• The main features of a skilled “treasure hunter” are the presence of free time, lack of disgust (things are mostly second-hand) and the ability to find, as the poet said, “a grain of pearl in a dung heap.”

The antique chair was expensive by flea market standards - as much as 40 euros! And a velvet curtain from Humana, which later became upholstery, is only 3 euros. Drag small item Furniture can be created at home; you don’t need a lot of space for this.

To take or not to take?

Read more

What should you not take? Carpets, unless they are valuable Persian pieces. It is not so easy to get rid of the characteristic flea market smell, and carpet dry cleaning is not a cheap pleasure. Large pieces of furniture are difficult to fit into the interior ordinary apartment and restore if they need it. Broken, even very beautiful things, such as lamps, if you doubt whether you can fix them. Regular furniture - look for interesting, unique designer pieces.

What then should you buy?

Textile self made - you come across crocheted bedspreads for a 2x2m bed for 20-30 euros without a single hole! I could knit a blanket like this all year... Embroidered tablecloths, napkins, decorative pillowcases.

A handmade tablecloth 2x1.5m (Humana) cost 8 euros. I shudder to think how many long winter evenings I would have spent working on it if I had decided to make it myself.

Favorite paintings, and try to buy them without frames. The frame will greatly increase the cost of the painting at the flea market, but, as a rule, it will still have to be replaced.

A minute of bargaining with the sellers of Sõbralt Sõbrale - and the piece of art became mine for two euros. The frame was more expensive, but it was new and matched to a specific interior.

Small pieces of furniture: armchairs (you can replace the upholstery on them), chests of drawers, chairs and tables that can be easily repainted at home by purchasing fashionable chalk paint.

  • Come across very interesting vases from expensive German porcelain at a price of 5-15 euros per piece. Even a simple bouquet of lilacs will look gorgeous in this one!

It's more difficult with dishes: Not everyone will agree to eat from a used plate. But if you are not a squeamish person, new worlds will open up before you - vintage dishes are in fashion, and they look great in the interior.

Don’t forget about the Internet: very beautiful accessories appear on okidoki.ee and osta.ee, for example, such as this Zhostovo tray for 10 euros.

Be bolder!

Don't be shy about visiting second-hand stores; even Hollywood stars are into it. And how nice it is to buy something cool for pennies! The main thing is to control yourself and not turn your home into a junk shop.

Photo: Alina Zelimkhanova, Anna Lipman


My sister and I got the idea to buy a small summer cottage plot, when we were 22 and 25 years old, respectively. We are both passionate about decorating and we wanted to bring to life different interesting ideas, and also have a place where you can simply relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy being close to nature.

The place was not chosen by chance - overlooking an ancient pine forest, on the other side of which our grandparents once lived and with which our happy childhood is therefore associated.

View of the pine forest from the attic

Buying a house

The plots in this SNT are small - only 3 acres, but we were primarily interested not in the vegetable garden, but in the house. Therefore, we immediately rejected proposals with plots turned into one continuous bed.

... And finally, luck smiled at us - an elderly man responded to an ad written by hand - his old friend was selling a plot of land with a house. When we saw him (the house, not the man) - it was love at first sight! A plank house with an attic and an overgrown garden! We asked for the owner's phone number and immediately agreed on the purchase without haggling on the price (and it turned out to be much lower than we expected!). So we became his happy owners.

Transfiguration. Start

The house was made with love, but it was already very “neglected”. We wanted to breathe into it new life, having made repairs and without spending large sums. We initially decided that this would be a “budget” renovation, and wanted to prove that beautiful and cozy does not mean expensive.

This is what the house looked like at the time of purchase and the start of cleaning: old wallpaper yellowed from time and stains on the roof, an old bed and gray chairs:

Spring bed USSR

The wall opposite the bed (let's call this place so that it will be convenient to compare later?)

This is what the house looked like from the outside

I won’t show even more scary places on the ceiling - so as not to scare you))

Point 1

So, my sister and I started the renovation by cleaning.

