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Name of culture

Number of days from sowing to planting

Seed planting depth (cm)

Nutrition area of ​​seedlings (cm)

Time from sowing to emergence of seedlings (days)

Number of days from sowing to pi-kirovka

before emergence

within 5-7 days after germination

in the future

on a sunny day

on a cloudy day

without picking


without picking

Early cabbage


without picking

Early ripening tomato

Mid-ripe tomato

Late-ripe tomato

without picking

Name of culture

Planting depth (cm)

Planting and sowing scheme (smxsm)

Soil temperature for seed germination (degrees)

Time from sowing to emergence (days)

Temperature drops dangerous for crops (degrees)

Optimal temperature air during the growing season (degrees)

beginning of germination


Onions: nigella, batun, chives

Onion sets for turnips





White cabbage




Potatoes (tubers)

Zucchini (seedlings and seeds)









day 22-24 night 16-18


-Fertile Zodiac Signs

Of the female signs this is Cancer, Taurus and Pisces. Endurance and vitality are characteristic Scorpios. The last lines in fertility were assigned to Virgo and Capricorn. The time when the moon moves favorable signs, suitable for planting and replanting all types of plants. At this time, watering and fertilizing will be beneficial.

When the Moon is in Pisces, over-watering is not recommended as it will cause rotting.

Signs male not very suitable for sowing. Only Libra constellation has a beneficial effect on the development of ornamental and climbing plants. It is recommended to moderately water and feed the seedlings. On the day of Gemini influence, nothing needs to be done, not even watering. Unproductive Sagittarius and Aries. But they are not suitable for large volumes of work. Leo and Aquarius- signs when you need to cultivate the land and get rid of pests. It is useless to perform other types of work.

Ariesdoesn't like landings on his days. Getting rid of weeds and destroying pests at this time will bring the desired result.

Taurusbenefits the planted plants. Productivity will be high, and the root crops will be a sight to behold during the waning Moon. The waxing Moon loves sowing land plants and pruning trees.

Cancerduring the waxing Moon - a phase for plants that nourish a lot of moisture. This includes cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, currants, raspberries and so on. The waning moon has a positive effect on root vegetables. Productivity will be at top level, but this harvest will not be stored. The seeds are unsuitable.

LionsGreat for weeding and getting rid of pests. Planting is not recommended.

Virgo constellationhas a good effect on vegetation care work. If you plant crops at this time, there will be no result. It is better to plant long-lived bushes and herbs. Virgo will save them from all adversity.

Libra Day- day of seedlings. Plant cucumbers, legumes, trees and bushes during the waxing Moon, and root vegetables and onions during the waning Moon. Productivity is average, storage is good, seeds are suitable for further planting.

On the day of Scorpio they plant seedlings, herbs, peppers and eggplants. The waning phase is suitable for root vegetables, garlic and trees. The harvest is normal, stored long time, high quality seeds.

Sagittarius- a constellation unfavorable for planting plants, so it is better to work on cultivating the soil and getting rid of harmful insects.

IN Capricorn plant seedlings, winter seeds and perennials, including trees. The waning moon has a positive effect on planting onions and root crops. This is a good time to sow legumes, cabbage and herbs. The yield is average, but the fruits are of high quality and are stored for a long time.

Aquarius TimeSuitable for cultivating soil and exterminating pests. You can't deal with seedlings. Under the influence of Aquarius, you need to take care of the sprout; if you damage it even a little, it will not grow.

Fish.Trees should not be pruned at this time. Planting horseradish, tomatoes, cucumbers and eggplants should be done only on the waxing Moon, and on the waning Moon - carrots, radishes and flowers. The yield is good, but it is not stored well. The seeds are not of the best quality.

ATTENTION! This is an archived page, current now:

Lunar calendar for the gardener 2015 - Harvesting, salting.

The table on this page lunar calendar is a thematic selection from a universal one made for the convenience of planning work with vegetable crops, working with garden strawberries are given in this section because we believe that it is more convenient to view them in the “garden” section of the calendar.

September - farewell to summer.

September is the time for harvest, the month when everything needs to be completed summer jobs and gradually begin to prepare the plants for the cold season. In September, all vegetable crops need to be collected from the beds. At the beginning of the month, potatoes should be removed, re-sorted and stored. We collect all the tomatoes in the greenhouse.
September is the month of pickling and canning. After harvesting, the area is cleaned: the tops of root crops are placed in compost pits for fertilizer, but it is better to burn the tops of tomatoes and potatoes. After this, fertilizers are added to the ground and the area is dug up.

