Very often, drain pipes and even sewers become seriously clogged. When manual methods are powerless, special chemicals come to the rescue, designed to effectively combat dirt and blockages of varying degrees of complexity. They are divided into several groups: liquid, powder, gel, granular. Each type of cleaning agent differs not only in consistency, but also has a different effect on human health (in case of contact), sewer pipes, as well as the very cause of the blockage caused.

It's no secret that the household chemicals market has long and firmly occupied the position of one of the most diverse. Among the cleaning products and detergents, unfortunately, you come across not only good products - there is a possibility of coming across pure “poison”, disguised in a harmless bottle for household needs. To ensure that you do not make a mistake in your choice, we have selected the best products for cleaning sewer and other drain pipes in the kitchen or bathroom. All places in the ranking were distributed according to the following parameters:

  • degree of safety for human health;
  • user reviews on performance;
  • thorough comparison of characteristics;
  • optimal combination of price and quality.

Each of the remedies presented below guarantees results and deserves close attention.

The best powder drain cleaners

A very effective type of pipe and drain cleaner, suitable for very severe blockages. It's a little expensive, but it's fully justified by its performance. Among the disadvantages, a high degree of causticity can be noted: if it comes into contact with the skin and mucous membranes, it can cause severe irritation or (in some cases) chemical burns.

4 Udalix Pipe blockage remover

Maximum availability
Country Russia
Average price: 30 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

One of the most important distinguishing features of the drug is the ability to use it without prior dilution with water. It is enough to pour a 70 gram package into the outlet of the clogged pipe, and then pour 200 ml of water there to get the desired effect. As consumer experience shows, the alkaline chemical composition properly copes with cleaning grease stains.

This product is well suited for use in various types of systems, including sewer. It can be used not only in the bathroom or toilet, but also in the kitchen. In the latter case, the powder mixture dissolves organic waste well in the sink drain. In reviews, consumers cite the ease of use of the drug, speed of action (about 30 minutes for cleaning), and convenient storage in a sealed bag as advantages.

3 "Cinderella" Mole

The most attractive price
Country Russia
Average price: 20 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A domestic manufacturer offers a powder mixture with a very descriptive name. Diluted in water, it penetrates into every corner of the pipe, eliminating both minor and major blockages. Despite the amount of powder per package is 90 grams, the cleansing effect is at a high level. This is achieved by increasing the mass of the active substance by 20%.

The owners of the drug also include its ability to destroy various microbial environments as an advantage. The result is not only cleaning, but also the elimination of unpleasant odors that often appear in common areas. It is important that the shelf life of the dry preparation is 2 years.

2 Expel Bio Removing hair blockages

Safe option for the bathroom
Country: Belgium
Average price: 125 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

It's no secret that one of the common causes of clogged bathroom pipes is hair that gets washed down the drain. Of course, you can insert a special fine-mesh pad into the drain, which will trap them, and clean them manually. However, this powdered product will save you from unnecessary hassle. The package contains 2 sachets of 50 grams, each of which is designed for one use. This is convenient because the dosage is precisely measured and there will be no concern about increased consumption of the product.

In addition, the composition is completely safe, as it does not corrode the surface of the pipes, acting gently. It does not contain chlorine, but the active components cope with their task, according to consumer reviews, efficiently. The only negative, according to some users, is the excessive foaminess of the ready-to-use solution.

1 Chirton “Clean gutters” (600 g)

Best price/functionality ratio
A country:
Average price: 220 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A foreign-made product that has proven its effectiveness in the fight against various types of stock “traffic jams”. Blue granules, consisting of caustic soda and sodium nitrate, begin to act instantly upon contact with water. The duration of action is on average 15 minutes. According to reviews, the powder is relatively safe for the skin, but caution should still be exercised. The smell is pungent, but not persistent (dissipates quickly). As a result, based on price and quality characteristics, Chirton is a very good buy.

Means designed for six uses (long-term storage of hazardous substances is excluded),does not contain chlorine. Minus - not widely represented in retail chains.

The best liquid drain cleaners

Liquid chemicals for removing blockages are traditional and common on store shelves. While losing in speed to powder, granular and in delicacy to gel, it is undeniably ahead in other respects. It is not always advisable to use it as a liquidator of serious traffic jams, but it can become an indispensable tool for the prevention of future pollution.

4 Synergetic to remove blockages

Environmentally friendly components
Country Russia
Average price: 220 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The drug is interesting for its composition, which includes a complex of plant-based ingredients A-tensides. Therefore, on the one hand, it is environmentally friendly, on the other, it acts quite gently. Users recommend using it to clear small blockages. The liquid also contains soda and silver ions to neutralize germs and harmful odors.

