, and removes dangerous compounds from the body.

Fresh herb juice will improve heart function, increase efficiency, and relieve insomnia and nervous tension. The product relieves swelling, relieves headaches, and eliminates bad breath. Gargling with alfalfa decoction can be recommended for dental diseases and sore throat.

Alfalfa effectively fights genitourinary infections, exhaustion, and migraines. In cosmetology, alfalfa is used to add shine to hair, improve skin condition, and get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

Composition and contraindications

The raw material is rich in calcium, so herbal compositions based on alfalfa are recommended during pregnancy and for diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

  • Other components of the miracle herb include:
  • B vitamins – alfalfa is especially rich in choline; potassium – has beneficial effect
  • on the cardiovascular system; vitamin E – prevents premature aging
  • , stimulates cell regeneration, improves skin condition;
  • chlorophyll – increases the body’s resistance to infectious diseases;
  • flavonoids – participate in many biological processes and prevent aging;

saponins – normalize cholesterol levels. Alfalfa has found application not only in cosmetology and folk medicine, but also in traditional cooking. It is known that ground alfalfa seeds make delicious bread. Fresh leaves

will decorate the first course or side dish.

The list of contraindications is negligible. The plant is prohibited for lupus erythematosus and some autoimmune diseases. Caution should be taken when taking herbal ingredients during pregnancy and if there is a bleeding disorder. Today, alfalfa is offered in various combinations with other medicinal components. Herbal medicines based on alfalfa may have more wide range

contraindications, which depends on the composition of the herbal remedy.

A universal recipe for cooking can be called an infusion based on alfalfa. For it, take 0.5 liters of boiling water and 100 g of chopped herbs. Leave for at least 3 hours and take a third of a glass at a time. The duration of treatment and daily dosage depend on the specifics of the disease. Alfalfa sowing - with a high protein content. Its healing properties are irreplaceable in medicine and cosmetology. In total, more than 100 species of alfalfa are known. The crop is used as animal feed and is often sown to improve soil quality. Alfalfa is planted not only in the spring, but also “before winter.” The rate of seed consumption per hundred square meters depends on the method and season of planting. When the alfalfa blooms, the field is covered with a continuous carpet of honey. The photo shows plants with yellow, purple, white and pink flowers.

Time for sowing and selection of alfalfa seeds

Alfalfa can be sown in winter, spring, and summer. In March, after the snow has melted from the fields, the ground is saturated with moisture; these are excellent conditions for alfalfa seeds. Some agronomists prefer to sow the plant as a winter crop. This has its advantages: seeds that have lain over the winter undergo natural hardening and selection. Only the strongest and healthiest ones germinate. Alfalfa sown in summer immediately falls into favorable conditions. Long daylight hours promote rapid growth shoots

When purchasing seed, give preference to the 1st class. Alfalfa produces higher seed yields when sowing without cover in the spring. This way the plants are least oppressed and shaded. Unthickened alfalfa crops provide a good opportunity for active growth lower and top parts. In such conditions, flowers are well pollinated by insects.

Alfalfa seeds

Alfalfa seeds have a hard shell. In order to improve their germination, scarification is used - minor damage seed shell. In large-scale plantings, special machines are used for this purpose; in private farms, the seeds are ground with river sand. Air-heat treatment of seeds is also carried out. The seeds are dried on fresh air under the sun. This technique brings the seeds out of the “hibernation” state and increases their physiological activity.

Predecessors. Alfalfa - green manure

Alfalfa should not be planted after any legumes. Existing soil pests and diseases can spread to new crops. If the field in previous years was clogged with wheatgrass, horsetail, thistle, field thistle- the use of such areas is inappropriate. Alfalfa is sensitive to these types of weeds. They quickly choke the landing. Spring, winter and row-crop cereals - the best crops predecessors for alfalfa.

Alfalfa is grown as a precursor for many agricultural crops. A favorable environment for the life of worms and microorganisms is created in the root system of alfalfa. As a result, the soil is saturated with nitrogen and oxygen. Planted as green manure, alfalfa closes fertile areas from wind and erosion by precipitation. It is unpretentious and frost-resistant. Used as a natural fertilizer. Alfalfa humus is comparable in effectiveness only to manure. Alfalfa restores neglected areas and repels nematodes.

Preparation of sown areas

Alfalfa prefers nutritious soils. The following species are not suitable for this culture:

  • acidic, saline, with a heavy granulometric composition;
  • heavy, clayey, waterproof soils.