We raked out and sorted the trash that was stored in the shelves and “cabinets” - it was old clothes, jars, bottles, etc. We swept up trash, dirt, dust, and of course mouse poop everywhere (tying up our respiratory organs with scarves and wearing masks just in case). Some of the trash was taken to a landfill, some was used for rags, some was sent for washing, and some was left for use or decoration.

We immediately called this place “tea room” - because here, as you can see, small table with a couple of chairs for tea drinking and a gorgeous view from the window (the most top photo post)

Point 2

We washed everything with bleach water!

Literally EVERYTHING: floors, walls, ceilings and even furniture.

Point 3

We started painting old furniture in more “cheerful” colors. For example, it was decided to make the bed white.

Acrylic paint was used. And for painting window frames We used cheap alkyd enamel.

Painting the bed

The chairs are in lavender!

The paint emphasized the structure of the wood

Gradually, a unique “concept” for this mini-room developed - and we called it “lavender tea room”.

I decided to paint one of the doors here like this:

I write in English “lavender tea room”

By the way, we called the main room in the attic “ blue bedroom" It was decided to use a warm, joyful shade of sky blue and, of course, white for combination (association with white clouds in a blue sky).

Point 4

The plywood on the ceiling in places where there were leaks was replaced with new

Point 5

They tore off old wallpaper from the walls and some paper from the ceiling. We washed the walls again with chlorine, dried them and started wallpapering.

The wallpaper for the main wall of the bedroom was white with a blue flower

“Feodosia” - 200 rub./roll

Blue wallpaper (for combination) - 80 RUR/roll

Wallpaper for the ceiling - free (we found old ones in the barn and pasted them on the wrong side)

View from the bedroom to the tea room

Let's roll it into new wallpaper..

Let's continue...

It’s not easy to paste over the ceiling - your hands get numb, but then your hand gets full)

Meanwhile, the walls in the tea room are covered with the remnants of wallpaper stored at home (pink), and the lilac ones were bought for 70 rubles per roll in the store. The “cabinet” door is painted pink.

I'm at the teahouse

Well, you’re probably tired of looking at phone photos of our “flops” and you want to see what came of it all?

We specially arranged a “photo shoot” of the resulting interior using a camera:

Lavender tea room


And now the blue bedroom.

The photos are arranged as if we were turning to the right:

Blue bedroom


Table by the window

Shelves and a suitcase for storing linen (decorated by hand)

Sofa opposite the bed

View from the bedroom to the tea room

blue bedroom

And the outside of the house now looks like this (we painted it mint and pink - we tinted it ourselves).

They painted with rollers, using a folding ladder, and leaned out of the windows to paint where the ladder didn’t reach:

House in autumn:

And here my sister Lyalya and I are in the garden near the house. The peony bush has not yet bloomed, but has already grown - we made a “holder” for it from an old chair with a hole in the seat (which we simply tore off), found in the attic of my grandmother’s village.

My story ends, but the story of the house's transformation does not. The plans are to “furnish” the first floor. We will definitely share the result with you!

We are slowly organizing the garden: we dream of a lawn, flowers, a fence and garden furniture.

Thanks everyone for your attention! We hope that we have inspired at least someone else to be creative and create))

England: flower pots from tin cans
If from time to time you feel the desire to update your interior, do not rush to the store or the Internet for online purchases: perhaps everything you need is already at hand. For example, old cereal cans that can easily be turned into vintage flower pots or vases. And if there is a round one in the apartment can from under the cookies, it will fit a whole garden of decorative succulents.

Indonesia: colored rattan chairs
For those who are looking original furniture For a home on a tight budget, it's not easy. Our heroes, living on the island of Bali, came up with a worthy alternative to IKEA chairs - they painted traditional rattan products! Indeed, with the help of bright paint, the most boring furniture is transformed. Pay attention to the chandelier above the table, it is also homemade

Germany: storage system instead of a chandelier
Practical Germans are no strangers to ingenuity: in their own small kitchens, owners with imagination can easily solve the problem of storing dishes. In this project, a metal hanger with hooks replaces ceiling lamp and securely holds saucepans and ladles. True, you will have to calculate the dimensions of such a design to the nearest centimeter, especially if you have low ceilings: on the one hand, you should not risk your head by walking past such a hanger, on the other hand, position it in such a way that the dishes are easy to reach if necessary.