A 1 liter plastic bottle is sealed with a lid with a protective cap and a dispenser. Moreover, these elements are created in such a way that the contents do not spill even when the container is turned over without preliminary pressure from both sides. The product decomposes well and is suitable for cleaning the drainage system of sinks and bathtubs. The product is practically odorless, hypoallergenic, certified.

3 Syntilor Tubi

Excellent biodegradability of the product
Country Russia
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The appearance of the product already attracts attention. The plastic container is quite durable, suitable for long-term storage, does not crack, and does not deform when pressed. Inside there is 1 kg of concentrate, one of the components of which is tetraacetic acid, which is quite aggressive to contaminants. The proportion of alkali is 30%, the product is fireproof. The composition is non-toxic, so when working with it you do not have to worry about harmful fumes, but protective clothing is necessary.

The contents of the package are resistant to temperature changes, tolerate freezing well, and do not lose their properties after defrosting. Cleaning of different types of pipes, including sewer pipes, is carried out after diluting the drug with water. In addition to its main function, it has disinfecting capabilities. Another advantage is that the biodegradability of the waste substance is more than 90%.

2 YPLON Drain Cleaner (1 l)

High reliability indicator
Country: Belgium
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The chemical composition of Belgian production is based on sodium hydroxide. It does not harm plastic, but it is not recommended to use it with ceramics and aluminum. The time it takes to clear blockages varies greatly - from half an hour for mild stagnation and (based on reviews) to 8-10 hours for a serious blockage. Mediocre results, especially compared to competing products. But from the point of view of smell and consequences when it comes into contact with the skin, YPLON performs well: it erodes easily and does not harm the epithelium, since it does not contain corrosive chlorine.

1 Mole (1.2 l)

The best remedy for bad odor
Country Russia
Average price: 60 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The irony of the “Mole” trademark is that in Russia several manufacturers use this name at once. And even though all the containers look different on the outside, inside they always contain the same composition: surfactants, potassium and sodium hydroxides, as well as modified acetic acid. The product is cheap, accessible and very effective (does not get lost compared to competitors). Of course, the reaction time could be longer, but an interval of 1.5-3 hours to clear the blockage is a completely normal result. Among the shortcomings ordinary lid without additional fasteners,long action.

The best gel drain cleaners

Often it is the low degree of harmfulness that plays the main role in the selection of household chemicals. Of all types of means for removing blockages, gel-type ones are the most gentle for humans. And even though the efficiency is sometimes obviously lower than that of powder products, they are more preferable for regular use.

4 EFFECT Alfa 104

Large volume
Country Russia
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The 5-liter capacity is designed for both domestic and professional use. The chemical formula of the gel allows you to get rid of a serious problem in 15-20 minutes. At the same time, it is possible to clean any types of pipes, including plastic ones, mainly sewer ones. The product does not require dilution, so preparation for the procedure does not take much time. It is enough to unscrew the neck cap and pour in a certain amount of gel according to the instructions. Once the cleaning is complete, all that remains is to rinse the drain with a stream of water.

If there is a possibility of frequent clogging of the pipe system, you can repeat the procedure for preventive purposes once a month. This does not affect the condition of the pipes in a negative sense. The soap contained in the composition is based on natural fatty acids and softens the aggressive effect of other components.

3 Deboucher Active (1 l)

Maximum effectiveness of the composition
Country Russia
Average price: 180 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

An original complex of cleaning chemicals, including sodium and potassium hydroxides, as well as chlorine and active additives (catalysts). It takes up to an hour for the gel to clear severe clogs in drains and pipes. Of course, it deals with microclogging much faster, but waiting time is not its strong point. It is a budget analogue of “promoted” funds, which is also reflected in user comments. Low cost is one of the advantages of the product, as is the complete insensitivity of the composition to polymers and the presence of a lock on the lid.

2 TIRET (1 l)

User selection
A country: UK (produced in Russia)
Average price: 750 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

One of the most advertised anti-clog products. As often happens, the amount of advertising does not always correspond to the quality of the product. And it’s true, TIRET does not have radically better performance compared to worthy rivals in its class. But publicity does its job, and users almost unanimously rank it as the best means for clearing clogged pipes and sewers. It works within 15 minutes, has a pleasant smell - and that’s where all the positive features end. Overpriced is considered one of the disadvantages of the product.

1 Sanfor (0.75 l)

Best drain cleaning speed (5 minutes)
Country Russia
Average price: 130 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A serious budget competitor to famous cleaning products. Yes, not so flavored, not so delicate, but very effective. Consists of hypochlorite and sodium hydroxide, surfactants and ADTA salts. Eliminates unpleasant odors, performs almost complete disinfection of the system (takes approximately one hour), and “breaks through” blockages in 5-15 minutes. It is very popular among users and is available in almost all household chemical stores. Chlorine in the composition is the only disadvantage of the drug.

The best granular pipe cleaners

Granular offerings on the market are among the most popular. They are easy to use, usually dosed in portions in bags, and can be stored without problems. All that remains is to choose a product for the desired degree of blockage at a suitable cost.

