Slime is a toy that came into fashion at the end of the last century. This event was preceded by the premiere of an animated film about Ghostbusters. Among the main characters of the cartoon was Lizun, a spreading, stretching and shape-changing creature. In this article I will tell you how to make slime at home without and with sodium tetraborate.

The consistency of the toy, which was given the name handgam, resembles jelly, but does not melt in your hands. And although more than a dozen years have passed since its appearance, it is still popular among children and teenagers.

You can buy slime at any toy store, but the factory product contains chemical components, the contact of which with the baby’s skin does not cause delight among caring parents. That's why many people are interested in technology homemade, because homemade slime is safer. This toy also relieves stress and has a positive effect on work. nervous system, develops fine motor skills and creativity.

In this article I will look at popular ways of creating slime from scrap materials. They differ in duration of execution, composition of ingredients, consistency and quality. finished product, level of difficulty.

Recipe for transparent slime without sodium tetraborate and PVA

Since the toy is intended for children, safety comes first. To create a slime, I recommend using a flour-based recipe. It is simple and allows you to create handgams in minutes.


  • Flour.
  • Hot water.
  • Cold water.
  • Set of food colorings.


  1. Pour two cups of sifted flour into a small container, add 0.25 cup of cool water and a little hot water, but not boiling water.
  2. Mix the resulting mixture thoroughly until it has a homogeneous consistency. Make sure there are no lumps.
  3. Add a few drops of food coloring to the homogeneous mass and stir until the mixture acquires a uniform color.
  4. Place the sticky mixture in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Remove the cooled mixture from the refrigerator and knead it thoroughly with your hands. Lizun is ready.

Video recipe

Since working with flour often leads to dirty clothes, I recommend making slime in an apron. As for me, creating a knitted toy is a great activity for those who don’t know what to do when they’re bored.

How to make slime from shampoo and water

Every bathroom has several bottles of shampoo that help people take care of their hair. But some craftsmen have found another use for this tool and use it to create handgams. Indeed, from shampoo and water you can make homemade slime in a matter of minutes.


  • Shampoo – 100 ml.
  • Water – 100 ml.
  • Starch – 200 g.


  1. In a small container, combine starch, water and shampoo, mix thoroughly.
  2. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator for 12 hours. After the time has passed, the toy is ready.

Video experience

The shelf life when stored in a closed container in the refrigerator is one month. If you want the toy to have a more viscous consistency, replace the starch with Titan glue.

The easiest way at home

There are many ways to create slime. The simplest option is to use baking soda and dishwashing detergents. And since it contains household chemicals, supervise your child while playing and wash your hands afterwards.


  • Soda.
  • Water.
  • Dishwashing liquid.
  • Food coloring.


  1. Pour some dish liquid into a small container. Since there is no specific dosage, add water or household chemicals to thin mucus.
  2. Add baking soda to the dishwashing liquid and stir. If the composition turns out to be thick, dilute with water and stir. Use appropriate food coloring to achieve desired color.

You may not succeed the first time, but with practice you will learn how to create wonderful slimes at home from baking soda and dish soap. These skills will come in handy. For example, you can give a gift to a friend for her birthday and cheer her up a little.

DIY slime made from soap and toothpaste

Do you want to become the owner of a slime? Make it yourself using the main ingredients toothpaste and liquid soap. Such a toy will diversify your life and provide an opportunity to realize your creative potential.


  • Liquid soap – 20 ml.
  • Toothpaste – 20 ml.
  • Flour – 5 teaspoons.


  1. Squeeze toothpaste into a small metal container, add liquid soap and stir until smooth.
  2. Gradually add flour to the resulting mixture. First, mix the mixture with a spoon, then complete the procedure with your hands.
  3. At the very end, lightly moisten the slime with water and remember a little more with your hands.

As you can see, making a toy that is popular all over the world from hygiene products is not difficult. It will help in the development and realization of fantasy. This is also an excellent replacement for store-bought plasticine.

Making slime from starch and hydrogen peroxide

This method is incredibly popular because it does not involve large financial costs. The result is a solid toy that bounces beautifully. So don't be upset if this slime doesn't live up to your expectations.


  • Water – 1 glass.
  • Starch – 100 g.
  • PVA glue – 100 g.
  • Food coloring.
  • Hydrogen peroxide.


  1. In a small container, mix water and starch. The end result should be a mixture that resembles jelly in consistency. Add glue and mix.
  2. Add a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and a little food coloring to the resulting mixture and mix. If the mass turns out thick, I advise you to add a little water.