Important! Soil acidity for alfalfa ph - 6.0-7.0 units.

Before planting, the field is cleared of weeds, leveled and rolled. If the soil is acidified, then liming is carried out. Nitrogen-containing fertilizers will inhibit nodule bacteria plants, these additives should be limited. Potassium and phosphorus mineral fertilizers are the main feeding for alfalfa. They are applied before sowing and during crop growth. How foliar feeding, you need boric acid.

Alfalfa is an excellent green manure

The roots of alfalfa go several meters into the ground, so deep plowing is required. The soil must be loosened well and large clods and stones removed.

Methods for planting alfalfa:

  1. Under cover. Suitable for humid, cool climates without dry periods. The point of planting is to get additional production from the cover crop. And also, eliminate the possibility of the field becoming overgrown with weeds. Alfalfa seedlings are very weak and vulnerable in the first month. In the year of sowing, alfalfa does not produce high yields, this is compensated by planted vetch or an oat-pea mixture. Do not plant alfalfa with winter cereals; they grow quickly and “clog” the alfalfa seedlings. From cereals good ingredients there will be brome (100 g seeds per 100 m²) and timothy (20 g per 100 m²). Seeding rates for alfalfa with cover crops depend on the climate of the area. In arid regions this is 80-120 g of alfalfa per hundred square meters. In areas with wetter weather and for fields with artificial irrigation: 140-160 g.
  2. No cover. Alfalfa seeds are scattered in two stages: across and along the ridges. Sowing rate: 100-150 g per 100 m².

Alfalfa crop care and harvesting

A developed root system will prevent plants from dying during drought. Natural precipitation will fully satisfy its needs. You can also irrigate the field artificially, in which case the yield increases significantly.

The plants need the first watering when the sprouts reach 15 cm. The second time watering is done at the moment of bud formation (mid-June). After the September harvest - the third watering. Alfalfa does not tolerate waterlogged soil. The crop is more resistant to drought. In low traffic areas groundwater, plants should be watered only when clearly necessary.

Alfalfa blooming

If alfalfa is planted without cover, you should get rid of weeds and crust on the soil. Weed grass mow until alfalfa sprouts appear. Soil herbicides can be used to control weeds.

Important! It is prohibited to use a field sown with first-year alfalfa for grazing animals. Alfalfa is harvested during budding and flowering. To collect seeds, select the grass stand of the first cut. The bunches must contain at least 75% of ripened brown beans.

Alfalfa in medicine

Alfalfa is a storehouse of useful substances and microelements. Among them: carbohydrates, essential oils, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, iron, fluorine. Vitamins present: E, B12, K, C, D2, D3. Acids: pantothenic, melonic, myristic, amino acids.

Alfalfa has a general strengthening effect on the entire body. Indicated in postoperative recovery periods, an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Herbal teas with alfalfa are used in gynecology, cardiology, for problems with joints, anemia, diabetes, disorders of the pancreas and thyroid glands. Medicinal products based on alfalfa increase hemoglobin, strengthen bones, normalize metabolism and strengthen the blood supply.

During the hot summer months, in all corners of Russia you can see yellow and blue-violet fields of the modest forage grass alfalfa. “What a beauty!” - urban wildlife connoisseurs will exclaim. “Here comes the food for our little cow…” the farmers will rejoice. “This is not an ordinary herb, but a symbol of wealth and prosperity,” the naive ancient Celts would say. And the doctors of Ancient China would have gone without a word to pick alfalfa for their healing fees... What is this unique plant and how is alfalfa useful for people and animals?

Meet alfalfa

Burkuku, lechukha and honeydew - all this is alfalfa, a plant that has conquered humanity with its medicinal and nutritional properties even 6-7 thousand years ago. The name “alfalfa” is heard by almost every resident of our country, but not everyone will be able to answer the question without prompting: what does alfalfa look like? The photos show an ordinary field grass with triple heart-shaped leaves and delicate boat inflorescences of yellow or blue color.

Animals were the first to appreciate such beauty - Ancient China They fed livestock with honeydew; the Arabs gave alfalfa to their horses to keep them healthy and fast. Soon, Chinese doctors began to use it to treat pneumonia and stomach problems, Indians - for peptic ulcers, and subsequently alfalfa became a cure for a wide variety of ailments.

