Remember from Pushkin - you catch him, catch him... It’s probably not worth explaining who we’re talking about. One of the most annoying insects, capable of not only biting, but also literally harassing a person with its “ringing”.

The mosquito is a constant companion of humans in the warm season. In the forest, on the river, on a walk, in the country, and even at home, this small insect can bring significant inconvenience and anxiety into your life.

To prevent the presence of midges from overshadowing the summer season, you should purchase mosquito repellents suitable for you in advance. You need to take your choice quite seriously, since it is necessary to take into account individual intolerance to the components and possible allergic reactions. When purchasing, you must take into account that children, pregnant and lactating women require drugs with a low content of active substances.

There are several main groups of repellents:

  • aerosols;
  • creams, pencils, ointments;
  • fumigators;
  • smoldering spirals;
  • ultrasonic devices;
  • bracelets.

Based on the nature of interaction, insect repellents can be divided into contact and group. The former are applied directly to the skin or clothing, the latter are either sprayed or evaporated into the atmosphere.

The retail price of repellents starts from 100 rubles and depends on the form of release, purpose and content of active ingredients.

TOP 8 best mosquito repellents

The first place is deservedly occupied by THERMACELL, a new product on the market of insecticidal mosquito repellents.

Mosquito repeller ThermaCELL ORANGE

Designed for use in small rooms and outdoors. The electronic fumigator provides good protection against mosquitoes and midges. Convenient to use in the absence of power sources - while hiking or fishing.

When evaporated into the air, the repellent forms a cloud, clearing a 20 m2 seating area from insects. This is enough to protect 3-4 people from insects. An absolutely safe repellent will save you from mosquitoes (98%), midges (96%) and black flies (80%)

Buy now for RUB 1,930

  • A few minutes are enough to completely destroy insects in a room up to 20 square meters.
  • One set of consumables lasts up to 12 hours.
  • ThermaCELL is safe for animals and people, including allergy sufferers and small children.
  • The repellent does not contain the chemical DEET.
  • The cost of the device is 1930 rubles.

Aerosol repellent MOUSQUITALL

One of the most popular remedies for mosquitoes, midges, mosquitoes. Provides guaranteed and reliable protection against midges for 3 hours. Apply using a spray bottle to exposed areas of the body and gently rub with palms.

Buy for 380 rub.

  • You can spray it on clothes, and keep the bottle at a distance of about 15-20 centimeters.
  • Price – from 390 rubles.
  • The drug is recommended for use by the whole family, including children.

“Next to our dacha there is a pond and a little further there is a forest. Every summer, starting in July, we go to the forest to pick blueberries and mushrooms. Imagine early morning, fog, blueberries and clouds of mosquitoes that just want to eat you. At first we used ointments, but for three years now we have been buying MOSKITALL spray. Spray on hands, wipe face, neck, ears. We definitely process clothes. We take the bottle with us to the forest, since we go there for a long time. Now we know for sure: good repellents are when they don’t bite.”

Nadezhda, Kostroma.

Aerosol UltraThon

Universal protection against mosquitoes, midges and ticks for 8 hours. In the production of the drug, a unique Time Release technology is used, which delays the evaporation of the active substance from the surface of the skin. Contains 25% DEET.

Buy for 695 RUR

  • UltraThon repellent spray has proven itself well among fishing enthusiasts, mushroom pickers, and hunters.
  • The price of one bottle is from 700 rubles.

“In our family, all the men are fishermen and hunters. In the summer we practically live in the forest. Mosquito protection is our number one priority. We mainly use UltraTon spray, as it repels mosquitoes and all other midges, and also ticks well. The price is, of course, high, but it's worth it. If we go into the forest for six hours, we don’t take the aerosol with us, it lasts a long time.”

Nikolay Smirnov, Kirov.


An innovative insect repellent that effectively protects against insects - mosquitoes, midges. The bracelet is absolutely safe for small children and pregnant women.

Buy for 129 rubles

The light scent of citronella and lavender repels insects and prevents them from landing on human skin. Constant movement of the hand creates an aromatic cloud, which provides such reliable protection. If the child is very small, the bracelet is put on the leg or fastened to the stroller.

Important. It is necessary to buy the product only in trusted places, as there is a high probability of counterfeiting.

  • The price of one bracelet is from 130 rubles, sold as a set of 4 pieces.

MOSQUITALL “Professional protection” kit. For home and garden"

MOSQUITALL is one of the most famous manufacturers of repellents, enjoying well-deserved trust among the residents of Russia. A new generation fumigator that allows you to get rid of mosquitoes indoors in a matter of minutes. The built-in fan ensures rapid distribution of the active substance, the device itself operates in a programmed mode.

Buy for 572 rub.

Automatic switching on of the device at set intervals allows you to control the flow of liquid and prevents overheating.

The product is designed for 30 nights of operation. Price – from 600 rubles.

Ultrasonic repellent Riddex

An innovative device whose operation is based on the transmission of electromagnetic pulses. Effective against insects - mosquitoes, midges, cockroaches, as well as against rodents - mice, rats, moles.

  • See the review and reviews on the effectiveness of ultrasonic insect repellers -

  • Powered by mains power. Price – 2780 rubles.

MOSQUITALL mosquito coils “Professional protection. In the wild"

It occupies a special place among repellents - it provides reliable protection against mosquitoes and midges in the open air. The kit includes a tin can that protects the spiral from destruction during storage and transportation, and during use you do not have to worry that the smoldering substance will fly away under the influence of gusts of wind.

Buy for 209 rub.

  • Cost – from 220 rubles
  • 15 spirals included

“In the summer at the dacha we prefer to have dinner in the gazebo. Everything would be fine, but the mosquitoes are simply overwhelming. We accidentally saw a set of Moskitol for wildlife in an online store, ordered it, and now we are using it. It’s very convenient - it drives away mosquitoes, and we’re not afraid that the smoldering spiral will fall on the wooden coverings from the wind.”

Ivan, Moscow.

Medilisic for children against mosquitoes

A mild product to protect children from 1 year of age from mosquitoes, midges, wasps, bees and horse flies. When spraying, you must ensure that the drug does not get into the child’s eyes.

The most effective effect of the drug is observed within two hours after application. When treating clothes, the residual effect of the aerosol lasts about 20 days.

Buy for 343 rubles

The mild, unobtrusive odor does not cause irritation, but if you are hypersensitive it should be used with caution.

  • Children under one year old, pregnant and lactating women are not recommended to use.
  • Price – 350 rubles.

A few words about prevention

Naturally, a summer holiday without repellents is unthinkable. But we can prevent insects from entering the premises. One of these methods is. Small cells allow air to pass through well, but do not allow mosquitoes or midges to fly into the house.

Live and relax in comfort.

All kinds of repellents have been developed to protect against blood-sucking insects. However, improper use reduces their effectiveness and can be dangerous to humans.