ATTENTION! Our gardener's lunar calendar is kept by Moscow time. (The calendar can be used throughout Russia, taking into account the difference between Moscow and local time *)

The gardener's lunar calendar was made in this form at the suggestion of one of the active visitors to our site on the forum.
We try to take your comments into account. Please contact us with your suggestions at

Additions based on reviews on the forum:

Lunar calendar 2015- I propose making a table with sections: Moon data and date, vegetables, flower garden, garden. And distribute information across these columns.

Folk signs about the weather in September:
In September it is nicer during the day, but bad in the morning.
Thunder in September - for a long autumn.
September is a time of wet weather, but above all fertile

Based on one rather interesting folk sign, compiled (for Moscow, St. Petersburg and N. Novgorod).

* To determine the local time of a lunar calendar event in Kaliningrad, you need to subtract -1 hour, in Samara: add +1 hour, in Yekaterinburg and Perm: +2; Novosibirsk: +3, Krasnoyarsk: +4 hours... in Vladivostok: +7, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky: +9 hours.

26th lunar day: Waning moon

Don't plant or water anything. Disinfect the greenhouses.

Folk sign for the day:
Macarius day. If there are drops, believe in early spring. Whatever the weather is on the first day, such is the whole of February.

27th lunar day: Waning moon

Loosen the soil in greenhouses and pots indoor plants.

Folk sign for the day:
A blizzard will screech and it will snow all week.

28th lunar day: Waning moon

Refrain from working with plants. Time for some spring cleaning.

29th lunar day: Waning moon

Clean the utility rooms.

Folk sign for the day:
Timofey Poluzimnik. Half of winter has passed. Timofeevsky frosts. Knocks off the horn of winter. It's time not to doze - to get along with the plows, to straighten the carts.

1 lunar day: New moon

Prepare a container for seedlings, soak the seeds.

2nd lunar day: Waxing moon

Conduct an audit planting material in storage facilities.

Folk sign for the day:
Aksinya the Spring Pointer. If there is a bucket, spring is red.

3rd lunar day: Waxing moon

Soak the seeds and prepare containers for seedlings.

4th lunar day: Waxing moon

Pick up previously planted plants and apply foliar feeding.

5th lunar day: Waxing moon

Give indoor and greenhouse plants a rest. Refrain from watering.

6th lunar day: Waxing moon

Carry out snow removal measures. Free plants from snow.

Folk sign for the day:
The wind will confuse the weather - it will be a wet year.

7th lunar day: Waxing moon

Sow root crops indoors.

8th lunar day: First quarter

It is good to sow perennials for seedlings. Spray and water.

9th lunar day: Waxing moon

Time for winter vaccinations. Water and spray the plants.

10th lunar day: Waxing moon

Hold off on planting and sowing... Loosen the soil in the greenhouse.

Folk sign for the day:
Starfall - quiet spring. The sky at night is starry - towards late spring.

11th lunar day: Waxing moon

Check your seed storage. Prepare containers for seedlings.

Folk sign for the day:
Candlemas - winter meets spring and summer. Sretensky frosts. If the sun shines through, then the first meeting of winter and spring has taken place, but if it doesn’t shine through, expect further frosts. Snow in the morning means a harvest of early grain, at noon - middle grain, and in the evening - late grain. At Candlemas there are drops of rain in the spring. On Candlemas, drops indicate a harvest for wheat.

12th lunar day: Waxing moon

Sow greens, onions and leafy vegetables indoors.

13th lunar day: Waxing moon

Soak the seeds and prepare them for sowing.

Folk sign for the day:
Nikola Studeny. It is a rare year in Rus' that this day goes by without frost.

14th lunar day: Waxing moon

Sow seedlings of eggplants, peppers, zucchini and tomatoes.

15th lunar day: Waxing moon

Take a break from working with plants and soil. Don't water.

Folk sign for the day:
Frosts promise a stormy spring, dry and hot summer.

16th lunar day: Full moon

Free the branches garden trees from the snow.

17th lunar day: Waning moon

Sow carrots and beets in closed ground.

Folk sign for the day:
Zachary the Sickle Seer. The sickles are taken out and inspected. The colder the last week of February, the warmer it is in March.

18th lunar day: Waning moon

Feed organic fertilizers seedlings and indoor flowers.

19th lunar day: Waning moon

Sow ornamental plants for seedlings.

Folk sign for the day:
Prokhor. Prokhor and Vlas: it’s not like spring is coming soon.

20th lunar day: Waning moon

A good time to sow flowers indoors.

Folk sign for the day:
Vlasievo frosts. If Vlasiy spills oil on the roads, it’s time for winter to put off its feet. The frost began to sing - the sled track froze.

21st lunar day: Waning moon

Sow onions in heated greenhouses, hot peppers, radish and spices.

22nd lunar day: Waning moon

Feed with organic matter, sow tomatoes and zucchini for seedlings.

