Today the guest of the newspaper “Karpaty” is the editor-in-chief of the international Internet magazine “New Rezume”

We talk with him about vacations, Truskavets, politics and relationships between people.

– Mr. Leonid, tell our readers a little about yourself and your magazine.

– I am Khodos Leonid, a native Leningrader, St. Petersburger, I am 77 years old.

In 1991, my son went to Israel and my wife and I visited him every year on vacation for a month. The last time, when St. Petersburg was 300 years old, in 2003, we flew to Israel on vacation and I started having heart problems, I had open heart surgery. As soon as I came to my senses, my wife’s problems began. My wife is buried in Israel and, of course, that’s why I’m there.

In order not to go crazy, and my wife and I have lived for 51 and a half years (we got married when we were 18), my son brought me an old laptop. And by pointing his finger a little, he gradually grew into an online magazine. My grandson suggested the name “Resume”, and that’s how it went. Although the name “Resume” does not quite correspond to the content and purpose of the magazine, nevertheless, the grandson named it, and they decided to leave it that way.

This is how the magazine was created, purely in Russian. Today it is read in 178 countries of the world, where there is at least one Russian speaker. In my opinion, “New Rezume” has a fairly high rating.

Thus, this gives me the opportunity to live, the opportunity to receive moral satisfaction, and at 77 years old this is an important factor.

– “New Rezume” has a whole section dedicated to tourism. Do you think Ukraine has a chance to become a leading tourist country? And what is needed for a tourist to pay attention to Ukraine, to Ukrainian cities, sanatoriums, boarding houses? And one more thing – do you like to travel yourself, or are you still more of a homebody?

– The fact is that due to the nature of my work, before that, I couldn’t travel very much. Although I had to go on business trips, this is still not tourism.

But let's go back to the beginning of your question. With the current situation in Ukraine, one can hardly count on Ukraine becoming one of the leading tourism powers in the world. Moreover, this is partly the fault of Ukraine itself.

The fact that this is a crime in terms of seizing part of the territory of Ukraine is nothing to talk about. But there is the concept of propaganda - today it is one of the leading forces in the world; not necessarily weapons, but offensive propaganda itself. So, in Ukraine there is very weak anti-propaganda. Very little is said about the achievements of Ukraine, a lot of fuss within the elites, a lot of political squabbles. There is no end in sight to this land, and this interferes with tourism, interferes with human relationships, and bringing people closer together. I say this everywhere without hesitation, which is why I say it now.

This is my second time here in Western Ukraine, at the Karpaty sanatorium (the first time was last year), and I can tell you the Israeli point of view. In Israel, with eight and a half million people, one million two hundred thousand are Russian speakers. Therefore, I practically don’t know Hebrew, because I communicate only in Russian. When I was traveling here to Truskavets last year, everyone told me: “Are you crazy? Firstly, you are a Russian speaker, and secondly, you are a Jew. You are going to the Benderites, the fascists, they will cut off your head...” and so on. This is an opinion! The opinion of older people, not only in Russia, but also in Israel. And it's clear why. Because these people came to Israel knowing only Russian. They don’t know the Internet, they use only the Russian press, so they have one reaction – strictly pro-Russian.

Something else surprised me - that here, in the dining room, I met a former Muscovite, today living in Finland, who told me that she had the same thing in Finland. And the same thing in Moscow: “Where are you going, girl? To the Benderaites, to the fascists?

My older brother, unit commander, captain of the first rank, unfortunately, he has been dead for a very long time, but his wife lives in Yantarny near Kaliningrad. I was already from here, from “Karpaty”, called her, talked to her, and she told me: “Are you even crazy? Where have you come? To the Bendera people?

Although she is not much older than me, but 11 years, I had to interrupt her and tell her that she is very poorly versed in the problems of the world. At this age I forgive her for these nonsense. He suggested stopping the conversation on this topic altogether.

Therefore, I repeat once again - it is necessary to take up anti-propaganda, talk more about the advantages, force the political elite of Ukraine to think more about the prestige of their country.

Here, in “Karpaty”, I do a lot of interviews - with people from Australia, the USA, now two from Saudi Arabia are vacationing here, there are a lot of people from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Poland, Austria and in general from all countries of the world. And everyone here lives peacefully, there is no tension. I have made a huge number of Azerbaijani friends here – Muslims and I, a Jew. This is true! And I'm delighted!

The only problem I have with Truskavets is that I have a walking stick and can’t walk much, but here there are elevation changes and relief. And everything is so brilliant!