Today for making hay, medical fees and even pharmaceutical drugs Mostly 2 types of alfalfa are used: sickle and seed.

What does sickle alfalfa look like? These are low (20-100 cm) flowers of pleasant yellow color with large roots and the amazing smell of fresh hay that occurs when harvesting grass for the winter. Seed alfalfa makes a different impression - the photos show thick and tall, up to one and a half meters, thickets of grass with beautiful blue flowers, excellent honey plant and a doctor.

A treasure trove of vitamins for your health

The inconspicuous fodder grass is fraught with many surprises, and the main one is its unique chemical composition.

  • B vitamins (especially choline) improve health nervous system, calm down, put everything in order metabolic processes in the body, are responsible for the full functioning of the brain.
  • Potassium and calcium protect our heart and strengthen bones, preventing the development of arthritis and gout.
  • Chlorophyll perfectly cleanses blood and blood vessels, heals wounds and reduces the risk of bacterial infections.
  • Vitamin E provides us with elastic and fresh skin, strengthens hair, prolongs our youth and beauty.
  • Saponins protect us from such a delicate problem as dysbiosis, and most importantly, they bind and remove it from the body along with other dirty tricks.
  • act comprehensively: relieve inflammation, relieve pain, have an antibacterial effect and are powerful.

And alone, the alfalfa herb is extremely useful - medicinal properties It is especially actively used in the treatment of peptic ulcers, indigestion, and restoration of appetite after long illnesses. Medunka helps with, improves blood composition, fights atherosclerosis and heart ailments.

Alfalfa is also an excellent natural antipyretic and diuretic. Decoctions and infusions are used in the treatment of colds, prevention and treatment of diseases of the joints and genitourinary organs (cystitis and prostatitis).

Lechuha preparations, homemade infusions and decoctions are an effective means of supporting the immune system. Alfalfa stimulates, removes various harmful compounds from the body, heals and supports moral and physical strength at any age.

For all its incredible usefulness, alfalfa grass is also extremely safe - its beneficial properties and contraindications are simply incommensurable. Alfalfa medications are prohibited only for lupus, other serious autoimmune diseases, and also during pregnancy.

Alfalfa juice - for vigor and beauty

Yellow-blue meduna is used not only in the form of decoctions and infusions from the herb; alfalfa juice is also famous for its beneficial properties.

Preparing this product couldn’t be easier: young alfalfa leaves during the flowering period need to be ground in a meat grinder, squeezed out the green juice and strain. This fresh alfalfa is a very concentrated product, so herbalists advise mixing it with juice in a ratio of 1:3. You can also add one part of salad juice to create a unique summer vitamin cocktail.

Fresh alfalfa is not just a healthy and tasty drink. It helps strengthen the immune system, improves tone and saves from a variety of ailments:

  • reduces the risk of heart attacks;
  • cleanses the liver and intestines;
  • fights genitourinary infections;
  • eliminates cardiac and renal edema;
  • treats weak gums and removes bad breath;
  • reduces pain during migraines;
  • relieves exacerbations of gastritis and colitis.

Alfalfa juice has long been recognized as a powerful cosmetic product. If you drink this fresh juice at least 2-3 times a week, your hair will certainly improve its condition: it will fall out less, begin to grow more actively, and a natural shine will appear.

And for beautiful young skin there is such a mask: mix a teaspoon of alfalfa juice with a spoonful of liquid honey, spread evenly on the face and neck and rinse after 20 minutes. A course of 10 alfalfa masks (every other day) will give an amazing effect: the skin will noticeably freshen, tighten, and fine wrinkles will smooth out.

Alfalfa in cooking

Young garden alfalfa is not only a medicine and a basis for delicious drink, but also universal culinary product. Alfalfa shoots and leaves are added to salads and soups, and the seeds are even ground into flour and baked into amazing healthy bread. What can I say - among the recipes with this plant there are also such exotic things as alfalfa inflorescences in dough!

For summer green soups, crescent alfalfa is best: if you add it to the end of the dish, it tastes almost the same as fresh chicken broth.

And for lovers of dietary salads, you can offer a recipe for a salad of cucumbers with alfalfa: you will need 2 cucumbers, a glass of alfalfa herb and, lemon juice and salt for dressing. Finely chop the greens and vegetables, season with lemon - and your vitamin snack is ready!