23 lunar day: Third quarter

Hold off on planting, sowing and transplanting. Control pests.

24 lunar day: Waning moon

Effective control of pests and diseases.

Yield of the majority fruit crops largely depends on what phase of the moon the seeds or seedlings were planted in the ground. Moreover, root vegetables and land plants react to changes in the phases of the moon in diametrically opposite ways.

It is generally accepted that plants that “grow upward” should be planted on the waxing Moon, and plants that “grow downward” should be planted on the waning Moon. The first group includes eggplants, cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers and other plants, the main formation of fruits of which occurs above the surface of the ground. The second group includes beets, onions, carrots and other root vegetables. The fruits of these plants are formed mainly underground.

The calculation algorithm presented in the book is used: Klimishin I.A. Calendar and chronology. - M., "Science", 1985, p. 314. The error in calculating the phases is 0.1±0.5 days. If there are 2 full moons or new moons in a month, then the program will show only the first date of the astronomical event. To calculate the second, add 29.5 to the first.

Don't miss the latest materials:

Previously, the key to any gardener was the so-called lunar planting calendar. It was compiled annually, had the form of a table, where the positions of the moon were recorded and recommendations were given on which day was favorable for planting work, and which one doesn’t. Having a gardener’s lunar sowing calendar and not using it for its intended purpose is a grave mistake, both for a professional and for a beginner. After all, he is the one who reveals the secret big harvest and rules for caring for plants. By putting the calendar's recommendations into practice, you will be able to provide your garden with extra fertility, and your garden neighbors will be jealous.

Gardener's lunar sowing calendar, what is the essence

There are many secrets to a “worthy” harvest, but none of them compares with the lunar planting table. Scientists have been interested in the phases of the moon and its influence on the world around us for many centuries. The moon can also influence human body, it is she who makes us energetic, or vice versa, weak. The situation is exactly the same with plants. The moon influences them too. The experience of scientists has not bypassed gardening, and today any modern man able to recognize the phases of the moon. Such knowledge makes our life much easier.

We invite you to take note of the lunar sowing calendar, or even save it and print it:

Lunar plant calendar for 2015, how it depends on the constellations

The sowing calendar itself consists solely of numbers and months, as well as types of fruit crops: which day would be better suited to prepare the soil and seeds, what day is the best time to apply fertilizers and fertilizing, when to hill up plants, when to loosen, when to prune, plant, water, etc. The time for all these matters will be suggested not only by the lunar phases, but also by the zodiac constellations themselves. For example, if the moon is in Aries, Leo, Aquarius or Virgo, in this case, landing is strictly prohibited. If you resist this rule, you will probably lose your harvest. The constellations Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius or Capricorn give some chances of success, they are equal to 50%. Those. chances of getting good harvest and the chances of not getting anything at all are equally the same... think, do you want to take that risk? The constellations of Scorpio, Pisces and Cancer are the most fruitful. Planting at this time will give you an incredibly large and delicious harvest. Let's talk in more detail...

  1. Constellation Leo. During this period, planting or replanting plants is prohibited. But, nevertheless, it is possible to care for plants during this period. Thus, weeding, fertilizing, pruning and other manipulations are allowed.
  2. Constellation Aries. A wonderful period for harvesting or weeding the land. But it’s better not to land.
  3. Constellation Aquarius. Also not an important period for planting or replanting. If you come to harvest vegetable crop, then only in descending order of the moon. But the fruits of berries, seeds or healing herbs- according to the waxing moon.
  4. Virgo constellation. Great time to take care ornamental plants, as well as flowers. In addition, you can care for the plant and fight pests or weeds.
  5. Constellation Gemini. Here important point: planting is carried out only for loaches ( climbing plants). You can also plant leguminous plants, grains. You can fight pests on this day. Harvesting should be done only during the waning moon.
  6. Constellation Taurus. A favorable time for planting flowers and vegetables, but not seeds, only the bulbous type. You can plant shrubs or trees.
  7. Constellation Capricorn. If you plant during this period grain crop or root vegetables, these will be incredibly resilient plants. They are not afraid of diseases, bad weather, or pests. The harvest you get from such plants will be stored for a long time.
  8. Constellation Libra. One of the main constellations that will give a rich harvest. Whatever work you do at this time will only bring top scores. You can do absolutely everything: cultivate the soil, care for plants, fight pests or crop diseases. But! You can't plant! During the waxing moon, it is best to collect fruits or medicinal herbs.
  9. Constellation Pisces. Those crops that have been planted must be closely monitored and given proper care. If you decide to harvest at this time, then you must take into account that it will not be stored for too long. But you can think ahead and make preparations from these products for the winter.
  10. Constellation Cancer. You can plant any plants, a very favorable day. Caring for flowers will be productive. The harvest you decide to harvest will not be stored for too long. If you decide to preserve it, do it when the moon is waning.
  11. Constellation Scorpio. This is a good time to combat plant destroyers - weeds and pests. Harvest will be stored for a long time. It is also a good time to replant plants and give crops proper care. Preparations can be done at the time of the waning of the moon.