Handgam made using this technology turns out light and airy. This is thanks to hydrogen peroxide. As for the ingredients used, they are really affordable and will help you save money.

Slime made from plasticine, water and gelatin

Not every home has PVA glue, starch or sodium tetraborate (borax). But these components are not needed to create slime, because it can be made from ordinary plasticine. If there are schoolchildren or preschoolers in the house, this viscous mass will definitely be found.


  • Plasticine – 100 g.
  • Edible gelatin – 15 g.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Metal container, plastic bowl, stick.


  1. Soak the gelatin in cool water. To do this, pour gelatin into a metal container and add 200 ml of water. When the gelatin swells, place the container on the stove and bring to a boil over low heat, then remove.
  2. Take the plasticine in your hand and knead it until it becomes warm and soft. Place the softened piece of plasticine in plastic container, add the remaining water. Stir well with a plastic spatula.
  3. Connect the two components. Add the slightly cooled gelatin to the mixture of water and plasticine and stir. Place the resulting mass in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the toy is ready.

Video experience

A toy made according to this recipe is famous for its enviable durability. Just make sure that the kids don’t touch the wallpaper with the slime while playing. It is extremely difficult to remove traces left by handgam.

How to make slime from sodium tetraborate and glue

Made from sodium tetraborate (Borax), the toy is practically no different from the store-bought version, but since the composition contains chemical components, we are not talking about safety. Therefore, I advise you to play with such slime carefully.


  • Borax – 0.5 teaspoon.
  • Stationery glue – 30 g.
  • Yellow and green food coloring.
  • Water.


  1. Pour a glass of warm water into a small bowl and add sodium tetraborate. Mix thoroughly until the powder is completely dissolved.
  2. In a second container, combine half a glass of water, 5 drops of yellow and 2 drops of green dye and glue. Mix the ingredients until smooth.
  3. Add the sodium tetraborate solution in a thin stream, stirring, into the adhesive mass. As a result, the resulting mass will become viscous and suitable for play.

Store the slime made according to this recipe in a closed container, as it is afraid fresh air. Do not allow your child to put the toy in his mouth.

Homemade slime made from pencil glue

Many of us are very familiar with glue sticks. IN kindergarten and at school it is used to create collages and appliqués. It was also used in office work. It also makes a good slime. Read the cooking technology below.


  • Glue pencil – 4 pcs.
  • Boron (sodium tetraborate) – 1 teaspoon.
  • Flour.
  • Food coloring.


  1. Take a glue stick, remove the sticks and place them in a glass container. Keep them in the microwave or oven until a viscous mixture forms. Add a little dye to the mixture and mix.
  2. Dilute a teaspoon of boron in a small amount of water. Pour a small amount of the resulting liquid into the glue and mix. Add sodium tetraborate until you reach the desired consistency.

You have learned popular ways to make slime at home. Some of them are as simple as possible, others are based on the use of purchased components. It is difficult to say which recipe is better; only practice will help determine this.

Little ones are always delighted with toys that they can squeeze, throw and crush. But not all toys can withstand such a test drive. The ideal toy in this regard was slime. Of course, over time it also becomes unusable, and then the child asks to buy a new one. But why do we need extra expenses if slime can be made at home.


1. There is nothing complicated in making such a toy. All the ingredients from which you can make slime are at hand at home. We will need PVA glue, water, a mixing container, dye and sodium tetraborate.

2. As already mentioned, all the ingredients are at home, with the exception of sodium tetraborate. Its 4% solution can usually be purchased at a pharmacy. But what if you want to make sodium-free slime? After all, no one knows how this substance affects the health of the child. We offer you an option on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate.

3. So, we need all of the above. Replace sodium tetraborate with regular potato starch and together with the child we begin to create miracles.

4. In a mixing container, combine PVA glue and water in equal proportions, and add a coloring agent - food coloring or brilliant green. Mix everything, achieving uniform color and uniform consistency of the mixture.

5. In another bowl, mix starch with water - we get a starch solution. It is worth noting that the result should be a solution, that is, the consistency should be liquid.

7. We transfer the results of our labors to plastic bag and trust the child to knead it. If your child is already independent and big, then the whole process can only be controlled by entrusting the initiative to him.