In order for alfalfa to maximize its beneficial properties, it is necessary to grow it correctly. For dining table Ordinary forage grass from wild fields will not work - it is better to grow a small batch of lechuha in a greenhouse, along with salads and herbs. And before cooking, soak it in a liter boiled water with a spoon for 15-20 minutes - this will kill all random microbes and remove the characteristic alfalfa bitterness.

How to use alfalfa?

To prevent diseases and improve the overall tone of the body, the ideal option is salads with young shoots of honeydew and fresh green-orange juice. If you include dishes with alfalfa shoots in your menu, this will help you forget about heartburn, flatulence, improve digestion and reduce the risk of exacerbations of gastrointestinal ailments.

Fresh alfalfa is an excellent remedy against chronic fatigue, overwork and nervousness, especially in children. For frequent nosebleeds and severe stages of hemorrhoids, you can take pure juice - 25 grams per day. Single nosebleeds can be stopped with a cotton swab dipped in alfalfa decoction (a teaspoon per glass of boiling water).

To grow and strengthen your hair, you don’t have to take it internally – you can rinse your hair with the infusion and rub it a little into the scalp.

In China they always said: “What is good for animals is good for you.” But in the case of alfalfa, one can even argue - it is not known who was more fortunate with this miracle herb - people or animals. It is no coincidence that today is the most famous manufacturers herbal medicines are offered various means based on it - tablets, powders and extracts. Don’t be afraid to save money, grow alfalfa in your country house and countryside - and you will get a unique home doctor and delicious greens for your table!

Alfalfa is one of legumes, designed for the production and diversification of livestock feed. Alfalfa is widely used for making hay and silage, it is ground into flour, and added to vitamin supplements for livestock.

Today, more than 30 million hectares are planted with alfalfa around the world. The plant is successful in more than 85 countries; the crop occupies vast areas in America, Argentina, Russia, Europe and India.

Description of the plant

Alfalfa plant, perennial crop, from legume family. Found in nature in growing wild. The roots of the plant are strong and thick, lying deep in the soil. The stem is straight, stable, covered with small, densely planted leaves, the plant height reaches 85 cm.

Inflorescences of blue and blue tint, collected in tassels, bloom in summer period. The fruits are hooked beans that reach maturity in August.

Asia is considered the birthplace of alfalfa. wild plant found in the Balkans, in Russia, settles near reservoirs, on the edges and meadows. The main purpose of alfalfa is to feed livestock; the crop became known in the 6th century and was actively mowed for horse feed.

Types and varieties of alfalfa

Alfalfa, both cultivated and wild, has about one hundred varieties. In the wild, the plant can even be found as shrubs about a meter in height. In agriculture, alfalfa is actively used as feed for poultry and livestock, but it is also useful for humans. The plant is included in herbal dietary supplements, medicinal homeopathic preparations and cosmetic products. Widespread types of alfalfa include the following:

Crescent or yellow type of alfalfa

A tall, erect plant, the species acquired its name due to the color of the inflorescences. The culture blooms with yellow, small flowers collected in clusters, forming a crescent shape. Forage productivity is average, the cuttings do not have high yields.

Hop-like appearance of alfalfa

A medium-sized plant with an erect stem ends flowering with black pods with a seed inside. Used to diversify the food supply for farm animals.

Blue alfalfa includes subspecies: Caucasian, Central Asian and Indian, European and Mediterranean. The species is frost-resistant, fast-growing, multi-cutting.

A resistant plant, capable of producing three cuttings during the growing season. Of all the species it is considered the most productive. Tolerates short-term drought and low temperatures.

Northern species of alfalfa

Resistance to frost and swampy soils. It grows in the northern latitudes of the country, settling along the floodplains of rivers and the banks of reservoirs. It has root shoot subspecies.

Seed alfalfa has a diverse number of varieties that meet various agricultural needs.

The most common and resistant varieties, can be called:

Alfalfa variety Sparta

This hybrid variety, developed by long-term selection of combinations of crossing the Slavic variety and Langensteiner alfalfa. The variety originates from blue look alfalfa, and has been planted since the 80s.

Sparta is an upright plant, prone to lodging due to the looseness and heaviness of the bush. It reaches a height of 95 cm.

Inflorescences cylindrical, are represented by brushes up to a centimeter in size. Flower color ranges from blue to dark lilac and purple.

The beans are medium-sized, hidden in a loose spiral-shaped shell.

The seeds of the plant are kidney-shaped and dirty green in color.