Italy: unusual way store glasses
Upcycling is not going to lose ground in the world of design. Design ideas based on old pallets and fruit boxes are still popular - our heroine from Italy decided to use one of them to store glasses. With this arrangement of dishes, you can be sure that they will not be swept off the open countertop. In addition, in an inverted position, the glasses will dry well after the feast.

Another 36 photos of an apartment in Rome's Porta Portese district

Lithuania: secret box under the kitchen sink
This generation of housewives is wondering where to store kitchen sponges and rags so that they do not spoil the interior and are easily accessible thirty times a day. We spotted this solution in the apartment of a Lithuanian architect Dalius Regelskis: the shelf is located in a place that is usually empty. The main secret: it is important that the hinges reclineat 45 degrees, otherwise the sponges will fall out.

Germany: a carpet that is not afraid of children's games
Not every interior can stand up to the test of children: spilled paints and drinks, as well as the fruits of artistic self-realization, often lead to the fact that some items have to be changed as the baby grows up. Owners of a spacious apartment in Berlin are our successful way to save flooring: under dining table young parents put a plastic mat. According to the owners, it is easy to clean.

France: gallery system for hanging paintings
The interior designer and owner of this Paris apartment has a substantial collection of visual art, which he decided to display using a gallery hanging system. Simply put, the owner organized the images vertically on fishing lines that are attached to the ceiling.

This system, which is often found in museums, has many advantages: there is no need to make holes in the walls, it is easy to change paintings and update the interior. Despite the different subjects and sizes, the paintings look harmonious together- identical black frames help achieve this effect.

Australia: family heirloom as art object
If your budget does not include purchasing works of art, and hanging a replicated poster on the wall is not your thing, you can turn any item of family history into an art object - even if it is a part of a costume. This is exactly what the owner of this house in Melbourne did: now the master bedroom is decorated with The vest from the 1900s under glass is part of my grandfather’s wedding suit, which his sister’s husband once sewed with his own hands.


Scotland: hide the wires
Household appliances and home electronics have greatly simplified our lives, but there is a fly in the ointment. A tangle of wires brings confusion to a structured interior, and, first of all, the problem concerns the home office, because a whole string of cords stretches from the computer.

Jessica Buckley, designer and hostess cozy apartment in Edinburgh, found an elegant solution to the problem: a striped tablecloth for the desktop hid the wires from desktop computer, and so that the surface was stronger, Jessica ordered glass cut to fit the table. By the way, under the improvised The “skirt” hides the printer and dog beds.

Current trends landscape design are such that they allow you to create beautiful garden without high costs. A creative approach, low-maintenance plants, materials that can be bought for literally pennies - and you get a plot that you can be proud of.

We have collected several solutions for you inexpensive design gardens from landscape architects and gardeners.

Rock and ground cover

The most useless corner of the garden can be turned into an attractive place by freely lining it with stones or old paving stones and planting creeping sedum or other plants between the slabs. ground cover plants. The trick is that you'll need some pavers, some sedum, which means you can save on both.

This method can be used when creating garden path. Be sure to dig the stones into the ground a little so that the surfaces are at the same level.

Cuttings from friends

If you've just moved out of town and are taking the first steps in creating your own garden, keep in mind: many plants are propagated by cuttings, and gardeners are almost always friendly and love to share plants with those who share their passion. Before you go to the nursery, talk to your neighbors - most likely, they will be willing to give you cuttings of plants that will decorate your area.

Pots and other containers

Plants in large pots, placed on the front porch or along the façade, can transform a home. But you don't have to buy them - see how you can lead to common denominator containers that you probably already have on your farm: barrels, boxes, old pallets. You may need to build a pedestal for some of them so that all the plants are on the same level, or you can try repainting them and combining them with one color, or look for another solution. The result will be worth your effort.


We buy perennials once, but admire them for many years. You can choose plants by color, creating a monochromatic garden, or achieve a specific combination of colorful perennials.

Ornamental grasses

Our gardeners don't really like to use herbs, although this modern trend makes the garden look more interesting. Also, herbs do not need great care, are inexpensive and at the same time add new qualities to the garden design. It makes sense to try.