A favorite toy of many, bearing the name famous hero from "Ghostbusters", continues to win the hearts of children and adults. How else can we explain the fact that everyone is trying to make slime today - this soft, shapeless, viscous lump that looks like both liquid and plasticine? You can find many kneading recipes on the Internet. special staff, among which there are very simple ones that require the use of literally available means. We are ready to talk about the easiest ways to make handgum, which literally anyone can implement at home.

The secret to obtaining “liquid plasticine”, which can be unusually soft and at the same time return to its original shape, lies in the use of special components. The main one is sodium tetrabonate. Handgam manufacturers use this substance, adding only dyes to it. What to do if there is nowhere to get sodium tetrabonate? It's simple: you just need to find a worthy substitute for it! But can a slime without sodium tetraborate be real: moderately viscous and viscous? What materials will help replace this important component? How to make slime without sodium tetraborate at home? Let's find out!

Ways to make slime without sodium tetraborate

The most popular people will help you make a toy that is popular all over the world. different materials, which individually or in combination with other substances are capable of demonstrating properties very similar to the properties of real “store-bought” slime. So, let's look at examples of making toys from everything that can be found in any home: plasticine, gelatin, flour, starch, shampoo, liquid soap, soda and glue.

Slime made from plasticine and gelatin

For our first toy recipe you will need the following ingredients:

  • plasticine (100 g);
  • gelatin (20 g);
  • cold water (100 ml).

This method of making slime is very simple.

  1. First of all, pour the gelatin into some metal container, pour water (about 50 ml) into it and set our mixture aside for 30-40 minutes.
  2. After this, slightly heat the mass (without bringing to a boil) and make sure that the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. We take another container and prepare the plasticine: cut it into small pieces, fill it with the remaining water, put it on the fire and bring our mixture almost to a boil.
  4. As soon as the plasticine has completely melted, add gelatin to it and mix everything thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

The toy is ready!

Shampoo slime without sodium tetraborate

If the previous method is more suitable for parents, since it involves the use of gas or electric kitchen stove, then this one is perfect for any child. This time we will need:

  • Shampoo (50 ml). We recommend using simple shampoo, without conditioner or other foreign impurities. Remember that the color of the shampoo will determine the color of our slime.
  • PVA glue (you may need up to 150 ml). The best option– Titan PVA glue.
  • Food coloring (about 3-5 g) Best choice will be the composition that is intended for painting easter eggs. It contains natural ingredients and is therefore safe.

Making slime according to this “recipe” is carried out in a similar way:

  1. First place the shampoo in the container for mixing the ingredients, then begin stirring it, gradually adding PVA glue. It is very important to monitor the consistency of the resulting mass.
  2. As soon as our slime becomes moderately viscous, we stop adding glue.

Don’t forget that our shampoo can always be tinted with dye: it must be added immediately - even before the glue.

Slime made from glue and starch

Run out of shampoo at home? Offer your child another one interesting way making slime. We will need:

  • starch (150 g);
  • PVA glue (up to 100 ml);
  • dye (5 g) - ordinary gouache can act as it;
  • water (100 ml) - it will not be needed if liquid starch is used.

Mix all the ingredients again in a suitable container until the mass becomes homogeneous and quite viscous.

Can't find starch at home? No problem, let's try replacing it with glue:

  • water (100 ml.),
  • PVA glue (50 ml.),
  • dye (food or gouache);
  • soda (1 tablespoon).

Mix glue with soda and dye, add water - that’s it, the slime is ready!

Slime made from flour and water

Another affordable recipe, in which we need:

  • flour (150 g);
  • water (about 100 ml);
  • dye (3 to 5 g).

Be sure to invite your child to make this slime on their own:

  1. Let him place about 150 g of flour in a suitable container, and then pour cold water into it, and then a little hot.
  2. Next, all that remains is to add any available natural dye and mix all the ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  3. The finished mixture needs to be cooled, so we place our slime in the refrigerator. After 2-3 hours our toy is ready!

Video: how to make slime at home without sodium tetraborate

The only thing that can prevent you from making a high-quality toy is the incorrect selection of the number of mixture components. To understand how much starch, flour, soda, shampoo, water and other ingredients to make slime you need to take, we recommend watching the following training video:

DIY dress without a pattern

Lizun is a character from the cartoon “Ghostbusters”. After the release of the toy ghost, it is one of the favorite children's entertainments. Slime can be purchased at almost any toy store, but it’s much nicer to make a toy for your child yourself.