Separately, I want to say about my friend, deputy director of security at the Karpaty sanatorium, Vitaly Mikhailovich Yasinsky, and about his wife Galina, the head of catering. These are extraordinary people! It would seem that they have only known each other for two years, but they introduce me everywhere as their best friend. And they solve the problems that I have by postponing all their affairs.

Here I also made an Azerbaijani friend, Elmar Mamedov, chairman of the international alliance “Azerbaijan-Ukraine”. I want to say that this is just a wonderful person!

Here, in Karpaty, there are brilliant doctors. Despite the fact that in Israel the operations would be free for me, because I am a pensioner, nevertheless I agreed to have the operation here. I have already had surgery on my left kidney, and around August 7th I will have surgery on my right kidney. And I agree, I believe these doctors - the same ones who are called Bendera.

Therefore, my point of view as a 100% Jew, now 100% Israeli – God grant Ukraine all the best!

– This is your second time in Truskavets, so can you say what advantages of our resort city are obvious to you?

– Extraordinary home cooking in “Karpaty”! The fact is that I’ve been living alone for eight years now, my wife, as I said, is no longer here, and I’m tired of cooking for myself, buying food for myself, cleaning up after myself, washing the dishes. And here I feel at home. Homemade food!

I found myself an involuntary witness to a conversation between the head of the sanatorium and my friend, the deputy director, when the head gave the task to think about expanding his own subsidiary farm. Today they have their own meat, their own vegetables, and next year they should have all their own dairy products - milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.

– Why did you choose the Karpaty sanatorium for your holiday, how did you find out about it? Why is our health resort attractive for guests from abroad, in particular for guests from Israel?

– Firstly, everyone in the world knows about Naftus, I’m sure of it. Even while living in Leningrad, in St. Petersburg, I remember that period of the Soviet Union, when a lot of my friends went to Truskavets specifically for Naftusya. Today it is somewhat more difficult. Everyone knows this, everyone understands this, but, unfortunately, there are few Russian speakers here today. That is, the outflow of tourists due to the situation is obvious. Unfortunately. Because diseases do not leave us, regardless of any political situation, but at the same time it dictates behavior.

How did I find out about “Karpaty”? Firstly, as I already said, this is Naftusya, and secondly, I have a friend in a travel agency in Kyiv, and I called there from Israel, and she picked me up and picked up “Karpaty”. This was last year. And then it turned out that we met Vitaly Mikhailovich...

– During your vacation, you don’t forget about work - you meet interesting people here, in Truskavets, take interviews, prepare materials for your magazine. What interesting things can you read about our resort in “New Rezume”?

– Already last year, after staying here, I posted three articles on the website - dedicated to Ukraine, Truskavets and the Karpaty sanatorium. As far as I know, these articles also reached the head of the sanatorium and he was very pleased with the content.

This year there will, of course, be much more material. By the way, on our website we will also publish materials that were published in the Karpaty newspaper, including this interview.

Today I wrote in the journal at the reception my gratitude and wishes of good luck and success to the entire sanatorium - to all departments without exception. Naturally, I noted the head doctor, with whom I have good friendly relations, the young doctor who performed my operation.

Last year I felt at home here. And these are not just words! This year I flew here after Odessa. I was supposed to end up in Kuyalnik, but after Odessa (may the people of Odessa forgive me) I called here, to Vitaly Mikhailovich and said: “Whether you have a place or not, I’m flying to you.” When I got to Truskavets, he was already meeting me - at the entrance to the sanatorium. And the first question he asked me: “Well, are you at home?” And I answered him: “Yes, I’m at home.”

I am 77 years old and I will repeat once again - I feel at home here. Those interviews that I took, and those interviews that I will take again, are all dedicated to the propaganda of Ukraine, Truskavets and the “Carpathians”.

– And finally, tell us about your most vivid impressions of your stay in Truskavets and in “Karpaty”. Why is it worth going here and then coming back again and again?

- People! First of all, people! Everything else is secondary. There are extraordinary amazing people here.

Last year one of my articles was called “Be a Weasel.” And the first words of the article were: “Can people be bad in a country in which the first phrase you hear upon arriving at the border is “Be kind!”? No, they can't be bad.

In Truskavets, in this sanatorium "Karpaty" I encountered only a great attitude and wonderful people...

Communicated with Vladimir Klyuchak, newspaper “Karpaty”

(Reviews 221, 1 revisions today)

Especially for Crimea.Realities

On July 24, the Russian parliament of Sevastopol approved the candidacy of social activist Leonid Khodos for the vacant seat in the city’s Public Chamber under the Legislative Assembly quota. Khodos, a well-known personality in the political circles of the hero city, a pro-Russian activist with more than 25 years of experience, during his speech could not resist making a scandalous statement, proposing that all those who “came in large numbers” be returned to where they came from. Why do people in Sevastopol dislike visitors so much?