3 Mr. Muscle Pipe Cleaning Granules

Optimal combination of price and quality
Country: UK
Average price: 80 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

This product is not intended for clearing severe blockages, but it copes quite well with moderate ones. Users also recommend it for carrying out preventive measures for flushing drains in the bathroom and kitchen approximately once every 1-2 months.

Externally, the product consists of small, almost odorless, white granules sealed in soft, hermetically sealed packaging. They do not crumble like powder or spray, so inhaling the smell is not so harmful, and they cannot be spilled like a liquid. These are the undoubted advantages of the drug. The contents of the package are simple to use: just pour it into the outlet, adding a glass of warm, or preferably hot, water. After half an hour, the desired effect will be achieved. The shelf life of the product for cleaning any pipes is 3 years, which can be considered a plus.

2 Unicum Tornado

The most powerful action
Country Russia
Average price: 300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

This granular product shows excellent results on the most hopeless blockages. Moreover, as consumers indicate in reviews, it works quickly both in the bathroom and in the kitchen. The reason for this is the concentrated composition, the main component of which is the well-known sodium hydroxide.

However, the drug is very caustic, so it is recommended to strictly adhere to the instructions for its use and use high-quality protective equipment (thick rubber gloves, glasses, etc.). It is prohibited to pre-mix granules with water! All work must be carried out in a well-ventilated area. Pipe cleaning is completed within 3 minutes! Store the container with the lid tightly screwed on in a dry place away from children, food, etc.

1 BAGI Pothan (600 g)

Effective against severe blockages
Country: Israel
Average price: 450 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most caustic and at the same time effective means for cleaning deeply clogged drains and sewers. “Pothan” is based on a combination of surfactants and caustic soda, creating something like an “explosive mixture” only with a different applicability. For the powder to start working, you need to supply hot water, and after 3 minutes the desired result will be achieved. But it is not recommended to use it too often: for these purposes, you should choose a less aggressive agent.

The advantages include cost efficiency,the presence of a cover block,spout geometry, which minimizes the risk of contact of granules with the skin. Among the disadvantages are the high price and aggressive impact on the pipe material.

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Destroying myths: pipe cleaner

What do you think is the best pipe cleaner to use for clogged drains? In this article, I will share my own experience in clearing blockages of varying complexity and will try to dispel some misconceptions created by advertising of various household chemicals for clearing blockages.

Blockages and... blockages

In my memory, the following were taken out of the sewer in different parts of it:

  • Food waste - from small ones that have passed through the sink outlet grate to whole large fish flushed down the toilet;
  • Corpses of small domestic animals;
  • Broken glass and ceramics;
  • Countless plastic jar lids, children's toys and vials of chemicals - probably dropped into the toilet from the cabinet above;
  • Sand and other litter from cat litter;

A small amount of filler can be flushed down the toilet without affecting the sewer system. But not just any kind, just those made from pressed sawdust.

  • Construction waste, including the remains of construction mixtures;
  • Rags, towels and clothing items;
  • Thick paper (pages of glossy magazines, etc.);
  • Hair and fur clogging the grates of bathtub and shower outlets;

  • Grease deposited on the walls of sewer pipes when washing dishes. This type is interesting because it occurs even with extremely careful operation of the sewer system.

It is not difficult to guess that with such an assortment, there is simply no universal answer to the question of how to clean sewer pipes. Each cause of blockage requires its own solution.

Acids and alkalis

Household chemicals

The most well-known and affordable chemical cleaning agent is the domestically produced “Mole” drug. Its base is sodium hypochlorite; Accordingly, “Mole” is an aqueous solution of alkali.

“Mole” is an inexpensive and popular remedy for removing blockages.

Competing solutions are various variations on the same theme of hypochlorite, caustic soda NaOH and acids (mainly hydrochloric).

They all work the same way:

  • The drug is poured into the pipe. Before this, water is removed from it if possible: the higher the concentration of the drug, the more effective destructive effect it will have on the cause of the blockage;
  • The sewer system is not used for 1 - 6 hours. During this time, the product softens the blockage and partially dissolves it;
  • Remaining clogs are washed off with water.

Dry “Mole” is poured into the outlet and filled with water.

Sounds nice. However, alas and ah, in practice, any household chemicals effectively decompose only organic matter, and not all organic matter. The list of blockages that can be dealt with using household chemicals includes:

  1. Food waste. And in small quantities: if the pipe is clogged for 15 - 20 centimeters or more, the alkali will decompose only the beginning of the plug(literally the first 2 - 3 centimeters);
  2. Hair and fur. However, it will be problematic to ensure contact of the drug with the cause of the blockage: the outlet grate, on which hair usually collects, is located above the water level, and if it leaves even a little, nothing will come of our venture;
  3. Organic fiber rags (cotton and, to a lesser extent, linen), as well as paper. Of course, again with their small size;
  4. Fat - subject to the same restrictions as for food waste.