There are plenty of options. Here are some of them:

Slime made from PVA glue and water (without sodium tetraborate)

To make it you will need:

  • 200 -250 ml. warm water;
  • 1-3 bottles (depending on the desired size of the toy) PVA glue white(preferably recently produced), expired will not work;
  • Dye (you can take food paints or regular gouache, watercolor);
  • 2-3 bottles of weak salt boric acid(borax) or powder called “Borax” - can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • Plastic medium-depth container;
  • Wooden stick or shoulder blade;
  • Rubber gloves (can be replaced with an ordinary plastic bag).

The glue, after shaking, is poured into the container. The dye is mixed with water and added to the glue (when using gouache, you can simply add a few drops of the selected color to the glue mass). Then mix the glue and paint thoroughly until smooth.

The next step is to dilute Borax in water (one tablespoon of powder per glass) and add it portionwise to the adhesive mass, continuously stirring the resulting mixture. Borax in liquid form is simply gradually poured into the glue without diluting with water. As the components interact, the mass changes its consistency and becomes denser and more viscous. When all the ingredients are well mixed and the desired thickness and ductility of the future slime has been achieved, put on gloves or transfer the mass to a plastic bag and knead thoroughly.

Lizun needs to “lie down” on the paper for a while, after which you can start playing with him.

Starch slime toy

The presence of borax in starch slime is unnecessary - its functions are taken over by starch. In addition to time, you will need:

  • 100 grams of non-expired PVA glue;
  • Starch (you can buy liquid starch - then you won’t need water);
  • Selected dye or gouache;
  • ½ glass of warm water;
  • Enameled container for ease of preparation (you can do without it);
  • Chopstick or spoon;
  • Clean plastic bag.

Water is poured into the container and gradually filled required quantity starch, constantly stirring the resulting solution with a spoon or wooden spatula (the mass should be quite thick, but not hard). There should be no lumps.

Add dye to a well-mixed mixture of water and starch, mix thoroughly and wait for it to cool completely (for faster cooling, you can place the mixture in the refrigerator).

The cooled starch mixture is transferred to a plastic bag and an amount of glue equal to the starch mass is added. Then the bag is shaken repeatedly, thereby mixing the glue and starch.

Stirring is carried out until the mass acquires a viscous, homogeneous consistency.

If, as a result of intensive mixing, excess liquid, it is drained.

With liquid starch, everything is much simpler: it is poured into a bag, dye and glue are added (in a slightly smaller volume than starch). The ingredients in the bag are thoroughly shaken, kneaded and the finished slime is taken out.

Shampoo slime

The simplest, but not very reliable way making toys at home. It will take a little time and only three components:

  • Color-matching shampoo;
  • Titan brand glue (can be purchased at an office supply or hardware store);
  • Plastic bag

Glue and shampoo are poured into the bag in a ratio of 3:2 and shake well until the mass thickens. Lizun is ready!

Slime without glue

Perhaps the most long way, but the result is magnificent. Required components:

  • Sodium tetraborate in powder form;
  • Polyvinyl alcohol in powder form;
  • Water;
  • Dye;
  • Gauze;
  • Enameled container;
  • A plastic cup;
  • Spoon or spatula.

A small amount of polyvinyl powder is diluted in water in the proportions given in the instructions for the drug. Place the container with the diluted powder on the stove and boil over low heat, stirring constantly for 40-45 minutes. Then allow the solution to cool.

While the polyvinyl solution is cooling, they are preparing a mixture of sodium tetraborate and water: two tablespoons of sodium powder are dissolved in a glass with warm water. The resulting liquid is filtered through cheesecloth to get rid of sediment.

The solutions are mixed in the ratio: three parts polyvinyl solution to one part sodium tetraborate solution. Dye is added during mixing. The mass is kneaded until thick and homogeneous. The resulting slime can be flavored with a couple of drops of essential oil to give it a pleasant smell.

Soda slime

The toy is made from:

  • Soda;
  • PVA glue;
  • Water;
  • Dye.

Glue (50 grams) is mixed with equal amount water. Add dye and mix again.

In a separate container, mix soda with water (one tablespoon of soda per 50 grams of water).

IN glue solution Gradually pour in a mixture of soda and water, continuously stirring the resulting mass. The toy is ready to delight the household.

When making slime using any of the above methods, you can add decorative glitter and essential oil. The toy should be stored in a clean container or jar with a lid:

Video: how to make slime at home

Needless to say about the popularity of handgam, better known among the Russian-speaking population as “lizun”! Having become famous back in the 90s, along with the film “Ghostbusters”, the toy still does not lose its top position.