The root of blue alfalfa is developed enough to produce at least 4 cuttings.

The regrowth of green mass occurs quickly. The first cuttings are carried out 75-90 days after sowing. This variety contains about 22% vegetable protein. Drought-resistant variety Sparta is not affected by brown spot.

Hybrid variety Bagheera

The variety was developed in the 80s and was the result of crossing hybrids of blue and variable alfalfa. Reaches a height of about a meter, a bushy plant with an erect shape, develops up to 40 stems, thick, with scanty edges. The leaves are round in shape, the stipules are light green in color and have a pointed appearance.

The inflorescences are printed and dense, blue in color, with a purple corolla, the size of one brush is about 5.5 cm. The beans are spiral-shaped, brown in color when ripe. The seeds are green-yellow. Regrowth after cuttings is fast, the yield is about 4-5 cuts per season. Bagheera, a variety resistant to lodging, which makes it possible to produce high-quality hay.

The yield per hectare exceeds 65 tons. Protein content per dry matter about 11%. The variety is resistant to putrefactive lesions.

Alfalfa variety Fairy

Alfalfa of domestic selection was obtained by crossing clones of the Krasnodar Ranniy, Ladak and Glasier varieties. The resulting variety was classified as blue-hybrid variable alfalfa.

The Fairy variety inherited high resistance to temperature changes and drought from blue and variable alfalfa and acquired a high combinative ability. It has been grown not so long ago, since 2011, but due to its extensive tillering, straight stem and resistance to lodging, it has become widespread in the south of Russia.

The stems are strong and rough, covered with small ellipse-shaped leaves. The height of the plant reaches one and a half meters in height. The fairy blooms with purple inflorescences, cylindrical in shape, with dark corollas. Spiral-shaped fruits. It produces yellow seeds, weighing about 4.5 grams per 2000 seeds.

The period of the first mowing occurs during budding. During its growing season, the Fairy will give more than three cuttings. The yield of this variety is about 62 tons per hectare. The protein content of beans ranges from 17 to 22%.

Growing alfalfa

Sowing of alfalfa begins in the spring, when the soil has warmed up sufficiently and is saturated with moisture. Much depends directly on the climatic latitude and region; in most alfalfa sowings begin in April.

To get a decent harvest, you need to carefully prepare alfalfa seeds for sowing. Since the seeds have a hard shell, they are mechanically processed before sowing, removing the top layer, or ground with river sand.

When sowing occurs in small areas, the seeds are pre-soaked in water, then dried and pickled. Dressing is carried out with pesticides in the amount of 3.5 kg. per ton of seeds. For better germination the seeds are treated with sodium molybdate.

Alfalfa reacts quite capriciously to its predecessors.

The best predecessor crops before sowing are row crops and grain legumes. In turn, alfalfa is an ideal precursor for most plants in agriculture.

The key to harvest success is correct processing arable land before sowing. Preparation begins in advance, with deep plowing, ridding the soil of weeds and harrowing. Plowing breaks up large clods, improves air exchange in the soil, and harrowing levels and fluffs the surface.

Alfalfa loves enriched soils; on such soils the plant will produce up to 4 cuttings, so organic matter is added before sowing (8 kg per square meter) and mineral fertilizers (55-65 grams per square of arable land).

Sowing begins at the beginning of spring. Alfalfa seeds are sown with a grain-grass seeder, reducing losses of the main and auxiliary crops. Alfalfa is often sown with auxiliary plants: rye or oats.

Assorted mixtures of three types of crops, such as red clover, timothy, cucumber, and fescue, have become widespread.

The norms for sowing alfalfa in grass mixtures per 1 hectare are about 5 million suitable seeds.

Norms and timing of sowing alfalfa

Alfalfa, which can safely be attributed to forage grasses, is actively used as feed in rural farmsteads, due to its satiety, unpretentiousness and productivity. To achieve maximum yield from alfalfa seeds, it is necessary to first calculate the consumption rates seed material per hectare of arable land.

The formula used for this is:

NBB = M1000 x K (the mass of 1000 seeds is multiplied by the germination number of seeds sown in a zone per 1 hectare.)

Another formula makes adjustments to the calculation of seeding rates by the actual sowing suitability of seeds (SG).

NV = NVV x 100 / PG

The approximate norms for sowing alfalfa for feed needs are: 11 kg. for 1 hectare. (plain) and 15 kg. for 1 hectare. (slope).