In my practice, there was not a single fat plug less than 10 - 15 centimeters in length. Meanwhile, it is fat that leads among the causes of blockages in household sewers. From a practical point of view, this means that even the best pipe cleaner in the vast majority of cases will turn out to be... completely ineffective.

Sand, clay-based clumping cat litters, glass, plastics, construction waste, and synthetic fiber rags are not decomposed by household chemicals in principle.

For the consumer this means that It makes sense to use chemicals only for cleaning siphons of washbasins and sinks. The same ones that can be easily cleaned by shaking out the contents of the sump into the trash can. Moreover, note that cleaning does not take several hours, but one or two minutes.

Folk remedies

How to clean a sewer pipe using folk remedies if household chemical stores within reach are closed... well, let's say, on a weekend?

All acids and alkalis of sufficient concentration can be used. The most effective I can name are:

  • Caustic soda (caustic soda NaOH);
  • Vinegar essence;
  • Citric acid;
  • Oxalic acid;

  • “Whiteness” is a bleach based on the already familiar sodium hypochlorite;
  • Acidic and alkaline cleaning products (Domestos, Sillit and others like them).

The instructions for their use are the same as for store-bought medications: pour them into the drain for several hours and wash off the remaining clogs with water. The effectiveness is approximately the same: small organic blockages will be destroyed, extensive fat plugs and inorganic debris will only, figuratively speaking, shrug their shoulders.

What to do

To find out what exactly clogged the pipes, it is enough to remember your last actions before the blockage occurred and interview family members. For example, if before the blockage a bucket of dirty water was poured into the toilet after washing the floors, the pipe is most likely clogged with a rag. After washing the paws of a dog that has come in from a rainy street, it is logical to assume that the blockage in the bathroom outlet is caused by sand.

If the permeability of a certain section of the sewer system decreased gradually, it all depends on which section we are talking about:

  • In the production of shower cabins and bathtubs, as I already wrote, wool and hair reign supreme;

  • Straight sections of pipes and siphon elbows become overgrown with grease.

To localize the blockage, it is enough to open the sockets of the comb (indoor sewerage) and look at the water level in each of them. If the water is in the spout under the kitchen sink, but leaves the sink in the bathroom and the bathtub, the comb area in the kitchen is clogged. A high water level in all pipes when the toilet is running indicates a plug in front of the tee or cross.

If the toilet also overflows, you should look for the problem further:

  • In an apartment building - in a riser and a riser (a horizontal branch connecting several risers). These blockages are dealt with by the emergency service, absolutely free of charge.;
  • In a private house, cleanings and inspections will have to be carried out sequentially until the well is released.

Further actions depend on the results of the investigation. How to clear the blockage with your own hands in each case?

Broken glass

As a rule, it clogs the toilet outlet or stands across the sewer drain; less often, it gets stuck across the riser. Methods for solving the problem in this case are quite radical:

  • You can try to remove glass stuck in the toilet through the bowl manually, wearing rubber gloves;
  • To gain access to the outlet before connecting it to the sewer pipe, you will have to remove the toilet;
  • In a riser, it is often possible to break glass by lowering a crowbar tied to a strong rope through the fan outlet on the roof. In a trap, they try to move the glass using a cable or wire to the nearest revision, where a trap is placed - a steel mesh;

  • Finally, as a last resort, the riser or bed is opened at the site of the blockage. The distance from the nearest revision to the problem area is measured as accurately as possible with a cable or wire, after which a window is cut out in the pipe through which the glass is broken with a chisel and hammer.

Subsequently, the affected area is replaced by an assembly of a coupling and a compensating pipe; As a temporary measure, a bandage made from a bicycle inner tube tied with wire or a rubber bandage purchased at a pharmacy is applied to the window.


Unlike glass and ceramics, plastic products can become deformed. To push them to the nearest revision, it is enough to use sewer wire or tape.

At its end, instead of a regular hook, a ruff is placed; as an option, a small coil of thinner wire is wound onto the hook according to the diameter of the sewer pipe.

Sand, fillers

They collect in sewer drains and cause flooding of the lower floors of apartment buildings. The blockage is cleared with sewer wire and a brush, after which the remaining sand or clay is washed off with plenty of hot water through a flushing hose. A couple of nuances:

  1. You need to use the hottest water possible, since sand and clay are often mixed with fatty deposits on the walls of the bed. Cold drains cannot wash away such deposits;
  2. The hose is inserted into the pipe through the nearest revision or tee above the blockage, as close to it as possible. It is important that the water does not have time to cool down. Washing takes about half an hour.