Mulching with gravel

Gravel is an inexpensive, if not free, material. Try adding it to places where nothing grows, and placing large, industrial-looking containers with simple plants nearby. The gravel path also looks good.

Available materials

Use what's on hand, give old, used materials a chance to live another life, and you might end up with something really interesting - like this patio.

Read on FORUMHOUSE, as one of the most simple plants create a real dream garden. Go to the section " Decorative garden» our portal - there is a lot useful information for both beginners and professional gardeners. Watch the video about the garden landscape designer, which might give you some good ideas.

31.01.2018 4445

Which fashion trends should I use it in design when there is little money, but the soul yearns for beauty? Is it possible to create stylish interior based on cheap materials? What mistakes should you avoid when creating an interior “out of nothing”? These and many other questions were answered by practicing interior designers in Omsk, and MLSN users supported the advice with photographs of their own creative projects.

Do you need repairs?

“In Russia we have a tradition of doing repairs often and haphazardly,” explains Anastasia Severina, head of the Ordinary Miracle design studio. – From my experience as a consulting designer in one of the building materials hypermarkets in Omsk, I can say with confidence: most people make repairs not because there are real functional reasons (wear of materials, for example), but because of an internal need to update the space. And in half of these cases, due to the fact that the previous renovation was done completely without thought, the interior is disharmonious and living in it is uncomfortable, so everything needs to be redone again. If you do the renovation once, but efficiently and wisely, then there will be no need to redo everything every few years,” the designer is sure.

Are you on a limited budget and have no design knowledge?

– Choose neutral shades for base surfaces interior: floor, walls and ceiling. This is just a background, real harmony and style are created by carefully selected details.

– If the interior is not made from scratch, start from what you have. Do you want to re-wallpaper, but will not change furniture and textiles? Select materials taking into account the color and style of what will remain in the interior.

– Don’t try to assemble your interior from individual parts in different pictures found on the Internet - choose one and accurately reproduce it.

– Do not mix more than 3 colors in your interior (the color of the furniture also counts)! And to definitely avoid failure, take 2 colors.

– Use the services of free specialists. Nowadays, in many large stores and finishing materials salons, real designers work as consultants; contact them, especially if you don’t know how to work with color.

Beauty for free!

“The more work, including mental work, you are willing to invest in your repairs, the less money you will spend, everything else is definitely more expensive,” says Anastasia Severina.

There are many options for DIY savings.

Look around you and look at what you have with fresh eyes.

– Does the old wallpaper come off the walls? This means you can safely paint them!

"Now there is huge amount inexpensive interior paints; in general, the paint adheres well to paper wallpaper and adheres well; if the wallpaper is hot-stamped vinyl, the paint may peel off, but not immediately, but after a few years,” explains Anastasia Severina. – Absolutely anything can be painted, even concrete, if everything is relatively smooth and does not crumble. Do not hesitate to contact building materials sellers for detailed advice.”

– Do you have uneven, problematic walls? Natural naturalness is in fashion; instead of wasting your nerves and money on eliminating imperfections, make them an accent in the interior.

"When we demolished kitchen wall in their Brezhnevka, they saw for the first time how beautiful we have brickwork, – said our reader Marina. – Much better than forever uneven walls with wallpaper. Therefore, instead of the planned mega-repair, we simply removed all the plaster ourselves from 2 walls in the room and completely in the corridor. Plus we didn’t spend a penny! Now we live and rejoice, then maybe we’ll cover it with some more varnish.”


“Almost all are insanely expensive and beautiful finishing materials It’s easy to imitate using cheap means, if, of course, you make an effort,” advises Anastasia. – For example, decorative plasters are not a cheap pleasure, but an imitation can be made from gypsum finishing putties, in terms of wear resistance it will be the same - chemical composition one and the same."

Did you like beautiful expensive wallpaper? You can take the ornament you like as a sample (after all, rapport on wallpaper is a repeating pattern) and make a wall painting using a stencil.

Bedroom interior created by our reader Natalya: brick wall made from cheap plaster putty, and the bed was assembled from boards. According to Natalya, the renovation cost only 4 thousand rubles, including painting the walls and textiles.