Fans of experiments have put forward a lot of ideas on how to make slime without sodium tetraborate and special financial costs, at home. Parents should take them into account, because self-creation toys are an excellent opportunity to strictly control their composition, protecting your child from the influence of harmful chemical components.

Slime made from glue stick

It would seem, how else can this type of glue be used, besides office manipulations and creating children's applications? Using it you can make a cool slime. In consistency it will be very similar to “smart plasticine”.

Ideally, you still need to include the sodium salt of boric acid in the composition; it is this that will allow the toy to thicken and obtain the desired viscosity. However, many experts argue that sodium tetraborate can be successfully replaced with gel-like laundry detergent.


  • 4 things. glue stick ( good quality, with a fresh date of manufacture);
  • 1-2 capsules of washing gel;
  • any dye or solution of brilliant green.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. To get slime from a glue stick, remove the sticks from the latter, place them in a glass bowl and put them in the microwave (or water bath) until a viscous mass is obtained.
  2. Pour the melted glue into a blender glass, and add the gel from the washing capsules there. Beat for a few minutes.
  3. We paint the resulting substance in the desired color, leave it for 15-30 minutes to thicken.

In a similar way, slime is prepared using PVA glue.

How to make from water and shampoo

The slime from these components is prepared in an elementary way, but it takes a lot of time to harden - from 12 hours to a day. A toy made in this way can be stored for up to 1 month.(provided it is placed in the refrigerator in a closed container).


  • 100 ml of any shampoo and plain water;
  • 200 g starch.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Combine all ingredients in a container with a lid and mix thoroughly.
  2. Cover the container and send the toy to a cold place to harden.

If you want to get a more viscous handgam, use Titan glue instead of starch.

Children's toy made of plasticine

Slime of increased plasticity, which will not lose its shape, is prepared using plasticine, gelatin and water. The option is extremely simple, and the product is as safe as possible for children. In addition, the recipe does not contain any dye that adds “dirt” to the cooking process, which many parents will undoubtedly appreciate.


  • 30 g plasticine of any color;
  • 25 g gelatin;
  • 50 ml of water for the slime itself + for diluting the gelatin.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. We prepare gelatin based on the manufacturer's recommendations.
  2. Grind the plasticine, fill it with water, put it on low heat, heat until it melts, forming a homogeneous mass.
  3. Gradually add gelatin solution to the “semi-finished product”, mix thoroughly, and only then remove from heat.
  4. Leave until completely cool.

The toy is ready!

Using starch

Most suitable way to prepare handgam with your child. Everything is simple, accessible, safe.

To make slime without glue and boric acid salt, you need the following components:

  • 50 ml warm water;
  • food coloring ( the exact amount depends on how rich the color you want to get– on average 2.5 g);
  • 150 g potato starch.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix dry ingredients.
  2. Gradually pour water into them, while constantly stirring the mixture until it becomes an elastic slurry.

Please note that at the beginning the consistency of the slime will be similar to jelly. Don't let this scare you: after prolonged stirring, the liquid will become more viscous. The “life” of handgam made from starch is short - only two days. After this time, you will have to prepare the toy again.

Made from soda

It’s hard to believe, but colored slime, so beloved by children, can be easily prepared using PVA glue and soda. Of course, such slime is not stored for long - a maximum of two weeks, and with intense games even less - up to 2 days. But there is no need to heat or cook anything, which makes the recipe safe, allowing even a child to use it.


  • 1 tbsp. l. soda;
  • 50 g PVA;
  • 100 ml water;
  • food coloring.

You will also need 2 containers and rubber gloves in order to “knead” the slime by hand.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. In one container, mix 50 ml of water with glue, in the second - the remaining portion of liquid and a spoonful of soda.
  2. Combine both solutions and mix thoroughly until a homogeneous, viscous consistency of the toy is obtained.

There is a second preparation variation, in which the glue is replaced with liquid detergent for dishes. Experts say that the slime according to this recipe is simply a godsend for cleansing computer keyboard from animal hair and other hard-to-reach contaminants.


  • 2 tbsp. l. sodium carbonate;
  • any coloring matter;
  • Fairy or other dishwashing liquid;
  • water.