Fat plugs in the bed and outlets to the well are cleaned in the same way. In summer, when the hot water temperature does not exceed 40C, the grease plug has to be cleaned out with a wire and a brush.
Unfortunately, repeated blockages are common: only boiling water can completely clear the pipe walls of deposits.

Sand in a bathtub or shower siphon is the most common cause of blockage. It can be cleaned with a regular plunger. Do not forget to plug the overflow with a wet rag, otherwise the plunger will idle air between the overflow and the outlet.

A plunger is the first assistant in case of clogged outlets.

Construction garbage

Cleaning the bed is similar to that described above. A toilet clogged with construction debris can only be cleaned manually with gloved hands. If the building mixtures poured into the toilet have time to set in it, the plumbing fixture will have to be changed: it is impossible to remove the cement plug from it without splitting the bowl.


Rags cling to the slightest burrs on the pipe walls.

They can clog the bed, riser or outlet to the well. For cleaning, sewer wire or tape is used; When clearing a clog, you will need the help of a partner.

A few nuances:

  • During the cleaning process, the wire must be continuously tensioned. Otherwise, it will begin to fold into loops;
  • Rotating the wire in reverse will prevent the rag from jumping off the hook and blocking the drain again;
  • Both the riser and the bed are cleaned through inspection above the blockage. The price of not following this recommendation is a fountain of sewage hitting your face at the time of cleaning.


The toilet outlet is cleaned with a plumbing cable, and the toilet outlet is cleaned with wire. The destroyed remains of the paper ball are carried away by the flow of water into the well.

Wool, hair

The outlet clogged with them can be cleared in several ways:

  • It is pumped with a plunger, after which the tufts of hair pulled out from under the grate by the stream of water are carefully cut off. The cleaning process must be repeated several times;
  • A thin cable passing through the exhaust grille can also solve the problem. It is fed into the outlet with continuous rotation and wraps around everything that hangs on the grille from below;
  • Hair can be removed with a crochet hook or bent wire;
  • Finally, the most effective way to clean it is to unscrew the outlet and remove all debris from its grille. Do not forget to check it after assembly by drawing a full bath and draining it.


I have already described the method for clearing fat plugs in a bed. For the comb inside the apartment, a plumbing cable that is more flexible than wire is used; Otherwise, the cleaning algorithm is no different.

If the water goes away slowly, you can do without clearing the blockage. The grease plug is simply washed with hot water: we open the hot water tap and gradually, as the blockage dissolves, we increase the pressure.

You can flush the drains from grease with water at a temperature of at least 60C. A full wash again takes at least half an hour.

Cleaning a plastic prefabricated sewer system from grease is quite simple: it is disassembled into individual pipes and fittings, after which each element is shaken out over a trash can.


As you can see, the most effective pipe cleaner in most cases gives in to sewer clogs. Don't believe advertising: unfortunately, manufacturers pursue their own goals, which do not always coincide with the interests of the consumer.

As always, the video in this article will provide you with additional information. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

July 29, 2016

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No sewer system is immune from clogging. Water washes away hair, animal fur, fat, food debris and small objects get into the pipes, plaque often forms on the walls of the pipes - all this causes plugs to appear, which interfere with the free movement of liquid through the pipes and causes clogging of the sewer system. Cleaning in most cases is not particularly difficult due to the many special means for blockages in pipes.

Blockages in pipes are divided into technological, mechanical or operational, depending on the cause of formation:

  • Technological problems are associated with problems of system wear or installation errors.
  • Mechanical ones arise as a result of the penetration of foreign objects into the drains, which get stuck in the pipe and are not washed out with water, forming stagnation.
  • Operational blockages occur during the use of a pipeline when organic compounds enter the pipe, which gradually narrow the lumen of the pipe: fatty deposits, food debris, hair, scales, etc.

If cleaning pipes when foreign objects enter requires the use of a plumbing cable (for mechanical blockages), or even dismantling and replacing parts of the system (for technological blockages), then operational blockages can be easily eliminated chemically. There are many household chemicals on the market that can easily cope with the problem.

Types of anti-clogging products

Powder products are most effective at removing blockages; gel products do not destroy pipes and are not as dangerous to human health as other products. The main component in them is ordinary soda. Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) quickly dissolves soap scum and grease deposits that accumulate in pipes. In addition, pipe cleaners contain catalysts (surfactants - surfactants) and acids.

Note! All products intended for cleaning pipes can be divided into alkaline and acidic. Acidic reagents easily deal with soap plugs and hair clots, so they are more appropriate for use in bathrooms, while alkaline ones work with fatty deposits, which means they are more suitable for blockages in the kitchen.