Representing Leonid Khodos in the Legislative Assembly, deputy Vyacheslav Gorelov described Khodos as an active social activist in the Russian movement. “He is a member of the Russian community of Sevastopol. Under Ukraine, he organized and held 50 protest rallies on Nakhimov Square. He created the Russian Duma of Sevastopol, which included 23 public organizations. He is purposefully, persistently, and correctly able to defend the interests of Sevastopol residents in the Public Chamber,” Gorelov said.

To the deputy Tatiana Sandulova this seemed not enough, and she asked to be more specific about “what the candidate is famous for.” Deputy Alexander Karavaev, answering this question, noted that Khodos is not known in Sevastopol only by those who were far from the pro-Russian movement in the Ukrainian years. Khodos’s biography confirms that he was in the thick of the struggle. In particular, he published a number of materials about the then Ukrainization policy.

By the way, the organization of gardeners TSN “SNT “Progress” nominated a new candidate.

I want to work in the interests of indigenous Sevastopol residents who were discriminated against when returning to their native fatherland

Leonid Khodos

Khodos himself, coming out from the podium, declared: “I love justice. As an old-timer from Sevastopol, I honor the historical revolutionary spirit of my ancestors. I despise hypocrisy and hypocrisy. I want to work in the interests of indigenous Sevastopol residents who were discriminated against when returning to their native fatherland.”

He proposed renaming the Legislative Assembly of Sevastopol into the city council, and the city government into the executive committee of the city council. “Today, the system of gangster speculative capital that dominates has put everything in reverse,” Hodos said.

Answering a clarifying question from a deputy Sergei Kravchenko, what to do with non-indigenous Sevastopol residents whom the candidate does not intend to serve, Leonid Khodos stated: “Return to where they came from.”

Who is Leonid Khodos?

Leonid Khodos, who will turn 78 the other day, is full of energy. He was born on July 29, 1940 in the Crimean city of Belogorsk. Entered the ChVVMU named after. P.S. Nakhimov in Sevastopol. After graduating from college in 1962 with a degree in special ship weapons engineer, he served in the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol. In 1980, with the rank of captain 3rd rank, he was transferred to the reserve. Until 2011, he worked at SROF Atlantic, at Sevteploset and on support vessels of the Black Sea Fleet.

Leonid Khodos often appeared in stories on Russian TV channels

In 1991, on the eve of the collapse of the USSR, he joined the Republican Movement of Crimea and interacted with Meshkov and Rogozin. In the “Russian Patriotic Movement” - since 1995, member of the “Russian Community of Sevastopol”, “Russian Party of Crimea” (RPK), and the political council of the PKK. From 1996 to 2000, he was the chairman of the Sevastopol branch of the Russian Party of Crimea. In 1998, on instructions from the political council of the PKK, it created the “Russian Duma of Sevastopol”, uniting 23 public and political organizations. Organized and held more than 50 rallies on Nakhimov Square under Russian banners, an ardent Ukrainian hater.

Leonid Khodos often appeared in the stories of Russian TV channels. For example, in 2008, when Russia sent ships of the Black Sea Fleet to the shores of Georgia, Khodos spoke in an interview with Channel One about an incident with a Ukrainian boat that blocked the entrance to Sevastopol Bay when Russian ships were returning from a punitive operation of “peace enforcement.”

A pro-Russian activist under the Ukrainian government tried to become a deputy of the city council on the lists of the Rodina party, but did not make it.

He continued his attempts after the annexation of Crimea by Russia, in which he took an active part. Leonid Khodos twice submitted documents to participate in the elections of deputies to the Council of the Leninsky Municipal District: in 2014 - as a self-nominated candidate, in 2016 - from the People Against Corruption party. For the first time he was registered as a candidate, but two years ago Khodos was denied registration.

Khodos became a candidate for the Public Chamber of Sevastopol after the head of the Association of Self-Defense Organizations was elected as its chairman on April 23 of this year Oleg Makhonin, after which the social activist Grigory Donets announced his resignation from the structure. Thus, 23 participants remained in the Public Chamber instead of the required 24. The last vacant seat was taken by Leonid Khodos.

The city's Public Chamber is formed according to quotas: 8 people from the governor, 8 from the Legislative Assembly and another 8 from public organizations. Khodos thus strengthened the “team” of the “people’s mayor” Alexey Chaly in the Public Chamber.