Blood-sucking insects plague us throughout the warm season. In central Russia, the most common troublemakers are mosquitoes. The most mosquito-infested places in nature are near small bodies of water and swampy areas. In summer cottages, open water tanks become breeding grounds for mosquitoes. In city houses, mosquitoes breed in basements. In the northern regions of the country, midges, midges, and gadflies join the mosquito fraternity. In spring and autumn there is a peak in tick activity.

Flying and crawling “bloodsuckers” can be potential carriers of dangerous diseases such as borreliosis, tick-borne encephalitis, malaria and others. And the usual buzzing, squeaking and obsessive pursuit of insects can ruin your outdoor recreation and deprive you of sleep and peace.

IR3535 is considered the least toxic of synthetic repellents.
or ethylbutylacetylaminopropionate, which is recommended even for one-year-olds
children. This repellent is applied to the skin. In terms of effectiveness against ticks,
mosquitoes, flies, horseflies, bedbugs, hornets, it is not inferior to the popular
DEET product and is three times less toxic.

Insect repellents: how to choose

Since ancient times, people have tried to protect themselves from annoying insects with the help of repellent odors. Now the list of such products is quite wide, since synthetic repellents have been added to natural repellents, which are significantly more effective than natural repellents, but are more toxic.

Each product has its own pros and cons. In order for the selected repellent to be truly beneficial for you and harmful to insects, before purchasing, you should understand the features of its use. Conventionally, all insect repellents can be divided into the following three groups.

They emit an odor that is unpleasant to insects or deprives them of their sense of smell. Some repellents can repel insects on direct contact, while others can repel insects at a short distance. Most often, the repellent contains several such substances. Mosquitoes and other “bloodsuckers” hover around, they can even land on the skin, but they don’t bite and immediately fly away. Release forms - cream, spray, emulsion, lotion, gel, wet wipes. Examples: DEET (N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide), dimethyl phthalate, indalone.

A natural fumigant is smoke from a fire. Particularly effective
smoke from burning juniper branches is considered. The smell of smoke lasts for a long time
eats into clothes and hair, repelling insects. To get rid of mosquitoes
and midges in a tent or small house, just bring them in for a few minutes
there the embers from the fire and open the entrance - an escape route for the bloodsuckers.

They have a similar effect to the previous group. These are natural substances: essential oils and plant extracts. Their smell masks a person’s own smell and makes us unattractive to insects. Drugs from this group are less effective, but also relatively safe for health. Examples: essential oil of clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, citronella, anise, basil, camphor, carbolic alcohol, tomato leaves, elderberry.

They kill insects by damaging their nervous system. Fumigants contain insecticides. The most common are pyrotechnic fumigants, which must be set on fire before use (spirals, mosquito repellent candles). Protection is smoke from their combustion. Electric fumigants are often used indoors, emitting fumes that are toxic to insects when heated from the mains - tablets, bottles with a special liquid.

Terms of use

Among the repellents there are products for application to the skin and for treating clothing, canopies, and tents. The latter are usually water-based, do not leave greasy stains, and do not dissolve synthetic fabrics and plastic decorative elements. They also have a longer validity period - up to several days. Some clothing impregnation products should not be used on leather; they are very toxic.

It is unacceptable to take mosquito and midge repellents frivolously. Many of them are toxic to humans and, if used incorrectly, cause poisoning, allergic reactions, damage to the skin, respiratory system and nervous system. Therefore, it is better to purchase repellents and fumigants in pharmacies or large stores with a good reputation. Before using these products, be sure to read the instructions and do not forget about safety precautions.


These products can only be used outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. When using them in a room, it is necessary to hermetically seal all food, drinking water, an aquarium with fish, remove pets and leave on your own. The fumigant is used for the time indicated on the package. After which you should thoroughly ventilate the room.

Never leave fumigants on overnight. The insecticides included in their composition have a cumulative effect, that is, they are able to accumulate in the body. Over time, the dose of repellent can reach toxic levels for your body, and not just for mosquitoes.

Synthetic repellents

They should not be applied to eyelids, lips, mucous membranes, or affected skin. Creams and gels are not rubbed into the skin, but are only evenly distributed over its surface. It is advisable to use the minimum possible amount of repellent. Do not exceed the maximum permissible frequency of processing indicated on the packaging. Apply the product only to exposed areas of the body. In case of contact with eyes, rinse them with plenty of water as soon as possible.

After application, wash your hands, leaving the product only on the back of your hands. Before eating, be sure to wash your hands with soap, as the toxicity of repellents increases significantly if ingested. When the threat of attack by “blood-sucking” insects has disappeared, wash off any remaining product from your body.

For application to the body, it is better to use creams, gels and lotions. Sprays are inferior to them in terms of efficiency, harmlessness and efficiency. A significant part of the spray disperses into the air and, when sprayed, enters the respiratory tract, causing irritation. The product is more difficult to dose; in addition, it is not suitable for application to the face, as it easily gets on the eyelids, lips, and eyes. Sprays are convenient to use for treating clothing or tent fabric in a place protected from the wind.

When using repellent and sunscreen at the same time
First, sunscreen is applied to the skin. When using
Together with perfumes, the effectiveness of repellents decreases.

Essential oils and products based on them

Although they are least likely to cause side effects, you should not abuse such drugs. Essential oils have a quick and pronounced effect on the brain, are able to influence the nervous system, and have a number of active properties. If in undiluted form comes into contact with skin, it may cause severe burns.

Always follow the dosage when using oils, both for scenting a room and when applied to the skin. Before using them, it is advisable to conduct a sensitivity test. To do this, a drop of oil diluted according to the instructions is applied to the inside of the forearm. If no irritation is observed within 15-20 minutes, the oil can be used to repel insects.

Body repellents: which one is more effective?

The repellents of this group are significantly different from each other. The higher the concentration of the active substance, the more noticeable the effect. Most often, such repellents contain DEET, a substance known to man since the middle of the last century. To protect against mosquitoes and midges for 1-1.5 hours, you can use repellents containing 10-15 percent DEET. Repellents containing 25-35% DEET are effective in regions with high densities of blood-sucking insects, as well as against ticks. Their effect lasts about 4-5 hours.

The most powerful products are those containing 50% DEET. A higher concentration of diethyltoluamide in repellents not only does not increase effectiveness, but also increases their toxicity.

All repellents applied to the skin are quickly removed with sweat during physical activity and are easily washed off by rain. Oil-based products have more advantages in this regard.

To prolong the effect of industrial repellents, you can
mix them with tar, which in itself has a repellent
and antimicrobial effect, relieves itching and irritation after bites.
However, it should be noted that tar is very odorous and stains the skin a dark color.

Natural remedies for mosquitoes and midges

Considering that almost all repellents are poisons to some extent, try to keep their use to a minimum. There are many known ways to get rid of a cluster of insects using the following simple rules.