Granular (powder products)

Clean drains (Citron) The granules are bluish in color and, when interacting with water, give a chemical reaction. It is considered an effective and relatively safe substance. Can fix the problem within 15 minutes. The pungent odor is weak, disappears quickly, and does not contain chlorine. Produced in disposable sachets for single use.
Baghi Pothan In addition to soda, it contains surfactants. The product is very caustic, acts instantly, the process lasts no more than 3 minutes. Dangerous to human health. When using, you should take safety precautions - use protective gloves, ventilate the room. Sold in large packages equipped with a convenient spout for pouring powder. Not suitable for cleaning old worn pipes.
ORO-fix The powder is designed to remove small plugs that are not very compacted. In addition to traffic jams, it removes odors. Contact with skin is best avoided. The product does not cause a strong reaction, so it is powerless against serious blockages.

A drain cleaner for clearing clogs is an important component of everyday household cleaning products for the bathroom and kitchen. You can find hundreds of options on the shelves of hardware stores; choosing an effective and safe one can be difficult. It is important to understand the composition, functionality and proper use of the products.

In a modern apartment a person has all the conditions for comfortable living - there is no need to run to a well or take buckets of dirty water outside. The chimney, water supply and sewerage systems have become an integral part of every apartment. Over time, improper operation of drainage systems leads to clogged drains.

Minor stains can be removed using traditional methods:

  1. Pour a large amount of boiling water into the sink. Hot water will melt the fat plug. To enhance the effect, add soda ash to boiling water.
  2. Pour 200 grams of baking soda into the drain hole and carefully add a glass of vinegar. The quenching reaction is accompanied by hissing and foaming; organic deposits are easily dissolved.
  3. Manual mechanical cleaning using a plunger breaks up dirt plugs without interacting with the pipeline material.

If the described methods are ineffective, you should use special household chemicals.

Review of the best specialized drain cleaning products

The production offers an abundance of various products for quick and effective help with clogged drains.

  1. The Mole composition for cleaning all types of pipes is an honored veteran in the household chemicals market, which has not lost its popularity over the years. The advantages include an attractive low price, favorable volume, ease of use. Simply pour the entire amount of liquid into the drain hole, leave it overnight, and rinse it off in the morning. Disadvantages - does not cope with severe blockages, long period of dissolving action, the configuration of the bottle is primitive and does not provide a protective locking of the lid. The bottle with the solution will have to be securely hidden from children.
  2. Deboucher Active concentrated anti-clog gel is rightfully considered the best in terms of price-quality ratio. Guarantees quick results and is effective for blockages of varying degrees of complexity. The caustic soda (caustic soda) included in the composition dissolves fat, hair, soap well, and chlorine fights microorganisms that cause an unpleasant odor. The instructions instruct you to pour the gel into the drain hole for an hour, but minor contaminations require much less time to fix the problem. Deboucher Active is perfect for preventing blockages - it is enough to use it periodically, without waiting for the drains to become completely obstructed. The disadvantage is the high consumption (a liter volume is only enough for 2 applications), and is contraindicated for aluminum gutters.
  3. Sanfor is an inexpensive gel that contains sodium hypochlorite, surfactants, and ADTA salts that can cope with pipeline obstruction in 15 minutes. Chlorine has a good disinfectant effect and neutralizes odors.
  4. Chirton "Clean Drains" drain cleaner is suitable for sewer systems made of any material. The contents of the sachet are intended for one use. It quickly interacts with water; the caustic soda and catalysts included in the granules actively dissolve organic plugs.
  5. Baga Pothan granules are a kind of “first aid” that helps eliminate the most complex blockages in the pipeline. Surfactants and caustic soda instantly react violently with hot water and in 3-5 minutes cope with obstruction of risers and sewers. The bottle is equipped with a child-proof locking cap. The disadvantages include high causticity, inconvenient packaging (a large volume is enough for several uses, but the price of the product is high), aggressive action (it is undesirable to use for worn-out systems).

Types of products used for plastic pipes

Manufacturers of household chemicals produce three forms of preparations for cleaning sewer pipes:

  • liquid;
  • gel;
  • solid (powder and granular).

All of them have a similar effect, differing in the degree of concentration of active substances and the options for their combinations in the composition.

Liquid products were created first, have been used for a long time and are known to many. They are considered less effective compared to more modern products and are consumed in large quantities, which indicates that this method is uneconomical. Contain aggressive reagents that damage plastic sewer structures.

Gels are much more effective than liquid products. They are heavier than water and have the ability to penetrate deeply, to the point of congestion. They dissolve products of organic origin and cover the inner surface of the pipe with a thin layer, preventing the rapid appearance of a new blockage. They act gently on plastic without damaging drainage systems.

Modern granular solvents have the best effect. The instant action of these products is due to the presence of active breaking down components in the granules. The dry mixture is easily poured directly into the drain hole and filled with a small amount of water. The reagents released as a result of the reaction dissolve dirt and grease as quickly as possible (20-25 minutes is enough). The advantages of granular mixtures are cost-effectiveness, guarantee of pipe integrity, disposable packaging, affordable price.