Simultaneous sowing of alfalfa with cereals can amount to: awnless pinworm about 11 kg. for 1 hectare. and meadow timothy 3.5 kg. for 1 hectare. Sowing alfalfa under cover at 9.2 million usable seeds per hectare of plowed land gives good consistency and germination of crops.

When sowing alfalfa under spring crops or annual grasses, pre-sowing soil rolling with ring rollers is mandatory.

Sowing is carried out using seeders with disc coulters, with mandatory use depth limiters.

When sowing alfalfa, a row sowing method is used with a row spacing of 11–14 cm and a planting depth of 1.5 cm (loams), 2 cm (sandstones).

Coverless sowing is possible only in those areas of arable land where all measures have been taken to prevent the emergence of weeds.

It should be noted that a wide row spacing and dense cropping can have a detrimental effect on the yield of alfalfa as a whole.

When the crop is grown for livestock feed, the row spacing is reduced to 11 cm. If alfalfa is grown for seeds, the row spacing should be increased to half a meter to allow the stem to develop and prevent lodging of the crops before the seeds mature.

The mass of alfalfa greens at the output depends on its competition with cover crops; sometimes there is a decline in the growth of the above-ground part of the grass, and then it is customary to increase the alfalfa sowing rate to 25%, and reduce the accompanying rate by 45%.

Care of alfalfa crops

If you follow the norms of agricultural technology, growing alfalfa will not bring any difficulties. Like all agricultural plants, alfalfa needs watering, protection from weeds and pests. initial stage growing season, as well as in several feedings.

All measures taken together will give at least three cuttings and, therefore, a good harvest.

In the first year of sowing, it is advisable to water when the seedlings reach 13 cm and above; a moderate amount of water will give the plant strength to move to the second phase - the formation of buds, and the second watering is carried out during this period.

The green mass after the first mowing grows even in dry conditions, however, to speed up the growth process, the plant needs water.

Watering is necessary for the plant only in arid regions, as precipitation temperate climate quite enough for normal growth of the crop. Prolonged rains can have an extremely negative impact on alfalfa crops; the crop does not tolerate waterlogging.

If the site has shallow groundwater, alfalfa is watered only twice; subsurface sowing means watering at least twice, during tillering and heading.

If the soil is sufficiently saturated before sowing nutrients, fertilizing alfalfa during the growth period will be unnecessary.

An exception may be poor soils that need additional nutrition.

Alfalfa is not picky about minerals and organic fertilizers. To form lush green mass, it needs nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to add nitrogen during active plant growth. For plowing, adding organic matter in the amount of 35 tons per 1 ha. into the soil will undoubtedly give excellent harvest results if the agrotechnical rules for caring for alfalfa are observed.

If you want to speed up the regrowth of cut alfalfa greens, add phosphorus, and after two weeks nitrogen, this will stimulate the plant to grow and speed up the flowering of the crop.

It is considered inappropriate to apply these fertilizers at nutritious soils, where the amount of phosphorus exceeds 16 milligrams per 100 grams of soil. In this case, you can do without fertilizing altogether if fertilizers have already been applied to the soil before sowing. Concerning nitrogen fertilizers then the application rate is 25 kg. for 1 hectare.

Fertilizer sowing rates for alfalfa: nitrogen (N) 30-45 phosphorus (P) 60-90 potassium (K) 60-90 kg. per 1 ha, the applied doses guarantee high yields of alfalfa.

Weed control is prerequisite caring for alfalfa crops. The weed is destroyed by mowing at a height of 16 cm. The size of the cut is adjusted so as not to damage the crop itself. To destroy unwanted annual cereal weeds, 4 liters of eptam per hectare is applied before sowing; other herbicides can also be used.

Beneficial properties of alfalfa

About the benefits of alfalfa for Agriculture as feed mixtures and hay, a lot has been said. However, alfalfa is used not only to meet agricultural needs, but also in pharmacology.

The herb is used for the manufacture of drugs Alfalfin, Anticholesterol, Meishi, Alfagin and others. These drugs lower cholesterol levels, normalize digestion, help with intestinal disorders, in particular eliminate constipation, have the property of lowering blood sugar and are indicated for use by diabetics.

Preparations from alfalfa are indicated for people suffering from diseases of the circulatory system, anemia, any disorders of the body's immune response, exhaustion and physical weakness, they are used to normalize lactation in nursing mothers.