  • If possible, choose the time of your outings taking into account the activity of insects. In central Russia, the most blood-sucking animals are from May to mid-July. Morning and evening are the time when mosquitoes and midges fly out. During the day there are much fewer of them. The number of small bloodsuckers drops sharply after heavy rains. You can travel for a day or two after heavy rainfall without using repellents. The fewest flying insects are in open, elevated places, where the wind moves freely.
  • Monitor the communication system in city houses, call a repair team in a timely manner in case of water supply and sewerage leaks. A mosquito net or gauze is required on windows and ventilation grilles.
  • When going out into nature, even on hot days, wear closed clothing. Pants and a jacket made of thick cotton fabric will prevent insects from reaching your skin and will prevent you from overheating in the sun. Carefully protect your ankles with high socks and your wrists with thick cuffs. It is convenient to hide the head and ears under a bandana or scarf. In such uniforms, the need for repellents will be minimal.
  • A fan in the form of a fan made of grass or branches is sometimes more effective than fumigants, although the need to constantly fan yourself can be inconvenient.
  • An excellent remedy for mosquitoes, midges, midges and gadflies is a mosquito net for the face, which is sold in hunting and sporting goods stores.

Expert: Galina Filippova, general practitioner, candidate of medical sciences
Natalya Dolgopolova, general practitioner

Photos used in this material belong to

Fund options

We offer an overview of the best remedies for mosquitoes that are not so loved by many:

  • “OFF SMOOTH & DRY” is an innovative and modern product that has the effect of a so-called “dry aerosol” and is produced in a convenient spray form. The main active ingredient is DEET (diethyltoluamide). New technologies that were used in the development of this repellent made it possible to make use as comfortable as possible. When sprayed, tiny particles fall on the surface of the skin and dry almost immediately. As a result, the feeling of stickiness does not appear, but insects feel the smell (by the way, for people it is very pleasant). The effect begins within the first few minutes after application and lasts for three or four hours. The product should be sprayed at a distance of 15 or 20 centimeters from the surface. Contraindications include pregnancy, childhood, and breastfeeding. It is not recommended to use this repellent more than twice in one day. The composition is easily and quickly washed off the skin with water and soap. The price of one bottle of 100 milliliters is about 250-270 rubles.

  • “OFF Extreme” is a means of protection against both the most common mosquitoes in summer and all other blood-sucking and biting insects: ticks, midges, fleas, mosquitoes, midges, horseflies, and so on. The active ingredient is DEET. Also contains fragrance, compressed air and alcohol. Release form: aerosol. If you apply the composition to the skin, it will protect against mosquitoes for seven hours, and against ticks - only two. When sprayed on clothing, as manufacturers claim, the effect lasts for a month (protection against ticks is provided for only five days). You can treat the skin directly, as well as clothing, accessories, as well as canopies and curtains. The smell is not too strong, this repellent is really effective. But many note that the product leaves marks on fabrics, and some stains are almost impossible to remove. The cost of one 100 ml bottle of repellent is about 280-300 rubles.
  • "Gardex Extreme". This repellent is also considered one of the most effective in protecting against mosquitoes. Its active ingredients are alphacypermethrin (at a concentration of 0.2%) and permethrin (0.15%). This product is available in a convenient spray form. You can spray the composition not only on clothes and all exposed skin, but also on nets, curtains and window curtains. This repellent is not recommended for use by nursing mothers, children under twelve years of age, or pregnant women. It is advisable to spray the spray at a distance of 15-25 centimeters from the surface to be treated. The effect when applied to the skin lasts about four to five hours. The product can remain active on clothing for up to two weeks. It is extremely important to avoid contact with mucous membranes and damaged areas. In addition, there is a risk of allergic reactions, as with almost any product.

  • "Moskidoz" is a product produced in France and intended to protect against mosquitoes. The composition includes the most commonly used DEET, as well as ethylhexanediol, water, structure formers, flavors and preservatives. The repellent is available in a convenient aerosol (spray) and cream form. It is worth noting that “Moskidoz” has not only protective properties, but also soothing and wound-healing properties, which is especially important after bites already received. The composition can be applied both to the body and to clothing worn. In the first case, the effect lasts about five hours, and in the second – up to a month (if things are not washed). An adult product cannot be used to protect children under twelve years of age, and a children's product is contraindicated until the age of three. Contraindications also include the period of breastfeeding and any period of pregnancy. The repellent should be used no more than once a day. Upon arrival home, all treated areas of skin should be thoroughly washed with soap. The cost of one bottle of spray (100 ml) is about 500 rubles. A 50 ml tube of cream costs about 250 rubles.
  • “Mosquitoll Super Active Protection” is a product that has a repellent effect and is produced in the form of a spray. The main active ingredient is DEET, its concentration is 30%. This repellent can be used to protect not only from mosquitoes, but also from all other similar insects, such as horseflies, ticks, fleas, midges. It is recommended to spray the product at a distance of 10 or 15 centimeters in a place protected from the wind, on all exposed skin and on clothing. The effect lasts up to 5-8 hours (when applied to things, it can last up to a month). Repellent can be applied to the skin no more than once a day. And it is not advisable to use more than one bottle to process things. The product does not leave any greasy marks, it has a lemon scent (some people find it quite unpleasant and pungent). Contraindications include childhood, periods of breastfeeding and pregnancy, as well as hypersensitivity to certain components. There is a possibility of developing an allergic reaction. The price of a bottle with a volume of 75 milliliters ranges from 140-170 rubles.
  • “Medilis Comfort” is a spray used to protect against almost all flying and crawling blood-sucking insects and applied to clothing and textiles (for example, nets, window curtains, tents and other camping equipment). This product is not applied to the skin. The active ingredients are the popular DEET (its concentration is 19%), as well as alphacypermethrin (0.25%). The protective effect against fleas and ticks lasts about two weeks, and against mosquitoes and many other flying insects - up to three weeks. This repellent is available in aerosol form. Contraindications include lactation, pregnancy and childhood. The price of a bottle (100 milliliters) is about 180-200 rubles.

  • "DETA Vokko" is not the most popular and widespread, but, nevertheless, a very effective product, available in the form of a spray. It is used to protect against any blood-sucking insects: horseflies, mosquitoes, midges, fleas, ticks, biting midges, mosquitoes and some types of flies. The active ingredient is DEET (diethyltoluamide). You can treat both clothing and textiles (threshold mats, nets, curtains, equipment, clothing, etc.), as well as exposed skin. The composition should be sprayed at a distance of approximately 20 or 30 centimeters from the surface to be treated. Contact with mucous membranes or in the mouth should be avoided.
  • "Ultraton". This repellent is also not very well known, but has a lasting effect thanks to unique polymers that provide resistance to moisture and prevent evaporation. Contains DEET. It is used to protect not only from the most common mosquitoes, but also from midges, mosquitoes, fleas, ticks and all other blood-sucking insects. “Ultraton” is produced in the form of a spray or lotion. Spraying should be done at a distance of 15 or 20 centimeters. The effect can last up to 8 hours (when treating leather, clothing and other textiles, the composition remains active much longer). Contact with mucous membranes should be avoided. Contraindications: sensitivity to components, pregnancy and lactation. The cost of the bottle is about 600 rubles.