Powder products meet all the characteristics of granular preparations: quick effect, economical consumption, reasonable price. Disadvantage - fine powder in the form of dust can get into the respiratory tract, onto the skin, mucous membranes, causing allergic reactions and even chemical burns.

Drainage systems of private households require special attention. Sewage is discharged into special septic tanks, where it is processed by colonies of bacteria. The use of aggressive household chemicals creates conditions unsuitable for the normal functioning of microorganisms. To restore high-quality sewage processing, colonies of viable bacteria have to be revived again.

In order not to harm the septic tank ecosystem, experts advise pouring a preparation for cesspools into the pipeline. Microorganisms will process the garbage plug within a day without damaging the drainage structure.

Cleaning rules

Working with professional chemicals requires strict adherence to safety regulations.

  1. In the instructions, read what kind of blockages (organic matter, hair, soap scum) this cleaner works on.
  2. Each product is recommended for a specific type of pipeline (aluminum, metal, plastic).
  3. Pour or fill the preparations into the drain holes, avoiding their contact with ceramic and enamel surfaces of plumbing fixtures. Hold the container with the reagent at arm's length and do not bring your face close to the drain during the reaction.
  4. A protective mask will protect the respiratory tract from inhaling toxic fumes, and gloves will protect the skin of the hands from accidental contact with corrosive substances.
  5. Ensure ventilation of the room - open doors and windows.
  6. Do not exceed the recommended solvent exposure time to avoid damage to the drain.
  7. To prevent the backflow of aggressive compounds, start flushing the drain with a thin stream of water.
  8. Keep chemicals out of the reach of children and pets.

How to prevent contamination of sewers and water pipes

During operation, fats, food debris, human and pet hair, and small debris enter the sewer systems. When combined, these components create impenetrable plugs in pipelines.

If you want to forget about the problem of impassable garbage jams, make it a rule to observe the following points:

  • Before washing dishes, remove any leftover food into the trash bin;
  • do not throw household waste (rags, hygiene products, toilet paper) into the toilet;
  • It is strictly forbidden to dispose of waste construction materials (sand, cement, plaster mixtures) through sewer systems;
  • Once a month, use any recommended preventative cleaning product for sewer pipes.

Each of us, at least once in our lives, has encountered such a problem as a clogged pipe. This is a rather unpleasant matter and requires urgent action, unless, of course, you are a fan of dirty dishes or the inability to take a shower. A huge number of advertisements on TV broadcast about the effectiveness of many means for almost instantly eliminating blockages. Let's figure out whether they are really that good and how else you can remove the blockage.

How to determine if there is a blockage?

The first and most important sign of a blockage is a decrease in the rate of water outflow from the bathtub/sink/toilet, etc. If the plunger does not help, it means that it is not an air bubble stuck in the pipe, but fat, food debris, hair, etc. This requires urgent intervention , because when you turn on the water, you can cause a real flood.

If there is no decrease in the rate of water drainage as such, but there is an unpleasant smell from the drain, then this is also a sign of a blockage, but not yet severe. It is worth taking measures immediately so as not to aggravate the situation by using folk remedies or chemical gels designed to prevent blockages.

A sign of a clog is when water appears in an underlying drain, such as a bathtub, when you turn on the water in the sink. The same effect can occur when draining water from a washing machine. In this situation, a remedy for blockages in pipes can also help. But which one should you choose? Let's figure it out.

What is any remedy for blockages in pipes based on?

What substances help? The main component that is included in any product for sewer pipes, as well as in folk recipes, is acid or alkali. Alkali dissolves fatty stains well, and acid dissolves soap, hair, threads, etc. Based on the properties, it becomes clear that alkaline ones are usually used for the kitchen, and acidic ones for the bathroom.

The remedy for blockages in pipes is sold in different forms:

  • gel (it is more economical, since a small amount is evenly distributed over the surface of the pipe and eliminates contamination without requiring the use of even half the gel capacity);
  • powder (you need to pour it into the drain hole and fill it with the required amount of water; it is important not to over-expose it, and also rinse the powder thoroughly with water, otherwise it may begin to corrode the surface of the bathtub/sink and pipe, since it is more concentrated than the other 2 types);
  • liquid (it is poured into the pipe in large quantities, diluted or not diluted with water, it is also important to rinse thoroughly to avoid problems).


Liquid "Mole" is one of the oldest means in existence. It removes blockages well, but few people know that it is only suitable for metal pipes, and can damage plastic ones due to the alkaline environment. Another disadvantage of "Mole" is that it has an unpleasant chemical odor, so after pouring the product into the pipe, it is better to leave the room, and after removing the blockage, ventilate it.