As you can see, the waning moon - best time for preparations and preservation. Many gardeners with extensive experience already know for certain that replanting should be done in the fall or spring, this time is the most favorable.

WITH lunar phases It’s not at all difficult to figure out, don’t think that you will look at the moon in the sky to determine its phase. No. All you need to do is look at the calendar and find the desired date, it will tell you how to preserve and increase the harvest.

The influence of the moon on plants

Scientists have long noticed the fact that the influence of the moon affects plants depending on its phases. For example, the moon is waxing - the plant begins to grow, and when the moon is waning or on a new moon - root system plants become stronger. That is why it was thought out that planting or replanting should not be done during the new moon and full moon. Landing is possible only at the moment of decreasing or increasing. Root crops should be planted when the moon is waning, and fruits and leafy plants– when it increases.

It is worth considering the moment of the lunar eclipse. Then any manipulations in the garden are prohibited. The same rules apply to a solar eclipse.
Gardener's lunar planting calendar, table:

Lunar calendar for January 2015

The beginning of January promises us almost daily holidays, and the lunar cycle is just beginning. Therefore, the first half of January should be spent resting from gardening and preparing for gardening. In the second half of the month we begin preparatory work.

— we fight insect pests in the storage facility;

- prepare plant cuttings for grafting, then plant;

- watering and fertilizing indoor flowers and plants;

— we prepare the land in which you will later plant seedlings of the crop;

- clean up the greenhouse;

- check all trees and bushes for garden plot, remove any remaining dry leaves;

- if there are diseased plants in the garden, then they need to be removed by the roots.

It bears repeating that gardening work cannot be carried out. Spend this period planning and preparing for the gardening season. Purchase seedlings, seeds, fertilizers, distribute planting material.

February according to the lunar calendar

This month you can already plant, for example, greens such as dill, onion sets or watercress. Flowers can also be planted. In addition, eggplant, pepper, and strawberry seedlings are sown. At the same time, you should continue to care tuberous plants, we do vaccinations, and also provide reliable protection from insect pests.

At this time, the greenhouses are put in order, cleaned for the new season, and disinfected.

March according to the lunar calendar 2015

The seedlings that you planted in February should be fed and the soil loosened. Also, the first shoots that appear can be thinned out, and those that are very weak or diseased can be removed. Planted crops must be watered.

In greenhouses, everything needs to be prepared for spring sowing.

April according to the gardener's lunar calendar

Before the buds on the trees open, you need to have time to plant fruit trees and shrubs, as well as berries. We also prepare the trees; they need to have their trunks whitewashed; if treatment is required, then it needs to be done.

The soil on the site should be dug up this month and compost should be laid. We plant cabbage, both white and cauliflower. You can plant tomatoes, varieties that will be under cover, early varieties cucumbers, legumes, greens.

You can plant parsley, spinach, garlic, beets, celery, radish, coriander, any medicinal herbs, etc.

May according to the lunar calendar

At this time, all operations to protect plants from possible temperature changes should be carried out. We remove weeds from the soil, fertilize, and water. We plant plants that are typical for May planting - these can be salad greens, spinach, parsnips, zucchini, squash, pumpkin, sorrel. In addition, do not forget to plant berries, you can still do so.

We carry out cuttings, remove shoots in the form of tendrils from strawberry bushes, remove plants that are sick or died. We prune fertile plants.

Gardener's lunar calendar: July-October 2015

All these months they carry out standard work: watering, weeding, thinning, loosening, fighting weeds and harmful insects. Many plants have already given their harvest, so it needs to be harvested periodically. We preserve and dry fruits as needed, but according to the lunar calendar.

You need to pinch off the vines of the melon crop.

This period is considered a good time to plant new trees or fruit bushes. You can also lay a lawn.

After harvesting, including garlic, onions and other root vegetables, grafting can be carried out.

Where possible, we clean the beds, dig them up again, burn all the garbage, branches and fallen leaves. We are landscaping the garden.

Gardener's lunar calendar for November and December 2015

We are preparing for the winter with all our might. There’s no need to worry too much, it’s enough to do everything according to the rules and according to the calendar. Consider the characteristics of your soil, climate, agricultural requirements, and precipitation. In this case, you will get a rich harvest next year.
If you still doubt the veracity of the lunar calendar, we advise you to quickly discard them. Such tables are compiled annually by scientists and astrologers; each date has been subjected to careful research and study.

Lunar calendar of work in the garden for 2015

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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