  • "Biban." This repellent is available in gel and spray forms. The active component of the product is the widely used DEET, which is effective in protecting against blood-sucking insects. It is recommended to treat exposed areas of the body, wearable clothing and other fabric products, such as nets or window curtains. Contraindications include hypersensitivity, childhood, pregnancy and breastfeeding. Contact with mucous membranes and the oral cavity should be avoided. An allergic skin reaction may occur.

These were the most effective repellents.

What are repellents?

Hi all! When I was just starting life on my own property, the problem of various annoying insects almost always occupied my first place.

I especially suffered from nasty mosquitoes and small midges. There was not even an understanding of how best to counter them.

But over time, the situation improved for the better. Now I have a remedy that solves this problem. Do you want to know more about repellents - what they are and how they can help you fight against annoying insects? The article below has all the answers for you.

How can repellents help us?

Summer will come very soon, which means that we will be attacked by all kinds of insects. Some of them bite, which is very, very unpleasant. How can you protect yourself from these pests? Fortunately, today you can find special repellents in any store.

What are repellents? This is a general name for all means of protection against various insects: mosquitoes, ticks, bedbugs, midges, moths, and so on. Such products are not used to exterminate pests, but only to repel them, so conservationists can rest easy.

The modes of action of such agents may be different. For example, some act on the olfactory organs and repel them with an odor that is unacceptable to insects. Others affect the auditory organs and imitate various frightening sounds accessible only to insects. And still others act directly upon contact.

How to choose a repellent? When choosing, you should pay attention to several important points. Let's touch on each of them.

Who are they protecting from?

Products can protect against different types of insects. For example, some are terrible only for mosquitoes, others protect against ticks, and some affect midges.

There are also combined repellents that provide protection against several types of insects at once.

You can also find almost universal remedies; they will scare away any “bastard” who dares to fly up to you and decide to bite you.

Studying the composition

If you decide to purchase a repellent, be sure to study its composition. It should be studied especially carefully if you want to treat a child with the drug. Separately, it is worth mentioning that not all repellents are approved for use in children.

You will find information about this on the packaging. Babies under one year old are not allowed to do practically anything, as you can find repellents that are approved only from 1 year of age.

There are also products on sale that can be used from 3 years of age. Regular repellents for adults are most often suitable for children over 6 years old, but it is better to check this by reading the instructions for use.

So, what can be included in repellents?

Diethyl phthalate (abbreviated as DEET). This component is used most often. It's cheap and very effective. But there is one big pitfall. This substance is toxic and can be hazardous to health. Such products are definitely not suitable for children, but adults should also be careful.

The opinions of doctors and scientists on this matter differ somewhat, but, for example, in the USA and European countries there is an indication on such products that they can only be applied to clothing, and repellents of this group are contraindicated for children under 6 years of age.

DEET is also dangerous for pregnant women, as it can cause miscarriage or fetal pathologies. If you decide to purchase such a product, then remember the rules for its use. Apply it in small quantities and only to clothing, not to skin.

Alcohol. It is used as a basis (not always). In fact, this component is harmless, but it can irritate overly sensitive skin.

Pyrethroids. Such substances also effectively protect against insects. But they are dangerous only for insects, but harmless for people.

Essential oils. In general, natural ingredients are preferable because they are less harmful than synthetic or chemical ones. Other auxiliary components are also used.

Degree of protection

How well and for how long will the product protect? This depends on the concentration of the active substance. So, if it is 30-40%, then you can be calm for 5 hours after application.

At a concentration of about 25%, forget about insects for three hours. If the concentration is only 10%, then the product will protect for only a couple of hours, no longer.

Release forms

What types of repellents are available by release form? Let's list them.


Creams and ointments. Such products are applied only to the skin. This is very convenient, since in hot weather many people wear open clothes, and the whole body is susceptible to bites. But there are also some disadvantages.

Firstly, many creams are greasy and can leave marks on clothing and also cause discomfort after application. Secondly, some insects can even bite through clothing.

Lotion It is also applied to the skin and is absorbed faster and better than creams.

Pencils. This is not very convenient, since it takes a long time to apply the product.

Spray. It is also applied primarily to the skin; when applied to clothing, it may leave traces.

Aerosol. This product is convenient to spray; it can be applied to clothes, hair, and surrounding objects. It is very practical and convenient.

Spirals. This option is optimal for outdoor gatherings in a large group. The spiral is set on fire and smolders, the resulting smell repels insects. But such repellents smoke and smell unpleasant.

Fumigators. A fumigator is a kind of heating device into which a plate with an active substance is inserted. When heated, the substance evaporates and spreads throughout the room. Such repellents can only be used in houses and apartments.

Ultrasonic repellent. This product is safe for people, but perfectly repels mosquitoes. It makes sounds similar to the squeak of a male reporting danger. Only females bite, and they, hearing the alarm, will certainly retreat.

Napkins saturated with liquid. They can be used to wipe the body.


To assess the quality, inspect the packaging. It should contain information about certification and compliance with quality standards.

If it is marked “Approved by the Ministry of Health,” then it is better to buy just such a repellent.

In addition, you should give preference to popular products that have an impeccable reputation and have proven themselves to be the best.

Where to buy? What is the price?

It is best to buy repellents in pharmacies or large stores. In stalls and basement pavilions, as well as in markets, counterfeits or low-quality goods with an expired shelf life may be sold.

The price of such funds can vary from 50-70 rubles to 300-500 or more. It all depends on the composition, manufacturer and type of repellent.

How to use?

A few basic rules:

  • To avoid an unwanted reaction, test the product on a small area of ​​skin (or for a short time in the case of fumigators).
  • Do not rub creams into the skin, apply them to the surface.
  • Avoid the eye, mouth and nose areas.
  • Do not apply products to damaged areas of skin.
  • It is better not to handle the child’s hands, because he can pull them into his mouth.
  • Do not apply excessive amounts or repeat treatments too often, as this may result in poisoning.
  • Use repellents only when there is a real threat, that is, in direct contact with insects, and not “just in case.”
  • On clothing, the repellent continues to be active for up to one to two weeks (activity decreases when wet, and ends when washed).
  • After coming home, be sure to wash off the product with soap and water; it should not remain on the skin for long.



Repellents are products that repel insects and ticks. Repellents are used in cases where it is impossible for some reason to destroy insects, especially in open nature (forest, field, etc.).