"Tiret Turbo"

This is a product that can be found in any store. It is very well advertised, and for good reason. In terms of effectiveness, "Tiret" is not inferior to any remedy for blockages, and even surpasses them, since it is suitable for all types of pipes and does not have a pronounced odor. "Tiret" has a gel consistency and is divided into several categories: for preventing blockages, for removing blockages, for removing complex blockages. The packaging states that it works within 5 minutes. In fact, the action time may differ depending on the complexity of the blockage in the pipe, because the larger the layer of accumulated debris, the longer the gel will have to dissolve it.

When surveying consumers, when asked which product they most often use to clean water pipes, the majority answers: “Tiret.” Reviews about it on the Internet and other sources are mostly positive. It removes blockages effectively and quickly, disinfects, eliminates unpleasant odors, and prevents the appearance of mold.


"Pothan" is a product whose price exceeds the prices of all other products (we will talk about this below). It is produced in powder form, has an antibacterial effect and quickly dissolves fatty and other types of blockages, so it is recognized as the best remedy against them. "Pothan" can be used for both metal and plastic pipes. Its biggest drawback is its strong pungent odor. Therefore, you can only use it in accordance with the instructions, and also use protective equipment (mask and gloves).

There are others

If you go to a store, you will be surprised by the variety of drain cleaners available. In addition to the above, Domestos, Mister Muscle, Sanfor, etc. are popular. They are often similar in composition or release form to those considered, and some people prefer them. But everyone chooses the best remedy for clogged pipes for themselves.


Prices for anti-clog products vary greatly. So, “Tiret Turbo”, depending on the type of gel and the store’s markup, can cost from 200 to 400 rubles. "Mole" is cheaper - about 100 rubles. for 1 liter of product. "Pothan", a pipe cleaner, the price of which is quite high, will cost about 500 rubles. for 600 g of powder, but is found on shelves less often than the same "Tiret". The remaining products have approximately the same prices, but their cost rarely exceeds 500 rubles.

Security measures

The remedy for blockages in pipes is very toxic, no matter what it is, so you must take precautions so as not to harm your health and Firstly, you need to use gloves and a mask. Gloves can be the most ordinary, rubber, sold in any store. You can make your own mask from fabric, the main thing is that it protects against harmful fumes and odors. If it gets on your skin, be sure to wash the area with soap and water. If irritation occurs, you can take antihistamines, but you should visit a dermatologist to avoid a possible chemical burn. In case of contact with eyes, do the same - rinse with water and consult a doctor.

It is equally important to follow the rules for using a particular product. So, it is better not to pour a product for metal pipes into plastic ones, as it can damage them and the pipes will have to be replaced rather than cleared of blockages.

How else can you clear the blockage?

If you do not have the opportunity to quickly run to the store or you are not a supporter of chemicals, or maybe for other reasons you do not want to resort to the help of “Mole”, “Tiret” or another product, try mechanically cleaning the pipes or using folk recipes.

The simplest method at first glance is using a plunger. It is a cup-shaped rubber nozzle on a wooden or plastic handle and serves to release air from the pipeline, which pushes contamination through the pipe and eliminates it. But a plunger is not always able to get rid of dirt, since air cannot push through severe blockages.

If you call a plumber, he will not pour special products into the pipes, but will either blow out the pipe, or disassemble it and clean it with a hose or hook, pulling out contaminants. Blowing is carried out with special equipment similar to a vacuum cleaner. If you can disassemble the pipe and clean it yourself (if you, of course, are sure that you will reassemble it correctly later), then you cannot blow it out yourself using any means, since you can damage the pipes not only in the apartment, but also in the general building. It is better to pay for the services of a plumber than to pay for repairs.

Folk recipes

There are several folk remedies that are not as strong as Pothan or Tiret, for example, but can also help if your pipes are clogged:

  1. If the cause of the blockage is frozen fat, it needs to be melted with hot water. To do this, you just need to open the hot water and let it flow for 5-10 minutes, the main thing is to make sure that it flows and does not cause a flood. You should not pour boiling water into the pipes, as it can damage them.
  2. For metal pipes, you can try using a solution (1 tbsp per 1 liter of hot water). The mixture is poured for several hours and then washed off with hot water. Important: when working with soda, wear gloves and make sure that it does not get on enamel surfaces, as it can corrode them.
  3. To combat blockages, you can use regular soda paired with vinegar. Everyone knows that when soda interacts with vinegar, a large amount of foam is released, which means a chemical reaction occurs. Pour a glass of soda into the drain, pour a glass of vinegar on top and let it stand for 30-60 minutes. After this, rinse with hot water. It is important to ensure that foam does not come out of the drain, otherwise it can damage the surface of the enamel bath or sink.

You should resort to traditional methods only in case of mild blockage or for prevention. It is very difficult to remove heavy stains with ordinary soda, and in some cases it can only make things worse.

So, it is difficult to say unequivocally which of all the remedies is better. It all depends on the type of pipes, the type of blockage, and how much you are willing to pay for it.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):