Xenophobe and extremist

Leonid Khodos’ statement that all newcomers should be sent from Sevastopol to where they came from is a manifestation of xenophobia in its purest form. Xenophobia is the opposite of tolerance. In ethnography and sociology, the term “xenophobia” means distrust, hostility, contempt for foreign ethnic groups or racial groups, as well as for individuals only on the basis of their nationality or race. For example, Ukrainophobia is a hostile attitude towards Ukrainians or anti-Semitism is a hostile attitude towards Jews.

Speaking, Leonid Khodos expressed deep satisfaction that there is “no Jewish line” in Putin’s family. His statement was received with applause.

Anti-Semitism was also heard in the speeches of the Sevastopol pro-Russian activist. For example, on August 21, 2016, during the presentation in Sevastopol of the book “The Family of President V.V. Putin. Basic materials of the study 1986-2002,” speaking, Leonid Khodos expressed deep satisfaction that there is “no Jewish line” in Putin’s family. This statement of his was received with applause.

And a year earlier, during a rally for the resignation of then-governor Sergei Menyailo, Khodos said: “I want to warn the media and those scoundrels who will say that the Sevastopol residents gathered here in Catherine Square are expressing dissatisfaction with the fact that we have become part of Russia. Such creatures await the gallows on the plane trees of Sevastopol.”

This speech by a representative of the Russian movement in Sevastopol and Crimea was also met with applause.

Why Leonid Khodos, after such statements, is not prosecuted for extremism by the FSB, is unclear, but the selectivity of this organization in choosing the perpetrators has long been known.

By the way, none of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly were at all embarrassed by the xenophobic statement. Probably because, as I said Franklin Roosevelt: “Somoza may be a son of a bitch, but he’s our son of a bitch.”

Xenophobia as a “religion” of Sevastopol residents

In Sevastopol they are unhappy with tourists, and they openly hate Varangian leaders

In Sevastopol they really don’t like newcomers, strangers, and newcomers, and this is quite widespread. In Crimea - not so - every tourist there is cherished, because he brings profit. In Sevastopol, tourists are unhappy, and the Varangian leaders are openly hated.

The roots lie in that distant time when Sevastopol was a closed city. Residents of the hero city, stewing in their own little world, were happy with life and their special position. The “specialness” was fueled by patriotism and supposed involvement in the city’s long, turbulent history. All new arrivals “do not understand our glorious hero city, do not feel it and are unworthy to be in it.”

After 2014, nothing much has changed. The period of waiting for the visiting Russian officials to restore order in the “city destroyed by Ukraine” gave way to the usual hostility towards the newcomers.

“I understand that all this invasion is inevitable, and when the bridge is built, there will be Babylon here. And I already seem to have come to terms with this. But the newcomers still piss me off, because they are devouring the city of my childhood. They brought in cars, roamed around all the nooks and crannies, and built up the last vacant lots.

The newcomers are tenacious, practical, devoid of any sentimentality predators who have come to take my place in the sun.

Sevastopolets Valery

My wife tells me: well, listen, you yourself think that Sevastopol is musty, that it needs fresh blood. They say that among the visitors there are many smart, decent people. And it seems to be so. But when I look at them in the city (and my eye immediately picks out visitors), I feel a hidden threat, sometimes even aggression.

These are no longer those enthusiastic and relaxed Russians who used to come here to drink Massandra by the sea. These are tenacious, practical, devoid of any sentimentality predators who have come to take my place in the sun.

Previously, we, the residents of Sevastopol, existed for them, were a subject of interest, study, and maybe ridicule. And now we are not there for mainland Russians. They behave like owners, they don’t even see us here. They raised the prices of everything, they opened their wretched liqueurs, they were dissatisfied with everything, everything was wrong with them... So why did you come? No, they are not leaving."

By the way, ironically, Leonid Khodos himself is not a native of Sevastopol, because he was born in Belogorsk.

Andrey Pokrovsky, Crimean (the author's first and last name have been changed for security reasons)

The views expressed in the “Opinion” column convey the point of view of the authors themselves and do not always reflect the position of the editors

The material uses terminology adopted on the peninsula annexed by Russia

Leonid Khodos: “You just have to believe in yourself!”

In August of this year, we published an interview with Leonid Khodos, editor-in-chief of the international Internet magazine “New Rezume”, who was vacationing in the Truskavets hotel and resort complex “Karpaty”

Our conversation today is a continuation of this interview about recreation, Truskavets, politics and relationships between people.