Powders from ground alfalfa leaves have a wound-healing and hemostatic effect. Alfalfa is widely used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions and teas, dried and fresh. Having an alkaloid effect, it helps in neutralizing stomach acid and helps cope with uncomplicated gastritis.

An unpretentious plant in herbal preparations improves immunity and helps fight insomnia. Homeopathic doctors widely use alfalfa as a healing agent for ulcerative colitis, decreased appetite and anemia.

In addition to the above useful properties alfalfa contains B vitamins, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins D, A and E, and the biologist Beauvoir designated alfalfa in his research as “ miracle plant"or "the great healer", after discovering the concentration of eight amino acids in its composition.

You've probably seen alfalfa - yellow and purple plants, which can often be found in fields. It has been known since ancient times as medicinal plant, which ancient Chinese healers used to get rid of many ailments. It is also popular in modern world, and why exactly it is attractive and how it is used, we will look at in this article.

Botanical description and habitat

The herbaceous plant alfalfa belongs to the family. Under this name annual and perennial herbs and subshrubs, of which there are about 100 species.

The rhizome of alfalfa is very powerful and penetrates deep into the soil up to 10 m, thanks to which it accumulates useful substances inaccessible to other plants. On the roots, the plant has characteristic tubers with nitrogen-fixing bacteria, which ensure the process of processing nitrogen from the air and enriching the soil with nutrients.
The stems have four sides, they can be bare or with a small edge, and branch well. The leaves have small sizes, no more than 2x1 cm, oblong in shape on petioles.

The inflorescences have the appearance of an elongated brush. They are formed at the top or branches of the stem. The flowers are bisexual. Different types plants can have a wide color scheme corolla of flowers, but most often you can find blue, purple, yellow and white flowers. Bright and variegated flowers are also found, especially if this plant is used for landscape design.

Flowering of the grass can last almost a month and occurs 4-8 weeks after sowing. The flowering of the brush lasts 10 days, delighting with 4-5 new buds every day.

Alfalfa is pollinated by insects, resulting in fruits with tiny yellow or brown seeds.
The homeland of the herb is called Central Asia, North America and the Mediterranean region. However, it has become quite widespread and can be found in almost any country, thanks to a number of useful qualities and properties. Ideal place The habitats are dry meadows, steppes, grassy slopes, pastures and river valleys. Can grow as a weed and seed plant.

Did you know? Among the people, alfalfa is also called lechukha, medunka, alfalfa, zorya, vizil.

Chemical composition of the herb

The amount of beneficial substances contained in the herb is quite impressive. Ancient Chinese healers knew about this 6-7 thousand years ago and actively used the natural source of health for the benefit of people.
First of all, it is worth saying that alfalfa contains almost the entire group of B vitamins, namely: B1, B2, B5, B6, B9. In addition, vitamins A, PP, C, K, E. Alfalfa contains potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron, zinc, phosphorus and a number of other micro- and macroelements. Chlorophyll provides blood purification, flavonoids act as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

What helps and what cures

The range of beneficial properties of the herb is very wide, so among The main ways of its use as a remedy can be identified:

  • improvement of metabolism;
  • positive impact on gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland;
  • security normal functioning circulatory system, lowering cholesterol levels and increasing hemoglobin;
  • effectively affects the urinary system, is used to treat gout, remove uric acid salts;
  • relieves inflammation in tuberculosis, arthritis and fungal diseases;
  • having a positive effect on the elasticity of arteries, prevents the development of atherosclerosis, reduces arterial pressure, stabilizes blood sugar levels.

Due to the high content of vitamin K, the use of the herb prevents the occurrence of hemorrhages and bleeding, and products based on it can stop bleeding at the site of cuts and wounds.
Alfalfa is also used in the production of toothpaste, as a powerful tool in the fight against caries. Chlorophyll with uronic acid prevent viruses, including herpes.

Preparations containing alfalfa are also prescribed for diseases such as:

  • hepatitis;
  • diabetes;
  • joint diseases;
  • erosion;
  • colpitis;
  • periodontal disease;
  • diseases of the endocrine system.

Did you know? Young mothers can say “thank you” to alfalfa, because it helps stimulate lactation, there is more milk, which means that the baby will be well-fed and calm. In addition, it helps improve digestion and can eliminate problems with poor pancreatic function and constipation.