On a note! The exact dosages of liquid ingredients to make slime without glue are not given; simply add them in equal proportions until the toy reaches the desired thickness.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Mix soda with dye. We add the latter until the desired color tone is obtained.
  2. Pour in a little water mixed with dishwashing liquid, stir vigorously and thoroughly until a homogeneous, jelly-like consistency.

It is permissible to store slime made according to this recipe without a refrigerator, but always in a hermetically sealed container, otherwise it will lose its elastic properties.

Glass slime without sodium tetraborate

Many users jokingly call this method “girly”, because the list of components includes cosmetic product. Be that as it may, with some simple manipulations you can create a super-stretchy “glass” slime at home.

We will need:

  • face film mask + water in equal proportions;
  • any kind of dye - natural, food, brilliant green, etc.;
  • air freshener.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze the mask into the prepared container and fill it with water.
  2. Add dye and mix until color is uniform.
  3. Without ceasing to stir, spray the resulting mass with air freshener (about 5-10 seconds). Right before your eyes, the mixture will turn into a cool, aromatic chewing gum for your hands.

To make the toy as similar to glass as possible, i.e. transparent, you should simply remove the dye from the components.

If there is a person in your household who uses contact lenses, you can use a different recipe and make glass slime at home in no time.

We will need:

  • 100 ml of stationery transparent glue;
  • 90-100 ml of water;
  • 1 tsp. liquids for lenses;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Pour glue into a bowl and dilute it with water. The latter should in no case be more than glue. Mix thoroughly.
  2. Add soda and mix again.
  3. Pour in lens liquid, which will be the final thickener for the toy.
  4. Place the kneaded mass in a container with a lid and leave for a couple of days until it becomes as transparent as possible, similar to glass.

From soap and toothpaste

It turns out that personal hygiene products can be used not only for their intended purpose, but also as affordable raw materials available in every home, suitable for making toys that are popular all over the world.


  • 40 ml each liquid soap and gel toothpaste;
  • 10 tbsp. l. flour;
  • ∼1 tsp. water.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze toothpaste into a metal bowl, pour in soap, stir until smooth. (At this stage, you can add paint or dye to get a colored handgam).
  2. Gradually add flour into the liquid little by little, stirring first with a spoon, then kneading with your hands.
  3. Lightly moisten the mixture with water and knead thoroughly again. Plasticine-shaped slime - a worthy replacement for the purchased version - is ready!

To prepare a sticky toy, you can use exclusively toothpaste, excluding soap and flour from the recipe. The result will be a slime a la “fresh breath”.

We will need:

  • a tube of toothpaste;
  • 1-2 drops of baby cosmetic oil.

Manufacturing technology:

  1. Squeeze the paste into a metal container and place it in a water bath for 15 minutes (time may vary depending on the type of hygiene product). Stirring constantly, evaporate it to a thick, even slightly dry state.
  2. Let the resulting mass cool.
  3. Lubricate your palms with oil and knead the frozen paste for 2-4 minutes until you obtain the desired consistency. If the toy comes out too hard, add more oil. If you overdid it and poured too much oil, and the slime became very sticky, we correct the situation with flour or starch.

How to make slime without sodium tetraborate? Dozens of ways, using the most unexpected ingredients - nail polish, hydrogen peroxide, shaving foam, sugar, silicate glue and even paper!

You can also decorate it in a variety of ways - by adding sparkles, beads, foam balls or fluorescent paint, which will make the product glow beautifully in the dark. But along with the manufacturing features, the question is important: proper storage received toy.

The collected recommendations will help you enjoy homemade handgam for as long as possible:

  1. The jelly-like “pet” should be placed in a “house” - a hermetically sealed jar, which is best stored in the refrigerator.
  2. The product should be protected from direct sun rays and high temperatures.
  3. If the slime gets dirty during play, be sure to “bathe” it in cold water(Alcohol can also be used for cleaning).

Please note that it is very difficult to find the right humidity for storing a toy. When the air is dry, the slime loses its rigidity and begins to stick, and when there is an excess of moisture, on the contrary, it loses its density and spreads. In the first case, add a little water to the container overnight, and in the second, pour a few pinches of salt into the bottom of the jar, shake it and close the lid.

To summarize, we advise you not to be afraid to experiment with the composition of the slime mixture. For example, to make it stretch better, a few drops of vinegar will help, hydrogen peroxide will add airiness to the handgam, rid it of stickiness, and glycerin, on the contrary, will make it slippery. Good luck creating a safe toy that will add... bright emotions into your child's life!

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