And here, in the interior created by Anastasia Severina, an imitation of rough stone wall made from the cheapest ceiling tiles, colored in interesting colors. According to the author, bright decor the walls cost her mere pennies and a week of repair work.

Use cheap and discounted materials

Fortunately, novice designers now have a huge selection of not only expensive but also cheap materials at their disposal.

“There is kitsch among our people,” warns Anastasia Severina. – People who don’t have money, instead of coming to the store and choosing cheap and environmentally friendly paper wallpapers that are decent in color, buy more expensive, low-quality and ugly vinyl ones, because paper is such a symbol of poverty in our country. For example, wallpaper with a layer of foam vinyl on top generally peels off at a record speed, unlike paper. Get rid of stereotypes and considerations public opinion– now there is a huge choice paper wallpaper, which look great and are very cheap. Choose plain, calm colors, without cheap patterns and with a noble texture.”

– Buy materials at sales, the only drawback is the inability to do it at one time, gradually accumulating suitable wallpaper, tiles, etc., you can save up to 70% on finishing. Even from defective materials you can create a masterpiece.

– Use details. Do you want expensive classics? Paint the walls and add arrangements of decorative moldings. You are impressed by country and chalet styles - you can choose inexpensive and beautiful laminates for decorating ceilings and walls.

“A mosaic made from broken and discounted tiles from the construction market was 2-3 times cheaper than just a plain tiled floor covering on the balcony, but it looks much more impressive,” Anastasia Severina gives an example.

Fashion trends against the crisis!

“Man-made, natural, environmentally friendly and hand made are in fashion, many eminent designers are actively involved in such a direction in decor as recycling, if translated literally - this is waste recycling,” says the designer, member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, participant educational project"Dot. Line. Spot” and associate professor of the design department of the Siberian Institute of Advanced Training and Business Education Svetlana Moiseeva.

However, don’t be afraid, Svetlana explains, basically, we're talking about about remaking existing furniture, creating and decorating things anew from old ones.

“Modern furniture is short-lived and it’s difficult to make anything out of it, but furniture from the 80s–70s and earlier is more durable and of higher quality,” notes Svetlana Moiseeva. – Having painted even ordinary modern wardrobe In a different color and by changing the fittings, you can completely change the look of the room. Several years ago, a fashion arose to choose chairs of different styles and colors in the interior. Don't get rid of antique furniture, adopt the shabby chic style - by repainting, restoring, covering, you can create chic interior practically free."

“The loft style, which can literally be collected from a landfill, is still relevant today,” convinces Anastasia Severina. – Don’t spend extra money on modern interior items, it’s better to search through relatives, friends or on Avito: old suitcases, lamps and old furniture».

– Use what you have. We've done some renovations, and now the cabinets and bedside tables are falling out of place. big picture? You can also redo modern furniture using coloring self-adhesive films, decorative plaster and even photo wallpapers and mirrors. Many people update their boring wardrobes in this way.

– Use textiles. Reupholster your old sofa and chairs. You will be surprised how effectively such alterations can transform the interior. Don't know how to sew? Use throws and draperies for the same sofas, store-bought covers and pillows for old chairs. Don't forget that the color and texture of the fabric should match your interior.

Patchwork style chair from our reader Svetlana. Since she is a professional seamstress, it didn't cost her a penny to create a stylish accent in the room - everything was put together from leftover materials.

Attention! Important elements interior!

“Light is something that is always forgotten! People are used to having one chandelier hanging in the middle of the room and that’s it. Lighting alone, even with plain walls, can zoning the interior, creating color effects and completely updating the space, reminds designer Anastasia Severina. “Even if you didn’t plan for lighting at the planning stage, there are now a lot of decorative wires that can be used on top of the trim.”

– Be extremely careful with details and accessories; even the most expensive repairs can be ruined by excess, incompatible or unclear decor. Conversely, a very modest environment can be turned into a stylish interior with well-chosen details.

Paintings, inexpensive canvases, textiles, vases, but not just those that someone gave, but things specially selected for a specific interior can work wonders! You can create such details with your own hands or decorate old ones to suit your new interior.

This article is also available in the following languages: Thai

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

      • Next

        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer to teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):