Pharmacy drugs

If you want to buy a miracle herb in a pharmacy, you can easily find it, because most drugs have the name Alfalfa or Alfalfa, similar to the name of the herb.

Thus, in pharmacology the following forms of drug release are presented:

Important! Ayurveda uses alfalfa to treat peptic ulcers due to its vitamin U content, which can heal the gastric mucosa.

Traditional medicine recipes

Folk wisdom and knowledge on how to use Natural resources for the benefit of man, which have been accumulated over many years, are embodied in the form of numerous recipes traditional medicine. Alfalfa is very effective in helping to get rid of and prevent the occurrence or development of many diseases.

For diabetes

Recipe 1

To lower blood sugar levels, use freshly squeezed juice from the plant. In order to get it, you need to pick young leaves of the grass during the flowering period and pass them through a meat grinder. The fresh juice will be very concentrated, and therefore, it must be diluted before taking it. You can use water for these purposes, but carrot juice is best. The ideal proportion for such a vitamin cocktail would be 1:3, diluted with water 1:1. A medicinal portion of 50 grams three times a day, half an hour before meals, significantly affects blood sugar levels.
Recipe 2

Pour 2 tbsp into a glass or metal container. dried herbs and pour 1 tbsp boiling water, and then place on water bath for 20 min. After the time has passed, take out the container and infuse the herb for another hour. After which the infusion should be filtered and divided into 6 servings. You can take this medicine daily until you achieve results and your blood sugar levels drop.

For joint pain

For elimination pain in the joints traditional healers I recommend cooking alcohol infusion on alfalfa. To do this, pour 5 tbsp into a glass jar. dried herbs and pour 500 ml of vodka. Next, the tincture needs to infuse for 2 weeks. Accept remedy 10 drops should be diluted in 100 ml of water, three times a day, half an hour before meals.

For nervous tension

Used to calm and relieve tension sickle-shaped grass. 2 tbsp. the herbs are poured with half a liter of water and placed in a water bath for 5 minutes, and then infused further. You can also pour boiling water over the dried alfalfa and let it sit for 3-4 hours. The infusion should be taken half a glass before meals.

For cuts and wounds

If injuries occur, for example, during a hike or vacation in a forest area, in the absence of special medical supplies, first aid can be provided using alfalfa leaves. To do this, you should pick fresh leaves of the plant and prepare a paste from them, which is applied to the affected or injured area. Thanks to its high vitamin K content, alfalfa can stop bleeding and disinfect wounds. The pulp should be changed 2-3 times a day.

For hemorrhoids

When experiencing discomfort and suffering from hemorrhoids, as well as vaginal and nosebleeds, it is recommended to take Fresh Juice herbs 25 drops twice a day.

For bad breath

Thanks to its high chlorophyll content, alfalfa effectively combats bad breath. To do this, you can take an extract of the herb or an infusion from it.

Did you know? The alfalfa herb is often used in haute cuisine recipes for salads and soups, and the seeds are used as a base to create flours and gourmet baked goods.

For nosebleeds

If you experience nosebleeds, take a cotton swab and soak it in alfalfa infusion, then roll it up and place it in your sinus. The hemostatic property of alfalfa will quickly and effectively help cope with the problem.

How to use it in cosmetology

In cosmetology, alfalfa has gained popularity due to its rejuvenating properties for facial skin. It can relieve swelling and redness and improve complexion. The herb also has an excellent effect on hair growth and prevents hair loss.

For hair

The herbal infusion has a positive effect on the scalp. It is applied to the hair after washing and rubbed into the skin. For preparation: 4 tablespoons of herbs per 1 liter of water. Boil for 10 minutes and leave to cool, after which you can use. You can also take alfalfa juice internally. By drinking fresh juice several times a week, you will certainly see changes in the condition of your hair. They will fall out less and begin to grow actively.

For face and body skin

Alfalfa has a positive effect on complexion, relieves redness and swelling, has a rejuvenating effect, tightening small wrinkles and evening out skin tone. To do this, it is recommended to make herbal masks.

Anti-redness mask

Mix a decoction of dried herbs and apply to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes. Leave the mask on for 15-20 minutes, and then remove with a damp towel or rinse with warm water.
Mask with a rejuvenating effect

Grind the dried alfalfa grass to a powder using a coffee grinder or blender. Take 1 tbsp. crushed material and add boiling water until a thick, mushy consistency is formed. Let the mixture sit for a while and then add it

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