According to the mechanism of action, three groups of repellents are distinguished: 1) preventing the insect from choosing an object of attack, changing the natural odor of the skin; 2) preventing insects from landing on the skin and puncturing it (repellent effect), acting on the olfactory organs of insects) providing mechanical protection of the skin (vaseline, etc.).

Repellents belonging to the second group of compounds are widely used in practice.

These include:

  • benzimine (hexamide) - benzoylhexamethyleneimine (colorless or slightly yellowish liquid),
  • dibutyl phthalate - dibutyl ester of phthalic acid (transparent colorless oily liquid),
  • dimethyl phthalate - dimethyl ester of phthalic acid (transparent colorless liquid),
  • Diethyltoluamide, synonym "DEET" (light yellow oily liquid),
  • carboxide-dihexamethylene-urea (in its pure form, a clear or slightly yellowish liquid),
  • Kyuzol-acetyl 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (yellow syrupy liquid),
  • repellin alpha - a mixture of repellents: 48% dimethyl phthalate, 50% benzylpiperidine and 2% ethylcellulose (yellow oily, syrupy liquid).

Repellents are used in pure form, in solutions, ointments, creams, lotions, pastes. To prepare solutions, use alcohol, acetone, and freon. When making the emulsion, glycerin, petroleum jelly, etc. are used.

When using repellents, the consumption of pure preparation is calculated on average at the rate of 40 ml per 1 m2 of clothing or 32 mg per 100 g of fabric. Outerwear (shirts, trousers, sweaters, skirts) is treated by rubbing the preparation into the palms of the hands.

Apply 300-400 ml to a men's suit; 50 ml are used to process the headdress. Clothes can also be treated by spraying (spraying) pure or diluted 2-4 times the drug. Some repellents dissolve plastics (buttons, etc.).

Repellents are used both to protect individuals and teams (lumberjacks, construction workers, military units in camps, etc.) in places abounding in midges (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies and mosquitoes) or ticks.

During collective protection, tents (bottom, entrance, etc.) and vegetation (shrubs) around the camp are treated.

Repellents containing cellulose acetate jellies are used to impregnate protective nets. Pavlovsky nets (from a fishing net) measuring 50 X 70 cm are used to cover the head. To fix the repellent on the mesh, use cellulose acetate jellies.

To protect a person, special underwear can also be used that mosquitoes and other insects cannot pierce. Clothing (nets worn under a shirt) has been developed from threads whose thickness is greater than the length of the mosquito’s proboscis.

Repellents are applied to exposed parts of the body just before going to places where there are a lot of midges and ticks. To lubricate the face, body, hands (up to the elbow) 1.5-2 g (15-20 drops) of the drug is required; It is taken into the palm of your hand, then smeared onto the skin. When rubbed over the face, it protects the eyes from getting the drug. Repellents cause a burning sensation on freshly shaved skin.

When irrigating skin and clothing, use aerosol cans containing repellents. Repellents are not used against fleas, cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, ants and moths.


How to choose tick and mosquito repellents

Repellents are chemicals that repel insects. They act differently. Some repel ticks, others repel mosquitoes, and others repel both at the same time. It is better to buy combination drugs.


They come in the form of aerosols, emulsions, lotions, creams, gels and wipes soaked in a special substance.

But the effectiveness practically does not depend on the form of release. The easiest ways to find aerosols, creams and gels on sale.

What are they made of

Repellents may contain various substances of both chemical and natural origin: essential oils, alcohols, pyrethroids, diethyl phthalate (DEET) and others. The safest and most effective repellents are those made from pyrethroids.

They have a toxic effect on insects, but are completely harmless to humans. However, most repellents are made from DEET, which accounts for 60% of the global blood-sucking insect repellent market.

Despite the fact that diethyl phthalate is a highly dangerous toxic substance, it is most often used in repellents - it is effective and relatively cheap.

Many manufacturers replace the well-known abbreviation DEET with the lesser known full name “diethyltoluamide”. Safer, but no less effective means are much more expensive, and there are few of them on the Russian market.

Why is DEET dangerous?

Among Russian doctors there is no clear opinion about the dangers of DEET - some claim that the concentration of DEET in repellents is harmless, others advise using the products carefully.

In some countries, such as the USA, England and Australia, products containing DEET are sold with instructions that they are toxic and should only be used on clothing. And children under six years of age are generally prohibited from using them. That is, in fact, repellents are conditionally safe only when used correctly.

However, in Russia there are no such instructions. Restrictions on use - only for pregnant women (DEET can cause severe developmental disorders in the fetus and even cause miscarriage) and for children under three years of age. Everyone else applies the drug not only to clothes, but also to the skin.

And through it, a harmful substance entering the body can cause poisoning or allergies. Moreover, DEET can damage nerve tissue.

The most dangerous place to apply products containing DEET is the face: running off with sweat, the products can get on the mucous membranes of the mouth and nose, and in the eyes. From there it goes into the blood, which can cause severe poisoning. Lubricating your hands is also not harmless: the drug can enter the body with food.

Signs of DEET Poisoning

If after using repellents you experience headaches, drowsiness, irritability, coughing, or skin irritation, it is likely that this is DEET poisoning. For many, it is mild and the symptoms are vague. Therefore, most people do not even realize that repellents are to blame for their poor health.

In case of severe poisoning, breathing may be impaired, gait may change, disorientation, toxic encephalopathy and even paralysis of motor muscles, respiratory paralysis and coma may appear.

Don’t be alarmed, it’s difficult to get such severe DEET poisoning from repellents. But considering that 17% of diethyltoluamide is absorbed from the surface of the skin and enters the bloodstream, you should not abuse these drugs.

Allergy to mosquito repellent

Allergies to repellents are rare. When it occurs, irritation appears on the skin, a dry cough may begin, or nasal congestion may occur.

However, allergic reactions to repellents are more likely in people who already suffer from some type of allergy. In this case, you should choose repellents marked “hypoallergenic”, but they do not guarantee complete safety.

In hot weather, it is better not to use repellents at all - at temperatures above 25 degrees they can behave unpredictably and provoke allergies or poisoning. By the way, at a temperature of plus 28 degrees, mosquitoes are generally harmless, they barely survive, and they have no time for bloodletting.

Modern repellents should not cause an allergic reaction even after prolonged contact with the skin. But if protection against insects is no longer required, the product should be washed off the skin as soon as possible.

How to use

If it is possible not to use repellents, it is better not to do so. But if contact with insects cannot be avoided, repellents should be used when there is a risk of being bitten.

It is best to apply the product to clothing - it retains its properties much longer than on the skin: up to two weeks with daily wear. If the clothes are wet, the effect of the drug is reduced, and after washing it completely disappears.

If the product is nevertheless applied to open areas of the skin, do not forget that pustular rashes, irritations, dermatitis, minor skin injuries (abrasions, scratches) can lead to an unpredictable reaction. Therefore, repellents should be applied to intact areas of the skin.

You cannot use repellents continuously for a long time and do not use them more often than indicated in the instructions.