Leonid Efimovich, let's start with the fact that your website “NewRezume” is read in many countries around the world. Thus, your small hobby has turned into a big thing in your life, very necessary for people on different continents. Tell us a little more about yourself - what do you do besides the website, what do you love most, what are your plans for the future?

Every day, without weekends, holidays or vacation days, I put new materials on the site and send these materials to most countries in the world where there is at least one Russian-speaking person. This is very tiring; after all, I am already 77 years old. What is needed is a discharge that gives a positive charge. A positive thing for me is communication with friends, of whom I now have many in Ukraine and Israel. In addition, playing chess on a cell phone. I don't play very well, but it's still distracting. This is the case when victory is not important, but participation is most important.

In “Karpaty” you interviewed not only the general director of the health resort Lev Gritsak, but also recorded a unique testimony about the Holocaust by his mother Kristina Evstakhovna Gritsak. What other interesting people have you met in Truskavets and are you planning to visit our resort again?

It's difficult to list. These were guests from Australia, the USA, Poland, Germany, Israel, Azerbaijan and many other countries. Karpaty LLC creates some kind of inexplicable psychological climate when guests from different countries of the world, different nationalities and religions communicate well with each other. This is the greatest plus for the management and employees of Karpaty.

Am I going to fly to Karpaty again? Undoubtedly. “Karpaty” turned into a home for me. I'm looking forward to 2018.

In a previous interview, we raised the topic of vacationers who travel to Truskavets from abroad. You are one of those Israeli citizens who did not fall for media propaganda and came to Truskavets for rest and treatment. Tell me, please, with what feelings and thoughts did you leave Truskavets? Did your stay at our resort help you with your health?

I didn't want to leave. But... in Israel there is a law that during a calendar year a pensioner can leave the country for no more than 72 days. And I was in “Karpaty” for 63 days. A stupid law, but a law.

When I tell my fellow citizens in Israel that I underwent two kidney surgeries in the “Carpathians” in Truskavets, Western Ukraine, I get the impression that they look at me as if I’m crazy, somehow returning alive and unharmed from Bandera Ukraine. It's their right.

I trust the team of excellent doctors - real specialists at Karpaty. Low bow to them.

You are the permanent representative of “Karpaty” in Israel and, it must be understood, you have already begun activities in this direction. Please tell me what are the main tasks of the representative office you will solve at first, and which in the long term?

First of all, to break my fellow tribesmen’s idea of ​​Ukraine as a country of lawless people and Banderaites, hammered into their heads by Russian propaganda. In the process of implementing this task, try to increase the number of holidaymakers in the “Carpathians” from Israel.

To solve this difficult psychological problem, I opened a new section on my website called LLC “Karpaty”, where materials about the Karpaty State Conservatory are posted and already available, accessible to all readers from all over the world, revealing in detail all aspects of life, treatment and recreation in “ Carpathians" for both adults and their children.

It would be a great help to quickly install an Israeli flagpole next to all the others at the entrance to the territory. L.Ya promised to do this to me. Gritsak, and his word is law. This flagpole would symbolize that guests from Israel are welcome here and hope to see you soon.

Israel is a promised land, but also little known to Ukrainians. What experience of Israel as a young state do you think could be useful to Ukraine? What is the secret of Israel's success and prosperity?

There is a huge diaspora from Ukraine in Israel, the leader of which we agreed to meet at the end of October in order to develop a common understanding of the prospects for the development of Ukraine and Israel. For the same purpose, a meeting is planned with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ukraine to Israel.

Huge patriotism of the population. Competition for combat units. There is a competition for officer courses. Great desire to get an education.

There are a huge number of problems; it is not without reason that they say: where there are two Jews, there is a parliament. But... in a moment of danger for the country, the entire people become monolithic. Naturally, everyone works hard, but at the same time they know how to relax and enjoy life.

I would very much like the same situation to develop in Ukraine over time.

Peace and prosperity to Ukraine and its wonderful people! The Ukrainian people will succeed. You just have to believe in yourself. We must finally drive out all the thieves and corrupt officials.

An example from Israel: the president is in prison, the prime minister is doing community service after prison, there is an investigation into violations of the current prime minister and his wife. Independent judiciary.

I want to end our conversation with the words of the poem “Oh, my dear God!” Taras Shevchenko (translation by Nikolai Turoverov):

Oh, my dear! How hard it is in the world

How miserable life is - but I want to live,

And I want to see the sun shine

And I want to listen to how the sea plays,

Like a bird chirping, like a grove rustling,

How a girl sings her song...

Oh, my dear, how fun it is to live!

- Thank you for the conversation. Until our next meeting in Karpaty.

Vladimir Klyuchak communicated

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):