For children, it is better to use herbal products: either special children's repellents made from natural ingredients, or homemade products. For example, you can use clove oil or vanilla.

It is believed that aerosols are best applied to hair and clothing, and creams, gels, lotions and wipes are best used for exposed skin. To minimize the likelihood of an allergic reaction to repellents, when applying they do not need to be rubbed into the skin - just lubricate it.


A single treatment of exposed skin areas: neck, arms, face, legs requires 5–10 ml of lotion or 3–5 g of cream.

To treat clothing, nets, curtains, and tents, use 20-30 percent water emulsions of repellents or aerosols.

If the aerosol is used on the skin, a stream of repellent is directed onto the surface of the body for ten seconds until completely moistened.

How to choose repellents

All fumigants and repellents are made from toxic substances, so they must be registered with the Ministry of Health and receive a certificate. Products that do not have a certificate are dangerous not only for mosquitoes, but also for people. Foreign agents are usually very toxic.

The concentration of a toxic substance is the second indicator after the certificate that is worth paying attention to. The toxicity and duration of action of the repellent depends on it. The higher the concentration, the more toxic the product and the longer it works.

The “longest” ones are repellents of the highest category. They contain 30–40% of the active substance. They last up to five hours. In drugs of the second category, the concentration of toxicant is 20–25%, they protect against insects for up to 3 hours.

The “short” ones contain no more than 10% repellents and last no more than 2 hours. But even pregnant women and small children can use them, which should be written on the label and confirmed by a picture.

It is best to purchase protective equipment at a pharmacy, and not in stores, and especially not in stalls. The fact is that all repellents should be stored at a temperature no higher than 25 degrees. If the temperature regime is not observed, then the drug will, at best, lose its effectiveness, and at worst, it will behave unpredictably.

It doesn't matter what brand you use. But if unknown manufacturers do not inspire confidence, rely on those that have been on the market for a long time and have managed to prove themselves.

When purchasing, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date. It is best to purchase protective equipment immediately before use.

For children, it is better to buy special children's repellents. They are made on the basis of natural raw materials - essential oils and contain a lower concentration of active ingredients.


Repellent plants - helpers in the fight against garden pests

With the arrival of warmth, nature comes to life, and with it numerous insects wake up. Repellent is the best protection for the skin from painful bites and irritations.

Repellent is a general definition of chemicals and insect repellents.


Depending on their purpose, all repellents can be divided into several groups:

  • Deterrents. They are characterized by a very pungent odor that prevents the insect from even getting close to the skin.
  • Masking agents are designed to eliminate the odor of the human body, due to which the insect loses interest and looks for another, more attractive object.
  • Fumigators are products that contain an element that affects the insect’s nervous system. Using a fumigator can be dangerous for a person prone to allergic reactions.
  • Ointment and cream are external agents. Among the advantages, it is worth noting accessibility and ease of use. The disadvantages are that a greasy cream or ointment stains clothes and also causes some discomfort after application.
  • Pencil. The compact size of this product makes it as convenient to use as possible (the tube can always be put in your purse).
  • Repellent spray can be quickly applied to large areas of the body, clothing, and hair.
  • The spiral is an excellent means of repelling insects on the street. When ignited, the spiral begins to emit a very pungent, unpleasant odor.
  • Fumigators are a special device into which a plate impregnated with a substance that repels insects is inserted. When heated, the fumigator begins to emit fumes that are barely perceptible to humans, but are deadly to insects.
  • An ultrasonic repellent is a device that produces certain sounds that resemble the squeak of an insect. For a female mosquito (it is she who bites a person), such a sound is a danger signal, upon hearing which she retreats from the room.

Terms of use

Before using a protective product, test its effect on a small area of ​​skin (or for a short time if it is a fumigator). These simple steps will help avoid possible allergic reactions.

Creams, lotions and ointments are applied in a thin layer to the skin. You cannot rub in such repellents.

Do not apply the protective product to the skin around the eyes, nose and mouth.
Do not treat damaged areas of the body.

Use insect repellent only when necessary. Frequent treatments of skin, clothing or premises can cause poisoning.


It is necessary to refrain from using repellents in the following cases:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • child's age up to three years;
  • open wounds, purulent inflammation;
  • an allergic reaction to any of the components of the insect repellent;
  • viral diseases in the acute phase of development.


  1. Essential oils (synthetic or natural).
  2. Pyrethroids are substances that protect against insects.
  3. Alcohol (not always used).
  4. Diethyl phthalate is a special organic compound that has a repellent effect.
  5. Auxiliary elements.

Benefits of use

  • Repellents (regardless of the release form) help you forget about midges, mosquitoes and other insects for at least 4-5 hours.
  • Safety of use. The main active ingredients of the protective drug do not have a negative impact on the environment and human health.
  • Affordable cost of the product.
  • Ease of use.
  • Low consumption.
  • No smell.

Plant repellents - classification

  1. Flower repellents are plants that not only create beauty in your garden plot, but also repel insect pests. Most often, flower repellents are planted in the garden, next to vegetable crops.
  2. Garden repellents are plants that secrete a very large amount of phytoncides that repel insects that harm the future harvest.
  3. Wild insecticides are plants that not only kill insects, but also have a detrimental effect on human health.

Properties and action

Repellent plants will help rid your garden of pests. Experts recommend that before planting, pay attention and collect information about the effect of a particular repellent plant.

  • Marigolds, marigolds and chicory repel garden roundworms.
  • Garlic will protect currant bushes or garden strawberry beds from mites.
  • Elderberry, tansy and wormwood will preserve the harvest of apples and plums from the voracious stalk.
  • Mint, nasturtium and lemon balm have a depressing effect on whiteflies.
  • The proximity of tomatoes, wormwood or sage will help protect the cabbage leaf from being eaten by whites.
  • Planting mint, lavender, and wormwood bushes will help remove ants from the garden. The carrot fly does not tolerate the aromas of tobacco, rosemary, and onions.

It is better to plant repellent plants between the rows of the garden, small islands. This way they will not burden the main garden and vegetable crops. It is important to understand that repellents do not destroy plants, but only repel pests. Sprays made with herbal repellents will help you completely get rid of insects.

It is also necessary to remember a list of plants that maintain the natural balance of beneficial insects and pests. These include: sage, fennel, cumin, calendula, thyme, lavender, dill.

No need to endure annoying midges and biting mosquitoes. By carefully studying the information about the types of repellents and their beneficial properties, you can always choose the ideal option for yourself, ensuring a quiet life without insects.


Repellent plants: what are they and how to use them on the site

There are a lot of pest control methods. The easiest and most accessible way is to fight with chemicals, which give almost 100% results, but excessive use of chemicals in growing vegetables and other edible crops is not acceptable, since in the end all this ends up in the human body, causing allergic reactions coupled with poisoning.

And repeated use of a “successful” drug is generally unacceptable - it causes resistance in the pest.

Biological products created on the basis of effective microorganisms - fungal and bacterial - are relatively natural and absolutely safe for humans, but their successful use entirely depends on natural weather conditions, as well as on the correct dilution of the solution.

The golden mean in protection against pests can be called natural insecticides, which do not cause any harm to crops and humans, but have a repellent and destructive effect on harmful insects, and some of them even decorate the area.

To be precise, unlike chemical insecticides, repellent plants are not intended to kill, but rather to repel insects.

But among them there are also potentially dangerous plants that are poisonous not only to arthropods. In order to correctly and effectively use repellent plants in the garden, it is worthwhile to dwell on their breeding and cultivation in detail.

Groups of repellent plants: properties and action

To begin with, we will divide repellent plants into groups according to areas of influence:

Flower repellents. These plants not only repel pests, but also decorate the site. These include sage, marigolds, calendula, chrysanthemum, petunia, nasturtium.


They are planted next to vegetables, and infusions are made from them, which are also used effectively.

Repellents for garden crops. These are the most common repellents because they are also planted for harvest. These include garlic, onions, mustard, cumin, dill, parsley, as well as potatoes and tomatoes.

These crops produce large amounts of phytoncides, which have a repellent effect on insects. Decoctions are also successfully prepared from them.

Wild insecticides. This group is controversial, because in addition to the positive qualities of destroying (namely, destroying) pests, some of the wild insecticides are downright poisonous, which means they can negatively affect human health.

Useful natural insecticides that do not harm either humans or beneficial insects are: wormwood, bird cherry, elderberry, tansy, tobacco, milkweed, yarrow, burdock, and mustard.

But wild poisonous insecticides, which, in order to avoid unpleasant situations of poisoning, should not be planted on the site, include: datura vulgaris, black henbane, Caucasian chamomile, celandine, hogweed, aconite, etc.

How to create a competent crop rotation using repellent plants

You need to grow and place repellent plants in your garden in such a way that they are beneficial. That is, it is necessary to properly organize crop rotation so that the proximity of crops and repellents brings benefits and not harm. After all, there are situations when their proximity is negative for culture and depresses it (allelopathy).

The following “good neighborliness” should be kept in mind:

Properly planted in this way, repellents repel and drive away pests, but do not destroy them. To destroy, spray with infusions prepared using them.

For example, decoctions of mint, basil and tansy are suitable for all, without exception, crops already affected by pests; they can be used all the time, except during the flowering period.

You can also take note of the category of repellents that maintain a balance between beneficial and harmful insects in the garden. These are sage, fennel, caraway, calendula, sweet clover, thyme, lavender, dill, etc.

Let us also remember about the technology of planting useful plants for the garden - they are planted either in the inter-row of vegetable crops, or right in the row, directly between the plants (“Melange Vegetable Garden” by B.A. Bublik). An indicator of 2-3 plants per 1 square meter is sufficient.

How to properly collect and prepare natural insecticides

In order for the treatment of crops using infusions of insecticidal plants to be effective and efficient, it is necessary to observe the time of their collection, methods of harvesting and preparation.

As for the collection time, insecticidal plants are not used for the preparation of infusions throughout the entire season; there are intervals when they are useless for these purposes.

Insecticides for preparing the infusion should be collected in two periods:

  1. From the appearance of 3 leaves to the flowering period.
  2. After the seeds ripen before winter.
  3. Infusions can also be prepared from the earthen part of insecticides - bulbs and rhizomes, but only at the end of the season, when they have accumulated enough substances necessary for pest control.

Plants are collected in dry, sunny weather, before lunch, or after 4 pm. Plants are used in several ways.

Working solutions

When preparing, only fresh, just picked insecticidal plants are used, which are collected, prepared as an infusion, and used immediately. It is important to remember that such solutions cannot be stored. In addition, you need to spray with such infusions regularly, because they are quickly washed off by rain.

And one more point: only extremely healthy insecticidal plants should be used for infusions, otherwise no protection from pests can be expected.

In fresh, but already crushed form, plants can also be added to the soil when planting a plant (chrysanthemum leaves, hot pepper, celandine) or sprinkled on the ground after planting (tobacco leaves, tansy).

Infusions using dry, pre-prepared plants

Along with fresh insecticides, their dry version is also used, for which they are pre-harvested. Blanks are also convenient because, since spraying must be carried out frequently, a large amount of material is required. Drying is carried out in several ways:

  • Drying in the shade, packing in fabric bags or nets;
  • Drying in brooms, sheaves, in the attic.

In any case, storage should be done in a dry, well-ventilated area. Dry material can also be crushed and then applied to the soil during planting.

Very effective in dry form are powders based on pyrethrum, containing a component such as pyrethrin, which paralyzes the muscles of pests. But if the concentration of pyrethrum is insufficient, then the paralysis will pass and the insect will remain alive.

All types of chamomile can be classified as pyrethrum, so special attention should be paid to its preparation. Chamomile is dried, and then the inflorescences are ground into powder - the finer, the more effective the solution prepared from it will be.

Solution recipe: 8 liters of warm water, 50 grams of powder, be sure to add adhesive. You need to leave for 4 hours, and you should only spray the plants in cool weather.

Infusions using pre-prepared concentrate

It is made in the fall - a steep infusion is brewed using boiling water, then the container is hermetically sealed and left for the winter, during which the infusion turns into a liquid concentrate. Then this concentrate is used against the pest, after diluting it to about 1/10.

So, for example, you can prepare nut leaves after they have fallen off, tomato and potato tops. It is important to remember that the concentrate is quite poisonous, and its dilution is mandatory, and the necessary proportions are studied experimentally, testing first on 1-2 plants.

How to properly prepare infusions and solutions of natural insecticides for spraying crops against pests

To improve the technical qualities of the working solution, when preparing it, be sure to use so-called “adhesives” - components that help the liquid stay on the leaves longer, counteracting pests, and not just flow into the ground.

The best adhesive is ordinary laundry soap, which does not cause any harm to humans, animals and plants. It is grated and added to the prepared solution, stirring until completely dissolved. When spraying, the soapy liquid lingers on the leaves.


Also, dishwashing liquid is suitable as an additive to the working solution, but any powder (especially containing bleaching particles) is contraindicated - this can negatively affect crops, and possibly human health.

One of the effective and fairly new adhesives are surfactants (surfactants). These include adhesives BIO, OP-10, OP-7, liposam, EPAA-10.

By adding them to the insecticidal solution, higher quality adhesion of the infusion to the leaves of the crop is obtained, as well as slower evaporation of moisture from the leaf. In addition, a solution with the addition of a surfactant can be stored in the refrigerator, maintaining its “useful” properties for several weeks.

Natural adhesives can also be: Green soap, egg white, decoction of soap root (saponaria officinalis, shake paniculata).

Treatment of plants with working solutions usually occurs throughout the entire season, with the exception of the flowering period, when the plants do not need to be disturbed. Before flowering, treatments should be carried out once a week, but after flowering, spraying 2 times a month will be sufficient.

Preparation of infusions against pests can occur in different ways:

Cold way. Universally, for 10 liters of water take approximately 1500 g of necessarily crushed above-ground parts of plants. It is best to use several types of natural insecticides at once, mixing them in certain proportions in order to cover a wider range of pests.

For example, the following mixture of herbs is effective: 0.5 yarrow, 0.25 each - dandelion, tansy, spurge, nettle. Leave this solution for a week, then filter. The result is a concentrate. It is diluted with water in a ratio of 1/10 or 2/10.

Options for infusions with repellent plants:

  • Nettle infusion. Quite effectively removes aphids from the garden.
  • Infusion of fresh burdock leaves. Effective when spraying cabbage - helps against invasion of moths and cabbage worms. The crops must be sprayed with this solution every 3 days for 3 weeks.
  • Infusion of horse sorrel. Here the proportions are slightly different - an average of 300 grams of crushed material is taken per 10 liters of water. Leave for only 3-5 hours, then filter and process. It must be carried out several times, with an interval of 3 days.
  • Infusion of creeping buttercup. The bucket is filled ⅓ full with chopped grass and left for 1 hour. After using the first portion, the same cutting can be filled with water again and spraying can be repeated in the morning. Effective against raspberry weevil.

Hot method. The solution is prepared using this method according to the following scheme: about 400 grams of fresh, crushed insecticidal plants are poured with 10 liters of hot water.

Infusion time can range from 4 to 24 hours. Alternatively, use boiling the solution under a lid for half an hour. Then, when the solution has completely cooled, filtering is carried out, several times using large and fine sieves.

A hot solution is dangerous because it can leave a burn on the leaves of plants. It depends on the insecticide itself and its concentrate. Therefore, you should not spray all plantings at once; the infusion should be tested on several individual plants, and if after a day everything is fine with them, then you can safely carry out further processing.

If not everything is going smoothly with the plant (for example, it has become “sad” or dropped its leaves), then the concentration of the solution is reduced by adding several liters of clean water.

Instead of fresh insecticides, you can also use powder prepared from dry material. In this case, the amount of insecticide used in the solution should be reduced by half.

For example, a hot solution based on celandine is effective against rodents. This infusion is boiled over low heat.

Spraying with this infusion is carried out several times, every 5 days. Just remember that celandine still contains poison, and you should work with it carefully.

Alternative types of solutions for pests from natural insecticides

In addition to the usual working solutions discussed above, solutions prepared with other natural insecticides are also used, one of which is Neem oil.

Neem oil is a bioinsecticide that is produced from the Indian tulip tree and is a powerful destroyer of many types of pests - the number reaches 400.

Solutions using Neem oil successfully fight against whiteflies, caterpillars, scale insects, and many others. The oil is absolutely safe for humans.

Recipes for preparing a solution using Neem oil:

  • In 10 liters of infusion from any herbs, dilute 30 ml of oil and 30 ml of “adhesive”.
  • Dilute 50 ml of oil into 8 liters of warmed water, add a few drops of rosemary and lavender, and “adhesive”.

When spraying plants with such solutions, you should be guided by the following principles:

  • The solution is constantly shaken when spraying, preventing it from separating into water and oil;
  • Spraying should be carried out using a fine sprayer;
  • Spraying is carried out every week for a month, and only before flowering begins.

You can purchase oil and its analogues in pharmacies and specialized stores.

And although the protective effect of natural insecticides is not as pronounced as that of pesticides, 2-3 sprayings reliably control the number of pests. And according to Pavel Trannois, cultivated plants also absorb protective substances if they are applied after dew.

We hope that you now understand what repellent plants are, and you can use them both to repel and destroy emerging pests.

Repellents are products that repel insects and ticks. Repellents are used in cases where it is impossible for some reason to destroy insects, especially in open nature (forest, field, etc.). According to the mechanism of action, three groups of repellents are distinguished: 1) preventing the insect from choosing an object of attack, changing the natural odor of the skin; 2) preventing insects from landing on the skin and puncturing it (repellent effect), acting on the olfactory organs of insects) providing mechanical protection of the skin (vaseline, etc.). Repellents belonging to the second group of compounds are widely used in practice. These include: benzimine (hexamide) - benzoylhexamethyleneimine (colorless or slightly yellowish liquid), dibutyl phthalate - dibutyl phthalic acid (clear colorless oily liquid), dimethyl phthalate - phthalic acid dimethyl ester (clear colorless liquid), diethyltoluamide, synonym "DEET" (light -yellow oily liquid), carboxide-dihexamethylene-urea (in its pure form, transparent or slightly yellowish liquid), kysol-acetyl 1,2,3,4-tetrahydroquinoline (yellow syrup-like liquid), repellin alpha - repellent mixture: 48% dimethyl phthalate , 50% benzylpiperidine and 2% ethylcellulose (yellow oily, syrupy liquid).

Repellents are used in pure form, in solutions, ointments, creams, lotions, pastes. To prepare solutions, use alcohol, acetone, and freon. Glycerin, petroleum jelly, etc. are used in production.

When using repellents, the consumption of pure preparation is calculated on average at the rate of 40 ml per 1 m 2 of clothing or 32 mg per 100 g of fabric. Outerwear (shirts, trousers, sweaters, skirts) is treated by rubbing the preparation into the palms of the hands. Apply 300-400 ml to a men's suit; 50 ml are used to process the headdress. Clothes can also be treated by spraying (spraying) pure or diluted 2-4 times the drug. Some repellents dissolve (buttons, etc.).

Repellents are used both to protect individuals and teams (lumberjacks, construction workers, military units in camps, etc.) in places abounding in midges (mosquitoes, midges, horseflies and mosquitoes) or ticks. During collective protection, vegetation (shrubs) around the camp are treated (bottom, entrance, etc.). Repellents containing cellulose acetate jellies are used to impregnate protective nets. They are used (from a fishing net) measuring 50 X 70 cm, with which they cover the head. To fix the repellent on the mesh, use cellulose acetate jellies.

To protect a person, special underwear can also be used that mosquitoes and other insects cannot pierce. Clothing (nets worn under a shirt) has been developed from threads whose thickness is greater than the length of the mosquito’s proboscis.

Repellents are applied to exposed parts of the body just before going to places where there are a lot of midges and ticks. To lubricate the face, body, hands (up to the elbow) 1.5-2 g (15-20 drops) of the drug is required; It is taken into the palm of your hand, then smeared onto the skin. When rubbed over the face, it protects the eyes from getting the drug. Repellents cause a burning sensation on freshly shaved skin.

When irrigating skin and clothing, use aerosol cans containing repellents. Repellents are not used against fleas, flies, bedbugs, ants and moths.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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